Liste des jeux RetroBox 2

51598 Jeux
62 Systèmes
4 Joueurs

Mise à jour

3DO - 68 Jeux
1 - Alone in the Dark

2 - AutoBahn Tokio

3 - Ballz - The Director's Cut

4 - Battle Chess

5 - BattleSport

6 - BladeForce

7 - BrainDead 13

8 - Burning Soldier

9 - Cannon Fodder

10 - Captain Quazar

11 - Club 3DO - Station Invasion

12 - Corpse Killer

13 - Crime Patrol

14 - Drug Wars

15 - Escape from Monster Manor - A Terrifying Hunt for the Undead

16 - FIFA International Soccer

17 - Foes of Ali

18 - Gex

19 - Hell - A Cyberpunk Thriller

20 - Horde, The

21 - Icebreaker

22 - Immercenary

23 - Incredible Machine, The

24 - Iron Angel of The Apocalypse

25 - Jurassic Park Interactive

26 - Killing Time

27 - Kingdom - The Far Reaches

28 - Mad Dog II - the Lost Gold

29 - Mazer

30 - MegaRace

31 - Need for Speed, The

32 - Night Trap

33 - Novastorm

34 - Off-World Interceptor

35 - OverDrivin'

36 - Panzer General

37 - PaTaank

38 - Phoenix 3

39 - PO'ed

40 - Primal Rage

41 - Real Pinball

42 - Return Fire

43 - Rise of the Robots

44 - Road Rash

45 - Scramble Cobra

46 - Shockwave

47 - Slam 'N Jam '95

48 - Slayer

49 - Soccer Kid

50 - Space Hulk - Vengeance of the Blood Angels

51 - Space Pirates

52 - Star Fighter

53 - Star Wars - Rebel Assault

54 - StarBlade (USA)

55 - Stellar 7 - Draxon's Revenge

56 - Strahl

57 - Super Street Fighter II Turbo

58 - Super Wing Commander

59 - Supreme Warrior

60 - Syndicate

61 - Total Eclipse

62 - Virtuoso

63 - VR Stalker

64 - Waialae Country Club

65 - Way of the Warrior (USA)

66 - Wing Commander III - Heart of the Tiger

67 - Yu Yu Hakusho

68 - Zhadnost - The Peoples Party

Amiga 500 - 745 Jeux
1 - 1000 Miglia (1991)(Simulmondo)(En-It)[cr CSL]

2 - 1943 - The Battle of Midway

3 - 42Issue1

4 - 4x4 Off-Road Racing

5 - 5th Gear

6 - 9 Lives

7 - A.M.C. - Astro Marine Corps

8 - Aaargh!

9 - Abracadabra

10 - Abyss

11 - Accordion

12 - Adrenalynn

13 - Advanced Ski Simulator

14 - Advantage Tennis

15 - Adventure Construction Set

16 - Adventures of Quik & Silva, The

17 - After the War

18 - Airball

19 - Airborne Ranger

20 - Alcatraz

21 - Alien Bash

22 - Alien Storm

23 - Alien Syndrome

24 - AlienDrugLords_ADF

25 - All About America

26 - Alpha Waves

27 - Alpha-1

28 - Altered Beast

29 - Altered Destiny

30 - Amiga Karate

31 - Amnios

32 - Anarchy

33 - Animal Kingdom

34 - Antago

35 - Arkanoid

36 - Armageddon Man, The

37 - Atomix

38 - Axel's Magic Hammer

39 - B.A.T. II

40 - B.A.T. II (De)

41 - Baal

42 - Baby Bug

43 - Baby Jo in 'Going Home'

44 - Back to the Future Part II

45 - Bad Cat

46 - Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja

47 - BadLands

48 - Bagitman

49 - Ball Game, The

50 - Ball Raider II

51 - Ballistix

52 - Ballyhoo

53 - Bandit Kings of Ancient China

54 - Bangkok Knights

55 - Bank Buster

56 - Banzai

57 - Barbarian - The Ultimate Warrior

58 - Barbarian II - The Dungeon of Drax

59 - Bard's Tale III, The - Thief of Fate

60 - Bard's Tale, The - Tales of the Unknown

61 - Batman - The Caped Crusader

62 - Battle Chess II - Chinese Chess

63 - Battle Squadron - The Destruction of the Barrax Empire!

64 - Battleships

65 - Beach Volley

66 - Beam

67 - Beast Busters

68 - Better Dead Than Alien!

69 - Beverly Hills Cop

70 - Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

71 - Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge

72 - Bio Challenge

73 - Bionic Commando

74 - Black Cauldron, The

75 - Black Lamp

76 - Black Tiger

77 - Blackjack Academy

78 - Block Shock - The Last Chance

79 - BMX Simulator

80 - Bomb Jack

81 - Bombuzal

82 - Bonanza Bros.

83 - Borobodur - The Planet of Doom

84 - Bouncing Bill

85 - Brides of Dracula

86 - Bridge Player 2000 with Tutor

87 - Brutal - Paws of Fury

88 - Bubble Bobble

89 - Bubble Dizzy

90 - Bubble Ghost

91 - Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday

92 - Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show

93 - Bug Bomber

94 - Bundesliga Manager

95 - Cabaret Asteroids

96 - Cadaver

97 - Calendar Quiz

98 - California Games

99 - Cap'n Carnage

100 - Captain Blood

101 - CarVup - The Final Frontier

102 - Castle Master

103 - Castors Juniors dans la Foret, Les

104 - Cave Maze

105 - Centurion - Defender of Rome

106 - Champion Driver

107 - Champion of the Raj

108 - Chaos Engine, The

109 - Chaos in Andromeda - Eyes of the Eagle

110 - Charly (Dragonware)

111 - Chase H.Q.

112 - Chase H.Q. II - Special Criminal Investigation

113 - Chip's Challenge

114 - Chuckie Egg II

115 - Circus Games

116 - Cisco Heat

117 - Classic Invaders

118 - Clever & Smart

119 - Clown-o-Mania

120 - Cluedo - Master Detective

121 - Clystron

122 - Cogan's Run

123 - Colmena, La

124 - Colossus Chess X

125 - Commando

126 - Conan the Cimmerian

127 - Conqueror

128 - Continental Circus

129 - Corporation

130 - Corruption

131 - Corsarios

132 - Corx

133 - Crash Landing

134 - Crazy Cars

135 - Crazy Shot

136 - Creature

137 - Cricket Amiga

138 - Crime City

139 - Crime Wave

140 - Cross Out the Intruder

141 - Cruncher Factory

142 - Cube-X

143 - Cubix

144 - Curse of RA, The

145 - Cyberball - Football in the 21st Century

146 - Cyberblast

147 - Cybercon III

148 - Dalek Attack

149 - Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge

150 - Damage - The Sadistic Butchering of Humanity

151 - Damocles - Mercenary II

152 - Darius +

153 - Dark Century

154 - Dark Fusion

155 - Dark Queen of Krynn, The

156 - Dark Side

157 - Day of the Pharaoh

158 - Days of Thunder

159 - Death Knights of Krynn

160 - Deathbots

161 - Deep Core

162 - Defender II

163 - Defenders of the Earth

164 - Deflektor

165 - Delta Run

166 - Demon Blue

167 - Denaris

168 - Detector

169 - Deuteros - The Next Millennium

170 - Dizzy Dice

171 - Donkey Kong

172 - Double Dragon

173 - Double Dragon II - The Revenge

174 - Dragon Fighter

175 - Dragon's Lair

176 - Dream Zone

177 - Drip

178 - Drol

179 - Dugger

180 - Dungeon Master

181 - Dynamite Dux

182 - E.T.'s Rugby League

183 - Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus

184 - Emerald Mine

185 - Emlyn Hughes Arcade Quiz

186 - Emlyn Hughes International Soccer

187 - Emperor of the Mines

188 - Escape from Tharkan

189 - Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters

190 - European Championship 1992

191 - European Soccer Challenge

192 - Excalibur

193 - Explorer

194 - Eye of Horus

195 - F1 G.P. Circuits

196 - F1 Tornado

197 - Face-Off - Ice Hockey

198 - Familien Duell

199 - Fast Freddie

200 - Fetiche Maya, Le

201 - Feud

202 - Feudal Lords

203 - Fighter Bomber

204 - Fighting Soccer

205 - Final Command

206 - Final Conflict, The

207 - Final Fight

208 - Final Mission, The

209 - Fire & Forget II - The Death Convoy

210 - Fire!

211 - Firehawk

212 - First Letters and Words

213 - First Person Pinball

214 - First Samurai, The

215 - First Shapes

216 - Fish!

217 - Flintstones, The

218 - Flood

219 - Flotte

220 - Flying Shark

221 - Fool's Errand, The

222 - Football Champ

223 - Franco Baresi World Cup Kick Off

224 - Frantic Freddie

225 - Frenetic

226 - Future Basketball

227 - Future Bike Simulator

228 - Future Classics Collection

229 - Future Sport

230 - Galactic Conqueror

231 - Galactic Empire

232 - Galaxy Force II

233 - Galdregon's Domain

234 - Garfield - Big, Fat, Hairy Deal

235 - Gary Lineker's Hot-Shot!

236 - Gauntlet III - The Final Quest

237 - GBA Championship Basketball - Two-on-Two

238 - Gee Bee Air Rally

239 - Geisha

240 - Gemini Wing

241 - Genghis Khan

242 - Gettysburg - The Turning Point

243 - Ghost Battle

244 - Ghouls 'N Ghosts

245 - Giganoid

246 - Gilbert - Escape from Drill

247 - Global Effect

248 - Global Trek & Evil Dawn

249 - Gold of the Realm

250 - Golden Path

251 - Goldrunner

252 - Goldrunner II

253 - Graffiti Man

254 - Grand Monster Slam

255 - Grand Ouvert

256 - Grand Prix Circuit

257 - Great Courts

258 - Greg Norman's Ultimate Golf - Shark Attack

259 - Grimblood

260 - H.A.T.E. - Hostile All Terrain Encounter

261 - Hammer Boy!

262 - Hard Drivin'

263 - Hard Drivin' II - Drive Harder

264 - HardBall!

265 - Head Over Heels

266 - Heat Wave - Offshore Superboat Racing

267 - Heavy Metal

268 - Hellbent

269 - Hellraider

270 - Heroes of the Lance

271 - Highway Hawks

272 - Hockey Pista

273 - Holo Squash

274 - Hong Kong Phooey

275 - Humans, The

276 - Hunt for Red October, The - The Movie

277 - Hydra

278 - Hyperdome

279 - Hyperforce & Artificial Dreams

280 - Hyperion

281 - I Play 3-D Soccer

282 - Ian Botham's Cricket

283 - Icerunner

284 - Ilyad

285 - Immortal, The

286 - Impossible Mission II

287 - In the Beginning

288 - Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - The Action Game

289 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - The Graphic Adventure

290 - Indy Heat

291 - Infestation

292 - Insanity Fight

293 - Insector Hecti in the Inter Change

294 - Insects in Space

295 - International 3D Tennis

296 - International Championship Athletics

297 - International Ninja Rabbits

298 - Interphase

299 - Iron Lord

300 - Italia 1990

301 - Italian Night 1999

302 - Italy 1990

303 - Italy 1990 - Winners Edition

304 - Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road

305 - Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf

306 - James Pond - Underwater Agent

307 - Jet

308 - Jet Set Willy II

309 - Jim Power in Mutant Planet

310 - Joe & Mac - Caveman Ninja

311 - Joe Blade

312 - John Lowe's Ultimate Darts

313 - Judge Dredd

314 - Jumping Jack'Son

315 - Jumpman

316 - Jungle Jim

317 - Kamikaze

318 - Karting Grand Prix

319 - Kennedy Approach

320 - Kenny Dalglish Soccer Match

321 - Kick Off

322 - Kid Gloves

323 - Kikstart II

324 - Kinderama

325 - Kingdoms of England

326 - King's Quest - Quest for the Crown

327 - Klax

328 - Knightmare

329 - Kristal, The

330 - Krusty's Fun House

331 - Krypton Egg

332 - Lancaster

333 - Lancelot

334 - Laser Squad

335 - Last Inca, The

336 - Legend of Djel

337 - Legend of Lothian

338 - Legend of the Sword

339 - Les Manley in Search for the King

340 - Lettrix

341 - Licence to Kill

342 - Lightforce

343 - Limes & Napoleon

344 - Liquid Kids

345 - Little Wizards

346 - Living Jigsaw

347 - Logo

348 - M.U.D.S. - Mean Ugly Dirty Sport

349 - Magic Lines

350 - Major Motion

351 - Manager

352 - Manoir de Mortvielle, Le

353 - Marble Madness

354 - Marble Rescue

355 - Match of the Day

356 - Match-It

357 - Math Wizard

358 - Math-A-Magician

359 - Maths Dragons

360 - Matrix

361 - Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing

362 - Mayday Squad Heroes

363 - Mean 18 - Ultimate Golf

364 - Medal Winner

365 - Medieval Warriors

366 - Mega lo Mania

367 - Mega Twins

368 - Megaroids

369 - MegArts Hockey

370 - Mercenary III - The Dion Crisis

371 - Mercs

372 - Merv the Merciless

373 - Metal Law

374 - Metal Mutant

375 - Meteors

376 - Microbes

377 - MicroProse Formula One Grand Prix

378 - MicroProse Soccer

379 - Midwinter

380 - MiG-29 Soviet Fighter

381 - MiG-29M Super Fulcrum

382 - Mikro Mortal Tennis

383 - Mindbender

384 - Mindbreaker

385 - Mindfighter

386 - Mirror Magic

387 - Mission - Con-Bat

388 - Mission Andromeda (Demonware)

389 - Mission Elevator

390 - Monster Business

391 - Moochies, The

392 - Moonshine Racers

393 - Mortville Manor

394 - Mot

395 - Motor Massacre

396 - Mouse Trap

397 - Mr. Heli

398 - Murder

399 - My Funny Maze

400 - Mystery of the Mummy

401 - Mystical

402 - Myth - History in the Making

403 - Napolean I

404 - Narc

405 - Nathan Never

406 - Nations of the World - Canada

407 - Necronom

408 - Neuromancer

409 - Never Mind

410 - New Zealand Story, The

411 - Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix

412 - Night Walk

413 - Nightdawn

414 - Ninja Gaiden II - The Dark Sword of Chaos

415 - Ninja Mission

416 - Ninja Spirit

417 - Nitro Boost Challenge

418 - No Second Prize

419 - Noche de Walpurgis, La

420 - North & South

421 - Nova 9 - The Return of Gir Draxon

422 - Nucleus

423 - Oath, The

424 - Obliterator

425 - Oilmania

426 - Oldtimer - Erlebte Geschichte Teil II

427 - Oliver & Company

428 - Omni-Play Horse Racing

429 - On the Road

430 - Onslaught

431 - Operation - Cleanstreets

432 - Operation Stealth

433 - Operation Thunderbolt

434 - Oriental Games

435 - Out Run Europa

436 - Overlander (Elite)

437 - Oxxonian

438 - Oxyd Magnum!

439 - P.O.W.

440 - P.P. Hammer and His Pneumatic Weapon

441 - P47 Thunderbolt

442 - Pandora

443 - Panzer Battles

444 - Paramax

445 - Paris Dakar

446 - Passing Shot

447 - Perfect General, The

448 - Personal Nightmare

449 - Peter Beardsley's International Football

450 - Phalanx

451 - Pharoah's Curse

452 - Phobia

453 - Pick Out

454 - Pioneer Plague, The

455 - Pipe Mania

456 - Pipe Rider

457 - Pit-Fighter

458 - Plague, The

459 - Planet of Lust

460 - Platoon

461 - Player Manager

462 - Plotting

463 - Poltergeist

464 - Pool of Radiance

465 - Populous

466 - Pop-Up

467 - Power Pinball

468 - Power, The

469 - Powerboat USA - Offshore Superboat Racing

470 - Powerplay - The Game of the Gods

471 - Predator

472 - Prehistorik

473 - Prime Time

474 - Prince

475 - Prison

476 - Pro Tennis Simulator

477 - Pro Tennis Tour

478 - Project Battlefield

479 - Projectyle

480 - Protector (16 Blitz Mastertronic)

481 - Psyborg

482 - Puffy's Saga

483 - Punkt Punkt Punkt

484 - Purple Saturn Day

485 - Pursuit to Earth, The

486 - Putty

487 - Puzzle Storybook, The

488 - Puzznic

489 - Qattro

490 - Qix

491 - Quadrel

492 - Quantox

493 - Quartz

494 - Race Drivin'

495 - Raffles

496 - Rainbow Islands

497 - Rallye Master

498 - Rambo III

499 - RanX

500 - Read & Rhyme

501 - Realm of the Trolls

502 - Realm of the Warlock

503 - Realms of Arkania - Blade of Destiny

504 - Rectangle

505 - Reel Fish'n

506 - Renaissance

507 - Renegade

508 - Return to Atlantis

509 - Return to Genesis

510 - Revelation!

511 - Rick Dangerous

512 - Ringside Boxing

513 - Road Blasters

514 - Road Raider

515 - Roadwars

516 - Robbeary

517 - Robin Heed

518 - Robin Smith's International Cricket

519 - Robocop

520 - RoboCop 2

521 - Rockford - The Arcade Game

522 - Rocky

523 - Rod-Land

524 - RollerBall

525 - Rollerpede

526 - Rolling Stones

527 - Rolling Thunder

528 - Romance of the Three Kingdoms II

529 - Romantic Encounters at the Dome

530 - Rotox

531 - Rugby - The World Cup

532 - Rugby Coach

533 - RVF Honda

534 - S.T.A.G.

535 - Santa Paravia and Fiumaccio

536 - Schwarze Auge, Das - Die Schicksalsklinge

537 - Scorpion

538 - Scramble Spirits

539 - Seconds Out

540 - Sensible Golf

541 - Sentinel, The & Sentry, The

542 - Seven Gates of Jambala, The

543 - Sex Vixens from Space

544 - Sextimates

545 - Seymour Goes to Hollywood

546 - Shadow of the Beast

547 - Shadow of the Beast II

548 - Shadow of the Beast III

549 - Shadow Sorcerer

550 - Shadow Warriors

551 - Shadowgate

552 - Shanghai

553 - Shaq-Fu

554 - Shinobi

555 - Shoot 'Em-Up Construction Kit

556 - Shuffle Pix

557 - Side Arms

558 - Silent Service II

559 - Silkworm

560 - Silver Star

561 - Simpsons, The - Bart vs. The Space Mutants

562 - Skidz

563 - Skrull

564 - Skyblaster

565 - SkyChase

566 - Skyfox

567 - Slackskin & Flint

568 - Slayer

569 - Sleeping Gods Lie

570 - Slider

571 - Sliders

572 - Sliding

573 - Smus

574 - Snare

575 - Soccer King

576 - Soccer Manager Plus

577 - Sol Negro

578 - Soldier of Light

579 - Solitaire's Journey

580 - Sony Game

581 - Sophelie

582 - Sorceror's Apprentice

583 - Sorcery +

584 - Space Assault

585 - Space Bomber

586 - Space Day

587 - Space Dunk

588 - Space Fight

589 - Space Harrier II

590 - Space Hulk

591 - Space Knight

592 - Space Ranger

593 - Special Forces

594 - Speedball

595 - Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe

596 - Speedboat Assassins

597 - Speedrunner

598 - Spellbound!

599 - Spidertronic

600 - Spindizzy Worlds

601 - Spinworld

602 - Spirit of Excalibur

603 - Spy vs Spy

604 - Spy Who Loved Me, The

605 - Star Trash

606 - Star Wars

607 - Star Wars - Return of the Jedi

608 - Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back

609 - Star-blaze

610 - StarRay

611 - Stellaryrx

612 - Sternsiedler

613 - Street Fighter

614 - Street Gang

615 - Street Rod

616 - Street Rod 2

617 - Strider

618 - Strider II

619 - Strike Force Harrier

620 - Striker

621 - Strip Poker

622 - Stunt Car Racer

623 - Sub Rally

624 - Subbuteo - The Computer Game

625 - Suicide Mission

626 - Summer Games

627 - Summer Games II

628 - Summer Olympiad

629 - Supaplex

630 - Super C

631 - Super Cars

632 - Super Cars II

633 - Super Grand Prix

634 - Super Grid Runner

635 - Super Huey

636 - Super OsWALD

637 - Super Scramble Simulator

638 - Super Space Invaders

639 - Super Wonderboy in Monsterland

640 - Superbike Simulator

641 - Superfrog

642 - Supremacy - Your Will Be Done

643 - Suspicious Cargo

644 - Switchblade

645 - Taekwondo

646 - T-Bird

647 - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles

648 - Teenage Queen

649 - TeleEpic

650 - TeleEpic II

651 - Terminator 2 - The Arcade Game

652 - Terramex

653 - Terrorpods

654 - Terry's Big Adventure

655 - Test Drive

656 - Their Finest Hour - The Battle of Britain

657 - Third Courier, The

658 - ThunderCats

659 - Tie-Break

660 - Time Race

661 - Time Scanner

662 - Time Soldier

663 - Times Crosswords, The - Vol. 1 & 2

664 - Times Crosswords, The - Vol. 3 & 4

665 - Top Cat

666 - Torvak the Warrior

667 - Total Eclipse

668 - Toyota Celica GT Rally

669 - Trained Assassin

670 - Treasure Island Dizzy

671 - Treasure Trap

672 - Tripple-X

673 - Trivial Pursuit

674 - Tron 5000

675 - Turbo Out Run

676 - Turn n' Burn

677 - TV Sports Baseball

678 - TV Sports Basketball

679 - TV Sports Boxing

680 - TV Sports Football

681 - Twin Turbos

682 - Twintris

683 - TwinWorld - Land of Vision

684 - Two to One

685 - Typhoon

686 - Typhoon of Steel

687 - U.S.S. John Young

688 - Ugh!

689 - Ultima V - Warriors of Destiny

690 - Under Pressure

691 - Venus the Flytrap

692 - VideoKid

693 - Vigilante

694 - Vindex

695 - Vindicators

696 - Violator

697 - Volleyball Simulator

698 - Voodoo Nightmare

699 - Voyager

700 - Vroom

701 - Vulcan

702 - Vyper

703 - Wacky Darts

704 - Wall, The

705 - Wanted

706 - War in Middle Earth

707 - War Machine

708 - Warhead

709 - Warlock

710 - Warlock's Quest

711 - Wayne Gretzky Hockey

712 - Welltris

713 - Wetten Dass..

714 - Wibble World Giddy - Wibble Mania!

715 - Wicked

716 - Window Wizard

717 - Wings of Death

718 - Wings of Fury

719 - Wisielec

720 - Wizardry VI - Bane of the Cosmic Forge

721 - Wizball

722 - Wizkid

723 - Wolfchild

724 - World Class Rugby

725 - World Class Rugby - Five Nations Edition

726 - World Cricket

727 - World Cup 90

728 - World Cup Cricket Masters

729 - World Games

730 - World Golf

731 - World Rugby

732 - World Soccer

733 - World Tour - Australia

734 - World Tour Golf

735 - Worlds at War

736 - Wreckers

737 - Xenomorph

738 - Xenon

739 - Xiphos

740 - Zeron

741 - Zitrax

742 - Zock Out

743 - Zombi

744 - Zombie Apocalypse

745 - Zzzep

Amiga 1200 - 3970 Jeux
1 - 1869

2 - 1943

3 - 1 Across 2 Down

4 - 10 out of 10 - Dinosaurs

5 - 10 out of 10 - English

6 - 10 out of 10 - German

7 - 10 out of 10 - Junior Essentials

8 - 1000 Miglia

9 - 1000cc Turbo

10 - 1497 - Five Years After

11 - 17 + 4 (media GmbH)

12 - 1869 - History Experience

13 - 1943 - The Battle of Midway

14 - 1st Division Manager

15 - 20000 Leagues Under The Sea

16 - 3001 - O'Connors Fight

17 - 3D Construction Kit

18 - 3D Galax

19 - 3D Pool

20 - 3D World Boxing

21 - 3D World Soccer

22 - 3D World Tennis

23 - 3DConstructionKit_1765

24 - 3DGalax_1085

25 - 3DPool_0621

26 - 3DWorldSoccer

27 - 3DWorldTennis_2224

28 - 4 D Sports Boxing

29 - 4 D Sports Driving

30 - 4 D Sports Driving & Monster Trucks

31 - 4-Get-It

32 - 4-Way Lynx

33 - 4D Sports Boxing

34 - 4D Sports Driving

35 - 4DSportsBoxing_0421

36 - 4DSportsDriving_1461

37 - 4DSportsDriving&MasterTracks_1461

38 - 4th & Inches

39 - 4th&Inches_1230

40 - 4x 4 Off Road Racing

41 - 4x4OffRoadRacing_NTSC_1480

42 - 5th Gear

43 - 5thGear_1001

44 - 688 Attack Sub

45 - 688AttackSub_0093

46 - 7 Colors

47 - 7Colors_0956

48 - 9 Lives

49 - 9Lives

50 - A 10 Tank Killer

51 - A Train

52 - A Train (512KB)

53 - A Train & Construction Set

54 - A Train & Construction Set

55 - A-10 Tank Killer

56 - A-Train

57 - A10TankKiller_2Disk_1396

58 - A10TankKiller_3Disk

59 - A320 Airbus

60 - Aaargh!

61 - Aaargh!_v0.1_Arcadia

62 - Aaargh!a_0511

64 - Abandoned Places

65 - Abandoned Places - A Time for Heroes

66 - Abandoned Places 2

71 - ABC Monday Night Football

73 - Above Top Secret

74 - Abracadabra

76 - Abu Simbel Profanation

77 - ABZoo

78 - Academy

80 - Ace Ball (PL)

82 - Ace the Space-Case

83 - AceBall

84 - ACSYS

85 - ACSYSDemo1

86 - Action Cat

87 - Action Fighter

90 - Addams Family, The

92 - ADI Junior Helps with Counting (6-7 Years)

93 - ADI Junior Helps with Reading (6-7 Years)

94 - Adrenalynn

95 - Adrenalynna

96 - ADS - Advanced Destroyer Simulator

97 - Advanced Destroyer Sim

98 - Advanced Ski Simulator

101 - Advantage Tennis

103 - Adventure Construction Set

105 - Adventures in Math

106 - Adventures Of Genlock Holmes

107 - Adventures of Maddog Williams in The Dungeons of Duridian, The

108 - Adventures Of Quik & Silva

109 - Adventures Of Robin Hood

110 - Adventures of Robin Hood, The

111 - Adventures Of Willy Beamish

112 - Adventures of Willy Beamish, The

113 - AdventuresOfGenlockHolmes

114 - AdventuresOfQuik&Silva

115 - AdventuresOfRobinHood

116 - AdventuresOfWillyBeamish_1814

117 - African Raiders 01

118 - AfricanRaiders011_1169

119 - After Burner (Activision)

120 - After Burner (Sega)

121 - After The War

122 - AfterBurner_0095

123 - AfterBurner_NTSC_0947

124 - AfterTheWar_1084

125 - AGE

126 - Agony

127 - Agony

128 - Agony_0960

129 - Agony_NTSC_2701

130 - AgonyDemo

131 - Aigle D'Or (FR)

132 - AigleDOr_Fr_2600

133 - Air Support

134 - Airball

135 - Airborne Ranger

136 - AirborneRanger_0100

137 - AirSupport_1320

138 - AirSupport_NTSC_1325

139 - Akira

140 - Aladdin

141 - Aladdin_0420

142 - Alcatraz

143 - Alcatraz_2073

144 - Alchemy

145 - AlchemyDemo

146 - Alfabet Smierci (PL)

147 - AlfabetSmiercia

148 - Alfred Chicken

153 - Alianator

154 - Alien 3

155 - Alien Bash

156 - Alien Bash 2

157 - Alien Breed

158 - Alien Breed - Special Edition 92

159 - Alien Breed 2

160 - Alien Breed 2

161 - Alien Breed 3D

166 - Alien Breed 3D 2

167 - Alien Breed II - The Horror Continues

168 - Alien Breed Special Edition

169 - Alien Breed Story

170 - Alien Breed Tower Assault

173 - Alien Drug Lords

174 - Alien Fish Finger

175 - Alien Legion

176 - Alien Storm

177 - Alien Syndrome

178 - Alien World

179 - Alien3_0261

180 - Alienator_1905

181 - AlienBash

182 - AlienBash2

183 - AlienBreed2_0044

184 - AlienBreed3D

185 - AlienBreedSpecialEdition_0615

186 - AlienBreedStory_0998

187 - AlienBreedTowerAssault

188 - AlienDrugLords_1004

189 - AlienFishFinger

190 - AlienLegion

191 - AlienStorm_0096

192 - AlienSyndrome_NTSC_2353

193 - AlienWorld_1398

194 - Aliex

195 - All Dogs Go to Heaven

196 - All New World Of Lemmings

197 - All Terrain Racing

198 - All Terrain Racing Xmas

199 - Allan Borders Cricket

200 - AllNewWorldOfLemmings_0625

201 - Allo 'Allo! Cartoon Fun!

202 - Allo Allo

203 - AllTerrainRacing

204 - AllTerrainRacingXmasDemo

205 - Alpha 1

206 - Alpha Waves

207 - Alpha1_1921

208 - AlphaWaves_0626

209 - Altered Beast

210 - Altered Destiny

211 - AlteredBeast_0819

212 - AlteredDestinyb_0237

213 - Amazing Spider Man

214 - AmazingSpiderMan_1006

215 - AmazingSpiderMan_NTSC

216 - Ambermoon

217 - Amberstar

218 - Amberstar_1969

219 - Amberstar( DE)

220 - Amegas

221 - American Gladiators

222 - American History Adventure

223 - American Tag Team Wrestling

224 - AmericanGladiators

225 - AmericanTagTeamWrestling_2211

226 - Amiga Karate

227 - Amnios

228 - Amy's Fun-2-3 Adventure

229 - Anarchy

230 - Ancient Art Of War In The Skies

231 - Ancient Games

232 - AncientArtOfWarInTheSkies_1666

233 - Another World (FR)

234 - Anstoss

235 - Answer Back - Junior Quiz

236 - Answer Back - Senior Quiz

237 - Antago

238 - Antares

239 - AntaresDerGriffNachDenSternen

240 - Apache

241 - Apache & Overdrive

242 - Apache Flight

243 - Apache&OverdriveDemo_0426

244 - ApacheFlight

245 - Apano Sin

246 - ApanoSin

247 - Apidya Kaiko

248 - Apocalypse

249 - Apprentice

250 - Aquablast

251 - Aquanaut F1 (Licenceware)

252 - Aquatic Games, The - Starring James Pond and the Aquabats

253 - Aquaventura

254 - Arabian Nights

255 - Arachnophobia

256 - Arazmax

257 - Arazok's Tomb

258 - Arcade Fruit Machine

259 - Arcade Pool

260 - Arcade Snooker

261 - Arcade Trivia Quiz

262 - ArcadeFruitMachine

263 - ArcadeSnooker

264 - ArcadeTriviaQuiz_0936

265 - Archer Mac Leans Billard American

266 - Archer Mac Leans Pool

267 - ArcherMacLeansBillardAmericain

268 - Archipelagos

269 - Archon

270 - Archon 2

271 - Arcticfox

272 - Arena

273 - Arena 2000

274 - Arkanoid

275 - Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh

276 - Armada

277 - Armageddon Man

278 - Armalyte

279 - Armour Geddon

280 - Armour Geddon 2

281 - Army Moves

282 - Arnhem - The 'Market Garden' Operation

283 - Arnie

284 - Arnie 2

285 - Art Of Chess

286 - Arthur - The Quest for Excalibur

287 - ArtOfChess_1008

288 - Artura

289 - Ashes Of Empire

290 - Ask Me Another

291 - Assassin

292 - Assassin Special Edition

293 - AssassinSpecialEdition_0766

294 - Astaroth

295 - Astatin

296 - AsterixOperationGetafix_1009

297 - AsterixOperationHinkelstein_0630

298 - Astro Marine Corps

299 - Atax

300 - ATF II - Advanced Tactical Fighter II

301 - Atom Smasher

302 - Atomic Robo Kid

303 - Atomino

304 - Atomino1

305 - Atomix

306 - AtomSmasher

307 - ATR - All Terrain Racing

308 - ATrain&ConstructionSet_1010&1469

309 - Attack of the Green Smelly Aliens from Planet 27b-6

310 - Aufschwung Ost

311 - Aunt Arctic Adventure

312 - Austerlitz

313 - Australo Piticus Mechanicus

314 - Auto Duel

315 - AV8B Harrier Assault

316 - AventuraEspacial

317 - AventuraOriginal

318 - Aventures de Moktar, Les

319 - Awesome

320 - AwesomeDemo_1450

321 - Axe Of Rage

322 - Axels Magic Hammer

323 - Aztec Challenge

324 - B 17 Flying Fortress

325 - B.A.T.

326 - B.C. Kid

327 - Baal

328 - Baba Yaga

329 - Baby Jo In Going Home

330 - Babylonian Twins

331 - Back To The Future 2

332 - Back To The Future 3

333 - Backgammon

334 - Backgammon Royale

335 - Backlash

336 - Backstage

337 - Bad Cat

338 - Bad Company

339 - Bad Dudes

340 - Bad Dudes Vs Dragon Ninja

341 - Bad Lands

342 - Bad Vibes

343 - Badlands Pete

344 - Bagitman

345 - Bahnhof

346 - Balance Of Power

347 - Balance of Power - The 1990 Edition

348 - Ball Game

349 - Ball Raider

350 - Ballistix

351 - Balloonacy

352 - BallRaider

353 - Balls

354 - Bambinours Solves a Jig Saw

355 - Bandit Kings

356 - BanditKingsOfAncientChina_2794

357 - Bangboo

358 - Bangkok Knights

359 - Banshee

360 - Banzai

361 - Bar Games

362 - Barbarian

363 - Barbarianb_Psygnosis_1011

364 - Bard's Tale II, The - The Destiny Knight

365 - Bards Tale

366 - Bards Tale 3

367 - BarGames_2947

368 - Bargon Attack (FR)

369 - Barney Bear Goes Camping

370 - Barney Bear Goes to Space

371 - Barney Bear Goes to the Farm

372 - Barney Mouse

373 - BarneyBearGoesToSchool

374 - Baron Baldric - A Grave Adventure

375 - Bart Vs Space Mutants

376 - Bart Vs The World

377 - Base Jumpers

378 - BAT (FR)

379 - BAT 2 (FR)

380 - Batman - The Movie

381 - Batman Caped Crusader

382 - Batman Returns

383 - Batman The Movie

384 - BatmanReturns

385 - Battle Bound

386 - Battle Chess

387 - Battle Chess (TV)

388 - Battle Chess 2

389 - Battle Command

390 - Battle For Ashes

391 - Battle for the Ashes

392 - Battle Isle (& Data Disks)

393 - Battle Master

394 - Battle Squadron

395 - Battle Trucks

396 - Battle Valley

397 - BattleBound

398 - BattleChess

399 - BattleChess_TV

400 - BattleChess2_0264

401 - BattleCommand_0858

402 - BattleForTheAshes_2526

403 - Battlehawks 1942

404 - BattleIsle_1991

405 - Battlemaster

406 - Battleships

407 - BattleSquadron_0941

408 - Battlestorm

409 - Battletech

410 - BattleTech - The Crescent Hawk's Inception

411 - Battletoads

412 - BattleValley_1724

413 - BC Kid

414 - Beach Volley

415 - Beam

416 - Beast Busters

417 - Beastlord

418 - Beavers

419 - Behind The Iron Gate

420 - BehindTheIronGate

421 - Belial

422 - Beneath A Stealth Sky (FR)

423 - Benefactor

424 - Berlin 1948

425 - Best Of The Best

426 - Betrayal

427 - Better Dead Than Alien

428 - Better Maths

429 - BetterMaths

430 - Beverly Hills Cop

431 - Beyond Dark Castle

432 - Beyond The Ice Palace

433 - Beyond Zork - The Coconut of Quendor

434 - Bez Kompromisu

435 - Bi-Fi - Snackzone

436 - Bi-Fi II - Action in Hollywood

437 - Big Business

438 - Big Nose The Caveman

439 - Big Picture, The

440 - Big Run

441 - BigBusiness

442 - Biing

443 - Billiards II Simulator

444 - Billiards Simulator

445 - Bills Tomato Game

446 - Bio Challenge

447 - Bionic Commando

448 - Biplane Duel

449 - Birds N' Bees

450 - Birds Of Prey

451 - Bismarck

452 - BIT in the Magic Castle

453 - Black Cauldron

454 - Black Crypt

455 - Black Goldre LINE

456 - Black Hornet

457 - Black Lamp

458 - Black Sect

459 - Black Sect (FR)

460 - Black Shadow

461 - Black Tiger

462 - Black Viper

463 - Blade Warrior

464 - Blades Of Steel

465 - BlastaBall_v0.1_Arcadia

466 - Blastar

467 - Blasteris

468 - Blasteroids

469 - Blazing Thunder

470 - Blinky's Scary School

471 - BlinkysScarySchool_0437

472 - Blob

473 - Blobz

474 - Block Out

475 - Block Shock

476 - Blockhead

477 - Blockhead II

478 - BlockOut_0208

479 - BlockShock

480 - Blood Money

481 - BloodNet - A Cyberpunk Gothic

482 - Bloodwych & Extended Levels

483 - Blue & the Gray, The

484 - Blue Angel 69

485 - Blue Angels

486 - Blue Angels - Formation Flight Simulation

487 - Blue Boy

488 - Blue Max

489 - Blue Max - Aces of the Great War

490 - Blueberry

491 - BlueMax_1013

492 - Blues Brothers, The

493 - BMX Simulator

494 - Bo Jackson Baseball

495 - Bob's Bad Day

496 - Bobo

497 - BoBo - Stir Crazy

498 - Bobob_Fr_1951

499 - Bobs Bad Day

500 - Bobs Garden

501 - BobsBadDay_0637

502 - BobsGarden

503 - Body Blows

504 - Body Blows Galactic

505 - BodyBlowsGalactic_0440

506 - Bograts - The Puzzling Misadventure

507 - Bomb Fusion

508 - Bomb Jack

509 - Bomb Pac

510 - Bomb X

511 - Bomber 2000

512 - Bomber Bob

513 - BombFusion

514 - Bombuzal

515 - Booly

516 - Boondar

517 - Boot, Das - German U-Boat Simulation

518 - Borobodur

519 - Borrowed Time

520 - Boston Bomb Club

521 - Boston Bomb Club Fast

522 - Botics

523 - Boulder Dash Constr Kit

524 - BoulderDashConstructionKit_0464

525 - Bouncing Balls

526 - Boxing Masters

527 - Bozuma

528 - Brain Blasters

529 - Brain Man

530 - Brainball

531 - BrainBlasters_2643

532 - BrainMan

533 - Bram Stoker's Dracula

534 - Brands Hatch

535 - Brat

536 - Brataccas

537 - Breach

538 - Breach 2

539 - BreakOutRevolution

540 - Breathless

541 - Brian Laras Cricket

542 - Brian The Lion

543 - Bride of the Robot

544 - Brides Of Dracula

545 - Bridge 6.0

546 - Brigade Commander

547 - Brutal Football

548 - Brutal Football - Deluxe Edition

549 - Brutal Paws Of Fury

550 - BrutalFootball1

551 - BSS Jane Seymour

552 - Bubba 'n' Stix

553 - Bubba N Stix

554 - Bubble +

555 - Bubble And Squeak

556 - Bubble Bobble

557 - Bubble Dizzy

558 - Bubble Gun

559 - Bubble+

560 - BubbleAndSqueak_2398

561 - BubbleBobble_2518

562 - BubbleDizzy_1644

563 - BubbleGun

564 - Buck Rogers Countdown Dday

565 - BuckRogers_0445

566 - Budokan

567 - Budokan - The Martial Spirit

568 - Buffalo Bills Wild West Show

569 - Bug Bash

570 - Bug Bomber

571 - BugBash

572 - Buggy Boy

573 - Build It! - Das Bauhaus

574 - Builderland

575 - BuilderLand - The Story of Melba

576 - Bully's Sporting Darts

577 - Bump 'N' Burn

578 - Bumpy's Arcade Fantasy

579 - Bundesliga Manager Hatt

580 - BundesligaManagerProfessional1

581 - Bunny Bricks

582 - Bunny Bricks Fast

583 - Burger Man

584 - Burning Rubber

585 - Burnout

586 - Burntime

587 - Bush Buck - A Global Treasure Hunt

588 - Butcher Hill

589 - Byte Man

590 - C Js Elephant Antics

591 - C.Y.A.D. - A Game of Influence

592 - Cabal

593 - Cabaret Asteroids

594 - CabaretAsteroids

595 - Cadaver

596 - Cadaver & Cadaver The Payoff

597 - Caesar

598 - California Games

599 - California Games 2

600 - Campaign - Tactical & Strategic War Simulation

601 - Campaign 2

602 - Campaign&DataDisk

603 - Cannon Fodder

604 - Cannon Fodder 2

605 - Cannon Fodder 2 (FR)

606 - Cannon Fodder 2 Alien Levels

607 - Cannon Fodder New Campaign

608 - Cannon Fodder Plus

609 - Cannon Soccer

610 - Cap N Carnage

611 - Capital Punishment

612 - Capone

613 - Captain Blood

614 - Captain Dynamo

615 - Captain Fizz

616 - Captain Planet and the Planeteers

617 - Captive

618 - Car Vup

619 - Carcharodon - White Sharks

620 - Carcharodona_2389

621 - Cardiaxx Team 17

622 - Cardinal of the Kremlin, The

623 - Caribbean Disaster

624 - Carl Lewis Challenge

625 - Carlos

626 - Carnage

627 - Carrier Command

628 - Carthage

629 - Carton Rouge (FR)

630 - Cartoons, The

631 - Carver

632 - CarVup

633 - Casino

634 - Casino Roulette

635 - Castle Kingdoms

636 - Castle Master

637 - Castle Master 2

638 - Castle Of Dr Brain

639 - Castle Warrior

640 - CastleKingdoms

641 - Castles

642 - Castles 2

643 - Castlevania

644 - Catch'em

645 - Cattivik

646 - Cave Mania

647 - Cave Runner

648 - Cavitas

649 - Cedric

650 - Cedric and the Lost Sceptre

651 - Cedric Fast

652 - Celtic Legends

653 - Centrefold Squares

654 - Centurion

655 - Century

656 - Challenge of the Matrix, The

657 - Chamber Sci Mutant Priestess

658 - Chambers Of Shaolin

659 - Chamonix Challenge

660 - Champ, The

661 - Champion Driver

662 - Champions Of Krynn

663 - Championship Cricket

664 - Championship Golf

665 - Championship Manager

666 - Championship Manager '93

667 - Championship of Europe

668 - Championship Run

669 - ChampionshipGolf

670 - Chaos Engine

671 - Chaos Engine 2

672 - Chaos In Andromeda

673 - Chaos Strikes Back (& Util) (FR)

674 - Chariots of Wrath

675 - Charlie Chimp

676 - Charlie J Cool

677 - Chase

678 - Chase HQ

679 - Chase HQ 2

680 - Checkmate

681 - Chess Player 2150 (FR)

682 - Chess Simulator

683 - Chessmaster 2000, The

684 - Chicago 90

685 - Chichen Itza

686 - Chips Challenge Epyx

687 - Christoph Kolumbus

688 - Chrome

689 - Chronicles Of Omega

690 - Chrono Quest

691 - Chrono Quest 2

692 - Chubby Gristle

693 - Chuck Rock

694 - Chuck Rock 2

695 - Chuck Rock 2 - Son of Chuck

696 - Chuck Yeager's Advanced FlightTrainer 2.0

697 - Chuckie Egg

698 - Chuckie Egg 2

699 - Ciemna Strona

700 - Circus Attractions

701 - Circus Games

702 - Cisco Heat

703 - Citadel

704 - City Cars

705 - City Defence

706 - Civilization

707 - CJ In The USA

708 - CJ's Elephant Antics

709 - Classic Arcadia & Baby Arcadia

710 - Classic Board Games

711 - Classic Pucman

712 - Classic&BabyArcadia_1017

713 - Cliffhanger

714 - Clik Clak

715 - Clockwiser

716 - Clou

717 - Clou&Profidisk

718 - Clown O Mania

719 - Clu Clu Land

720 - Club & Country

721 - Club Football - The Manager

722 - Clue - Master Detective

723 - Clue!, The

724 - Coala

725 - Code Name Iceman

726 - Cogans Run

727 - Cohort - Fighting for Rome

728 - Cohort II - Fighting for Rome

729 - Colonels Bequest

730 - Colonization

731 - Colony

732 - Color Buster

733 - Colorado (FR)

734 - ColorBuster

735 - Coloris

736 - Colossus Bridge X

737 - Colossus Chess X

738 - Combat Air Patrol

739 - Combo Racer

740 - Commando

741 - Computer Scrabble

742 - Computer Scrabble Deluxe

743 - Computer Third Reich

744 - ComputerScrabble

745 - Conan The Cimmerian

746 - Conflict - Korea

747 - Conflict Europe (FR)

748 - Conflict Middle East Pol Sim

749 - Conqueror

750 - Conquests Of Camelot

751 - Conquests Of The Longbow

752 - Continental Circus

753 - Cool Croc Twins

754 - Cool Spot

755 - Cool World

756 - Corporate Raiders

757 - Corporation

758 - Corporation (& Missions 2 Disk)

759 - Corporation (& Missions 3 Disk)

760 - Corruption

761 - Corsarios

762 - Corx

763 - Cosmic Bouncer

764 - Cosmic Pirate

765 - Cosmic Relief

766 - Cosmic Spacehead

767 - CosmicPirate

768 - CosmicSpacehead

769 - Cosmostruction - A Space Game of Skill and Strategy

770 - CougarForce

771 - Count Duckula

772 - Cover Girl Strip Poker

773 - Covert Action

774 - Crack

775 - Crackdown

776 - Craps Academy

777 - Crash Garrett

778 - Crazy Cars

779 - Crazy Cars 2

780 - Crazy Cars 3

781 - Crazy Cones

782 - Crazy Seasons

783 - Crazy Shot

784 - Crazy Sue

785 - CrazyCars

786 - CrazyCars3

787 - CrazySeasons

788 - CrazySue

789 - Creature

790 - Creatures

791 - Cribbage King & Gin King

792 - Cricket Masters

793 - Crime City

794 - Crime Does Not Pay

795 - Crime Time

796 - Crime Wave

797 - CrimeWave

798 - Crimson Crown

799 - Croak

800 - Croak 2

801 - Croisiere Pour Un Cadavre (FR)

802 - Cross Check

803 - Crossbow Legend William Tell

804 - CrossCheck

805 - CrossCheck - Eishockey Action

806 - Crown

807 - Cruise For A Corpse

808 - Cruncher Factory

809 - Crusade, The

810 - Crystal Dragon

811 - Crystal Hammer '93 Edition

812 - Crystal Hammer (V1)

813 - Crystal Hammer (V2)

814 - Crystal Kingdom Dizzy

815 - Crystal Palace

816 - Crystal Quest

817 - Crystals Of Arborea

818 - Crystals Of Arborea (FR)

819 - Cubix

820 - Cubulus

821 - Curse Of Enchantia

822 - Curse Of Ra

823 - Curse Of The Azure Bonds

824 - CurseOfEnchantia_0283

825 - CurseOfRa

826 - Custodian

827 - Cyber Assault

828 - Cyber Cop

829 - Cyber Empires

830 - Cyber Games

831 - Cyber Kick

832 - Cyber World

833 - CyberAssault

834 - Cyberball

835 - Cyberblast

836 - Cybercon 3

837 - CyberCop

838 - Cybergammon

839 - Cybernauts

840 - Cybernetix

841 - Cybernetix - The First Battle

842 - Cybernoid

843 - Cybernoid II - The Revenge

844 - Cyberpunks

845 - Cyberzerk

846 - Cycles

847 - Cycles, The - International Grand Prix Racing

848 - Cygnus 8

849 - Cytadela

850 - Cytron

851 - D Day Impressions

852 - D Generation

853 - D-Day - The Beginning of the End

854 - D-Generation

855 - Daily Double Horse Racing

856 - Dalek Attack

857 - Daley Thompsons OC

858 - Damage

859 - Dames Simulator

860 - Damocles

861 - Dan Dare 3

862 - Danger Castle

863 - Dangerous Streets

864 - Darius+

865 - Dark Castle

866 - Dark Century

867 - Dark Fusion

868 - Dark Queen Of Krynn

869 - Dark Seed

870 - Dark Side

871 - Dark Spyre

872 - Darkman

873 - Darkmere

874 - DarkQueenOfKrynn

875 - DarkSeed_Fr

876 - DarkSeed3

877 - Darts 501

878 - Das Boot

879 - Datastorm

880 - Dawn Patrol

881 - Day Of The Pharaoh

882 - Day Of The Viper

883 - Days Of Thunder

884 - DDay_Impressions_Fr

885 - Death Bringer Spotlight

886 - Death Knights Of Krynn

887 - Death Mask

888 - Death Or Glory

889 - Death Sword

890 - Death Trap

891 - Deathbringer - The Sword of Abaddon

892 - Deathbringer Empire

893 - Debut Planet Simulation

894 - DecimalDungeon

895 - Deconstruction

896 - Deep

897 - Deep Core

898 - Deep Space

899 - Defender

900 - Defender 2

901 - Defender Of The Crown

902 - Defender Of The Crown 2

903 - Defender Ratsoft

904 - Defenders Of The Earth

905 - Defenseur Couronne 2 (FR)

906 - Deflektor

907 - Deja Vu - A Nightmare Comes True!!

908 - Deja Vu 2 Lost In Las Vegas

909 - Deliverance

910 - Delivery Agent

911 - DeltaCommand_v0.2_Arcadia

912 - Deluxe Galaga

913 - Deluxe Pac Man

914 - Deluxe Strip Poker 2

915 - DeluxeGalaga

916 - DeluxePacMan

917 - DeluxeStripPoker2

918 - DeluxeStripPoker2&DataDisks

919 - Demon Blue

920 - Demon's Tomb - The Awakening

921 - Demon's Winter

922 - Demoniak

923 - Denaris

924 - Denjoy

925 - Denjoy.1

926 - Dennis

927 - Dennis (Desktop Dynamite)

928 - Dennis.2

929 - Denver Je Fais Des Couleurs (FR)

930 - Denver Presente - Je Decouvre les Formes

931 - Desert Strike

932 - Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf

933 - Designasaurus

934 - Destroyer

935 - Detonator

936 - Detroit (FR)

937 - Deuteros

938 - Devious Designs

939 - Dick Tracy

940 - Dick Tracy Adventure

941 - Die Hard 2

942 - Diego Maradona's World Football Manager

943 - Difensore Corona 2

944 - Digger

945 - Diggers

946 - Dimo's Quest

947 - Dingsda

948 - Dino Wars

949 - Dinosaur Detective Agency

950 - DinoWars

951 - Disc

952 - Discover U.S. History and Geography

953 - Discovery

954 - Discovery - In the Steps of Columbus

955 - Discovery Micro Illusions

956 - Disposable Hero

957 - Distant Armies

958 - Distant Armies - A Playing History of Chess

959 - Ditris

960 - Dizzy - Prince of the Yolkfolk

961 - Dizzy Collection

962 - Dizzy Dice

963 - Dizzy Panic

964 - DizzyCollection

965 - Dizzys Excellent Adventures

966 - DNA - The Variety of Life

967 - Dogfight (1 MB) (1 MB)

968 - Dogfight2_1293

969 - Dogs Of War

970 - Dojo Dan

971 - Doman

972 - Dominator

973 - Dominium

974 - Donald Ducks Playground

975 - Donald's Alphabet Chase

976 - Donk The Samurai Duck

977 - Donk! - The Samurai Duck! (OCS & AGA)

978 - Donkey Kong

979 - DonkTheSamuraiDuck_0647

980 - Doodlebug

981 - Doofus

982 - Double Agent

983 - Double Dragon

984 - Double Dragon 2

985 - Double Dragon 3

986 - Double Dribble

987 - DoubleAgent

988 - Downhill Challenge

989 - Dr Dooms Revenge

990 - Dr Fruit

991 - Dr Mario

992 - Dr. Plummet's House of Flux

993 - Drachen Von Laas

994 - Drachensteine

995 - Draggy and Croco

996 - Dragon Breed

997 - Dragon Cave

998 - Dragon Fighter

999 - Dragon Scape

1000 - Dragon Spirit

1001 - Dragon Strike

1002 - Dragon Tiles

1003 - Dragon Tiles 2

1004 - Dragon Wars

1005 - Dragonflight (FR)

1006 - Dragons Breath (FR)

1007 - Dragons Kingdom

1008 - Dragons Lair

1009 - Dragons Lair & Escape

1010 - Dragons Lair & Escape (Slow)

1011 - Dragons Lair 2

1012 - Dragons Lair 3

1013 - Dragons Lair Escape

1014 - Dragons Lair Escape (Slow)

1015 - DragonsBreath_Fr_2388

1016 - DragonScape

1017 - DragonsKingdomDemo

1018 - DragonsLair&EscapeFromSingesCastlea_Fast_1360&0980

1019 - DragonsLairEscapeFromSingesCastlea_Slow_0980

1020 - DragonSpirit_1545

1021 - Dragonstone

1022 - DragonStrike

1023 - DragonTiles

1024 - DragonTiles2

1025 - DragonWars

1026 - Drakkhen (Files) (FR)

1027 - DrDoomsRevenge_1Disk_2501

1028 - Dream Web

1029 - Dream Zone

1030 - DrFruit

1031 - Driller

1032 - Drip

1033 - Drivin Force

1034 - DrMario

1035 - Drsna Cesta

1036 - Duck Tales

1037 - Duck Tales - The Quest for Gold

1038 - Dugger

1039 - Dune (FR)

1040 - Dune II - The Battle for Arrakis

1041 - Dungeon Master

1042 - Dungeon Master 2

1043 - Dungeon Quest

1044 - Dungeons Of Avalon

1045 - Dungeons Of Avalon 2

1046 - Dungeons, Amethysts, Alchemists 'n' Everythin'

1047 - Dux

1048 - Dylan Dog - Through the Looking Glass

1049 - Dylan Dog 01 - La Regina delle Tenebre

1050 - Dylan Dog The Murderers

1051 - Dyna Blaster

1052 - Dynamite Dick

1053 - Dynamite Dux

1054 - Dynamo_0995

1055 - Dynasty Wars

1056 - Dynatech

1057 - Dyter 07

1058 - E Motion

1059 - Eagles Rider

1060 - Easy and Fun - Four in One

1061 - Ebonstar

1062 - Eco

1063 - Eco Phantoms

1064 - Edd the Duck 2 - Back with a Quack!

1065 - Edd the Duck!

1066 - Eddie Edwards Super Ski

1067 - Eishockey Manager

1068 - EksperymentDelfin

1069 - Electronic Pool

1070 - Elf (Ocean)

1071 - Elfmania

1072 - Eliminator

1073 - Elite

1074 - Elite Advanced

1075 - Elvira - The Arcade Game

1076 - Elvira (FR)

1077 - Elvira 2 (FR)

1078 - Embryo

1079 - Emerald Mine

1080 - Emerald Mine 2

1081 - Emerald Mine 3

1082 - Emetic Skimmer

1083 - EmlynHughesInternationalSoccer_1077

1084 - Emmanuelle

1085 - EMotion_0475

1086 - EmpireSoccer94_0844

1087 - EmpireStrikesBack_1235

1088 - Enchanted Land

1089 - Encounter

1090 - Enemy 2 Missing In Action

1091 - Enemy Tempest Of Violence

1092 - EnemyTempestOfViolence_EasyPlay

1093 - Energie-Manager

1094 - Enforcer

1095 - EnglandChampionshipSpecial_1671

1096 - Enigma Device, The

1097 - Enlightenment - Druid II

1098 - Enlightenment_1948

1099 - Enterprise

1100 - Entity

1101 - Epic

1102 - Equality

1103 - Erbe

1104 - Erik

1105 - Escape from Colditz

1106 - EscapeFromThePlanetOfTheRobotMonsters_0477

1107 - Eskadra

1108 - Eskimo Games

1109 - Espana - The Games '92

1110 - ESWAT_2577

1111 - ETsRugbyLeague

1112 - Euro League Manager

1113 - European Champions

1114 - European Football Champ

1115 - EuropeanChampions_Ocean_2569

1116 - EuropeanFootballChamp_1672

1117 - EuroSoccer1_2905

1118 - EvilDawn

1119 - Excalibur_2688

1120 - Excellent Card Games

1121 - Executioner, The

1122 - Exile

1123 - Exolon

1124 - Explora_Fr

1125 - Explora2_Fr_2662

1126 - Explora3_Fr_2676

1127 - Extase

1128 - Extasy

1129 - Exterminator_1958

1130 - ExtractorPreview

1131 - Extrial

1132 - Exxon

1133 - Eye

1134 - Eye of the Beholder

1135 - Eye of the Beholder II - The Legend of Darkmoon

1136 - EyeOfHorus_1746

1137 - EyeOfTheStorm

1138 - F-15 Strike Eagle II

1139 - F.1 Manager

1140 - F1 - World Championship Edition

1141 - F1-Racer

1142 - F117ANightHawk1_1209

1143 - F16CombatPilot_1024

1144 - F17 Challenge

1145 - F19StealthFighter_v3.1_0117

1146 - F1Tornado

1147 - F1WorldChampionshipEdition_2061

1148 - F29Retaliator_0022

1149 - F40PursuitSimulator_NTSC

1150 - FA18Interceptor_0119

1151 - FaceOff_1670

1152 - Faces ... Tris III

1153 - Faery Tale Adventure, The

1154 - Falcon_1754

1155 - Falcon&MissionDisks_1754&1205&0269

1156 - FallenAngela

1157 - Falling Down

1158 - Famous Five, The - Five on a Treasure Island

1159 - FantasticVoyage_TV

1160 - Fantastiizzy

1161 - Fantasy Flyer (OCS & AGA)

1162 - Fantasy Games

1163 - Fantasy Manager - The Computer Game

1164 - Fantasy World Dizzy

1165 - FantasyFlyer

1166 - FantasyWorldDizzy_0120

1167 - Fascination_Fr

1168 - Fast Break

1169 - Fast Eddie's Pool and Billiards

1170 - Fast Food

1171 - Fast Lane! - The Spice Engineering Challenge

1172 - FastBrain_v0.2

1173 - FatalHeritage_0052

1174 - FatalMission

1175 - Fate - Gates of Dawn

1176 - FateGatesOfDawn_Uncensored

1177 - Fatman - The Caped Consumer

1178 - FC Manager

1179 - Fears

1180 - FederationOfFreeTraders

1181 - Femme Fatale

1182 - Femme Fatale v2.0

1183 - FernandezMustDie_1980

1184 - FerrariFormulaOne1_0481

1185 - Feud_0762

1186 - Fidelity Chessmaster 2100, The

1187 - Fields of Glory

1188 - Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O' Fun

1189 - FIFAInternationalSoccer_0501

1190 - FighterBomber_1135

1191 - FighterBomberAdvancedMissions

1192 - FighterDuelPro_NTSC_0946

1193 - Fightin' Spirit

1194 - FightingSoccer_NTSC

1195 - Final Assault

1196 - Final Battle, The

1197 - Final Blow

1198 - Final Countdown

1199 - FinalFight_1MB_1329

1200 - Fire & Forget

1201 - Fire & Ice - The Daring Adventures of Cool Coyote

1202 - Fire and Brimstone

1203 - Fire Power

1204 - Fire&Forget2_0482

1205 - Fire&IceXmasDemo

1206 - Fireball

1207 - Fireblaster_1627

1208 - FireForce

1209 - Firehawk

1210 - Firestar

1211 - FireZone

1212 - First Contact

1213 - First Letters - For Under 5's

1214 - FirstSamurai_1182

1215 - Fish_0271

1216 - Fist Fighter

1217 - FiveASideSoccer

1218 - Flamingo Tours

1219 - Flaschbier

1220 - Flashback

1221 - Fleet Med

1222 - Flies - Attack on Earth

1223 - Flight of the Amazon Queen

1224 - Flight of the Intruder

1225 - Flight Simulator II

1226 - FlightPath737_2217

1227 - FlightSimulator2&HawaiianSceneryDisk_0329

1228 - Flimbo's Quest

1229 - Flink

1230 - Flintstones_0503

1231 - FlipFlop

1232 - Flipit&Magnose_0827

1233 - Flippit

1234 - Flood_0504

1235 - Floor 13

1236 - Flowers of Crystal

1237 - FluchtAusColditz

1238 - FlugDerAmazonQueen

1239 - Fly Fighter

1240 - Fly Harder

1241 - FlyingShark

1242 - FoolsErrand_1025

1243 - Football Club Manager

1244 - Football Crazy

1245 - Football Director II

1246 - Football Glory

1247 - Football Manager

1248 - Football Manager - World Cup Edition

1249 - Football Masters

1250 - Football Tactician

1251 - Football Tactician 2

1252 - FootballerOfTheYear2_0654

1253 - FootballGlory

1254 - FootballGlory_0122

1255 - FootballManager21_0246

1256 - FootballManagerWorldCupEdition_2272

1257 - FootMan

1258 - For President

1259 - ForgottenMine

1260 - ForgottenWorldsb_1222

1261 - Formula 1 3D

1262 - Formula 1 Grand Prix

1263 - Formula One Challenge

1264 - Fort Apache

1265 - Fortress Underground

1266 - Foundation's Waste

1267 - Four Crystals of Trazere, The

1268 - FractionAction

1269 - Frankenstein

1270 - Franko

1271 - Franko - The Crazy Revenge!

1272 - Franko_Censored

1273 - FranticFreddie

1274 - Freak Out

1275 - Freedom_Fr_2297

1276 - Frenetic_1438

1277 - Friday Night Pool

1278 - FrightNight

1279 - Frontier - Elite II

1280 - Frontier_Fr_2745

1281 - Frontline

1282 - FrostByte_v0501.1_1529

1283 - Fruit Machine

1284 - Fruitmania

1285 - Fugger

1286 - Full Contact

1287 - Full Metal Planete

1288 - Funturatum

1289 - Fury of the Furries

1290 - Fusion_0331

1291 - Fussball Total

1292 - Future Space

1293 - Future Wars - Time Travellers

1294 - FutureBasketball_1253

1295 - FutureBikeSimulator_2149

1296 - FutureClassicsCollection

1297 - FutureShock

1298 - FutureTank

1299 - FutureWars_v4.3-B_1570

1300 - Fuzzball

1301 - G.P. Tennis Manager

1302 - Gadget - Lost in Time

1303 - Gainforce

1304 - Galactic Invasion

1305 - GalacticConqueror

1306 - GalacticEmpire_2012

1307 - GalacticTheXmasEdition_1MB

1308 - GalacticWarriorRats_1942

1309 - Galaga92

1310 - Galaxy89

1311 - GalaxyBlast

1312 - GalaxyForce2_0485

1313 - GaldregonsDomain

1314 - Gamble Mania

1315 - Game of Life, The

1316 - Game Set Match

1317 - GameOfHarmony_NTSC

1318 - GamesSummerEdition

1319 - GamesWinterEdition

1320 - Gamma Zone

1321 - Ganymed

1322 - Gardener

1323 - GarfieldAWintersTail

1324 - GarfieldBigFatHairyDeal_0933

1325 - Garrison II - The Legend Continues

1326 - Garrison_0800

1327 - GaryLinekersHotShot_0883

1328 - GatewayToTheSavageFrontier_2160

1329 - Gauntlet II

1330 - Gauntlet3_1550

1331 - Gazza II

1332 - Gazza's Super Soccer

1333 - Gazza2

1334 - GBAChampionshipBasketball_2948

1335 - GearWorks

1336 - GeeBeeAirRally

1337 - Geisha_Fr

1338 - Gem'X

1339 - GeminiWing_0486

1340 - GemStoneLegend

1341 - GemXa_1181

1342 - Genesia

1343 - Genesia_Fr

1344 - Georg Glaxo

1345 - Germ Crazy

1346 - Gettysburg_1937

1347 - GFL Championship Football

1348 - GhostBattle

1349 - Ghostbusters II

1350 - Ghostbusters2.1_1029

1351 - GhostChaser

1352 - Ghosts 'N' Goblins

1353 - Giddy II - Hero in an Egg Shell

1354 - Giganoid

1355 - Gladiators

1356 - GlobalGladiators_0657

1357 - GlobalTrek

1358 - Globdule

1359 - Globulus

1360 - Gloom

1361 - Gnome

1362 - Gnome Alone

1363 - Gnome Ranger

1364 - Go Player

1365 - Gobliiins

1366 - Gobliins 2 - The Prince Buffoon

1367 - Goblins 3

1368 - Godfather, The

1369 - Gods

1370 - Gold of the Americas - The Conquest of the New World

1371 - Gold of the Aztecs, The

1372 - Gold Rush!

1373 - Golden Axe

1374 - Golden Eagle

1375 - Golden Oldies - Volume 1

1376 - GoldenAxe_0017

1377 - GoldenEagle

1378 - GoldenPath

1379 - GoldOfTheAztecs_1649

1380 - Goldrunner

1381 - Goldrunner2

1382 - GoldRush

1383 - GoofysRailwayExpress_2473

1384 - Gotcha

1385 - Graeme Souness Soccer Manager

1386 - Graeme Souness Vector Soccer

1387 - Graham Gooch World Class Cricket

1388 - Graham Taylors Soccer Challenge

1389 - GrahamGoochSecondInnings

1390 - GrahamGoochWorldClassCricket

1391 - GrahamGoochWorldClassCricketSpecialEdition

1392 - GrahamTaylorsSoccerChallenge_0125

1393 - Grand Slam

1394 - GrandMonsterSlam

1395 - GrandPrix5002_Fr

1396 - GrandPrixMaster_2216

1397 - Granny's Garden

1398 - Gravity

1399 - Gravity-Force

1400 - Great Giana Sisters, The

1401 - Great States II

1402 - GreatGianaSisters_2945

1403 - Gremlins2_0489

1404 - Grey Slayer

1405 - Gridiron_2124

1406 - GridStart

1407 - Guardian

1408 - GuardianAngel_2173

1409 - Guerilla in Bolivia

1410 - Guild of Thieves, The

1411 - Guldkorn Expressen

1412 - Gulp!

1413 - Gunboat - River Combat Simulation

1414 - Gunship

1415 - Gunship 2000

1416 - Gunshoot

1417 - Guy Spy and the Crystals of Armageddon

1418 - Hacker_NTSC_0906

1419 - Hacker2_0777

1420 - HagarTheHorrible

1421 - HagarTheHorrible_1967

1422 - Halley Project, The - A Mission in Our Solar System

1423 - Halls of Montezuma

1424 - HammerBoy_1349

1425 - Hammerfist

1426 - Hanse1

1427 - Happy Monster

1428 - Harald Hardtand - Kampen om de Rene Taender

1429 - HardBall II

1430 - HardDrivin21

1431 - HardNHeavy2_1631

1432 - Harlequin.1_1MB_2029

1433 - Harley-Davidson - The Road to Sturgis

1434 - Harpoon&Battleset1

1435 - Harpoon&Battleset2_1033

1436 - Harpoon&Battleset3_1788

1437 - Harpoon&Battleset4

1438 - Harricana - Raid International Motoneige - Quebec-Canada 90

1439 - HarrierCombatSimulator_NTSC_0919

1440 - Harry's Balloons

1441 - HATE_1930

1442 - Haus, Das

1443 - Hawkeye

1444 - HeadOverHeels_1674

1445 - Heart of China

1446 - HeartOfTheDragon_3Disk

1447 - HeavyMetal

1448 - HeavyMetalHeroes

1449 - Heimdall

1450 - Heimdall 2 - Into the Hall of Worlds

1451 - Hell Raiser

1452 - Hellbent_1119

1453 - Hellfire Attack

1454 - Hellowoon

1455 - Hellraider

1456 - HellRaisers

1457 - Hellrun Machine, The

1458 - Helter Skelter

1459 - Henry's House

1460 - Hero's Quest - So You Want to Be a Hero

1461 - HeroesOfTheLance1_0778

1462 - HeroQuest

1463 - HeroQuest - Return of the Witch Lord

1464 - HeroQuest II - Legacy of Sorasil

1465 - Hexuma_0684

1466 - High Seas Trader

1467 - High Steel

1468 - HighwayHawks_2538

1469 - HighwayPatrol2_2305

1470 - Hill Street Blues

1471 - Hillsfar

1472 - Hilt

1473 - Hilt - Against the Hoardes

1474 - Hilt2

1475 - Hired Guns

1476 - Hirnriss

1477 - Historyline_Fr

1478 - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The

1479 - Hoi

1480 - Hoi Remix

1481 - Hole-In-One Miniature Golf

1482 - HoleInOne

1483 - HolidayMaker

1484 - Hollywood Hijinx

1485 - Hollywood Hustler

1486 - HollywoodPoker_1791

1487 - Home Alone

1488 - HongKongPhooey_1559

1489 - Hook

1490 - HorrorZombiesFromTheCrypt_0286

1491 - Hostages

1492 - HostileBreed

1493 - Hotel Detective

1494 - HotRod_2437

1495 - HotRubber

1496 - Hotshot_2083

1497 - HoundOfShadow_0338

1498 - Hoversprint

1499 - Hoyle's Official Book of Games Volume 1

1500 - Hoyle's Official Book of Games Volume 2 - Solitaire

1501 - Hoyle's Official Book of Games Volume 3 - Great Board Games

1502 - Huckleberry Hound in Hollywood Capers

1503 - HuckleberryHound

1504 - Hudson Hawk

1505 - HudsonHawk_1035

1506 - Hugo_0685

1507 - Human Killing Machine

1508 - Humans-B_Fr_2666

1509 - Humans3_2382

1510 - Hunt for Red October, The

1511 - Hunter Killer

1512 - HuntForRedOctober_0128

1513 - HuntForRedOctoberTheMovie_2232

1514 - Hurricane Commando

1515 - Hybris

1516 - Hydra_2515

1517 - Hyperdome

1518 - Hyperion

1519 - IanBothamsCricket

1520 - IceRunner

1521 - IK+

1522 - Ikari Warriors

1523 - Ilyad_1944

1524 - Imagems

1525 - Immortal_v3.0_0340

1526 - Impact_2462

1527 - Imperium_0341

1528 - Impossamole

1529 - Impossible Mission 2025 - The Special Edition

1530 - ImpossibleMission2_0066

1531 - In 80 Days Around the World

1532 - In the Dead of the Night

1533 - Incredible Crash Dummies, The

1534 - Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - The Graphic Adventure

1535 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - The Action Game

1536 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

1537 - IndianaJones&TheFateOfAtlantisAction

1538 - IndianaJones&TheFateOfAtlantisAdventure_Fr_1639

1539 - IndianaJones&TheLastCrusadeAdventure_Fr_1986

1540 - IndianaJones&TheTempleOfDoom-B_0660

1541 - Indianapolis 500 - The Simulation

1542 - Indigo

1543 - IndoorSports

1544 - IndyHeat

1545 - Inertia Drive

1546 - Infection

1547 - Inferior

1548 - Infestation

1549 - Infidel

1550 - IngridsBack

1551 - Innocent Until Caught

1552 - InsanityFight

1553 - InsectorHectiInTheInterChange

1554 - InsectsInSpace

1555 - Intact_15MB

1556 - International Soccer (Zeppelin Platinum)

1557 - International Soccer Challenge

1558 - International Tennis

1559 - International3DTennis_1609

1560 - InternationalIceHockey_0665

1561 - InternationalNinjaRabbits

1562 - InternationalSoccer_2429

1563 - InternationalSportsChallenge1_2815

1564 - InternationalTennis

1565 - InternationalTruckRacing

1566 - Interphase_0067

1567 - IntoTheEaglesNest

1568 - InvaderCraft

1569 - Invasion

1570 - Inve$t

1571 - Iron Hand

1572 - Iron Trackers

1573 - IronLord1_Fr_2444

1574 - IronTrackers_Fr

1575 - Ishar

1576 - Ishar2_0787

1577 - Ishar3_Fr_2664

1578 - Ishido - The Way of Stones

1579 - Island of Lost Hope, The

1580 - ISS_0287

1581 - It Came from the Desert

1582 - Italia1990_2314

1583 - Italy '90 Soccer

1584 - Italy1990WinnersEdition_1610

1585 - ItCameFromTheDesert_0014

1586 - ItCameFromTheDesert2

1587 - ITS Cricket - 1995 Edition

1588 - ITS Cricket - International Test Series

1589 - Ivanhoe

1590 - Jabato

1591 - Jaguar XJ220

1592 - Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash

1593 - Jail Break

1594 - James Pond 2 - Codename RoboCod

1595 - James Pond 3 - Operation Starfish

1596 - Jara Tava - The Isle of Fire

1597 - Jaws_0512

1598 - Jet

1599 - Jet&HawaiianSceneryDisk

1600 - JetSetWilly2_v0501.1_1115

1601 - JetsonsTheComputerGame_2270

1602 - Jetstrike

1603 - Jewels of Darkness Trilogy

1604 - Jigsaw Puzzlemania

1605 - Jigsaw! - The Ultimate Electronic Puzzle

1606 - Jimmy White's 'Whirlwind' Snooker

1607 - Jimmy Willburne - A La Recherche du Peigne Perdu

1608 - JimmysFantasticJourney

1609 - JimPower_0068

1610 - Jinks_0973

1611 - Jinxter

1612 - Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge

1613 - Joe&MacCavemanNinjab_2179

1614 - JoeBlade_0514

1615 - JoeBlade2

1616 - John Barnes European Football

1617 - John Madden American Football

1618 - JohnBarnesEuropeanFootball1_1925

1619 - JohnLowesUltimateDarts_2778

1620 - JohnMaddenFootball_0071

1621 - Joker-Poker

1622 - Jonathan - The Next Artventure

1623 - Journey - The Quest Begins

1624 - Jouster3

1625 - JudgeDredd

1626 - Jug

1627 - Jump Em

1628 - Jump Jet

1629 - JumpingJackSon1_1040

1630 - Jumpman Junior

1631 - JumpNRoll

1632 - Jungle Boy

1633 - JungleStrike

1634 - JuniorTypist

1635 - Jupiter's Masterdrive

1636 - JupiterProbe.1

1637 - JupitersMasterdrive_1280

1638 - Jurajski Sen

1639 - Jurassic Park

1640 - K240_1MB_1565

1641 - Kaiser

1642 - KajkoIKokosz

1643 - Kalas Puffs Expressen

1644 - KalasPuffsExpressen_Se_1MB

1645 - Kamikaze_1573

1646 - Kampfgruppe

1647 - Karamalz Cup - Eis Hockey

1648 - Karate Kid I, The

1649 - KarateKid2

1650 - KarateKing&CityDefence

1651 - KartingGrandPrix_0517

1652 - Katakis_1Disk_1273

1653 - Kathedrale_0518

1654 - KeefTheThief_NTSC_1460

1655 - Keith's Quest

1656 - Kelly X

1657 - Kengi

1658 - KennedyApproach1_1506

1659 - Keyboard Cadet

1660 - Keys to Maramon, The

1661 - KGB_Fr

1662 - Khalaan_Fr

1663 - Kick Off 3

1664 - KickIt - A Day for the Laiban

1665 - KickOff_0189

1666 - KickOff&ExtraTime_1Disk_0881

1667 - KickOff28_Fr

1668 - KickOff2CompetitionVersion8

1669 - KickOff2FinalWhistle3_0166

1670 - KickOff2FinalWhistleCompetitionVersion3

1671 - KickOff2PlusWorldCup908_0168

1672 - KickOff2ReturnToEurope1_0169

1673 - KickOff3_0191

1674 - KickOff3EuropeanChallenge_0170

1675 - KickOff961

1676 - Kid Chaos

1677 - KidGloves_1372

1678 - KidGloves2

1679 - Kids Type

1680 - Kids' Academy - Which, Where, What

1681 - Kikstart2

1682 - Kikugi

1683 - Killerball

1684 - Killing Machine

1685 - KillingCloud_NTSC_3019

1686 - KillingGameShow

1687 - KillingMachine_2504

1688 - Kinderama

1689 - King's Quest I - Quest for the Crown (remake)

1690 - King's Quest II - Romancing the Throne

1691 - King's Quest III - To Heir is Human

1692 - King's Quest IV - The Perils of Rosella

1693 - King's Quest V - Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder

1694 - King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

1695 - Kingdoms of Germany

1696 - KingmakerQuestForTheCrown_1616

1697 - KingOfChicago_1416

1698 - Kingpin

1699 - KingsBounty1

1700 - KingsQuest_1333

1701 - KingsQuest2_2126

1702 - KingsQuest3_0521

1703 - KingsQuest4_0822

1704 - KingsQuest5_MT32

1705 - KingsQuest6_Fr_2390

1706 - KingsQuestEnhancedb_1436

1707 - Kiro's Quest

1708 - Klax_0878

1709 - Knight Orc

1710 - KnightForce_1574

1711 - Knightmare_0966

1712 - Knights of the Crystallion

1713 - KnightsOfTheSky_0522

1714 - Kreuz As 'Poker'

1715 - Kristal

1716 - KrustysSuperFunHouse_1599

1717 - Krymini

1718 - Kultb_0661

1719 - Kwasimodo

1720 - KwikSnax

1721 - Labyrinth.1tNyeCOMputer_Dk

1722 - LabyrintheAuxMilleCalculs_Fr

1723 - LabyrintheDAnglomania1_Fr

1724 - LabyrintheDeLaReineDesOmbres_Fr

1725 - LabyrintheDeLexicos_Fr_2583

1726 - LabyrintheDErrare_Fr_2582

1727 - LabyrintheDOrthophus_Fr

1728 - LAmazoneQueen_Fr

1729 - LamborghiniAmericanChallenge0

1730 - Lancelot_0216

1731 - Land of the Unicorn

1732 - LaserSquad

1733 - Last Action Hero

1734 - Last Battle

1735 - Last Ninja Remix

1736 - LastActionHero

1737 - LastDuel

1738 - LastNinja2_0131

1739 - LastNinja3

1740 - Leader Board

1741 - LeaderBoardTournamentDisk11_1474

1742 - Leading Lap MPV

1743 - League Challenge

1744 - Leander_NTSC_2351

1745 - Leatherneck

1746 - Leavin Teramis

1747 - Leavin' Teramis

1748 - LED Storm

1749 - Leeds United Champions!

1750 - Legacy

1751 - Legend Mindscape

1752 - Legend Of Djel

1753 - Legend Of Faerghail

1754 - Legend Of Kyrandia (FR)

1755 - Legend of Kyrandia, The - Book One

1756 - Legend Of Ragnarok

1757 - Legend Of The Lost

1758 - Legend Of The Sword

1759 - LegendOfFaerghailb_2844

1760 - Legends

1761 - Legends Of Valour

1762 - Legends Of Valour (FR)

1763 - Legion

1764 - Leisure Suit Larry

1765 - Leisure Suit Larry - In the Land of the Lounge Lizards

1766 - Leisure Suit Larry (Enhanced)

1767 - Leisure Suit Larry 1 - In the Land of the Lounge Lizards (remake)

1768 - Leisure Suit Larry 2

1769 - Leisure Suit Larry 2 - Goes Looking for Love

1770 - Leisure Suit Larry 3

1771 - Leisure Suit Larry 3 - Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals

1772 - Leisure Suit Larry 5

1773 - Leisure Suit Larry 5 - Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work

1774 - Lemmings

1775 - Lemmings 2

1776 - Lemmings 2 - The Tribes

1777 - Lemmings Holiday

1778 - Lemmings Holiday 1993

1779 - Lemmings Holiday 1994

1780 - Lemmings New Year 9192

1781 - Lemmings Xmas 1991

1782 - Lemmings Xmas 1992

1783 - Lemmings_Files_2089

1784 - Lemmings_Files_AltLevels_2238

1785 - Leonardo

1786 - Les Manley Search For The King

1787 - Let's Spell at Home

1788 - Lethal Formula

1789 - Lethal Weapon

1790 - Lethal Xcess

1791 - Lethal Zone

1792 - Lettrix

1793 - Leviathan

1794 - Liberation - Captive II (OCS & AGA)

1795 - Licence To Kill

1796 - Life & Death

1797 - Light Corridor, The

1798 - Light Racer

1799 - LightRacer

1800 - Limes & Napoleon

1801 - Limes&Napoleon

1802 - Line Of Fire

1803 - Lingo

1804 - Links

1805 - Links (& Data Disks)

1806 - Lion King

1807 - Lionheart

1808 - Liquid Kids (Files)

1809 - Little Computer People

1810 - Little Puff In Dragonland

1811 - Live And Let Die

1812 - Live and Let Die - The Computer Game

1813 - Liverpool - The Computer Game

1814 - Livingstone 2

1815 - Llamatron

1816 - Locomotion

1817 - Logical

1818 - Logo

1819 - Lollypop

1820 - Lombard RAC Rally

1821 - Long Lance

1822 - Loom

1823 - Loom (Kick 31)

1824 - Loom (Kick 13)

1825 - Loom-C

1826 - Loom-C_Fr

1827 - Loopz

1828 - Lord of the Rings - Vol. 1

1829 - Lords Of Chaos (& Data Disk)

1830 - Lords Of Doom

1831 - Lords Of The Realm

1832 - Lords Of The Realm (FR)

1833 - Lords Of The Rising Sun

1834 - Lords Of Time

1835 - Lords Of War

1836 - LordsOfChaos&DataDisk

1837 - LordsOfDoom

1838 - Lorna

1839 - Lornaa

1840 - Los Templos Sagrados

1841 - Lost Dutchman Mine

1842 - Lost in Mine

1843 - Lost Patrol, The

1844 - Lost Vikings, The

1845 - LostDutchmanMine

1846 - LosTemplosSagrados

1847 - LostInMine

1848 - Lothar Matthaeus - Die Interaktive Fussballsimulation

1849 - Lothar Matthaeus Super Soccer

1850 - Lothar Matthaus Fussball

1851 - Lotus

1852 - Lotus 2

1853 - Lotus 3

1854 - Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge

1855 - Lotus III - The Ultimate Challenge

1856 - Lotus Turbo Challenge 2

1857 - Lowca Glow

1858 - Lunar C

1859 - Lupo Alberto

1860 - Lupo Alberto - The Videogame

1861 - Lure Of The Temptress

1862 - Lure Of The Temptress (FR)

1863 - Lurking Horror, The

1864 - Luxor

1865 - M1 Tank Platoon

1866 - Mach 3

1867 - Mad Professor Mariarti

1868 - Mad Show

1869 - Mad Show (FR)

1870 - Mad TV (FR)

1871 - Mafdet And The Book Of The Dead

1872 - Magic Boy

1873 - Magic Coins

1874 - Magic Fly

1875 - Magic Garden, The

1876 - Magic Johnson's Basketball

1877 - Magic Lines

1878 - Magic Marble

1879 - Magic Pockets

1880 - Magician

1881 - Magicland Dizzy

1882 - MagicMarble

1883 - Magnatron

1884 - Major Motion

1885 - Malta Storm

1886 - Man From The Council

1887 - Manchester United

1888 - Manchester United - Premier League Champions

1889 - Manchester United - The Double

1890 - Manchester United - The Official Computer Game

1891 - Manchester United Europe (v2.0)

1892 - Manchester United PLC (& Data)

1893 - Manhattan Dealers (FR)

1894 - Manhunter

1895 - Manhunter - New York

1896 - Manhunter 2

1897 - Manhunter 2 - San Francisco

1898 - Maniac Mansion

1899 - Maniac Mansion (FR)

1900 - Maniax

1901 - Manic Miner

1902 - Manix

1903 - Manoir( DE) Mortvielle (FR)

1904 - Marathon

1905 - Marble Madness

1906 - Maria's Christmas Box

1907 - Marias Xmas Box

1908 - Marvin's Marvellous Adventure

1909 - Master Axe

1910 - Master Axe - The Genesis of MysterX

1911 - Master Blaster

1912 - Masterblazer

1913 - Match Of The Day

1914 - Match Pairs

1915 - Math Blaster Plus!

1916 - Maths Monkey

1917 - MathWizard

1918 - Matrix Marauders

1919 - Mau-Mau

1920 - Maupiti Island

1921 - Maupiti Island (FR)

1922 - Max Rally

1923 - Maya

1924 - Maya (FR)

1925 - Maya Fast

1926 - Maya Fast (FR)

1927 - Mayday Squad Heroes

1928 - Mc Donald Land

1929 - Mean Arenas

1930 - Mean Machine

1931 - Mean Streets

1932 - Mean Streets (FR)

1933 - Mega Ball

1934 - Mega Lo Mania

1935 - Mega Lo Mania (FR)

1936 - Mega Motion

1937 - Mega Phoenix

1938 - Mega Traveller 1

1939 - Mega Twins

1940 - Mega Typhoon

1941 - MegaBall2

1942 - MegaTraveller 1 - The Zhodani Conspiracy

1943 - MegaTraveller 2 - Quest for the Ancients

1944 - Menace

1945 - Mental Image 1

1946 - Mental Image 2

1947 - Mentor

1948 - Mercenary

1949 - Mercenary - Escape from Targ & The Second City

1950 - Mercenary 3

1951 - Mercs

1952 - Merv The Merciless

1953 - Metal Law

1954 - Metal Masters

1955 - Metal Mutant

1956 - Metal Mutant (FR)

1957 - Metal Warrior

1958 - MetalLaw

1959 - MetalMutant_Fr

1960 - MF Tanks

1961 - Miami Chase

1962 - Miasto Smierci

1963 - Mickey 123 (FR)

1964 - Mickey ABC (FR)

1965 - Mickey Jeu( DE) Memoire (FR)

1966 - Mickey Mouse Computer Game

1967 - Mickey Puzzles Animes (FR)

1968 - Mickey's 123's - The Big Surprise Party

1969 - Mickey's ABC's - A Day at the Fair

1970 - Mickey's Memory Challenge

1971 - Mickey123AnniversaireSurprise_Fr_2475

1972 - MickeyABCUneJourneeALaFete_Fr_2477

1973 - MickeyJeuDeMemoire_Fr_2559

1974 - MickeyMouseTheComputerGame

1975 - MickeyPuzzlesAnimes_Fr_2476

1976 - Mickeys AB Cs

1977 - Mickeys Jigsaw Puzzles

1978 - Mickeys Memory Challenge

1979 - MickeysABCs

1980 - MickeysJigsawPuzzles

1981 - MickeysMemoryChallenge

1982 - Micro Machines

1983 - Micro Prose Golf

1984 - Micro Prose Soccer

1985 - Microbattle

1986 - Microbes

1987 - MicroMachines_0357

1988 - Midnight Resistance

1989 - Midwinter

1990 - Midwinter (FR)

1991 - Midwinter 2 (FR)

1992 - Midwinter II - Flames of Freedom

1993 - MiG 29 Fulcrum

1994 - MiG 29 Soviet Fighter

1995 - MiG 29M Super Fulcrum

1996 - Might & Magic 2

1997 - Might And Magic 3

1998 - Might And Magic 3

1999 - Mighty Bomb Jack

2000 - Mike Reads Computer Pop Quiz

2001 - Mikro Mortal Tennis

2002 - Millennium 22

2003 - Mind Force

2004 - Mind Walker

2005 - Mindbender

2006 - Mindfighter

2007 - Mindroll

2008 - Mindshadow

2009 - Mini Golf

2010 - Mini Golf Plus

2011 - Minos

2012 - Minskies

2013 - Minskies Furballs - The Abduction

2014 - Misja Harolda

2015 - Missiles Over Xerion

2016 - Mission Elevator

2017 - Mixed-Up Mother Goose

2018 - Moebius

2019 - Moebius - The Orb of Celestial Harmony

2020 - MonaldLand.1_0970

2021 - Money Cascade Professional Fruit Machine

2022 - Money-Player Professional

2023 - Monkey Island 2 - LeChuck's Revenge

2024 - Monkey Island 2 (FR)

2025 - Monster

2026 - Monster Business

2027 - Monty Python's Flying Circus

2028 - Moochies

2029 - Moon Blaster

2030 - Moon Blaster (FR)

2031 - Moon Shine Racers

2032 - Moonbase - Lunar Colony Simulator

2033 - Moonfall

2034 - Moonmist

2035 - Moonstone

2036 - Moonstone - A Hard Days Knight

2037 - Moonwalker

2038 - Morph

2039 - Mortal Kombat

2040 - Mortal Kombat II

2041 - Mortal Weapon

2042 - Morton Strikes Back

2043 - Mortville Manor

2044 - MOT

2045 - Motor Massacre

2046 - Motorbike Madness

2047 - Motorhead

2048 - Motorola Invaders 2

2049 - Mouse Quest

2050 - Mousetrap

2051 - Mover

2052 - Moving

2053 - Mr Blobby

2054 - Mr Do! Run Run

2055 - Mr Heli

2056 - Mr Nutz

2057 - MrHeli

2058 - MUDS

2059 - Multi Player Soccer Manager

2060 - Multi Zocker

2061 - Multi-Player Yahtzee

2062 - Munsters

2063 - Murder

2064 - Murders in Venice

2065 - Muzzy

2066 - Mysterious Worlds

2067 - Mystery Of The Mummy

2068 - Mystical

2069 - Myth

2070 - Myth Magnetic Scrolls

2071 - Myth System 3

2072 - Nam 1965- 1975

2073 - Narc

2074 - Narco Police

2075 - Nathan Never

2076 - Nations of the World - Australia

2077 - Naughty Ones

2078 - Navy Moves

2079 - Navy Seals

2080 - Nebula - The Wars of Uropa

2081 - Nebulus

2082 - Nebulus 2

2083 - Necronom

2084 - Neighbours

2085 - Netherworld

2086 - Neuromancer

2087 - Neuronics

2088 - Never Ending Story 2

2089 - Never Mind

2090 - New York Warriors

2091 - New Zealand Story

2092 - NewYorkWarriors_1MB

2093 - Nick Faldo's Championship Golf

2094 - Nicky 2

2095 - Nicky Boom

2096 - Nigel Mansell's World Championship

2097 - Nigel Mansells Grand Prix

2098 - Night Hawk F 117 A

2099 - Night Hunter

2100 - Night Shift

2101 - Nightbreed Action

2102 - Nightbreed Movie

2103 - Nightdawn

2104 - NightHuntera

2105 - Nil Dieu Vivant (FR)

2106 - Ninja Mission

2107 - Ninja Rabbits

2108 - Ninja Remix

2109 - Ninja Spirit

2110 - Ninja Warriors

2111 - NinjaMission

2112 - Nipper versus the Kats

2113 - Nippon Safes Inc

2114 - Nitro

2115 - Nitro Boost Challenge

2116 - No Buddies Land

2117 - No Excuses

2118 - No Exit

2119 - No Greater Glory - The American Civil War

2120 - No Second Prize

2121 - Nobby The Aardvark

2122 - Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It

2123 - North And South (Files)

2124 - North Sea Inferno

2125 - NoSecondPrize

2126 - Not Very Festive Fodder

2127 - Nova 9

2128 - Nuclear War

2129 - Nucleus

2130 - NuxeliaDemo

2131 - O.B.Y. I

2132 - Oath

2133 - Obitus

2134 - Obliterator

2135 - Oblivion

2136 - Obsession

2137 - Obstickle

2138 - Odyssey

2139 - Off Shore Warrior

2140 - Og

2141 - Ogre

2142 - Oh No! More Lemmings

2143 - Oil Imperium

2144 - Oktagon

2145 - Olimpiada '96

2146 - Olympique de Marseille

2147 - Omar Sharif's Bridge

2148 - Omega

2149 - Omicron Conspiracy

2150 - OmnicronConspiracy_Fr

2151 - One On One

2152 - One Step Beyond

2153 - OneToOneMatch

2154 - Onslaught

2155 - Oo-Topos

2156 - Ooops Up

2157 - Ooze

2158 - Ooze - Creepy Nites

2159 - Operation Cleanstreets

2160 - Operation Com-bat

2161 - Operation Combat 2

2162 - Operation Firestorm

2163 - Operation G2

2164 - Operation Harrier

2165 - Operation Jupiter

2166 - Operation Jupiter (FR)

2167 - Operation Neptune

2168 - Operation Overlord - The Invasion of Europe

2169 - Operation Stealth

2170 - Operation Stealth (FR)

2171 - Operation Thunderbolt

2172 - Operation Wolf

2173 - OperationStealth

2174 - OperationStealth_Fr_1654

2175 - OperationThunderbolta_0547

2176 - Orbital Destroyer

2177 - Oriental Games

2178 - Ork

2179 - Ork

2180 - Ork Attack The Return

2181 - Ork.2_NTSC_1374

2182 - Oscar

2183 - Osiris

2184 - OsWALD Of The Ice Floes

2185 - Out Of This World

2186 - Out Run (Sega)

2187 - Out Run (US Gold)

2188 - Out Run Europa

2189 - Outlands

2190 - Outzone

2191 - Over The Net

2192 - Overdrive Team 17

2193 - Overkill

2194 - Overlander

2195 - Overlord (Rowan)

2196 - Overlord (Virgin Mastertronic)

2197 - Overlord_Rowan_1312

2198 - Overrun! - A Tactical Game of Modern Land Warfare

2199 - Oxxonian

2200 - Oxyd

2201 - P 47 Thunderbolt

2202 - Pac Land

2203 - Pac Mania

2204 - Pac-Land

2205 - Pacboy & Shooting Star

2206 - Pacific Islands

2207 - Paint It

2208 - Paladin

2209 - Paladin 2

2210 - Pandora

2211 - Pang

2212 - Pango

2213 - Panza Kick Boxing

2214 - Panza Kick Boxing (FR)

2215 - Paperboy

2216 - Paperboy 2

2217 - Paradise Lost

2218 - Paradox

2219 - Paradroid 90

2220 - Paragliding

2221 - Paragliding Simulation

2222 - Paramax

2223 - Paranoia Complex

2224 - Parasite

2225 - Parasol Stars

2226 - Paris Dakar 1990

2227 - Passagers du Vent, Les

2228 - Passengers on the Wind

2229 - Passing Shot

2230 - Patience I

2231 - Patience II

2232 - Patrician

2233 - Patrician (FR)

2234 - Patrizier

2235 - Pawn

2236 - Pechowy Prezent

2237 - Pegasus

2238 - Penguins

2239 - Penthouse Hot Numbers

2240 - Penthouse Hot Numbers Deluxe

2241 - Pepe's Garden

2242 - Pepsi - All Over the World

2243 - Perihelion

2244 - Perihelion - The Prophecy

2245 - Persecutors

2246 - Persian Gulf Inferno

2247 - PersianGulfInferno

2248 - Personal Nightmare

2249 - Peter Beardsleys IF

2250 - Peter Pan (Fr)

2251 - Peter Schmeichel Soccer

2252 - PeterSchmeichelSoccer

2253 - PGA European Tour

2254 - PGA Tour Golf

2255 - PGAEuropeanTour

2256 - PGATourGolf&TournamentCourseDisk1_0891

2257 - Phalanx

2258 - Phantasie

2259 - Phantasie III - The Wrath of Nikademus

2260 - Phantom Fighter

2261 - Pharaohs Curse

2262 - Phobia

2263 - Photon Storm

2264 - Pick'n Pile

2265 - Pictionary

2266 - Piece 'n' Space

2267 - Pierre Is Out To Lunch

2268 - Pinball Dreams

2269 - Pinball Fantasies

2270 - Pinball Fntsies

2271 - Pinball Hazard

2272 - Pinball I.Q.

2273 - Pinball Illusions

2274 - Pinball Magic

2275 - Pinball Mania

2276 - Pinball Prelude

2277 - Pinball Wizard

2278 - Pink Panther

2279 - Pinkie

2280 - Pinomania

2281 - Pipe Dream

2282 - Pipe Mania

2283 - Pipe Master II

2284 - Pipe Panic

2285 - Pipeline (Softworx)

2286 - Pipeline Nomad

2287 - Pipeline Oracle

2288 - Pirates

2289 - Pirates Gold

2290 - Pit Fighter

2291 - Pixie & Dixie

2292 - Pizza Connection

2293 - Plague

2294 - Plan 9 From Outer Space

2295 - Platoon

2296 - Player Manager

2297 - Player Manager (FR)

2298 - Player Manager 2

2299 - Player Manager 2 Extra

2300 - PlayerManager2Extra1

2301 - Playroom (FR)

2302 - Playroom, The

2303 - Plexu

2304 - Plotting

2305 - Plundered Hearts

2306 - Plutos

2307 - Pocket Rockets

2308 - Pod

2309 - Poker Nights

2310 - Poker Nights - Teresa Personally

2311 - Police Quest

2312 - Police Quest - In Pursuit of the Death Angel

2313 - Police Quest II - The Vengeance

2314 - Police Quest III - The Kindred

2315 - Pong

2316 - Pool

2317 - Pool (Kingsoft)

2318 - Pool (Mastertronic)

2319 - Pool Of Radiance

2320 - Pools Of Darkness

2321 - Popeye 2

2322 - Popeye 3 - WrestleCrazy

2323 - Populous

2324 - Populous 2 (& Challenge Games)

2325 - Populous II - Trials of the Olympian Gods

2326 - Populous World Editor

2327 - Portal

2328 - Portes Du Temps (FR)

2329 - Ports Of Call

2330 - Postman Pat

2331 - Postman Pat 3 - To the Rescue!

2332 - POW

2333 - Power

2334 - Power Drift

2335 - Power Drive

2336 - Power Pac

2337 - Power Pinball

2338 - Power Roller

2339 - Powerdrome

2340 - Powermonger

2341 - Powermonger WW1 Edition

2342 - PowerPinball

2343 - Powerplay

2344 - Powerplay

2345 - Powerplay - Le Jeu des Dieux

2346 - Powerplay (FR)

2347 - Powerstyx

2348 - PP Hammer

2349 - Prawo Krwi

2350 - Predator

2351 - Predator 2

2352 - Prehistoric Tale

2353 - Prehistorik

2354 - Premier Manager

2355 - Premier Manager 2

2356 - Premier Manager 3

2357 - Premier Manager 3

2358 - Premier Manager 3 Deluxe

2359 - Premiere

2360 - Primal Rage

2361 - Prime Mover

2362 - Prince

2363 - Prince Of Persia

2364 - PrinceDePerse_v3.1_Fr_2290

2365 - Prison

2366 - Pro Boxing Simulator

2367 - Pro Power Boat Simulator

2368 - Pro Soccer 2190

2369 - Pro Tennis Simulator (Files)

2370 - Pro Tennis Tour

2371 - Pro Tennis Tour 2

2372 - Pro Tennis Tour 2

2373 - Profezia

2374 - ProFlight

2375 - Project 1

2376 - Project Intercalaris

2377 - Project X

2378 - Project X Bonus Level

2379 - Project Xv 2

2380 - Project-X - Special Edition 93

2381 - ProjectXBonusLevel

2382 - Projectyle

2383 - Projekt Ikarus

2384 - Prophecy 1 Viking Child

2385 - ProPowerBoatSimulator_1803

2386 - ProSoccer 2190

2387 - Prospector In The Mazes Of Xor

2388 - ProTennisTour_1080

2389 - ProTennisTour2_3077

2390 - Psyborg

2391 - Psycho

2392 - Psycho Killer (TV)

2393 - Psycho Santa

2394 - Psycho Squares Deluxe

2395 - Pub Trivia Simulator

2396 - Puffys Saga

2397 - Puggsy

2398 - Punisher, The

2399 - Purple Saturn Day

2400 - Push Over

2401 - Putty

2402 - Putty Squad

2403 - Puzznic

2404 - Pyramax

2405 - Q Bic

2406 - QBall

2407 - QBic

2408 - Qix

2409 - Quadralien

2410 - Quadrel

2411 - Quadrix

2412 - Quartz

2413 - Quasar Wars

2414 - Quest For Glory

2415 - Quest for Glory II - Trial by Fire

2416 - Quest for the Time-Bird, The

2417 - Quest Of Agravain

2418 - QuestForGlory2_1868

2419 - Question Of Sport

2420 - Questron 2

2421 - Quete de l'Oiseau du Temps, La

2422 - Quicksilver Pinball

2423 - Quik Thunder Rabbit

2424 - Quiksilver Pinball

2425 - QuikTheThunderRabbita

2426 - Qwak

2427 - R-Type

2428 - R-Type II

2429 - Race Drivin

2430 - Rackneys Island

2431 - Racter

2432 - Rad van Fortuin

2433 - Raffles

2434 - Rage (Scorpius)

2435 - Raider

2436 - Raiders (FR)

2437 - Railroad Tycoon

2438 - Rainbow Islands

2439 - Rainbow Warrior

2440 - Rainy Day Disk, The

2441 - Rally Championships

2442 - Rally Cross Challenge

2443 - RallyChampionships

2444 - Rambo 3

2445 - Rampage

2446 - Rampart

2447 - Ran X

2448 - Ran X (FR)

2449 - Rasende Reporter, Der

2450 - RasterBike

2451 - Rat Trap

2452 - RBI 2 Baseball

2453 - Reach for the Stars - Conquest of the Galaxy - Third Edition

2454 - Read&Rhyme

2455 - Real Genius

2456 - Real Ghostbusters

2457 - Real Popeye

2458 - Realms

2459 - Realms Of Arkania

2460 - RealPopeye

2461 - Reasoning with Trolls

2462 - Rebel Charge at Chickamauga

2463 - Rebellion

2464 - Red Baron

2465 - Red Heat

2466 - Red Lightning

2467 - Red Storm Rising

2468 - Red Zone

2469 - RedZone

2470 - Reflexity

2471 - Renaissance

2472 - Renegade

2473 - Renegade 3

2474 - Renegades

2475 - Rescue

2476 - Resolution 101

2477 - Retee 2!

2478 - Retee!

2479 - Return Of The Jedi

2480 - Return To Atlantis

2481 - Return To Genesis

2482 - Reunion

2483 - Revelation

2484 - Revenge Of Defender

2485 - Revenge Of Mutant Camels

2486 - Revenge Of Mutant Camels 2

2487 - Reverse

2488 - Reversi

2489 - Rick Dangerous

2490 - Rick Dangerous 2

2491 - Rings Of Medusa

2492 - Rings Of Medusa (FR)

2493 - Rings Of Medusa Gold

2494 - Ringside

2495 - Rise Of The Dragon

2496 - Rise of the Rabbits (1997)(Pink Pig Software)

2497 - Rise of the Rabbits 2 (1998)(Pink Pig Software)

2498 - Rise Of The Robots

2499 - Rise of the West

2500 - Risk

2501 - Risk - The World Conquest Game

2502 - Riskant!

2503 - Risky Woods

2504 - Road Blasters

2505 - Road Rash

2506 - Road Wars

2507 - Roadkill

2508 - Roadwar 2000

2509 - Roadwar Europa

2510 - Robbeary

2511 - Robin Hood - Legend Quest

2512 - Robinsons Requiem

2513 - Robo Cop

2514 - Robo Cop 2

2515 - Robo Cop 3

2516 - Robo Cop 3

2517 - Robo Sport

2518 - Robot Reader - Chicken Little

2519 - Robot Reader Aesops Fables

2520 - Roboter

2521 - Robotnic

2522 - Robozone

2523 - Rock Challenge

2524 - Rock N Roll

2525 - Rock Star (FR)

2526 - Rock Star Ate My Hamster

2527 - Rocket Attack

2528 - Rocket Ranger

2529 - Rockford

2530 - RockNRoll_0801

2531 - RockStar - Never Trust Rotten Tangerines

2532 - Rockstar NTRT (PL)

2533 - RockStar_Fr

2534 - Rod Land

2535 - Rody & Mastico

2536 - Rody & Mastico (FR)

2537 - Rody & Mastico 2 (FR)

2538 - Rody & Mastico 3 (FR)

2539 - Rody & Mastico 4 Rody Noel (FR)

2540 - Rody & Mastico 5 (FR)

2541 - Rody & Mastico 6 (FR)

2542 - Rogue

2543 - Rogue Trooper

2544 - Roketz

2545 - Roll Or Die

2546 - Roll-out

2547 - Roller Coaster Rumbler

2548 - Rolling Ronny

2549 - RollOrDie

2550 - Romance of the Three Kingdoms

2551 - Rome AD 92

2552 - Rorke's Drift

2553 - Roton

2554 - Rotor

2555 - Rotox

2556 - Roue de la Fortune, La

2557 - Roulette-Royal

2558 - Round The Bend

2559 - Round the Bend! - Doc Croc's Outrageous Adventures!

2560 - Roundabout

2561 - RoundTheBend

2562 - RType.1_0940

2563 - RType2_2065

2564 - Rubicon

2565 - Ruesselsheim

2566 - Ruff 'n' Tumble

2567 - Ruff & Reddy Space Adventure

2568 - Ruffian

2569 - Rugby League Coach

2570 - Rugby The World Cup

2571 - Rules of Engagement

2572 - Run The Gauntlet

2573 - Running Man, The

2574 - Rushhour

2575 - RVF Honda

2576 - Ryder Cup - Johnnie Walker

2577 - Rygar

2578 - S.D.I. - Now the Odds are Even

2579 - Sabre Team

2580 - Safari Guns

2581 - Safari Guns (FR)

2582 - SafariGuns

2583 - SafariGuns_Fr

2584 - Saint & Greavsie

2585 - Saint Dragon

2586 - Saint&Greavsie

2587 - SaintDragon_1079

2588 - Salmon Pink Max

2589 - Sanctuary

2590 - Santa's Xmas Caper

2591 - Sarakon

2592 - Sarcophaser

2593 - Sargon III

2594 - SAS Combat Simulator

2595 - SAS Combat Simulator Q Arcade

2596 - SAS Combat Simulator Q Fight

2597 - SASCombatSimulator_QuattroArcade

2598 - Sat.1 Bingo

2599 - Satan

2600 - Savage

2601 - Scapeghost

2602 - Schelober's Quest for a Babe

2603 - Schmutzige Erbe

2604 - Schwarze Auge

2605 - Scooby Doo & Scrappy Doo

2606 - Scorched Tanks

2607 - Scorpio

2608 - Scorpion

2609 - Scrabble

2610 - Scramble Spirits

2611 - Scrolling Walls

2612 - SDI Cinemaware

2613 - SeaHaven Towers

2614 - Seastalker

2615 - Second Samurai

2616 - Seconds Out

2617 - SecondSamurai_0721

2618 - Secret Of Monkey Island

2619 - Secret Of Monkey Island (FR)

2620 - Secret of Monkey Island, The

2621 - Secret Of The Silver Blades

2622 - Seek & Destroy

2623 - Seelenturm

2624 - Sensible Golf

2625 - Sensible Soccer

2626 - Sensible Soccer - European Champions

2627 - Sensible Soccer - International Edition

2628 - Sensible Soccer Bulldog Blty

2629 - Sensible Soccer Euro

2630 - Sensible Soccer Int Ed

2631 - Sensible Soccer Intl Ed

2632 - Sensible Train Spotting

2633 - Sensible World of Moon Soccer

2634 - Sensible World Of Soccer

2635 - Sensible World of Soccer '95-'96

2636 - Sensible World of Soccer '95-'96 - European Championship Edition

2637 - Sensible World of Soccer '96-'97

2638 - Sensible World Of Soccer Euro

2639 - Sensible World Of Soccer World Champion 98

2640 - SensibleSoccer_1MB_0384

2641 - SensibleSoccerBulldogBlighty

2642 - SensibleSoccerEuropeanChampions_1MB_0722

2643 - SensibleSoccerInternationalEdition

2644 - SensibleTrainSpotting

2645 - SensibleWorldOfMoonSoccerDemo

2646 - Senso

2647 - Sentinel

2648 - Serie

2649 - Settlers

2650 - Settlers (FR)

2651 - Seven Cities Of Gold

2652 - Seven Gates Of Jambala (Files)

2653 - Severed Heads

2654 - Sex Olympics

2655 - Sextimates

2656 - Sexy Droids

2657 - Seymour Goes To Hollywood

2658 - Shadow Dancer

2659 - Shadow Fighter

2660 - Shadow Of The Beast

2661 - Shadow Of The Beast 2

2662 - Shadow Of The Beast 3

2663 - Shadow Sorcerer (DE,FR,IT)

2664 - Shadow Warriors

2665 - ShadowFighter

2666 - Shadowgate

2667 - Shadowlands

2668 - Shadoworlds

2669 - Shanghai

2670 - Shanghai (FR)

2671 - Shapes

2672 - Shaq Fu

2673 - Sharkey's Moll

2674 - She Fox

2675 - Shepherd, The

2676 - Sherlock - The Riddle of the Crown Jewels

2677 - Sherman M4

2678 - Shiftrix

2679 - Shinobi

2680 - Shock Wave

2681 - Shortgrey (FR)

2682 - Shuffle

2683 - Shufflepuck Cafe

2684 - Shuttle

2685 - Shuttle - The Space Flight Simulator

2686 - Side Arms

2687 - Side Show

2688 - Side Winder

2689 - Side Winder 2

2690 - SideShow

2691 - Siedler

2692 - Sierra Soccer

2693 - Silent Service

2694 - Silent Service - The Submarine Simulation

2695 - Silent Service 2

2696 - Silicon Dreams

2697 - Silkworm

2698 - Silly Putty

2699 - Silver Eagle

2700 - Sim Ant Hi Res

2701 - Sim Ant Hi Res (FR)

2702 - Sim Ant Lo Res (FR)

2703 - Sim City

2704 - Sim City 12

2705 - Sim Earth Hi Res

2706 - Sim Earth Hi Res (FR)

2707 - Sim Earth Lo Res (FR)

2708 - Sim Life

2709 - SimCity

2710 - SimEarth_HiRes

2711 - SimEarth_HiRes_Fr_2645

2712 - SimLife

2713 - Simon The Sorcerer

2714 - Simon The Sorcerer (FR)

2715 - Simpsons, The - Bart vs. The World

2716 - Simulcra

2717 - Simulcra.1

2718 - Simulman 01 - Simulman

2719 - Sinbad

2720 - Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon

2721 - Sink Or Swim

2722 - Sir Fred - The Legend

2723 - Sixiang

2724 - Skaermtrolden Hugo (DK)

2725 - Skarbnik

2726 - Skate Of The Art

2727 - SkautKwatermastera

2728 - Skeet Shoot

2729 - Skeleton Krew

2730 - Ski Or Die

2731 - Skidmarks

2732 - Skidoo

2733 - Skidz

2734 - Skrull

2735 - Skull & Crossbones

2736 - Skweek

2737 - Sky Chase

2738 - Sky Chase Fast

2739 - Sky High Stuntman

2740 - Skyfox

2741 - Skyfox II - The Cygnus Conflict

2742 - SkyHighStuntman

2743 - Skyworker

2744 - Slackskin & Flint

2745 - Slam Raid

2746 - Slam Tilt

2747 - Slam Tilt - The Pinball Game

2748 - Slayer

2749 - Slaygon

2750 - Sleeping Gods Lie

2751 - Sleepwalker

2752 - Sleepwalker_0577

2753 - Sliders

2754 - Slightly Magic

2755 - Slip Stream

2756 - Sly Spy Secret Agent

2757 - Smash

2758 - Smash TV

2759 - Snakes and Ladders

2760 - Snapperazzi

2761 - Sneech

2762 - Snoball in Hell

2763 - Snoopy & Peanuts

2764 - Snoopy&Peanuts

2765 - Snow Bros (Files)

2766 - Snow Strike

2767 - Soccer Kid

2768 - Soccer Pinball

2769 - Soccer Rivals

2770 - Soccer Superstars

2771 - Soccer Supremo

2772 - SoccerKid

2773 - Soeldner

2774 - Software Manager

2775 - Soko

2776 - Soldier 2000

2777 - Soldier Of Light

2778 - Solid Gold

2779 - Solomons Key 2

2780 - Son Shu Shi

2781 - Sonic Boom

2782 - Sooty & Sweep

2783 - Sooty&Sweepa

2784 - Sootys Fun With Numbers

2785 - Sophelie

2786 - Sorcerer Lord

2787 - Sorcerer Lord (FR)

2788 - SorcerersApprentice

2789 - Sorcerors Apprentice

2790 - Sorcery Plus

2791 - SorceryPlus2_1562

2792 - Sorefist

2793 - Soul Crystal

2794 - Space Ace

2795 - Space Ace II - Borf's Revenge

2796 - Space Assault

2797 - Space Conquest - A Galactic Odyssey

2798 - Space Crusade

2799 - Space Crusade & Voyage Beyond

2800 - Space Gun

2801 - Space Harrier

2802 - Space Harrier - Return To The Fantasy Zone

2803 - Space Harrier 2

2804 - Space Hulk

2805 - Space MAX

2806 - Space Pilot 89

2807 - Space Quest

2808 - Space Quest - The Sarien Encounter

2809 - Space Quest (Enhanced)

2810 - Space Quest II - Vohaul's Revenge

2811 - Space Quest III - The Pirates of Pestulon

2812 - Space Quest IV - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers

2813 - Space Racer

2814 - Space Racer (FR)

2815 - Space Rogue

2816 - Space Station

2817 - SpaceAceDemo

2818 - SpaceAssault

2819 - Spaceball

2820 - Spacecutter

2821 - SpaceGun

2822 - SpaceHarrier_NTSC

2823 - SpaceHarrier&ReturnToFantasyZone

2824 - SpaceHarrier2_1121

2825 - SpaceHulk_1279

2826 - SpaceMAX

2827 - SpacePilot89

2828 - Spaceport

2829 - SpaceQuestEnhanced_2222

2830 - SpaceQuestEnhanced_MT32_2222

2831 - SpaceRacer_0580

2832 - SpaceRacer_Fr_2408

2833 - SpaceRanger_v0.1_Arcadia

2834 - SpaceRogue_2069

2835 - SpaceStation_1615

2836 - Spacewrecked_NTSC_2017

2837 - Spatial Hyperdrive

2838 - Special Forces

2839 - SpecialForces_0728

2840 - Speed

2841 - Speed Buggy

2842 - Speedball

2843 - Speedball 2

2844 - Speedboat Assassins

2845 - SpeedBuggy_NTSC

2846 - Spell Book

2847 - Spell Bound

2848 - Spellbound Dizzy

2849 - Spellbound Dizzy & Dizzy Panic

2850 - Spellbreaker

2851 - Spellfire The Sorcerer

2852 - Speris Legacy

2853 - SperisLegacy

2854 - Spherical

2855 - Spherical Worlds

2856 - Spherical_0977

2857 - SphericalWorlds.1_

2858 - Spiderman - Il ritorno di Hobgoblin

2859 - Spiderman 2 - ...e ora, Carnage!

2860 - Spiderman 3 - Destino Incrociato!

2861 - Spike In Transylvania

2862 - Spindizzy Worlds

2863 - Spirit Of Adventure

2864 - SpiritOfExcalibur1_1586

2865 - Spitting Image

2866 - Spoils of War

2867 - Spot

2868 - Spy Vs Spy

2869 - Spy vs Spy II - The Island Caper

2870 - Spy vs Spy III - Arctic Antics

2871 - Spy Who Loved Me

2872 - SpyWhoLovedMe_2186

2873 - Sqrxz

2874 - Sqrxz1

2875 - Squarestone

2876 - St. Thomas

2877 - Stable Masters

2878 - Stable Masters II

2879 - Stable Masters III

2880 - Stack Up

2881 - StackUp_0381

2882 - Stadt der Loewen, Die

2883 - Stalingrad

2884 - Star Breaker

2885 - Star Command

2886 - Star Control

2887 - Star Crusader

2888 - Star Goose

2889 - Star Goose!

2890 - Star Ray

2891 - Star Trash

2892 - Star Trek 25th Anniv

2893 - Star Trek 25th Anniv (FR)

2894 - Star Wars

2895 - Starbirds

2896 - Starblade

2897 - Starblade (FR)

2898 - Starblade_Fast

2899 - Starblaze

2900 - StarCommand_0989

2901 - StarControl

2902 - StarCrusader_2349

2903 - Stardust

2904 - Stardust_2102

2905 - Starflight

2906 - Starflight II - Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula

2907 - Starglider

2908 - Starglider 2

2909 - Starglider_0174

2910 - StarGoose_1055

2911 - Starians

2912 - Starlord

2913 - Starlord (FR)

2914 - StarRay_v3.0_1Disk_1721

2915 - StarTrash_0695

2916 - StarTrek25thAnniversary_1466

2917 - StarTrek25thAnniversary_Fr_1752

2918 - Starush

2919 - Statix

2920 - Steel

2921 - Steel Empire

2922 - Steg The Slug

2923 - Steigar

2924 - Steigenberger Hotelmanager

2925 - Stellar 7

2926 - Stellar Crusade

2927 - Stir Crazy Featuring Bobo

2928 - Stone Age

2929 - Storm Master

2930 - Storm Master (FR)

2931 - Stormball

2932 - Stormlord

2933 - Stormlord (Prerelease)

2934 - Stormlord_NTSC

2935 - StormMaster

2936 - StormMaster_Fast

2937 - Stormtrooper

2938 - Stratego

2939 - Stratego.1

2940 - Street Fighter

2941 - Street Fighter 2

2942 - Street Fighter II - The World Warrior

2943 - Street Gang

2944 - Street Racer

2945 - Street Rod

2946 - Street Rod 2

2947 - Street Sports Basketball

2948 - StreetFighter

2949 - StreetFighter2_0882

2950 - StreetGang

2951 - StreetRacer

2952 - StreetRod2

2953 - StreetSportsBasketball_NTSC_0953

2954 - Stres

2955 - Strider

2956 - Strider 2

2957 - Strider_1224

2958 - Strider2_0386

2959 - Strike Aces

2960 - StrikeAces_NTSC_1485

2961 - Strikefleet

2962 - Striker

2963 - Striker_1075

2964 - Strikes -N- Spares Professional

2965 - Strip Poker

2966 - Strip Poker 2

2967 - Strip Poker 2+

2968 - Strip Pot

2969 - StripPoker

2970 - StripPot

2971 - Struggle

2972 - Stryx

2973 - STUN Runner

2974 - Stunt Car Racer

2975 - Stunt Car Racer TNT

2976 - Stunt Track Racer

2977 - Sturmtruppen - The Video Game

2978 - Sub Battle Simulator

2979 - Subbuteo

2980 - Subtrade

2981 - Subtrade - Return to Irata

2982 - Suburban Commando

2983 - Subwar 2050

2984 - Summer Camp

2985 - Summer Challenge

2986 - Summer Games

2987 - Summer Games & Summer Games 2

2988 - Summer Games 2

2989 - Summer Olympiad

2990 - Sunny Spells

2991 - Supaplex

2992 - Super Bob Dylan

2993 - Super C

2994 - Super C Fast

2995 - Super Cars

2996 - Super Cars 2

2997 - Super Cauldron

2998 - Super Grand Prix

2999 - Super Grid Runner

3000 - Super Hang On

3001 - Super Hang-On

3002 - Super League Manager

3003 - Super Loopz

3004 - Super Methane Bros

3005 - Super Monaco GP

3006 - Super Obliteration

3007 - Super Off Road

3008 - Super Os WALD (DK)

3009 - Super Putty

3010 - Super Scramble Simulator

3011 - Super Seymour Saves Planet

3012 - Super Ski

3013 - Super Ski (FR)

3014 - Super Ski 2

3015 - Super Skidmarks

3016 - Super SkidMarks (OCS & AGA)

3017 - Super Skweek

3018 - Super Skweek (1 MB)

3019 - Super Space Invaders

3020 - Super Sport Challenge

3021 - Super Stardust

3022 - Super Street Fighter 2

3023 - Super Street Fighter 2

3024 - Super Street Fighter 2 DX

3025 - Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo

3026 - Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers

3027 - Super TaeKwonDo Master

3028 - Super Tennis Championships

3029 - Super Tennis Championships (& Data Disks)

3030 - Super Tennis Champs

3031 - Super Tetris

3032 - Super Twintris

3033 - SuperCa

3034 - SuperCa_Fast

3035 - SuperCars_1Disk_1528

3036 - SuperCars_2Disk_1527

3037 - SuperCars2_0224

3038 - SuperCauldron

3039 - Superfrog

3040 - Superfrog

3041 - Superfrog (Amiga Action)

3042 - Superfrog (CU Amiga)

3043 - Superfrog (The One)

3044 - Superfrog_0035

3045 - SuperfrogDemo_AmigaAction

3046 - SuperfrogDemo_CUAmiga

3047 - SuperfrogDemo_TheOne

3048 - SuperGrandPrix_2145

3049 - SuperGridRunner

3050 - SuperHangOn_0816

3051 - Superhero

3052 - SuperheroDemo

3053 - SuperLoopz

3054 - Superman

3055 - SuperMethaneBros

3056 - SuperMonacoGP

3057 - SuperObliteration

3058 - SuperOffRoada_0387

3059 - SuperOffRoada_NTSC

3060 - SuperOsWALD_Dk

3061 - SuperPuttya

3062 - SuperScrambleSimulator

3063 - SuperSeymourSavesThePlanet

3064 - SuperSki_2492

3065 - SuperSki_Fr

3066 - SuperSki2_v0501.1

3067 - SuperSkidmarks

3068 - SuperSkidmarks_LowMem

3069 - SuperSkweek_1MB_1935&2403

3070 - SuperSkweek_512KB_1935&2403

3071 - SuperSpaceInvaders

3072 - SuperSpaceInvaders_NTSC

3073 - Superstar Ice Hockey

3074 - SuperStardust_0175

3075 - SuperstarIceHockey_0088

3076 - SuperStreetFighter2

3077 - SuperStreetFighter2_0147

3078 - SuperStreetFighter2DX

3079 - SuperStreetFighter2Turbo

3080 - SuperStreetFighter2Turbo_0735

3081 - SuperTennisChamps

3082 - SuperTennisChamps&DataDisks

3083 - SuperTetris_2646

3084 - SuperTwintris

3085 - Supremacy

3086 - Supremacy_1384

3087 - Surf Ninjas

3088 - SurfNinjas_1291

3089 - Surgeon, The

3090 - Suspicious Cargo

3091 - SuspiciousCargo_0148

3092 - Svetak Bob

3093 - Swap

3094 - Swap (FR)

3095 - Switchblade

3096 - Switchblade 2

3097 - Switchblade II

3098 - SWIV

3099 - SWIV_0038

3100 - Swooper

3101 - Sword

3102 - Sword & The Rose

3103 - Sword & The Rose, The

3104 - Sword Of Honour

3105 - Sword Of Sodan

3106 - Sword&TheRose

3107 - Swords & Galleons

3108 - Swords Of Twilight

3109 - Swords&Galleons

3110 - Syndicate

3111 - Syndicate

3112 - SyndicateAmericanRevolt

3113 - T Bird

3114 - T Racer

3115 - T Tec Maze

3116 - T Zer 0

3117 - T Zer 0 (No Movie)

3118 - Table Tennis Simulation

3119 - TableHockey_v0.1_Arcadia

3120 - Taekwondo

3121 - Tajemnica Bursztynowej Komnaty

3122 - Take Em Out

3123 - Take-em-Out

3124 - TakeEmOut

3125 - Tanglewood

3126 - Tanglewood_1623

3127 - Tangram

3128 - Tangram2

3129 - Tank Attack

3130 - Tanx

3131 - Taran im Abenteuerland

3132 - Targhan

3133 - Targhan

3134 - Targhan (FR)

3135 - Targhan (FR)

3136 - Tas, De

3137 - Task Force

3138 - Tass Times In Tonetown

3139 - TassTimesInTonetown_0390

3140 - TBird

3141 - Team Suzuki

3142 - Team Yankee

3143 - TeamSuzuki_1767

3144 - TeamYankee_0150

3145 - Tearaway Thomas

3146 - TearawayThomas

3147 - Tech

3148 - Technocop

3149 - Technology 2

3150 - Technology2

3151 - Tecnoball

3152 - Tee Off!

3153 - Teenage Mtnt Hero Turtles

3154 - Teenage Mtnt Hero Turtles (C Op)

3155 - Teenage Mtnt Ninja Turtles

3156 - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - The Coin-op!

3157 - Teenage Queen

3158 - TeenageMutantHeroTurtles_0587

3159 - TeenageMutantHeroTurtlesCoinOp_2301

3160 - TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles

3161 - TeenageQueen_0225

3162 - Telekommando II, Das

3163 - Telekommando!, Das

3164 - Teller (FR)

3165 - Teller_Fr

3166 - Teller, The

3167 - Temple Of Apshai Trilogy

3168 - TempleOfApshaiTrilogy

3169 - Tennis Champs

3170 - Tennis Cup

3171 - Tennis Cup (1MB)

3172 - Tennis Cup (1MB) (FR)

3173 - Tennis Cup (512KB)

3174 - Tennis Cup (512KB) (FR)

3175 - Tennis Cup 2

3176 - Tennis Cup II

3177 - TennisChamps

3178 - TennisCup2_0738

3179 - TennisCupa_1Mb_0737

3180 - TennisCupa_512Kb_0737

3181 - TennisCupa_Fr_1Mb_1638

3182 - TennisCupa_Fr_512Kb_1638

3183 - TenPinBowling_v0.1_Arcadia

3184 - Tensai

3185 - TensaiDemo

3186 - Teo

3187 - Teresa - House Guest

3188 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day

3189 - Terminator 2 Arcade

3190 - Terminator 2 Judgment Day

3191 - Terminator2Arcade_0151

3192 - Terminator2JudgmentDay_1339

3193 - Terramex

3194 - Terramex_0391

3195 - Terran Envoy

3196 - Terror Liner

3197 - Terrorpods

3198 - Terrorpods_0152

3199 - Terrys Big Adventure

3200 - TerrysBigAdventure_1058

3201 - Test Drive

3202 - Test Drive 2

3203 - Test Drive 2 (Data Disks)

3204 - Test Drive II - The Duel

3205 - Test Match Cricket

3206 - TestDrive_0089

3207 - TestDrive2_0588

3208 - Tetra Quest

3209 - TetraQuest

3210 - Tetris (Mirrorsoft)

3211 - Tetris (Spectrum HoloByte)

3212 - Tetris Infogrames

3213 - Tetris Mirrorsoft

3214 - Tetris Pro

3215 - Tetris_Infogrames

3216 - Tetris_Mirrorsoft

3217 - TetrisPro.1

3218 - Tetrix

3219 - Tex 01 - Mefisto

3220 - Th!nk Cross

3221 - Theatre Of Death

3222 - TheatreOfDeath_0254

3223 - Their Finest Hour

3224 - Their Finest Hour (& Missions)

3225 - TheirFinestHour_0037

3226 - TheirFinestHour&Missions_0037&1369

3227 - Theme Park

3228 - Theme Park

3229 - Theme Park Mystery

3230 - Theme Park Mystery - Variations on a Theme

3231 - ThemePark_0090

3232 - ThemePark_0153

3233 - ThemeParkMystery_0592

3234 - ThemeParkMystery_NTSC_1175

3235 - Thexder

3236 - Thexder_0392

3237 - Think Twice

3238 - Think!

3239 - Third Courier

3240 - ThirdCourier_0593

3241 - Thomas Tank Eng Pinball

3242 - Thomas The Tank Engine

3243 - Thomas The Tank Engine 2

3244 - Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends Pinball

3245 - ThomasTheTankEngine_2203

3246 - ThomasTheTankEngine2_2204

3247 - ThomasTheTankEnginePinball

3248 - ThomasTheTankEnginePinball_2629

3249 - Three Musketeers, The

3250 - Three Stooges

3251 - Three Stooges, The

3252 - ThreeStooges_NTSC_0740

3253 - Thromulus - The Enemy Within

3254 - Thunder Blade

3255 - Thunder Blade

3256 - Thunder Boy

3257 - Thunder Burner

3258 - Thunder Cats

3259 - Thunder Hawk AH 73 M

3260 - Thunder Hawk AH 73 M

3261 - Thunder Hawk AH 73 M (FR)

3262 - Thunder Jaws

3263 - Thunder Strike

3264 - Thunderbirds

3265 - Thunderbirds_0742

3266 - ThunderBlade_0393

3267 - ThunderBlade_NTSC_0948

3268 - ThunderBoy

3269 - ThunderBurner_2412

3270 - ThunderCats_1783

3271 - ThunderHawkAH73M.1

3272 - ThunderHawkAH73M.1_0039

3273 - ThunderHawkAH73M.1_Fr

3274 - ThunderJaws_0293

3275 - ThunderStrike_0406

3276 - Tic Tac Toe

3277 - Tie Break

3278 - TieBreak

3279 - Tiger Road

3280 - TigerRoad

3281 - Time

3282 - Time

3283 - Time (FR)

3284 - Time And Magik

3285 - Time and Magik - The Trilogy

3286 - Time Bandit

3287 - Time Lock

3288 - Time Machine

3289 - Time Race

3290 - Time Runners 01

3291 - Time Runners 02

3292 - Time Runners 03

3293 - Time Runners 04

3294 - Time Runners 05

3295 - Time Runners 06

3296 - Time Runners 07

3297 - Time Runners 08

3298 - Time Runners 09

3299 - Time Runners 10

3300 - Time Runners 11

3301 - Time Runners 12

3302 - Time Runners 13

3303 - Time Runners 14

3304 - Time Runners 15

3305 - Time Runners 16

3306 - Time Runners 17

3307 - Time Runners 18

3308 - Time Runners 19

3309 - Time Runners 20

3310 - Time Runners 21

3311 - Time Runners 22

3312 - Time Runners 23

3313 - Time Runners 24

3314 - Time Runners 25

3315 - Time Runners 26

3316 - Time Runners 27

3317 - Time Runners 28

3318 - Time Runners 29

3319 - Time Runners 30

3320 - Time Runners Series

3321 - Time Scanner

3322 - Time Soldier

3323 - Time_1697

3324 - Time_Fr_2644

3325 - TimeAndMagik

3326 - TimeBandit

3327 - Timekeepers

3328 - TimeLock

3329 - TimeMachine_0974

3330 - TimeRace_2420

3331 - Times Of Lore

3332 - TimeScanner_1060

3333 - TimesOfLore_2777

3334 - TimeSoldier

3335 - Tin Toy Adventure

3336 - Tin Toy Adventure in the House of Fun

3337 - Tintin on the Moon

3338 - Tintin On The Moon (Files)

3339 - Tintin On The Moon (Image)

3340 - TintinOnTheMoon_Files_1778

3341 - TintinOnTheMoon_Image_1778

3342 - TinToyAdventure

3343 - Tiny Skweeks

3344 - Tiny Troops

3345 - Tiny Troops

3346 - Tiny Troops

3347 - TinySkweeks_2402

3348 - TinyTroops

3349 - TinyTroops_

3350 - Tip Off

3351 - Tip Off

3352 - Tip Off (DE,ES,FR,IT)

3353 - TipOff_1551

3354 - TipOff_NTSC

3355 - TipOffEsFrIt_1269

3356 - Tischtennis

3357 - Titan

3358 - Titan_1913

3359 - Titanic Blinky

3360 - TitanicBlinky

3361 - Titano

3362 - Titus The Fox

3363 - TitusTheFox_0226

3364 - To the Rhine - The Allied Advance in the West

3365 - Toki

3366 - Toki_0040

3367 - Tom And The Ghost

3368 - Tom Landry Football

3369 - Tom Landry Football Deluxe

3370 - Tom Landry Strategy Football

3371 - Tom Landry Strategy Football - Deluxe Edition

3372 - TomAndTheGhost_2298

3373 - TomLandryStrategyFootball

3374 - TomLandryStrategyFootballDeluxe_1845

3375 - Tommy Gun

3376 - TommyGun

3377 - Tony & Friends

3378 - Tony & Friends in Kellogg's Land

3379 - Tony&FriendsInKelloggsLand

3380 - Toobin

3381 - Top Banana

3382 - Top Cat

3383 - Top Gear 2

3384 - Top Gear 2

3385 - Top Secret

3386 - TopBanana

3387 - TopCat

3388 - TopGear2

3389 - TopGear2_1737

3390 - TopGear2_1858

3391 - TopSecret

3392 - Torch 2081

3393 - Tornado

3394 - Tornado

3395 - Tornado Ground Attack

3396 - Tornado_0807

3397 - TornadoGroundAttack

3398 - Torvak The Warrior

3399 - TorvakTheWarrior_1796

3400 - Total Carnage

3401 - Total Carnage

3402 - Total Eclipse

3403 - Total Football

3404 - Total Recall

3405 - Total Recall (Files)

3406 - Total Recall (Image)

3407 - TotalCarnage_1926

3408 - TotalEclipse_2255

3409 - TotalEclipse_NTSC_1973

3410 - TotalFootball_0154

3411 - TotalRecall_Files_1770

3412 - TotalRecall_Image_1769

3413 - Tots Time

3414 - Touchdown

3415 - Tournament Golf

3416 - TournamentGolf_1278

3417 - Tower Of Babel

3418 - Tower Of Souls

3419 - Tower Toppler

3420 - TowerOfBabel_1056

3421 - TowerOfSouls_2212

3422 - TowerToppler_NTSC_1392

3423 - Town With No Name (TV)

3424 - TownWithNoName_TV

3425 - Toyota Celica GT Rally

3426 - ToyotaCelicaGTRally_1766

3427 - Toyottes (Files)

3428 - Toyottes (Image)

3429 - Toyottesa_Files_2623

3430 - Toyottesa_Image_2623

3431 - TRacer

3432 - Tracers

3433 - Track Suit Manager

3434 - Tracker

3435 - Trackera_0743

3436 - Tracon II

3437 - Traders

3438 - Traders

3439 - Traders0

3440 - Traders0_1584

3441 - Trained Assassin

3442 - TrainedAssassin

3443 - Transarctica

3444 - Transarctica

3445 - Transarctica_0744

3446 - Transplant

3447 - Transplant1

3448 - Transworld

3449 - Transworld

3450 - Transworld_2837

3451 - Transylvania

3452 - Traps N Treasures

3453 - Traps N Treasures

3454 - TrapsNTreasures

3455 - Trax

3456 - Treasure Island Dizzy

3457 - Treasure Island Dizzy

3458 - Treasure Trap

3459 - TreasureIslandDizzy

3460 - TreasureIslandDizzy_0594

3461 - Treasures Of Savage Frontier

3462 - Treasures of the Savage Frontier

3463 - TreasuresOfTheSavageFrontier_NTSC_0992

3464 - TreasureTrap1_1731

3465 - Treble Champions

3466 - Trex Warrior

3467 - Trex Warrior - 22nd Century Gladiator

3468 - TrexWarrior

3469 - Trian GO

3470 - TrianGO

3471 - TrianGO_1909

3472 - Tricky Quiky Games

3473 - Tricky-Quiky-Games - Die Suche nach den Verschollenen Seiten

3474 - TrickyQuikyGames

3475 - Triple X

3476 - TripleX_2048

3477 - Trivia Game Show

3478 - Trivia Trove

3479 - Trivial Pursuit

3480 - Trivial Pursuit

3481 - Trivial Pursuit - A New Beginning

3482 - Trivial Pursuit (FR)

3483 - Trivial Pursuit New Begin

3484 - Trivial Pursuit New Begin

3485 - Trivial Pursuit New Begin (FR)

3486 - TrivialPursuit

3487 - TrivialPursuit_0595

3488 - TrivialPursuit_Fr_2147

3489 - TrivialPursuitANewBeginning_0091

3490 - TrivialPursuitANewBeginning_1785

3491 - TrivialPursuitANewBeginning_Fr

3492 - Troddlers

3493 - Troddlers_0696

3494 - Trog

3495 - Trolls

3496 - Trolls

3497 - Trolls_0996

3498 - Truckin On II

3499 - Trump Castle

3500 - Trump Castle II

3501 - Tube Warriors

3502 - TubeWarriors

3503 - Tubular Worlds

3504 - Tubular Worlds (1 MB)

3505 - TubularWorlds

3506 - TubularWorlds_1MB

3507 - TubularWorlds_512KB

3508 - Tunnels of Armageddon

3509 - Turbo

3510 - Turbo Cup

3511 - Turbo Cup (FR)

3512 - Turbo Out Run

3513 - Turbo Raketti 2 (FI)

3514 - Turbo Trax (Arcane)

3515 - Turbo Trax Arcane

3516 - Turbo Trax Arcane (1 MB)

3517 - TurboCup

3518 - TurboCup_Fr_2409

3519 - TurboOutRun_1064

3520 - TurboRaketti2_Fi

3521 - TurboTrax_Arcane_1MB_0156

3522 - TurboTrax_Arcane_512KB_0156

3523 - Turn N Burn

3524 - TurnNBurn_2523

3525 - Turrican

3526 - Turrican

3527 - Turrican (TV)

3528 - Turrican 2

3529 - Turrican 2

3530 - Turrican 2 (TV)

3531 - Turrican 3

3532 - Turrican 3

3533 - Turrican II - The Final Fight

3534 - Turrican_0092

3535 - Turrican_NTSC_1838

3536 - Turrican_TV

3537 - Turrican2_0029

3538 - Turrican2_TV

3539 - Turrican2Demo

3540 - Turrican3_2633

3541 - Turrican3Demo

3542 - TurricanDemo

3543 - Tusker

3544 - TV Sports Baseball

3545 - TV Sports Basketball

3546 - TV Sports Boxing

3547 - TV Sports Football

3548 - TVSportsBaseball_0754

3549 - TVSportsBasketball_2122

3550 - TVSportsBoxing_0755

3551 - TVSportsFootball3_0407

3552 - Twilight Knights

3553 - Twilight Zone, The

3554 - Twilight's Ransom

3555 - Twin Turbos

3556 - Twin World

3557 - Twintris

3558 - TwinTurbos

3559 - TwinWorld_1294

3560 - Two of a Kind

3561 - Two-Up

3562 - Twylyte

3563 - Twylytea_0746

3564 - Typhoon

3565 - Typhoon Thompson

3566 - Typhoon Thompson in Search for the Sea Child

3567 - Typhoon_1361

3568 - TyphoonThompson_NTSC_1389

3569 - TZer0Demo

3570 - TZer0Demo_NoMovie

3571 - U.N. Squadron

3572 - UFO - Enemy Unknown

3573 - UFO Enemy Unknown

3574 - UFOEnemyUnknown

3575 - UFOEnemyUnknown_0157

3576 - UFOEnemyUnknown_1677

3577 - Ugh

3578 - Ugh_0396

3579 - Ultima 3

3580 - Ultima 4

3581 - Ultima 5

3582 - Ultima 6

3583 - Ultima III - Exodus

3584 - Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar

3585 - Ultima VI - The False Prophet

3586 - Ultima3

3587 - Ultima4_NTSC_1390

3588 - Ultima5_0785

3589 - Ultima6_0294

3590 - Ultimate Body Blows

3591 - Ultimate Golf

3592 - Ultimate Pinball Quest

3593 - Ultimate Pinball Quest, The

3594 - Ultimate Quiz II, The

3595 - Ultimate Quiz, The

3596 - Ultimate Ride

3597 - Ultimate Ride, The

3598 - Ultimate Soccer Manager

3599 - Ultimate X Treme Racing

3600 - UltimateBodyBlows

3601 - UltimateGolf_2129

3602 - UltimatePinballQuest1

3603 - UltimateRide_2306

3604 - UltimateXTremeRacing_

3605 - UMS 2 Nations At War

3606 - UMS2NationsAtWar_2137

3607 - UN Squadron

3608 - Under Pressure

3609 - UnderPressure

3610 - Uninvited

3611 - Universal Military Sim

3612 - Universal Monsters

3613 - Universal Monsters & Superhero

3614 - Universal Warrior

3615 - UniversalMilitarySimulator_0753

3616 - UniversalMonsters

3617 - UniversalWarrior1_0597

3618 - Universe

3619 - Universe

3620 - Universe 3

3621 - Universe_0894

3622 - Universe3_NTSC_1476

3623 - Unreal

3624 - Unreal

3625 - Unreal_0033

3626 - Unreal_NTSC_1952

3627 - Unsensible Soccer

3628 - UnsensibleSoccer

3629 - UNSquadron_1606

3630 - Untouchables

3631 - Untouchables_2392

3632 - Up Scope

3633 - UpScope_v0.1

3634 - UpScope1_Arcadia

3635 - Uridium 2 (1 MB)

3636 - Uridium 2 (2 MB)

3637 - Uridium2_v0801.1_1MB_1526

3638 - Uridium2_v0801.1_2MB_1526

3639 - USS John Young

3640 - USSJohnYoung

3641 - Utopia

3642 - Utopia - The Creation of a Nation

3643 - Utopia & New Worlds

3644 - Utopia_0757

3645 - Utopia&NewWorlds_0757&2576

3646 - Vader

3647 - Valhalla - Before the War

3648 - Valhalla & the Fortress of Eve

3649 - Valhalla and the Lord of Action

3650 - Valhalla and the Lord of Infinity

3651 - Valhalla Before The War

3652 - Valhalla Lord Of Infinity

3653 - ValhallaBeforeTheWar_0756

3654 - ValhallaLordOfInfinity

3655 - Vampires Empire

3656 - VampiresEmpire

3657 - Vaxine

3658 - Vaxine_0747

3659 - Vector Championship Run

3660 - Vectorball

3661 - Vectorball_2520

3662 - Vegas Gambler

3663 - VegasGamblera

3664 - Vengeance of Excalibur

3665 - Venom Wing

3666 - VenomWing

3667 - Venus The Flytrap

3668 - Venus The Flytrap (No Intro)

3669 - VenusTheFlytrap

3670 - Vermeer

3671 - Vermeer_0693

3672 - Verteidiger Krone 2

3673 - VerteidigerDerKrone2

3674 - Veteran

3675 - Viaje Al Centro De La Tierra

3676 - ViajeAlCentroDeLaTierra

3677 - Victor Loomes - Das Spiel

3678 - Victory

3679 - Victory Road

3680 - VictoryRoad

3681 - Video Kid

3682 - Video Vegas

3683 - Vigilante

3684 - Vikings - Fields of Conquest - Kingdoms of England II

3685 - Vindicators

3686 - Violator

3687 - Virocop

3688 - Virtual Karting

3689 - Virtual Karting 2

3690 - VirtualKarting2

3691 - VirtualKarting2Demo

3692 - Virus

3693 - Virus_0004

3694 - Vital Light

3695 - Vixen

3696 - Viz

3697 - Volfied

3698 - Voodoo Nightmare

3699 - Vortex

3700 - Voyager

3701 - Voyages Of Discovery

3702 - Voyageurs Du Temps (FR)

3703 - Voyageurs du Temps, Les - La Menace

3704 - Vroom

3705 - Vroom (& Data Disk)

3706 - Vroom Multi Player

3707 - Vyper

3708 - Vyrus

3709 - Wacky Darts

3710 - Wacky Races

3711 - WackyDarts

3712 - Wacus the Detective (ECS & AGA)

3713 - Wacus The Detective (PL)

3714 - WacusTheDetectivea

3715 - Walker

3716 - Walker Crunched

3717 - Walker Crunched (No Speech)

3718 - Walker Decrunched

3719 - Walker Decrunched (No Speech)

3720 - Wall

3721 - Wall$treet

3722 - Walls

3723 - Wanderer 3 D

3724 - Wanderer, The

3725 - Wanted

3726 - War

3727 - War In Middle Earth

3728 - War In The Gulf

3729 - War Machine

3730 - War Zone (Core)

3731 - War Zone (Paradox)

3732 - War Zone Core Design

3733 - War Zone Paradox

3734 - Warhead

3735 - Warlock The Avenger

3736 - Warlocks Quest

3737 - Warlords

3738 - Warm Up

3739 - WarMachine1

3740 - WarmUp

3741 - Warp

3742 - Watchtower

3743 - Waterloo

3744 - Waxworks

3745 - Waxworks (FR)

3746 - Way Of The Little Dragon

3747 - Way Of The Little Dragon

3748 - Way Of The Little Dragon (A Star)

3749 - Way of the Little Dragon, The

3750 - Wayne Gretzky Hockey

3751 - Wayne Gretzky Hockey 2

3752 - WayneGretzkyHockey

3753 - WayneGretzkyHockey2

3754 - WC Leader Board

3755 - WC Leader Board (& Data Disks)

3756 - Web Of Terror

3757 - WebOfTerror

3758 - Ween The Prophecy

3759 - Ween The Prophecy (FR)

3760 - Weird Dreams

3761 - WeirdDreams_2100

3762 - Welltris

3763 - Welltris_1622

3764 - Wembley Int Soccer

3765 - Wembley Rugby League

3766 - WembleyInternationalSoccer

3767 - West Phaser

3768 - Western Games

3769 - WestPhaser

3770 - What Is It Where Is It Vol. 1

3771 - Wheelie

3772 - Wheels On Fire

3773 - Wheelspin

3774 - When Two Worlds War

3775 - Where In Europe Is Carmen Sandiego

3776 - Where In The USA Is Carmen Sandiego

3777 - Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego

3778 - Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego

3779 - Where Time Stood Still

3780 - Whirligig

3781 - White Death

3782 - Whizz

3783 - Who Framed Roger Rabbit

3784 - WhoFramedRogerRabbit

3785 - Wibble World Giddy

3786 - WibbleWorldGiddy

3787 - Wicked

3788 - Wild Cup Soccer

3789 - Wild Streets

3790 - Wild West World

3791 - Wild Wheels

3792 - WildWestWorld

3793 - Willow

3794 - Wind Surf Willy

3795 - Wind Surf Willy (FR)

3796 - Window Wizard (Files)

3797 - Window Wizard (Image)

3798 - Windwalker

3799 - Wing Commander

3800 - Wingnuts

3801 - Wings

3802 - Wings Of Death

3803 - Wings Of Fury

3804 - Wings_0410

3805 - WingsOfDeath2_3022

3806 - WingsOfFury

3807 - Winnie The Pooh

3808 - Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood

3809 - WinnieThePooh

3810 - Winning Post

3811 - Winter Camp

3812 - Winter Challenge

3813 - Winter Games

3814 - Winter Olympiad 88

3815 - Winter Olympics

3816 - Winter Supersports 92

3817 - WinterCamp_1706

3818 - WinterChallenge_NTSC_2863

3819 - WinterGames

3820 - WinterSupersports92

3821 - Winzer

3822 - Winzer1

3823 - Wiraz

3824 - Wisielec2

3825 - Wiz 'n' Liz

3826 - Wizardry 6 Bane Cosmic Forg

3827 - Wizards Castle

3828 - Wizball

3829 - Wizkid

3830 - Wizmo

3831 - Wolfchild

3832 - Wolfen - Die Bestie ist Unter Uns

3833 - Wolfpack

3834 - Wonder Dog

3835 - Wonderboy In Monsterland

3836 - WonderboyInMonsterland

3837 - Wonderland

3838 - Woodys World

3839 - World Champ Boxing Manager

3840 - World Championship Boxing Manager

3841 - World Championship Soccer

3842 - World Circuit

3843 - World Class Rugby

3844 - World Class Rugby 5 Nations

3845 - World Class Rugby 95

3846 - World Class Soccer

3847 - World Cricket

3848 - World Cup 90

3849 - World Darts

3850 - World Games

3851 - World Rugby

3852 - World Soccer

3853 - World Tour Golf

3854 - WorldChampionshipBoxingManager

3855 - WorldChampionshipSoccer_1063

3856 - WorldCircuit_NTSC

3857 - WorldClassLeaderBoard

3858 - WorldClassLeaderBoard&DataDisks

3859 - WorldClassRugby_2131

3860 - WorldClassRugby5NationsEdition

3861 - WorldClassRugby95

3862 - WorldClassSoccer

3863 - WorldCricket

3864 - WorldCup90

3865 - WorldDarts_0871

3866 - WorldDarts_v0.1_Arcadia

3867 - WorldGames_NTSC_0604

3868 - WorldRugby_2544

3869 - Worlds Of Legend

3870 - WorldSoccer_2150

3871 - WorldsOfLegend_1974

3872 - WorldTourGolf_0752

3873 - WorldTrophySoccer_v0.1_Arcadia

3874 - Worms

3875 - Worms - The Director's Cut

3876 - Worms Directors Cut

3877 - WormsDirectorsCut_12MB_0605

3878 - WormsDirectorsCut_8MB_0605

3879 - Wormsigns

3880 - WPotrzasku

3881 - Wrath of Gwendor

3882 - Wrath Of The Demon

3883 - Wrath Of The Demon (TV)

3884 - WrathOfTheDemon_TV

3885 - WrathOfTheDemon1_0606

3886 - Wreckers

3887 - Wreckers_0751

3888 - WWF European Rampage Tour

3889 - WWF Wrestle Mania

3890 - WWFEuropeanRampageTour_1298

3891 - WWFWrestleMania_0205

3892 - X

3893 - X Out

3894 - X Treme Racing

3895 - X Treme Racing (& Data Disks)

3896 - X-It

3897 - X-IT-50 - The Quest for the Meaning of Life

3898 - X-Out

3899 - X-Ploit

3900 - X-Swap - Booming Edition

3901 - Xenex

3902 - Xenomorph

3903 - Xenomorph_0296

3904 - Xenon

3905 - Xenon 2

3906 - Xenon 2 - Megablast

3907 - Xenon 2 (TV)

3908 - Xenon_0399

3909 - Xenon_v0.2_Arcadia

3910 - Xenon2_TV

3911 - Xenon21_1Disk_2234

3912 - Xenon21_2Disk_0297

3913 - Xenon21_NTSC

3914 - Xenon2Demo

3915 - Xenophobe

3916 - Xiphos

3917 - XIt_1585

3918 - XOut_1Disk_1274

3919 - XP 8

3920 - XP 8

3921 - XR 35

3922 - XTreme Racing

3923 - Xybots

3924 - Yo Joe

3925 - Yo Joe

3926 - Yo! Joe!

3927 - Yogi Bear & Friends

3928 - Yogi's Big Clean Up

3929 - Yogi's Great Escape

3930 - YogiBear&Friends

3931 - Yogis Big Clean Up

3932 - Yogis Great Escape

3933 - Yolanda (Files)

3934 - Yolandaa_Files

3935 - Yuppi's Revenge

3936 - Z Out

3937 - Z-Out

3938 - Za Zelazna Brama

3939 - Zack!

3940 - Zak Mc Kracken

3941 - Zak Mc Kracken (FR)

3942 - Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders

3943 - Zany Golf

3944 - Zarathrusta

3945 - Zardoz

3946 - Zargon

3947 - Zaxxon

3948 - ZaZelaznaBrama

3949 - Zeewolf

3950 - Zeewolf 2

3951 - Zeewolf 2 - Wild Justice

3952 - ZeroGravity

3953 - Ziriax

3954 - Zombi (FR)

3955 - Zombie Apocalypse

3956 - Zombie Apocalypse 2

3957 - Zone Warrior

3958 - Zool

3959 - Zool - Ninja of the Nth Dimension

3960 - Zool 2

3961 - Zoom

3962 - Zooma_1910

3963 - Zork - The Undiscovered Underground

3964 - Zork I - The Great Underground Empire

3965 - Zork II - The Wizard of Frobozz

3966 - Zork III - The Dungeon Master

3967 - Zork Zero - The Revenge of Megaboz

3968 - ZOut_v3.5_0609

3969 - Zyconix

3970 - Zynaps

Amiga CD32 - 142 Jeux
1 - Akira (Europe)

2 - Alfred Chicken (Europe)

3 - Alien Breed - Tower Assault (Europe)

4 - Alien Breed 3D (Europe)

5 - Alien Breed Special Edition & Qwak (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It,Da)

6 - Amiga CD32 Gamer Vol. 2 (Europe)

7 - Amiga CD32 Magazine - Spring 1994 (Europe)

8 - Amiga CD32 Magazine - Winter 1994 (Europe)

9 - Arabian Nights (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)

10 - Arcade Pool (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)

11 - Arcade Pool (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It) (Alt)

12 - Banshee (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Da)

13 - Base Jumpers (Europe)

14 - Battle Chess (Europe)

15 - Battletoads (Europe)

16 - Beavers (Europe)

17 - Beneath a Steel Sky (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)

18 - Benefactor (Europe)

19 - Black Viper (Europe) (En,De,It)

20 - Brutal Football (Europe)

21 - Bubba 'n' Stix (Europe)

22 - Bubble and Squeak (Europe)

23 - Bump 'n' Burn (Europe)

24 - Cannon Fodder (Europe)

25 - Castles II - Siege & Conquest (Europe)

26 - CD Micro French (Europe)

27 - Chambers of Shaolin (Europe)

28 - Chaos Engine, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)

29 - Chaos Engine, The (Spectacular Voyage) (Europe)

30 - Chuck Rock (Europe)

31 - Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (Europe)

32 - Classic Lotus Trilogy, The (Europe)

33 - Communicator (Germany) (En,De)

34 - D-Generation (Europe)

35 - Dangerous Streets (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)

36 - Dangerous Streets & Wing Commander (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)

37 - Darkseed (Europe)

38 - Deep Core (Europe)

39 - Defender of the Crown II (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)

40 - Dennis (Europe)

41 - Diggers & Oscar (Europe)

42 - Diggers & Oscar (Europe) (Alt)

43 - Disposable Hero (Europe)

44 - Donk! The Samurai Duck! (Europe)

45 - Dragonstone (Europe) (En,Fr,De)

46 - Emerald Mines (Europe)

47 - Fields of Glory (Europe) (En,Fr,De)

48 - Fire & Ice - The Daring Adventures of Cool Coyote (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)

49 - Fire Force (Europe)

50 - Flink (Europe)

51 - Fly Harder (Europe)

52 - Frontier - Elite II (Europe)

53 - gamelist.xml

54 - Global Effect (Europe)

55 - Gloom (Europe)

56 - Guardian (Europe)

57 - Gulp! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)

58 - Heimdall 2 - Into the Hall of Worlds (Europe)

59 - HeroQuest II - Legacy of Sorasil (Europe) (En,Fr,De)

60 - Humans (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)

61 - Humans 3 - Evolution - Lost in Time... (Europe)

62 - Impossible Mission 2025 - The Special Edition (Europe)

63 - International Karate + (Europe)

64 - James Pond 2 - Robocod (Europe)

65 - James Pond 3 - Operation Starfi5h (Europe)

66 - James Pond 3 - Operation Starfi5h (Europe) (Kixx)

67 - Jetstrike CD32 (Europe)

68 - John Barnes European Football (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)

69 - Jungle Strike - The Sequel to Desert Strike (Europe)

70 - Karaoke - Julsanger I (Sweden)

71 - Kid Chaos (Europe)

72 - Kingpin - Arcade Sports Bowling (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)

73 - Labyrinth of Time, The (Europe)

74 - Lamborghini - American Challenge (Europe)

75 - Last Ninja 3 (Europe)

76 - Liberation - Captive II (Europe)

77 - Litil Divil (Europe)

78 - Lost Vikings, The (Europe)

79 - Magic Island (Czech)

80 - Manchester United - Premier League Champions (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)

81 - Marvin's Marvellous Adventure (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)

82 - Mean Arenas (Europe)

83 - Microcosm (Europe)

84 - Microcosm (Europe) (Spectacular Voyage)

85 - Morph (Europe)

86 - Myth - History in the Making (Europe)

87 - Naughty Ones (Europe)

88 - Nick Faldos Championship Golf (Europe)

89 - Nigel Mansell's World Championship (Europe)

90 - Nigel Mansell's World Championship (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)

91 - Overkill & Lunar-C (Europe)

92 - PGA European Tour (Europe)

93 - Pierre Le Chef Is ... Out to Lunch (Europe)

94 - Pinball Fantasies (Europe)

95 - Pinball Illusions (Europe)

96 - Pirates! Gold (Europe) (En,De)

97 - Power Drive (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)

98 - Power-Games (Europe) (En,De)

99 - Premiere (Europe)

100 - Prey - An Alien Encounter (Europe)

101 - Project-X & F17 Challenge (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It,Da)

102 - Project-X & Ultimate Body Blows (Europe)

103 - Quik the Thunder Rabbit (Europe)

104 - Rise of the Robots (Europe)

105 - Roadkill (Europe)

106 - Roadkill (Europe) (Alt)

107 - Ryder Cup - Johnnie Walker (Europe)

108 - Sabre Team (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)

109 - Seek & Destroy (Europe)

110 - Sensible Soccer - European Champions - Limited Edition featuring World Cup Teams (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)

111 - Sensible Soccer - European Champions (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)

112 - Seven Gates of Jambala, The (Europe)

113 - Shadow Fighter (Europe)

114 - Sheer Delight (Europe)

115 - Simon the Sorcerer (Europe)

116 - Skeleton Krew (Europe)

117 - Speris Legacy, The (Europe)

118 - Strip Pot (Europe)

119 - Subwar 2050 (Europe) (En,Fr,De)

120 - Summer Olympix (Europe)

121 - Super Methane Bros. (Europe)

122 - Super Putty (Europe)

123 - Super Skidmarks (Europe)

124 - Super Skidmarks (Europe) (Alt)

125 - Super Stardust (Europe)

126 - Superfrog (Europe) (v1.0)

127 - Surf Ninjas (Europe)

128 - Syndicate (Europe) (En,Fr,It)

129 - Theme Park (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)

130 - Total Carnage (Europe)

131 - Trivial Pursuit - The CD32 Edition (Europe)

132 - Trolls (Europe)

133 - UFO - Enemy Unknown (Europe) (En,Fr,De)

134 - Ultimate Body Blows (Europe)

135 - Vital Light (Europe)

136 - Vital Light (Europe) (Alt)

137 - Wembley International Soccer (Europe)

138 - Whale's Voyage (Europe)

139 - Wild Cup Soccer (Europe)

140 - Worms (Europe) (En,Fr,De)

141 - Zool - Ninja of the Nth Dimension (Europe)

142 - Zool 2 (Europe)

Amiga CDTV - 7 Jeux
1 - Wrath of The Demon (Europe)

2 - Cubulus & Magic Serpent (Europe)

3 - Curse of RA, The (Europe)

4 - Lemmings (Europe)

5 - Shiftrix & Lettrix (Europe)

6 - Snoopy - The Case of the Missing Blanket (Europe)

7 - Turrican (Europe)

Amstrad CPC - 2540 Jeux
1 - 1942

2 - 2088

3 - 007 - Dangereusement Votre

4 - 007 - Vivre et laisser mourir

5 - 007 : Tuer n'est pas Jouer

6 - 1001 B.C. - A Mediterranean Odyssey

7 - 10th Frame

8 - 12 Jeux Exceptionnels

9 - 12 Lost Souls

10 - 1943: The Battle of Midway

11 - 1st Division Manager

12 - 2 Player Super League

13 - 20 000 avant J.C.

14 - 20 000 Lieues sous les Mers

15 - 2112 AD

16 - 3D Boxing

17 - 3D Fight

18 - 3D Grand Prix

19 - 3D Invaders

20 - 3D Monster Chase

21 - 3D Morpion

22 - 3D Pool

23 - 3D Quasars

24 - 3d Snooker

25 - 3D Starfighter

26 - 3D Starstrike

27 - 3D Stunt Rider

28 - 3D Time Trek

29 - 3D Voicechess

30 - 3DC

31 - 3D-Sub

32 - 4 Soccer Simulators

33 - 4x4 Off-Road Racing

34 - 5 Estrellas

35 - 500cc Grand Prix 2

36 - 7 Card Stud

37 - 720°

38 - 750cc Grand Prix

39 - A 320

40 - A Question of Sport

41 - A.P.B.

42 - Abracadabra

43 - Abu Simbel Profanation

44 - Academy

45 - ACE

46 - Ace 2: The Ultimate Head to Head Conflict

47 - Ace of Aces

48 - Acrojet

49 - Action Fighter

50 - Action Force

51 - Activator

52 - Actref

53 - Adidas Championship Football

54 - Adidas Championship Tie Break

55 - Adult Two

56 - Advanced Destroyer Simulator

57 - Advanced Pinball Simulator

58 - Advanced Tactical Fighter

59 - Adventure C: Ship Of Doom

60 - Affaire Sydney

61 - African Trail Simulator

62 - After Burner

63 - After Shock

64 - After the War

65 - Aftermath

66 - Afteroids

67 - Agent 1

68 - Agent Orange

69 - Agent X 2: The Mad Prof's Back

70 - Ahhh!!

71 - Aigle D'or, L'

72 - Airballs

73 - Airborne Ranger

74 - Airwolf

75 - Airwolf 2

76 - Aladdin's Cave

77 - Alex Higgins World Pool

78 - Alex Higgins World Snooker

79 - Ali Candil Y El Tesoro De Sierra Morena

80 - Alien

81 - Alien 8

82 - Alien Attack

83 - Alien Highway - Encounter 2

84 - Alien Storm

85 - Alien Syndrome

86 - Aliens

87 - Alinka

88 - Alive

89 - Alkahera

90 - Almirante Graf Spee

91 - AlphaJet

92 - Alphakhor

93 - Alpine Games

94 - Al-Strad

95 - Altered Beast

96 - Alternative World Games

97 - Amaurote

98 - Amelie Minuit

99 - American Football

100 - American Tag Team Wrestling

101 - American Turbo King

102 - America's Cup Challenge

103 - Amo Del Mundo

104 - Amsgolf

105 - Amsilvania Castle

106 - Amstra' Dames

107 - Amstrad Shuffle

108 - Amstroids

109 - Anarchy

110 - Android 2

111 - Android One - The Reactor Run

112 - Anduril

113 - Andy Capp

114 - Ange De Cristal

115 - Angel Nieto Pole 500

116 - Angelique - A Grief Encounter

117 - Angleball

118 - Animal, Vegetable, Mineral

119 - Anna

120 - Annals Of Rome

121 - Antares

122 - Apocalypse

123 - Apprenti Sorcier

124 - Aquanaute

125 - Arachnophobia

126 - Arcade Flight Simulator

127 - Arcade Fruit Machine

128 - Arcade Trivia Quiz Simulator

129 - Archon - The Light And The Dark

130 - Archon II : Adept

131 - Arcticfox

132 - Arcturus

133 - Ardoise Magique, L'

134 - Argo Navis

135 - Ariane

136 - Arkanium

137 - Arkanoid

138 - Arkanoid : Revenge of Doh

139 - Arkanoid 3: Doh Strikes Again

140 - Arkanoid Construction Set

141 - Arkanoid III - The Last Chance

142 - Arkanoid IV

143 - Arkanoid V

144 - Arkos

145 - Army Moves

146 - Artura

147 - Ashkeron

148 - Aspar Grand Prix Master

149 - Asphalt

150 - Asphyxie

151 - Assault Course

152 - Assault On Port Stanley

153 - Asterix & La Potion Magique

154 - Asterix Chez Rahazade

155 - Astro Attack

156 - Astro Marine Corps

157 - Astro Plumber

158 - Astroball

159 - Atahualpa

160 - Athlete

161 - Atlantis

162 - Atlantis Aventure

163 - Atlas Geographique

164 - Atom Ant

165 - Atom Smasher

166 - Atomic

167 - Atomic Battle

168 - Atomic Driver

169 - Atomic Fiction

170 - Atrog

171 - Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

172 - Attentat

173 - ATV Simulator

174 - Au Nom De L'hermine

175 - Au Revoir Monty

176 - Aussie Safari

177 - Australian Rules Football

178 - Autocras: Diabolico

179 - Automec

180 - Autre Aventure

181 - Avenger

182 - Aventura Espacial

183 - Aventura Original

184 - Aventures Au Chateau

185 - Axys - The Last Battle

186 - B.A.T.

187 - Baby Jo in Going Home

188 - Baca

189 - Bachou

190 - Back to Reality

191 - Back to the Future

192 - Back to the Future II (3)

193 - Back to the Future III (2)

194 - Back to the Future Part II

195 - Back to the Future Part III

196 - Back To The Golden Age

197 - Backgammon

198 - Bacterik Dream

199 - Bactron

200 - Bad Cat

201 - Bad Dudes Vs Dragon Ninja

202 - Bad Max

203 - BadLands

204 - Bagne de Nepharia

205 - Balade Au Pays De Big-ben

206 - Ball Bearing

207 - Ball Breaker

208 - Ball Breaker II

209 - Ball Crazy

210 - Ballblazer

211 - Balle de Match

212 - Balloon Buster

213 - Balrog

214 - Bangers & Mash

215 - Barbarian

216 - Barbarian : Le Guerrier Absolu

217 - Barbarian II : The Dungeon of Drax

218 - Barbarian Part 3

219 - Barrier Reef

220 - Barry McGuigan champion du monde de boxe

221 - Basil the great mouse detective

222 - Basket Coach

223 - Bataille Pour La RFA

224 - Batman

225 - Batman : The Caped Crusader

226 - Battle Beyond the Stars

227 - Battle Command

228 - Battle For Midway

229 - Battle Of Austerlitz

230 - Battle of Britain

231 - Battle of the Planets

232 - Battle Of Waterloo

233 - Battle Ships

234 - Battle Spheres

235 - Battle Valley

236 - Batty

237 - Beach Buggy Simulator

238 - Beach Head

239 - Beach Head II : The Dictator Strikes Back !

240 - Beach Volley

241 - Beast

242 - Beat the Clock

243 - Bedlam

244 - Beetle Mania

245 - Berks III

246 - Bestial Warrior

247 - Bestiary

248 - Better Spelling

249 - Beurk Roger

250 - Beyond the Ice Palace

251 - Biff

252 - Big League Soccer

253 - Big League Soccer 2

254 - Big Screen Hero

255 - Bigfoot

256 - Biggles

257 - Bigtop Barney

258 - Billard Americain

259 - Billy la Banlieue

260 - Billy La Banlieue 2

261 - Billy the Kid

262 - Binky

263 - Bio Spheres

264 - Bionic Commando

265 - Bionic Ninja

266 - Birdie

267 - Black Beard

268 - Black Magic

269 - Black Tiger

270 - Blade Runner

271 - Blade Warrior

272 - Blagger

273 - Blasteroids

274 - Blazing Thunder

275 - Blokker

276 - Blood Brothers

277 - Blood Valley

278 - Bloodwych

279 - Blowaway Bob

280 - Blue Star

281 - Blue Tomb

282 - Blue War

283 - BMX Kidz

284 - BMX Ninja

285 - BMX Simulator

286 - BMX Simulator 2

287 - Bo

288 - Bob Morane - Jungle

289 - Bob Morane : Océan

290 - Bob Morane Chevalerie

291 - Bob Morane Science Fiction

292 - Bob Winner

293 - Bobby Bearing

294 - Bobo

295 - Bobsleigh

296 - Boeing 727

297 - Boinggg

298 - Bomb Jack

299 - Bomb Jack II

300 - Bombfusion

301 - Bombscare

302 - Bonanza Bros.

303 - Book of the Dead

304 - Booty

305 - Bored of the Rings

306 - Boredom

307 - Borse 79

308 - Bosconian '87

309 - Boulder Dash

310 - Boulder Dash 2

311 - Boulder Dash 3

312 - Boulder Dash 6

313 - Boulder Dash Construction Kit

314 - Boule Infernale

315 - Bounder

316 - Bounty Bob Strikes Back

317 - Bounty Hunter

318 - Boxer Manager

319 - Boy Racer

320 - Brainache

321 - Brainstorm

322 - BraveStarr

323 - Brawn Free

324 - Braxx Bluff

325 - Breakthru

326 - Brian Bloodaxe

327 - Brian Clough's Football Fortunes

328 - Brian Jacks Superstar Challenge

329 - Brick Breaker

330 - Bride of Frankenstein

331 - Bridge

332 - Bridge It

333 - Bridge Of Arnhem

334 - Bridge Player 3

335 - Bronx

336 - Bronx Street Cop

337 - Bruce Lee

338 - Bubble Bobble

339 - Bubble Bobble 2

340 - Bubble Dizzy

341 - Bubble Ghost

342 - Bubbler

343 - Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show

344 - Buggy 2

345 - Buggy Boy

346 - Buggy Ranger

347 - Bugsy

348 - Builderland

349 - Bump, Set, Spike!

350 - Bumpy

351 - Bumpy's Arcade Fantasy

352 - Bunny Bricks

353 - Buran

354 - BurgerTime

355 - Bust Out

356 - Butcher Hill

357 - Cabal

358 - California Games

359 - California Games (2)

360 - Camelot Warriors

361 - Campeon Rally: Campeones

362 - Can I Cheat the Death

363 - Canadair

364 - Canyons Of Cannons

365 - Cap Horn

366 - Cap Sur Dakar

367 - Capitan Sevilla

368 - Captain America Defies the Doom Tube

369 - Captain Blood

370 - Captain Gordon

371 - Captain Kidd

372 - Captain Planet

373 - Car Massacre

374 - Carlos Sainz

375 - Carrier Command

376 - Carson City

377 - Casanova

378 - Castle Assault

379 - Castle Blackstar

380 - Castle Master

381 - Castle Master 2: The Crypt

382 - Catastrophes: Ile Infernale

383 - Catch 23

384 - Cauldron

385 - Cauldron 2 -La Citrouille Contre-Attaque

386 - Cava Peter Zorglub

387 - Cavemania

388 - Caverns of Mars

389 - Caves of Doom

390 - Centipods

391 - Centre Court Tennis

392 - Centurions

393 - Cerberus

394 - Cessna Over Moscow

395 - Chain Reaction

396 - Challenge of the Gobots

397 - Chamonix Challenge: Bivouac

398 - Championship Baseball

399 - Championship Jet Ski Simulator

400 - Championship Sprint

401 - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

402 - Charlie Chaplin

403 - Charly Diams

404 - Chase H.Q.

405 - Chateau de Diable

406 - Chevalier Blanc

407 - Chevy Chase

408 - Chicago 30's

409 - Chicago 90

410 - Chickin Chase

411 - Chiffres Magiques

412 - Chiller

413 - Chimera

414 - Chip's Challenge

415 - Cholo

416 - Chopper Squad

417 - Choy-Lee-Fut Kung-Fu Warrior

418 - Chronos

419 - Chubby Gristle

420 - Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer

421 - Chuckie Egg

422 - Chuckie Egg II

423 - Cine Clap

424 - Circus Games

425 - Cisco Heat: All American Police Car Race

426 - Cite Perdue

427 - City For Ransom

428 - City Slicker

429 - Ci-U-Than Trilogy I: La Diosa de Cozumel

430 - Ci-U-Than Trilogy II: Los Templos Sagrados

431 - Clash

432 - Classic Adventure

433 - Classic Axiens

434 - Classic Invaders

435 - Classic Muncher

436 - Classic Punter

437 - Classic Racing

438 - Clever and Smart: Mortadelo Y Filemon

439 - Climb It

440 - Clive Barker's Nightbreed : The Action Game

441 - Cluedo

442 - Cobra Force

443 - Cobra Loriciel

444 - Cobra Pinball

445 - Cobra Stallone

446 - Cobra's Arc

447 - Code De La Route

448 - Codename Mat 2

449 - Codename: MAT

450 - Collapse

451 - Colony

452 - Coloric

453 - Colossal Cave

454 - Colosseus

455 - Colossus 4 Chess

456 - Colossus Bridge 4

457 - Colossus Mahjong

458 - Colour of Magic

459 - Comando Quatro

460 - Combat Lynx

461 - Combat School

462 - Combat Zone Mentor

463 - Comet Encounter

464 - Comet Game

465 - Commando

466 - Commando: Space Invasion

467 - Commonwealth Games

468 - Compendium

469 - Computer Scrabble

470 - Conflit En L'an 2000

471 - Confuzion

472 - Con-quest

473 - Conspiration de L'An 3

474 - Contamination

475 - Continental Circus

476 - Contraption

477 - Convoy Raider

478 - Cop Out

479 - CORE: Cybernetic Organism Recovery Expedition

480 - Corridor Conflict

481 - Corruption

482 - Corsarios

483 - Cosa Nostra

484 - Cosmic Sheriff

485 - Cosmic Shock Absorber

486 - Cosmo

487 - Costa Capers

488 - Count Duckula 2

489 - Count Duckula In No Sax Please - We're Egyptian

490 - Countdown

491 - Country Cottages

492 - Cowboy Kidz

493 - CPC Invaders

494 - Crack Down

495 - Crack Up

496 - Crafton & Xunk

497 - Crafton et Xunk 2 : L'ange de Cristal

498 - Crash Garrett

499 - Crash Garrett (2)

500 - Cray 5

501 - Crazy Cars

502 - Crazy Cars 3

503 - Crazy Cars II

504 - Crazy Er*bert

505 - Crazy Golf

506 - Crazy Shot

507 - Crazy Worm

508 - Cricket Captain

509 - Cricket Crazy

510 - Crime Busters

511 - Crimen Perfecto

512 - Critical Mass

513 - Croc Madam

514 - Croco Magneto

515 - Crystal Castles

516 - Crystal Theft

517 - Cubit

518 - Curro Jimenez

519 - Cursed Be The City

520 - Custard Pie Factory

521 - CutThroats

522 - Cybernoid : The Fighting Machine

523 - Cybernoid II : The Revenge

524 - Cybor

525 - Cycit

526 - Cylu

527 - Cyrus II Chess

528 - Dakar 4x4

529 - Dakar Moto

530 - Daley Thompson's Decathlon

531 - Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge

532 - Daley Thompson's Super-Test

533 - Dallas

534 - Dame Scanner

535 - Dames 3D Champion

536 - Damstar

537 - Dan Dare : Pilot of the Future

538 - Dan Dare II : Mekon's Revenge

539 - Dan Dare III : The Escape

540 - Dandy

541 - Danger Mouse in Double Trouble

542 - Danger Mouse: Makin' Whopee

543 - Danger Street

544 - Dark Century

545 - Dark Fusion

546 - Dark Power

547 - Dark Sceptre

548 - Dark Side

549 - Dark Star 1: Time of Changes

550 - Darkman

551 - Darts

552 - Darts 180

553 - Dash

554 - Dawnssley

555 - D-Day

556 - Deactivators

557 - Dead or Alive

558 - Deadline

559 - Deadly Evil

560 - Death or Glory

561 - Death Pit

562 - Death Stalker

563 - Death Wake

564 - Death Wish 3

565 - Deathsville

566 - Deep Strike

567 - Defcom

568 - Defcom 1

569 - Defend or Die

570 - Defender of the Crown

571 - Defenders of the Earth

572 - Defi Au Tarot

573 - Deflektor

574 - Demain Holocauste

575 - Demon Attack

576 - Demon's Revenge

577 - Dents de Sa Mere

578 - Der Diamant vom Rabenfels

579 - Derniere Mission

580 - Dervish

581 - Desert Fox

582 - Desert Rats

583 - Desolator

584 - Desperado 2

585 - Despotik Design

586 - Detective

587 - Devil's Crown

588 - Diamant De L'ile Maudite

589 - Diamond Mine

590 - Dick Tracy

591 - Die Alien Slime

592 - Digger Barnes

593 - Disc

594 - Dive-Dive-Dive

595 - Dizzy : The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure

596 - Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy

597 - Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy

598 - Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy

599 - Dizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom Dizzy

600 - Dizzy Collection

601 - Dizzy Dice

602 - Dizzy VI - Prince of the Yolkfolk

603 - Dizzy: Down the Rapids

604 - Dodgy Geezers

605 - Dog Fight 2187

606 - Dogfight

607 - Dogsbody to the Rescue

608 - Dominator

609 - Domino

610 - Dominoes

611 - Don Juan

612 - Donald and Riri

613 - Donald's Alphabet Chase

614 - Don't Panic

615 - Doodle Bug

616 - Doomsdark's Revenge

617 - Doomsday Blues

618 - Doors of Doom

619 - Doppleganger

620 - Dora

621 - Dossier G: Rainbow Warrior

622 - Double Detente

623 - Double Dragon

624 - Double Dragon (animagic)

625 - Double Dragon II : The Revenge

626 - Double Dragon III - The Rosetta Stone

627 - Dr. Doom's Revenge

628 - Dr. Dustbin

629 - Dr. Jackle and Mr Wide

630 - Dr. Scrime's Spook School

631 - Dr. Who & The Mines of Terror

632 - Dracula

633 - Dragon Breed

634 - Dragon Spirit

635 - Dragon Torc

636 - Dragon's Gold

637 - Dragon's Lair

638 - Dragon's Lair 2: Escape from Singe's Castle

639 - Dragons of Flame

640 - Drakkar

641 - Drazen Petrovic Basket

642 - Dream Warrior

643 - Driller

644 - Druid

645 - Duct

646 - Duel 2000

647 - Duet

648 - Dun Darach

649 - Dungeons, Amethysts, Alchemists

650 - Dustin

651 - Dwarf

652 - Dynamic Duo

653 - Dynamite Dan

654 - Dynamite Dux

655 - Dynamix

656 - Dynasty Wars

657 - Eagle

658 - Eagle's Rider

659 - Echelon

660 - Edd the Duck!

661 - Eden Blues

662 - Edge Grinder

663 - Eidolon

664 - El Capitán Trueno

665 - El Cid

666 - El Juego de la Oca

667 - El Misterio del Nilo

668 - Electric Runner

669 - Electric Wonderland

670 - Electro Freddy

671 - Elektraglide

672 - Elevator Action

673 - Elidon

674 - Eliminator

675 - Elite

676 - Elven Warrior

677 - Emerald Isle

678 - Emilio Butragueno Futbol

679 - Emilio Butragueno Futbol II

680 - Emilio Sanchez Vicario Grand Slam

681 - Emlyn Hughes International Soccer

682 - E-motion

683 - Empty Tummy

684 - Encyclopedia Of War - Ancient Battles

685 - End Zone

686 - Endurance

687 - Enduro Racer

688 - Energic

689 - Energy Warrior

690 - Enigme A Oxford

691 - Enlightenment : Druid II

692 - Enterprise

693 - Equinox

694 - Erebus

695 - Escape

696 - Escape From Prison Planet

697 - Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters


699 - Escoba

700 - Espada Sagrada

701 - Espionage

702 - Espionage Island

703 - Espionage Island (Europe)

704 - Estimator Racer

705 - Estimator Racer (Europe)

706 - E-SWAT: Cyber Police

707 - Etats Unis D'amerique

708 - European Superleague

709 - Eve of Shadows

710 - Evening Star

711 - Everyone's A Wally

712 - Excalibur Quest

713 - Execution

714 - Exit

715 - Exolon

716 - Experience

717 - Exploding Wall

718 - Explorer

719 - Express Raider

720 - Exterminator

721 - Extreme

722 - Eye

723 - F-1 Tornado Simulator

724 - F-15 Strike Eagle

725 - F-16 Combat Pilot

726 - F-16 Fighting Falcon

727 - F-16 Fighting Falcon 2

728 - FACE-A

729 - Faial - Chevalier Du Levant

730 - Fairlight

731 - Fairlight 2

732 - Fallout

733 - Famous Five: Five on a Treasure Island

734 - Fantasia Diamond

735 - Fantastic Voyage

736 - Fantasy Land

737 - Fantasy World Dizzy

738 - Fantomas

739 - Fast Food

740 - Fer Et Flamme

741 - Fernandez Must Die

742 - Fernando Martin Basket Master

743 - Ferry Captain

744 - Feud

745 - Fighter Bomber

746 - Fighter Pilot

747 - Fighting Soccer

748 - Fighting Warrior

749 - Final Matrix

750 - Finders Keepers

751 - Fire

752 - Fire & Forget II

753 - Fire and Forget

754 - Fire Ant

755 - Fire Lord

756 - Firefox 2

757 - Fireman Sam: The Hero Next Door

758 - Firestone

759 - FireTrap

760 - Firezone

761 - First Steps With The Mr Men

762 - Five A Side Footy

763 - Five a Side Soccer

764 - Flash

765 - Flash Gordon

766 - Fleche

767 - Flight Path 737

768 - Flight Simulation

769 - Flimbo's Quest

770 - Flippit

771 - Fluff

772 - Fly Spy

773 - Flying Shark

774 - Football Manager

775 - Football Manager 2

776 - Football Manager 3

777 - Football Manager World Cup Edition

778 - Footballer of the Year

779 - Footballer of the Year 2

780 - For Gold or Glory

781 - Forbidden Planet

782 - Forest at World's End

783 - Forest Land

784 - Foret Infernale

785 - Forgotten Worlds

786 - Formula 1 Simulator

787 - Formula One

788 - Forteresse

789 - Fortune en Mer du Nord

790 - Foso

791 - Fourtris

792 - Fourtron

793 - Fox

794 - France Et Ses Cours D'eau, La

795 - Frank Bruno's Boxing

796 - Frank N Stein

797 - Frankenstein

798 - Frankenstein Junior

799 - Frankie Crashed on Jupiter

800 - Frankie Goes to Hollywood

801 - Freddy Hardest

802 - Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan

803 - Freedom : Rebels in the Darkness

804 - Freedom Fighter

805 - Freestyle BMX Simulator

806 - Frestris

807 - Friday the 13th

808 - Front Line

809 - Frontiers

810 - Frost Byte

811 - Fruit Bank Supernudge 2000

812 - Fruit Machine

813 - fruitms

814 - fruitms2

815 - Fruity Frank

816 - Fugitif - Les Aventures De Jack Bludfield - Part 1

817 - Fu-Kung in Las Vegas

818 - Fury

819 - Fusion 2

820 - Future Bike Simulator

821 - Future Knight

822 - Future Shock

823 - G.I. Hero

824 - Gabrielle

825 - Galachip

826 - Galactic Conqueror

827 - Galactic Games

828 - Galaxia

829 - Galaxian's Revenge

830 - Galaxy Force

831 - Galivan

832 - Galletron

833 - Game Over

834 - Game Over II

835 - Game Set And Match

836 - Garfield 2 - Winter's Tail

837 - Garfield : Big, Fat, Hairy Deal

838 - Gary Lineker's Hot-Shots

839 - Gary Lineker's Super Skills

840 - Gary Lineker's Super Star Football

841 - Gate Crasher

842 - Gauntlet II

843 - Gauntlet Micropower

844 - Gazza 2

845 - Gazza's Super Soccer

846 - GBA Championship Basketball : Two-on-Two

847 - Gee Bee Air Rally

848 - Gemini Wing

849 - Gems of Stradus

850 - Geoff Capes Strongman

851 - Géographe - France, Le

852 - Géographe - Monde, Le

853 - Geste D' Artillac

854 - GFL Championship Football

855 - Ghengis Kahn

856 - Ghost Hunters

857 - Ghostbusters

858 - Ghostbusters II

859 - Ghostbusters II (2)

860 - Ghosts

861 - Ghosts'n Goblins

862 - Ghouls

863 - Ghouls'n Ghosts

864 - Gilbert Escape From Drill

865 - Gilligan's Gold

866 - Gladiator

867 - Glass

868 - Glen Hoddle Soccer

869 - Glider Rider

870 - G-Loc R360

871 - Gnome Ranger

872 - Gnome Ranger (2)

873 - GOB

874 - Goblin Towers

875 - Gogly

876 - Golden Axe

877 - Golden Axe (4)

878 - Golden Basket

879 - Golden Path

880 - Golden Path (2)

881 - Goldhunter

882 - Goliath

883 - Gonzzalezz

884 - Goody

885 - Gorbaf El Vikingo

886 - Gothik

887 - Gp Formula 1 Simulator

888 - Graham Gooch's Test Cricket

889 - Grand Prix 500 Cc

890 - Grand Prix Circuit

891 - Grand Prix Driver

892 - Grand Prix Simulator

893 - Grand Prix Simulator 2

894 - Grand Prix Tennis

895 - Grange Hill

896 - GRAPHCI1

897 - Graphic City

898 - Great Courts

899 - Great Gurianos

900 - Green Beret

901 - Gregory Loses His Clock

902 - Grell and Falla

903 - Gremlins : The Adventure

904 - Gremlins 2 - The New Batch (2)

905 - Gremlins 2: The New Batch

906 - Greyfell

907 - Grid Trap

908 - Gridrider

909 - Griffes de la Nuit

910 - Griffes de la Nuit, Les (2)

911 - Ground Zero

912 - Grumpy Gumphrey Supersleuth

913 - Gryzor

914 - Guadalcanal

915 - Guardian

916 - Guardian Angel

917 - Guardian II Revenge of the Mutants

918 - Guerra de las Vajillas

919 - Guerrilla War

920 - Guillem De Bergueda

921 - Guillermo Tell

922 - Gun.Smoke

923 - Gunboat

924 - Gundogs

925 - Gunfighter

926 - Gunfright

927 - Gunship

928 - Gunslinger: Play Dead

929 - Gunstar

930 - Gusanin

931 - Gutter

932 - Guzzler

933 - Gyroscope

934 - H Myga

935 - H.A.T.E.

936 - H.e.r.o.

937 - Hacker

938 - Hacker II : The Doomsday Papers

939 - Hagar

940 - Halls of the Things

941 - Hammer Boy

942 - Hammerfist

943 - Hanse

944 - Happy Letters

945 - Happy Letters - Les Lettres Magiques

946 - Happy Numbers

947 - Happy Writing

948 - Hard Drivin'

949 - Hard Hat Mack

950 - HardBall!

951 - Harricana - Raid International Motoneige

952 - Harrier Attack

953 - Harry & Harry

954 - Harry & Harry: Mission Torpedo

955 - Harvey Headbanger

956 - Haunted Hedges

957 - Havoc

958 - Hawaii

959 - Hawk Storm

960 - Head over Heels

961 - Heartland

962 - Heathrow International Air Traffic Control

963 - Heavy Metal

964 - Heavy On The Magick

965 - Hedge Hog

966 - Helichopper

967 - Helter Skelter

968 - Herbert's Dummy Run

969 - Hercules - Slayer of the Damned

970 - Here & There With The Mr. Men

971 - Hermitage

972 - Hero of the Golden Talisman

973 - Hero Quest

974 - Hero Quest : Return of the Witch Lord

975 - Herobotix

976 - Heroes of Karn

977 - Heroes of the Lance

978 - Hideous

979 - High Frontier

980 - High Steel

981 - Highlander

982 - Highway Encounter

983 - Highway Patrol

984 - Hijack

985 - Hi-Q Quizz

986 - HiRise

987 - Histo Quizz

988 - Histoire De France

989 - Hit Pak : 6 Pak

990 - Hit Squad

991 - Hive

992 - Hms Cobra

993 - Hobgoblin

994 - Hockey

995 - Hold Up

996 - Holdfast

997 - Hollywood Hijinx

998 - Hollywood Or Bust

999 - Holocauste

1000 - Homerunner

1001 - Hong Kong Phooey - No.1 Super Guy

1002 - Hopital Danger

1003 - Hopper Copper

1004 - Hoppin' Mad

1005 - Hostages - Operation Jupiter

1006 - Hot Rod

1007 - Hotshot

1008 - Hounds of Hell

1009 - House of Usher

1010 - How to be a Complete Bastard

1011 - How to be a Hero

1012 - Howard the Duck

1013 - Hudson Hawk

1014 - Human Killing Machine

1015 - Humphrey

1016 - Hunchback

1017 - Hunchback : The Adventure

1018 - Hunchback II : Quasimodo's Revenge

1019 - Hundra

1020 - Hunt for Red October, The: The Movie

1021 - Hunter Killer

1022 - Hurlements

1023 - Huxley Pig

1024 - Hybrid

1025 - Hydra

1026 - Hydrofool

1027 - Hyper Sports

1028 - Hyperbowl

1029 - Hyperspace 4

1030 - I Ball II - Quest for the Past

1031 - I, Ball

1032 - Ian Botham's Test Match

1033 - Ice Breaker

1034 - Ice Temple

1035 - Icon Jon

1036 - IK+

1037 - Ikari Warriors

1038 - Ile

1039 - Imagination

1040 - Imagine's Arcade Giants

1041 - Impact

1042 - Imperialis

1043 - Impossaball

1044 - Impossamole

1045 - Impossible Mission

1046 - Impossible Mission 2

1047 - Incantation

1048 - Incredible Shrinking Sphere

1049 - Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis

1050 - Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (2)

1051 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade : The Action Ga

1052 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

1053 - Indoor Bowling

1054 - Indoor Race

1055 - Indoor Soccer

1056 - Indoor Sports

1057 - Inertie

1058 - Infection

1059 - Infernal Runner

1060 - Infidel

1061 - Infiltrator

1062 - Infodroid

1063 - Ingrid's Back!

1064 - Insector Hecti In The Interchange

1065 - Inteligencia

1066 - Interdictor Pilot

1067 - Interieur

1068 - International 3D Tennis

1069 - International Karate

1070 - International Manager

1071 - International Ninja Rabbits

1072 - International Rugby

1073 - International Rugby Simulator

1074 - International Speedway

1075 - Into Oblivion

1076 - Into the Eagle's Nest

1077 - Invasion

1078 - Invitation

1079 - Iron Lord

1080 - Iron Lord (4)

1081 - Iron Trackers

1082 - Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off-road

1083 - Ishido

1084 - Island

1085 - Isoleur

1086 - Italia '90 - World Cup Soccer

1087 - Italian Supercar

1088 - Italy 1990

1089 - Italy 1990: Winners Edition

1090 - Iznogoud

1091 - Jabato

1092 - Jack and the Beanstalk

1093 - Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Champion

1094 - Jack the Nipper

1095 - Jack the Nipper 2: Coconut Capers

1096 - Jack The Ripper

1097 - Jackal

1098 - Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash

1099 - Jai Alai

1100 - Jail Break

1101 - James Bond 007 : The Spy Who Loved Me

1102 - James Debug - Mystere De L'ile Perdue

1103 - Jammin

1104 - Jason and the Argonauts

1105 - Jaws

1106 - Jet 37

1107 - Jet Bike Simulator

1108 - Jet Boot Jack

1109 - Jet Set Willy

1110 - Jet Set Willy: The Final Frontier

1111 - Jeu Du Roy

1112 - Jeux sans frontières

1113 - Jewels of Babylon

1114 - Jewels of Darkness Trilogy I: Colossal Adventure

1115 - Jewels of Darkness Trilogy II: Adventure Quest

1116 - Jewels of Darkness Trilogy III: Dungeon Adventure

1117 - Jimmy Business

1118 - Jimmy's Soccer Manager

1119 - Jinks

1120 - Jinxter

1121 - Jo Visits the Planet Qor

1122 - Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge

1123 - Joe Blade

1124 - Joe Blade 3

1125 - Joe Blade II

1126 - Joe Contre Les Pharaons

1127 - John Elway's Quarterback

1128 - Johnny Proot 2

1129 - Johnny Reb 2

1130 - Jonah Barrington's Squash

1131 - Jonny Quest in Doctor Zin's Underworld

1132 - Joust

1133 - Juggernaut

1134 - Jump Jet

1135 - Jump Mania

1136 - Jungle Book

1137 - Jungle Warfare

1138 - Jungle Warrior

1139 - Kaiser

1140 - Kane

1141 - Karateka

1142 - Karl's Treasure Hunt

1143 - Karnov

1144 - Kat Trap

1145 - Keep Yourself Alive

1146 - Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager

1147 - Kenny Dalglish Soccer Match

1148 - Kentilla

1149 - Kentucky Racing

1150 - Kettle

1151 - Key Factor

1152 - Kick Off

1153 - Kick Off 2

1154 - Kikstart 2

1155 - Killapede

1156 - Killed Until Dead

1157 - Killer Cobra

1158 - Killer Gorilla

1159 - Killer Ring

1160 - Killer Star

1161 - Killerball

1162 - Kim

1163 - Kinetik

1164 - Kingdom of Hamil

1165 - Kingdoms

1166 - Klax

1167 - Knight Force

1168 - Knight Games

1169 - Knight Ghost

1170 - Knight Lore

1171 - Knight Orc

1172 - Knight Rider

1173 - Knight Tyme

1174 - Knightmare

1175 - Kobyashi Naru

1176 - Kokotoni Wilf

1177 - Konami's Golf

1178 - Kong Strikes Back

1179 - Koronis Rift

1180 - Krakout

1181 - Kristal

1182 - Kristax

1183 - Kung-Fu (Europe)

1184 - Kung-Fu Master

1185 - Kwik Snax

1186 - L.E.D. Storm

1187 - La Chose de Grotemburg

1188 - La Corona Magica

1189 - La Formule

1190 - La peste interstellaire

1191 - La Quete de la Pierre de Mindstone

1192 - La Ville Infernale

1193 - Labynotaure

1194 - Labyrinth Hall

1195 - Labyrinthe

1196 - L'Affaire Santa Fe

1197 - L'Affaire Vera Cruz

1198 - Lagaf: Les Aventures de Moktar - Vol 1: La Zoubida

1199 - L'Aigle d'Or : Le Retour

1200 - Lancelot

1201 - L'Armure Sacrée d'Antiriad

1202 - L'Art de la Guerre

1203 - Las 3 Luces De Glaurung

1204 - Las Vegas Video Poker

1205 - Laser Squad

1206 - Lasersquad Expansion Kit 1

1207 - Laserwarp

1208 - Last Duel

1209 - Last Ninja 2

1210 - Last Ninja 2 (2)

1211 - Lazertag

1212 - Le 5ème Axe

1213 - Le Crepuscule du Naja

1214 - Le Dernier Metro

1215 - Le Flic de Beverly Hills

1216 - Le Maître des âmes

1217 - Le Pacte

1218 - Le Passager du Temps

1219 - Le Secret du Tombeau

1220 - Le Survivant

1221 - Le Syndrome

1222 - Le Talisman d'Osiris

1223 - Leaderboard Tournament

1224 - League Challenge

1225 - Leather Goddesses of Phobos

1226 - Legend

1227 - Legend of Apache Gold

1228 - Legions of Death

1229 - Lemmings

1230 - Leonard

1231 - Les Adventures du ka Traitement Bzzz

1232 - Les Aventures de Jack Burton

1233 - Les Aventures de Pepito au Mexique

1234 - Les Dragons

1235 - Les Envahisseurs de L'au Dela

1236 - Les Mines du Roi Aquantus

1237 - Les Passagers du Vent

1238 - Les Pyramides d'Atlantys

1239 - Les Tuniques Bleues - North & South

1240 - Leviathan

1241 - L'Héritage : Panique à Las Vegas

1242 - Liberator

1243 - Life Expectancy Zero

1244 - Life Term

1245 - Light Corridor

1246 - Light Force

1247 - Line of Fire

1248 - Link

1249 - Little Computer People

1250 - Little Puff in Dragonland

1251 - Liverpool

1252 - Livingstone Supongo 2

1253 - Livingstone, I Presume

1254 - Lo Mejor De Dinamic

1255 - Loco-motion

1256 - Lode Runner

1257 - Logistic

1258 - Lone Wolf

1259 - Long-way

1260 - Loopz

1261 - Lop Ears

1262 - Lord of the Rings: Game Two: Shadows of Mordor

1263 - Lords

1264 - Lords of Chaos

1265 - Lords of Midnight

1266 - Lorna

1267 - Los Angeles SWAT

1268 - Los Inhumanos

1269 - Los Pájaros de Bangkok

1270 - Lost Caves

1271 - Lost Crown

1272 - Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge

1273 - Lucky Fruits

1274 - Lucky Luke - Nitroglycerine (2)

1275 - Lucky Luke: Nitroglycerine

1276 - Mac 2

1277 - Macadam Bumper

1278 - Mach 3

1279 - Macrocosmica

1280 - Mad Flunky

1281 - Mad Mix

1282 - Mad Mix 2

1283 - Madballs

1284 - Maddog

1285 - Maffia

1286 - Mag Max

1287 - Maggot Splat

1288 - Magic Johnson's Basketball

1289 - Magic Sword

1290 - Maitre Absolu

1291 - Malediction de Thaar

1292 - Malefice des Atlantes

1293 - Manchester United Europe

1294 - Manchester United Football Club

1295 - Mandragore

1296 - Mange Cailloux

1297 - Manhattan 95

1298 - Manic Miner

1299 - Manic Miner 2

1300 - Manoir de Mortevielle, Le (2)

1301 - Manoir de Rochebrune

1302 - Manoir du Comte Frozarda. Le

1303 - Map Rally

1304 - MapGame

1305 - Maquina Del Tiempo

1306 - Maracaibo

1307 - Marauder

1308 - Marble Madness

1309 - Marble Madness Construction Set

1310 - Marius Tresor Foot

1311 - Marmelade

1312 - Marque Jaune

1313 - Marsport

1314 - Martianoids

1315 - Mask

1316 - Mask 2

1317 - Mask 3: Venom Strikes Back

1318 - Masque

1319 - Master

1320 - Master Chess

1321 - Master Chess 2

1322 - Master of the Lamps

1323 - Master Rubik's Cube

1324 - Masters Of Space

1325 - Masters of the Universe: The Movie

1326 - Mata Hari

1327 - Match Day II

1328 - Matchday

1329 - Max Headroom

1330 - Maze

1331 - Maze Mania

1332 - Mazie

1333 - Mega Bombers

1334 - Mega Phoenix

1335 - Mega-Apocalypse

1336 - Megablasters

1337 - Mega-Bucks

1338 - Mega-Corp

1339 - Meganova

1340 - Megawar

1341 - Meltdown & Control Reactor

1342 - Menace sur L'Arctique

1343 - M'enfin: Gaston

1344 - Mercenaire

1345 - Mercenary - Escape From Targ

1346 - Mercs

1347 - Mermaid Madness

1348 - Message From Andromeda

1349 - Metal Army

1350 - Metalyx

1351 - Metaplex

1352 - Metro 2018

1353 - Metro Cross

1354 - Metropol: The Big Hack

1355 - Metropolis

1356 - Meurtre A Grande Vitesse

1357 - Meurtre Sur L'atlantique

1358 - Meurtres En Serie

1359 - Mewilo

1360 - Meynaupede

1361 - MGT - Magnetic Tank

1362 - Miami Dice

1363 - Miami Vice

1364 - Michel Futbol Master + Super Skills

1365 - Mickey Mouse

1366 - Micro Mouse Goes De-Bugging

1367 - Micro Sapiens

1368 - Micro Scrabble

1369 - Microball

1370 - MicroProse Soccer

1371 - Midnight Resistance

1372 - Mig Buster 128k

1373 - Mig-29 Soviet Fighter

1374 - Mike Gunner

1375 - Mike Read's Computer Pop Quiz

1376 - Mikie

1377 - Military School

1378 - Milk Race

1379 - Mille Bornes FGB

1380 - Millionnaire

1381 - Minder

1382 - Mindfighter

1383 - Mindshadow

1384 - Mindtrap

1385 - Mineur

1386 - Mission

1387 - Mission 2

1388 - Mission Delta

1389 - Mission Elevator

1390 - Mission En Rafale

1391 - Mission Genocide

1392 - Mission I: Project Volcano

1393 - Mission Jupiter

1394 - Mission Omega

1395 - Mission Secrete a Colditz

1396 - MLM 3D - Evasion de la Lune

1397 - Mobile Man

1398 - Mokowe

1399 - Molecularr 2

1400 - Molecule Man

1401 - Momie Blues

1402 - Money Molch

1403 - Monopolic

1404 - Monopoly

1405 - Monte Carlo Casino

1406 - Monty on the Run

1407 - Monty Python's Flying Circus

1408 - Monument

1409 - Moon Blaster

1410 - Moon Buggy

1411 - Moon Cresta

1412 - Moonmist

1413 - Moontorc

1414 - Moonwalker

1415 - Moors Challenge

1416 - Mordon's Quest

1417 - Morpions

1418 - Morris Meets the Biker

1419 - Mortadelo y Filemon 2

1420 - Mortevielle Manor

1421 - MOT

1422 - Moto Driver

1423 - Moto Driver (France)

1424 - Moto X Simulator

1425 - Motor Massacre

1426 - Motorbike Madness

1427 - Motos

1428 - Moulinsart

1429 - Mountain Bike Racer

1430 - Mountain Bike Simulator

1431 - Mountains of Ket

1432 - Mountie Mick's Death Ride

1433 - Movie

1434 - Moving Target

1435 - Mr. Freeze

1436 - Mr. Gas

1437 - Mr. Heli

1438 - Mr. Pingo

1439 - Mr. Wong Loopy Laundry

1440 - Muggins the Spaceman

1441 - Multicorp

1442 - Munch-it

1443 - Mutan Zone

1444 - Mutant Fortress

1445 - Mutant Monty

1446 - Mutants

1447 - Mystere de Kikekankoi

1448 - Mystery of Arkham Manor

1449 - Mystery of the Indus Valleys

1450 - Mystery of the Java Star

1451 - Mystical

1452 - Myth : History in the Making

1453 - Mythos

1454 - N.E.X.O.R.

1455 - N.O.M.A.D.

1456 - Nakamoto

1457 - NARC

1458 - Narco Police

1459 - Navy Moves

1460 - Nebulus

1461 - Necris Dome

1462 - Necromancien

1463 - NEIL Android

1464 - Nemesis

1465 - Nemesis 4

1466 - Nemesis the Warlock

1467 - Nervous Breakdown

1468 - Nether Earth

1469 - Netherworld

1470 - New York Warriors

1471 - Nexus

1472 - Nibbler

1473 - Nick Faldo Plays the Open

1474 - Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix

1475 - Nigel Mansell's World Championship

1476 - Night Booster

1477 - Night Gunner

1478 - Night Raider

1479 - Night Shift

1480 - NightHunter

1481 - Nightmare Park

1482 - Nightshade

1483 - Ninja

1484 - Ninja Commando

1485 - Ninja Hamster

1486 - Ninja Massacre

1487 - Ninja Master

1488 - Ninja Scooter Simulator

1489 - Ninja Spirit

1490 - Nocturne

1491 - Nodes of Yesod

1492 - Nonamed

1493 - Nonterraqueous

1494 - Nonterraqueous II: Soul of a Robot

1495 - North Star

1496 - Nosferatu the Vampyre

1497 - Nova

1498 - Nuclear Defense

1499 - Nuclear Heist

1500 - Number One

1501 - Obliterator

1502 - Obsidian

1503 - Ocean Conqueror

1504 - Octoplex

1505 - Oeil De Set

1506 - Off Shore Warrior

1507 - Official Father Christmas

1508 - Oh Mummy

1509 - Oilmania

1510 - Oink!: Piggy Tales

1511 - Old Sam's Saloon Gamble Machine

1512 - Ole

1513 - Ole, Toro

1514 - Olli & Lissa 3: The Candlelight Adventure

1515 - Olli & Lissa: The Ghost of Shilmore Castle

1516 - Olympiad '86

1517 - Omega Dimension

1518 - Omega Planete Invisible

1519 - Omeyad

1520 - On Cue

1521 - On the Run

1522 - One

1523 - One Man and his Droid

1524 - Operation Gunship

1525 - Operation Hanoi

1526 - Operation Hormuz

1527 - Operation Nemo

1528 - Operation Thunderbolt

1529 - Operation Wolf

1530 - Oriental Games

1531 - Orifice from Outer Space

1532 - Orion

1533 - Orphée : Voyage aux Enfers

1534 - Osprey

1535 - Othello Master

1536 - Othello-reversi

1537 - Out Board

1538 - Out of This World

1539 - Outlaw

1540 - OutRun

1541 - OutRun Europa

1542 - Overlander

1543 - Overlord 2

1544 - Oxphar

1545 - Oxyda

1546 - P.H.M. Pegasus

1547 - P47 Thunderbolt : The Freedom Fighter

1548 - Pac-Ball 2

1549 - Pac-Boy

1550 - Pacific

1551 - Pack Dinamic (S) (-) (Disk 1 of 2)

1552 - Pack Dinamic (S) (-) (Disk 2 of 2)

1553 - Pac-Land

1554 - Pac-Man

1555 - Pac-Man 2

1556 - Pac-Mania

1557 - Pac-Punk

1558 - Paladin

1559 - Palitron

1560 - Pang

1561 - Panic Dizzy

1562 - Panza Kick Boxing

1563 - Panza Kick Boxing (Europe)

1564 - Panzadrome

1565 - Paperboy

1566 - Paperboy 2

1567 - Para Academy

1568 - Para Assault Course

1569 - Parabola

1570 - Paragliding

1571 - Paranoia Complex

1572 - Paris-dakar

1573 - Park Patrol

1574 - Passagers du Vent 2

1575 - Passing Shot

1576 - Pasteman Pat

1577 - Patrice Martin-Les Dieux de la Mer

1578 - Paws

1579 - Pearl Harbour

1580 - Peasant's Tale

1581 - Pegasus Bridge

1582 - Penguin

1583 - Peppe Bequilles

1584 - Perestroika

1585 - Perfume Hunter

1586 - Perico Delgado Maillot Amarillo

1587 - Periscope Up

1588 - Permis de Tuer

1589 - Peter Beardsley's Soccer

1590 - Peter Pack Rat

1591 - Peter Pan

1592 - Peter Shilton's Handball Maradona

1593 - Peur Sur Amityville

1594 - Phantom Club

1595 - Pharaon

1596 - Phenix Noir

1597 - Pheonix Mission

1598 - Phileas Fogg's Balloon Battles

1599 - Philosopher's Quest

1600 - Pick'n Pile

1601 - Pictionary

1602 - Pinball Magic

1603 - Pinball Power

1604 - Pinball Wizard

1605 - Pinball Wizard (Europe)

1606 - Ping Pong

1607 - Pink Panther

1608 - Pipe Mania

1609 - Pirates

1610 - Pit-Fighter

1611 - Planetfall

1612 - Plasmatron

1613 - Platoon

1614 - Play Bac

1615 - Plot

1616 - Plumpy

1617 - Pneumatic Hammers

1618 - Poder Oscuro

1619 - Pogostick Olympics

1620 - Poli Diaz Boxeo

1621 - Polluting Bacteria

1622 - Poogaboo : La Pulga 2

1623 - Popeye

1624 - Popeye 2

1625 - Popeye 3: Wrestle Crazy

1626 - Pop-Up

1627 - Poseidon

1628 - Postman Pat

1629 - Postman Pat 2

1630 - Postman Pat 3

1631 - Potsworth & Co.

1632 - Pouvoir

1633 - Power and Magic

1634 - Power Drift

1635 - Power Tetris

1636 - Powerplay: The Game of the Gods

1637 - Predator

1638 - Predator 2

1639 - Prehistorik

1640 - Prehistorik 2

1641 - Premier 2

1642 - President

1643 - Prince De Perse

1644 - Prison Riot

1645 - Pro Boxing Simulator

1646 - Pro Golf Simulator

1647 - Pro Mountain Bike Simulator

1648 - Pro Powerboat Simulator

1649 - Pro Skateboard Simulator

1650 - Pro Tennis Simulator

1651 - Pro Tennis Tour

1652 - Prodigy

1653 - Profanation

1654 - Professional BMX Simulator

1655 - Professional Boxing Simulator

1656 - Professional Ski Simulator

1657 - Professional Snooker Simulator

1658 - Prohibition

1659 - Project Future

1660 - Project Genesis

1661 - Project-X Microman

1662 - Protector

1663 - Psi-5 Trading Company

1664 - Psyborg

1665 - Psycho City

1666 - Psycho Hopper

1667 - Psycho Pigs UXB

1668 - Psycho Soldier

1669 - Pub Games

1670 - Pub Trivia

1671 - Puffy's Saga

1672 - Puissance 4

1673 - Pulsator

1674 - Pulsoid

1675 - Punch and Judy

1676 - Punchy

1677 - Punk Star

1678 - Purple Saturn Day

1679 - Puzzle

1680 - Puzznic

1681 - Pyjamarama

1682 - Pyramydya

1683 - Python

1684 - Q10 Tankbuster

1685 - Qabbalah

1686 - Qin

1687 - Quack a Jack

1688 - Quad

1689 - Quadrel

1690 - Quad-X

1691 - Quartet

1692 - Quest for the Golden Eggcup

1693 - Question Of Scruples, A

1694 - Questor

1695 - Questprobe featuring The Human Torch and The Thing

1696 - Quick Draw McGraw

1697 - Quijote

1698 - R.A.M.

1699 - R.B.I. Baseball 2

1700 - Rad Ramp Racer

1701 - Rad Zone

1702 - Radius

1703 - Raffles

1704 - Raid Over Moscow

1705 - Raid sur Tenere

1706 - Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2

1707 - Rally CPC

1708 - Rally Cross Challenge

1709 - Rally Driver

1710 - Rally II

1711 - Rally Simulator

1712 - Ramblas

1713 - Rambo : First Blood Part II

1714 - Rambo III

1715 - Rampage

1716 - Ramparts

1717 - Rana Rama

1718 - Ransom

1719 - Rasputin

1720 - Rastan

1721 - Raster Runner

1722 - Rasterscan

1723 - Rath-Tha

1724 - Real Stunt Experts

1725 - Realm

1726 - Rebel Planet

1727 - Rebelstar

1728 - Reckless Rufus

1729 - Red Arrows

1730 - Red Coats

1731 - Red Hawk

1732 - Red Led

1733 - Red Scorpion

1734 - Redhawk II: Kwah

1735 - Reflex

1736 - Reisende Im Wind 2

1737 - Relief Action

1738 - Renaud : Marche à l'Ombre

1739 - Renegade

1740 - Renegade III : The Final Chapter

1741 - Renegade: Kuma

1742 - Rescate

1743 - Rescate En El Golfo

1744 - Rescue from Atlantis

1745 - Rescue on Fractalus

1746 - Return Of The Exploding Fist

1747 - Return to Eden

1748 - Reveal

1749 - Revenge on the C5

1750 - Reversi Champion

1751 - Revolution

1752 - Revolver

1753 - Reward

1754 - Rex

1755 - Rick Dangerous

1756 - Rick Dangerous 2

1757 - Ricochet (blaby Computer Games)

1758 - Riding the Rapids

1759 - Rig Attack

1760 - Rigel's Revenge

1761 - Rik the Roadie

1762 - Ring des Lichtes

1763 - Ring of Darkness

1764 - River Race

1765 - Road Blasters

1766 - Road Runner

1767 - Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote

1768 - Robbbot

1769 - Robin Hood - Legend Quest

1770 - Robin of Sherlock

1771 - Robin of Sherwood : The Touchstones of Rhiannon

1772 - Robinson Crusoe

1773 - Robocide

1774 - RoboCop

1775 - Robot Ron

1776 - Robozone

1777 - Rocco

1778 - Rock and Wrestle

1779 - Rock Hopper

1780 - Rock 'n Roller

1781 - Rock Raid

1782 - Rockford - The Arcade Game

1783 - Rock'n Roll

1784 - Rockstar

1785 - Rodeo

1786 - Rodland

1787 - Rogue

1788 - Rogue Trooper

1789 - Roland Ahoy

1790 - Roland Goes Digging

1791 - Roland in Space

1792 - Roland in the Caves

1793 - Roland in Time

1794 - Roland on the Ropes

1795 - Roland on the Run

1796 - Rollaround

1797 - Rolling Thunder

1798 - Roog

1799 - Room Ten

1800 - Rooster Run

1801 - Roy Of The Rovers

1802 - Royal Quest

1803 - R-Type

1804 - Ruff and Reddy in the Space Adventure

1805 - Rugby League Manager

1806 - Run for Gold

1807 - Run the Gauntlet

1808 - Runestone

1809 - Running Man, The (2)

1810 - RX 220

1811 - Rygar

1812 - S.D.I. - Strategic Defence Initiative

1813 - S.T.U.N. Runner

1814 - S.W.I.V.

1815 - Sabotage

1816 - Saboteur

1817 - Saboteur II

1818 - Sabre Wulf

1819 - Sabrina

1820 - Saga

1821 - Sai Combat

1822 - Saigon Combat Unit

1823 - Sailing

1824 - Saint and Greavsie

1825 - Saint Dragon

1826 - Saint Valentin

1827 - Salamander

1828 - Samantha Fox Strip Poker

1829 - Samurai

1830 - Samurai (Europe) (Unl)

1831 - Samurai Trilogy

1832 - Samurai Warrior: The Battles of Usaji Yojimbo

1833 - San Pablo

1834 - Sandman

1835 - Sandman: Love and Magic

1836 - Sapiens

1837 - Saracen

1838 - Sas Assault Cource

1839 - SAS Combat Simulator

1840 - Satan

1841 - Sattelite Warrior

1842 - Savage

1843 - Scalextric

1844 - Scapeghost

1845 - Scarabaeus

1846 - Scary Tales

1847 - Sceptre D' Anubis

1848 - Scooby Doo and Scrappy Doo

1849 - Scooby Doo in the Castle Mystery

1850 - Score 3020

1851 - Scramble Spirits

1852 - Screwball

1853 - Scrounch

1854 - Scuba Kidz

1855 - Sdaw

1856 - Sea Warrior 2

1857 - Seabase Delta

1858 - Search for Largo Grann

1859 - Seas of Blood

1860 - Seastalker

1861 - Secret Defense

1862 - Secret of Bastow Manor

1863 - Seesaw

1864 - Sentinel

1865 - Sepulcri

1866 - Sergeant Seymour Robotcop

1867 - Serie Noire

1868 - Serpent Madness

1869 - Seymour goes to Hollywood

1870 - Seymour: Take One

1871 - Sgrizam

1872 - Shackled

1873 - Shade of Swords

1874 - Shadow Dancer

1875 - Shadow of the Bear

1876 - Shadow of the Beast

1877 - Shadow of the Beast (2)

1878 - Shadow Skimmer

1879 - Shadow Warriors

1880 - Shadowfire

1881 - Shanghai

1882 - Shanghai Karate

1883 - Shao-Lin's Road

1884 - Shark

1885 - Sharkey's Moll

1886 - Sherman M4

1887 - Shinobi

1888 - Ship Pilot

1889 - Shockway Rider

1890 - Shoe People

1891 - Shogun

1892 - Short Circuit

1893 - Short's Fuse

1894 - Shufflepuck Cafe

1895 - Sid Meier's Pirates!

1896 - Side Arms

1897 - Sideral War

1898 - Sigma 7

1899 - Silent Shadow

1900 - Silkworm

1901 - Silva

1902 - SimCity

1903 - Simulador Profesional de Tenis

1904 - Sir Fred

1905 - Sir Lancelot

1906 - Sir Wood

1907 - Sito Pons 500cc Grand Prix

1908 - Skaal

1909 - Skate Ball

1910 - Skate Crazy

1911 - Skate or Die

1912 - Skate Rock

1913 - Skateboard Joust

1914 - Skateboard Kidz

1915 - Skatin' USA

1916 - Skull & Crossbones

1917 - Skweek

1918 - Sky Hunter

1919 - Skyfox

1920 - Skyx

1921 - Sláine, the Celtic Barbarian

1922 - Slap Fight

1923 - Slapshot

1924 - Sliders

1925 - Slightly Magic

1926 - Sly Spy : Secret Agent

1927 - Smash T.V.

1928 - Smashed

1929 - Smugglers Cove

1930 - Snoball in Hell

1931 - Snodgits

1932 - Snooker

1933 - Snoopy and Peanuts

1934 - Snowball

1935 - Snowstrike

1936 - Soccer '86

1937 - Soccer Pinball

1938 - Soccer Star

1939 - Software Star

1940 - Sokoban

1941 - Sol Negro

1942 - Solar Coaster

1943 - Solar Empire

1944 - Soldier of Light

1945 - Solid Gold

1946 - Solo

1947 - Solomon's Key

1948 - Solomon's Key 3

1949 - Sonic Boom

1950 - Sootland

1951 - Sooty and Sweep

1952 - Sorcerer

1953 - Sorcerer Lord

1954 - Sorcery

1955 - Sorcery +

1956 - Souls of Darkon

1957 - Southern Belle

1958 - Soviet

1959 - Space Crusade

1960 - Space Froggy

1961 - Space Froggy 2

1962 - Space Harrier

1963 - Space Harrier II

1964 - Space Hawks

1965 - Space Invaders

1966 - Space Mania

1967 - Space Racer

1968 - Space Rescue

1969 - Space Rider - Jet Pack Co.

1970 - Space Shuttle : A Journey into Space

1971 - Space Shuttle Simulateur

1972 - Space Smugglers

1973 - Space Taxi

1974 - Space Thief

1975 - Spaced-Out

1976 - Spaghetti Western Simulator

1977 - Spannerman

1978 - Special Operations

1979 - Speed King

1980 - Speed Zone

1981 - Spellbound

1982 - Spheric

1983 - Spherical

1984 - Spiky Harold

1985 - Spindizzy

1986 - Spindrone

1987 - Spirits

1988 - Spitfire '40

1989 - Spitting Image

1990 - Splat!

1991 - Split Personalities

1992 - Spooked

1993 - Spooky Castle

1994 - Sport of Kings

1995 - Spots 94

1996 - Spy Hunter

1997 - Spy vs Spy

1998 - Spy vs Spy : The Island Caper

1999 - Spy vs Spy III : Arctic Antics

2000 - Spy-Trek Adventure

2001 - Sram

2002 - Sram (2)

2003 - Sram 2

2004 - Stainless Steel

2005 - Stairway to Hell

2006 - Star Avenger

2007 - Star Bowls

2008 - Star Byte

2009 - Star Commando

2010 - Star Control

2011 - Star Driver

2012 - Star Fight

2013 - Star Firebirds

2014 - Star Fox

2015 - Star Raiders II

2016 - Star Ranger

2017 - Star Trap

2018 - Star Trooper

2019 - Star Wars

2020 - Star Wars : Return of the Jedi

2021 - Star Wars Droids

2022 - Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

2023 - Star Watcher

2024 - Star Wreck

2025 - Starcross

2026 - Stardust

2027 - Starglider

2028 - Starion

2029 - Starquake

2030 - Starstrike II

2031 - Starting Blocks

2032 - Stationfall

2033 - Steel Eagle

2034 - Stellar Outpost

2035 - Steve Davis Pool

2036 - Steve Davis Snooker

2037 - Steve McQueen Westphaser

2038 - Stifflip & Co.

2039 - Stock Market

2040 - Stomp

2041 - Storm

2042 - Storm II: The Fear

2043 - Storm Warrior

2044 - Stormbringer

2045 - Stormlord

2046 - Stormlord II: Deliverance

2047 - Strangeloop

2048 - Strangeloop Plus

2049 - Strategy

2050 - Streaker

2051 - Street Cred Boxing

2052 - Street Cred Football

2053 - Street Fighter

2054 - Street Fighter 2

2055 - Street Gang

2056 - Street Gang Football

2057 - Street Hawk

2058 - Street Machine

2059 - Street Sports Basketball

2060 - Strider

2061 - Strider 2

2062 - Strike

2063 - Strike Force Cobra

2064 - Strike Force Harrier

2065 - Strike Force SAS

2066 - Striker

2067 - Strip Ball

2068 - Strip Poker

2069 - Strip Poker 2

2070 - Strip Poker Animado

2071 - Strip Takin

2072 - Stryfe: The Everlasting Battle

2073 - Stryker in the Crypts of Trogan

2074 - Stunt Bike Simulator

2075 - Stunt Car Racer

2076 - Stunt Man Seymour

2077 - Sub Sunk

2078 - Subbuteo: The Computer Game

2079 - Submarino Experimental Neptuno

2080 - Subterranean Stryker

2081 - Subway Vigilante

2082 - Sultan's Maze

2083 - Summer Games

2084 - Summer Games 2

2085 - Sun Star

2086 - Super Ali

2087 - Super Cars

2088 - Super Cauldron

2089 - Super Chess

2090 - Super Cycle

2091 - Super Gran

2092 - Super Hang-On

2093 - Super Hero

2094 - Super Monaco GP

2095 - Super Pac (loisitech)

2096 - Super Pipeline II

2097 - Super Puzzle

2098 - Super Robin Hood

2099 - Super Sam

2100 - Super Sapiens

2101 - Super Scramble Simulator

2102 - Super Seymour Saves the Planet

2103 - Super Ski

2104 - Super Skweek

2105 - Super Space Invaders

2106 - Super Sports: The Olympic Challenge

2107 - Super Sprint

2108 - Super Stock Car

2109 - Super Stunt Man

2110 - Super Tank Simulator

2111 - Super Ted: The Search for Spot

2112 - Super Tetris

2113 - Super Trolley

2114 - Super Trux

2115 - Super Wonder Boy in Monster Land

2116 - Superkid

2117 - Superman: The Game

2118 - Superman: The Man of Steel

2119 - SuperStar Soccer

2120 - Supertripper

2121 - Survivor

2122 - Survivors

2123 - Survivre

2124 - Suspect

2125 - Suspended

2126 - Swap

2127 - Sweevo's World

2128 - SwitchBlade

2129 - Swivel

2130 - Sword of the Samurai

2131 - Sword Of Truth

2132 - Sword Slayer

2133 - Swords & Sorcery

2134 - Synopsis de Biat

2135 - Syntax

2136 - T.L.L. - Tornado Low Level

2137 - Table Football

2138 - Tac Tic

2139 - Tai-Pan

2140 - Tales of the Arabian Nights

2141 - Talisman of Power

2142 - Tanium

2143 - Tank

2144 - Tank Busters

2145 - Tank Command

2146 - Tank Invader

2147 - Tapper

2148 - Target : Renegade

2149 - Target Plus

2150 - Targhan

2151 - Tarzan

2152 - Task Force

2153 - Tau Ceti

2154 - Tau Ceti Special Edition

2155 - T-Bird

2156 - Technician Ted

2157 - Techno Cop

2158 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

2159 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II : The Arcade Game

2160 - Teenage Queen

2161 - Teenage Queen (2)

2162 - Tempest

2163 - Templiers d' Orven

2164 - Tenebres

2165 - Tennis 3D

2166 - Tennis Cup

2167 - Tennis Manager

2168 - Tenpin Challenge

2169 - Tensions

2170 - Terminator 2 : Judgment Day

2171 - Terminus: The Prison Planet

2172 - Terra Cognita

2173 - Terramex

2174 - Terror En La Facultad

2175 - Terror of the Deep

2176 - Terrormolinos

2177 - Terrorpods

2178 - Tetris

2179 - Tetris 2

2180 - Tetris '95

2181 - Tetrix

2182 - Thai Boxing

2183 - Thanatos

2184 - The Hunt for Red October-The Ultimate Submarine Combat Simulation

2185 - The abbey of crime

2186 - The Addams Family

2187 - The Adventures of Bond... Basildon Bond

2188 - The Apprentice

2189 - The Armageddon Man

2190 - The Astonishing Adventures of Mr. Weems and the She Vampires

2191 - The A-Team

2192 - The Bard's Tale : Tales of the Unknown, Volume I

2193 - The Base

2194 - The Beer Hunter

2195 - The Bells

2196 - The Big Sleaze

2197 - The Blues Brothers

2198 - The Boggit

2199 - The Brick

2200 - The Chessmaster 2000

2201 - The Curse of Sherwood

2202 - The Cycles : International Grand Prix Racing

2203 - The Dam Busters

2204 - The Duel : Test Drive II

2205 - The Fifth Quadrant

2206 - The Flintstones

2207 - The Fourth Protocole

2208 - The Games - Winter Edition

2209 - The Goonies

2210 - The Great Escape

2211 - The Great Giana Sisters

2212 - The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole

2213 - The Guild of Thieves

2214 - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

2215 - The Hobbit

2216 - The Hustler

2217 - The Island of Dr. Destructo

2218 - The Jetsons

2219 - The Krypton Factor

2220 - The Last Commando

2221 - The Last Mission

2222 - The Last V8

2223 - The Legend of Kage

2224 - The Lurking Horror

2225 - The Match

2226 - The Munsters

2227 - The Neverending Story

2228 - The New Zealand Story

2229 - The Ninja Warriors

2230 - The Pawn

2231 - The Prize

2232 - The Race

2233 - The Race Against Time For Sport Aid 88

2234 - The Real Ghostbusters

2235 - The Rocky Horror Show

2236 - The Running Man

2237 - The Saga of Erik the Viking

2238 - The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole

2239 - The Spiro Legacy

2240 - The Train : Escape to Normandy

2241 - The Trap Door

2242 - The Very Big Cave Adventure

2243 - The Vindicator

2244 - The Way of the Exploding Fist

2245 - The Way of the Tiger

2246 - The Wild Bunch

2247 - The Worm in Paradise

2248 - Theatre Europe

2249 - Theseus

2250 - They Stole a Million

2251 - Thing

2252 - Thing Bounces Back

2253 - Thing on a Spring

2254 - Thingy and the Doodahs

2255 - Think

2256 - Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends

2257 - Thorn Sea

2258 - Three Bears

2259 - Three Weeks in Paradise

2260 - Throne of Fire

2261 - Through the Trap Door

2262 - Thrust

2263 - Thrust 2

2264 - Thunder Blade

2265 - Thunder Burner

2266 - Thunder Fighter

2267 - Thunder Zone

2268 - Thunderbirds

2269 - Thundercats

2270 - ThunderJaws

2271 - Tie Break

2272 - Tiger Road

2273 - Time And Magik Pack

2274 - Time and Magik Trilogy I: Lords of Time

2275 - Time and Magik Trilogy II: Red Moon

2276 - Time and Magik Trilogy III: The Price of Magik

2277 - Time Machine

2278 - Time Scanner

2279 - Time Trax

2280 - Timelord

2281 - Timeman One

2282 - Times of Lore

2283 - Tintin sur la Lune

2284 - Tiny Skweeks

2285 - Tir Na Nog

2286 - Titan

2287 - Titanic

2288 - Titanic (Europe)

2289 - Titanic Blinky

2290 - Titus Classiques 2

2291 - Titus Classiques I

2292 - Titus the Fox

2293 - Toad Runner

2294 - Tobrouk 1942

2295 - Toi Acid Game

2296 - Tokyo Gang

2297 - Tom and Jerry

2298 - Tom And Jerry 2

2299 - Tomahawk

2300 - Tomb of Kuslak

2301 - Tombstowne

2302 - TomCat

2303 - Tony Truand

2304 - Toobin'

2305 - Top By Topo

2306 - Top Cat

2307 - Top Gun

2308 - Top Level

2309 - Top Secret

2310 - Total Eclipse

2311 - Total Eclipse 2: Sphinx Jinx

2312 - Total Recall

2313 - Touch Down USA

2314 - Toujours Pret

2315 - Tour 91

2316 - Tour De Force

2317 - Tour du Monde en 80 Jours

2318 - Toyota Celica GT Rally

2319 - Track & Field

2320 - Tracksuit Manager

2321 - Trafalgar

2322 - Traffic

2323 - Trailblazer

2324 - Trailblazer+

2325 - Trakers

2326 - Trance

2327 - Trans Muter

2328 - Transat One

2329 - Trans-Atlantic Balloon Challenge

2330 - Trantor the Last Stormtrooper

2331 - Trap

2332 - Trashman

2333 - Traveller

2334 - Treble Champions

2335 - Trial of Arnold Blackwood

2336 - Triaxos

2337 - Tribble Trouble

2338 - Trigger

2339 - Tripods

2340 - Trivia

2341 - Trivial Pursuit Baby Boomer

2342 - Trivial Pursuit Edition Genius

2343 - Trivial Pursuit Revolution Edition

2344 - Trivial Pursuit: A New Beginning

2345 - Troglo

2346 - Troll

2347 - Trollie Wallie

2348 - Trucking

2349 - TT-Racer

2350 - Tuareg

2351 - Tubaruba

2352 - Tujad

2353 - Tuma 7

2354 - Turbo Boat Simulator

2355 - Turbo Chopper

2356 - Turbo Cup

2357 - Turbo Esprit

2358 - Turbo Girl

2359 - Turbo Kart Racer

2360 - Turbo the Tortoise

2361 - Turlogh le Rodeur

2362 - Turrican

2363 - Turrican (2)

2364 - Turrican 2 (2)

2365 - Turrican II : The Final Fight

2366 - Tusker

2367 - Tut's Pyramid

2368 - Twice Shy

2369 - Twin Turbo V8

2370 - Twin World (2)

2371 - Twins

2372 - TwinWorld: Land of Vision

2373 - Typhoon

2374 - Tyrann

2375 - U.N. Squadron

2376 - U-29 Submarine

2377 - Uchi Mata

2378 - Ulises

2379 - Ultima Ratio

2380 - Ultimate Fight

2381 - Une Affaire en Or

2382 - Unitrax

2383 - Untouchables

2384 - Up For Grabs

2385 - Uridium

2386 - V: The Visitors

2387 - Vagan Attack

2388 - Vampire

2389 - Vampire (Europe)

2390 - Vampire Killer

2391 - Vector Ball

2392 - Vendetta

2393 - Venganza de Johny Comomolo

2394 - Venom

2395 - Vermeer

2396 - Viaje Fin de Curso

2397 - Victory Road

2398 - Video Poker

2399 - Vigilante

2400 - Vikings

2401 - Village of the Lost Souls

2402 - Vindicators

2403 - Vindicators (Europe)

2404 - Virgin Atlantic Challenge

2405 - Virus

2406 - Vixen

2407 - Viz - The Computer Game

2408 - Volley Ball

2409 - Volley Ball Simulator

2410 - Voodoo Rage

2411 - Votez Pour Moi

2412 - Voyage au Centre de la Terre

2413 - VS4

2414 - Vulcan

2415 - Wacky Races

2416 - Wanderer

2417 - War

2418 - War Cars Construction Set

2419 - War Hawk

2420 - War in Middle Earth

2421 - War Machine

2422 - War Space by Alain Massoumipour

2423 - Warlock

2424 - Warlord

2425 - Warrior

2426 - Warzone

2427 - WEC Le Mans

2428 - Weetabix vs. the Titchies

2429 - Welladay

2430 - Wells & Fargo

2431 - Welltris

2432 - Werewolves of London

2433 - Werner

2434 - West Bank

2435 - Western Games

2436 - Who Dares Wins II

2437 - Who Said That

2438 - Whopper Chase

2439 - Wibstars

2440 - Wild Streets

2441 - Wild West Seymour

2442 - Willow Pattern Adventure

2443 - Willy Wino's Stag Night

2444 - Windsurf Willy

2445 - Wings of Fury

2446 - Winter Games

2447 - Winter Games (2)

2448 - Winter Olympics

2449 - Winter Sports

2450 - Winter Wonderland

2451 - Wipeout

2452 - Wise and Fool of Arnold Blackwood

2453 - Wishbringer

2454 - Witness

2455 - Wizard Warz

2456 - Wizard Willy

2457 - Wizard's Lair

2458 - Wizball

2459 - Wiz-Biz

2460 - Wolfman

2461 - Wonder Boy

2462 - Wooky and Moty

2463 - World Championship Boxing Manager

2464 - World Championship Soccer

2465 - World Class Leaderboard

2466 - World Cup

2467 - World Cup Challenge

2468 - World Games

2469 - World Series Baseball

2470 - World War 3

2471 - Wrath of Olympus

2472 - Wriggler

2473 - Wulfpack

2474 - WWF Wrestlemania

2475 - Xalk

2476 - Xanadu

2477 - Xanagrams

2478 - Xarq

2479 - Xcel

2480 - Xeno

2481 - Xenon

2482 - Xenophobe

2483 - Xevious

2484 - Xor

2485 - X-Out

2486 - Xybots

2487 - Xyphoes Fantasy

2488 - Xyphoes Fantasy (3)

2489 - Yabba Dabba Doo!

2490 - Yam 5 Colonnes

2491 - Yes, Chancellor!

2492 - Yes, Prime Minister

2493 - Yie Ar Kung Fu II : The Emperor Yie-Gah

2494 - Yie Ar Kung-Fu

2495 - Yogi Bear

2496 - Yogi Bear & Friends In The Greed Monster

2497 - Yogi's Great Escape

2498 - Young Ones

2499 - Z

2500 - Zampabolas

2501 - Zania

2502 - Zap't'Balls

2503 - Zarkon

2504 - Zaxon

2505 - Zaxx

2506 - Zelda 2

2507 - Ziggurat

2508 - Zipi y Zape

2509 - Zodera: Schloss des Todes

2510 - Zoids : The Battle Begins

2511 - Zolyx

2512 - Zombi

2513 - Zona 0

2514 - Zone

2515 - Zone 2

2516 - Zorakkk the Conqueror

2517 - Zorgos

2518 - Zork I: The Great Underground Empire

2519 - Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz

2520 - Zork III: The Dungeon Master

2521 - Zorro

2522 - Zox 2099

2523 - Zub

2524 - Zygy

2525 - Zynaps

2526 - ZZZ(notgame):50 Games Disk

2527 - ZZZ(notgame):Amsoft Pack 1

2528 - ZZZ(notgame):Amsoft Pack 2

2529 - ZZZ(notgame):Anatomie - La Digestion

2530 - ZZZ(notgame):Anglais

2531 - ZZZ(notgame):Arc Educational Software

2532 - ZZZ(notgame):Bas Unprotect

2533 - ZZZ(notgame):Conjugasions

2534 - ZZZ(notgame):Driller And Total Eclipse

2535 - ZZZ(notgame):Exercises In Arithmetic

2536 - ZZZ(notgame):Geografia De Espana

2537 - ZZZ(notgame):Number Painter

2538 - ZZZ(notgame):S S E R V I C E

2539 - ZZZ(notgame):Silicon Dreams Pack

2540 - ZZZ(notgame):Word Hang

Atomis Wave - 23 Jeux
1 - Animal Basket

2 - Demolish Fist

3 - Dirty Pigskin Football

4 - Dolphin Blue

5 - Extreme Hunting

6 - Extreme Hunting 2

7 - Faster Than Speed

8 - Fist Of The North Star

9 - Guilty Gear Isuka

10 - Guilty Gear X Ver. 1.5

11 - King Of Fighters 11, The

12 - King Of Fighters Neowave, The

13 - Knights Of Valour - The Seven Spirits

14 - Maximum Speed

15 - Metal Slug 6

16 - Neo-geo Battle Coliseum

17 - Net Select Horse Racing - Victory Furlong

18 - Ranger Mission

19 - Rumble Fish 2, The

20 - Rumble Fish, The

21 - Salary Man Kintaro

22 - Samurai Shodown 6 - Tale Of The World's Greatest Swordsman

23 - Sports Shooting Usa

Apple II - 836 Jeux
1 - 2400 A.D.

2 - 3 In 1 College & Pro Football

3 - 3-D Docking Mission

4 - A Mind Forever Voyaging

5 - A2-Fs1 Flight Simulator

6 - Abm

7 - Accounts Receivable

8 - Adventure

9 - Adventure 4 - Voodoo Castle

10 - Adventure Construction Set

11 - Adventure Double Feature, An

12 - Adventure To Atlantis

13 - A-E

14 - Aeronaut

15 - Air Raid Pearl Harbor

16 - Airplane Simulator

17 - Akalabeth

18 - Alesia

19 - Alf, The First Adventure

20 - Alice In Wonderland

21 - Alien

22 - Alien Rain

23 - Alien Typhoon

24 - Aliens

25 - Alter Ego

26 - Alternate Reality - The Dungeon

27 - Amnesia

28 - Andromeda Conquest

29 - Apple 2 Trek

30 - Apple Bowl

31 - Apple Cider Spider

32 - Apple Graphics Games

33 - Arcade Insanity

34 - Arkanoid

35 - Arkanoid Editor

36 - Asteroids

37 - Atc

38 - Autoduel

39 - B1 Bomber Game

40 - B-24

41 - Bad Dudes

42 - Ball Blaster

43 - Ballyhoo

44 - Baltic 1985

45 - Bandits

46 - Baratin Blues

47 - Baseball Strategy

48 - Batatlan

49 - Batman

50 - Battalion Commander

51 - Battle For Normandy

52 - Battle Group

53 - Battle Of Antietam

54 - Battle Of Hoth

55 - Battle Of Napoleon

56 - Battle Of The Parthian Kings

57 - Battlecruiser 1

58 - Battlecruiser 2

59 - Battlefront

60 - Battles In Normandy

61 - Battletech

62 - Beyond Beyond Castle Wolfenstein

63 - Beyond Castle Wolfenstein

64 - Beyond Zork

65 - Big Mac

66 - Black Magic

67 - Blacksmith Market Falcons

68 - Blackstone

69 - Bomb Alley

70 - Bons Baisers D'outre Tombe

71 - Borrowed Time

72 - Boulder Dash

73 - Boulder Dash Ii

74 - Break The Bank!

75 - Breakthrough In The Ardennes

76 - Breaktrough

77 - Bridge Challenger

78 - Broadsides

79 - Bronze Dragon

80 - Bronze Dragon Side Ii

81 - Bubble Bobble

82 - Bucks!

83 - Bug Attack

84 - Cannon Ball Blitz

85 - Captain Cuckoo

86 - Card Shark Ii

87 - Carrier Force

88 - Cartels & Cuttthroats

89 - Castle Wolfenstein

90 - Castles Of Darkness

91 - Cat's Meow V, The

92 - Champions Of Krynn

93 - Chez 21

94 - Chinese Dragon

95 - Chipwits

96 - Chivalry

97 - Choplifter

98 - Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer

99 - Close Assault

100 - Colonial Conquest

101 - Computer Air Combat

102 - Computer Ambush

103 - Computer Baseball

104 - Computer Bismarck

105 - Computer Conflict

106 - Computer Napoleonics

107 - Computer Quarterback

108 - Conflict 2500

109 - Conglomerates Collide

110 - Congo Bongo

111 - Conquering Worlds

112 - Conquest

113 - Copts And Robbers

114 - Countdown To Shutdown

115 - County Carnival

116 - Cranston Manor

117 - Crazy Maczy

118 - Creature Venture

119 - Cricketeer

120 - Crime And Punishment

121 - Crime Stopper

122 - Crisis Mountain

123 - Critical Mass

124 - Cross City

125 - Crosscountry Usa

126 - Crossfire

127 - Crossword

128 - Crossword Magic

129 - Crusade In Europe

130 - Crush - Crumble And Chomp!

131 - Crypt

132 - Crypt Of Medea Save Disk

133 - Curse Of The Azure Bonds

134 - Cut Throats

135 - Cyborg!

136 - Cytron Masters

137 - Daily Crossword Puzzles From The New-York Times

138 - Dark Forest

139 - Dawn Patrol

140 - Dead Line

141 - Death In The Caribbean

142 - Death Race '82

143 - Death Sword

144 - Deathlord

145 - Decision In The Desert

146 - Defender

147 - Demon's Forge

148 - Demon's Winter

149 - Depth Charge

150 - Dig Dug

151 - Dino Eggs

152 - Dnieper River Line

153 - Dominos

154 - Dragon Wars

155 - Dragonworld

156 - Dreadnoughts

157 - Dung Beetles

158 - Dungeon Campaign - Wilderness Campaign

159 - Dungeon Master Assistant Vol. I - Encounters

160 - Dungeon!

161 - Eagles

162 - Eamon 001 - Main Hall & Beginners Cave

163 - Eamon 002 - The Lair Of The Minotaur

164 - Eamon 003 - The Cave Of The Mind

165 - Eamon 004 - The Zyphur Riverventure

166 - Eamon 005 - Castle Of Doom

167 - Eamon 006 - The Death Star

168 - Eamon 007 - The Devil's Tomb

169 - Eamon 008 - The Abductor's Quarters

170 - Eamon 009 - Assault On The Clonemaster

171 - Eamon 010 - The Magic Kingdom

172 - Eamon 011 - The Tomb Of Molinar

173 - Eamon 012 - The Quest For Trezore

174 - Eamon 013 - Caves Of Treasure Island

175 - Eamon 014 - Furioso

176 - Eamon 015 - Heroes Castle

177 - Eamon 016 - The Caves Of Mondamen

178 - Eamon 017 - Merlin's Castle

179 - Eamon 018 - Hogarth Castle

180 - Eamon 019 - Death Trap

181 - Eamon 020 - The Black Death

182 - Eamon 021 - The Quest For Marron

183 - Eamon 022 - The Senator's Chambers

184 - Eamon 023 - The Temple Of Ngurct

185 - Eamon 024 - Black Mountain

186 - Eamon 025 - Nuclear Nightmare

187 - Eamon 026 - Assault On The Mole Man

188 - Eamon 027 - Revenge Of The Mole Man

189 - Eamon 028 - The Tower Of London

190 - Eamon 029 - The Lost Island Of Apple

191 - Eamon 030 - The Underground City

192 - Eamon 031 - The Gauntlet

193 - Eamon 032 - House Of Ill Repute

194 - Eamon 033 - The Orb Of Polaris

195 - Eamon 034 - Death's Gateway

196 - Eamon 035 - The Lair Of Mutants

197 - Eamon 036 - The Citadel Of Blood

198 - Eamon 037 - Quest For The Holy Grail

199 - Eamon 038 - City In The Clouds

200 - Eamon 039 - Museum Of Unnatural History

201 - Eamon 040 - Daemon's Playground

202 - Eamon 041 - Caverns Of Lanst

203 - Eamon 042 - Alternate Beginners Cave

204 - Eamon 043 - Priests Of Xim!

205 - Eamon 044 - Escape From The Orc Lair

206 - Eamon 045 - Swordquest

207 - Eamon 047 - Futurequest

208 - Eamon 048 - Picnic In Paradise

209 - Eamon 049 - The Castle Kophinos

210 - Eamon 050 - Behind The Sealed Door

211 - Eamon 051 - The Caves Of Eamon Bluff

212 - Eamon 052 - The Devil's Dungeon

213 - Eamon 053 - Feast Of Carroll

214 - Eamon 055 - The Master's Dungeon

215 - Eamon 056 - The Lost Adventure

216 - Eamon 057 - The Manxome Foe

217 - Eamon 058 - The Land Of Death

218 - Eamon 059 - Jungles Of Vietnam

219 - Eamon 060 - The Sewers Of Chicago

220 - Eamon 061 - The Harpy Cloud

221 - Eamon 062 - The Caverns Of Doom

222 - Eamon 063 - Valkenburg Castle

223 - Eamon 064 - Modern Problems

224 - Eamon 065 - The School Of Death

225 - Eamon 066 - Dungeons Of Xenon

226 - Eamon 067 - Chaosium Caves

227 - Eamon 068 - The Smith's Stronghold

228 - Eamon 069 - The Black Castle Of Nagog

229 - Eamon 070 - The Tomb Of Y'golonac

230 - Eamon 072 - House On Eamon Ridge

231 - Eamon 073 - The Deep Canyon

232 - Eamon 074 - Dharmaquest

233 - Eamon 075 - Temple Of The Guild

234 - Eamon 076 - The Search For Yourself

235 - Eamon 077 - Temple Of The Trolls

236 - Eamon 078 - The Prince's Tavern

237 - Eamon 079 - The Castle Of Count Fuey

238 - Eamon 080 - The Search For The Key

239 - Eamon 081 - The Rescue Mission

240 - Eamon 082 - Escape From Mansi Island

241 - Eamon 083 - The Twin Castles

242 - Eamon 084 - Castle Of Riveneta

243 - Eamon 085 - The Time Portal

244 - Eamon 086 - Castle Mantru

245 - Eamon 087 - Caves Of Hollow Mountain

246 - Eamon 088 - The Shopping Mall

247 - Eamon 089 - Super Fortress Of Lin Wang

248 - Eamon 090 - The Doomsday Clock

249 - Eamon 091 - Futurequest Ii

250 - Eamon 092 - The Fugitive

251 - Eamon 093 - Flying Circus

252 - Eamon 094 - Blood Feud

253 - Eamon 095 - The Maze Of Quasequeton

254 - Eamon 096 - The Chamber Of The Dragons

255 - Eamon 097 - The House Of Secrets

256 - Eamon 098 - Slave Pits Of Kzorland

257 - Eamon 099 - In The Clutches Of Torrik

258 - Eamon 100 - Sorceror's Spire

259 - Eamon 101 - Ground Zero

260 - Eamon 102 - The Eamon Railroad

261 - Eamon 103 - Top Secret

262 - Eamon 104 - The Lost World

263 - Eamon 105 - The Strange Resort

264 - Eamon 106 - Camp Eamon

265 - Eamon 107 - The Last Dragon

266 - Eamon 108 - The Mines Of Moria

267 - Eamon 109 - The Forest Of Fear

268 - Eamon 110 - Fire Island

269 - Eamon 111 - A Vacation In Europe

270 - Eamon 112 - Hills Of History

271 - Eamon 113 - The Life - Orb Of Mevtrelek

272 - Eamon 114 - Thror's Ring

273 - Eamon 115 - The Ring Of Doom

274 - Eamon 116 - The Iron Prison

275 - Eamon 117 - Dungeon Of Doom

276 - Eamon 118 - Pittfall

277 - Eamon 119 - Grunewalde

278 - Eamon 120 - Orb Of My Life

279 - Eamon 121 - Wrenhold's Secret Vigil

280 - Eamon 122 - The Valley Of Death

281 - Eamon 123 - Wizard Of The Spheres

282 - Eamon 124 - Assault On Dolni Keep

283 - Eamon 125 - The Mattimoe Palace

284 - Eamon 126 - The Pyramid Of Anharos

285 - Eamon 127 - The Hunt For The Ring

286 - Eamon 128 - Quest Of Erebor

287 - Eamon 129 - Return To Moria

288 - Eamon 130 - Haradwaith

289 - Eamon 131 - Nucleus Of The Ruby

290 - Eamon 132 - Rhadshur Warrior

291 - Eamon 133 - The Final Frontier

292 - Eamon 134 - Pyramid Of The Ancients

293 - Eamon 135 - The Tomb Of Evron

294 - Eamon 136 - The Mountain Fortress

295 - Eamon 137 - The Ruins Of Ivory Castle

296 - Eamon 138 - Starfire

297 - Eamon 139 - Peg's Place

298 - Eamon 140 - Beginner's Forest

299 - Eamon 141 - The Infested Fortress

300 - Eamon 142 - The Beermeister's Brewery

301 - Eamon 143 - The Alternate Zone

302 - Eamon 144 - Gartin Manor

303 - Eamon 145 - Buccaneer!

304 - Eamon 146 - The House Of Horrors

305 - Eamon 147 - The Dark Brotherhood

306 - Eamon 148 - Journey To Jotunheim

307 - Eamon 149 - Elemental Apocalypse

308 - Eamon 150 - Walled City Of Darkness

309 - Eamon 151 - Eamon S.A.R. - 1

310 - Eamon 152 - The Computer Club Of Fear

311 - Eamon 153 - Lost!

312 - Eamon 154 - A Trip To Fort Scott

313 - Eamon 155 - Tomb Of The Vampire

314 - Eamon 156 - The Lake

315 - Eamon 157 - Pathetic Hideout Of Mr. R.

316 - Eamon 158 - The Lair Of Mr. Ed

317 - Eamon 159 - The Bridge Of Catzad - Dum

318 - Eamon 160 - Monty Python & Holy Grail

319 - Eamon 161 - Operation Endgame

320 - Eamon 162 - Eamon 7.0 Demo Adventure

321 - Eamon 163 - The Sands Of Mars

322 - Eamon 164 - A Real Cliffhanger

323 - Eamon 165 - Animal Farm

324 - Eamon 166 - Storm Breaker

325 - Eamon 167 - Expedition To The Darkwoods

326 - Eamon 168 - The High School Of Horrors

327 - Eamon 169 - The Black Phoenix

328 - Eamon 170 - Ragnarok Revisited

329 - Eamon 171 - The Pyramid Of Cheops

330 - Eamon 172 - The Mountain Of The Master

331 - Eamon 173 - The House That Jack Built

332 - Eamon 174 - Escape From Granite Hall

333 - Eamon 175 - Anatomy Of The Body

334 - Eamon 176 - Dirtie Trix's Mad Maze

335 - Eamon 177 - Shippe Of Fooles

336 - Eamon 178 - The Alien Intruder

337 - Eamon 179 - The Wizard's Tower

338 - Eamon 180 - Gamma 1

339 - Eamon 181 - The Eamon Sewer System

340 - Eamon 182 - Farmer Brown's Woods

341 - Eamon 183 - The Boy And The Bard

342 - Eamon 184 - Quest For Orion

343 - Eamon 185 - The Body Revisited

344 - Eamon 186 - Beginners Cave Ii

345 - Eamon 187 - Batman!!

346 - Eamon 188 - Encounter The Bookworm

347 - Eamon 189 - The Ruins Of Belfast

348 - Eamon 190 - Shift Change At Grimmwax

349 - Eamon 191 - Enhanced Beginners Cave

350 - Eamon 192 - Mean Streets

351 - Eamon 194 - Attack Of The Kretons

352 - Eamon 195 - The Training Ground

353 - Eamon 196 - The Cat House

354 - Eamon 197 - Star Wars - Tempest One

355 - Eamon 198 - Revenge Of The Bookworm

356 - Eamon 200 - The Lost Isle

357 - Eamon 201 - The Caverns Of Vanavara

358 - Eamon 202 - The Plain Of Srevi

359 - Eamon 203 - Lotto's Masterpiece

360 - Eamon 204 - Sanctuary

361 - Eamon 205 - Utterly Outrageous

362 - Eamon 206 - Curse Of The Hellsblade

363 - Eamon 207 - Eamon Renegade Club

364 - Eamon 208 - Assault On Helstar

365 - Eamon 209 - Apocalypse 2021

366 - Eamon 210 - Return Of Ngurct

367 - Eamon 211 - Lair Of The Marauders

368 - Eamon 212 - Haunted Keep

369 - Eamon 213 - Demongate

370 - Eamon 214 - Deathstalker's Castle

371 - Eamon 215 - Treasure Island

372 - Eamon 216 - The Pirate's Cave

373 - Eamon 217 - Eye Of Agamon

374 - Eamon 218 - Return To Pendrama

375 - Eamon 219 - The City Of Sorcerors

376 - Eamon 220 - Catacombs Of Terror

377 - Eamon 221 - Count Dracula's Castle

378 - Eamon 222 - The Halls Of The Adept

379 - Eamon 223 - Time Shift

380 - Eamon 224 - Prisoner Of Darkness

381 - Eamon 225 - Adventure In Interzone

382 - Eamon 226 - Bookworm 3 - D

383 - Eamon 227 - B I Z A R R O

384 - Eamon 228 - Shipwreck Island

385 - Eamon 229 - Firestorm

386 - Eamon 230 - Well Of The Great Ones

387 - Eamon 231 - Keep Of Skull Gorge

388 - Eamon 232 - Jewel Of Yara

389 - Eamon 233 - The Domain Of Zenoqq

390 - Eamon 234 - The Forbidden City

391 - Eamon 235 - Vaalpa's Plight

392 - Eamon 236 - Search For Mack

393 - Eamon 237 - Fiends Of Eamon

394 - Eamon 239 - Idol Of The Incas

395 - Eamon 240 - The Heart Of Gold

396 - Eamon 241 - The Shrunken Adventurer

397 - Eamon 242 - The Dungeon Of Traps

398 - Eamon Adventure System Adventure Designer

399 - Eamon Game Reviews

400 - Earth Orbit Station

401 - Earthly Delights

402 - Earthquake San Francisco 1906

403 - Empire - Wargame Of The Century

404 - Empire I World Builders

405 - Empire Of The Over-Mind

406 - Enchanter

407 - Epidemic

408 - Escape

409 - Escape From Arcturus

410 - Eternal Dagger

411 - Europe Ablaze

412 - Evolution

413 - Excalibur Quest

414 - Expedition Amazon

415 - Fall Gelb

416 - Fastgammon

417 - Fat City

418 - Fax

419 - Fido

420 - Field Of Fire

421 - Fighter Command

422 - Fly Wars

423 - Folie Meurtriere Au College

424 - Force Seven

425 - Fore! The Golf Game Simulation

426 - Fortress

427 - Fortress Of The Witch King

428 - Galactic Adventures

429 - Galactic Gladiator

430 - Galactic Saga - Empire

431 - Galactic Saga - Galactic Revolution

432 - Galactic Saga - Galactic Trader

433 - Galactic Saga - Tawala's Last Redoubt

434 - Galaxian

435 - Galaxy!

436 - Game Of The States

437 - Gauntlet

438 - Geopolitique 1990

439 - Germany 1985

440 - Gettysburg - The Turning Poing

441 - Ghost Town Gold

442 - Ghostbusters

443 - Global War

444 - Gobbler

445 - Golan Front

446 - Gorgon

447 - Grey Seas - Grey Skies

448 - Guadalcanal Campaign

449 - Guderian

450 - Gulf Strike

451 - Gumball

452 - Hacker

453 - Hacker's Challenge

454 - Hadron

455 - Hallowe'en

456 - Halls Of Montezuma

457 - Hawaii

458 - Head On

459 - Heavy Barrell

460 - Helicopter Rescue

461 - Hera

462 - High Resolution Othello

463 - High Rise

464 - Hi-Res Adventure 1 - Mystery House

465 - Hi-Res Adventure 4 - Ulysses And The Golden Fleece

466 - Hong-Kong Mahjong

467 - Horse Racing Classic

468 - Human Fly

469 - I.O. Silver

470 - Icewar

471 - Ifr Flight Simulator

472 - Il Faut Fuir Thesee

473 - Imperium Galactum

474 - Indiana Jones In Revenge Of The Ancients

475 - Infidel

476 - Inmate

477 - International Grand Prix

478 - Jawbreaker

479 - Jeopardy!

480 - Jungle Hunt

481 - Jungle Quest

482 - Kamikaze

483 - Kampfgruppe

484 - Karateka

485 - Karateka Ii - The Wrath Of Dude

486 - Kid Nikki

487 - King Quest

488 - King Quest Iii

489 - King's Bounty

490 - Knights Of Legend

491 - La Pierre De Vie

492 - Le Crime Du Parking

493 - Le Mur De Berlin Va Sauter

494 - Le Tresor De Zonguldek

495 - Lemonade Stand

496 - Lode Runner

497 - Lost Dutchman

498 - Lucifer's Realm

499 - Macarthur's War

500 - Mahjong

501 - Main Battle Tank Central Germany

502 - Man-Eng - Master Of Evil

503 - Maniac Mansion

504 - Marauder

505 - Marble Madness

506 - Matterhorn Screamer

507 - Mech Brigade

508 - Meme Les Pommes De Terre Ont Des Yeux

509 - Mickey's Space Adventure

510 - Micro Chess 2.0

511 - Microbe - The Tinkerer Jgv Dick

512 - Microbe, The Anatomical Adventure

513 - Microscopic Journey

514 - Microsoft Adventure

515 - Midway Campaign

516 - Might And Magic - Book One

517 - Might And Magic - Book Two

518 - Millionaire The Stock Market Simulation

519 - Miner

520 - Miner 2049er

521 - Mines

522 - Mines Of Titan

523 - Miniature Golf

524 - Mission Escape!

525 - Mission Impossible

526 - Monolithic Laser

527 - Monty Plays Scrabble

528 - Moonmist

529 - Morton's Fork

530 - Mouskattack

531 - Mr. Machine

532 - Mummy's Curse

533 - Mystery Master - Murder By The Dozen

534 - Nam

535 - Napoleon's Campaigns 1813 & 1815

536 - Naval Battle Of Tsushima

537 - Neon

538 - Neuromancer

539 - Nibbler

540 - Night Driver

541 - Night Mission

542 - Nine Princes In Amber

543 - Nord And Bert Couldn't Make Head Or Tail Of It

544 - North Atlantic 86

545 - North Atlantic Convoy Raider

546 - Northern Fleet

547 - Norway 1985

548 - Nukewar

549 - Objective Kursk

550 - Odyssey, The Compleat Adventure

551 - Ogre

552 - Oil-Rig

553 - Old Ironsides

554 - Oldorf's Revenge

555 - Olympic Decathlon

556 - Omega

557 - Operation Apocalypse

558 - Operation Market Garden

559 - Opium

560 - Overrun - Europe

561 - Pacman

562 - Pandemonium

563 - Panzer Grenadier

564 - Panzer Strike Africa

565 - Panzer Strike East

566 - Panzer Strike Scenery

567 - Panzer Strike West

568 - Pegasus 2

569 - Penny Arcade

570 - Pentapus

571 - Perry Mason - The Case Of The Mandarin Murder

572 - Phantoms Five

573 - Pick-A-Dilly Pair

574 - Pipe Dream

575 - Pirates!

576 - Planetfall

577 - Planetoids

578 - Platoon

579 - Plundered Hearts

580 - Pool

581 - Pool Of Radiance

582 - Popeye

583 - President Elect

584 - President Elect - 1988 Edition

585 - Prisoner 2

586 - Pro Golf

587 - Profession Detective

588 - Professional Tour Golf

589 - Prohibition

590 - Project Space Station

591 - Pursuit Of The Graf Spee

592 - Qix

593 - Queen Of Hearts

594 - Questron

595 - Questron Ii

596 - R.D.F. 1985

597 - Radwarrior

598 - Raid Over Moscow

599 - Rails West!

600 - Rampage

601 - Reach For The Stars

602 - Realms Of Darkness

603 - Rebel Charge At Chickamauga

604 - Reforger 88

605 - Regatta

606 - Rendezvous

607 - Rendezvous With Rama

608 - Renegade

609 - Renju

610 - Repton

611 - Return Of Heracles

612 - Reversi

613 - Right Again

614 - Rings Of Zilfin

615 - Ringside Seat

616 - Risk

617 - Roadwar 2000

618 - Roadwar 2000 Europa

619 - Robocop

620 - Robot Battle

621 - Robot Rascals

622 - Robotics

623 - Robotron 2084

624 - Robotwar

625 - Rommel

626 - Round About

627 - Russia War In The East 1941-1945

628 - Sabotage

629 - Sacred Stone

630 - Santa Paravia And Fiumaccio

631 - Sargon Iii

632 - Scary Football

633 - Seadragon

634 - Seastalker

635 - Secret Agent - Mission One

636 - Secret Of Easter Island

637 - Seuis Shoot'em Up In Space

638 - Seven Cities Of Gold

639 - Seventh Fleet

640 - Shanghai

641 - Sherwood Forest

642 - Shiloh Grant's Trial In The West

643 - Sieg In Africa

644 - Silent Service

645 - Simulating The Great Depression 1929-1933

646 - Sixgun Shootout

647 - Sky Destroyer

648 - Skyfox

649 - Smooth Max

650 - Snakk Attack

651 - Sneakers

652 - Snooper Troops And The Case Of - The Granit Point

653 - Softporn Adventure

654 - Sokoban

655 - Sons Of Liberty

656 - Sorcerer

657 - Southern Command

658 - Space I

659 - Space Ii

660 - Space Rogue

661 - Space Shuttle

662 - Space Spikes

663 - Space Station Zulu

664 - Space Vikings

665 - Sparkee

666 - Spectre

667 - Speedy Mahjong

668 - Spud And Mug Shoot

669 - Sputnik Attack

670 - Spy Hunter

671 - Star Ball

672 - Star Fleet I

673 - Star Maze

674 - Star Trek - The Kobayashi Alternative

675 - Star Wars

676 - Starcraft

677 - Starcross

678 - Starglider

679 - Starmines

680 - Starquest - Rescue At Rigel

681 - Starship Commander

682 - Steve Keene! Private Spy

683 - Strange Brew - The Electronic Tarot

684 - Strategic Conquest

685 - Street Sports Basketball

686 - Street Sports Soccer

687 - Strip Poker - David & Tony

688 - Strip Poker - Marlena & Candi

689 - Strip Poker - Melissa & Suzi

690 - Summer Games

691 - Sundog Frozen Legacy

692 - Super Huey Uh-Ix

693 - Super Othello

694 - Super Quest

695 - Super Sunday

696 - Super Trick Out

697 - Suspended

698 - Swashbuckler

699 - Sword Of Kadash

700 - Swordthrust

701 - Taipan

702 - Talon

703 - Tangled Tales

704 - Tank Platoon

705 - Tanktics

706 - Tarturian

707 - Taxman

708 - Techno Cop

709 - Tempete Sur Les Bermudes

710 - Teritory

711 - Terrorist Game System

712 - Tharolian Tunnels

713 - The Adventure - Only The Fittest Shall Survive

714 - The American Civil War 1

715 - The American Civil War Ii

716 - The American Civil War Iii

717 - The Ancient Art Of War

718 - The Ancient Art Of War At Sea

719 - The Bard's Tale Ii - The Destiny Knight

720 - The Bard's Tale Iii - The Thief Of Fate

721 - The Battle Of Shiloh

722 - The Best Of Bill Budge

723 - The Bilestoad

724 - The Black Cauldron

725 - The Black Sage

726 - The Blade Of Blackpoole

727 - The Caves Of Olympus

728 - The Centauri Alliance

729 - The Chessmaster 2000

730 - The Cosmic Balance

731 - The Cosmic Balance 2

732 - The Coveted Mirror

733 - The Curse Of Crowley Manor

734 - The Dark Crystal

735 - The Dark Heart Of Uukrul

736 - The Diabolical Plot Of Dr. Dracupig

737 - The Dragon's Eye

738 - The Elysian Fields

739 - The Fantastic Four

740 - The Games - Summer Edition

741 - The Games Winter Edition

742 - The Great Maine To California Race

743 - The Guns Of The Fort Defiance

744 - The Heist

745 - The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

746 - The Incredible Shrinking Man

747 - The Infiltrator

748 - The Jet

749 - The Last Gladiator

750 - The Lurking Horror

751 - The Magic Candle

752 - The Missing Ring

753 - The Philistine Ploy

754 - The Planet Miners

755 - The Prisoner

756 - The Quest

757 - The Road To Gettysburg

758 - The Shard Of Spring

759 - The Shattered Alliance

760 - The Sports Judge's Thoroughbred Handicapping Syste

761 - The Stone Of Sisyphus

762 - The Struggle Of Guadalcanal

763 - The Warp Factor

764 - The Witness

765 - The Yellow Submarine

766 - Theseus And The Minotaur

767 - Thexder

768 - Three Mile Island Special Version

769 - Threshold

770 - Tic Tac Show

771 - Tigers In The Snow

772 - Time Zone

773 - Times Of Lore

774 - Top Fuel Eliminator

775 - Torpedo Fire

776 - Towers Of Hanoi

777 - Tranquility Base

778 - Transylvania

779 - Treasure Island

780 - Tron

781 - Typhoon Of Steel - Asia

782 - U.S.A.A.F.

783 - Ultima Akalabeth

784 - Ultima I - The First Age Of Darkness

785 - Ultima Ii - Revenge Of The Enchantress

786 - Ultima Ii Killer Character

787 - Ultima Iii - Exodus

788 - Ultima Iii - Exodus Construction Set

789 - Ultima Iv - Quest Of The Avatar

790 - Ultima Iv Construction Set

791 - Ultima Iv Solve Disk

792 - Ultima V - Warriors Of Destiny

793 - Under Fire

794 - United States Adventure

795 - Vc

796 - Victory Road

797 - War In Russia

798 - Warp In The South Pacific

799 - Warrior Of Ras Vol. 1 - Dunzhin

800 - Warrior Of Ras Vol. 2 - Kaiv

801 - Warrior Of Ras Vol. 3 - The Wylde

802 - Warrior Of Ras Vol. 4 - Ziggurat

803 - Warship

804 - Wasteland

805 - Wheel Of Fortune

806 - Wheel Of Fortune - Third Edition

807 - Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego

808 - Who Framed Roger Rabbit

809 - Wilderness

810 - Win, Lose Or Draw - 2nd Edition

811 - Windwalker

812 - Wings Of Fury

813 - Wishbringer

814 - Wizard I

815 - Wizardry

816 - Wizardry Ii - Knight And Diamons

817 - Wizardry Iii - The Legacy Of Llylgamyn

818 - Wizardry Iv - The Return Of Werdna

819 - Wizardry Scenary Editor

820 - Wizardry V - Heart Of The Maelstrom

821 - Wizard's Crown

822 - Wizards Workbench

823 - Wizfix - Wizardry Editor

824 - Wizplus

825 - World Class Leader Board

826 - World Games

827 - World Karate Championship

828 - Xevious

829 - Xyphus

830 - Zaxxon

831 - Zenith

832 - Zero Gravity Pinball

833 - Zork I - The Great Underground Empire

834 - Zork Ii - The Wizard Of Frobozz

835 - Zork Iii - The Dungeon Master

836 - Zork Zero

Arcade Daphne - 15 Jeux
1 - Astron Belt

2 - Cliff Hanger

3 - daphne (14)

4 - Dragon's Lair

5 - Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp

6 - Esh's Aurunmilla (set 1)

7 - Galaxy Ranger

8 - GP World

9 - Interstellar Laser Fantasy

10 - M.a.c.h. 3

11 - Space Ace

12 - Super Don Quix-Ote

13 - Thayer's Quest

14 - Thunder Storm

15 - Us Vs Them

Arcade FBNeo - 2729 Jeux
1 - 5

2 - 1942

3 - 1 On 1 Government

4 - 10-Yard Fight

5 - 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally

6 - 18 Holes Pro Golf

7 - 1941: Counter Attack

8 - 1942 (playchoice-10)

9 - 1943 Kai: Midway Kaisen

10 - 1943: The Battle of Midway

11 - 1943: The Battle of Midway Mark II

12 - 1944 : The Loop Master

13 - 1945k III

14 - 19XX : The War Against Destiny

15 - 2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge

16 - 3 On 3 Dunk Madness

17 - 39 In 1 Mame Bootleg

18 - 4 En Raya

19 - 4 Fun In 1

20 - 4-D Warriors

21 - 64th. Street - A Detective Story

22 - 720°

23 - 88 Games

24 - 9 Ball Shootout

25 - 96 Flag Rally

26 - A Day In Space

27 - A. D. 2083

28 - A.B. Cop

29 - AAARGH!

30 - Ace Attacker

31 - Ace Driver: Racing Evolution

32 - Ace Driver: Victory Lap

33 - Acrobat Mission

34 - Acrobatic Dog-Fight

35 - Act-Fancer: Cybernetick Hyper Weapon

36 - Action Fighter

37 - Action Hollywood

38 - Aero Fighters

39 - Aero Fighters Special

40 - Aeroboto

41 - After Burner (mega-tech)

42 - After Burner II

43 - Age of Heroes - Silkroad 2

44 - Agress - Missile Daisenryaku

45 - Ah Eikou No Koshien

46 - Air Assault

47 - Air Attack

48 - Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit

49 - Air Combat 22

50 - Air Duel

51 - Air Gallet

52 - Air Rescue

53 - Airwolf

54 - Ajax

55 - Akka Arrh

56 - Aladdin

57 - Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars

58 - Alien Arena

59 - Alien Challenge

60 - Alien Crush

61 - Alien Sector

62 - Alien Storm

63 - Alien Storm (mega-tech)

64 - Alien Syndrome

65 - Alien Syndrome (mega-tech)

66 - Alien: Isolation Nostromo Edition

67 - Alien3: The Gun

68 - Aliens

69 - Aliens Versus Predator

70 - All American Football

71 - Alley Master

72 - Alligator Hunt

73 - Alpha One

74 - Alpine Racer

75 - Alpine Racer 2

76 - Alpine Ski

77 - Altair

78 - Altered Beast

79 - Altered Beast (mega-tech)

80 - Amazing Maze

81 - Ambush

82 - American Horseshoes

83 - American Speedway

84 - Ameridarts

85 - Amidar

86 - Amstar Draw Poker

87 - Android

88 - Angel Kids

89 - Angler Dangler

90 - Animal Catch

91 - Anime Champ

92 - Anteater

93 - Apb - All Points Bulletin

94 - Appoooh

95 - Aqua Jack

96 - Aqua Jet

97 - Aqua Rush

98 - Aquarium

99 - Arabian

100 - Arabian Fight

101 - Arabian Magic

102 - Arbalester

103 - Arcade Classics

104 - Arcadia

105 - Arch Rivals

106 - Area 51

107 - Area 51 / Maximum Force Duo

108 - Argus

109 - Ark Area

110 - Arkanoid

111 - Arkanoid - Revenge Of Doh

112 - Arkanoid Returns

113 - Arlington Horse Racing

114 - Armadillo Racing

115 - Armed Formation

116 - Armed Police Batrider

117 - Armor Attack

118 - Armored Car

119 - Armored Warriors

120 - Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf (mega-tech)

121 - Arrow Flash (mega-tech)

122 - Ashura Blaster

123 - ASO: Armored Scrum Object

124 - Assault

125 - Asterix

126 - Asteroids

127 - Asteroids Deluxe

128 - Astra SuperStars

129 - Astro Blaster

130 - Astro Chase

131 - Astro Fantasia

132 - Astro Fighter

133 - Astro Warrior (mega-tech)

134 - Astropal

135 - Asuka & Asuka

136 - Asura Blade - Sword Of Dynasty

137 - Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors

138 - Asylum

139 - Atari Baseball

140 - Atari Football

141 - Atari Soccer

142 - Athena

143 - Atomic Point

144 - Attack Pla-Rail

145 - Attack Ufo

146 - Aurail

147 - Avalanche

148 - Avengers

149 - Avengers In Galactic Storm

150 - Avenging Spirit

151 - Aztarac

152 - Azurian Attack

153 - B-wings

154 - B.C. Kid - Arcade Version

155 - B.C. Story

156 - B.Rap Boys

157 - Back Fire

158 - Back Street Soccer

159 - Backfire!

160 - Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja

161 - Badlands

162 - Baku Baku Animal

163 - Bakutotsu Kijuutei

164 - Bal Cube

165 - Balloon Bomber

166 - Balloon Brothers

167 - Baluba-louk No Densetsu

168 - Bang Bang Ball

169 - Bang!

170 - Bank Panic

171 - Bare Knuckle III

172 - Barricade

173 - Barrier

174 - Baryon: Future Assault

175 - Baseball: The Season II

176 - Basketball

177 - Batman

178 - Batman Forever

179 - Batsugun

180 - Battlantis

181 - Battle Arena Toshinden 2

182 - Battle Bakraid: Unlimited Version

183 - Battle Chopper

184 - Battle Circuit

185 - Battle Cross

186 - Battle Cruiser M-12

187 - Battle Garegga

188 - Battle K-Road

189 - Battle Lane! Vol. 5

190 - Battle of Atlantis

191 - Battle Of The Solar System

192 - Battle Rangers

193 - Battle Zone

194 - Battlecry

195 - Battletoads

196 - Bay Route

197 - Beach Festival World Championship 1997

198 - Beast Busters

199 - Beathead

200 - Beezer

201 - Bells & Whistles

202 - Ben Bero Beh

203 - Beraboh Man

204 - Bermuda Triangle

205 - Berzerk

206 - Best Bout Boxing

207 - Best of Best

208 - Bestri

209 - Big Buck Hunter

210 - Big Buck Hunter - Shooter's Challenge

211 - Big Buck Hunter Call Of The Wild

212 - Big Buck Hunter II - Sportsman's Paradise

213 - Big Event Golf

214 - Big Fight - Big Trouble In The Atlantic Ocean

215 - Big Karnak

216 - Big Run

217 - Big Striker

218 - Bigfoot Bonkers

219 - Bikkuri Card

220 - Billiard

221 - Bio Attack

222 - Bio F.R.E.A.K.S.

223 - Bio-hazard Battle (Mega Play)

224 - Bio-ship Paladin

225 - Biofreaks

226 - Biomechanical Toy

227 - Bionic Commando

228 - Birdie King

229 - Birdie King 2

230 - Birdie King 3

231 - Birdie Try

232 - Birdiy

233 - Bishi Bashi Championship Mini Game Senshuken

234 - Black Heart

235 - Black Hole

236 - Black Panther

237 - Black Tiger

238 - Black Touch

239 - Black Touch '96

240 - Black Widow

241 - Blade Master

242 - Blades Of Steel

243 - Blast Off

244 - Blastaball

245 - Blasted

246 - Blaster

247 - Blasteroids

248 - Blasto

249 - Blaze On

250 - Blazing Lazers

251 - Blazing Tornado

252 - Block Block

253 - Block Carnival

254 - Block Hole

255 - Block Out

256 - Blockade

257 - Blocken

258 - Blomby Car

259 - Blood Bros.

260 - Blood Storm

261 - Blood Warrior

262 - Bloody Roar

263 - Bloody Roar 2: Bringer of the New Age

264 - Bloxeed

265 - Blue Hawk

266 - Blue Print

267 - Blue Shark

268 - Bnb Arcade

269 - Body Slam

270 - Bogey Manor

271 - Boggy '84

272 - Bomb Bee

273 - Bomb Jack

274 - Bomb Kick

275 - Bombjack Twin

276 - Bombs Away

277 - Bonanza Bros.

278 - Bonanza Bros. (mega-tech)

279 - Bongo

280 - Bonze Adventure

281 - Boogie Wings

282 - Boomer Rang'r

283 - Boot Hill

284 - Borderline

285 - Borench

286 - Born To Fight

287 - Bosconian

288 - Botanic

289 - Bottom Of The Ninth

290 - Boulder Dash

291 - Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2

292 - Bowl-O-Rama

293 - Bowling Alley

294 - Bowmen

295 - Boxing Bugs

296 - Boxy Boy

297 - Bradley Trainer

298 - Brain

299 - Brave Blade

300 - Break Ball

301 - Break Thru

302 - Brick Zone

303 - Bristles

304 - Brixian

305 - Brodjaga

306 - Brute Force

307 - Bubble Bobble

308 - Bubble Bubble II

309 - Bubble Memories: The Story of Bubble Bobble III

310 - Bubble Trouble

311 - Bubbles

312 - Buccaneer

313 - Buccaneers

314 - Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom

315 - Bucky O'Hare

316 - Buggy Boy/speed Buggy

317 - Buggy Challenge

318 - Bull Fighter

319 - Bullet

320 - Bullfight

321 - Bump 'n' Jump

322 - Burger Time

323 - Burger Time (DECO Cassette)

324 - Burglar X

325 - Burnin' Rubber (DECO Cassette)

326 - Burning Force

327 - Burning Rival

328 - Butasan - Pig's & Bomber's

329 - Buttobi Striker

330 - Bygone

331 - Cabal

332 - Cadash

333 - Cadillacs and Dinosaurs

334 - Calcune

335 - Caliber 50

336 - California Games (mega-tech)

337 - California Speed

338 - Calipso

339 - Calorie Kun Vs Moguranian

340 - Cameltry

341 - Candy Candy

342 - Canvas Croquis

343 - Canyon Bomber

344 - Capcom Baseball: Suketto Gaijin Oo-Abare

345 - Capcom Bowling

346 - Capcom Sports Club

347 - Captain America And The Avengers

348 - Captain Commando

349 - Captain Flag

350 - Captain Silver

351 - Car Hunt / Deep Scan

352 - Car Jamboree

353 - Carket Ball

354 - Carnevil

355 - Carnival

356 - Carnival King

357 - Carrera

358 - Carrier Air Wing

359 - Cart Fury

360 - Castle of Dracula

361 - Cat And Mouse

362 - Cavelon

363 - Caveman Ninja

364 - Centipede

365 - Cerberus

366 - Chack'n Pop

367 - Chain Reaction

368 - Challenger

369 - Chameleon

370 - Champion Base Ball

371 - Champion Base Ball Part-2

372 - Champion Boxing

373 - Champion Pro Wrestling

374 - Champion Wrestler

375 - Championship Bowling

376 - Championship Sprint

377 - Chanbara

378 - Chance Kun

379 - Change Air Blade

380 - Change Lanes

381 - Changes

382 - Chaos Heat

383 - Charlie Ninja

384 - Chase Bombers

385 - Chase H.q.

386 - Check Man

387 - Checkmate

388 - Cheeky Mouse

389 - Cheese Chase

390 - Chelnov - Atomic Runner

391 - Cheyenne

392 - Chicken Farm

393 - Chicken Shift

394 - Chiller

395 - Chimera Beast

396 - China Gate

397 - China Town

398 - Chinese Hero

399 - Choky! Choky!

400 - Choplifter

401 - Chopper I

402 - Chuckecheese's Match Game

403 - Chuka Taisen

404 - Chuugokuryuu 2001 [dragon World 2001]

405 - Circus

406 - Circus Charlie

407 - Cisco Heat

408 - City Bomber

409 - City Connection

410 - Clash-road

411 - Clay Pigeon

412 - Cleopatra Fortune

413 - Cliff Hanger

414 - Cloak & Dagger

415 - Cloud 9

416 - Clowns

417 - Cluster Buster

418 - Clutch Hitter

419 - Cobra-command

420 - Coco Loco

421 - Colony 7

422 - Columns

423 - Columns '97

424 - Columns (mega-tech)

425 - Columns II: The Voyage Through Time

426 - Columns III (Mega Play)

427 - Combat

428 - Combat Hawk

429 - Combat School

430 - Come Back Toto

431 - Command War - Super Special Battle & War Game

432 - Commando

433 - Comotion

434 - Competition Golf Final Round

435 - Complex X

436 - Congo Bongo

437 - Continental Circus

438 - Contra

439 - Cookie & Bibi

440 - Cookie & Bibi 2

441 - Cookie & Bibi 3

442 - Cool Boarders Arcade Jam

443 - Cool Minigame Collection

444 - Cool Pool

445 - Cool Riders

446 - Cop 01

447 - Cops'n Robbers

448 - Cosmic Alien

449 - Cosmic Avenger

450 - Cosmic Chasm

451 - Cosmic Cop

452 - Cosmic Guerilla

453 - Cosmo

454 - Cosmo Gang the Puzzle

455 - Cosmo Gang the Video

456 - Cosmo Police Galivan

457 - Cosmos

458 - Cotton - Fantastic Night Dreams

459 - Cotton 2

460 - Cotton Boomerang

461 - Country Club

462 - Crack Down

463 - Crack Down (mega-tech)

464 - Crackshot

465 - Crash

466 - Crater Raider

467 - Crayon Shinchan Orato Asobo

468 - Crazy Balloon

469 - Crazy Climber

470 - Crazy Climber 2

471 - Crazy Cross

472 - Crazy Rally

473 - Crazy War

474 - Crazzy Clownz

475 - Crime City

476 - Crime Fighters

477 - Critter Crusher

478 - Cross Pang

479 - Crossbow

480 - Crowns Golf

481 - Crowns Golf In Hawaii

482 - Crude Buster

483 - Cruis'n Usa

484 - Cruis'n World

485 - Crusher Makochan

486 - Crypt Killer

487 - Crystal Castles

488 - Cube Quest

489 - Cuby Bop

490 - Cue Brick

491 - Curve Ball

492 - Cute Fighter

493 - Cutie Q

494 - Cybattler

495 - Cyber Commando

496 - Cyber Cycles

497 - Cyber Police Eswat: Enhanced Special Weapons And Tactics (mega-tech)

498 - Cyber Storm

499 - Cyber Tank

500 - Cyberball

501 - Cyberbots : Fullmetal Madness

502 - Cycle Maabou

503 - Cyvern - The Dragon Weapons

504 - Czernyj Korabl

505 - D-Con

506 - D-day

507 - D. D. Crew

508 - Dacholer

509 - Dai San Wakusei Meteor

510 - Daikaiju No Gyakushu

511 - Daioh

512 - Daisu-kiss

513 - Daitoride

514 - Dambusters

515 - Dan-ku-ga

516 - Danger Express

517 - Danger Zone

518 - Dangerous Dungeons

519 - Dangerous Seed

520 - Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat

521 - Darius

522 - Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk

523 - Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk Extra Version

524 - Darius II

525 - Dark Edge

526 - Dark Horse Legend

527 - Dark Planet

528 - Dark Seal

529 - Dark Tower

530 - Dark Warrior

531 - Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors

532 - Darwin 4078

533 - Datsun 280 Zzzap

534 - Dazzler

535 - Dead Angle

536 - Dead Connection

537 - Dead Eye

538 - Dead Or Alive ++

539 - Deathsmiles

540 - Deathsmiles MegaBlack Label

541 - Deer Hunting Usa V4.3

542 - Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO

543 - Defender

544 - Delta Command

545 - Deluxe 5

546 - Demolition Derby

547 - Demon

548 - Demon Front

549 - Demon's World

550 - Denjin Makai

551 - Densha De Go!

552 - Densha De Go! 2 Kousoku-hen

553 - Depthcharge

554 - Deroon Derodero

555 - Desert Breaker

556 - Desert Dan

557 - Desert Gun

558 - Desert War

559 - Destroyer

560 - Detana!! Twin Bee

561 - Devil Fish

562 - Devil World

563 - Devil Zone

564 - Dharma Doujou

565 - Diamond Run

566 - Die Hard Arcade

567 - Diet Family

568 - Diet Go Go

569 - Dig Dug

570 - Dig Dug II

571 - Digger

572 - Dimahoo

573 - Dingo

574 - Dino Rex

575 - Dirt Fox

576 - Disco No.1

577 - Disco No.1 (DECO Cassette)

578 - Discs Of Tron

579 - Diver Boy

580 - Dj Boy

581 - Do! Run Run

582 - Dock Man

583 - Dodge Man

584 - Dodgem

585 - DoDonPachi

586 - DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label

587 - DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou Tamashii

588 - DoDonPachi DaiOuJou

589 - DoDonPachi II - Bee Storm

590 - DoDonPachi Resurrection

591 - Dog Fight

592 - Dog Patch

593 - Dogyuun

594 - Dokaben

595 - Doki Doki Penguin Land

596 - Dolmen

597 - Domino Block

598 - Domino Man

599 - Dominos

600 - Dommy

601 - Don Doko Don

602 - DonPachi

603 - Dorodon

604 - Dottori Kun

605 - Double Axle

606 - Double Dragon

607 - Double Dragon 2 - The Revenge

608 - Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone

609 - Double Dribble

610 - Double Play

611 - Double Wings

612 - Downtown / Mokugeki

613 - Dr. Micro

614 - Dr. Toppel's Adventure

615 - Draco

616 - Drag Race

617 - Dragon Ball Z V.r.v.s.

618 - Dragon Blaze

619 - Dragon Bowl

620 - Dragon Breed

621 - Dragon Buster

622 - Dragon Gun

623 - Dragon Master

624 - Dragon Saber

625 - Dragon Spirit

626 - Dragon Unit / Castle Of Dragon

627 - Dragon World II

628 - DragonBall Z

629 - Dragonball Z 2 - Super Battle

630 - Dragoon Might

631 - Drakton

632 - Dream Shopper

633 - Dream Soccer '94

634 - Dream World

635 - Drift Out

636 - Drift Out '94 - The Hard Order

637 - Driver's Edge

638 - Driving Force

639 - Dungeon Magic

640 - Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara

641 - Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom

642 - Dunk Mania

643 - Dunk Shot

644 - Dyger

645 - Dyna Gear

646 - Dynablaster

647 - Dynamic Country Club

648 - Dynamic Shoot Kyousou

649 - Dynamic Ski

650 - Dynamite Bomber

651 - Dynamite Duke

652 - Dynamite Dux

653 - Dynamite League

654 - Dynasty Wars

655 - E-swat - Cyber Police

656 - E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force

657 - Eagle Shot Golf

658 - Eco Fighters

659 - Eeekk!

660 - Egg Hunt

661 - Egg Venture

662 - Eggs Playing Chicken

663 - Ehrgeiz

664 - Eight Ball Action

665 - Eight Forces

666 - Ejihon Tantei Jimusyo

667 - El Fin Del Tiempo

668 - Elan Doree - Legend of Dragoon

669 - Elevator Action

670 - Elevator Action Returns

671 - Eleven Beat

672 - Eliminator

673 - Emeraldia

674 - Empire City - 1931

675 - Enduro Racer

676 - Enforce

677 - Enigma II

678 - Equites

679 - Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters

680 - Escape Kids

681 - ESP Ra.De.

682 - Espgaluda

683 - Espgaluda II

684 - Espial

685 - Euro Champ '92

686 - Euro League

687 - Evil Night

688 - Evil Stone

689 - Evolution Soccer

690 - Excite League

691 - Exciting Animal Land Jr.

692 - Exciting Soccer

693 - Exciting Soccer II

694 - Exed Exes

695 - Exerion

696 - Explorer

697 - Explosive Breaker

698 - Express Raider

699 - Extermination

700 - Exterminator

701 - Extra Bases

702 - Extra Inning / Ball Park II

703 - Extreme Downhill

704 - Exvania

705 - Exzisus

706 - Eyes

707 - F-1 Dream

708 - F-1 Grand Prix

709 - F-1 Grand Prix Part II

710 - F-1 Grand Prix Star II

711 - F-15 Strike Eagle

712 - F1 Exhaust Note

713 - F1 Super Lap

714 - Face Off

715 - Fail Gate

716 - Famicombox

717 - Fancy World: Earth of Crisis

718 - Fantastic

719 - Fantastic Journey

720 - Fantasy

721 - Fantasy Land

722 - Fantasy Zone

723 - Fantasy Zone (mega-tech)

724 - Fantasy Zone II: The Tears of Opa-Opa

725 - Fast Lane

726 - Faster, Harder, More Challenging Q*bert

727 - Fever SOS

728 - Field Day

729 - Fighter & Attacker

730 - Fighter's History

731 - Fighters' Impact A

732 - Fighting Basketball

733 - Fighting Hawk

734 - Fighting Ice Hockey

735 - Fighting Layer

736 - Fighting Roller

737 - Fighting Soccer

738 - Filetto

739 - Final Blow

740 - Final Fight

741 - Final Fight 2

742 - Final Fight Revenge

743 - Final Lap

744 - Final Lap 2

745 - Final Lap 3

746 - Final Lap R

747 - Final Star Force

748 - Final Tetris

749 - Finalizer - Super Transformation

750 - Finest Hour

751 - Fire Ball

752 - Fire One

753 - Fire Shark

754 - Fire Shark (mega-tech)

755 - Fire Trap

756 - Fire Truck / Smokey Joe

757 - Firebeast

758 - Firefox

759 - Fisherman's Bait - A Bass Challenge

760 - Fisherman's Bait - Marlin Challenge

761 - Fisherman's Bait 2 - A Bass Challenge

762 - Fishin' Frenzy

763 - Five A Side Soccer

764 - FixEight

765 - Flame Gunner

766 - Flash Boy

767 - Flash Point

768 - Flashgal

769 - Flicky

770 - Flip and Flop

771 - Flip Maze

772 - Flipper Jack

773 - Flower

774 - Fly-boy

775 - Flyball

776 - Flying Ball

777 - Flying Shark

778 - Flying Tiger

779 - Food Fight

780 - Football Champ

781 - Football Frenzy

782 - Forgotten Worlds

783 - Forgotten Worlds (mega-tech)

784 - Fortress 2 Blue Arcade

785 - Forty-love

786 - Four Trax

787 - Free Kick

788 - Freeze

789 - Frenzy

790 - Frisky Tom

791 - Frog & Spiders

792 - Frogger

793 - Frogs

794 - From TV Animation Slam Dunk - Super Slams

795 - Front Line

796 - Funcube

797 - Funcube 2

798 - Funcube 3

799 - Funcube 4

800 - Funcube 5

801 - Funky Bee

802 - Funky Fish

803 - Funky Head Boxers

804 - Funky Jet

805 - Future Flash

806 - Future Spy

807 - Fuusen Pentai

808 - G-darius Ver.2

809 - G-loc Air Battle

810 - G-Stream G2020

811 - G.I. Joe

812 - Gachaga Champ

813 - Gaia Crusaders

814 - Gaia: The Last Choice of Earth

815 - Gaiapolis

816 - Gain Ground

817 - Galactic Storm

818 - Galactic Warriors

819 - Galactica - Batalha Espacial

820 - Galaga

821 - Galaga '88

822 - Galaxia

823 - Galaxian

824 - Galaxy Force 2

825 - Galaxy Games Starpak 2

826 - Galaxy Games Starpak 3

827 - Galaxy Games Starpak 4

828 - Galaxy Gunners

829 - Galaxy Ranger

830 - Gallop Racer

831 - Gallop Racer 2

832 - Gallop Racer 3

833 - Galmedes

834 - Ganbare Ginkun

835 - Ganbare Jajamaru Saisho Wa Goo / Ganbare Jajamaru Hop Step And Jump

836 - Ganbare! Marine Kun

837 - Gang Busters

838 - Gang Wars

839 - Gaplus

840 - Gardia

841 - Garyo Retsuden

842 - Gauntlet

843 - Gauntlet Dark Legacy

844 - Gauntlet II

845 - Gauntlet Legends

846 - Gee Bee

847 - Gekirindan

848 - Gekisou

849 - Gemini Wing

850 - Genix Family

851 - Genpei Toumaden

852 - Ghost Chaser Densei

853 - Ghost Hunter

854 - Ghostmuncher Galaxian

855 - Ghosts'n Goblins

856 - Ghoul Panic

857 - Ghouls'n Ghosts

858 - Ghouls'n Ghosts (mega-tech)

859 - Ghox

860 - Giga Wing

861 - Gigandes

862 - Gigas

863 - Gigas Mark II

864 - Gimme A Break

865 - Ginga Ninkyouden

866 - Gladiator

867 - Gladiator 1984

868 - Go By RC (V2.03O 1999/05/25 13:31)

869 - Go Go Cowboy

870 - Go Go Mr. Yamaguchi / Yuke Yuke Yamaguchi-kun

871 - Go Go! Mile Smile

872 - Goalie Ghost

873 - Godzilla

874 - Gold Bug

875 - Gold Medalist

876 - Golden Axe

877 - Golden Axe - The Duel

878 - Golden Axe (mega-tech)

879 - Golden Axe II (Mega Play)

880 - Golden Axe II (mega-tech)

881 - Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder

882 - Golden Par Golf

883 - Golden Tee '97

884 - Golden Tee '98

885 - Golden Tee '99

886 - Golden Tee 2k

887 - Golden Tee 3d Golf

888 - Golden Tee Classic

889 - Golden Tee Fore!

890 - Golden Tee Fore! 2002

891 - Golden Tee Fore! 2003

892 - Golden Tee Fore! 2004 Extra

893 - Golden Tee Fore! 2005 Extra

894 - Golden Tee Fore! 2006 Complete

895 - Golden Tee Golf

896 - Golden Tee Golf II

897 - Golgo 13

898 - Golgo 13 Kiseki no Dandou

899 - Golly! Ghost!

900 - Gondomania

901 - Gorf

902 - Got-cha Mini Game Festival

903 - Gp Rider

904 - Gradius (PlayChoice-10)

905 - Gradius III

906 - Gradius IV: Fukkatsu

907 - Grand Champion

908 - Grand Cross

909 - Grand Prix Star

910 - Grand Slam (Mega Play)

911 - Grand Striker 2

912 - Grasspin

913 - Gratia - Second Earth

914 - Gravitar

915 - Great Bishi Bashi Champ

916 - Great Football (mega-tech)

917 - Great Golf (mega-tech)

918 - Great Guns

919 - Great Sluggers

920 - Great Sluggers '94

921 - Great Soccer (mega-tech)

922 - Great Swordsman

923 - Green Beret

924 - Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer

925 - Gridiron Fight

926 - Gridlee

927 - Grind Stormer

928 - Grobda

929 - Groove on Fight - Gouketsuji Ichizoku 3

930 - Ground Effects / Super Ground Effects

931 - Growl

932 - Grudge Match

933 - Gryzor

934 - Gti Club

935 - Guardian

936 - Guardian Force

937 - Guardian Storm

938 - Guardians of the 'Hood

939 - Guardians: Denjin Makai II

940 - Guerrilla War

941 - Guided Missile

942 - Gulf Storm

943 - Gulf War II

944 - Gulun.Pa!

945 - Gun & Frontier

946 - Gun Fight

947 - Gun Master

948 - Gun.Smoke

949 - Gunbarich

950 - Gunbird

951 - Gunbird 2

952 - Gunbuster

953 - Gundam Wing: Endless Duel

954 - Gundhara

955 - Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island

956 - GunForce II

957 - Gunlock

958 - GunNail

959 - Gunpey

960 - Gunstar Heroes (Mega Play)

961 - Guts N' Glory

962 - Guts'n

963 - Guwange

964 - Guzzler

965 - Gyakuten!! Puzzle Bancho

966 - Gypsy Juggler

967 - Gyrodine

968 - Gyruss

969 - Hachoo!

970 - Hal21

971 - Halley's Comet

972 - Hammer

973 - Hammer Away

974 - Hammerin' Harry

975 - Hanabi De Doon! - Don-chan Puzzle

976 - Hanagumi Taisen Columns - Sakura Wars

977 - Hang Pilot

978 - Hang-on

979 - Hang-on Jr.

980 - Hangzo

981 - Happy 6-in-1

982 - Hard Drivin'

983 - Hard Drivin's Airborne

984 - Hard Dunk

985 - Hard Hat

986 - Hard Head

987 - Hard Head 2

988 - Hard Yardage

989 - Harem

990 - Hasamu

991 - Hashire Patrol Car

992 - Hat Trick

993 - Hatch Catch

994 - Hatris

995 - Haunted Castle

996 - Head On

997 - Head On 2

998 - Head Panic

999 - Heart Attack

1000 - Heated Barrel

1001 - Heaven's Gate

1002 - Heavy Barrel

1003 - Heavy Metal

1004 - Heavy Smash

1005 - Heavy Unit

1006 - Heavyweight Champ

1007 - Hebereke No Popoon

1008 - Hellfire

1009 - Hero

1010 - Hexion

1011 - Hidden Catch

1012 - Hidden Catch 2

1013 - Hidden Catch 2000

1014 - Hidden Catch 3

1015 - High Impact Football

1016 - High Voltage

1017 - High Way Race

1018 - Highway Chase

1019 - Hippodrome

1020 - Hit 'N Miss

1021 - Hit The Ice

1022 - Hoccer

1023 - Hole Land

1024 - Holosseum

1025 - Hook

1026 - Hoops'96

1027 - Hopper Robo

1028 - Hopping Mappy

1029 - Horizon

1030 - Hot Chase

1031 - Hot Mind

1032 - Hot Rod

1033 - Hot Shocker

1034 - Hot Shots Tennis

1035 - hotchili

1036 - Hotdog Storm

1037 - Hunchback

1038 - Hunchback at the Olympics

1039 - Hustle

1040 - Hydra

1041 - Hyper Athlete

1042 - Hyper Bishi Bashi Champ

1043 - Hyper Crash

1044 - Hyper Duel

1045 - Hyper Olympic

1046 - Hyper Pacman

1047 - Hyper Sports

1048 - Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition

1049 - Hyperdrive

1050 - I, Robot

1051 - I'm Sorry

1052 - Ibara

1053 - Ibara Kuro Black Label

1054 - Igmo

1055 - Ikari III - The Rescue

1056 - Ikari Warriors

1057 - Ikki

1058 - Image Fight

1059 - Imago

1060 - Imola Grand Prix

1061 - In the Hunt

1062 - In Your Face

1063 - Indian Battle

1064 - Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom

1065 - Indoor Soccer

1066 - Inferno

1067 - Insector

1068 - Insector X

1069 - Intergirl

1070 - International Cup '94

1071 - Intrepid

1072 - Invader's Revenge

1073 - Invasion - The Abductors

1074 - Invinco

1075 - Invinco / Head On 2

1076 - Ipm Invader

1077 - Iq-block

1078 - Iron

1079 - Iron Fortress

1080 - Iron Horse

1081 - Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off-road

1082 - Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off-road Track-pak

1083 - Istrebiteli

1084 - Itazura Monkey

1085 - Itazura Tenshi

1086 - Ixion

1087 - J-league Soccer V-shoot

1088 - J. J. Squawkers

1089 - Jack Rabbit

1090 - Jack the Giantkiller

1091 - Jackal

1092 - Jackie Chan - The Kung-fu Master

1093 - Jackie Chan In Fists Of Fire

1094 - Jail Break

1095 - Janken Man Kattara Ageru

1096 - Jet Wave

1097 - Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '96

1098 - Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Ex

1099 - Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu EX '98

1100 - Jin

1101 - Jitsuryoku!! Pro Yakyuu

1102 - Joe & Mac Returns

1103 - Joe Montana II: Sports Talk Football (mega-tech)

1104 - John Elway's Team Quarterback

1105 - Joinem

1106 - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

1107 - JoJo's Venture

1108 - Jolly Jogger

1109 - Journey

1110 - Joust

1111 - Joust 2: Survival of the Fittest

1112 - Joyful Road

1113 - Jr. Pac-Man

1114 - Judge Dredd

1115 - Jue Zhan Tian Huang

1116 - Jump Bug

1117 - Jump Coaster

1118 - Jump Kids

1119 - Jump Kun

1120 - Jump Shot

1121 - Jumping Break

1122 - Jumping Cross

1123 - Jumping Jack

1124 - Jumping Pop

1125 - Jungle King

1126 - Jungler

1127 - Juno First

1128 - Jurassic Park

1129 - Kabuki-Z

1130 - Kageki

1131 - Kaiser Knuckle

1132 - Kaitei Takara Sagashi

1133 - Kamikaze

1134 - Kamikaze Cabbie

1135 - Kamniari Kishi Riot

1136 - Kangaroo

1137 - Kaos

1138 - Karate Blazers

1139 - Karate Champ

1140 - Karian Cross

1141 - Karnov

1142 - kattobas

1143 - Keith Courage In Alpha Zones

1144 - Ken Sei Mogura: Street Fighter II

1145 - Kero Kero Keroppi's Let's Play Together

1146 - Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi

1147 - Kick

1148 - Kick And Run

1149 - Kick Ball

1150 - Kick Boy

1151 - Kick Goal

1152 - Kick Off

1153 - Kick Rider

1154 - Kick Start - Wheelie King

1155 - Kicker

1156 - Kickle Cubicle / Meikyu Jima

1157 - Kid Chameleon (mega-tech)

1158 - Kid Niki - Radical Ninja

1159 - Kid No Hore Hore Daisakusen

1160 - KiKi KaiKai

1161 - Killer Comet

1162 - Killer Instinct

1163 - Killer Instinct 2

1164 - King & Balloon

1165 - King Of Boxer

1166 - King of Fighters '98 - Ultimate Match HERO

1167 - Kingdom Grandprix

1168 - Kingpin

1169 - Kitten Kaboodle

1170 - Kkot Bi Nyo

1171 - Klad / Labyrinth

1172 - Klax

1173 - Knights of the Round

1174 - Knights of Valour 2

1175 - Knights Of Valour 2 New Legend

1176 - Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons

1177 - Knights Of Valour 3

1178 - Knights of Valour Super Heroes

1179 - Knuckle Bash

1180 - Knuckle Bash 2

1181 - Knuckle Heads

1182 - Knuckle Joe

1183 - Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari

1184 - Konami 80's Ac Special

1185 - Konami Gt

1186 - Konami's Ping-pong

1187 - Konek-gorbunok

1188 - Konkyuu No Hoshi

1189 - Koro Koro Quest

1190 - Korokoro Pensuke

1191 - Koutetsu Yousai Strahl

1192 - Kozmik Kroozr

1193 - Kozure Ookami

1194 - Kram

1195 - Krazy Bowl

1196 - Krull

1197 - Kung Fu

1198 - Kung-fu Master

1199 - Kung-fu Taikun

1200 - Kuri Kinton

1201 - Kurukuru Fever

1202 - Kusayakyuu

1203 - Kuzmich-Egorych

1204 - Kyros

1205 - Kyuukai Douchuuki

1206 - Kyuukoukabakugekitai - Dive Bomber Squad

1207 - Lady Bug

1208 - Lady Frog

1209 - Lady Master of Kung Fu

1210 - Laguna Racer

1211 - Land Maker

1212 - Land Sea Air Squad

1213 - Landing Gear

1214 - Laser Ghost

1215 - Lasso

1216 - Last Battle (mega-tech)

1217 - Last Duel

1218 - Last Fortress - Toride

1219 - Last Km

1220 - Last Mission

1221 - Last Striker

1222 - Last Survivor

1223 - Lazarian

1224 - Lazer Command

1225 - Le Bagnard

1226 - Leader Board

1227 - Led Storm

1228 - Led Storm Rally 2011

1229 - Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf

1230 - Legend

1231 - Legend of Hero Tonma

1232 - Legend Of Heroes

1233 - Legend of Makai

1234 - Legendary Wings

1235 - Legion: Spinner-87

1236 - Legionnaire

1237 - Lemmings

1238 - lependu

1239 - Leprechaun

1240 - lespendu

1241 - lespenduj

1242 - Let's Attack Crazy Cross

1243 - Lethal Crash Race

1244 - Lethal Enforcers

1245 - Lethal Enforcers II: Gun Fighters

1246 - Lethal Justice

1247 - Lethal Thunder

1248 - Levers

1249 - Libble Rabble

1250 - Liberation

1251 - Liberator

1252 - Libero Grande

1253 - Lightning Fighters

1254 - Lightning Swords

1255 - Line Of Fire / Bakudan Yarou

1256 - Linky Pipe

1257 - Liquid Kids

1258 - Little Robin

1259 - Lizard Wizard

1260 - Lock 'n' Chase

1261 - Lock On

1262 - Lock-on

1263 - Lock'n'Chase (DECO Cassette)

1264 - Loco-motion

1265 - Lode Runner

1266 - Lode Runner II - The Bungeling Strikes Back

1267 - Lode Runner III - The Golden Labyrinth

1268 - Lode Runner IV - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu

1269 - Lode Runner: The Dig Fight

1270 - Logger

1271 - Logic Pro

1272 - Logic Pro 2

1273 - Logic Pro Adventure

1274 - Looping

1275 - Lord Of Gun

1276 - Lost Tomb

1277 - Lot Lot

1278 - Lucky & Wild

1279 - Lucky Boom

1280 - Lunar Lander

1281 - Lunar Rescue

1282 - Lupin III

1283 - M-4

1284 - M-79 Ambush

1285 - M.A.C.H. 3

1286 - M.I.A.: Missing in Action

1287 - Ma Cheon Ru

1288 - Mace: The Dark Age

1289 - Mach Breakers

1290 - Macho Mouse

1291 - Macross Plus

1292 - Mad Alien

1293 - Mad Crasher

1294 - Mad Motor

1295 - Mad Planets

1296 - Mad Shark

1297 - Mag Max

1298 - Magic Bubble

1299 - Magic Johnson's Fast Break

1300 - Magic Purple

1301 - Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy

1302 - Magical Cat Adventure

1303 - Magical Crystals

1304 - Magical Date Ex / Magical Date - Sotsugyou Kokuhaku Daisakusen

1305 - Magical Error Wo Sagase

1306 - Magical Spot

1307 - Magical Spot II

1308 - Magicball Fighting

1309 - Mahjong Block Jongbou 2

1310 - Mahjong The Mysterious Orient Part 2 - Exotic Drea

1311 - Main Event

1312 - Major Havoc

1313 - Major League

1314 - Major Title

1315 - Major Title 2

1316 - Make Trax

1317 - Mallet Madness

1318 - Mang-Chi

1319 - Mangchi

1320 - Manhattan

1321 - Mania Challenge

1322 - Maniac Square

1323 - Many Block

1324 - Mappy

1325 - Marble Madness

1326 - Marchen Maze

1327 - Marine Boy

1328 - Mariner

1329 - Mario Lemieux Hockey (mega-tech)

1330 - Markham

1331 - Mars

1332 - Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting

1333 - Martial Champion

1334 - Martial Masters

1335 - Maru-Chan de Goo!

1336 - Marvel Land

1337 - Marvel Super Heroes

1338 - Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter

1339 - Marvel vs. Capcom : Clash of Super Heroes

1340 - Marvin's Maze

1341 - Masked Riders Club Battle Race

1342 - Master of Weapon

1343 - Master's Fury

1344 - Mat Mania

1345 - Match It

1346 - Mausuke no Ojama the World

1347 - Max Rpm

1348 - Maximum Force

1349 - Mayhem 2002

1350 - Maze Invaders

1351 - Maze Of Flott

1352 - Mazin Wars (Mega Play)

1353 - Mazinger Z

1354 - Meadows Lanes

1355 - Mechanized Attack

1356 - Mega Blast

1357 - Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters

1358 - Mega Man III

1359 - Mega Man: The Power Battle

1360 - Mega Phoenix

1361 - Mega Twins

1362 - Mega Zone

1363 - Megadon

1364 - Megatack

1365 - Megatouch 7 Encore Edition

1366 - Mercs

1367 - Merlin's Money Maze

1368 - Mermaid

1369 - Meta Fox

1370 - Metal Black

1371 - Metal Clash

1372 - Metal Freezer

1373 - Metal Hawk

1374 - Metal Saver

1375 - Metal Slug 5

1376 - Metamoqester

1377 - Metamorphic Force

1378 - Metro-cross

1379 - Michael Jackson's Moonwalker

1380 - Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (mega-tech)

1381 - Microman Battle Charge

1382 - Midnight Landing

1383 - Midnight Resistance

1384 - Midnight Run: Road Fighters 2

1385 - Mighty Guy

1386 - Mighty Monkey

1387 - Mighty Warriors

1388 - Mighty! Pang

1389 - Mikie

1390 - Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally

1391 - Millipede

1392 - Minefield

1393 - Minesweeper

1394 - Mini Golf

1395 - Mini Vaders

1396 - Minky Monkey

1397 - Minna Atsumare! Dodge Hero

1398 - Mirai Ninja

1399 - Mirax

1400 - Missile Command

1401 - Mission 660

1402 - Mission-X

1403 - Mister Viking

1404 - Mobile Suit Gundam

1405 - Mobile Suit Gundam Final Shooting

1406 - Mobile Suit Gundam: EX Revue

1407 - Moero!! Pro Yakyuu Homerun Kyousou

1408 - Mogura Desse

1409 - Mole Attack

1410 - Momoko 120%

1411 - Money Money

1412 - Monkey Mole Panic

1413 - Monster Bash

1414 - Monster Farm Jump

1415 - Monster Maulers

1416 - Monster Slider

1417 - Monster Zero

1418 - Monsters World

1419 - Monte Carlo

1420 - Moon Alien Part 2

1421 - Moon Cresta

1422 - Moon Patrol

1423 - Moon Quasar

1424 - Moon Shuttle

1425 - Moon War

1426 - Moonwar

1427 - More More

1428 - More More Plus

1429 - Mortal Kombat

1430 - Mortal Kombat 2

1431 - Mortal Kombat 3

1432 - Mortal Kombat 4

1433 - Mosaic

1434 - Moto Frenzy

1435 - Motos

1436 - Mouja

1437 - Mouse Attack

1438 - Mouse Shooter Gogo

1439 - Mouse Trap

1440 - Mouser

1441 - Mr. Dig

1442 - Mr. Do!

1443 - Mr. Do's Castle

1444 - Mr. Do's Wild Ride

1445 - Mr. Driller

1446 - Mr. Goemon

1447 - Mr. Jong

1448 - Mr. Kicker

1449 - Mr. Kougar

1450 - Mr. TNT

1451 - Mrs. Dynamite

1452 - Ms Pac Man Twin

1453 - Ms. Pac-Man

1454 - Ms. Pac-man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion

1455 - Muchi Muchi Pork!

1456 - Mug Smashers

1457 - Muhanseungbu

1458 - Multi Champ

1459 - Multi Game

1460 - Multi Game 2

1461 - Multi Game III

1462 - Multipede

1463 - Muscle Bomber Duo : Ultimate Team Battle

1464 - Muscle Ranking Kinniku Banzuke Spray Hitter

1465 - Mushihime-Sama

1466 - Mushihime-Sama Futari

1467 - Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label

1468 - Music Ball

1469 - Must Shoot TV

1470 - Mustache Boy

1471 - Mutant Fighter

1472 - Mutant Night

1473 - Mvp

1474 - MX5000

1475 - My Hero

1476 - Mysterious Stones - Dr. John's Adventure

1477 - Mystic Defender (mega-tech)

1478 - Mystic Riders

1479 - Mystic Warriors

1480 - N-sub

1481 - N.y. Captor

1482 - Nagano Winter Olympics '98

1483 - Namco Classic Collection Vol.1

1484 - Namennayo

1485 - Naname De Magic!

1486 - Narc

1487 - Nastar

1488 - NATO Defense

1489 - Naughty Boy

1490 - Naughty Mouse

1491 - Navarone

1492 - Nba Hangtime

1493 - Nba Jam

1494 - NBA Jam Extreme

1495 - NBA Jam Tournament Edition

1496 - Nba Play By Play

1497 - Nba Showtime / Nfl Blitz 2000

1498 - Nba Showtime Gold / Nfl Blitz 2000

1499 - NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC

1500 - Nebulas Ray

1501 - Neck-n-neck

1502 - Nemesis

1503 - Nemo

1504 - Nerae! Super Goal

1505 - Neratte Chu

1506 - Net Wars

1507 - New Cross Pang

1508 - New Dyna Blaster - Global Quest

1509 - New Hidden Catch

1510 - New HyperMan

1511 - New Rally X

1512 - New Sinbad 7

1513 - New York! New York!

1514 - Nfl Blitz

1515 - Nfl Blitz '99

1516 - Nfl Blitz 2000 Gold Edition

1517 - Nibbler

1518 - Night Driver

1519 - Night Raid (V2.03J 2001/02/26 17:00)

1520 - Night Slashers

1521 - Night Star

1522 - Night Stocker

1523 - Night Striker

1524 - Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge

1525 - Ninja Baseball Bat Man

1526 - Ninja Clowns

1527 - Ninja Gaiden Episode II: The Dark Sword of Chaos (

1528 - Ninja Gaiden Episode III: The Ancient Ship of Doom

1529 - Ninja Kazan

1530 - Ninja Mission

1531 - Ninja Spirit

1532 - Ninja-Kid II

1533 - Ninja-kun: Adventure of Devil Castle

1534 - Nitro Ball

1535 - No Man's Land

1536 - Noah's Ark

1537 - Nostradamus

1538 - Nova 2001

1539 - Numan Athletics

1540 - Number Crash

1541 - Off Road Challenge

1542 - Off The Wall

1543 - Oh My God!

1544 - Omega

1545 - Omega Fighter

1546 - Omega Race

1547 - One Shot One Kill

1548 - Onna Sanshirou - Typhoon Gal

1549 - OOPArts

1550 - Oozumou - The Grand Sumo

1551 - Opa Opa

1552 - Operation Thunderbolt

1553 - Operation Wolf

1554 - Operation Wolf 3

1555 - Orbit

1556 - Orbitron

1557 - Orbs

1558 - Ordyne

1559 - Oriental Legend / Xi You Shi E Zhuan

1560 - Oriental Legend 2

1561 - Osman

1562 - Otakara Itadaki Luffy Kaizoku-Dan!

1563 - Otenami Haiken Final (V2.07JC 2005/04/20 15:36)

1564 - Otenki Kororin

1565 - Out Run

1566 - Out Zone

1567 - OutRun (mega-tech)

1568 - OutRunners

1569 - Ozma Wars

1570 - Ozon I

1571 - P-47 Aces

1572 - P.O.W.: Prisoners of War

1573 - P47 Thunderbolt

1574 - Pac & Pal

1575 - Pac-Land

1576 - Pac-man Plus

1577 - Pac-Mania

1578 - Pachifever

1579 - Pack'n Bang Bang

1580 - Pacman Club / Club Lambada

1581 - Paddle Mania

1582 - Pairs Redemption

1583 - Palamedes

1584 - Pandora's Palace

1585 - Pang

1586 - Pang Pom's

1587 - Pang! 3

1588 - Panic Street

1589 - Panther

1590 - Paperboy

1591 - Parallel Turn

1592 - Paris Dakar

1593 - Parlour Games (mega-tech)

1594 - Parodius Da!

1595 - Pasha Pasha 2

1596 - Pass

1597 - Passing Shot

1598 - Pastel Island

1599 - Pata Pata Panic

1600 - Pebble Beach - The Great Shot

1601 - Peggle

1602 - Pengo

1603 - Penguin Adventure

1604 - Penguin Brothers

1605 - Penguin-kun Wars

1606 - Penky

1607 - Pepper II

1608 - Perfect Billiard

1609 - Performan

1610 - Pesadelo

1611 - Peter Pack Rat

1612 - Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory

1613 - Phantom II

1614 - Pharaohs Match

1615 - Phelios

1616 - Phoenix

1617 - Photo Y2k

1618 - Photo Y2k 2

1619 - Phozon

1620 - Pickin'

1621 - Pig Newton

1622 - Pig Out: Dine Like a Swine!

1623 - Pigskin 621ad

1624 - Pinball Action

1625 - Pinbo

1626 - Ping Pong Masters '93

1627 - Ping-pong King

1628 - Pink Sweets: Ibara Sorekara

1629 - Pioneer Balloon

1630 - Pipe Dream

1631 - Pipeline

1632 - Pirate Ship

1633 - Pirate Ship Higemaru

1634 - Pirate Treasure

1635 - Pirates

1636 - Pisces

1637 - Pistol Daimyo no Boken

1638 - Pit & Run - F-1 Race

1639 - Pit Fighter

1640 - Pitapat Puzzle

1641 - Pitfall II

1642 - Pittanko Zaurus

1643 - Pk Scramble

1644 - Planet Probe

1645 - Playball!

1646 - Pleiads

1647 - Plotting

1648 - Plump Pop

1649 - Plus Alpha

1650 - Pnickies

1651 - Pocket Racer

1652 - Point Blank

1653 - Point Blank 2

1654 - Poitto!

1655 - Poizone

1656 - Poka Poka Satan

1657 - Pokonyan! Balloon

1658 - Polaris

1659 - Pole Position

1660 - Pole Position II

1661 - Police Trainer

1662 - Pollux

1663 - Poly-Play

1664 - Ponpoko

1665 - POOL 10

1666 - Poolshark

1667 - Poosho Poosho

1668 - Pooyan

1669 - Pop Flamer

1670 - Pop'n Pop

1671 - Popo Bear

1672 - Popper

1673 - Porky

1674 - Poto Poto

1675 - Pound For Pound

1676 - Povar / Sobrat' Buran / Agroprom

1677 - Power Balls

1678 - Power Drift

1679 - Power Drive

1680 - Power Flipper Pinball Shooting V1.33

1681 - Power Instinct

1682 - Power Instinct 2

1683 - Power Instinct Legends

1684 - Power Kick

1685 - Power Play

1686 - Power Spikes

1687 - Power Surge

1688 - Prebillian

1689 - Prehistoric Isle in 1930

1690 - Premier Soccer

1691 - Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon

1692 - Prime Goal Ex

1693 - Princess Clara Daisakusen

1694 - Pro Baseball Skill Tryout

1695 - Pro Bowling

1696 - Pro Soccer

1697 - Pro Sports - Bowling, Tennis, And Golf

1698 - Pro Stepper Tele Cardioline

1699 - Pro Tennis

1700 - Probotector II: Return of the Evil Forces

1701 - Progear

1702 - Progress

1703 - Prop Cycle

1704 - Psychic 5

1705 - Psychic Force

1706 - Psycho Soldier

1707 - Psycho-Nics Oscar

1708 - Psyvariar -medium Unit-

1709 - Psyvariar -revision-

1710 - Pu·Li·Ru·La

1711 - Puchi Carat

1712 - Puck Man

1713 - Puckman Pockimon

1714 - Pulsar

1715 - Punk Shot

1716 - Pururun

1717 - Puyo Puyo

1718 - Puyo Puyo 2

1719 - Puyo Puyo Sun

1720 - Puzz Loop

1721 - Puzz Loop 2

1722 - Puzzle & Action: Ichidant-R

1723 - Puzzle & Action: Tant-R

1724 - Puzzle & Action: Treasure Hunt

1725 - Puzzle Bobble

1726 - Puzzle Bobble 2

1727 - Puzzle Bobble 3

1728 - Puzzle Bobble 4

1729 - Puzzle Break

1730 - Puzzle Club

1731 - Puzzle De Bowling

1732 - Puzzle King (Dance & Puzzle)

1733 - Puzzle Uo Poko

1734 - Puzzle! Mushihime-Tama

1735 - Puzzli

1736 - Puzzli 2

1737 - Puzzlove

1738 - Pye-nage Taikai

1739 - Pyon Pyon Jump

1740 - Python

1741 - Q*bert

1742 - Q*bert's Qubes

1743 - Qb-3

1744 - Qix

1745 - Quantum

1746 - Quarterback

1747 - Quartet

1748 - Quasar

1749 - Quester

1750 - Qwak

1751 - R-Shark

1752 - R-Type II

1753 - R-Type Leo

1754 - R2D Tank

1755 - Rabbit

1756 - Rabio Lepus

1757 - Race Drivin'

1758 - Racing Beat

1759 - Racing Hero

1760 - Rack 'em Up

1761 - Rack + Roll

1762 - Rad Mobile

1763 - Rad Rally

1764 - Radar Zone

1765 - Radiant Silvergun

1766 - Radical Radial

1767 - Radikal Bikers

1768 - Rafflesia

1769 - Raiden

1770 - Raiden DX

1771 - Raiden Fighters

1772 - Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive

1773 - Raiden Fighters Jet

1774 - Raiden II

1775 - Raiden II New / Raiden DX

1776 - Raiders5

1777 - Raiga - Strato Fighter

1778 - Rail Chase

1779 - Raimais

1780 - Rainbow Islands

1781 - Rainbow Islands - Extra Version

1782 - Rally Bike / Dash Yarou

1783 - Rally X

1784 - Rambo III

1785 - Rampage

1786 - Rampage: World Tour

1787 - Rampart

1788 - Rapid Fire V1.1

1789 - Rastan

1790 - Rave Racer

1791 - Ray Crisis

1792 - Ray Storm

1793 - Razzmatazz

1794 - Reactor

1795 - Reaktor

1796 - Reality Tennis

1797 - Recalhorn

1798 - Recordbreaker

1799 - Red Alert

1800 - Red Baron

1801 - Red Earth

1802 - Red Hawk

1803 - Red Robin

1804 - Redline Racer

1805 - Regulus

1806 - Relief Pitcher

1807 - Renegade

1808 - Repulse

1809 - Rescue

1810 - Rescue Raider

1811 - Return of the Invaders

1812 - Return of the Jedi

1813 - Revenger '84

1814 - Revolution X

1815 - Rezon

1816 - Ribbit!

1817 - Riddle Of Pythagoras

1818 - Ridge Racer

1819 - Ridge Racer 2

1820 - Riding Fight

1821 - Rim Rockin' Basketball

1822 - Ring of Destruction: Slam Masters II

1823 - Ring Rage

1824 - Riot City

1825 - Rip Cord

1826 - Rip Off

1827 - Ripper Ribbit

1828 - Rise Of The Robots

1829 - Risky Challenge

1830 - Rival Schools: United By Fate

1831 - River Patrol

1832 - Road Blasters

1833 - Road Burners

1834 - Road Fighter

1835 - Road Runner

1836 - Roadwars

1837 - Robo Wres 2001

1838 - Robocop

1839 - Robocop 2

1840 - Robot Bowl

1841 - Robotron: 2084

1842 - Roc'n Rope

1843 - Rock Climber

1844 - Rock'n Rage

1845 - Rod Land

1846 - Rohga Armor Force

1847 - Roller Jammer

1848 - Rollergames

1849 - Rolling Crash / Moon Base

1850 - Rolling Crush

1851 - Rolling Thunder

1852 - Rolling Thunder 2

1853 - Rompers

1854 - Rootin' Tootin' / La-pa-pa

1855 - Rotary Fighter

1856 - Rough Racer

1857 - Rougien

1858 - Round-up

1859 - Route 16

1860 - Rumba Lumber

1861 - Run And Gun

1862 - Run And Gun 2

1863 - Runaway

1864 - Rushing Heroes

1865 - Rygar

1866 - Ryu Jin

1867 - Ryukyu

1868 - S.o.s.

1869 - S.P.Y. - Special Project Y

1870 - S.R.D. Mission

1871 - S.S. Mission

1872 - S.T.U.N. Runner

1873 - S.v.g. - Spectral Vs Generation

1874 - Saboten Bombers

1875 - Safari Rally

1876 - Saint Dragon

1877 - Salamander

1878 - Salary Man Champ

1879 - Samurai Aces

1880 - Samurai Nihon-ichi

1881 - San Francisco Rush

1882 - San Francisco Rush 2049

1883 - San Francisco Rush: The Rock

1884 - Sand Scorpion

1885 - SAR: Search And Rescue

1886 - Sarge

1887 - Sasuke Vs. Commander

1888 - Satan Of Saturn

1889 - Satan's Hollow

1890 - Saturday Night Slam Masters

1891 - Saturn

1892 - Sauro

1893 - Schmeiser Robo

1894 - Scion

1895 - Scooter Shooter

1896 - Scorpion

1897 - Scramble

1898 - Scramble Spirits

1899 - Scrambled Egg

1900 - Screw Loose

1901 - Scrum Try

1902 - Scud Hammer

1903 - Sd Fighters

1904 - SD Gundam Neo Battling

1905 - SD Gundam Psycho Salamander no Kyoui

1906 - SD Gundam Sangokushi Rainbow Tairiku Senki

1907 - SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative

1908 - Sea Bass Fishing

1909 - Sea Fighter Poseidon

1910 - Sea Wolf

1911 - Sea Wolf II

1912 - Search Eye

1913 - Search Eye Plus V2.0

1914 - Secret Agent

1915 - Section Z

1916 - See See Find Out

1917 - Sega Ninja

1918 - Sega Sonic Cosmo Fighter

1919 - SegaSonic Bros.

1920 - Segasonic The Hedgehog

1921 - Seicross

1922 - Sel Feena

1923 - Sen-know

1924 - Sengeki Striker

1925 - Senjyo

1926 - Senkyu

1927 - SF-X

1928 - Shackled

1929 - Shadow Dancer

1930 - Shadow Dancer (mega-tech)

1931 - Shadow Force

1932 - Shadow Warriors

1933 - Shadowland

1934 - Shanghai

1935 - Shanghai - The Great Wall / Shanghai Triple Threat

1936 - Shanghai II

1937 - Shanghai III

1938 - Shanghai Kid

1939 - Shanghai Matekibuyuu

1940 - Shanghai Sangokuhai Tougi (Ver 2.01J 2002/01/18 18:26:58)

1941 - Shanghai Shoryu Sairin (V2.03J 2000/05/26 12:45:28)

1942 - Shark Attack

1943 - Sharpshooter

1944 - Shienryu

1945 - Shikigami No Shiro

1946 - Shikigami no Shiro - internal build (V1.02J 2001/09/27 18:45)

1947 - Shin Nihon Pro Wrestling Toukon Retsuden 3 Arcade

1948 - Shingen Samurai-fighter

1949 - Shinobi

1950 - Shinobi (mega-tech)

1951 - Shinobi III (Mega Play)

1952 - Shocking

1953 - Shogun Warriors

1954 - Shoot Out

1955 - Shoot The Bull

1956 - Shooting Gallery

1957 - Shooting Master

1958 - Shot Rider

1959 - Shrike Avenger

1960 - Shuffleboard

1961 - Shuffleshot

1962 - Shuriken Boy

1963 - Shuttle Invader

1964 - Shuuz

1965 - Side Arms - Hyper Dyne

1966 - Side By Side

1967 - Side By Side 2

1968 - Side Pocket

1969 - Side Trak

1970 - Sidewinder

1971 - Silent Dragon

1972 - Silk Worm

1973 - Silver Millennium

1974 - Simpsons Bowling

1975 - Sindbad Mystery

1976 - Sinistar

1977 - Skater

1978 - Skimaxx

1979 - Skull & Crossbones

1980 - Sky Adventure

1981 - Sky Alert

1982 - Sky Army

1983 - Sky Base

1984 - Sky Bumper

1985 - Sky Destroyer

1986 - Sky Diver

1987 - Sky Fox

1988 - Sky Kid

1989 - Sky Kid Deluxe

1990 - Sky Lancer

1991 - Sky Love

1992 - Sky Raider

1993 - Sky Robo

1994 - Sky Smasher

1995 - Slap Fight

1996 - Slap Shooter

1997 - Slap Shot

1998 - Slip Stream

1999 - Slither

2000 - Smash T.V.

2001 - Snacks'n Jaxson

2002 - Snake Pit

2003 - Snap Jack

2004 - Snapper

2005 - Snezhnaja Koroleva

2006 - Snow Board Championship

2007 - Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom

2008 - Snow Bros. 2 : With New Elves

2009 - Snow Brothers 3 - Magical Adventure

2010 - Soccer Superstars

2011 - Sokonuke Taisen Game

2012 - Sol Divide: Sword of Darkness

2013 - Solar Assault

2014 - Solar Fox

2015 - Solar Quest

2016 - Solar War

2017 - Soldam

2018 - Soldier Girl Amazon

2019 - Solitary Fighter

2020 - Solite Spirits

2021 - Solomon's Key

2022 - Son Son

2023 - Sonic Blast Man 2 Special Turbo

2024 - Sonic Boom

2025 - Sonic The Hedgehog (Mega Play)

2026 - Sonic The Hedgehog (mega-tech)

2027 - Sonic the Hedgehog 2

2028 - Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Mega Play)

2029 - Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (mega-tech)

2030 - Sorcer Striker

2031 - Sotsugyo Shousho

2032 - Soukyugurentai / Terra Diver

2033 - Soul Calibur

2034 - Soul Edge Ver. II

2035 - Soutenryu

2036 - Space Ace

2037 - Space Battle

2038 - Space Bomber

2039 - Space Chaser

2040 - Space Cruiser

2041 - Space Cyclone

2042 - Space Duel

2043 - Space Dungeon

2044 - Space Encounters

2045 - Space Fever High Splitter

2046 - Space Force

2047 - Space Fortress

2048 - Space Fury

2049 - Space Guerrilla

2050 - Space Gun

2051 - Space Harrier

2052 - Space Harrier II (mega-tech)

2053 - Space Invaders '95: The Attack Of Lunar Loonies

2054 - Space Invaders / Space Invaders M

2055 - Space Invaders Anniversary

2056 - Space Invaders DX

2057 - Space Invaders II

2058 - Space Invaders Multigame

2059 - Space Invaders Part 2

2060 - Space King 2

2061 - Space Launcher

2062 - Space Lords

2063 - Space Odyssey

2064 - Space Panic

2065 - Space Position

2066 - Space Raider

2067 - Space Seeker

2068 - Space Stranger

2069 - Space Walk

2070 - Space Wars

2071 - Space Zap

2072 - Spark Man

2073 - Sparkz

2074 - Spatter

2075 - Special Criminal Investigation

2076 - Spectar

2077 - Spectrum 2000

2078 - Speed Ball

2079 - Speed Coin

2080 - Speed Freak

2081 - Speed Racer

2082 - Speed Spin

2083 - Speed Up

2084 - Spelunker

2085 - Spelunker II

2086 - Spider

2087 - Spider-man Vs The Kingpin (mega-tech)

2088 - Spider-Man: The Video Game

2089 - Spider-Man: The Videogame

2090 - Spiders

2091 - Spiker

2092 - Spinal Breakers

2093 - Splat!

2094 - Splatter House

2095 - Splendor Blast

2096 - Splendor Blast 2

2097 - Sporttime Bowling

2098 - Sporttime Table Hockey

2099 - Springer

2100 - Sprint 1

2101 - Sprint 4

2102 - Sprint 8

2103 - Spy Hunter

2104 - Spy Hunter II

2105 - Squash

2106 - Stack Columns

2107 - Stadium Cross

2108 - Stadium Hero

2109 - Stadium Hero '96

2110 - Star Castle

2111 - Star Cruiser

2112 - Star Fighter

2113 - Star Fire

2114 - Star Fire 2

2115 - Star Force

2116 - Star Gladiator 2: Nightmare of Bilstein

2117 - Star Gladiator Episode I: Final Crusade

2118 - Star Guards

2119 - Star Hawk

2120 - Star Jacker

2121 - Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth

2122 - Star Sweep

2123 - Star Trek

2124 - Star Wars

2125 - Star Wars Arcade

2126 - Starblade

2127 - Stargate

2128 - Starship 1

2129 - Steel Force

2130 - Steel Gunner

2131 - Steel Gunner 2

2132 - Steel Talons

2133 - Steel Worker

2134 - Steep Slope Sliders

2135 - Steering Champ

2136 - Stinger

2137 - Stocker

2138 - Stompin'

2139 - Stone Ball

2140 - Storm Blade

2141 - Strata Bowling

2142 - Strategy X

2143 - Stratovox

2144 - Street Drivin'

2145 - Street Fighter

2146 - Street Fighter Alpha : Warriors' Dreams

2147 - Street Fighter Alpha 2

2148 - Street Fighter Alpha 3

2149 - Street Fighter EX

2150 - Street Fighter EX Plus

2151 - Street Fighter EX2

2152 - Street Fighter EX2 Plus

2153 - Street Fighter II : The World Warrior

2154 - Street Fighter II' : Champion Edition

2155 - Street Fighter II' : Hyper Fighting

2156 - Street Fighter III : New Generation

2157 - Street Fighter III 2nd Impact : Giant Attack

2158 - Street Fighter III 3rd Strike : Fight for the Future

2159 - Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha

2160 - Street Fighter: The Movie

2161 - Street Football

2162 - Street Heat

2163 - Street Smart

2164 - Streets Of Rage (mega-tech)

2165 - Streets of Rage II (Mega Play)

2166 - Strength & Skill

2167 - Strider

2168 - Strider 2

2169 - Strike Bowling

2170 - Strike Fighter

2171 - Strike Force

2172 - Strike Gunner S.T.G

2173 - Strike Zone Baseball

2174 - Strikers 1945

2175 - Strikers 1945 II

2176 - Strikers 1945 III

2177 - Stroke And Match Golf

2178 - Stunt Air

2179 - Submarine

2180 - Subroc-3d

2181 - Subs

2182 - Success Joe

2183 - Suiko Enbu / Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty

2184 - Sundance

2185 - Sunset Riders

2186 - Super Abc

2187 - Super Astro Fighter

2188 - Super Bagman

2189 - Super Baseball Double Play Home Run Derby

2190 - Super Basketball

2191 - Super Bishi Bashi Championship

2192 - Super Breakout

2193 - Super Bubble 2003

2194 - Super Bubble Bobble

2195 - Super Bug

2196 - Super Burger Time

2197 - Super Chase - Criminal Termination

2198 - Super Cobra

2199 - Super Contra

2200 - Super Cross II

2201 - Super Crowns Golf

2202 - Super Cup Finals

2203 - Super Dodge Ball

2204 - Super Doubles Tennis

2205 - Super Duck

2206 - Super Eagle Shot

2207 - Super Football Champ

2208 - Super Free Kick

2209 - Super Game III

2210 - Super Game Mega Type 1

2211 - Super Gem Fighter: Mini Mix

2212 - Super Glob

2213 - Super Hang-on

2214 - Super Hang-on (mega-tech)

2215 - Super High Impact

2216 - Super League

2217 - Super Locomotive

2218 - Super Masters Golf

2219 - Super Model

2220 - Super Monaco GP

2221 - Super Monaco GP (mega-tech)

2222 - Super Motor

2223 - Super Mouse

2224 - Super Pac-Man

2225 - Super Pang

2226 - Super Puzzle Bobble

2227 - Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo

2228 - Super Qix

2229 - Super Ranger

2230 - Super Real Basketball (mega-tech)

2231 - Super Real Darwin

2232 - Super Rider

2233 - Super Shanghai Dragon's Eye

2234 - Super Slam

2235 - Super Space Invaders '91

2236 - Super Spacefortress Macross

2237 - Super Spacefortress Macross II

2238 - Super Speed Race

2239 - Super Sprint

2240 - Super Stingray

2241 - Super Street Fighter II Turbo

2242 - Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers

2243 - Super Tank

2244 - Super Thunder Blade (mega-tech)

2245 - Super Trio

2246 - Super Visual Football: European Sega Cup

2247 - Super Volleyball

2248 - Super World Court

2249 - Super World Stadium

2250 - Super World Stadium '92

2251 - Super World Stadium '93

2252 - Super World Stadium '95

2253 - Super World Stadium '96

2254 - Super World Stadium '97

2255 - Super World Stadium '98

2256 - Super World Stadium '99

2257 - Super Zaxxon

2258 - Super-x

2259 - Superbike

2260 - Superior Soldiers

2261 - Superman

2262 - Surf Planet

2263 - Surprise Attack

2264 - Survival

2265 - Survival Arts

2266 - Suzuka 8 Hours

2267 - Suzuka 8 Hours 2

2268 - SVC Chaos - SNK Vs. Capcom

2269 - SWAT

2270 - SWAT Police

2271 - Swimmer

2272 - Syusse Oozumou

2273 - Syvalion

2274 - T.N.K III

2275 - Table Tennis Champions

2276 - Tac/scan

2277 - Tactician

2278 - Tag Team Wrestling

2279 - Taihou De Doboon

2280 - Tail To Nose - Great Championship

2281 - Tailgunner

2282 - Taisen Tanto-R Sasissu!

2283 - Taisen Tokkae-dama

2284 - Taito Cup Finals

2285 - Taito Power Goal

2286 - Talbot

2287 - Tang Tang

2288 - Tank 8

2289 - Tank Battalion

2290 - Tank Battle

2291 - Tank Busters

2292 - Tank Force

2293 - Tao Taido

2294 - Tap A Tune

2295 - Tapper

2296 - Tappy And Rappy

2297 - Targ

2298 - Target Hits

2299 - Task Force Harrier

2300 - Tattoo Assassins

2301 - Taxi Driver

2302 - Tazz-Mania

2303 - Tech Romancer

2304 - Technical Bowling

2305 - Techno Drive

2306 - Tecmo Bowl

2307 - Tecmo Knight

2308 - Tecmo World Cup (Mega Play)

2309 - Tecmo World Cup Millennium

2310 - Teddyboy Blues

2311 - Tee'd Off

2312 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

2313 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game (

2314 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time

2315 - Teeter Torture

2316 - Tehkan World Cup

2317 - Tekken

2318 - Tekken 2

2319 - Tekken 3

2320 - Tekken Battle Scratch

2321 - Tekken Card World

2322 - Tekken Tag Tournament

2323 - TelePachi Fever Lion

2324 - Tempest

2325 - Tengai

2326 - Tenkomori Shooting

2327 - Tenth Degree

2328 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day

2329 - Terra Cresta

2330 - Terra Force

2331 - Terranean

2332 - Tetris

2333 - Tetris (mega-tech)

2334 - Tetris (set 4, Japan, System 16a)

2335 - Tetris / Bloxeed

2336 - Tetris Plus

2337 - Tetris Plus 2

2338 - Tetris The Absolute The Grand Master 2

2339 - Tetris The Grand Master

2340 - Th Strikes Back

2341 - The Adventures of Robby Roto!

2342 - The Amazing Adventures of Mr. F. Lea

2343 - The Astyanax

2344 - The Battle-Road

2345 - The Berlin Wall

2346 - The Block Kuzushi

2347 - The Bounty

2348 - The Brain Washing Game

2349 - The Burning Cavern

2350 - The Cliffhanger: Edward Randy

2351 - The Combatribes

2352 - The Crystal of Kings

2353 - The Deep

2354 - The Destroyer From Jail

2355 - The Double Dynamites

2356 - The Electric Yo-Yo

2357 - The Empire Strikes Back

2358 - The End

2359 - The FairyLand Story

2360 - The Fallen Angels

2361 - The Final Round

2362 - The First Funky Fighter

2363 - The Game Paradise - Master of Shooting!

2364 - The Gladiator / Road Of The Sword / Shen Jian

2365 - The Hand

2366 - The Invaders

2367 - The Karate Tournament

2368 - The Killing Blade

2369 - The Killing Blade Plus

2370 - The King of Dragons

2371 - The King of Fighters 2003

2372 - The Koukou Yakyuu

2373 - The Last Apostle Puppetshow

2374 - The Last Day

2375 - The Last Starfighter

2376 - The Legend of Kage

2377 - The Legend of Silkroad

2378 - The Lost Castle In Darkmist

2379 - The Main Event

2380 - The NewZealand Story

2381 - The Next Space

2382 - The Ninja Kids

2383 - The Ninja Warriors

2384 - The Outfoxies

2385 - The Percussor

2386 - The Pit

2387 - The Punisher

2388 - The Real Ghostbusters

2389 - The Return of Ishtar

2390 - The Revenge of Shinobi (mega-tech)

2391 - The Simpsons

2392 - The Speed Rumbler

2393 - The Three Stooges In Brides Is Brides

2394 - The Tin Star

2395 - The Tower (DECO Cassette)

2396 - The Tower of Druaga

2397 - Thief

2398 - Three Wonders

2399 - Thunder & Lightning

2400 - Thunder Blade

2401 - Thunder Ceptor

2402 - Thunder Cross

2403 - Thunder Dragon

2404 - Thunder Dragon 2

2405 - Thunder Force AC

2406 - Thunder Force II MD (mega-tech)

2407 - Thunder Fox

2408 - Thunder Heroes

2409 - Thunder Hoop

2410 - Thunder Strike

2411 - Thunder Zone

2412 - Thundercade

2413 - ThunderJaws

2414 - Tickee Tickats

2415 - Tiger Heli

2416 - Tiger Road

2417 - Timber

2418 - Time Attacker

2419 - Time Crisis

2420 - Time Killers

2421 - Time Limit

2422 - Time Pilot

2423 - Time Pilot '84

2424 - Time Scanner

2425 - Time Soldiers

2426 - Time Traveler

2427 - Time Tunnel

2428 - Tinkle Pit

2429 - Tiny Toon Adventures

2430 - Title Fight

2431 - Tobe! Polystars

2432 - Tobikose! Jumpman

2433 - Toffy

2434 - Toggle

2435 - Toki

2436 - Toki no Senshi: Chrono-Soldier

2437 - Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Puzzle-dama

2438 - Tokio

2439 - Tokyo Wars

2440 - Tom Tom Magic

2441 - Tomahawk 777

2442 - Tomcat

2443 - Tommy Lasorda Baseball (mega-tech)

2444 - Tondemo Crisis

2445 - Toobin'

2446 - Top Blade V

2447 - Top Gunner

2448 - Top Landing

2449 - Top Ranking Stars

2450 - Top Roller

2451 - Top Secret

2452 - Top Shooter

2453 - Top Speed

2454 - Tora Tora

2455 - Toride II Adauchi Gaiden

2456 - Tornado

2457 - Tornado Baseball

2458 - Toryumon

2459 - Total Carnage

2460 - Total Vice

2461 - Touch & Go

2462 - Touchdown Fever

2463 - Touche Me

2464 - Touchmaster

2465 - Touchmaster 2000 Plus

2466 - Touchmaster 3000

2467 - Touchmaster 4000

2468 - Touchmaster 5000

2469 - Touchmaster 7000

2470 - Touchmaster 8000

2471 - Tough Turf

2472 - Toukidenshou - Angel Eyes

2473 - Tournament Arkanoid

2474 - Tournament Pro Golf

2475 - Tournament Table

2476 - Tower & Shaft

2477 - Toy Land Adventure

2478 - Toypop

2479 - Track And Field

2480 - Tranquilizer Gun

2481 - Transformer

2482 - Transformers Beast Wars II

2483 - Traverse Usa / Zippy Race

2484 - Treasure Island

2485 - Tri-pool

2486 - Tri-sports

2487 - Trick Trap

2488 - Tricky Doc

2489 - Trio The Punch - Never Forget Me...

2490 - Triple Fun

2491 - Triple Punch

2492 - Trog

2493 - Trojan

2494 - Tron

2495 - Trophy Hunting - Bear & Moose V1.0

2496 - Tropical Angel

2497 - Truxton

2498 - Truxton II

2499 - Tsukande Toru Chicchi

2500 - tsupenta

2501 - Tube Panic

2502 - Tube-it

2503 - Tugboat

2504 - Tumble Pop

2505 - Tunnel Hunt

2506 - Turbo

2507 - Turbo Force

2508 - Turbo Out Run

2509 - Turbo Outrun (mega-tech)

2510 - Turbo Sub

2511 - Turbo Tag

2512 - Turkey Hunting Usa V1.0

2513 - Turkey Shoot

2514 - Turret Tower

2515 - Turtle Ship

2516 - Turtles

2517 - Tut's Tomb

2518 - Tutankham

2519 - Twin Action

2520 - Twin Adventure

2521 - Twin Bee Yahhoo!

2522 - Twin Cobra

2523 - Twin Cobra II

2524 - Twin Eagle - Revenge Joe's Brother

2525 - Twin Eagle II - The Rescue Mission

2526 - Twin Falcons

2527 - Twin Hawk

2528 - Twin Qix

2529 - Twin Squash

2530 - Twinbee

2531 - Twinkle

2532 - Twins

2533 - Two Tigers

2534 - Tx-1

2535 - Tylz

2536 - U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker

2537 - U.N. Squadron

2538 - U.s. Championship V'ball

2539 - U.s. Classic

2540 - UFO Robo Dangar

2541 - UFO Senshi Yoko-chan

2542 - Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

2543 - Ultimate Tennis

2544 - Ultra Balloon

2545 - Ultra Tank

2546 - Ultra Toukon Densetsu

2547 - Ultra X Weapons

2548 - Ultraman

2549 - Ultraman Club - Tatakae! Ultraman Kyoudai!!

2550 - Uncle Fester's Quest: The Addams Family (PlayChoic

2551 - Uncle Poo

2552 - Under Fire

2553 - Undercover Cops

2554 - UniWar S

2555 - Up Scope

2556 - Up'n Down

2557 - Urachacha Mudaeri

2558 - Us vs Them

2559 - USAAF Mustang

2560 - Usagi

2561 - Valkyrie no Densetsu

2562 - Valtric

2563 - Vamf x1/2

2564 - Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers' Revenge

2565 - Vampire Savior 2 : The Lord of Vampire

2566 - Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire

2567 - Van-Van Car

2568 - Vandyke

2569 - Vanguard

2570 - Vanguard II

2571 - Vapor Trail: Hyper Offence Formation

2572 - Vapor Trx

2573 - Varia Metal

2574 - Varth: Operation Thunderstorm

2575 - Vasara

2576 - Vasara 2

2577 - Vastar

2578 - Vendetta

2579 - Venom & Spider-Man - Separation Anxiety (SNES bootleg)

2580 - Venture

2581 - Versus Net Soccer

2582 - Vicious Circle

2583 - Victorious Nine

2584 - Victory

2585 - Victory Road

2586 - Video Eight Ball

2587 - Video Hustler

2588 - Video Pinball

2589 - Video Vince And The Game Factory

2590 - Vigilante

2591 - Vimana

2592 - Vindicators

2593 - Vindicators Part II

2594 - Violence Fight

2595 - Violent Storm

2596 - Viper

2597 - Viper Phase 1

2598 - Virtua Bowling

2599 - Virtua Fighter Kids

2600 - Virtua Racing

2601 - Virtual Pool

2602 - Volfied

2603 - Vortex

2604 - Vulcan Venture

2605 - Vulgus

2606 - Wacko

2607 - Wai Wai Jockey Gate-in!

2608 - Waku Waku Marine

2609 - Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car

2610 - Waku Waku Ultraman Racing

2611 - Wall Crash

2612 - Wall Street

2613 - Wally Wo Sagase!

2614 - Wanted

2615 - War Gods

2616 - War Mission

2617 - War of Aero: Project MEIOU

2618 - War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushr

2619 - War Of The Worlds

2620 - War: The Final Assault

2621 - Wardner

2622 - Warlords

2623 - Warp & Warp

2624 - Warp-1

2625 - Warrior

2626 - Warrior Blade - Rastan Saga Episode III

2627 - Warriors of Fate

2628 - Water Balls

2629 - Water Match

2630 - Water Ski

2631 - Wayne Gretzky's 3d Hockey

2632 - Wec Le Mans 24

2633 - Welltris

2634 - Wheels & Fire

2635 - Wheels Runner

2636 - Who Dunit

2637 - Wild West C.o.w.-boys Of Moo Mesa

2638 - Wild Western

2639 - Williams Multigame

2640 - Willow

2641 - Wily Tower

2642 - Winding Heat

2643 - Wing Force

2644 - Wing Shooting Championship V2.00

2645 - Wing War

2646 - Winning Run

2647 - Winning Run '91

2648 - Winning Run Suzuka Grand Prix

2649 - Winter Heat

2650 - Wiping

2651 - Wit's

2652 - Witch

2653 - Wiz

2654 - Wiz Warz

2655 - Wizard Fire

2656 - Wizard Of Wor

2657 - Wolf Pack

2658 - Wonder Boy

2659 - Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair

2660 - Wonder Boy In Monster Land

2661 - Wonder League '96

2662 - Wonder League Star - Sok-magicball Fighting

2663 - Wonder Momo

2664 - Wonder Planet

2665 - Woodpecker

2666 - World Beach Volley

2667 - World Championship Soccer (mega-tech)

2668 - World Class Bowling

2669 - World Court

2670 - World Cup Soccer

2671 - World Cup Volley '95

2672 - World Darts

2673 - World Pk Soccer V2

2674 - World Rally

2675 - World Rally 2: Twin Racing

2676 - World Series: The Season

2677 - World Soccer Finals

2678 - World Stadium

2679 - World Tennis

2680 - World Trophy Soccer

2681 - World Wars

2682 - Wrestle War

2683 - Wrestle War (mega-tech)

2684 - Wwf Superstars

2685 - Wwf Wrestlefest

2686 - WWF: Wrestlemania

2687 - Wyvern F-0

2688 - X Multiply

2689 - X The Ball

2690 - X-Men

2691 - X-Men vs. Street Fighter

2692 - X-Men: Children of the Atom

2693 - Xain'd Sleena

2694 - Xenon

2695 - Xenophobe

2696 - Xevious

2697 - Xevious 3d/g

2698 - Xexex

2699 - Xii Stag

2700 - Xor World

2701 - XX Mission

2702 - Xybots

2703 - Xyonix

2704 - Yam! Yam!?

2705 - Yamato

2706 - Yie Ar Kung-Fu

2707 - ymcapsul

2708 - Yosaku To Donbei

2709 - Youjyuden

2710 - Zaviga

2711 - Zaxxon

2712 - Zektor

2713 - Zen Nippon Pro-Wrestling Featuring Virtua

2714 - Zero Point

2715 - Zero Point 2

2716 - Zero Wing

2717 - Zeroize

2718 - Zig Zag

2719 - Zing Zing Zip

2720 - Zippy Bug

2721 - Zoar

2722 - Zodiack

2723 - Zoku Otenamihaiken

2724 - zokuoten

2725 - Zombie Raid

2726 - Zoo Keeper

2727 - Zooo

2728 - Zunzunkyou no Yabou

2729 - Zwackery

Arcade MAME - 2057 Jeux
1 - 1942

2 - 10-Yard Fight

3 - 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally

4 - 18 Holes Pro Golf

5 - 1941: Counter Attack

6 - 1943 Kai: Midway Kaisen

7 - 1943: The Battle of Midway

8 - 1943: The Battle of Midway Mark II

9 - 1944 : The Loop Master

10 - 1945k III

11 - 19XX : The War Against Destiny

12 - 2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge

13 - 3 On 3 Dunk Madness

14 - 3x3 Puzzle

15 - 4 En Raya

16 - 4 Fun In 1

17 - 4-D Warriors

18 - 64th. Street - A Detective Story

19 - 7 Ordi

20 - 88 Games

21 - 96 Flag Rally

22 - A. D. 2083

23 - A.B. Cop

24 - Ace Attacker

25 - Acrobat Mission

26 - Acrobatic Dog-Fight

27 - Act-Fancer: Cybernetick Hyper Weapon

28 - Action Fighter

29 - Action Hollywood

30 - Adventure Quiz 2 - Hatena? no Daibouken

31 - Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2

32 - Adventure Quiz: Capcom World

33 - Aero Fighters

34 - Aeroboto

35 - After Burner II

36 - Age of Heroes - Silkroad 2

37 - Agent Super Bond

38 - Agress - Missile Daisenryaku

39 - Ah Eikou No Koshien

40 - Air Assault

41 - Air Attack

42 - Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit

43 - Air Duel

44 - Air Gallet

45 - Air Rescue

46 - Airwolf

47 - Ajax

48 - Akai Katana

49 - Akka Arrh

50 - Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars

51 - Ali Baba And 40 Thieves

52 - Alien Arena

53 - Alien Armada

54 - Alien Challenge

55 - Alien Invaders

56 - Alien Rescue

57 - Alien Sector

58 - Alien Storm

59 - Alien Syndrome

60 - Alien: Isolation Nostromo Edition

61 - Alien3: The Gun

62 - Aliens

63 - Aliens Versus Predator

64 - Alligator Hunt

65 - Alpha One

66 - Alpine Ski

67 - Altered Beast

68 - Ambush

69 - American Horseshoes

70 - American Speedway

71 - Amidar

72 - Android

73 - Angel Kids

74 - Angler Dangler

75 - Anteater

76 - Appoooh

77 - Aqua Jack

78 - Aquarium

79 - Arabian

80 - Arabian Fight

81 - Arabian Magic

82 - Arbalester

83 - Arcade Classics

84 - Arcadia

85 - Argus

86 - Ark Area

87 - Arkanoid

88 - Arkanoid - Revenge Of Doh

89 - Arkanoid Returns

90 - Armed Formation

91 - Armed Police Batrider

92 - Armored Car

93 - Armored Warriors

94 - Ashura Blaster

95 - ASO: Armored Scrum Object

96 - Assault

97 - Asterix

98 - Asteroids

99 - Asteroids Deluxe

100 - Astro Fantasia

101 - Asuka & Asuka

102 - Asura Blade - Sword Of Dynasty

103 - Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors

104 - Athena

105 - Athena No Hatena ?

106 - Atomic Point

107 - Atomic Robo-Kid

108 - Aurail

109 - Avengers

110 - Avengers In Galactic Storm

111 - Avenging Spirit

112 - Aztarac

113 - Azurian Attack

114 - B-wings

115 - B.C. Kid - Arcade Version

116 - B.C. Story

117 - B.Rap Boys

118 - Back Fire

119 - Back Street Soccer

120 - Backfire!

121 - Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja

122 - Badlands

123 - Bakuretsu Quiz Ma-q Dai Bouken

124 - Bakutotsu Kijuutei

125 - Bal Cube

126 - Balloon Ace

127 - Balloon Brothers

128 - Baluba-louk No Densetsu

129 - Banbam

130 - Bang Bang Ball

131 - Bang!

132 - Bank Panic

133 - Baryon: Future Assault

134 - Batman

135 - Batsugun

136 - Battlantis

137 - Battle Bakraid: Unlimited Version

138 - Battle Chopper

139 - Battle Circuit

140 - Battle Cross

141 - Battle Cruiser M-12

142 - Battle Garegga

143 - Battle K-Road

144 - Battle Lane! Vol. 5

145 - Battle of Atlantis

146 - Battle Zone

147 - Battletoads

148 - Bay Route

149 - Beast Busters

150 - Bells & Whistles

151 - Beraboh Man

152 - Bermuda Triangle

153 - Berzerk

154 - Best Bout Boxing

155 - Best of Best

156 - Bestri

157 - Big Bucks

158 - Big Karnak

159 - Big Run

160 - Big Striker

161 - Big Twin

162 - Bikkuri Card

163 - Bio Attack

164 - Bio-ship Paladin

165 - Biomechanical Toy

166 - Bionic Commando

167 - Birdie Try

168 - Birdiy

169 - Bishi Bashi Championship Mini Game Senshuken

170 - Black Heart

171 - Black Hole

172 - Black Panther

173 - Black Tiger

174 - Black Touch '96

175 - Black Widow

176 - Blade Master

177 - Blades Of Steel

178 - Blandia

179 - Blast Off

180 - Blaster

181 - Blasteroids

182 - Blasto

183 - Blaze On

184 - Blazing Tornado

185 - Block Block

186 - Block Carnival

187 - Block Gal

188 - Block Hole

189 - Block Out

190 - Blockade

191 - Blocken

192 - Blomby Car

193 - Blood Bros.

194 - Blood Storm

195 - Blood Warrior

196 - Bloxeed

197 - Blue Hawk

198 - Blue Print

199 - Boardwalk Casino

200 - Body Slam

201 - Bogey Manor

202 - Boggy '84

203 - Bomb Bee

204 - Bomb Jack

205 - Bomb Kick

206 - Bombjack Twin

207 - Bonanza Bros.

208 - Bongo

209 - Bonze Adventure

210 - Boogie Wings

211 - Boomer Rang'r

212 - Boong-ga Boong-ga

213 - Borench

214 - Botanic

215 - Bottom Of The Ninth

216 - Boulder Dash

217 - Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2

218 - Bouncing Balls

219 - Bowl-O-Rama

220 - Boxy Boy

221 - Bradley Trainer

222 - Brain

223 - Break Thru

224 - Bubble 2000

225 - Bubble Bobble

226 - Bubble Bubble II

227 - Bubble Memories: The Story of Bubble Bobble III

228 - Bubbles

229 - Buccaneers

230 - Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom

231 - Bucky O'Hare

232 - Buggy Challenge

233 - Bullet

234 - Bullfight

235 - Bump 'n' Jump

236 - Burger Time

237 - Burger Time (DECO Cassette)

238 - Burglar X

239 - Burnin' Rubber (DECO Cassette)

240 - Burning Force

241 - Burning Rival

242 - Butasan - Pig's & Bomber's

243 - Bygone

244 - Cabal

245 - Cadash

246 - Cadillacs and Dinosaurs

247 - Caliber 50

248 - Calipso

249 - Calorie Kun Vs Moguranian

250 - Cameltry

251 - Candy Candy

252 - Cannon Ball

253 - Canvas Croquis

254 - Canyon Bomber

255 - Capcom Bowling

256 - Capcom Sports Club

257 - Captain America And The Avengers

258 - Captain Commando

259 - Captain Silver

260 - Car Jamboree

261 - Carket Ball

262 - Carnival

263 - Carrier Air Wing

264 - Cash Quiz

265 - Catacomb

266 - Cavelon

267 - Caveman Ninja

268 - Centipede

269 - Chack 'N Pop

270 - Chack'n Pop

271 - Chain Reaction

272 - Chameleon

273 - Champion Wrestler

274 - Chanbara

275 - Chance Kun

276 - Change Air Blade

277 - Changes

278 - Chaos Breaker

279 - Charlie Ninja

280 - Chase Bombers

281 - Chase H.q.

282 - Check Man

283 - Cheeky Mouse

284 - Cheese Chase

285 - Chelnov - Atomic Runner

286 - Chequered Flag

287 - Chimera Beast

288 - China Gate

289 - China Town

290 - Chinese Hero

291 - Choky! Choky!

292 - Chopper I

293 - Chuka Taisen

294 - Chuugokuryuu 2001 [dragon World 2001]

295 - Chuugokuryuu Pretty Chance [dragon World Pretty Chance]

296 - Circus Charlie

297 - Cisco Heat

298 - City Bomber

299 - City Connection

300 - Clash-road

301 - Cleopatra Fortune

302 - Cloak & Dagger

303 - Cloud 9

304 - Cluster Buster

305 - Clutch Hitter

306 - Cobra-command

307 - Colony 7

308 - Columns

309 - Columns II: The Voyage Through Time

310 - Combat Hawk

311 - Combat School

312 - Come Back Toto

313 - Command War - Super Special Battle & War Game

314 - Commando

315 - Comotion

316 - Complex X

317 - Congo Bongo

318 - Continental Circus

319 - Cookie & Bibi

320 - Cookie & Bibi 2

321 - Cookie & Bibi 3

322 - Cool Minigame Collection

323 - Cop 01

324 - Cosmic Avenger

325 - Cosmic Cop

326 - Cosmo Gang the Puzzle

327 - Cosmo Gang the Video

328 - Cosmo Police Galivan

329 - Cotton - Fantastic Night Dreams

330 - Crack Down

331 - Crash

332 - Crayon Shinchan Orato Asobo

333 - Crazy Balloon

334 - Crazy Climber

335 - Crazy Climber 2

336 - Crazy Fight

337 - Crazy Rally

338 - Crazy War

339 - Crime City

340 - Crime Fighters

341 - Cross Pang

342 - Crude Buster

343 - Crusher Makochan

344 - Crystal Castles

345 - Cuby Bop

346 - Cue Brick

347 - Curve Ball

348 - Cute Fighter

349 - Cutie Q

350 - Cybattler

351 - Cyber Tank

352 - Cyberbots : Fullmetal Madness

353 - Cycle Maabou

354 - Cyvern - The Dragon Weapons

355 - D-Con

356 - D-day

357 - D. D. Crew

358 - Dacholer

359 - Daikaiju No Gyakushu

360 - Daioh

361 - Daitoride

362 - Dambusters

363 - Dan-ku-ga

364 - Dangerous Seed

365 - Darius

366 - Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk

367 - Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk Extra Version

368 - Darius II

369 - Dark Edge

370 - Dark Planet

371 - Dark Seal

372 - Dark Tower

373 - Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors

374 - Darwin 4078

375 - Date Quiz Go Go

376 - ddpsdoj

377 - Dead Angle

378 - Dead Connection

379 - Death Derby

380 - Deathsmiles

381 - Deathsmiles MegaBlack Label

382 - Deer Hunting Usa V4.3

383 - Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO

384 - Defender

385 - Deluxe 5

386 - Demolition Derby

387 - Demon Front

388 - Demon's World

389 - Denjin Makai

390 - Deroon Derodero

391 - Desert Breaker

392 - Desert Dan

393 - Desert War

394 - Devastators

395 - Devil Fish

396 - Devil World

397 - Dharma Doujou

398 - Diamond Run

399 - Diet Family

400 - Diet Go Go

401 - Dig Dug

402 - Dig Dug II

403 - Dimahoo

404 - Dingo

405 - Dino Rex

406 - Dirt Fox

407 - Disco Boy

408 - Disco No.1

409 - Disco No.1 (DECO Cassette)

410 - Discs Of Tron

411 - Diver Boy

412 - Dj Boy

413 - Do! Run Run

414 - Dock Man

415 - Dodge Man

416 - DoDonPachi

417 - DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label

418 - DoDonPachi DaiOuJou

419 - DoDonPachi II - Bee Storm

420 - DoDonPachi Resurrection

421 - Dog Fight

422 - Dogyuun

423 - Dokaben

424 - Dolmen

425 - Domino Man

426 - Dommy

427 - Don Doko Don

428 - DonPachi

429 - Dorachan

430 - Dorodon

431 - Dottori Kun

432 - Double Axle

433 - Double Dragon

434 - Double Dragon 2 - The Revenge

435 - Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone

436 - Double Dribble

437 - Double Point

438 - Double Wings

439 - Downtown / Mokugeki

440 - Dr. Micro

441 - Dr. Tomy

442 - Dr. Toppel's Adventure

443 - Dragon Ball Z V.r.v.s.

444 - Dragon Blaze

445 - Dragon Bowl

446 - Dragon Breed

447 - Dragon Buster

448 - Dragon Gun

449 - Dragon Master

450 - Dragon Saber

451 - Dragon Spirit

452 - Dragon Unit / Castle Of Dragon

453 - Dragon World 3

454 - Dragon World 3 Ex

455 - Dragon World II

456 - DragonBall Z

457 - Dragonball Z 2 - Super Battle

458 - Drakton

459 - Dramatic Adventure Quiz Keith & Lucy

460 - Dream Ball

461 - Dream Shopper

462 - Dream Soccer '94

463 - Dream World

464 - Dribbling

465 - Drift Out

466 - Drift Out '94 - The Hard Order

467 - Driving Force

468 - Ds Telejan

469 - Dungeon Magic

470 - Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara

471 - Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom

472 - Dunk Shot

473 - Dyger

474 - Dyna Gear

475 - Dynablaster

476 - Dynamic Country Club

477 - Dynamic Ski

478 - Dynamite Bomber

479 - Dynamite Duke

480 - Dynamite Dux

481 - Dynamite League

482 - Dynasty Wars

483 - E Jong High School

484 - E-jan Sakurasou

485 - E-swat - Cyber Police

486 - E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force

487 - Eagle Shot Golf

488 - Eco Fighters

489 - Eeekk!

490 - Egg Hunt

491 - Eggor

492 - Eight Forces

493 - El Fin Del Tiempo

494 - Elevator Action

495 - Elevator Action Returns

496 - Eliminator

497 - Emeraldia

498 - Empire City - 1931

499 - Enduro Racer

500 - Enforce

501 - Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters

502 - Escape Kids

503 - ESP Ra.De.

504 - Espgaluda

505 - Espgaluda II

506 - Espial

507 - Euro Champ '92

508 - Euro League

509 - Evil Stone

510 - Excelsior

511 - Excite League

512 - Exed Exes

513 - Exerion

514 - Explorer

515 - Explosive Breaker

516 - Express Raider

517 - Extermination

518 - Exterminator

519 - Extreme Downhill

520 - Exvania

521 - Exzisus

522 - Eyes

523 - F-1 Dream

524 - F-1 Grand Prix

525 - F-1 Grand Prix Part II

526 - F-1 Grand Prix Star II

527 - F1 Exhaust Note

528 - F1 Super Lap

529 - Face Off

530 - Fancy World: Earth of Crisis

531 - Fantasia

532 - Fantasia II

533 - Fantastic

534 - Fantasy

535 - Fantasy Land

536 - Fantasy Zone

537 - Fantasy Zone II: The Tears of Opa-Opa

538 - Fast Lane

539 - Faster, Harder, More Challenging Q*bert

540 - Fever SOS

541 - Fighter & Attacker

542 - Fighter's History

543 - Fighting Basketball

544 - Fighting Hawk

545 - Fighting Ice Hockey

546 - Fighting Roller

547 - Final Blow

548 - Final Fight

549 - Final Godori

550 - Final Lap

551 - Final Lap 2

552 - Final Lap 3

553 - Final Star Force

554 - Final Tetris

555 - Finalizer - Super Transformation

556 - Finest Hour

557 - Fire Ball

558 - Fire Battle

559 - Fire Shark

560 - Fire Trap

561 - Firebeast

562 - FixEight

563 - Flash Boy

564 - Flash Point

565 - Flashgal

566 - Flicky

567 - Flipper Jack

568 - Flower

569 - Fly-boy

570 - Flying Ball

571 - Flying Shark

572 - Flying Tiger

573 - Food Fight

574 - Football Champ

575 - Forgotten Worlds

576 - Fortress 2 Blue Arcade

577 - Four Trax

578 - Free Kick

579 - Freeze

580 - Frenzy

581 - Frisky Tom

582 - Frog & Spiders

583 - Frog Feast

584 - Frogger

585 - Front Line

586 - Funky Bee

587 - Funky Fish

588 - Funky Jet

589 - Funny Bubble

590 - Future Spy

591 - G-loc Air Battle

592 - G-Stream G2020

593 - G.I. Joe

594 - Gaia Crusaders

595 - Gaia: The Last Choice of Earth

596 - Gaiapolis

597 - Gain Ground

598 - Galactic Storm

599 - Galactic Warriors

600 - Galaga

601 - Galaga '88

602 - Galaxian

603 - Galaxy Force 2

604 - Galaxy Gunners

605 - Galaxy Ranger

606 - Galmedes

607 - Gals Panic

608 - Gals Panic 3

609 - Gals Panic 4

610 - Gals Panic S - Extra Edition

611 - Gals Panic S2

612 - Gals Panic S3

613 - Gals Pinball

614 - Games V25.4x

615 - Ganbare Ginkun

616 - Ganbare! Marine Kun

617 - Gang Busters

618 - Gang Wars

619 - Gaplus

620 - Gardia

621 - Garogun Seroyang

622 - Garyo Retsuden

623 - Gauntlet

624 - Gauntlet II

625 - Gee Bee

626 - Gekirindan

627 - Gemini Wing

628 - Genix Family

629 - Genpei Toumaden

630 - Ghostmuncher Galaxian

631 - Ghosts'n Goblins

632 - Ghouls'n Ghosts

633 - Ghox

634 - Giga Wing

635 - Gigandes

636 - Gigas

637 - Gigas Mark II

638 - Ginga Ninkyouden

639 - Gladiator

640 - Gladiator 1984

641 - Glass

642 - Go 2000

643 - Go Go Mr. Yamaguchi / Yuke Yuke Yamaguchi-kun

644 - Go Go! Mile Smile

645 - Godzilla

646 - Goindol

647 - Gold Medalist

648 - Golden Axe

649 - Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder

650 - Golden Fire II

651 - Golden Tee '97

652 - Golden Tee '98

653 - Golden Tee '99

654 - Golden Tee 2k

655 - Golden Tee 3d Golf

656 - Golden Tee Classic

657 - Gondomania

658 - Goori Goori

659 - Got-cha Mini Game Festival

660 - Gourmet Battle Quiz Ryouri-ou CooKing

661 - Gp Rider

662 - Gradius III

663 - Grand Prix Star

664 - Grand Striker 2

665 - Grand Tour

666 - Grasspin

667 - Gratia - Second Earth

668 - Gravitar

669 - Great Sluggers

670 - Great Sluggers '94

671 - Green Beret

672 - Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer

673 - Grind Stormer

674 - Grobda

675 - Ground Effects / Super Ground Effects

676 - Growl

677 - Gryzor

678 - Guardian

679 - Guardian Storm

680 - Guardians: Denjin Makai II

681 - Guerrilla War

682 - Gulf Storm

683 - Gulf War II

684 - Gulun.Pa!

685 - Gumbo

686 - Gun & Frontier

687 - Gun Dealer '94

688 - Gun Master

689 - Gun.Smoke

690 - Gunbarich

691 - Gunbird

692 - Gunbird 2

693 - Gunbuster

694 - Gundhara

695 - Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island

696 - GunForce II

697 - Gunlock

698 - GunNail

699 - Guts'n

700 - Guwange

701 - Guzzler

702 - Gyakuten!! Puzzle Bancho

703 - Gyrodine

704 - Gyruss

705 - Hachoo!

706 - Hal21

707 - Hammer Away

708 - Hammerin' Harry

709 - Hang-on

710 - Hang-on Jr.

711 - Hangzo

712 - Happy 6-in-1

713 - Hard Dunk

714 - Hard Head

715 - Hard Head 2

716 - Hard Yardage

717 - Harem

718 - Hasamu

719 - Hatch Catch

720 - Hatris

721 - Haunted Castle

722 - Hayaoshi Quiz Nettou Namahousou

723 - Hayaoshi Quiz Ouza Ketteisen - The King Of Quiz

724 - Head On

725 - Head Panic

726 - Heated Barrel

727 - Heavy Barrel

728 - Heavy Metal

729 - Heavy Smash

730 - Heavy Unit

731 - Heavyweight Champ

732 - Hebereke No Popoon

733 - Heiankyo Alien

734 - Hellfire

735 - Heuk Sun Baek Sa

736 - Hexa

737 - Hexion

738 - Hidden Catch

739 - Hidden Catch 2

740 - Hidden Catch 2000

741 - Hidden Catch 3

742 - High Impact Football

743 - High Way Race

744 - Highway Chase

745 - Himeshikibu

746 - Hippodrome

747 - Hit 'N Miss

748 - Hit The Ice

749 - Hoccer

750 - Hole Land

751 - Holosseum

752 - Honey Dolls

753 - Hook

754 - Hoops'96

755 - Hopper Robo

756 - Hopping Mappy

757 - Horizon

758 - Hot Chase

759 - Hot Mind

760 - Hot Pinball

761 - Hot Rod

762 - Hot Shocker

763 - Hotdog Storm

764 - Hustle

765 - Hydra

766 - Hyper Crash

767 - Hyper Duel

768 - Hyper Olympic

769 - Hyper Pacman

770 - Hyper Sports

771 - Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition

772 - I'm Sorry

773 - Ibara

774 - Ibara Kuro Black Label

775 - Idol Janshi Suchie-pai 2

776 - Igmo

777 - Ikari III - The Rescue

778 - Ikari Warriors

779 - Ikki

780 - Image Fight

781 - Imago

782 - In the Hunt

783 - In Your Face

784 - Insector

785 - Insector X

786 - International Cup '94

787 - Intrepid

788 - Iq-block

789 - Iron Fortress

790 - Iron Horse

791 - Itazura Tenshi

792 - J-league Soccer V-shoot

793 - J. J. Squawkers

794 - Jack the Giantkiller

795 - Jackal

796 - Jackie Chan - The Kung-fu Master

797 - Jackie Chan In Fists Of Fire

798 - Jail Break

799 - Jan Jan Paradise

800 - Jan Jan Paradise 2

801 - Janpai Puzzle Choukou

802 - Jibun Wo Migaku Culture School Mahjong Hen

803 - Jin

804 - Jitsuryoku!! Pro Yakyuu

805 - Joe & Mac Returns

806 - Joinem

807 - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

808 - JoJo's Venture

809 - Jolly Jogger

810 - Journey

811 - Joust

812 - Joyful Road

813 - Jr. Pac-Man

814 - Judge Dredd

815 - Jump Bug

816 - Jump Coaster

817 - Jump Kids

818 - Jump Kun

819 - Jump Shot

820 - Jumping Break

821 - Jumping Cross

822 - Jumping Jack

823 - Jumping Pop

824 - Jungle King

825 - Jungler

826 - Juno First

827 - Jurassic Park

828 - Jyangokushi: Haoh no Saihai

829 - Kabuki-Z

830 - Kageki

831 - Kaiser Knuckle

832 - Kaitei Takara Sagashi

833 - Kamikaze Cabbie

834 - Kamniari Kishi Riot

835 - Kangaroo

836 - Karate Blazers

837 - Karate Champ

838 - Karian Cross

839 - Karnov

840 - Kero Kero Keroppi's Let's Play Together

841 - Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi

842 - Kick

843 - Kick And Run

844 - Kick Boy

845 - Kick Goal

846 - Kick Off

847 - Kick Rider

848 - Kick Start - Wheelie King

849 - Kicker

850 - Kickle Cubicle / Meikyu Jima

851 - Kid Niki - Radical Ninja

852 - Kid No Hore Hore Daisakusen

853 - KiKi KaiKai

854 - King & Balloon

855 - King Of Boxer

856 - Kingdom Grandprix

857 - Kirameki Star Road

858 - Kitten Kaboodle

859 - Klax

860 - Klondike+

861 - Knightmare

862 - Knights of the Round

863 - Knights of Valour

864 - Knights of Valour 2

865 - Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons

866 - Knights of Valour Plus

867 - Knights of Valour Super Heroes

868 - Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus

869 - Knights of Valour: Yi Tong Zhong Yuan

870 - Knuckle Bash

871 - Knuckle Bash 2

872 - Knuckle Heads

873 - Knuckle Joe

874 - Koi Koi Shimasho 2 - Super Real Hanafuda

875 - Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari

876 - Kokoroji 2

877 - Konami Gt

878 - Konami's Ping-pong

879 - Kong

880 - Koro Koro Quest

881 - Kosodate Quiz My Angel

882 - Kosodate Quiz My Angel 2

883 - Koutetsu Yousai Strahl

884 - Kozmik Kroozr

885 - Kozure Ookami

886 - Kram

887 - Krazy Bowl

888 - Krull

889 - Kung-fu Master

890 - Kung-fu Taikun

891 - Kuri Kinton

892 - Kusayakyuu

893 - Kyros

894 - Kyuukai Douchuuki

895 - Kyuukoukabakugekitai - Dive Bomber Squad

896 - Lady Bug

897 - Lady Killer

898 - Lady Master of Kung Fu

899 - Land Breaker

900 - Land Maker

901 - Land Sea Air Squad

902 - Las Vegas Girl

903 - Laser Ghost

904 - Lasso

905 - Last Duel

906 - Last Fortress - Toride

907 - Last Km

908 - Last Mission

909 - Last Striker

910 - Last Survivor

911 - Lazy Bug

912 - Le Bagnard

913 - Led Storm

914 - Led Storm Rally 2011

915 - Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf

916 - Legend

917 - Legend of Hero Tonma

918 - Legend Of Heroes

919 - Legend of Makai

920 - Legendary Wings

921 - Legion: Spinner-87

922 - Legionnaire

923 - Lemmings

924 - Lethal Crash Race

925 - Lethal Enforcers

926 - Lethal Thunder

927 - Levers

928 - Libble Rabble

929 - Liberation

930 - Lightning Fighters

931 - Lightning Swords

932 - Line Of Fire / Bakudan Yarou

933 - Linky Pipe

934 - Liquid Kids

935 - Live Quiz Show

936 - Lizard Wizard

937 - Lock 'n' Chase

938 - Lock On

939 - Lock'n'Chase (DECO Cassette)

940 - Loco-motion

941 - Lode Runner

942 - Lode Runner II - The Bungeling Strikes Back

943 - Lode Runner III - The Golden Labyrinth

944 - Lode Runner IV - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu

945 - Lode Runner: The Dig Fight

946 - Logic Pro

947 - Logic Pro 2

948 - Lord Of Gun

949 - Lost Tomb

950 - Lot Lot

951 - Lotto Fun

952 - Lovely Pop Mahjong JangJang Shimasho

953 - Lovely Pop Mahjong JangJang Shimasho 2

954 - Lover Boy

955 - Lucky & Wild

956 - Lucky Poker

957 - Lucky Today

958 - Lunar Lander

959 - M.I.A.: Missing in Action

960 - Mach Breakers

961 - Macho Mouse

962 - Macross Plus

963 - Mad Crasher

964 - Mad Donna

965 - Mad Motor

966 - Mad Planets

967 - Mad Shark

968 - Mag Max

969 - Magic Bubble

970 - Magic Purple

971 - Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy

972 - Magical Cat Adventure

973 - Magical Crystals

974 - Magical Error Wo Sagase

975 - Magix / Rock

976 - Mahjong Angel Kiss

977 - Mahjong G-taste

978 - Mahjong Gakuen 2 Gakuen-chou No Fukushuu

979 - Mahjong Hot Gimmick Integral

980 - Mahjong Hyper Reaction 2

981 - Mahjong Quest

982 - Main Event

983 - Major Havoc

984 - Major League

985 - Major Title

986 - Major Title 2

987 - Make Trax

988 - Mang-Chi

989 - Manhattan

990 - Mania Challenge

991 - Maniac Square

992 - Many Block

993 - Mappy

994 - Marchen Maze

995 - Marine Boy

996 - Mariner

997 - Markham

998 - Mars

999 - Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting

1000 - Martial Champion

1001 - Martial Masters

1002 - Marvel Land

1003 - Marvel Super Heroes

1004 - Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter

1005 - Marvel vs. Capcom : Clash of Super Heroes

1006 - Marvin's Maze

1007 - Masked Riders Club Battle Race

1008 - Master Boy

1009 - Master of Weapon

1010 - Mat Mania

1011 - Match It

1012 - Match It II

1013 - Max Rpm

1014 - Mayday

1015 - Maze Of Flott

1016 - Mazinger Z

1017 - Mechanized Attack

1018 - Mega Blast

1019 - Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters

1020 - Mega Man: The Power Battle

1021 - Mega Twins

1022 - Mega Zone

1023 - Megadon

1024 - Megatack

1025 - Meijinsen

1026 - Meosis Magic

1027 - Mercs

1028 - Merlin's Money Maze

1029 - Meta Fox

1030 - Metal Black

1031 - Metal Clash

1032 - Metal Freezer

1033 - Metal Hawk

1034 - Metal Saver

1035 - Metal Slug 5

1036 - Metal Soldier Isaac II

1037 - Metamoqester

1038 - Metamorphic Force

1039 - Metro-cross

1040 - Michael Jackson's Moonwalker

1041 - Midnight Resistance

1042 - Mighty Guy

1043 - Mighty Monkey

1044 - Mighty Warriors

1045 - Mighty! Pang

1046 - Mikie

1047 - Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally

1048 - Millipede

1049 - Minefield

1050 - Minesweeper

1051 - Mini Vaders

1052 - Minky Monkey

1053 - Mirage Youjuu Mahjongden

1054 - Mirai Ninja

1055 - Mirax

1056 - Miss Bingo

1057 - Miss Puzzle

1058 - Miss World '96

1059 - Miss World 2002

1060 - Missile Command

1061 - Mission 660

1062 - Mission Craft

1063 - Mission-X

1064 - Mister Viking

1065 - Miyasu Nonki no Quiz 18-Kin

1066 - Mobile Suit Gundam

1067 - Mobile Suit Gundam Final Shooting

1068 - Mobile Suit Gundam: EX Revue

1069 - Mogu Chan

1070 - Mogura Desse

1071 - Mole Attack

1072 - Momoko 120%

1073 - Monster Maulers

1074 - Monster Slider

1075 - Monsters World

1076 - Moon Alien Part 2

1077 - Moon Cresta

1078 - Moon Patrol

1079 - Moon Quasar

1080 - Moon Shuttle

1081 - Moon War

1082 - Moonwar

1083 - More More

1084 - More More Plus

1085 - Moriguchi Hiroko No Quiz De Hyuu!hyuu!

1086 - Mortal Kombat

1087 - Mortal Kombat 2

1088 - Mortal Kombat 3

1089 - Mosaic

1090 - Mosaic (F2 System)

1091 - Motos

1092 - Mouse Shooter Gogo

1093 - Mouser

1094 - Mr. Dig

1095 - Mr. Do!

1096 - Mr. Do's Castle

1097 - Mr. Do's Wild Ride

1098 - Mr. Goemon

1099 - Mr. Jong

1100 - Mr. Kicker

1101 - Mr. Kougar

1102 - Mr. TNT

1103 - Mrs. Dynamite

1104 - Ms Pac Man Twin

1105 - Ms. Pac-Man

1106 - Ms. Pac-man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion

1107 - Mtv Rock-n-roll Trivia

1108 - Muchi Muchi Pork!

1109 - Mug Smashers

1110 - Muhanseungbu

1111 - Multi 5 / New Multi Game 5

1112 - Multi Champ

1113 - Multi Champ Deluxe

1114 - Muscle Bomber Duo : Ultimate Team Battle

1115 - Mushihime-Sama

1116 - Mushihime-Sama Futari

1117 - Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label

1118 - Mushihimesama

1119 - Music Ball

1120 - Must Shoot TV

1121 - Mustache Boy

1122 - Mutant Fighter

1123 - Mutant Night

1124 - Mvp

1125 - MX5000

1126 - My Hero

1127 - Mysterious Stones - Dr. John's Adventure

1128 - Mystic Riders

1129 - Mystic Warriors

1130 - N-sub

1131 - N.y. Captor

1132 - Namennayo

1133 - Naname De Magic!

1134 - Narc

1135 - Nastar

1136 - NATO Defense

1137 - Naughty Boy

1138 - Naughty Mouse

1139 - Navarone

1140 - Nba Hangtime

1141 - Nba Jam

1142 - NBA Jam Tournament Edition

1143 - Nba Maximum Hangtime

1144 - Nebulas Ray

1145 - Nemesis

1146 - Nemo

1147 - Net Wars

1148 - Nettou! Gekitou! Quiztou!!

1149 - New Cross Pang

1150 - New Dyna Blaster - Global Quest

1151 - New Fantasia

1152 - New Hidden Catch

1153 - New HyperMan

1154 - New Rally X

1155 - New Sinbad 7

1156 - News

1157 - Nibbler

1158 - Night Driver

1159 - Night Slashers

1160 - Night Star

1161 - Night Striker

1162 - Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge

1163 - Ninja Baseball Bat Man

1164 - Ninja Emaki

1165 - Ninja Kazan

1166 - Ninja Spirit

1167 - Ninja-Kid II

1168 - Ninja-kun: Adventure of Devil Castle

1169 - Nitro Ball

1170 - Nostradamus

1171 - Nouryoku Koujou 2nkai

1172 - Nova 2001

1173 - Numan Athletics

1174 - Ocean To Ocean

1175 - Oh My God!

1176 - Oli-boo-chu

1177 - Omega

1178 - Omega Fighter

1179 - Omega Race

1180 - One + Two

1181 - One Shot One Kill

1182 - Onna Sanshirou - Typhoon Gal

1183 - OOPArts

1184 - Oozumou - The Grand Sumo

1185 - Opa Opa

1186 - Operation Thunderbolt

1187 - Operation Wolf

1188 - Operation Wolf 3

1189 - Orbitron

1190 - Orbs

1191 - Ordyne

1192 - Oriental Legend / Xi You Shi E Zhuan

1193 - Oriental Legend Special / Xi You Shi E Zhuan Super

1194 - Oriental Legend Special Plus / Xi You Shi E Zhuan

1195 - Osman

1196 - Out Run

1197 - Out Zone

1198 - OutRunners

1199 - Ozma Wars

1200 - Ozon I

1201 - P-47 Aces

1202 - P.O.W.: Prisoners of War

1203 - P47 Thunderbolt

1204 - Pac & Pal

1205 - Pac-Land

1206 - Pac-Man

1207 - Pac-man Plus

1208 - Pac-Mania

1209 - Pachinko Sexy Reaction

1210 - Pachinko Sexy Reaction 2

1211 - Pack'n Bang Bang

1212 - Pacman Club / Club Lambada

1213 - Paddle Mania

1214 - Pairs - Featuring The Giffy Girls

1215 - Pairs Love

1216 - Pairs Redemption

1217 - Palamedes

1218 - Pandora's Palace

1219 - Pang

1220 - Pang Pang

1221 - Pang Pom's

1222 - Pang! 3

1223 - Panic Street

1224 - Paparazzi

1225 - Parallel Turn

1226 - Parodius Da!

1227 - Party Time: Gonta the Diver II

1228 - Pasha Pasha 2

1229 - Pass

1230 - Passing Shot

1231 - Pastel Island

1232 - Pata Pata Panic

1233 - Peek-a-boo!

1234 - Penfan Girls - Step1. Mild Mind

1235 - Pengo

1236 - Penguin Adventure

1237 - Penguin Brothers

1238 - Penguin-kun Wars

1239 - Perfect Billiard

1240 - Performan

1241 - Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory

1242 - Phelios

1243 - Phoenix

1244 - Photo Y2k

1245 - Photo Y2k 2

1246 - Phozon

1247 - Pickin'

1248 - Pinball Action

1249 - Pinbo

1250 - Ping Pong Masters '93

1251 - Pink Sweets: Ibara Sorekara

1252 - Pioneer Balloon

1253 - Pipe Dream

1254 - Pipi & Bibi's

1255 - Pirate Ship Higemaru

1256 - Pirates

1257 - Pisces

1258 - Pistol Daimyo no Boken

1259 - Pit & Run - F-1 Race

1260 - Pit Fighter

1261 - Pitapat Puzzle

1262 - Pitfall II

1263 - Pk Scramble

1264 - Planet Probe

1265 - Play Girls

1266 - Play Girls 2

1267 - Playball!

1268 - Pleiads

1269 - Plotting

1270 - Plump Pop

1271 - Plus Alpha

1272 - Pnickies

1273 - Pocket Gal

1274 - Pocket Gal Deluxe

1275 - Pocket Gals V.i.p

1276 - Point Blank

1277 - Poitto!

1278 - Poker Ladies

1279 - Pokonyan! Balloon

1280 - Pollux

1281 - Ponpoko

1282 - POOL 10

1283 - Poosho Poosho

1284 - Pooyan

1285 - Pop Bingo

1286 - Pop Flamer

1287 - Pop'n Pop

1288 - Pop's Pop's

1289 - Popper

1290 - Porky

1291 - Poto Poto

1292 - Pound For Pound

1293 - Power Balls

1294 - Power Drift

1295 - Power Drive

1296 - Power Instinct

1297 - Power Instinct 2

1298 - Power Instinct Legends

1299 - Power Spikes

1300 - Power Surge

1301 - Prehistoric Isle in 1930

1302 - Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon

1303 - Pro Bowling

1304 - Pro Soccer

1305 - Pro Tennis

1306 - Progear

1307 - Progress

1308 - Progressive Music Trivia

1309 - Psychic 5

1310 - Psycho Soldier

1311 - Psycho-Nics Oscar

1312 - Pu·Li·Ru·La

1313 - Puchi Carat

1314 - Puck Man

1315 - Punk Shot

1316 - Pururun

1317 - Pushman

1318 - Puyo Puyo

1319 - Puyo Puyo 2

1320 - Puzz Loop

1321 - Puzz Loop 2

1322 - Puzzle & Action: Ichidant-R

1323 - Puzzle & Action: Tant-R

1324 - Puzzle Bobble

1325 - Puzzle Bobble 2

1326 - Puzzle Bobble 3

1327 - Puzzle Bobble 4

1328 - Puzzle Break

1329 - Puzzle Club

1330 - Puzzle De Bowling

1331 - Puzzle King

1332 - Puzzle King (Dance & Puzzle)

1333 - Puzzle Star

1334 - Puzzle Uo Poko

1335 - Puzzle! Mushihime-Tama

1336 - Puzzli

1337 - Puzzli 2

1338 - Puzzlove

1339 - Puzznic

1340 - Q*bert

1341 - Q*bert's Qubes

1342 - Qix

1343 - Quantum

1344 - Quartet

1345 - Quester

1346 - Quiz & Dragons: Capcom Quiz Game

1347 - Quiz & Variety Sukusuku Inufuku

1348 - Quiz Bisyoujo Senshi Sailor Moon - Chiryoku Tairyo

1349 - Quiz Chikyu Bouei Gun

1350 - Quiz Crayon Shinchan

1351 - Quiz de Idol! Hot Debut

1352 - Quiz F1 1-2 Finish

1353 - Quiz Gakumon No Susume

1354 - Quiz Ghost Hunter

1355 - Quiz H.q.

1356 - Quiz Jinsei Gekijoh

1357 - Quiz Kokology

1358 - Quiz Kokology 2

1359 - Quiz Mekurumeku Story

1360 - Quiz Nanairo Dreams: Nijiirochou no Kiseki

1361 - Quiz Olympic

1362 - Quiz Quest - Hime To Yuusha No Monogatari

1363 - Quiz Rouka Ni Tattenasai

1364 - Quiz Sangokushi

1365 - Quiz Sekai Wa Show By Shobai

1366 - Quiz Syukudai Wo Wasuremashita

1367 - Quiz Theater - 3tsu No Monogatari

1368 - Quiz Tonosama no Yabou

1369 - Quiz Tonosama no Yabou 2: Zenkoku-ban

1370 - Quiz Torimonochou

1371 - R-Shark

1372 - R-Type II

1373 - R-Type Leo

1374 - Rabbit

1375 - Rabio Lepus

1376 - Raccoon World

1377 - Racing Beat

1378 - Racing Hero

1379 - Rack 'em Up

1380 - Rack + Roll

1381 - Rad Mobile

1382 - Rad Rally

1383 - Radical Radial

1384 - Rafflesia

1385 - Raiden

1386 - Raiden DX

1387 - Raiden Fighters

1388 - Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive

1389 - Raiden Fighters Jet

1390 - Raiden II

1391 - Raiden II New / Raiden DX

1392 - Raiders5

1393 - Raiga - Strato Fighter

1394 - Rail Chase

1395 - Raimais

1396 - Rainbow Islands

1397 - Rainbow Islands - Extra Version

1398 - Rally Bike / Dash Yarou

1399 - Rally X

1400 - Rambo III

1401 - Rampage

1402 - Rampage: World Tour

1403 - Rastan

1404 - Reactor

1405 - Reaktor

1406 - Recalhorn

1407 - Recordbreaker

1408 - Red Baron

1409 - Red Clash

1410 - Red Earth

1411 - Red Hawk

1412 - Red Robin

1413 - Regulus

1414 - Relief Pitcher

1415 - Renegade

1416 - Repulse

1417 - Rescue

1418 - Return of the Invaders

1419 - Return of the Jedi

1420 - Revenger '84

1421 - Revolution X

1422 - Rezon

1423 - Ribbit!

1424 - Riddle Of Pythagoras

1425 - Riding Fight

1426 - Ring of Destruction: Slam Masters II

1427 - Ring Rage

1428 - Riot City

1429 - Risky Challenge

1430 - River Patrol

1431 - Road Fighter

1432 - Robo Wres 2001

1433 - Robocop

1434 - Robocop 2

1435 - Robotron: 2084

1436 - Roc'n Rope

1437 - Rock Climber

1438 - Rock Duck

1439 - Rock Tris

1440 - Rock'n 3

1441 - Rock'n 4

1442 - Rock'n Rage

1443 - Rock'n Tread

1444 - Rock'n Tread 2

1445 - Rod Land

1446 - Rohga Armor Force

1447 - Roller Jammer

1448 - Rollergames

1449 - Rolling Crush

1450 - Rolling Thunder

1451 - Rolling Thunder 2

1452 - Rompers

1453 - Rootin' Tootin' / La-pa-pa

1454 - Rough Racer

1455 - Round-up

1456 - Route 16

1457 - Rumba Lumber

1458 - Rygar

1459 - Ryu Jin

1460 - Ryukyu

1461 - Ryuusei Janshi Kirara Star

1462 - S.P.Y. - Special Project Y

1463 - S.R.D. Mission

1464 - S.S. Mission

1465 - S.v.g. - Spectral Vs Generation

1466 - Saboten Bombers

1467 - Sadari

1468 - Safari Rally

1469 - Saint Dragon

1470 - Salamander

1471 - Samurai

1472 - Samurai Aces

1473 - Samurai Nihon-ichi

1474 - Sand Scorpion

1475 - Sankokushi

1476 - SAR: Search And Rescue

1477 - Sarge

1478 - Sasuke Vs. Commander

1479 - Satan Of Saturn

1480 - Satan's Hollow

1481 - Saturday Night Slam Masters

1482 - Saturn

1483 - Sauro

1484 - Schmeiser Robo

1485 - Scion

1486 - Scooter Shooter

1487 - Scorpion

1488 - Scramble

1489 - Scramble Spirits

1490 - Scrambled Egg

1491 - Screw Loose

1492 - Scrum Try

1493 - Scud Hammer

1494 - Sd Fighters

1495 - SD Gundam Neo Battling

1496 - SD Gundam Psycho Salamander no Kyoui

1497 - SD Gundam Sangokushi Rainbow Tairiku Senki

1498 - SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative

1499 - Sea Fighter Poseidon

1500 - Search Eye

1501 - Search Eye Plus V2.0

1502 - Secret Agent

1503 - Section Z

1504 - Sega Ninja

1505 - Sega Sonic Cosmo Fighter

1506 - SegaSonic Bros.

1507 - Segasonic The Hedgehog

1508 - Seicross

1509 - Sel Feena

1510 - Sen-know

1511 - Sengeki Striker

1512 - Senjyo

1513 - Senkyu

1514 - SF-X

1515 - Shackled

1516 - Shadow Dancer

1517 - Shadow Force

1518 - Shadow Warriors

1519 - Shadowland

1520 - Shan Liang San He Yi (Flash 3-in-1)

1521 - Shanghai III

1522 - Shanghai Kid

1523 - Shark Attack

1524 - Shinobi

1525 - Shocking

1526 - Shogun Warriors

1527 - Shoot Out

1528 - Shot Rider

1529 - Shuffleshot

1530 - Shuuz

1531 - Side Arms - Hyper Dyne

1532 - Side Pocket

1533 - Silent Dragon

1534 - Silk Worm

1535 - Silver Millennium

1536 - Sinistar

1537 - Skater

1538 - Skull & Crossbones

1539 - Skull Fang

1540 - Sky Adventure

1541 - Sky Alert

1542 - Sky Army

1543 - Sky Base

1544 - Sky Destroyer

1545 - Sky Fox

1546 - Sky Kid

1547 - Sky Kid Deluxe

1548 - Sky Lancer

1549 - Sky Robo

1550 - Sky Smasher

1551 - Sky Soldiers

1552 - Slap Fight

1553 - Slap Shooter

1554 - Slap Shot

1555 - Slip Stream

1556 - Slither

1557 - Smash T.V.

1558 - Snap Jack

1559 - Snapper

1560 - Snow Board Championship

1561 - Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom

1562 - Snow Bros. 2 : With New Elves

1563 - Snow Brothers 3 - Magical Adventure

1564 - Sokoban LE

1565 - Sokonuke Taisen Game

1566 - Sol Divide: Sword of Darkness

1567 - Solar Fox

1568 - Soldam

1569 - Soldier Girl Amazon

1570 - Solitary Fighter

1571 - Solite Spirits

1572 - Solomon's Key

1573 - Son Son

1574 - Sonic Boom

1575 - Sorcer Striker

1576 - Soreike Kokology Vol. 2 - Kokoro No Tanteikyoku

1577 - Sos

1578 - Sotsugyo Shousho

1579 - Space Bomber

1580 - Space Cruiser

1581 - Space Duel

1582 - Space Dungeon

1583 - Space Fury

1584 - Space Gun

1585 - Space Harrier

1586 - Space Invaders '95: The Attack Of Lunar Loonies

1587 - Space Invaders / Space Invaders M

1588 - Space Invaders DX

1589 - Space Position

1590 - Space Raider

1591 - Space Seeker

1592 - Space Stranger

1593 - Spark Man

1594 - Sparkz

1595 - Spatter

1596 - Special Criminal Investigation

1597 - Spectrum 2000

1598 - Speed Ball

1599 - Speed Coin

1600 - Speed Spin

1601 - Spelunker

1602 - Spelunker II

1603 - Spider-Man: The Video Game

1604 - Spider-Man: The Videogame

1605 - Spinal Breakers

1606 - Splat!

1607 - Splatter House

1608 - Springer

1609 - Spy Hunter

1610 - Squash

1611 - Stack Columns

1612 - Stadium Cross

1613 - Stadium Hero

1614 - Stadium Hero '96

1615 - Star Fighter

1616 - Star Force

1617 - Star Guards

1618 - Star Jacker

1619 - Star Trek

1620 - Star Wars

1621 - Stargate

1622 - Steal See

1623 - Steel Force

1624 - Steel Gunner

1625 - Steel Gunner 2

1626 - Stinger

1627 - Stone Ball

1628 - Storm Blade

1629 - Strategy X

1630 - Stratovox

1631 - Streaking

1632 - Street Fighter

1633 - Street Fighter Alpha : Warriors' Dreams

1634 - Street Fighter Alpha 2

1635 - Street Fighter Alpha 3

1636 - Street Fighter II : The World Warrior

1637 - Street Fighter II' : Champion Edition

1638 - Street Fighter II' : Hyper Fighting

1639 - Street Fighter III : New Generation

1640 - Street Fighter III 2nd Impact : Giant Attack

1641 - Street Fighter III 3rd Strike : Fight for the Future

1642 - Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha

1643 - Street Fighter: The Movie

1644 - Street Smart

1645 - Strength & Skill

1646 - Strider

1647 - Strike Fighter

1648 - Strike Force

1649 - Strike Gunner S.T.G

1650 - Strikers 1945

1651 - Strikers 1945 II

1652 - Strikers 1945 III

1653 - Stroke And Match Golf

1654 - Stunt Air

1655 - Submarine

1656 - Subroc-3d

1657 - Success Joe

1658 - Sukeban Jansi Ryuko

1659 - Suna Quiz 6000 Academy

1660 - Sunset Riders

1661 - Super Astro Fighter

1662 - Super Bagman

1663 - Super Basketball

1664 - Super Bishi Bashi Championship

1665 - Super Bubble 2003

1666 - Super Bubble Bobble

1667 - Super Burger Time

1668 - Super Champion Baseball

1669 - Super Chase - Criminal Termination

1670 - Super Cobra

1671 - Super Contra

1672 - Super Cross II

1673 - Super Cup Finals

1674 - Super Dodge Ball

1675 - Super Doubles Tennis

1676 - Super Duck

1677 - Super Duper Casino

1678 - Super Gem Fighter: Mini Mix

1679 - Super Glob

1680 - Super Hang-on

1681 - Super High Impact

1682 - Super League

1683 - Super Locomotive

1684 - Super Lup Lup Puzzle

1685 - Super Marukin-Ban

1686 - Super Masters Golf

1687 - Super Model

1688 - Super Monaco GP

1689 - Super Mouse

1690 - Super Pac-Man

1691 - Super Pang

1692 - Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo

1693 - Super Ranger

1694 - Super Real Darwin

1695 - Super Real Mahjong P7

1696 - Super Real Mahjong PIV

1697 - Super Rider

1698 - Super Shanghai Dragon's Eye

1699 - Super Space Invaders '91

1700 - Super Spacefortress Macross

1701 - Super Spacefortress Macross II

1702 - Super Speed Race Junior

1703 - Super Stingray

1704 - Super Street Fighter II Turbo

1705 - Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers

1706 - Super Ten V8.3

1707 - Super Trio

1708 - Super Trivia Master

1709 - Super Visual Football: European Sega Cup

1710 - Super Volleyball

1711 - Super World Court

1712 - Super World Stadium

1713 - Super World Stadium '92

1714 - Super World Stadium '93

1715 - Super World Stadium '95

1716 - Super World Stadium '96

1717 - Super World Stadium '97

1718 - Super Zaxxon

1719 - Super-x

1720 - Superior Soldiers

1721 - Superman

1722 - Surprise Attack

1723 - Survival Arts

1724 - Suzuka 8 Hours

1725 - Suzuka 8 Hours 2

1726 - SVC Chaos - SNK Vs. Capcom

1727 - SWAT

1728 - SWAT Police

1729 - Swimmer

1730 - Syusse Oozumou

1731 - Syvalion

1732 - T.N.K III

1733 - Tac/scan

1734 - Tactician

1735 - Tag Team Wrestling

1736 - Tail To Nose - Great Championship

1737 - Taisen Hot Gimmick

1738 - Taisen Hot Gimmick 3 Digital Surfing

1739 - Taisen Hot Gimmick 4 Ever

1740 - Taisen Hot Gimmick Kairakuten

1741 - Taito Cup Finals

1742 - Taito Power Goal

1743 - Tang Tang

1744 - Tank Busters

1745 - Tank Force

1746 - Tao Taido

1747 - Tapper

1748 - Tappy And Rappy

1749 - Target Hits

1750 - Task Force Harrier

1751 - Tattoo Assassins

1752 - Tazz-Mania

1753 - Tecmo Bowl

1754 - Tecmo Knight

1755 - Teddyboy Blues

1756 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

1757 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time

1758 - Tel Jan

1759 - Tempest

1760 - Tengai

1761 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day

1762 - Terra Cresta

1763 - Terra Force

1764 - Terranean

1765 - Tetris

1766 - Tetris (set 4, Japan, System 16a)

1767 - Tetris / Bloxeed

1768 - Tetris Plus

1769 - Tetris Plus 2

1770 - Tetris The Absolute The Grand Master 2

1771 - Th Strikes Back

1772 - The Amazing Adventures of Mr. F. Lea

1773 - The Astyanax

1774 - The Battle-Road

1775 - The Berlin Wall

1776 - The Bounty

1777 - The Brain Washing Game

1778 - The Cliffhanger: Edward Randy

1779 - The Combatribes

1780 - The Dealer

1781 - The Deep

1782 - The Double Dynamites

1783 - The Electric Yo-Yo

1784 - The Empire Strikes Back

1785 - The End

1786 - The FairyLand Story

1787 - The Fallen Angels

1788 - The Final Round

1789 - The Game Paradise - Master of Shooting!

1790 - The Gladiator / Road Of The Sword / Shen Jian

1791 - The Karate Tournament

1792 - The Killing Blade

1793 - The Killing Blade Plus

1794 - The King of Dragons

1795 - The King of Fighters 2003

1796 - The Last Day

1797 - The Legend of Kage

1798 - The Legend of Silkroad

1799 - The Lost Castle In Darkmist

1800 - The Main Event

1801 - The Masters of Kin

1802 - The NewZealand Story

1803 - The Next Space

1804 - The Ninja Kids

1805 - The Ninja Warriors

1806 - The Outfoxies

1807 - The Percussor

1808 - The Pit

1809 - The Punisher

1810 - The Real Ghostbusters

1811 - The Return of Ishtar

1812 - The Simpsons

1813 - The Speed Rumbler

1814 - The Three Stooges In Brides Is Brides

1815 - The Tin Star

1816 - The Tower (DECO Cassette)

1817 - The Tower of Druaga

1818 - Thief

1819 - Three Wonders

1820 - Thunder & Lightning

1821 - Thunder Blade

1822 - Thunder Ceptor

1823 - Thunder Cross

1824 - Thunder Cross II

1825 - Thunder Dragon

1826 - Thunder Dragon 2

1827 - Thunder Force AC

1828 - Thunder Fox

1829 - Thunder Heroes

1830 - Thunder Hoop

1831 - Thunder Zone

1832 - Thundercade

1833 - ThunderJaws

1834 - Tiger Heli

1835 - Tiger Road

1836 - Timber

1837 - Time Fighter

1838 - Time Killers

1839 - Time Limit

1840 - Time Pilot

1841 - Time Pilot '84

1842 - Time Scanner

1843 - Time Soldiers

1844 - Time Tunnel

1845 - Tinkle Pit

1846 - Title Fight

1847 - Toki

1848 - Toki no Senshi: Chrono-Soldier

1849 - Tokio

1850 - Tom Tom Magic

1851 - Toobin'

1852 - Top Ranking Stars

1853 - Top Shooter

1854 - Top Speed

1855 - Toride II Adauchi Gaiden

1856 - Tornado

1857 - Toryumon

1858 - Total Carnage

1859 - Touch & Go

1860 - Tough Turf

1861 - Toukidenshou - Angel Eyes

1862 - Tournament Arkanoid

1863 - Tournament Pro Golf

1864 - Toy Land Adventure

1865 - Toypop

1866 - Transformer

1867 - Traverse Usa / Zippy Race

1868 - Treasure Island

1869 - Tri-pool

1870 - Trick Trap

1871 - Tricky Doc

1872 - Trio The Punch - Never Forget Me...

1873 - Triple Draw Poker

1874 - Triple Fun

1875 - Triple Punch

1876 - Trivia Master

1877 - Trog

1878 - Trojan

1879 - Tron

1880 - Trophy Hunting - Bear & Moose V1.0

1881 - Tropical Angel

1882 - Truxton

1883 - Truxton II

1884 - Tube Panic

1885 - Tube-it

1886 - Tumble Pop

1887 - Turbo

1888 - Turbo Force

1889 - Turbo Out Run

1890 - Turkey Hunting Usa V1.0

1891 - Turtle Ship

1892 - Turtles

1893 - Tutankham

1894 - Twin Action

1895 - Twin Adventure

1896 - Twin Brats

1897 - Twin Cobra

1898 - Twin Cobra II

1899 - Twin Eagle - Revenge Joe's Brother

1900 - Twin Eagle II - The Rescue Mission

1901 - Twin Falcons

1902 - Twin Hawk

1903 - Twin Qix

1904 - Twin Squash

1905 - Twinbee

1906 - Twinkle

1907 - Two Tigers

1908 - Tylz

1909 - U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker

1910 - U.N. Squadron

1911 - U.s. Championship V'ball

1912 - U.s. Classic

1913 - UFO Robo Dangar

1914 - UFO Senshi Yoko-chan

1915 - Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

1916 - Ultimate Tennis

1917 - Ultra Balloon

1918 - Ultra Toukon Densetsu

1919 - Ultra X Weapons

1920 - Ultraman

1921 - Ultraman Club - Tatakae! Ultraman Kyoudai!!

1922 - Uncle Poo

1923 - Under Fire

1924 - Undercover Cops

1925 - UniWar S

1926 - unknown 'Space Invaders' gambling game

1927 - Unknown Pac-man Gambling Game

1928 - Up'n Down

1929 - USAAF Mustang

1930 - Valkyrie no Densetsu

1931 - Valtric

1932 - Vamf x1/2

1933 - Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers' Revenge

1934 - Vampire Savior 2 : The Lord of Vampire

1935 - Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire

1936 - Van-Van Car

1937 - Vandyke

1938 - Vanguard

1939 - Vanguard II

1940 - Vapor Trail: Hyper Offence Formation

1941 - Varia Metal

1942 - Varth: Operation Thunderstorm

1943 - Vasara

1944 - Vasara 2

1945 - Vastar

1946 - Vendetta

1947 - Victory

1948 - Victory Road

1949 - Video Hustler

1950 - Video Vince And The Game Factory

1951 - Vigilante

1952 - Vimana

1953 - Vindicators

1954 - Vindicators Part II

1955 - Violence Fight

1956 - Violent Storm

1957 - Viper Phase 1

1958 - Volfied

1959 - Vulcan Venture

1960 - Vulgus

1961 - Wacko

1962 - Wai Wai Jockey Gate-in!

1963 - Wakakusa Monogatari Mahjong Yonshimai

1964 - Waku Waku Marine

1965 - Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car

1966 - Waku Waku Ultraman Racing

1967 - Wall Crash

1968 - Wally Wo Sagase!

1969 - Wanted

1970 - War of Aero: Project MEIOU

1971 - War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushr

1972 - Wardner

1973 - Warp & Warp

1974 - Warrior Blade - Rastan Saga Episode III

1975 - Warriors of Fate

1976 - Water Balls

1977 - Water Match

1978 - Water Ski

1979 - Wec Le Mans 24

1980 - Welltris

1981 - Wheels Runner

1982 - Wiggie Waggie

1983 - Wild Pilot

1984 - Wild West C.o.w.-boys Of Moo Mesa

1985 - Wild Western

1986 - Willow

1987 - Wily Tower

1988 - Wing Force

1989 - Wing Shooting Championship V2.00

1990 - Wiping

1991 - Wit's

1992 - Wivern Wings

1993 - Wiz

1994 - Wiz Warz

1995 - Wizard Fire

1996 - Wonder Boy

1997 - Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair

1998 - Wonder Boy In Monster Land

1999 - Wonder League '96

2000 - Wonder League Star - Sok-magicball Fighting

2001 - Wonder Momo

2002 - Wonder Planet

2003 - Wonder Stick

2004 - Woodpecker

2005 - World Adventure

2006 - World Class Bowling

2007 - World Class Bowling Deluxe

2008 - World Court

2009 - World Cup Volley '95

2010 - World Pk Soccer V2

2011 - World Rally

2012 - World Rally 2: Twin Racing

2013 - World Stadium

2014 - World Wars

2015 - Wow New Fantasia

2016 - Wrestle War

2017 - Wwf Superstars

2018 - Wwf Wrestlefest

2019 - WWF: Wrestlemania

2020 - Wyvern F-0

2021 - X Multiply

2022 - X-day 2

2023 - X-Men

2024 - X-Men vs. Street Fighter

2025 - X-Men: Children of the Atom

2026 - X2222

2027 - Xain'd Sleena

2028 - Xevious

2029 - Xexex

2030 - Xor World

2031 - XX Mission

2032 - Xybots

2033 - Xyonix

2034 - Yamato

2035 - Yes/no Sinri Tokimeki Chart

2036 - Yie Ar Kung-Fu

2037 - Youjyuden

2038 - Yuuyu No Quiz De Go!go!

2039 - Zaviga

2040 - Zaxxon

2041 - Zektor

2042 - Zero Hour

2043 - Zero Point

2044 - Zero Point 2

2045 - Zero Team Usa

2046 - Zero Wing

2047 - Zero Zone

2048 - Zeroize

2049 - Zig Zag

2050 - Zing Zing Zip

2051 - Zip & Zap

2052 - Zoar

2053 - Zodiack

2054 - Zombie Raid

2055 - Zoo Keeper

2056 - Zunzunkyou no Yabou

2057 - Zzyzzyxx

Atari ST - 2321 Jeux
1 - 1000 Bornes (19xx)(Editions Dujardin)(FR)[h boot Zorro II]

2 - 10th Frame

3 - 10th Frame (1987)(Access)[cr Blue Adept]

4 - 10th Frame (1987)(Access)[cr Tsunoo Rhilty]

5 - 10th Frame (1987)(Access)[cr Tsunoo Rhilty][m Noid]

6 - 12. Jahrhundert, Das (1990)(Dieckmann und Luehring GbR)(DE)[cr Vectronix]

7 - 1943 (1987)(Probe Software)

8 - 1943 (1987)(Probe Software)[cr Bladerunners]

9 - 1943 (1987)(Probe Software)[cr Replicants][m Atariforce]

10 - 1st Division Manager (1992)(Codemasters)

11 - 1st Division Manager (1992)(Codemasters)[m EMT][b]

12 - 221B Baker Street (1987)(Datasoft)[cr A-HA]

13 - 3-D Break Thru (1988)(Antic)

14 - 3D Pool (1989)(Firebird)[cr Replicants]

15 - 500cc Grand Prix

16 - 5th Gear

17 - 6-49 Lotto Picker v1.0 (1987)(Kestell, Phil D.)(PD)

18 - 8 Ball (1986)(MichTron)

19 - 9 Lives (1990)(Frames)[b]

20 - 9 Lives (1990)(Frames)[cr Empire]

21 - A Day at the Races (1989)(Team Software)[cr MCA]

22 - A Day at the Races v1.2 (1989)(Team Software)[cr MCA]

23 - A la Decouverte de la Terre (19xx)(Coktel Vision)(fr)

24 - A la Decouverte de l'Homme (19xx)(Coktel Vision)(fr)

25 - A Mind Forever Voyaging (1985)(Infocom)

26 - A Question of Sport (1988)(Elite)[cr Genesis]

27 - Abalone (1989)(Vogel, Michael)(de)(PD)

28 - Abenteurer - Die Weltraum Odyssee (1989)(ASE)(de)(PD)

29 - Academy - Tau Ceti 2 (1987)(CRL Group)

30 - Academy - Tau Ceti 2 (1987)(CRL Group)(fr)[cr]

31 - Academy - Tau Ceti 2 (1987)(CRL Group)[cr Automation]

32 - Acidopolis (19xx)(AKNeutron)

33 - Action Fighter

34 - Action Fighter (1989)(Sega)

35 - Action Fighter (1989)(Sega)[cr Replicants]

36 - Action Service

37 - Addicta Ball (1987)(Alligata)[cr A-HA] & Floyd the Droid On The Run (1986)(Analog)

38 - Addicta Ball (1987)(Alligata)[cr Exceptions]

39 - Addictaball

40 - Adrenalin UK CD 34 (1993)(Adrenalin)

41 - Advanced Destroyer Simulator (1990)(Futura)

42 - Advanced Destroyer Simulator (1990)(Futura)(fr)[cr Empire]

43 - Advanced Destroyer Simulator (1990)(Futura)[cr Hotline]

44 - Advanced Fruit Machine Simulator

45 - Advanced Fruit Machine Simulator (1987)(Codemasters)[cr Medway Boys]

46 - Advanced Rugby Simulator

47 - Advanced Rugby Simulator (1988)(Codemasters)[cr X-Factor][m Atariforce]

48 - Advanced Tactical Fighter 2 (1990)(Digital Integration)[cr Empire]

49 - Advantage Tennis (1991)(Infogrames)(M3)[manual protection]

50 - Adventure of a Crazed Hermit, The (19xx)(-)(PD)

51 - Afterburner

52 - Agi Quest I - The Computer Game (2003)(Terho, Juha)(PD)

53 - A-Ha Menu - Oids - Roadwars (19xx)(A-Ha)

54 - Airball (1987)(Microdeal) & Airball Room Designer (1987)(Microdeal)

55 - Airball (1987)(Microdeal)[cr Tsunoo Rhilty]

56 - Airline Manager v1.03 (1989-11-18)(ATC Soft)(de)(PD)

57 - Airline ST v1.0 (1991)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

58 - Airline ST v2.0 (1992)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

59 - Alcon (1987)(Taito)

60 - Alf - The First Adventure (1989)(Box Office)

61 - Aliants (1987)(Starsoft Labs)

62 - Alien Blockade (19xx)(Scantlebury, David)(PD)

63 - Alien Fires 2199 AD (1987)(Paragon Software)

64 - Alien World

65 - Allein in Eritra (1990)(-)(de)(PD)

66 - Alpha Waves (1990)(Infogrames)(M5)

67 - Alpha Waves (1990)(Infogrames)(M5)[cr Empire][t]

68 - Alpine Games (1988)(Atlantis)

69 - Altair (1987)(ERE)[cr 42-Crew]

70 - Altered Beast (1989)(Activision)

71 - Alternate Reality - The City

72 - Alternate Reality - The City v1.2 (1986)(Datasoft)

73 - Alternate Reality - The City v2.0 (1986)(Datasoft)

74 - Alternate Reality - The City v2.0 (1986)(Datasoft)[cr TLT]

75 - Alternate Reality v1.2 (1991)(Datasoft)[b]

76 - Ammotrack (1988)(Hewson)

77 - Anarchy

78 - Ancient Art of War in the Skies, The (1993)(MicroProse)[cr Cynix]

79 - Andes Attack (1988)(Llamasoft)[cr MCA]

80 - Angel Nieto Pole 500 (1990)(Opera Sport)[cr Empire]

81 - Anglais Debutant (1988)(Cedic Nathan)(fr)

82 - Annals Of Rome (1987)(Magic)

83 - Another World

84 - Antago (1990)(Art of Dreams)[cr Empire]

85 - Antago (1990)(Art of Dreams)[cr Empire][a4]

86 - Antago (1990)(Art of Dreams)[cr Replicants]

87 - APB (1989)(Tengen)

88 - Apprentice

89 - Arcade Trivia Quiz (1991)(Zeppelin)[cr Medway Boys]

90 - Archer MacLean's Pool (1992)(Virgin)[cr Cynix]

91 - Archipel (1989)(Logotron)

92 - Archipelagos

93 - Archipelagos (1989)(Logotron)[b]

94 - Archipelagos (1989)(Logotron)[cr Ford Prefect]

95 - Archipelagos (1989)(Logotron)[cr Medway Boys][use pasti]

96 - Archon (19xx)(Delta Force)[b]

97 - Arctic Fox (1986)(Electronic Arts)

98 - Arcticfox

99 - Arena (1986)(Psygnosis)

100 - Arena (1986)(Psygnosis)[cr BOSS]

101 - Arkanoid (1987)(Imagine)

102 - Arkanoid (1987)(Imagine)[cr TEX]

103 - Arkanoid (1987)(Imagine)[cr TEX] & Arkanoid (1987)(Imagine)[cr TSB]

104 - Arkanoid (1987)(Imagine)[cr TSB]

105 - Arkanoid (1987)(Imagine)[m Gamebase ST]

106 - Arkanoid (1987)(Taito)

107 - Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine)

108 - Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine) & Bomb Jack (1987)(Elite)

109 - Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine) & Wizball (1987)(Ocean)

110 - Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine) & Wizball (1987)(Ocean)-

111 - Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine)[cr Bladerunners][b]

112 - Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine)[cr Kurt] & Tetris (1987)(Mirror Soft)[cr STCS]

113 - Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine)[cr Replicants][t]

114 - Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine)[cr TDA][t +2 DSC]

115 - Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine)[t +2 DSC]

116 - Arkanoid III (1987)(Imagine)[cr Mario]

117 - Armour-Geddon (1991)(Psygnosis)

118 - Army Moves (1988)(Imagine)[cr MCA][t]

119 - Army Moves (1988)(Imagine)[cr Replicants][m][t]

120 - Artificial Dreams

121 - Artificial Dreams (1988)(HTL)[cr Bladerunners]

122 - Artificial Dreams (1988)(Prism Leisure)

123 - Artura (1988)(Gremlin)

124 - Asgard (1988)(AGC)[cr MCA]

125 - Astaroth (1989)(Hewson)[Disk 2 in Games STX]

126 - Astaroth (1989)(Hewson)[don't work with TOS 1.06 or later]

127 - Asteroids Deluxe (1987)(Atari)

128 - Astro 2000 (1996)(Cybernation Software)(FW)

129 - Astro Tunnel (19xx)(Skellern, Chris)(PD) & Matchmaker (1987)(Faster Disk Magazine)(PD)

130 - Atax

131 - Atax (1988)(Ramware)

132 - Atax (1988)(Ramware)[cr MCA]

133 - Atomino (1990)(Psygnosis)(M3)[cr Empire]

134 - Atomix

135 - Atomix (1990)(U.S. Gold)

136 - Atomix (1990)(U.S. Gold)[cr MCA]

137 - Atomix (1990)(U.S. Gold)[cr Tutti Frutti][t]

138 - Aussie Joker Poker (1989)(Joker Software)(AU)

139 - Austerlitz (1990)(MirrorSoft)[cr Medway Boys]

140 - Autoduel (1988)(Origin)[b]

141 - Automation Menu Disk 025 (1989)(LSD - Was -Not Was-)

142 - Automation Menu Disk 031 (1989)(LSD - Was -Not Was-)[b]

143 - Automation Menu Disk 032 (1989)(LSD - Was -Not Was-)[b]

144 - Automation Menu Disk 069 (1989)(Automation)(Disk 1 of 5)(Part A)[b]

145 - Automation Menu Disk 078 (1989)(Automation)[b2]

146 - Automation Menu Disk 106 (1989)(Automation)[b]

147 - Automation Menu Disk 107 (1989-07-09)(Automation)[b]

148 - Automation Menu Disk 116 (1989)(Automation)[b]

149 - Automation Menu Disk 337 (19xx)(Automation)(Part A)[b]

150 - Automation Menu Disk 362 (19xx)(Automation)[m LGD][b]

151 - Automation Menu Disk 477 (19xx)(Automation)(Part A)[b]

152 - Automation Menu Disk 500 (19xx)(Automation)(Disk 05 of 15)(Part E)[m LGD]

153 - Av-8B Harrier Assault (1992)(Domark)[cr Cynix]

154 - Azarian v0.87b (1987)(Synergy Development)(beta)

155 - Baal (1988)(Psygnosis)

156 - Back To The Future II (1990)(MirrorSoft)

157 - Backgammon Royal (1991)(CP Software)[cr Hotline]

158 - Backgammon Royale

159 - Backlash (1987)(Novagen)[cr Mister 800 XL]

160 - Backlash (1987)(Novagen)[cr Speedlink][b]

161 - Bad Company (1989)(Logotron)[cr MCA]

162 - Bad Company (1989)(Logotron)[cr]

163 - Baker Street Detective (1986)(Artworx Software)

164 - Balance of Power - The 1990 Edition

165 - Balance of Power - The 1990 Edition (1990)(Mindscape)

166 - Balance of Power (1987)(Mindscape)[cr Extended Enigma Inc.]

167 - Ball (2002)(LCD Revival Games)

168 - Ball Game, The (1991)(Electronic Zoo)

169 - Ball Game, The (1991)(Electronic Zoo)[cr Elite]

170 - Ballerburg & Ballerburg 2 (1987)(Kruse, Eckhard)(de)

171 - Ballerburg (1987)(Kruse, Eckhard)(de)(PD)

172 - Ballistix

173 - Ballistix (1989)(Psyclapse)

174 - Ballistix (1989)(Psyclapse)[cr Replicants]

175 - Balls (19xx)(Poon Software)(PD)

176 - Ball's Quest (1989)(Infomedia)

177 - Ballyhoo (1986)(Infocom)

178 - Bang and Blastman - Explosive Fun (1996)(MegaGOLD)

179 - Bank Buster (1988)(Methodic Solutions)

180 - Bank-It (1987)(Aaronfay Marketing Ltd)

181 - Barbarian (1987)(Palace)

182 - Barbarian (1987)(Psygnosis)

183 - Barbarian : Le Guerrier Absolu

184 - Barbarian II (1988)(Palace)[cr Replicants]

185 - Barbarian II (1988)(Palace)[cr Replicants][m EMT]

186 - Bases de l'Orthographe, Les (19xx)(Carraz Editions)(fr)

187 - Basic Algebrigue (1987)(Labarthe, J.J.)(fr)

188 - Batman - The Caped Crusader (1988)(Ocean)

189 - Battle Chess

190 - Battle of the Atlantic - The Ocean Lifeline v4.0P (1985)(Simulations)

191 - Battle Probe

192 - Battle Probe (1988)(Capital Software Designs Ltd.)

193 - Battle Zone (1986)(Atari)

194 - Battle Zone (1986)(Atari)[m MugUK]

195 - Battlehawks 1942

196 - Battleships (1987)(Elite)

197 - Bauernkampf (1988)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

198 - Beach Volley

199 - Beam (1989)(Magic Bytes)[cr BBC]

200 - Beastlord

201 - Beer Monster (1993)(Deano) & Marios Quest (1993)(Deano)

202 - Belote (1987-12)(Thomas, A.)(fr)

203 - Better Dead Than Alien! (1987)(Electra)

204 - Better Dead Than Alien! (1987)(Electra)[cr Bladerunners]

205 - Beyond the Ice Palace

206 - Beyond the Ice Palace (1988)(Elite)

207 - Beyond the Ice Palace (1988)(Elite)[cr Bladerunners]

208 - Beyond the Titanic 2 (1999)(-)[cr Starman]

209 - Beyond Zork - The Coconut of Quendor (1987)(Infocom)

210 - Bienvenue en Geographie (1989-04)(Deveux, Jean-Marie - Fouss, Jean-Pierre)(fr)

211 - Billy Bounce (1989)(B.Ware Software)[cr Pompey Pirates][t]

212 - Bio Challenge (1988)(Delphine)[b]

213 - Bionic Commando (1987)(Software Creations)[b]

214 - Bionic Commando (1987)(Software Creations)[cr Bladerunners]

215 - Bionic Commando (1987)(Software Creations)[cr Bladerunners][m EMT]

216 - Bionic Commando (1987)(Software Creations)[cr Replicants][m Atariforce][t]

217 - Bismarck (1989)(Electronic Arts)

218 - Bivouac (1987)(Infogrames)(FR)[cr 42-Crew]

219 - Black Cauldron, The (1985)(Sierra)

220 - Black Jack Plus III (1991)(Musicode)

221 - Black Lamp (1988)(Firebird)[b] & Quadralien (1988)(Logotron)(M3)

222 - Black Lamp (1988)(Firebird)[cr BOSS]

223 - Black Tiger

224 - Black Tiger (1989)(U.S. Gold)

225 - Bladerunners Compilation (19xx)(Bladerunners)

226 - Blastaball (1988)(Arcadia)[cr Bladerunners]

227 - Blasteroids

228 - Blasteroids (1987)(Image Works)

229 - Blazing Thunder

230 - Blinky's Scary School (1990)(Zeppelin)[cr Medway Boys]

231 - Blitz (19xx)(Gallaz Software)(fr)(PD)

232 - Blitzkrieg - May 1940 (1990)(Impressions)

233 - Blitzkrieg - May 1940 (1990)(Impressions)[cr Empire]

234 - Blob Race (1994)(Chaos)(SW)[Power Disk Magazine version]

235 - Blobb Run (19xx)(Slemko, Mark and Ryan)(PD) & Spy vs Spy in Artic Antics (1989)(First Star)[cr ST Amigos]

236 - Block Out (1990)(California Dreams) & Joust (19xx)(Rugby Circle)

237 - Block Out (1990)(California Dreams)[cr Replicants]

238 - Block Out (1990)(California Dreams)[protected]

239 - Blood Fever (19xx)(Micro Value)[cr Bladerunners][b]

240 - Blood Money

241 - Blue Angels (1989)(Accolade)[protected]

242 - Blues du Mycophage, Le (19xx)(-)(fr) & Maze (19xx)(Eli, James) & Zebuland (1996-02-01)(Opichal, Stanislav)(SW)[Monochrome]

243 - BMX Simulator

244 - BMX Simulator (1988)(ECS Distribution)[cr Axel Follet]

245 - BMX Simulator (1988)(ECS Distribution)[cr Bladerunners]

246 - Bob Morane - Chevalerie 1 (1987)(Infogrames)(FR)[cr BOSS]

247 - Bob Morane - Jungle (1987)(Infogrames)[cr Atari Legend][t][aka Lee Enfield in Amazon Adventure]

248 - Bob Morane - Jungle 1 (1987)(Infogrames)(FR)

249 - Bob Morane (1987)(Infogrames)

250 - Bob Winner

251 - Bob Winner (1987)(Loriciel)(FR)[cr BOSS]

252 - Bobo (1988)(Infogrames)[a highscore]

253 - Bobo (1988)(Infogrames)[a4]

254 - Boing (1990)(Uniques)

255 - Bolo - Public Domain Version (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de-en)(PD)

256 - Bolo (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de-en)

257 - Bolo (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de-en)[a4]

258 - Bolo (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de-en)[a5]

259 - Bolo (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de-en)[a6]

260 - Bolo Werkstatt (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de)

261 - Bomb Jack

262 - Bomber Command (1987)(Mars)[KC Slim - Revolution]

263 - Bombjack (1988)(Elite)

264 - Bombs Away (1995)(Ninth Wave)(PD)

265 - Booly (1991)(Loriciel)[cr Elite][t]

266 - Bootiful Babe (1989)(New Dimensions)

267 - Borderzone (1987)(Infocom)[m Atariforce]

268 - Borodino (1988)(Battlescapes)

269 - Boulder Dash (19xx)(Kraatz, Thomas)

270 - Boulder Dash Construction Kit (1987)(First Star Software)

271 - Boulder Dash Construction Kit (1987)(First Star)

272 - Bounce Out (1988)(Godax)

273 - Bouncer (2005)(Cybernation Softwarel)(FW)(beta)

274 - Box the Dragon & Mastermind (1986)(Lay, David S.)(PD)

275 - BrainGame ST, The (1988-04-05)(Digital Graphics)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

276 - Brataccas (1987)(Psygnosis)

277 - Brataccas (1987)(Psygnosis)[cr Conan]

278 - Breach II (1992)(Omnitrend Software)[cr ICS]

279 - Breakers (1986)(Broderbund)

280 - Breakers (1986)(Broderbund)[cr Medway Boys 2003]

281 - Breakout (1992)(Fulton, Mike)(PD)

282 - Brian Clough's Fussball Manger (1987)(CDS)(de)

283 - Brilliant Boffin Brothers, The - Masters of Trivia (1991)(Micro Magic)[cr Quartex]

284 - Brixit - PD-Version (19xx)(Blohm, Oliver)(de)(PD)

285 - Bubble + (1990)(Infogrames)

286 - Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird)

287 - Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird)[cr Electricbug]

288 - Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird)[cr Hell on Wheels]

289 - Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird)[cr Lord]

290 - Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird)[different version]

291 - Bubble Ghost (1987)(ERE)

292 - Bubble Ghost (1987)(ERE)[b]

293 - Bubble Trouble (1987)(Poffel Products)

294 - Bubbles v1.4 (1998)(Gruszka, Uli)(de)(FW)

295 - Bug (1993)(Opium)

296 - Bug Bash (1990)(Mutation Software)[cr Elite][t MCA]

297 - Buggy Boy (1988)(Elite)

298 - Buggy Boy (1988)(Elite)[cr Axel Follet][no title screen]

299 - Buggy Boy (1988)(Elite)[cr Bladerunners]

300 - Buggy Boy (1988)(Elite)[cr MugUK][t]

301 - Builderland - The Story of Melba (1990)(Loriciel)[cr Empire]

302 - Bully's Sporting Darts (1993)(Alternative Software)[cr Atari Legend]

303 - Bumpy

304 - Bumpy (1991)(Loriciel)(FR)

305 - Bumpy (1991)(Loriciel)(FR)[cr MCA]

306 - Bundesliga Manager Professional (1992)(Software 2000)(de)[cr ICS]

307 - Bundesliga Manager v1.3 (2000)(Software Agency)(de)

308 - Burger Man

309 - Burger Time (1991)(Byte Back)[cr Elite][t]

310 - Cadaver - Gate House (demo-playable) (1990)(TOS)

311 - Cadaver - Temple (demo-playable) (1990)(Zero Magazine)

312 - Cadaver - The Last Supper (1991)(Zero Magazine)

313 - California Games (1989)(Epyx - U.S. Gold)[cr V8]

314 - Canfield Solitair (19xx)(Addison, David)(PD) & Klondike Solitair (19xx)(Addison, David)(PD)

315 - Capcom Collection (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 08 of 10)[Last Duel]

316 - Cap'n'Carnage (1993)(Energize)[cr Awesome]

317 - Captain America Defies the Doom Tube (1988)(Go!)

318 - Captain Blood (1988)(ERE)(M3)

319 - Captain Blood (1989)(Mindscape)

320 - Captain Fizz (1989)(Psyclapse)(M3)

321 - Captain Fizz Meets the Blaster-Trons

322 - Cards v2.0 (1986)(Factory Programming)

323 - Carrier Command

324 - Carrier Command (1988)(Rainbird)

325 - Cars (1989)(Infomedia)(fr)

326 - Cartoon Capers

327 - Casino Craps (1986)(Avila Associates) & Monkey Business (19xx)(The other Valley Software)[cr Was Not Was]

328 - Casino Craps (1986)(Avila Associates)[b]

329 - Castle Master II - The Crypt (1990)(New Dimensions)

330 - Catch 23

331 - Caveman (19xx)(Atlantis)[cr XCS]

332 - Cbzone v0.2 (1993-12-29)(Givan, Roland)[monochrome]

333 - Centipede (1992)(Sinister Developments)(SW)

334 - Chain Reaction (1991)(Taylor, Stephen - Whitehead, Colin)(SW)

335 - Challenge - Simulation Economique (19xx)(-)(fr)

336 - Chamonix Challenge (1987)(Infogrames)(de)[cr Cleaner][aka Bivouac]

337 - Championship Baseball

338 - Championship Baseball (1987)(Activision)

339 - Championship Cricket

340 - Championship Cricket (1988)(Crysys)

341 - Championship Manager End of Season 1994 (1994)(Domark)[cr Atari Legend]

342 - Championship Manager End of Season 1994 (1994)(Domark)[cr]

343 - Championship Run (1991)(Impulze)[cr Empire]

344 - Championship Water-Skiing (1987)(Infogrames)[cr AOD]

345 - Championship Wrestling

346 - Chaos Strikes Back Savegame Disk (1991)(FTL)

347 - Charge of the Light Brigade (1991)(Impressions)(M6)

348 - Chase (1988)(Barker, T.)

349 - Chase H.Q.

350 - Chess Player 2150

351 - Chess Player 2150 (1989)(Oxford)

352 - Chess Player 2150 (1989)(Oxford)[cr KC Slim - Revolution- HRFH]

353 - Chess Simulator

354 - Chess Simulator (1990)(Infogrames)[cr Empire]

355 - ChessBase (19xx)(-)(de)

356 - Chessmaster 2000 (demo-playable) (1987)(Software Toolworks)

357 - Chicago 30's

358 - Chip's Challenge

359 - Chips Challenge (1990)(Epyx)[cr Hotline]

360 - Chopper-X (1989)(Mastertronic)

361 - Chopper-X (19xx)(-) & Spy vs Spy (1987)(First Star Software)

362 - Chronos v1.54 (1994)(Roth, Daniel)(de)(SW)

363 - Chubby Christle (1988)(Grandslam)

364 - Chubby Christle (1988)(Grandslam)[cr Bladerunners]

365 - Chuckie Egg II

366 - City out of Bounds (1987-11-05)(Bozocom)(FW)

367 - Climatics Disk 190 (19xx)(Climatics)[m EMT]

368 - Cloud Kingdoms

369 - Coco Coq dans la Base de Grostesteing v1.0.2 (2002)(Gravel, Robin)(fr)

370 - Coco Coq in Grostesteing's Base v1.0.3 (2004)(Gravel, Robin)

371 - Code Route (1989)(Loriciel)(FR)[cr Spyman]

372 - Codoroute - Le Circuit (1988)(Ecolauto)(fr)

373 - Codoroute - Tableau De Bord (1988)(Ecolauto)(fr)

374 - Colonial Conquest (1987)(SSI)

375 - Colonial Conquest (1987)(SSI)[b]

376 - Commando (1989)(Elite)[cr Replicants][t]

377 - Compil 26 (19xx)(-)[b]

378 - Compil World Cup Year 90 (1990)(-)[ST Soccer]

379 - Compil World Cup Year 90 (1990)(-)[Tracksuit Manager]

380 - Computer Origami (demo-playable) (1991)(Remsoft)

381 - Computer Patience (1990-08)(Chapman, Eric)(PD)

382 - Computer Scrabble (1988)(Leisure Genius)

383 - Computer Scrabble (1988)(Leisure Genius)[b]

384 - Conflict Europe (1989)(PSS)

385 - Connaitre la France (19xx)(Cepe)(fr)

386 - Conquests of Camelot - The Search for the Grail

387 - Continental Circus

388 - Cops and Robbers (1991)(Outland Quest)

389 - Cops and Robbers Too! (1992)(Outland Quest)

390 - Corona Magica, La (1990)(OMK)(es)

391 - Corrupt (19xx)(G22 Software)(es)

392 - Corruption

393 - Crack Down

394 - Crack'ed (1987)(Atari)

395 - Crash Garrett (1987)(ERE)(fr)

396 - Creepy (1991)(Atlantis)[cr Imperator]

397 - Cricket Captain

398 - Cricket Captain (1989)(D & H Games)(GB)

399 - Cricket Captain (1989)(D&H Games)

400 - Crimson Crown (1985)(Penguin)

401 - Cromo (1990)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

402 - Crystal Castles

403 - Crystal Castles (1986)(Atari)

404 - Crystal Castles (1986)(Atari) & Grafik und Sound Demo (19xx)(Kruse, Eckhard)(de) & 3D-Grapher (1986)(OSS & CCD) & Grapher (1986)(OSS & CCD)

405 - Cyber Cop (1991)(Energize)[cr Quartex]

406 - Cyber Snake (1992)(Bombout Brothers)(SW)

407 - Cyberball

408 - Cybercon III

409 - Cybercon III (1991)(U.S. Gold)

410 - Cyberdrome (1993)(Rhea FX)[cr ICS]

411 - Cyberdrome (demo) (1993)(Rhea FX)

412 - Cybernoid (1988)(Hewson)

413 - Cybernoid II - The Revenge (1989)(Hewson)

414 - Cybernoid II (1989)(Hewson)[cr Neil of Cor Blimey][t]

415 - D.A.R.C. - Defensive Alien Remoting Command (1996)(Stargate)(FW)

416 - DakAr - Das kleine Autorennen (1988)(Hauth, Sven)(de)(PD)

417 - Daleks v1.0 (1986)(Bloom County Software)(SW)

418 - Dallas (1987)(Kundmueller, Jan)(de)(PD)

419 - Dal'X (1994)(Mediagogo)(fr)[cr Elite][b]

420 - Dam v1.1 (1988)(Jetten, Harm)(nl)

421 - Dames Grand-Maitre (1988)(Cobra Soft)(fr)[cr Genesis]

422 - Dames Simulator

423 - Dames Simulator (1990)(Infogrames)(FR)[cr MCA]

424 - Dangimere - The Awakening (1993)(Integral Systems)

425 - Dangimere II - The Dungeon (1994-03-06)(Billger, Jeffrey)(preview)

426 - Dark Castle (1987)(Three-Sixty)

427 - Darklyte (1993)(Tilley, Howard)(SW)

428 - Darts (1987-04-12)(Budgie UK)(LW)

429 - Dashiki, Episode 1 - Lost (19xx)(cr Starman)

430 - Datachess II (1994-01-03)(Micromagic)

431 - Datequest (2001)(Kool Productions)

432 - Day of the Viper

433 - D-Bug Menu Disk 075 (19xx)(D-Bug)

434 - D-Bug Menu Disk 117 (19xx)(D-Bug)

435 - DC Click me v1.0 (1991)(Double Click Software)(FW)[monochrome]

436 - Deadland (1995)(Ward, Justin)

437 - Deadland (1996-01-06)(Loftsoft)(SW)

438 - Death Sword (1987)(Epyx)(US)

439 - Death Sword (1987)(Palace)(M5)[cr Atari Legend][t][aka Barbarian]

440 - Decoder v1.0 (1988-09-29)(Chiou, Andrew - Chan, Lye Ngit)(PD)

441 - Deep Lair (1990)(Kingfisher Software)(PD)

442 - Defender of the Crown (1987)(Cinemaware)[cr BOSS]

443 - Defenders of Earth (1990)(Enigma Variations)(en-fr)[cr Empire][t]

444 - Deflektor (1988)(Gremlin)[h Splatterass]

445 - Déjà Vu : A Nightmare Comes True

446 - Deliverance : Stormlord II

447 - Deluxe Invaders (19xx)(Munsie, Dave)(FW)

448 - Demenage Man (1988)(Microvideo)

449 - Deminer, The (19xx)(IEBC Design Concept)(PD)[monochrome]

450 - Demolition Man v2.0 (1991)(Walnum, Clayton)(SW)[monochrome]

451 - Demoniak

452 - Denker (1988-11)(Duffner, Torsten)(PD)[monochrome]

453 - Desolator (1986)(U.S. Gold)

454 - Detonator (1990)(Budgie UK)(LW)

455 - Devon Aire - The Hidden Diamond Caper (1988)(Softek)

456 - Diamond Mine v1.91 (19xx)(Hollfelder, Juergen)(PD)[monochrome]

457 - Dice v0.9 (1996)(Samuelsson, Dan)(sv)(FW)

458 - Dick Tracy

459 - Dideldum (19xx)(Computeritis)(de)(FW)

460 - Die Alien Blob (1990)(Farrell, M.I.)

461 - Dinkum v2.13 (1993-03-03)(Allen, Gary A.)[monochrome]

462 - Disc

463 - Dive Bomber (1988)(ACME)[disk 1 in Games STX]

464 - Dive Bomber (1988)(Gremlin)

465 - Dizzy Lizzy (1990)(Budgie UK)(LW)

466 - Dizzy Lizzy II - A Winters Tale (1991)(Budgie UK)(LW)

467 - Dizzy Wizard (1987)(Diamond)[manual protection]

468 - Dizzy's Fun Time Disk 2 (1991)(Pollysoft)(SW)

469 - Do! Run Run (1990)(Electrocoin)

470 - Dodg'em 2 v2.0 (1992-04-01)(Thomas, Eckhard)(SW)

471 - Dodg'em v1.42 (19xx)(Eckhardt, Thomas)(SW)[monochrome]

472 - Dogfight (1990)(Budgie UK)(LW)

473 - Dogfight v1.10 (1992)(Slayer Soft)

474 - Domination (1990)(Magic Bytes)[cr Replicants]

475 - Dominizer (demo-playable) (1994-06-14)(Nebula Entertainment)(SW)

476 - Dominoes (demo-playable) (1993)(Nebula Entertainment)(SW)

477 - Donald Duck's Playground (1986)(Sierra)

478 - Donkey Island (demo-playable) (1997-03-21)(Cleveland, Ed)(PD)

479 - Don't bank on it v1.0 (1990)(Sunderland, Ruth)(PD)

480 - Don't worry, be happy v2.0 (1996-04-11)(Hagedorn, Dirk)(SW)[monochrome]

481 - Dopewars V2 Beta (2000)(Divine Inspiration)(PD)

482 - Doppy & Pru's Summer Holiday (1989)(Doppelganger Adventures Incorporated)(PD)[monochrome]

483 - Double Dragon

484 - Double Dragon II - The Revenge (1989)(Tradewest)[cr Replicants]

485 - Double Dragon II : The Revenge

486 - Double Juggle Vegatabobble (2002)(Reservoir Gods)(FW)

487 - Double Take (1998)(Clarke, Howard)

488 - Douglas Rockmoor (1990)(Budgie UK)(LW)

489 - Down Fall (1992)(ST Format)

490 - Dozer (1990)(Gerhard, G.)[monochrome]

491 - Drachen v2.0 (19xx)(Woitha, Dirk)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

492 - Drachen v2.0 (19xx)(Woitha, Dirk)(fr)(PD) & Super Break-Out v1.1a (1991)(Overmars, Mark)(PD)

493 - Dragon Breed (1989)(Activision)

494 - Dragon Maze v1.02 (1986)(Pack, Terry)(PD)

495 - Dragonslayer (1985)(Softworks)(PD) & Susan - A Lustful Game (1988)(Softworks)(PD)

496 - Drakkhen

497 - Drakkhen (1989)(Infogrames)

498 - Draw Poker v2.01 (1988)(Hughes, Jeffery K.)(SW)

499 - Dreadnoughts (1992)(Turcan Research Systems)

500 - Dreissig (1987)(Sonnabend, Frank)(de)(FW)[monochrome]

501 - Driller

502 - Drivin' Force (1990)(Digital Magic)[cr BBC]

503 - Droid (1991)(M.P. Lord)

504 - Droid 2 (1989)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

505 - Droid 3 (1989)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

506 - Droidz (1994)(Spiral Mile)

507 - Droogs from Hell (19xx)(Jason Sodergren)

508 - Drops (1998)(Motelsoft)(de)(PD)

509 - Duck Dash (1992)(Kingfisher Software)

510 - Dungeon (1991)(Taylor, Ian Lance)(PD)

511 - Dungeon Adventure (1988)(Aces High)

512 - Dungeon master Data Disk 6 - Conflux v1.11 Docs (2002)(FTL)

513 - Dungeon Master Savegame (19xx)(-)

514 - Dungeon Master Savegame (19xx)(-)[b]

515 - Dungeonz (1990)(Ben Clark)(PD)

516 - Dynablaster (1992)(Hudson Soft)[cr XCS][t]

517 - Dynamite Dux (1989)(Core)

518 - Dynasty Wars

519 - Dysprosm (1993-02-28)(Team Brindlebeast)(FW)

520 - East vs. West: Berlin 1948

521 - Eat your Words (1991)(Groves, Robert)

522 - Eco (1987)(Ocean) & Trifide (1986)(Pressimage) & Turbo GT (19xx)(BRE Infomatique)

523 - Eco (1987)(Ocean)[cr Axel Follet]

524 - Eco (1987)(Ocean)[cr Mr. Atari]

525 - Einstein (1990)(Budgie UK)(FW)

526 - Einstein 3 (1990)(Budgie UK)(FW)

527 - Eiskalt (19xx)(Gollub, Udo)(de)(SW)[monochrome]

528 - Eiskalt II (19xx)(Gollub, Udo)(de)(SW)[monochrome]

529 - Elemental

530 - Elf

531 - Elite

532 - Elite (1988)(Firebird)

533 - Elite (1988)(Firebird)[cr]

534 - Emperor (1992)(Ashwanden, Christoph)(de)(PD)

535 - Enchanted Realm I (19xx)(Ure, John A.)(PD)

536 - Enchanter (1985)(Infocom)

537 - Endurance (1994)(Oz)(FW)

538 - Enduro Racer (1987)(Activision)[cr Axel Follet]

539 - England Team Manager (1990)(Advent Software)

540 - English Sixteen Puzzle v1.1 (1991-11-01)(Pentagramm Software)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

541 - Enigme a Oxford (19xx)(Coktel Vision)[cr Atarilegend - MJJ Prod]

542 - Enterprise

543 - Entombed (1991)(Concannon, Nick)

544 - Entombed (1991)(Concannon, Nick)[cr MugUK]

545 - Entombed (1991)(Concannon, Nick)[m Noid]

546 - Ergon (1993)(Serious Software)

547 - Erik

548 - Errettung von Mandria (19xx)(Schlindwein, Harald)(de)(SW)[monochrome]

549 - Escape Quest (demo-playable) (1998)(Temple, Rainer de)

550 - Eskimo Games (1989)(Magic Bytes)

551 - ESLA League Manager III (1995)(Solution Software)(de-en)

552 - Euchre (1990)(The Databasement)(SW)

553 - European Football Champ (1992)(Domark)[cr ICS]

554 - European Space Simulator (1989)(Tomahawk)(FR)(M5)

555 - Eurosoccer '88 (1988)(Grandslam)

556 - Evader v1.3 (1993-07)(DSA)(PD)

557 - Evasion (1992)(The Ghost)(SW)

558 - Exercises (19xx)(Devos, Marcel)(fr)

559 - Exodrom (19xx)(Kowalski, Martin)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

560 - Exolon

561 - Exolon (1987)(Hewson)

562 - Exonathan Maths 3e (1990)(Nathan Logiciels)(fr)[medium resolution]

563 - Exonathan Maths 3e (1990)(Nathan Logiciels)(fr)[monochrome]

564 - Explode (19xx)(Hibbs, Peter D.)(PD)

565 - Explora - Time run (1988)(Infomedia)

566 - Explora - Time run (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 1 of y)

567 - Explora - Time run (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)[cr Atari Legend]

568 - Explora II

569 - Extensor (1987)(Golden Games)

570 - Eye of Horus

571 - Eye of Horus, The (1989)(Logotron)[b]

572 - Eye of Horus, The (1989)(Logotron)[cr MCA][t]

573 - Eye of Horus, The (1989)(Logotron)[cr Replicants][t]

574 - Eyestrain! (1996)(Clarke, Howard)(FW)

575 - F1 Tornado (1992)(Zeppelin)[cr Quartex]

576 - F-15 Strike Eagle (1985)(MicroProse)

577 - F-15 Strike Eagle 2 (1991)(MicroProse)[cr Superior][b]

578 - F-15 Strike Eagle 2 (1991)(MicroProse)[cr Superior][f Elite][b]

579 - F-15 Strike Eagle 2 (1991)(MicroProse)[cr]

580 - F16 (1990)(Ribbink, Martin) & B17 (1990)(Ribbink, Martin)

581 - F-19 Stealth Fighter

582 - F-19 Stealth Fighter v1.02 (1988)(MicroProse)[protected]

583 - Face Off (1988)(Anco)[cr Medway Boys]

584 - Face-Off

585 - Fahrenheit 451 (1984)(Telarium)

586 - Falcon Mission Disk Volume I v1.1 (1989)(Sphere Inc.)[cr V8][needs Falcon Disk 2]

587 - Fallers (1992)(Suresoft)(SW)

588 - Fang die Ratte (19xx)(Kirchhoff, Bobby)(de)(PD)

589 - Fantastic World (1994)(Huth, Thomas)(de)(FW)

590 - Fantastic World 2 v4 (1997)(Huth, Thomas)(de)(FW)

591 - Fantisoft Fluglotsen Simulation (19xx)(Fantisoft)(PD)[monochrome]

592 - Fast Freddy (19xx)(Atkinson, Michael)

593 - Fastlife (1994)(Mr. Ni - Dr. Zweistein)(FW)[monochrome]

594 - Federation of free Traders (1989)(Gremlin)[cr Spectre]

595 - Federation Of Free Traders Menu Disk 05 (19xx)(FOFT)

596 - Fernandez Must Die (1988)(Image Works)

597 - Fernandez Must Die (1988)(Image Works)[cr Axel Follet]

598 - Fiffikus - Das Frage- und Antwortspiel (1990)(Ruminski, G. - Witt, H.J.)(de)

599 - Fighter Bomber (1989)(Activision)[cr Replicants]

600 - Fighter Bomber (1989)(Activision)[cr Replicants][m TC-Soft]

601 - Final Assault (1988)(Epyx)

602 - Find 50 v0.3 (1991)(Wiz-Tek DK)(FW)[monochrome]

603 - Fire & Forget II

604 - Fire (1989)(New Deal Productions)[m Fred Fred]

605 - Fire (2002)(LCD Revival Games)

606 - Fire and Ice (1992)(Graftgold)[cr Cynix]

607 - Fire and Ice (1992)(Graftgold)[cr ICS]

608 - Fire Snare (1993-02)(Phenix Software)

609 - Firestorm (1985)(Inner Fire Software)

610 - Firezone (1988)(PSS)

611 - Firezone (1988)(PSS)(fr)

612 - Fleas (19xx)(Gower, Andrew)

613 - Fleet Street Madness (19xx)(Advent Software)

614 - Flight Levels (19xx)(ST Log)

615 - Flight Simulator II - Scenery Disk 7 (1986)(Sublogic)

616 - Flight Simulator II - Scenery Disk 7 (1987)(Sublogic)

617 - Flight Simulator II - Scenery Disk Japan (1986)(Sublogic)

618 - Flight Simulator II - Scenery Disk USA (1986)(Sublogic)

619 - Flight Simulator II - Scenery Disk Western Europe (1986)(Sublogic)

620 - Flight Simulator II (1986)(Sublogic)[b]

621 - Flight Simulator II (1986)(Sublogic)[cr BOSS - Pet]

622 - Flight Simulator II (1987)(Sublogic)

623 - Flight Simulator II (1987)(Sublogic)[cr DMA]

624 - Flight Simulator II v1.1 (1987-08-27)(Sublogic)

625 - Flimbo's Quest

626 - Flip it! (19xx)(-)

627 - Flip-Flop (1986)(Kingsoft)

628 - Flipside v1.1 (1985)(MichTron)

629 - Flugsimulator II (1987)(Sublogic)(de)

630 - Fly Robin fly (19xx)(Reisoft)

631 - Foot Manager 2 (1991)(Addictive)(fr)

632 - Football (1986-09)(Parkhurst, Jeff)(FW)

633 - Football Champ (1990)(Simulmondo)(M4)

634 - Football Champ (1990)(Simulmondo)(M4)[cr ICS]

635 - Football Director II v2 (1991)(D&H Games)(M5)[cr Elite]

636 - Football Manager 2

637 - Football Manager 2 (1990)(Addictive)

638 - Forgotten Worlds (1989)(U.S. Gold)

639 - Formel 1 - Manager (1987)(Mayer, Frank)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

640 - Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(M3)[cr Elite]

641 - Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(M3)[cr Ultimate]

642 - Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)[b]

643 - Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)[cr MJF]

644 - Fort Apachie (1992)(Impressions)[cr Factory]

645 - Foundation's Waste

646 - Foundation's Waste (1988)(Exocet Software)[b]

647 - Foundation's Waste (1988)(Exocet Software)[cr Dom][h Axel Follet][b]

648 - Foundation's Waste (1988)(Exocet Software)[cr Was -Not Was-]

649 - Four Wins & Puzzle (1992)(Zwerschke, Christoph)(FW)

650 - Four-F (2005)(Fruitware)(FW)

651 - Frankenstein (1992)(Zeppelin)

652 - Freaked Out (1993)(Sharp, Chris)(PD)

653 - Fred the Frisky Flea (1989)(Bjoerk, Frederik)(PD)

654 - Frogger (1993)(Munsie, Dave)(SW)

655 - Fruit Pursuit (1992)(Digital Dimension)(SW)

656 - Fuck Quest (1998)(Eter, Richard)(PD)

657 - Fuerst der Finsternis, Der (1992-12-30)(Kutbay, Emre)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

658 - Full Metal Planete

659 - Fulltron v1.0 (19xx)(Criz)

660 - Fussball-ST plus v1.8 (19xx)(Duda, Rainer)(PD)

661 - Future Basketball

662 - Future Basketball (1990)(Hewson)[cr Replicants]

663 - Fuzion CD 124 (1992)(Fuzion)

664 - Fuzzball (1987)(Budgie UK)(PD)

665 - Fuzzball (1987)(Methodic Solutions)

666 - Galactic Ranger (1987-10)(Duncan, James Dale)(SW)

667 - Galactic Wariors v1.0 (1987)(Fradkin, Joel)(SW)

668 - Galaxia (19xx)(Budgie UK)(LW)

669 - Galaxian (1993)(Sinister Developments)(M5)(SW)

670 - Galaxy Force II

671 - Galaxy Force II (1989)(Activision)

672 - Galaxy Force II (1989)(Activision)[cr V8][b]

673 - Game Concept (1991)(The Conceptors)(fr)(PD)

674 - Game Over II

675 - Games Compil 06 (19xx)(-)

676 - Games Compil 18 (19xx)(-)

677 - Games Compil 19 (19xx)(-)

678 - Games Compil 24 (19xx)(-)

679 - Games Compil 25 (19xx)(-)

680 - Games Compil 39 (19xx)(-)

681 - Games Compil 40 (19xx)(-)

682 - Games Compil 42 (19xx)(-)

683 - Games Compil 49 (19xx)(-)

684 - Games Compil 49 (19xx)(-)[monochrome]

685 - Games Compil 56 (19xx)(-)

686 - Games Compil 59 (19xx)(-)

687 - Games Compilation 1 (19xx)(Misc)

688 - Garfield - Big, Fat, Hairy Deal (1988)(Softek)[b]

689 - Garfield - Big, Fat, Hairy Deal (1988)(Softek)[cr]

690 - Garfield Winter'sTail (1989)(Softek)

691 - Garfield Winter'sTail (1989)(Softek)[don't work with TOS 1.06 or later]

692 - Gary Lineker's Hot-shot! (1990)(Gremlin)

693 - Gary Lineker's Super Skills (1987)(Gremlin)(Disk A)

694 - Gary Lineker's Super Skills (1987)(Gremlin)(Disk B and C)

695 - Gauntlet (1985)(U.S. Gold)[b]

696 - Gauntlet (1987)(Mindscape)

697 - Gazza's Super Soccer

698 - GEM Amigo v1.0 (19xx)(Allison, Warwick)(PD)[monochrome]

699 - Gem Manager v0.89 (19xx)(Glauser, Ivan)(FW)[monochrome]

700 - Gemcell v1.00 (19xx)(Weets, Holger)(PD)[monochrome]

701 - Gemini Wing

702 - Gemory (19xx)(Holtkamp, Juergen)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

703 - Gems (19xx)(Brownlow, Martin)(PD)[ST]

704 - GemThor v3.36 (19xx)(Miche, Jean-Jacques)(fr)(SW)

705 - Gem'X (1991)(Kaiko)[cr ICS][t +2]

706 - General (1990)(Vogel, Michael)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

707 - Genesis (1989)(-)[b] & Zynaps (1988)(Hewson)

708 - Geographie (19xx)(Simonet, J.-L.)(fr)

709 - Geometrie - Confirme 3e (1990)(Retz)(fr)

710 - Geschicklichkeitsflitzer v2.0 (1990)(Austriain Gold)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

711 - Gess v1b (1995-06-05)(Doucet, Jean-Etienne)(FW)

712 - Get Dexter

713 - Get it there v0.3 (1991)(Pitt PD Soft)(PD)[monochrome]

714 - Get Slide (1994-03-20)(Shlien, Seymour)(PD)

715 - GFL Championship Football

716 - GFL Championship Football (1987)(Activision)

717 - G-Force Menu 71 (19xx)(G-Force)

718 - G-Force Menu 71 (19xx)(G-Force)[b]

719 - Ghost Chaser (19xx)(Byte Back)

720 - Ghost Mine (1990)(Baggetta, Albert)(SW)

721 - Ghosts 'n' Goblins (1990)(Elite)[cr Empire][t]

722 - Ghosts 'n' Goblins (1990)(Elite)[cr Replicants][m EMT][t][b]

723 - Ghosts 'n' Goblins (1990)(Elite)[cr Replicants][t]

724 - Ghosts 'n' Goblins (1990)(Elite)[cr][t +3]

725 - Ghosts'n Goblins

726 - Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)

727 - Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)[cr ST Chaos][b]

728 - Ghouls'n Ghosts

729 - Gilbert (demo-playable) (1997)(Rogala, Adam)

730 - Gilgalad (1986)(Dheus, Markus)(PD)[monochrome]

731 - Gin Rummy (1996)(Deano)(PD)

732 - Gluecksrad (1992)(Gametek)[cr Wondersoft]

733 - Gluecksrad ST (1990)(Pesch, Heinrich)(de)(PD)

734 - Gmines v1.0 (1992)(Setzepfand, Bernd)(PD)

735 - GNCipher - Challenges from the Crypto (1990)(The Good News Software)(SW)

736 - GNU Chess v3.5 (1994-10-26)(Black Knight)(PD)[monochrome]

737 - GNU Go v1.1 (1989-01-03)(Free Software Foundation)(PD)[monochrome]

738 - Go Board v4.0 (1990)(Sente Software)(SW)

739 - Gobang v3.1 (19xx)(Ori-Soft)(FW)

740 - Goin' Down with the Captain (1995)(King, T.A.)(FW)

741 - Gold of the Realm (1988)(Magnetic Images)

742 - Gold Rush (1987-11)(Budgie UK)(PD)

743 - Gold Seeker v2.0 (1992-02)(Henry, David M.)(FW)

744 - Golden Path (1986)(Firebird)

745 - Goldrunner (1987)(Microdeal)

746 - Goldrunner (1987)(Microdeal)[cr Axel Follet][t Sumo]

747 - Goldrunner II (1988)(Microdeal)

748 - Goldrunner II (1988)(Microdeal)(Scenery Disk 1)

749 - Go-Moku (1986-09-27)(B.E.ware)(PD)

750 - Gomoku and Renju (1988)(Bray Researech)[monochrome]

751 - Goofy's Railway Express

752 - Gorf's Laby (1988)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

753 - Gorf's Laby (1988)(Motelsoft)(FW)

754 - Go-Up v0.0 (1987)(Wurth, Ruediger)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

755 - Go-Up v1.0 (1989)(Wurth, Ruediger)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

756 - GPPD v1.0 (1992)(Meyer, Christian)(PD)[monochrome]

757 - Grampa Howard Mysteries (1990)(Hafner, Carl J.)(SW)

758 - Grand Prix 500cc (1987)(Microids)(fr)

759 - Grand Prix 500cc (1987)(Microids)(fr)[cr CGC]

760 - Grand Prix 500cc (1987)(Microids)(fr)[cr Steak Frites - CGC]

761 - Grand Prix 500cc (1987)(Microids)(fr)[cr STeak Frites][b]

762 - Grandad and The Quest for The Holey Vest Cheat Program (1993)(MugUK)(PD)

763 - Gran-Prix (19xx)(Crash ST BBS)

764 - Grateful Dead Game, The (19xx)(Collier, John)[cr Starman]

765 - Grav (19xx)(Brownlow, Martin)(FW)[ST]

766 - Gravity

767 - Gravity (1990)(Image Works)

768 - Greame Souness Vector Soccer (1991)(Impulze)[cr Elite]

769 - Great Giana Sisters, The (1988)(Time Warp)[cr Atariking][50-60 hz]

770 - Great Giana Sisters, The (1988)(Time Warp)[cr BOSS][b]

771 - Great Giana Sisters, The (1988)(Time Warp)[cr BOSS][m EMT][t +4]

772 - Great Giana Sisters, The (1988)(Time Warp)[cr BOSS][t +3]

773 - Great Giana Sisters, The (1988)(Time Warp)[cr BOSS][t +4]

774 - Great Napoleonic Battles (1991)(Impressions)(Game disk)

775 - Great Napoleonic Battles (1991)(Impressions)(M6)[cr Atari Legend]

776 - Greed v2.0c (19xx)(Day, Matthew T.)[monochrome]

777 - Gridcross (1993)(Greenwood, Tony)(PD)

778 - Grosse deutsche Ballerspiel 2, Das (19xx)(Rieck, Michael - Ehlers, Thomas)(PD)

779 - Grosse deutsche Ballerspiel, Das (19xx)(Rieck, Michael - Ehlers, Thomas)(PD)[monochrome]

780 - Grosse deutsche Ballerspiel, Das v2.0 (19xx)(Rieck, Michael - Ehlers, Thomas)(PD)[monochrome]

781 - Growth

782 - GThor v2 (1991-10-05)(Quin, Sylvain)(fr)(FW)[monochrome]

783 - Guardian Angel

784 - Guess-A-Sketch (1989)(Creative Images)(PD) & Joust (19xx)(Rugby Circle)[b]

785 - Guess-A-Sketch (1989)(Creative Images)(SW)

786 - Gulp v1.2 (19xx)(Hoevener, Markus)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

787 - Gunship (1987)(MicroProse)[manual protection]

788 - Hack (19xx)(-)[monochrome]

789 - Hacker (1985)(Activision)

790 - Hacker 2 (1988)(Activision)

791 - Hacker II : The Doomsday Papers

792 - Hades Nebula (1987)(Nexus Software)[cr 42-Crew][t]

793 - Halma v1.0 (1991-12-02)(Meyer, Joachim)(de)(PD)

794 - Hammerfist

795 - Hang Man (1988-11)(Copland, Sean)

796 - Hangabout (19xx)(John Hodskinson)(GB)(PD)

797 - Hangman (19xx)(Magro, Bill)(US)[monochrome]

798 - Hank's Quest - Victim Of Society (2001)(Femo Duo Entertainment)(PD)

799 - Hanse (1986)(Ariolasoft)(de)[TOS 1.0]

800 - Hanse (1986)(Ariolasoft)(de)[TOS 1.0] & Maxidisk (1987-05-16)(Boehm, Max)(PD) & Hacker 2 (1986)(Actisource) & X-Tracks (19xx)(-)[cr The Executioner]

801 - Happy Days Bingo (19xx)(Hanson, O.Wendell)(FW)

802 - Happy Worm (19xx)(Happy Fish Software)

803 - Hard Drivin' (1989)(Domark)[cr Corporation]

804 - Hard Drivin' (1989)(Domark)[cr Mad]

805 - Hard Drivin' (1989)(Domark)[cr Replicants]

806 - Hard Drivin' II - Drive Harder (1991)(Domark)[cr Hotline]

807 - Hard 'n' Heavy (1989)(ReLINE Software)

808 - Hard 'n' Heavy (1989)(ReLINE Software)[cr Jabba][t Axe +2]

809 - Hard Nova (1991)(Electronic Arts)(Disk Uranus)[cr Elite]

810 - Hardball (1987)(Accolade)

811 - HardBall!

812 - Hardcore (demo-playable) (1992-05)(Llamasoft)(SW)

813 - Harley-Davidson - The Road to Sturgis

814 - Harrier Strike Mission (1986)(Novic Game)

815 - Haunted House (demo-playable) (19xx)(Eidersoft)(PD)

816 - Haywire (19xx)(Hodskinson, John)(PD)

817 - Head Over Heels (1987)(Ocean)

818 - Headlong (1992)(Wheaton, Gary)(SW)

819 - Hearbell v3 (1991-07)(Budgie UK)(PD)

820 - Heavy Bunch, The v1.03 (1992)(Deano)

821 - Hector vs. the mutant Vampire Tomatoes from Hell (1993)(Whitby, Pete J.)

822 - Hellraider

823 - Hellraiser (1988)(Exocet Software)

824 - Hellraiser (1988)(Exocet Software)[cr MCA]

825 - Helter Skelter (1990)(Audiogenic)

826 - Herman (1994)(Thompson, Paul)

827 - Hero! (1994)(Winslow, Dan)[cr Berlin Elite]

828 - Hero! v1.0 (1988)(Winslow, Dan)(SW)

829 - Heroes of the Lance

830 - Heroes of the Lance v1.0 (1988)(SSI)

831 - Heroes of the Lance v1.0 (1988)(SSI)[cr Bladerunners][Disk A]

832 - Heroes of the Lance v1.1 (1988)(SSI)(Disk A)[protected]

833 - Hexapawn (19xx)(Erictronics)

834 - High Roller (1986)(Mirrorsoft)

835 - High Roller (1992-01)(Budgie UK)(PD)

836 - High Steel (1989)(7 Screen)

837 - Highly Side (19xx)(Cobalt System)[STE]

838 - Highly Side (demo-playable) (19xx)(Cobalt System)[STE]

839 - Hill Street Blues

840 - H-MEC (1993)(Breakpoint Software)(PD)[STE]

841 - H-MEC '93 (1993)(Breakpoint)[GW]

842 - HMS Cobra - Convoi pour Mourmansk (1987)(Cobra)(fr)

843 - Hole In One Golf (1986)(Artwork)

844 - Hollywood Hijinx (1986)(Infocom)

845 - Home Casino Poker (1986)(Dubl Dubl Funware) & ST Vegas (19xx)(-)

846 - Honda RVF (1989)(Micro Style)[cr Medway Boys]

847 - Hong Kong Phooey (1990)(HiTEC Software)

848 - Hong Kong Phooey (1990)(HiTEC Software)[m]

849 - Hook (1991)(Ocean)(en-fr)[cr Cynix]

850 - Hop! (1992-05)(Young, I.)(SW)

851 - Horror Schloss (1988)(Heyduk, Michael)(de)(PD)

852 - Horse Racing Simulator (1990)(Budgie UK)(LW)

853 - Hostages

854 - Hostages (1988)(Infogrames)[b]

855 - Hot Wheels (1991)(ST User)

856 - Hot-Dog (19xx)(-)(PD)[b]

857 - Hotshot

858 - Hotshot Checkers v1.8 (1988-01-11)(Middleton, Don)(PD)

859 - House Quest, The - The Search for the lost Amtmann v2.03 (1992-03-10)(Megaventures)(de)(PD)

860 - Houston Software Disk 02 (19xx)(Houston)

861 - Hover Sprint (1992)(Codemasters)[cr Elite]

862 - Hover Sprint (1992)(Codemasters)[cr Pompey Pirates]

863 - HP48sx Emulator (19xx)(Aura)(FW)

864 - Huang Shi (1990-08-20)(Soft Artists)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

865 - Hunchy 2010 (1993)(Powerfist Productions)(SW)

866 - Hunt for Red October, The (1985)(Argus Press Software)

867 - Hunter Killer

868 - Hunter Killer (1990)(Mastertronics)[cr ST Amigos]

869 - Hunter Killer v1.01 (1990)(Mastertronics)

870 - Hunter Killer v1.01 (1990)(Mastertronics)[cr ST Amigos]

871 - Hyper Force (1989)(Prism Leisure)[cr Empire]

872 - Hyperbowl

873 - Hysula - Spielraum Saga Part III (1992)(Keysoft)(SW)

874 - Hysula (1992)(Keysoft)(SW)

875 - I, Ball

876 - IBS Guardian (1989)(Deto Soft)(SW)

877 - IBS Pegasus (1989)(Deta Soft)(SW)

878 - IBS Pegasus (1989)(Deto Soft)(SW)

879 - IBS Pegasus (19xx)(Deto Soft)(SW)

880 - IBS Starsearcher (1988)(Deto Soft)(SW)

881 - Ikari Warriors (1987)(Elite)

882 - Ikari Warriors (1987)(Elite)[m 42-Crew][t]

883 - Ikari Warriors (1987)(Elite)[m Medway Boys]

884 - Ikari Warriors (1987)(Elite)[m Noid]

885 - Il etait une Fois (1988)(Carraz Editions)(fr)[cr Arcadian]

886 - Illusion (1987)(FaSTer Disk Magazine)

887 - Illusionen (19xx)(ASM)(de)

888 - Impact! (1987)(ASL)[cr]

889 - Impossamole (1990)(Core)

890 - Impossible Mission II (1988)(Epyx)[b]

891 - Impulse (1989)(Grainger, Ian)(PD)

892 - Incantation (1987)(FIL)(fr)[cr Ghost House][m Atariforce]

893 - Incredible Shrinking Sphere (1988)(Electric Dreams)[cr Fantasy Cracker]

894 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Arcade Game (1989)(LucasFilm Games)[cr Delight]

895 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Arcade Game (1989)(LucasFilm Games)[cr Tsunoo Crew][t]

896 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Arcade Game (1989)(U.S. Gold)

897 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

898 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1989)(Mindscape)

899 - Indoor Sports Volume 1 (1988)(Mindscape)

900 - Infestation (1990)(Psygnosis)(M3)[b]

901 - Infiltration (1991-08-09)(Ball, Robin)(SW)

902 - Insect in Space (1990)(Hewson)[cr Empire]

903 - Insecticide (1992)(Hague, Peter)(SW)

904 - Insectroid v1.0 (1992)(Dytmire, Robert)(SW)[512k version]

905 - Insel, Die (1990)(Machens, Christian)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

906 - International Cricket (19xx)(-)(SW)[STOS]

907 - International Karate + (1988)(System 3)[b]

908 - International Karate + (1988)(System 3)[cr Replicants]

909 - International Karate + (1988)(System 3)[cr Replicants][m Atariforce]

910 - International Motor Sport (1992)(Thornett, James)(SW)

911 - International Ninja Rabbits

912 - International Truck Racing

913 - Interphase

914 - Interphase (1990)(Image Works)

915 - Into the Eagle's Nest (1987)(Mindscape)

916 - Into the Eagle's Nest (1987)(Pandora)

917 - Invaders (1986-12)(Dheus, Markus)(PD)

918 - Invasion (1987)(MichTron)

919 - Invasion (1988)(Henderson, Robert)

920 - Invers v1.0 (1994-12-16)(Hagedorn, Dirk)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

921 - Investigation (1993)(Laser Soft)

922 - Investigation 2 - A Wellard Holiday (19xx)(Laser Soft)

923 - Iraky (1991)(Ronan)

924 - Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(de)

925 - Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(de)[b]

926 - Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(FR)[cr Overlanders]

927 - Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(FR)[cr Replicants]

928 - Ishido (1994-02-10)(Dekker, Martijn)(SW)[monochrome]

929 - Island Strike - The ultimate Conflict (1996-05)(Stosser)(PD)

930 - Isola v2.50 (19xx)(Grellier, T.)(PD)

931 - It can't be done (demo-playable) (1990)(Psygnosis)

932 - Italy 1990

933 - Italy 1990 (1990)(U.S. Gold)

934 - Ivanhoe

935 - Iznogoud (1987-12-30)(Infogrames)(FR)

936 - Iznogoud (1987-12-30)(Infogrames)(FR)[cr -]

937 - Jack Nicklaus Greatest 18 Holes of major Championship Golf (1989)(Accolade)

938 - Jackpot v0.6 (1990)(Wiz-Tek DK)(FW)

939 - J'additionne et Je Multiplie (1988)(Carraz Editions)(fr)[b]

940 - James Pond : Underwater Agent

941 - James Pond 2 : Codename RoboCod

942 - Japlish Assualt Razor (1988)(Loisa, S.)(FI)

943 - Jay Minesweeper v2.2 (1999-01-23)(Jay Software)(FW)[monochrome]

944 - Jay Zebuland v1.30 (2002-07-24)(Jay Software)(SW)

945 - Je Colorie (19xx)(Billard, Dominique)(fr)[cr Brume]

946 - Je Decouvre les Lettres et les Chiffres (19xx)(Carraz Editions)(fr)[cr Brume]

947 - Jeopardy v1.0 (1987-06-15)(Salzillo, Vinny)[monochrome]

948 - Jeopardy v1.0 (1995)(RegiSoft)(PD)

949 - Jet v1.01 (1987)(Sublogic)

950 - Jet v1.01 (1987)(Sublogic)[m EMT]

951 - Jetpac (1992)(Budgie UK)(LW)

952 - Jet-Set Willy (1990)(Software Projects)

953 - Jet-Set Willy (1990)(Software Projects)[b]

954 - Jewels of Darkness

955 - Jiggers (1992)(Digital Dimension)(SW)

956 - Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker (1991)(Virgin)[cr BBC]

957 - Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker (1991)(Virgin)[cr Elite]

958 - Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker (1991)(Virgin)[cr Sub Humans in Turkey]

959 - Joe Blade (1988)(Players)

960 - Joe Blade 2 (1988)(Players)

961 - Johann's Blackjack Table (1990)(Sozobon)(SW)

962 - Joust (1985)(Atari)

963 - Joust (1986)(Atari)[cr LSD]

964 - Joust (1987)(Waynwrite, Ken - McCay, John M.)(PD)

965 - Joust Collection (19xx)(Atari)[cr Softrunner]

966 - Jug (1989)(Microdeal)

967 - Jungle Hero (1989-10)(Holliday, Jason)(SW)

968 - Jupiter Probe (1987)(Microdeal)

969 - Juppy (1993)(-)(de)(PD)[Falcon]

970 - Kaboom (19xx)(Munsie, Dave)(SW)

971 - Kampf um die Krone (1988)(Lifetimes)(de)

972 - Karate Champion (1993-05-15)(Leonard, Mark)

973 - Karate Kid - Part II, The (1986)(Microdeal)[cr 42-Crew]

974 - Karate King (1987)(Kingsoft)

975 - Kasskong (1991)(Le Champion)

976 - Kayden Garth (1989)(Goldline)

977 - Kelly X (1989)(Virgin)

978 - Kelly X (1989)(Virgin) & Pipedream (19xx)(LucasFilm Games)-[cr Replicants]

979 - Kensington v1.2 (1995-07)(Lippert, Manfred)(de)(FW)

980 - Kerovna (1989-06-20)(Groener, Harald)(SW)

981 - Khan (1990-05-01)(Budgie UK)(PD)

982 - Kick Off - Extra Time (1989)(Anco)[cr Revolution]

983 - Kick Off (1989)(Anco)[cr Delight]

984 - Kick Off (1989)(Anco)[cr Was -Not Was-]

985 - Kick Off 2

986 - Kick Off 2 - Player Editor v4.19p (1991)(Douglas, Giles)(SW)

987 - Kick Off 2 - Return to Europe

988 - Kick Off 2 - The Final Whistle

989 - Kick Off 2 - Winning Tactics

990 - Kick Off 2 (1991)(Anco)[cr Medway Boys]

991 - Kicker v1.82 (1990)(PolarSoftware)(de)(FW)

992 - Kid Games Collection (1988)(Brumleve, Dorothy)[tr de]

993 - Kid Gloves (1990)(Millennium)(GB)[cr ACF][t]

994 - Kid Gloves II (1992)(Millennium)[cr Elite][t]

995 - Kid Gloves II (1992)(Millennium)[cr ICS][t +2]

996 - Kid GP (1992)(Munsie, Dave)(SW)

997 - Kid Kong (1992)(Atari ST Review)

998 - Killdozers (1988)(Lankhor)

999 - Killing Time (19xx)(Redrum ST-Ware)(FW)

1000 - KillThings v0.8e (1996)(Digi Tallis)(FW)[Code on disk]

1001 - Kingdom (19xx)(Groves, Robert)(FW)

1002 - King's Quest (1986)(Sierra)

1003 - King's Quest (1986)(Sierra)[b]

1004 - King's Quest 2 - Romancing The Throne (1985)(Sierra)

1005 - King's Quest 2 - Romancing The Throne (1985)(Sierra)[b]

1006 - King's Quest III : To Heir is Human

1007 - Kittypuk (19xx)(Groves, Robert)(PD)

1008 - Klapauzius Menu Disk 02 (19xx)(Klapauzius)[b]

1009 - Klatrix (1991)(Matta)(SW)

1010 - Klaverjassen v3.1a (1992-11)(Berger, Jeroen)(nl)(PD)[monochrome]

1011 - Klax

1012 - Klax (1990)(Atari)

1013 - Klo-Manager v1.0 (1995-04-14)(Wendtware)(de)(PD)

1014 - Kniffel (1992)(More Soft)(de)(SW)

1015 - Kokoi (1992-04)(Motelsoft - Softwave)(de)(FW)

1016 - Krabat Echecs v1.0b (1986)(Schmidt, Ulf)(fr)

1017 - Krabat-Schach v0.0a (1986-03-22)(Schmidt, Ulf-E.)(de)(PD)

1018 - Krabat-Schach v0.0a (1986-03-22)(Schmidt, Ulf-E.)(PD)[tr en]

1019 - Kreh Orakel, Das (19xx)(-)(de)(FW)[b]

1020 - Kristal, The (1990)(Addictive)[cr Pompey Pirates]

1021 - Kubes (1993)(Digital Dimension)(SW)

1022 - Kubis '96 (1996-07-30)(Reschke, Julian F.)(de)(FW)

1023 - Labyrinth (1987)(Williams, John)

1024 - Labyrinth der Medusa v2.04 (1993)(Schuster, Uwe)(de)(SW)[monochrome]

1025 - Labyrinthe de Morphintax, Le (1991)(Retz)

1026 - Labyrinthe des Pharaons, Le (19xx)(Retz)(fr)

1027 - Lancelot v1.2 (1990)(Wisisoft)(de)(FW)

1028 - Lancelot v1.2 (1990)(Wisisoft)(FW)

1029 - L'Arche du Capitaine Blood

1030 - Laser Squad

1031 - Laserchess (19xx)(Duppong, Mike M.)

1032 - Last Arcadian, The (1992)(Stalpers, Micha)(PD) & Puccer (1993-03-14)(Green, Matthew)(PD)

1033 - Last Chance! (19xx)(Reader, Ken)(GB)

1034 - Last Duel (1988)(Capcom)[cr MDK]

1035 - Last Ninja 3 : Real Hatred is Timeless

1036 - Last Resort, The - A Game of Violence (demo-playable) (19xx)(The Watchmen)

1037 - Lawman for Hire (demo-playable) (19xx)(Shantzy)[cr Starman]

1038 - Le Manoir de Mortevielle

1039 - Leader Board

1040 - Leader Board Pro Golf Simulator (1986)(Access)

1041 - Leader Board Pro Golf Simulator (1986)(Access)[cr BOSS]

1042 - Leader Board Pro Golf Simulator (1986)(Access)[protected]

1043 - Leader Board Pro Golf Simulator Tournament Disk 1 (1986)(Access)[cr Boss]

1044 - Leader Board Pro Golf Simulator Tournament Disk 1 (1986)(Access)[cr Boss] & Tennis (1986)(DL Research)(fr)

1045 - Leader Board Pro Golf Simulator Tournament Disk 1 (1986)(Access)[protected]

1046 - Learn my Numbers v1.0 (1993-07-10)(Mountain Software)(SW)[STE]

1047 - Leather Goddesses of Phobos (1986)(Activision)[b]

1048 - Led Storm (1988)(Software Creations)[cr Medway Boys]

1049 - Lee Enfield in an Amazon Adventure (1988)(Infogrames)

1050 - Leeds United Champions (1993)(CDS)[cr Section One]

1051 - Legend of Faerghail (1990)(ReLINE Software)[cr Replicants][m Atariforce]

1052 - Leonardo (1989)(Starbyte)(DE)(en)

1053 - Les Tuniques Bleues - North & South

1054 - Les Voyageurs Du Temps : La Menace

1055 - Lethal Xcess - Wings of Death II

1056 - Let's go Memo! v1.5g (1997)(Sporn, David)(fr)(SW)

1057 - Letter Bomber v1.0 (19xx)(New Soft)(SW)

1058 - Lettris (19xx)(Smith, A.G.)(SW)

1059 - Liberator (1987)(Micro Value)

1060 - Licence to Kill (1989)(Domark)[cr Replicants][t]

1061 - Licence to Kill (1989)(Domark)[cr TDA][m EMT]

1062 - Light Cycles (1990)(Budgie UK)(LW)

1063 - Light Out (1997)(Irvine, Andrew)(SW)

1064 - Lila v2.05 (19xx)(Zwyrd)(de)(FW)

1065 - Line Crash (1992)(Wakko Software)(FW)

1066 - Line Raiders v0.1 (1997-08-03)(Wherry, Mark)(SW)

1067 - Little 15 v2.0 (1995-09-08)(Hagedorn, Dirk)(de)(FW)

1068 - Little Computer People (1986)(Activision)

1069 - Little Puff in Dragonland (1989)(Codemasters)[cr Medway Boys]

1070 - Live and Let Die (1988)(Elite)[b]

1071 - Live and Let Die (1988)(Elite)[b2]

1072 - Llamatron v1.0 (1991-03-20)(Yak)(SW)[512kB]

1073 - Lobber (19xx)(-)

1074 - Lode Runner (1989)(Broderbund)(fr)[cr Empire]

1075 - Lode Runner (1989)(Broderbund)(fr)[cr]

1076 - Lode Runner (1989)(Broderbund)(fr)[cr2]

1077 - Lode Runner (1989)(Broderbund)[cr Empire]

1078 - Log!cal

1079 - Logic Problems (19xx)(Pruden, John)

1080 - Lombard Rally (1988)(Mandarin Software)

1081 - Lombard Rally (1988)(Mandarin)

1082 - Lombric (1999-08-12)(Exocet)(FW)

1083 - Loom (1990)(LucasFilm Games)(de)[b]

1084 - Looped (19xx)(Bullough, J.)

1085 - Loopz (1990)(Audiogenic)[cr Empire]

1086 - Lord of Chaos (demo-playable) (1991)(UBI Soft)

1087 - Lords of Conquest (1988)(Eon)

1088 - Lords of Fate, The v2.01 (1989-11-26)(act Adventures)(de)

1089 - Lost Civilisation (1989-10)(Hajak, stephan)(de)(PD)

1090 - Lost Kingdom of Zkul, The (1985)(Talent Computer Systems)[cr BBC][m Atariforce]

1091 - Lost Planet, The v1 (demo-playable) (19xx)(Pipecleaner Productions)[cr Starman]

1092 - Lost Treasure v1.0 (1988)(Henry, Dave)(SW)

1093 - Lucky Luke - Nitroglycerine (19xx)(Coktel Vision)(DE)[cr Exceptions]

1094 - Lucky Star (19xx)(Stoske, Stephan)(de)(SW)[monochrome]

1095 - Lure of the Temptress

1096 - Lure of the Temptress (1992)(Virgin)(Disk C)[b]

1097 - Luxor (1988)(Software Horizons)

1098 - M1 Tank Platoom v749.01 (1990)(MicroProse)

1099 - Mac Pan v1.0 (1987-08-21)(Beith, Richard)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

1100 - Macadam Bumper (1987)(ERE)

1101 - Mach 3

1102 - Mach 3 (1987)(Loriciel)[cr Boss]

1103 - Mach 3 (1987)(Loriciel)[cr Mamba]

1104 - Machtkampf (1993)(Solution Software)(de)

1105 - Macro War v1.01 (1991)(Standnes, Arne)(PD)[monochrome]

1106 - Mad Gun v0.2 (1991)(Wiz-Tek DK)(FW)

1107 - Mafdet and the Book of the Dead

1108 - Mafdet and the Book of the Dead (1988)(Software Horizons)

1109 - Mafiabrothers v0.9.7beta (1997-07-29)(Istari)(FW)

1110 - Magic Fly (1990)(Electronic Arts)

1111 - Magic Spell (1993)(Savino, T.)(SW)

1112 - Magic Stones v1.04 (1995)(Moeklin, Emanuel)

1113 - Magic Stones v1.05 (1996)(Mocklin, Emanuel)(PD)

1114 - Magicland Dizzy (1991)(Codemasters)[cr Elite][t]

1115 - Magisches Quadrat v1.0 (1994-12-15)(Hagedorn, Dirk)(de)(FW)[monochrome]

1116 - Magnetik Tank (1986)(Loriciel)[cr Steak frites]

1117 - Magno-Ball (1992)(JV Enterprises)(SW)

1118 - Major Motion (1985)(MichTron)

1119 - Malefiz (1988)(Deep Thought Computing Enterprises)(de)(PD)

1120 - Manchester United

1121 - Manciola (1992)(AAZ)(fr)(SW)

1122 - Mangemot (1991)(VTA)(fr)

1123 - Manhattan Dealers

1124 - Manhattan Dealers (1988)(Silmarils)

1125 - Manoir de Mortevielle, Le (1987)(Lankhor)(FR)

1126 - Manoir de Mortevielle, Le (1987)(Lankhor)(FR)[cr Monda]

1127 - Mansion, The (demo-playable) (1994)(Croftsoft)(SW)

1128 - Mapper (demo-playable) (19xx)(-)

1129 - Marble Madness (1986)(Electronic Arts)

1130 - Marble Madness (1986)(Electronic Arts)[cr Mr. Atari][m EMT]

1131 - Marble Madness (1986)(Electronic Arts)[cr STCS]

1132 - Marble Madness (1986)(Electronic Arts)[u]

1133 - Marbles v0.9 (1998)(Peylow)(FW)

1134 - Marche a l'Ombre (1997)(Infogrames)(FR)[cr 42-Crew]

1135 - Mariant v1.0 (1993-09)(Doucet, Jean-Etienne)(FW)

1136 - Marlowe (1992-05-20)(IDL)(PD)

1137 - Marque Jaune, La (1988)(Cobra Soft)(fr)

1138 - Mars Maze (19xx)(Mat-Tom)

1139 - Masken (1988)(-)[sv]

1140 - Masken Remix (19xx)(Acid)(PD)

1141 - Masque - Que la Fete commence (1987)(Ubi Soft)(FR)

1142 - Massacre dans la 520e Dimension (1987)(Loriciel)(FR)[TOS 1.0]

1143 - Mastermind (1989)(Motelsoft)(PD)

1144 - Mastermind (19xx)(Houston, J.K.)

1145 - Masters of Chaos (1994)(Gen&Wax)

1146 - Match (1990-04)(Feikert, Marko)(PD)

1147 - Match of the Day (1992)(Zeppelin)[cr Cynix]

1148 - Match-up! v1.1 (1996-12)(Hawes, Robin)(SW)

1149 - Maternelle 4-5 Ans v1.0 (1989)(Davy, C.M.)(fr)

1150 - Maths CM (1988)(Micro-C)(fr)

1151 - Matrix Marauders

1152 - Maxi Bourse International (1988)(Cobra Soft)(fr)[cr Bladerunners][m Atariforce]

1153 - Maxi Bourse International (1988)(Cobra)(fr)

1154 - Maz v2.1 (1990)(Weaver Jr., J.)(SW)

1155 - Maze Combat (1994)(Dougherty, Sean)

1156 - Maze, The (1997)(Bodo & Till)[low res]

1157 - Maze, The (1997)(Bodo & Till)[monochrome]

1158 - Mazewar ST (1991)(Wacko Software)(SW)

1159 - Mean 18

1160 - Mega Phoenix (1991)(Dinamic)

1161 - Mega Twins

1162 - MegaLine (1993)(Unique Entertainment)(FW)

1163 - MegaMaze (1988)(Lindros, Eric B.)(SW)

1164 - Megamix (1990)(Budgie UK)(LW)

1165 - Megamix 2 - Brainstorm (1991)(Budgie UK)(LW)

1166 - Megaroids (1985)(Bunnell, Mike and Mitch)(FW)

1167 - Megatrix (1993)(Energy)(en-fr)(SW)

1168 - Mem (2002-02-17)(Creators)(FW)

1169 - Memorized (1992)(Imagina)(PD)

1170 - Mercenary - Escape from Targ & The Second City

1171 - Mercenary - Escape From Targ (1986)(Novasoft)

1172 - Mercenary - Escape From Targ (1986)(Novasoft)[cr BOSS]

1173 - Mercenary 2 - Damocles Mission Disk 2 (1990)(Novagen)

1174 - Mercy Mission (1990)(Brown, Simon)(PD)

1175 - Metro Cross

1176 - Metro-Cross (1985)(Probe Software)

1177 - Metro-Cross (1985)(Probe Software)[cr SCC]

1178 - Metro-Cross (1985)(Probe)

1179 - Metropolia (19xx)(Schwertersoft)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

1180 - Meurtres en Serie (1988)(Cobra)(fr)

1181 - Michigan Mike and the Lost City of Zorog (1995)(EDS)(PD)

1182 - Mickey Mouse - The Computer Game (1989)(Gremlin)

1183 - Mickey's Runaway Zoo (1991)(Disney Software)(M5)

1184 - Microbac Geographie (19xx)(Rougeulle, Marianne)(fr)[cr Arcadian]

1185 - Microprose Soccer (1989)(MicroProse)

1186 - Midi Maze (1987)(Hybrid Arts)

1187 - Midi Maze (1987)(Hybrid Arts)(PD)[republished by Karstadt]

1188 - Midi Maze 3 - The third Generation v0.9beta (1992)(MH)

1189 - Midi Maze Editor (19xx)(Twilight)(PD)

1190 - Midi Zap (1993)(Feltin, D.)(PD)

1191 - Midnight Resistance (1990)(Ocean)

1192 - Midwinter (1990)(Rainbird)[b]

1193 - Midwinter II - Flames of Freedom (1991)(Maelstrom Games)

1194 - Midwinter II - Flames of Freedom (1991)(Maelstrom Games)(Boot)

1195 - Midwinter II - Flames of Freedom (1991)(Maelstrom Games)(de)

1196 - Mile Stone (1986)(Addison, David)(PD)

1197 - Millenium 2.2 (1989)(Electric Dreams)

1198 - Millenium 2.2 (1989)(Electric Dreams)[a savegames]

1199 - Mind Melt (19xx)(Clifford, David)

1200 - Mind Sweeper v1.1 (1994-05-18)(Hameleers, Eric)(SW)

1201 - Mindshadow (1986)(Activision)

1202 - Mindshadow (1986)(Activision)[b]

1203 - Mindwheel (1984)(Synapse)[m Webbed Sphere BBS]

1204 - Mine Field (2004)(MJJ-Prod)(fr)(PD)

1205 - Mine Sweeper - The Directors Cut (1994)(Top Notch)

1206 - Mine Sweeper (1996)(Cream)

1207 - Mine Sweeper v2.132 (1992-05-10)(Uwe Poliak Software)(PD)[monochrome]

1208 - Minenfeld v1.2 (1987-05-20)(Devil Soft)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

1209 - Minenraeumer, Der (1993-03-18)(Al Mundo)(de)(SW)[monochrome]

1210 - Mines (1993)(Moresoft)(SW)

1211 - Mines (19xx)(van der Steen, Jan)[monochrome]

1212 - Minesweeper (1994)(Maisey, M.J.)(FW)

1213 - Minesweeper v1.0 (1992)(Ringpull)

1214 - Minesweeper v1.0 (1992)(Ringpull)(PD)

1215 - Mini Adventure, The v1.61686 (19xx)(Leavens, Alex)

1216 - Mini Game Collection (19xx)(-)(PD)

1217 - Minigolf (1987)(Englmeyer, Gregor)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

1218 - Miniskat (1987)(Roerig, Norbert)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

1219 - Minos (19xx)(-)

1220 - Miser Mind v1.0 (1994-08)(Miquel, Denis)(SW)

1221 - Missile (19xx)(Rodman, Rick)(FW)

1222 - Missile Alert! (1991)(Budgie UK)(LW)

1223 - Missile Command v1.0 (1987-02)(Knebe, Alexander)(de)(SW)[monochrome]

1224 - Missing - One Droid

1225 - Missing- One Droid (1986)(Bug Byte)

1226 - Mission (1987)(Loriciel)[cr Was -Not Was-]

1227 - Mission Deadzone (1990)(Budgie UK)(LW)

1228 - Mission Elevator (1989)(Euro Gold Starline)

1229 - Mission Elevator (1989)(Euro Gold Starline)[cr 42-Crew]

1230 - Mission en Rafale (1987)(FIL)(en-fr)[cr BOSS]

1231 - Mission Genocide

1232 - Mission X (1993-04-07)(Haar, Michael)(de)(PD)

1233 - Molecule v2 (1995-07-07)(Doucet, Jean-Etienne)(FW)

1234 - Money Spinner v1.2 (1988)(Budgie UK)(LW)

1235 - Monkey Business (19xx)(Other Valley Software)(PD)

1236 - Monopoly (1987)(Dragonsoft)(de)(FW)[monochrome]

1237 - Monopoly (19xx)(Addison, David)(PD)

1238 - Monopoly (19xx)(Raumer, JP)(fr)

1239 - Monopoly (19xx)(Raumer, JP)(fr)[cr Papy Boom]

1240 - Monopoly (19xx)(Raumer, JP)(fr)[cr][m boot Zorro II]

1241 - Monopool (19xx)(-)(PD)[monochrome]

1242 - Monster Business

1243 - Monster Business (1991)(Eclipse)[cr Elite][t +5]

1244 - Moonfall (1991)(21st Century Entertainment)[cr Elite][m Berlin Elite][t]

1245 - Moonpatrol (1987)(Williams)

1246 - Moonpatrol (1987)(Williams) & Mouse Trap (1987)(Micro Value)

1247 - Morpion (19xx)(Tiny Toils)

1248 - Morpion 3D v1.10 (2002)(Wolfy II)(fr)(PD)

1249 - Mosaic (19xx)(Hosler, Randy)

1250 - Mosaik v1.0 (19xx)(Weets, Holger)(de)(FW)

1251 - Motor Massacre (1989)(Gray Matter)

1252 - Motorcycle (1987)(Williams, John)

1253 - Mouse Trap (1987)(Micro Value)

1254 - Mouse Trap (19xx)(Micro Value) & Pyramino (1987)(Pressimage)(fr)

1255 - Move It (1990)(Motelsoft)(de)(PD)

1256 - Move It 2 (1990)(Motelsoft)(de)(PD)

1257 - Move It 2 (1990)(Motelsoft)(PD)

1258 - Move It v2.1 (1996-08-05)(Hagedorn, Dirk)(de)(SW)[monochrome]

1259 - Mozaic (1997)(Clarke, Howard)(PD)

1260 - Mr. Dash (1989)(Dheli, P.)(de)(PD)

1261 - Mr. Dice (1991-06)(Shephard, John)

1262 - Mr. Heli (1987)(Irem)[cr Alien][t +2]

1263 - Mr. Heli (1987)(Irem)[cr MCA][m EMT][t]

1264 - Mr. Heli (1987)(Irem)[cr MCA][t]

1265 - Mr. Tiler (19xx)(Erictronics)

1266 - Mr. Tiler's Apprentice (19xx)(Erictronics)

1267 - Ms. Pac v1.5 (19xx)(Munsie, Dave)(PD)

1268 - Mudpies (1985)(Michtron)(SW)

1269 - Muehle (19xx)(Prestele, Rainer)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

1270 - Multi Pakman (1994-03-12)(Stosser Software)(PD)

1271 - Multrix v1.2 (1992-05)(InLi-Software)(de)(SW)

1272 - Multrix v1.5 (1992-09)(InLi-Software)(de)(SW)

1273 - Munsters, The (1988)(Teque)

1274 - Murder (1990)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

1275 - Murder (1990)(U.S. Gold)[cr Empire]

1276 - Murder (1990)(U.S. Gold)[manual protection]

1277 - My name is Tramiel ... Jack Tramiel (1988-03)(Match ST)(fr)[monochrome]

1278 - Mystery Island (1990)(ADV-Workshop)(de)(FW)[monochrome]

1279 - Mystic Realm (1990)(Antic Publishing)

1280 - Mystic Well, The (1990)(Jing Gameware)(FW)

1281 - Mystic Well, The (1990)(Jing Gameware)(FW)[b]

1282 - Myth (demo-playable) (1991)(System 3)[b]

1283 - Naarjek 4 (1993-10-04)(Hafner, Carl J.)(PD)

1284 - Nanjing v2.0 (1996-04-26)(Hagedorn, Dirk)(de)(SW)[monochrome]

1285 - Napalm Quest v0.5 (1998)(Hahn, Marshall)(PD)

1286 - Napoleon (19xx)(Landler, Juergen)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

1287 - Napoleon I - The Campaigns 1805-1814 (1991)(Storm Computers)[cr Atari Legend]

1288 - Nebulus (1988)(Hewson)[cr Atari Legend]

1289 - Necromancien, Le (1989)(UBI Soft)[b]

1290 - Nervana (1989)(Starsoft Labs)

1291 - Netherworld (1988)(Hewson)[cr MCA][t][b]

1292 - Never Mind

1293 - Never Mind (1989)(Psyclapse)

1294 - Never mind v1.0 (19xx)(Holtkamp, Uwe)(de)(FW)

1295 - Newtris (1990)(Borrmann, Alexander)(PD)

1296 - Nibblers (19xx)(Erictronics)

1297 - Nibe (1994-06-27)(Archangel)(FW)

1298 - Nick's Quest in Pursuit of QuakeMovie 2.1 Gold (19xx)(-)(PD)

1299 - Nigel Mansell's World Championship

1300 - Night Raider (1988)(ACME)

1301 - Night Shift

1302 - Night Shift (1990)(Lucasfilm)

1303 - Night Walk

1304 - Nighthunter (1988)(UBI Soft)[cr Replicants]

1305 - Nine Princes in Amber (1985)(Telarium)

1306 - Ninja Mission (1987)(Mastertronics)

1307 - Ninja Rabbits

1308 - Nitro Boost Challenge

1309 - No Excuses

1310 - No Excuses (1988)(Arcana)[cr Bladerunners]

1311 - No Name - The Game (1989)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

1312 - Nord & Bert (1987)(Infocom)[cr Atariforce]

1313 - North Sea Inferno, The (1989)(Magic Bytes)(DE)(en)[cr ACF][censored]

1314 - Northstar (1988)(Gremlin Graphics) & Uridium (1986)(Hewson)

1315 - Norwood Castle (1989)(Motelsoft)(PD)

1316 - Objective Europe (19xx)(-)[b]

1317 - Obliterator

1318 - Official Everton F.C. Intelligensia, The

1319 - Ogre (19xx)(Jenkin, Michael)(PD)

1320 - Ogre v1.06 (1986)(Origin Systems)[cr Elite][b]

1321 - Oh Craps! (19xx)(-)

1322 - Oil Imperium (1989)(ReLINE Software)[b]

1323 - Omega (1989)(Origin)

1324 - Once a King v2 (1988-03-24)(Lavery, Darryn - Griffiths, Mark)(FW)

1325 - One Day Cricket (19xx)(Paladin)(PD)

1326 - Online Backgammon (1991)(Becker, David)(FW)[Monochrome]

1327 - Only! Valency (1994-12-06)(Schulz, Jens)(de)(SW)

1328 - Oo-Topos (1986)(Softkill Int.)

1329 - Operation- Cleanstreets (1988)(Broderbund)

1330 - Operation Garfield (1992)(Brankin, D.J.)(PD)

1331 - Operation Neptune (1989)(Infogrames)

1332 - Operation Stealth

1333 - Operation Thunderbolt

1334 - Operation Wolf (1988)(Ocean)

1335 - Operation Wolf (1988)(Ocean)[b]

1336 - Operation Wolf (1988)(Ocean)[cr 42-Crew][b] & Top Gun (1991)(HiTec)[b]

1337 - Operation Wolf (1988)(Ocean)[cr 42-Crew][t]

1338 - Opus No.1 (19xx)(Bach, Christian)(FW)

1339 - Orbit (19xx)(-)[ST]

1340 - Orbiter v1.01 (1988)(Spectrum Holobyte)

1341 - Oriental Games

1342 - Oriental Games (1990)(Micro Style)[protected]

1343 - Orion' Run v0.7c (demo-playable) (19xx)(Beery'sBit Software)(PD)

1344 - Ork (1991)(Psygnosis)[cr MCA][t]

1345 - Ork (1991)(Psygnosis)[manual protection]

1346 - Ortogus Chapitre 7 (19xx)(-)(fr)

1347 - Othello (19xx)(Budgie UK)(LW)

1348 - Othello v1.02 (1994)(Sinisalo, Petri)(PD)

1349 - Other Place v1.2 (1992-04-20)(CDeFG Games)(FW)

1350 - Out Board (1990)(Loriciel)(FR)

1351 - Out Run (1987)(U.S. Gold)

1352 - Out Run (1987)(U.S. Gold)[cr Axel Follet]

1353 - Out Run Europe (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of y)[cr Superior][b]

1354 - Out Run Europe (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of y)[cr Superior][b2]

1355 - Outcast

1356 - Outcast (1987)(Mastertronic)

1357 - Outer Limits (1990)(Betson, Richard R.)(PD)

1358 - Outguard v1.1 (1997)(Stargate)(FW)

1359 - Outrun (1988)(U.S. Gold)[b]

1360 - Outzone (1991)(Lankhor)[cr Elite][t]

1361 - Outzone (1991)(Lankhor)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][t]

1362 - Overdrive (1996-08)(McNaughton, Ross)(PD)

1363 - Overlander

1364 - Overlander (1988)(Elite)

1365 - Overscan Invaders (1994)(Budgie UK)(LW)[t]

1366 - Ozone (1989)(Goodman International)(SW)

1367 - Pac-land (1989)(Namco)

1368 - Pacman (1994-01-09)(Ellman, Andrei)(FW)[f STF][STE]

1369 - Pacman for Gem v0.2.5 (1998-12-09)(Becroft, Mario)(FW)

1370 - Pac-Mania

1371 - Pacmania (1987)(Namco)

1372 - Pacmania (1988)(Grandslam)

1373 - Pacmania (1988)(Grandslam) & Pac-Land (1989)(Grandslam)

1374 - Pacmania (1988)(Grandslam)[b]

1375 - Pacmania (1988)(Grandslam)[m Muetzenheini und Angel]

1376 - Paintz (1992)(Xylite)

1377 - Pandora

1378 - Pandora (1987)(Firebird)

1379 - Panik (19xx)(-)(de)(PD)

1380 - Paperboy

1381 - Paperboy (1989)(Elite)[cr MCA][t]

1382 - Paragliding (1991)(Loriciel)[cr Vmax]

1383 - Paragliding (1991)(Loriciel)[cr Vmax][m EMT]

1384 - Parallax Painter (demo-playable) (19xx)(Cunning and Devious Games)(PD)

1385 - Paranoia (19xx)(-)(PD)

1386 - Parasol Stars (demo-playable) (1992)(Ocean)

1387 - Passagers du Vent I, Les (1987)(Infogrames)(FR)

1388 - Passagers du Vent I, Les (1987)(Infogrames)(FR)[cr][m Atariforce]

1389 - Passagers du Vent II, Les (1987)(Infogrames)(FR)[cr][m Atariforce]

1390 - Passengers on the Wind 2

1391 - Passing Shot (1988)(Image Works)[cr Replicants][m Atariforce]

1392 - Patience v1.1 (1986)(Anja)(PD)[tr en Robin de la Motte][monochrome]

1393 - Patience v2.25 (19xx)(Anja)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

1394 - Patrician, The (1993)(Ascon)[cr Cynix]

1395 - Patrizier, Der (1992)(Ascon)(de)[cr Mettalinos]

1396 - Peggammon (1986)(Artworx)

1397 - Pelmanism (19xx)(Erictronics)(PD)

1398 - Pengi (19xx)(Wak)(PD)

1399 - Pengy (1987)(Red Rat Software)

1400 - Penta (2005)(Paradize)(FW)

1401 - Pentimo v1.10 (1988)(Lorsch, Thomas - Weidner, Volker)(de)(PD)

1402 - Pentominoes (1988)(Frank E. Driver - Geoff Wills)(PD)

1403 - Perfect Match v2.0 (1986)(Michtron)

1404 - Perils of Penfold (1989)(Budgie UK)(LW)

1405 - Perry Mason- The Case of the Mandarin Murder (1985)(Telarium)

1406 - Peskies (1997)(Clarke, Howard)(PD)

1407 - Phantasie II v1.0 (1987)(SSI)

1408 - Phantasie II v1.0 (1987)(SSI)[no title screen]

1409 - Phantasm (1988)(Exocet)[b] & Warship in the Pacific (1988)(SSI)

1410 - Phantasm (1988)(Exocet)[m highscore table]

1411 - Phantom House (19xx)(-)(PD)

1412 - Phantom Slayer (1994-07-24)(CP-3-69)(PD)

1413 - Pharaoh (1989)(Chip)(de)

1414 - Pharaoh III

1415 - Phobia (1989)(Image Works)

1416 - Pick'n Pile (1990)(UBI Soft)[cr Empire]

1417 - Picsou Casador del Tesoro (1988)(Coktel Vision)(FR)(es)[cr Brume]

1418 - Picsou Chasseur de Tresor (1988)(Coktel Vision)(FR)[cr Empire]

1419 - Pictionary

1420 - Pigeon Post (1991)(Budgie UK)(LW)

1421 - Pile Up (19xx)(Moll, Russell)(SW)

1422 - Pinball (19xx)(Dawson, M.)(PD)

1423 - Pinball Magic (1990)(Loriciel)[cr MCA][t]

1424 - Pinball Wizard (1987)(ERE)

1425 - Pinguin (1993-07-16)(TriLineSystems)(de)(PD)[STE]

1426 - Pipetris (1994-01)(McNaughton, Ross)(PD)

1427 - Pirates of the Barbary Coast

1428 - Piss Flaps 2 - Revenge of the Twat (19xx)(Sub Humans in Turkey)(PD)

1429 - Place50 (1996)(Clarke, Howard)(FW)

1430 - Planet Lander (1988)(Boehnisch, Eric)(PD)[monochrome]

1431 - Plasma Ball (19xx)(Short, Adam)(SW)

1432 - Player Manager

1433 - Plop (1992)(Digi Tallis)(SW)

1434 - Plutos (1987)(Tynesoft)

1435 - Police Quest : In Pursuit of the Death Angel

1436 - Police Quest v2.0g (1987-03-12)(Sierra)

1437 - Pong (19xx)(Manyen, Mark)(PD)

1438 - Pong 1993 (1993)(Slamer)(PD)[STE]

1439 - Pool (1986)(Microdeal)(GB)

1440 - Pop (1992-05)(Young, Iain)(SW)

1441 - Popeye (2002)(LCD Revival Games)

1442 - Populous (1989)(Bullfrog)[cr Replicants]

1443 - Populous : The Promised Lands

1444 - Pork I- The Great Underground Sewer System v4.26 (1988)(Softworks)(PD)

1445 - Pork II (1989)(Softworks)(PD)

1446 - Portes du Temps, Les (1989)(Legend Software)(fr)

1447 - Pothole II (1993)(Paul Grenfell)(SW)

1448 - Power Drift (1989)(Activision)[cr Equinox - Replicants]

1449 - Power Drift (1989)(Activision)[cr Medway Boys]

1450 - Power Struggle (1988)(PSS)(DE)[cr AOD]

1451 - Powerdrome (1989)(Electronic Arts)

1452 - Powerfist Licenseware Disc 14 (19xx)(Powerfist Licenseware)

1453 - Predator (1987)(Activision)[cr Angels of Darkness][m EMT]

1454 - Prensorium (1993)(Adyversal Pictures)(SW)

1455 - Prevision Astrale (1989)(Uranie)(fr)

1456 - Prime Time (1987)(First Row)[b]

1457 - Primitive Spiel, Das v1.0 (1993-05-23)(Eastside Soft)(de)(SW)[monochrome]

1458 - PrinseQuest 1 (2000)(Jalbeckwith)(PD)

1459 - Prison

1460 - Prison (1989)(Krisalis)

1461 - Prisoner of the Dark Pearl (19xx)(Doppel-Ganger)(PD)

1462 - Pro Tennis Tour (1989)(Ubi Soft)[manual protection]

1463 - Project Neptune (1989)(Infogrames)

1464 - Projekt Terra (1991)(Softwave)(de)

1465 - Protector (1989)(Virgin - Mastertronic)

1466 - Psion Chess v2.00 (1986)(Psion)(M6)[b]

1467 - Psycho Pigs 2 (1992)(Animal Soft)(SW)

1468 - Psycho Pigs 2 (1992)(Animal Soft)(SW)[f Goodman International]

1469 - Psycho Pigs 2 (1992)(Animal Soft)(SW-R)

1470 - Pub Trivia Simulator (1990)(Codemasters)

1471 - Pulse-Rider (19xx)(Concept Coding)(PD)

1472 - Pulsion CD 122 (19xx)(Pulsion)[u][Only Intro]

1473 - Punk (1990)(Softwave)

1474 - Punssi (1995)(Eero Tamminen)(PD)[monochrome]

1475 - Punt 2 (19xx)(-)(PD)

1476 - Pure Logic v1.1 (1992-03)(Martin, Tony)(PD)

1477 - Push Box v1.1 (19xx)(Lang, Werner)(PD)[monochrome]

1478 - Push 'n' Shove (1992)(Digi Tallis)(PD)

1479 - Puzword (19xx)(Ibbitson, Dave)(PD)

1480 - Puzzle (1996-10-18)(-)(PD)

1481 - Puzzlepuzzle (1986)(Tommy)(de)(SW)

1482 - Puzzler (1990)(Allison, Warwick W.)(SW)[monochrome]

1483 - Puzznic

1484 - QBall (1986)(English)

1485 - Quadralien (1988)(Logotron)(M3)

1486 - Quadrel v1.0 (1990)(Loriciel)(en-fr)[cr Corporation][b]

1487 - Quartz (1988)(Shirley, Paul)[cr Un-Nameables]

1488 - Quasar (1986-09)(Loriciel)(FR)[cr Papy Boom]

1489 - Quasar (1986-09)(Loriciel)(FR)[cr Tsunoo Rhilty]

1490 - Quasar (1986-09)(Loriciel)[cr Atari Legend][t]

1491 - Queboid (1987)(Dolphin, Paul)(PD)

1492 - Queen (19xx)(Erictronics)(PD)

1493 - Quelle Heures est-il (19xx)(Carraz Editions)[cr Brume]

1494 - Quest (1993)(Interactive Arts)(PD)[monochrome]

1495 - Quest v1.51 (1992-07-30)(McNaughton, Ross)(PD)

1496 - Quete de l'Oiseau du Temps, La (1989)(Infogrames)(FR)

1497 - Quink

1498 - Quink (1984)(Mindscape)

1499 - Quinzaine v1.0 (1995-03-20)(Doucet, Jean-Etienne)(en-fr)(CW)

1500 - Quix v2.0 (1986-09-25)(Howe, Anthony C.)(PD)

1501 - Quiz Construction Kit v1.2 (1991)(Oakley, Andrew)(PD)

1502 - Quizzy Quiz (1988)(Motelsoft - Other Saftwer)(de)(PD)

1503 - Quizzy Quiz (1988)(Motelsoft)(de)(PD)

1504 - Race Driver (1990)(Domark)

1505 - Race Drivin' (1990)(Tengen)[cr Bastards]

1506 - Race Drivin' (1990)(Tengen)[cr Elite]

1507 - Race v2.0 (1995-09)(Johnston, D.)(FW)

1508 - Radio Controlled Car (1988)(-)(PD)

1509 - Raffles

1510 - Railroad Tycoon v755.01 (1991)(MicroProse)

1511 - Rainbow Islands (1989)(Ocean)[b]

1512 - Rainbow Islands (1989)(Ocean)[cr Replicants]

1513 - Rainbow Islands (1989)(Ocean)[cr]

1514 - Rainbow Islands (1990)(Ocean)

1515 - Rally Cross Challenge

1516 - Rambo III (1988)(Ocean)

1517 - Rampage (1986)(Activision)

1518 - Ramses v1.0 (1992)(Schuster, Uwe)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

1519 - Ramsess Soft Compilation 1 (1991)(Ramsess Soft)

1520 - Ranarama (1987)(Hewson)

1521 - Rat der Weisen (19xx)(Scholz, Holger)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

1522 - Ravoid (1992)(Hill, Raymond)(SW)

1523 - Raz Rats v2.2 (1988)(Nolan, J.) & Gruneberg Linkworld Language Course - Spanish - Russian (1987)(Barrett, Chris - Smith, Craig)

1524 - Real Ghostbusters, The (1987)(Data East)

1525 - Realistic Video Poker v2.2 (1989)(Micro Creations)(SW)

1526 - Realms (1991)(Virgin)(M3)[cr Elite]

1527 - Realms (1991)(Virgin)(M3)[cr ICS]

1528 - Rebound (1993)(D.C.S)(SW)

1529 - Recoil (1989)(Zero Magazine)(PD)

1530 - Recovery (1990)(New Deal Productions)[cr Empire]

1531 - Red Alert - America (1986)(Antic Publishing)(US)

1532 - Red Alert - Europa (19xx)(Antic Publishing)

1533 - Red Heat

1534 - Red Heat (1989)(Ocean)

1535 - Red Lightning (1989)(SSI)

1536 - Red Storm Rising

1537 - Reflection v3.2 (1992)(Hoofd, Bart)(PD)

1538 - Reisende im Wind II (1988)(Infogrames)(de)

1539 - REIsoft PD Disk 1 (1991)(REIsoft)

1540 - Rekursi v1.24 (1993-09)(Massenstein, Holger)(de)(SW)

1541 - Renegade (1987)(Mastertronics)

1542 - Renegade (1988)(Taito)(US)

1543 - Resolution 101

1544 - Resolution 101 (1990)(Millennium)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos]

1545 - Restart (1997)(Clarke, Howard)(PD)

1546 - Return to Genesis (1988)(Firebird)

1547 - Revenge II - Revenge of the Mutant Camels II

1548 - Revenge of the Mutant Camels (demo-playable) (1991)(Llamasoft)[512k][STE]

1549 - Revenge of the Mutant Camels v1.0 (demo-playable) (1991)(Llamasoft)(SW)

1550 - Rick Dangerous (1989)(Core Design - Firebird)[cr HRFH - Revolution]

1551 - Rick Dangerous (1989)(Core Design - Firebird)[cr Medway Boys][t]

1552 - Rick Dangerous (1989)(Core Design - Firebird)[cr TDA][m EMT][t +4]

1553 - Rings of Zilfin (1987)(SSI)

1554 - Ripcord (1986)(Duke)(PD)

1555 - Ripoux, Les (1987)(Cobra Soft)[cr BOSS]

1556 - Risiko (1988)(Last Dimension)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

1557 - Risk v1.9 (1989)(Virgin)

1558 - Risky v1.5 (1987-12)(Overtoom, Henk)(de)(PD)

1559 - Risky v1.5E (1987-12)(Overtoom, Henk)(PD)

1560 - Road Blasters (1988)(U.S. Gold)

1561 - Road Runner (1985)(U.S. Gold)

1562 - Road Runner (1985)(U.S. Gold)[b]

1563 - Road Runner (1985)(U.S. Gold)[cr BOSS] & Swaping Tiles (1991)(Passion)

1564 - Roadwar 2000 (1987)(SSI)

1565 - Roadwar Europa (1987)(SSI)

1566 - Roadwars

1567 - Robert in the Fire Factory v1.10 (1992)(Casa)(de)(PD)

1568 - RoboCop

1569 - Robocop (1989)(Ocean)

1570 - Robocop (1989)(Ocean)[cr Medway Boys][t Blue Brothers]

1571 - Robot Repairs Inc. (19xx)(Outland Quest)(SW)

1572 - Roboter (19xx)(Rauen, Mathias)(PD)[monochrome]

1573 - Robotz (19xx)(Project X)

1574 - Robugs v1.3B (1992)(Heide, Brad)(PD)(beta)

1575 - Rock Man, The (1987)(Ozone Microware - Gallery Software)(PD)

1576 - Rock Star Ate my Hamster

1577 - Rocket Defense (1987)(-)(de)(PD)

1578 - Rocket Defense (19xx)(-)(de)(PD)

1579 - Rockfall - Special Edition (1992)(SOS)(PD)

1580 - Rockfall (1992)(SOS)(PD)

1581 - Rockfall II - The Perils of Spud v2.14 (1992)(SOS)(PD)

1582 - Rockford (1988)(Melbourne House)

1583 - Rockford (1988)(Melbourne House)[ce Exceptions]

1584 - Rockford (1989)(Melbourne House)

1585 - Rody & Mastico III

1586 - Rogue (1986)(Epyx)

1587 - Rogue (1986)(Epyx)[b]

1588 - Roll 'n Nudge (19xx)(-)(PD)

1589 - Roll 'n Nudge (19xx)(-)(PD)[m LAPD]

1590 - Roller Coaster Rumbler (1990)(Tynesoft)

1591 - Rollercoaster Experience, The (demo-playable) (1995)(Solution Software)[Demo 2]

1592 - Rolling Thunder (1986)(U.S. Gold)

1593 - Rolling Thunder (1986)(U.S. Gold) & Warlock's Quest (1988)(ERE)[cr Gogol 1ier]

1594 - Roman Policier, Le (1988)(Carraz Editions)(fr)

1595 - Rotoplex (demo) (1991)(The Assembly Line)(GB)

1596 - Rotor

1597 - Rotor (1989)(Arcana)

1598 - Rotox (1990)(U.S. Gold)[cr Empire][t +3]

1599 - Rotox (1990)(U.S. Gold)[manual protection]

1600 - Rucksack 1 (19xx)(Omara, Ozzy)(PD)

1601 - Rugby Coach (1992)(D&H Games)(M5)[cr Elite]

1602 - Runner's Revenge (19xx)(-)(PD)[monochrome]

1603 - Rush II (19xx)(Lundberg, M.)(PD)

1604 - Russian Roulette (1991)(Wiz-Tek DK)(PD)

1605 - RVF Honda (1989)(MicroProse)[cr Equinox][m Atariforce]

1606 - RVF Honda (1989)(MicroProse)[cr Medway Boys]

1607 - R-zone (19xx)(Serious Software)(PD)

1608 - R-zone 2 (19xx)(Serious Software)(PD)

1609 - S.D.I. (1987)(Cinemaware)

1610 - S.T.A.F.F. X-29 (1988)(ERE)

1611 - Saddam Shoot! (1990-11-22)(WeirdSoft)(PD)

1612 - Salomon's Key (1986)(U.S. Gold)[b]

1613 - Sam in Monster's Garden (1995)(Sam 23)(PD)

1614 - Sam's Voyage (1997-02)(King, Jason)(SW)[monochrome]

1615 - Sandor (1989)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

1616 - Sandor II - Kotalan und die drei Schwestern (1990)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

1617 - Santa Run v1.2 (2002)(Ackerman, Dan)(FW)

1618 - Santa's Workshop (19xx)(Regent Software)(PD)

1619 - Sargon III

1620 - Sargon III (1986)(Logotron)(US)[cr Bit Boys]

1621 - SAS Combat Simulator

1622 - Satan (1990)(Dinamic)

1623 - Satan (1990)(Dinamic)[STE]

1624 - Savage (1989)(Rainbird)

1625 - Scary (1989)(Budgie UK)(LW)

1626 - Scavenger (demo-playable) (1989)(Hewson)[Game never released]

1627 - Schiebung (1988)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

1628 - Scramble Spirits (1990)(Grandslam)

1629 - Seconds Out (1988)(Tynesoft)

1630 - Secret of Steel, The (1988)(Red Rat Software)

1631 - Seepee (19xx)(Jalkanen, Arto)

1632 - Seepee 2 v1.99 beta (19xx)(Jalkanen, Arto)

1633 - Sensible Soccer International Edition v1.2 (1994)(Renegade)(M4)[cr Vectronix]

1634 - Sensible Soccer v1.1 (1992)(Renegade)(M4)[cr ICS]

1635 - Sensitive ST v1.1 (1997)(Mipran, ArGe)(PD)

1636 - Sentinel, The (1987)(Rainbird)

1637 - Sentinel, The (1987)(Rainbird)[cr BOSS]

1638 - Sequencer (1998)(Clarke, Howard)(PD)

1639 - Serendipity (1991-02)(Bailey, Peter)(PD)

1640 - Serguei's Destiny v1.1 (2001-09-05)(Gravel, Robin)(FW)[b]

1641 - Seven Little Horrors (1988)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

1642 - Seymour Goes To Hollywood (1992)(Optimus)[cr Elite][t]

1643 - Shadow of the Beast (1990)(Psygnosis)[cr Replicants][t]

1644 - Shadowgate

1645 - Shadowgate (1987)(Mindsgate)(US)

1646 - Shadoworlds (1992)(Krisalis Software)(M5)[cr ICS]

1647 - Shanghai - Revenge of the Dragon v1.22 (1991)(Nero W.)(PD)[ST]

1648 - Shanghai (1986)(Activision)

1649 - Shanghai (1986)(Activision)[b]

1650 - Shanghai v2.0 (1994)(Gutschke, Martin)(PD)

1651 - Shaolin Masters Menu Disk 22 (19xx)(Shaolin Masters)

1652 - Sharks (19xx)(Budgie UK)(PD)

1653 - She-Fox (1988)(Martech)

1654 - Sherlock Holmes v2.0 (1988-07-09)(Tiemann, Rudolf)(de-en)(PD)

1655 - Shifty (2001-06-23)(Mossoft)

1656 - Ship Battles (19xx)(Tiberius Software)(FW)

1657 - Shrinking Wall Solitaire, The (1995)(Clarke, Howard)(PD)

1658 - Sida et Nous, Le (19xx)(Carraz Editions)(fr)

1659 - Side Arms (1988)(Probe)

1660 - SideWinder

1661 - Silent Service (1986)(MicroProse)

1662 - Silicon Dreams (1986)(Level 9 Computing)

1663 - Silk Worm (1988)(Tecmo)

1664 - Silk Worm (1988)(Tecmo)[b]

1665 - Silk Worm (1988)(Tecmo)[cr Alpha Flight]

1666 - Silk Worm (1988)(Tecmo)[cr Replicants]

1667 - Silk Worm (1988)(Tecmo)[cr TDA]

1668 - Silk Worm (1988)(Tecmo)[cr V8]

1669 - Silkworm

1670 - Sim City - Terrain Editor (1991)(Maxis)[cr Replicants]

1671 - Sim City (1989)(Maxis)

1672 - Sim City (1989)(Maxis)(de)[cr Replicants][b]

1673 - Sim City (1989)(Maxis)[cr Empire]

1674 - Simulcra (1990)(MicroProse)

1675 - Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon

1676 - Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon (1988)(Cinemaware)

1677 - Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon (1988)(Cinemaware)[cr Union]

1678 - Singende Schwert, Das (1991)(Boarsoft)(de)(PD)

1679 - Skate Ball (1989)(UBI Soft)(FR)[cr Equinox]

1680 - Skate Ball (1989)(UBI Soft)(FR)[cr Replicants]

1681 - Skidoo (1989)(Tomahawk)[protected]

1682 - Skull Diggery (1987)(Nexus Software)

1683 - Skulls (1993-03-06)(Soderberg Software)(SW)

1684 - Skweek (1989)(Loriciel)

1685 - Sky Blaster (1988)(Expert Software)[b]

1686 - Skyduel (1992)(VRC)(SW)

1687 - Skyfox (1986)(Electronic Arts)

1688 - Skyrider (19xx)(Creation)[cr]

1689 - Slalom Event (19xx)(Gunther, John E)(PD)

1690 - Slapfight (1988)(Imagine)(GB)[cr Banzai - Ratboy][m Axel Follet]

1691 - Slartris v1.3 (19xx)(Schmidt, Thomas)(de)(PD)

1692 - Slayer (19xx)(Hewson)

1693 - Slaygon (1988)(Microdeal)(GB)[Disk A][disk B is missing]

1694 - Slaygon (1988)(Microdeal)[b]

1695 - Slaygon (19xx)(Microdeal)

1696 - Sleuth (19xx)(Datasoft)

1697 - Sliding Puzzler (19xx)(Sikhder, K. H.)(PD)

1698 - Slippery Sid (19xx)(Budgie UK)(GB)(LW)

1699 - Slug (19xx)(John, Ben)(PD)[Atari ST User]

1700 - Slug 2092 (1992)(Terry, Mark)(PD)

1701 - Slug Blast (19xx)(-)(PD)

1702 - Smash Hit (1992)(Unique Development Sweden)

1703 - Snacman (1994)(Impact Software)(SW)[STF-STE]

1704 - Sno-Fite (19xx)(Outland Quest)(SW)

1705 - Snooker (19xx)(-)[protected]

1706 - Snoopy and Peanuts (1989)(Edge - Softek)

1707 - Snowball Fight v1.1 (1991)(Double Click Software)(FW)

1708 - Snowhell (1991)(Atlantis)

1709 - Soccer King (1987)(Kingsoft)(de)

1710 - Soccer King (1987)(Kingsoft)[b] & Space Port (19xx)(ReLine)[b]

1711 - Soko (1990-12-29)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

1712 - Soko ST (19xx)(Golan, Uri)

1713 - Sokoban - The Bobby The Hippie Ghost Edition (19xx)(Skon, Mandus - Sprang, Johan)(PD)[STE]

1714 - Sokoban (19xx)(-)(PD)

1715 - Solar System Tour (19xx)(Rinella, Joey)(PD)

1716 - Solit (1988)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

1717 - Solitaire (1991)(Clark, Ben)(PD)

1718 - Solitari (1992)(Bradshaw, S.)(PD)

1719 - Solmon's Key (1987)(U.S. Gold)[cr Indiana Soft][t]

1720 - Solomon's Key (1986)(Tecmo)

1721 - Solomon's Quest (19xx)(Deano)(PD)

1722 - Sorcerer (1985)(Infocom)

1723 - Sorcerer Lord (1988)(PSS)

1724 - Sorcery + (1988)(Virgin)

1725 - Sorcery + (1988)(Virgin)[cr Axel Follet]

1726 - Sorcery + (1988)(Virgin)[cr Replicants][m Atariforce]

1727 - Space Baller (1987)(International Software Koeln)

1728 - Space Battle (2004)(Sunnyboy, Simon)(FW)

1729 - Space Cutter (1988)(Maelstrom Games)[protected]

1730 - Space Harrier

1731 - Space Harrier (1988)(Elite)

1732 - Space Harrier (1988)(Elite)[cr MCA]

1733 - Space Harrier II

1734 - Space Invaders (1989-07)(Leong, HC)

1735 - Space Invaders (1990)(Budgie UK)(LW)

1736 - Space Quest II - Vohaul's Revenge (1987)(Sierra)

1737 - Space Rogue (1989)(Origin)

1738 - Space Station Part 1 (1988)(Paradox)

1739 - Space Station Part I (1986)(Paradox)

1740 - Space Wars 2000 v1.1 (1994)(Chan, Johnnie)(PD)

1741 - Spaceball (1987)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

1742 - Spaceball (1988)(Rainbow Arts)

1743 - Spaceball (1989)(Microvideo)

1744 - Spaceball II - Zuno's Game (1989)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

1745 - Spaceball II - Zuno's Game (1989)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)[a4]

1746 - Special Delivery (19xx)(Muul, Madis)(FW)

1747 - Speedball (1988)(Image Works)

1748 - Speedball (1988)(Image Works)[cr MCA]

1749 - Speedy Joe (1992)(Motelsoft)(FW)

1750 - Spherical

1751 - Spherical (1989)(Rainbow Arts)

1752 - Sphinx, Le (1987)(Logisoft)(fr)

1753 - Spidertronic

1754 - Spitfire 40

1755 - Spitting Image

1756 - Spitting Image (1988)(Domark)

1757 - Spitting Image (1988)(Domark)[cr Bladerunners]

1758 - Spitting Image (1988)(Domark)[cr Warrior]

1759 - Spook (1986)(Paradox Software)

1760 - Spy vs Spy (1987)(First Star Software)

1761 - Spy vs Spy (1987)(First Star)

1762 - Squish (1992)(Zigzag Software)(SW)

1763 - ST Alive Disk 1 (19xx)(-)

1764 - ST Backgammon (19xx)(TCB)(PD)

1765 - ST Blackjack v1.0 (1986)(Robert Day)(PD)

1766 - ST Karate (1986)(Eidersoft)

1767 - ST Sorry v4.0 (1993-02-01)(Bonnette, Paul)(SW)

1768 - Stable Masters II v3.1 (1993)(ESP Software)[cr Charlatan][m Vectronix]

1769 - Stack Up (1991)(Zeppelin)[cr Elite]

1770 - STalone v1.0 (1993)(Mathijssen, Joeb)

1771 - Star Colony (19xx)(Blizzard - Greenhalgh, Ted)(PD)

1772 - Star Command (1989)(SSI)

1773 - Star Fleet I - The Battle begins v2.1 (1986-09-01)(Interstel Corp.)

1774 - Star Raiders (1986)(Atari)

1775 - Star Trap (1988)(Loriciel)(FR)

1776 - Star Trek - The Rebel Universe (1987)(Simon & Shuster)

1777 - Star Trek (1986)(Simon & Shuster)

1778 - Star Troopers (1997)(McNaughton, Ross)(PD)

1779 - Star Voyage v1.1 (1995)(CSS)(SW)

1780 - Star Wars - Return of the Jedi (1987)(LucasFilm Ltd)

1781 - Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (1988)(Domark)[cr Bladerunners]

1782 - Star Wars (1987)(Domark)[cr Clown - Wolfman][b]

1783 - Star Wars (1987)(Domark)[cr Pirates Software Inc]

1784 - Star Wars : Return of the Jedi

1785 - Star Wars : The Empire Strikes Back

1786 - Starblaze

1787 - Starblaze (1989)(Logotron)

1788 - Starbox (1995)(Clarke, Howard)(PD)

1789 - Starfleets of the Triad (1990)(Ifs)(PD)

1790 - Starflight

1791 - Starglider

1792 - Starglider 2

1793 - Stargoose (1988)(Logotron)[cr Bladerunners]

1794 - Starnukers (1992)(Standiford, Scott)(SW)

1795 - Starquake

1796 - Steel

1797 - Steel (1989)(Hewson)(GB)

1798 - Steg (demo-playable) (1992)(Codemasters)

1799 - Steigar (1989)(Screen 7)[cr Hotline][t]

1800 - Steve Davis World Snooker (1989)(CDS)

1801 - Steve Davis World Snooker (1989)(CDS)

1802 - Stocks & Bonds v3.0 (1988-04-22)(ALF Engineering)(PD)

1803 - Stomp (1993-04-06)(Melvin, Iain)(PD)

1804 - Stone Age

1805 - Stone Age v1.0 (19xx)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

1806 - Storm Master

1807 - Stormlords (1989)(Hewson)

1808 - Stormlords (1989)(Hewson)[cr Equinox]

1809 - Stormlords (1989)(Hewson)[cr MCA][t]

1810 - STOS Game Collection (19xx)(-)

1811 - ST-Protector (1986)(Paradox)

1812 - Stradegy (1993)(Tilley, H.)(PD)

1813 - Strange War (1994-11-16)(Iridium)[cr Vectronix]

1814 - StrataGEM (1991)(Koskimies, Oskari)(PD)

1815 - Stratagem Disk 385 (19xx)(Stratagem)

1816 - Stratagem Disk 386 (19xx)(Stratagem)

1817 - StrataGem v1.80 (1991)(Koskimies, Oskari)(PD)

1818 - Stratego (1990)(Accolade)[cr Elite]

1819 - Street Fighter 2 (1992)(U.S. Gold)

1820 - Street Fighter 2 (1992)(U.S. Gold)[cr ICS]

1821 - Street Fighter 2 (1992)(U.S. Gold)[cr Replicants][t]

1822 - Strider

1823 - Strider (1989)(U.S. Gold)

1824 - Strike Force Harrier (1986)(MirrorSoft)

1825 - Striker

1826 - Striker (1992)(Rage Software)[cr Elite]

1827 - Strip Poker II (1988)(Artworx Software)

1828 - Strip Poonton (19xx)(Sikdher, K. H.)(PD)

1829 - Stryx

1830 - ST-Shuffleboard v1.1 (1986)(Shelbourne)

1831 - Stunt Car Racer (1989)(Micro Style)

1832 - Stunt Car Racer (1989)(Micro Style)[cr]

1833 - Stupid Balloon Game (1998)(Eddie Cat)(PD)[STE]

1834 - Styx 2 (19xx)(ACCS)

1835 - Sub Battle Simulator (1987)(Epyx)

1836 - Sub Battle Simulator (1987)(Epyx)[cr Delta Force]

1837 - Subaqua (1996)(Digi Talis)(SW)

1838 - Subbuteo (1990)(Electronic Zoo)

1839 - Summer Games (1992)(U.S. Gold)[cr ICS]

1840 - SunDog: Frozen Legacy

1841 - Super Break-Out (1989)(Overmars, Mark)(PD)[monochrome]

1842 - Super Cycle (1986)(Epyx)

1843 - Super Dark Pearl (1993)(Munsie, Dave)(PD)

1844 - Super Huey (19xx)(Cosmi)

1845 - Super Master Mind (19xx)(Karayiannis, Harry)(PD)

1846 - Super Pac Man (1997-10)(Eddie Cat)(PD)

1847 - Super Pro Fucker Q (19xx)(Druzetic, S. - Le Cuziat, A.)(SW)

1848 - Super Psycho Kart (1994)(Animal Software)[b]

1849 - Super Sensori (19xx)(Magic Soft)(PD)

1850 - Super Seymour (1992)(Codemasters)[cr Cynix]

1851 - Super Skweek (1990)(Loriciel)(FR)[cr Superior][t +2][b]

1852 - Super Sprint (1986)(Electric Dreams)

1853 - Super Sprint (1986)(Electric Dreams)[cr 42-Crew]

1854 - Super Sprint (1986)(Electric Dreams)[cr]

1855 - Super Stario Land (1995)(Top Byte)[cr Elite][m Atariforce][t +14]

1856 - Superchicken (demo-playable) (1996)(Smith, Thomas)(SW)

1857 - SuperGAU Compilation 001 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1858 - SuperGAU Compilation 012 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1859 - SuperGAU Compilation 015 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1860 - SuperGAU Compilation 017 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1861 - SuperGAU Compilation 024 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1862 - SuperGAU Compilation 039 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1863 - SuperGAU Compilation 046 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1864 - SuperGAU Compilation 079 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1865 - SuperGAU Compilation 086 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1866 - SuperGAU Compilation 104 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1867 - SuperGAU Compilation 109 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1868 - SuperGAU Compilation 110 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1869 - SuperGAU Compilation 130 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1870 - SuperGAU Compilation 131 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1871 - SuperGAU Compilation 149 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1872 - SuperGAU Compilation 150 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1873 - SuperGAU Compilation 151 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1874 - SuperGAU Compilation 171 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1875 - SuperGAU Compilation 181 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1876 - SuperGAU Compilation 182 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1877 - SuperGAU Compilation 183 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1878 - SuperGAU Compilation 185 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1879 - SuperGAU Compilation 186 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1880 - SuperGAU Compilation 187 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1881 - SuperGAU Compilation 188 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1882 - SuperGAU Compilation 195 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1883 - SuperGAU Compilation 201 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1884 - SuperGAU Compilation 204 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1885 - SuperGAU Compilation 233 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1886 - SuperGAU Compilation 234 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1887 - SuperGAU Compilation 251 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1888 - SuperGAU Compilation 264 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1889 - SuperGAU Compilation 273 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1890 - SuperGAU Compilation 275 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1891 - SuperGAU Compilation 280 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1892 - SuperGAU Compilation 283 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1893 - SuperGAU Compilation 287 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1894 - SuperGAU Compilation 298 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1895 - SuperGAU Compilation 301 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1896 - SuperGAU Compilation 307 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1897 - SuperGAU Compilation 309 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1898 - SuperGAU Compilation 311 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1899 - SuperGAU Compilation 339 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1900 - SuperGAU Compilation 341 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1901 - SuperGAU Compilation 381 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1902 - SuperGAU Compilation 382 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1903 - SuperGAU Compilation 386 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1904 - SuperGAU Compilation 391 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1905 - SuperGAU Compilation 449 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1906 - SuperGAU Compilation 450 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1907 - SuperGAU Compilation 459 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1908 - SuperGAU Compilation 460 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1909 - SuperGAU Compilation 464 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1910 - SuperGAU Compilation 480 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1911 - SuperGAU Compilation 481 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1912 - SuperGAU Compilation 486 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1913 - SuperGAU Compilation 493 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1914 - SuperGAU Compilation 497 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1915 - SuperGAU Compilation 506 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1916 - SuperGAU Compilation 521 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1917 - SuperGAU Compilation 524 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1918 - SuperGAU Compilation 530 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1919 - SuperGAU Compilation 532 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1920 - SuperGAU Compilation 533 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1921 - SuperGAU Compilation 569 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1922 - SuperGAU Compilation 577 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1923 - SuperGAU Compilation 579 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1924 - SuperGAU Compilation 614 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1925 - SuperGAU Compilation 616 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1926 - SuperGAU Compilation 618 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1927 - SuperGAU Compilation 620 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1928 - SuperGAU Compilation 634 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1929 - SuperGAU Compilation 635 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1930 - SuperGAU Compilation 662 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1931 - SuperGAU Compilation 668 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1932 - SuperGAU Compilation 678 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1933 - SuperGAU Compilation 714 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1934 - SuperGAU Compilation 737 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1935 - SuperGAU Compilation 753 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1936 - SuperGAU Compilation 757 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1937 - SuperGAU Compilation 758 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1938 - SuperGAU Compilation 764 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1939 - SuperGAU Compilation 771 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1940 - SuperGAU Compilation 774 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1941 - SuperGAU Compilation 790 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1942 - SuperGAU Compilation 804 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1943 - SuperGAU Compilation 812 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1944 - SuperGAU Compilation 814 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1945 - SuperGAU Compilation 817 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1946 - SuperGAU Compilation 829 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1947 - SuperGAU Compilation 833 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1948 - SuperGAU Compilation 838 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1949 - SuperGAU Compilation 862 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1950 - SuperGAU Compilation 869 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1951 - SuperGAU Compilation 870 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1952 - SuperGAU Compilation 896 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1953 - SuperGAU Compilation 899 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1954 - SuperGAU Compilation 925 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1955 - SuperGAU Compilation 934 (19xx)(SuperGAU)

1956 - Superhighway UK (1995)(Vornon Works)[cr Vectronix]

1957 - Superior Menu Disk 087 (1991)(Superior)(Part A)

1958 - Super-Jackpot Slots (1990)(Antic Publishing)

1959 - Superstars Ice Hockey (1988)(Mindscape)

1960 - Superstars Ice Hockey (1988)(Mindscape)[cr MCA]

1961 - Superstars Ice Hockey (1988)(Sportime)

1962 - Swap (1993)(Microids)[cr Empire]

1963 - Swapping Tiles (1991)(Pashion)(PD)

1964 - Swapping Tiles (1991)(Passion)(PD)

1965 - Switchblade (1989)(Core Design)[cr MCA]

1966 - Switchblade (1989)(Core Design)[cr Replicants][t +2]

1967 - Sword Of Kadash (1985)(Dynamix)

1968 - Taal Festijn (19xx)(Gorissen, Roger)(NL)

1969 - Table Tennis Simulator (19xx)(-)[cr Frank][b]

1970 - Tableau de Bord (19xx)(Codoroute)(fr)[cr Atariforce]

1971 - Tactical Manager (1994)(Black Legend)[cr Vectronix]

1972 - Tactical Manager (1994)(Black Legend)[cr Vectronix][m Vectronix]

1973 - Tai-Pan

1974 - Taipan II v1.14 (1990)(Holmes, David)(SW)

1975 - Take It (1994-12-04)(Stuff)(PD)

1976 - Tanglewood (1987)(Microdeal)

1977 - Tangram (1991)(Thalion)[cr Elite][t]

1978 - Tank (1992-05)(Sutton, Kelly)(PD)

1979 - Tanx (19xx)(Brown, Matthew)(SW)

1980 - Tarot v2.1 (1987)(Kerdal, Jean-Michel)(fr)

1981 - Tass Times in Tonetown

1982 - Tau Ceti

1983 - Tau Ceti (1986)(CRL)[b]

1984 - Tau Ceti III (1986)(CTL)(fr)

1985 - Tauris ST (19xx)(Rieck, Michael - Ehlers, Thomas)(PD)

1986 - T-Bird (1989)(Mastertronic)[b]

1987 - Team Suzuki (1991)(Gremlin)[cr MCA]

1988 - Techmate (demo-playable) (1986)(Szabo Software)

1989 - Teenage Queen - Atari Hentai Strip Poker (19xx)(-)(FW)

1990 - Teenage Queen - Jane Jetson Strip Poker (19xx)(-)(FW)

1991 - Tempest (1989)(Atari)

1992 - Temple of Apshai Trilogy (1986)(Epyx)

1993 - Templos Sagrados, Los (1991)(Aventuras AD)(ES)

1994 - Temps d'une Histoire, Le (1988)(Carraz Editions)[cr Arcadian]

1995 - Tennis (1986)(DL Research)(fr)

1996 - Tennis Cup 2

1997 - Terminator II - Judgemant Day (1992)(Ocean)[cr Superior][b]

1998 - Terrestrial Encounter (1986)(Solar)

1999 - Terrorpods (1987)(Psygnosis)(M7)(Disc 1 of 2)

2000 - Terrorpods (1987)(Psygnosis)(M7)(Disc 2 of 2)

2001 - Terry's Big Adventure (1989)(Gametoc)[cr Medway Boys]

2002 - Test Drive

2003 - Test Drive (1987)(Accolade)

2004 - Tetris (1987)(Mirrorsoft)

2005 - Tetris (1987)(MirrorSoft)[cr AOD]

2006 - Tetris (1987)(MirrorSoft)[cr Lord]

2007 - Tetris (1987)(Spectrum Holobyte)

2008 - Tetris (1989)(Beattie, Trevin)(PD)

2009 - Tetris v1.3 (1989-10-15)(Lyytinen, Jaako)(PD)

2010 - Tetrix (19xx)(-)(PD)

2011 - Tex McPhilip - Quest for the Papacy (2000)(Magick Poultry)[cr Starman]

2012 - Thai Boxing (1987)(Anco)[cr Sunnyboys]

2013 - The Adventures of Robin Hood

2014 - The Blues Brothers

2015 - The Chessmaster 2000

2016 - The Deep

2017 - The Guild of Thieves

2018 - The Hound of Shadow

2019 - The Immortal

2020 - The Killing Cloud

2021 - The Light Corridor

2022 - The Lurking Horror

2023 - The Pawn

2024 - The President is Missing

2025 - The Real Ghostbusters

2026 - The Seven Gates of Jambala

2027 - The Untouchables

2028 - Their finest Hour - The Battle of Britain Datadisk (1994)(U.S. Gold)[cr ICS]

2029 - Theme Park Mystery

2030 - Think 2 (1991)(Motelsoft)(PD)

2031 - Think ST v1.1 (1990)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

2032 - Third Reich (1992)(Thalean)[cr ICS]

2033 - Thrust

2034 - Thrust (1989)(Firebird)

2035 - Thunder Burner

2036 - Thunder Cats (1988)(Elite)[cr Loudness]

2037 - Thundercats

2038 - Thundercats (1988)(Elite)

2039 - ThunderStrike (1990)(Millennium)

2040 - Thunderstrike (1990)(Millennium)[cr Empire]

2041 - ThunderWing

2042 - Thurg N Murg (1993)(Majicsoft)[ST Review Premier]

2043 - Tic Tac Toe! (19xx)(-)(PD)

2044 - Tictactoe v1.01 (1997)(Cadenza Software)(SW)

2045 - Tiger Road (1987)(Go!)[cr Replicants]

2046 - Time and Magik : The Trilogy

2047 - Time Bandit v0.96 (1985)(MichTron)

2048 - Time Blast (198x)(Micro Value)

2049 - Time Machine (1990)(Vivid Image)

2050 - Timeblast

2051 - Timewarp Menu 50 (19xx)(Timewarp)[Source Code Disk 1]

2052 - Tintin sur la Lune

2053 - Tip Off (1992)(Anco)[cr Elite]

2054 - Tip Off (1992)(Anco)[cr Elite][m EMT][b]

2055 - Tiptronix v1.0 (19xx)(Elite)(PD)[STE]

2056 - Titan (1989)(Titus)[cr Medway Boys]

2057 - Titan Find (1988)(Destiny)[monochrome]

2058 - Toil & Trouble (1988)(Winstanley, Pat)

2059 - Tom & Jerry - Hunting High and Low (1989)(Magic Bytes)[cr Replicants]

2060 - Tony Severa's Hint Disk & Gaming Aids (19xx)(Gaming Grids)

2061 - Toobin'

2062 - Top Cat Starring in Beverly Hills Cats

2063 - Torp! (1987-02-13)(Sheppard, G.)(PD)

2064 - Torus v0.5 (1991-02)(Russ, Martin)(PD)

2065 - Total Recall (1990)(Ocean)

2066 - Total Recall (1990)(Ocean)[cr Empire][t]

2067 - Total Recall (1990)(Ocean)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][t]

2068 - Tournament Golf (1991)(Elite)

2069 - Tournament Golf (1991)(Elite)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos]

2070 - Tournament Golf (1991)(Elite)[cr Replicants]

2071 - Tower of Babel

2072 - Tower Toppler (1988)(Hewson)[aka Nebulus]

2073 - Tracksuit Manager (19xx)(-)

2074 - Trail Blazers (1987)(Gremlin)(GB)[cr Lucas]

2075 - Trailblazer

2076 - Transylvania (1985)(Penguin)

2077 - Trantor - The Last Stormtroper (1988)(Go!)

2078 - Trantor (1987)(Probe Software)

2079 - Trapped II (19xx)(Happy Hippy)[b]

2080 - Traps v1.2 (19xx)(Kuhn, U.)(PD)

2081 - Trash Heap

2082 - Trash Heap (1987)(Diamond)[manual protection]

2083 - Trauma

2084 - Trauma (1987)(ERE)[cr BOSS][b]

2085 - Treasure Island (1985)(Windham Classics)

2086 - Treble Champions

2087 - Trinity

2088 - Trivial Pursuit Genus Edition

2089 - Trucker (1994)(Schuster, Michael)(de)[monochrome]

2090 - Tuerme von Hanoi (1990)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

2091 - Turbo GT

2092 - Turbo OutRun

2093 - Turbo Outrun (1989)(U.S. Gold)

2094 - Turbo ST (1987)(PLC)

2095 - Turbo ST (1987)(Prism Leisure)(GB)

2096 - Turks' Quest - Heir to the Planet (2002)(Bomb Company)

2097 - Turlogh le Rodeur (1988)(Cobra Soft)(fr)

2098 - Turrican II : The Final Fight

2099 - Tuzzle (1988)(Daubmann, Armin)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

2100 - Tuzzle v2.1 (1992-10-18)(Mountain Software)(SW)[STF-STE]

2101 - TV Sports Football

2102 - Twiinz (1992)(Enigma Software Developments)(PD)

2103 - Two on Two (1986)(Activision)

2104 - Twylyte

2105 - Tymewarp (2005)(YM-Rockerz)

2106 - U-Boot (1989)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)

2107 - Ultima II (1985)(Origin)[GEM Interface by Robert Eric Reitman]

2108 - Ultima III - Exodus (1986)(Origin)

2109 - Ultima V - Warriors of Destiny (1988)(Origin)(Boot Disk)[cr Hotline]

2110 - Ultima V - Warriors of Destiny (1988)(Origin)(Boot)

2111 - Ultima V - Warriors of Destiny (1988)(Origin)(Play)

2112 - Ultima VI - The False Prophet (1990)(Origin)[cr Cynix]

2113 - UMS - The Universal Military Simulator

2114 - UMS (1987)(Rainbird)[manual protection]

2115 - Universal Military Simulator 2, The - Nations at War (1991)(Intergalactic Development)(Map)[cr Hotline]

2116 - Universal Military Simulator 2, The - Nations at War (1991)(Intergalactic Development)(Program)[cr Hotline]

2117 - Universal Military Simulator, The (1987)(Intergalactic Development)(de)[cr Megahawk]

2118 - Universe 3 (1989)(Omnitrend Software)(Game)[cr MCA]

2119 - Untouchables, The (1989)(Ocean)

2120 - Up'n'down (1989)(-)(de)(PD)

2121 - Valgus 2 (1990-05-20)(Glenn, James R.)(PD)

2122 - Vampire's Empire (1988)(Magic Bytes)

2123 - Vector Invasion (1987-12-23)(Dockhorn, Patrick)(PD)

2124 - Vectronix Compilation 005 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2125 - Vectronix Compilation 017 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2126 - Vectronix Compilation 020 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2127 - Vectronix Compilation 023 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2128 - Vectronix Compilation 025 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2129 - Vectronix Compilation 026 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2130 - Vectronix Compilation 037 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2131 - Vectronix Compilation 041 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2132 - Vectronix Compilation 043 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2133 - Vectronix Compilation 045 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2134 - Vectronix Compilation 046 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2135 - Vectronix Compilation 049 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2136 - Vectronix Compilation 050 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2137 - Vectronix Compilation 060 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2138 - Vectronix Compilation 062 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2139 - Vectronix Compilation 063 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2140 - Vectronix Compilation 065 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2141 - Vectronix Compilation 066 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2142 - Vectronix Compilation 067 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2143 - Vectronix Compilation 068 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2144 - Vectronix Compilation 071 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2145 - Vectronix Compilation 072 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2146 - Vectronix Compilation 075 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2147 - Vectronix Compilation 076 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2148 - Vectronix Compilation 080 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2149 - Vectronix Compilation 083 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2150 - Vectronix Compilation 086 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2151 - Vectronix Compilation 088 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2152 - Vectronix Compilation 092 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2153 - Vectronix Compilation 105 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2154 - Vectronix Compilation 107 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2155 - Vectronix Compilation 108 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2156 - Vectronix Compilation 110 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2157 - Vectronix Compilation 118 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2158 - Vectronix Compilation 161 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2159 - Vectronix Compilation 211 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2160 - Vectronix Compilation 225 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2161 - Vectronix Compilation 227 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2162 - Vectronix Compilation 255 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2163 - Vectronix Compilation 262 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2164 - Vectronix Compilation 263 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2165 - Vectronix Compilation 266 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2166 - Vectronix Compilation 267 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2167 - Vectronix Compilation 272 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2168 - Vectronix Compilation 295 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2169 - Vectronix Compilation 299 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2170 - Vectronix Compilation 305 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2171 - Vectronix Compilation 308 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2172 - Vectronix Compilation 320 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2173 - Vectronix Compilation 321 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2174 - Vectronix Compilation 354 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2175 - Vectronix Compilation 357 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2176 - Vectronix Compilation 360 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2177 - Vectronix Compilation 362 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2178 - Vectronix Compilation 363 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2179 - Vectronix Compilation 365 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2180 - Vectronix Compilation 367 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2181 - Vectronix Compilation 372 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2182 - Vectronix Compilation 406 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2183 - Vectronix Compilation 410 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2184 - Vectronix Compilation 411 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2185 - Vectronix Compilation 413 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2186 - Vectronix Compilation 414 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2187 - Vectronix Compilation 418 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2188 - Vectronix Compilation 423 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2189 - Vectronix Compilation 431 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2190 - Vectronix Compilation 432 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2191 - Vectronix Compilation 447 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2192 - Vectronix Compilation 456 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2193 - Vectronix Compilation 462 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2194 - Vectronix Compilation 464 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2195 - Vectronix Compilation 465 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2196 - Vectronix Compilation 465 (19xx)(Vectronix)[m EMT]

2197 - Vectronix Compilation 467 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2198 - Vectronix Compilation 473 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2199 - Vectronix Compilation 481 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2200 - Vectronix Compilation 485 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2201 - Vectronix Compilation 507 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2202 - Vectronix Compilation 512 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2203 - Vectronix Compilation 519 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2204 - Vectronix Compilation 538 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2205 - Vectronix Compilation 581 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2206 - Vectronix Compilation 582 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2207 - Vectronix Compilation 587 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2208 - Vectronix Compilation 592 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2209 - Vectronix Compilation 594 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2210 - Vectronix Compilation 595 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2211 - Vectronix Compilation 786 (19xx)(Vectronix)[m EMT]

2212 - Vectronix Compilation 826 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2213 - Vectronix Compilation 915 (19xx)(Vectronix)

2214 - Vegas Gambler (1987)(California Dreams)

2215 - Vengeance of Excalibur (1991)(Virgin)(fr)[cr Fuzion]

2216 - Vengeance of Excalibur (1991)(Virgin)[cr Elite]

2217 - Verrueckte Labyrinth, Das v1.1 (1995-06)(Lippert, Manfred)(de)(SW)[monochrome]

2218 - Veteran (1988)(Software Horizons)

2219 - Victory Road (1989)(Imagine)[don't work with TOS 1.06 or later]

2220 - Vie du Lac, La (19xx)(EDF)(fr)

2221 - Vie et Mort des Dinosaures (19xx)(Carraz Editions)(fr)

2222 - Vindicators

2223 - Violence (1992)(Digital Dynamics)(SW)

2224 - Violent Death (1992)(Top Notch)(PD)

2225 - Virus

2226 - Virus (1988)(Braben, D.J.)[cr Replicants][t]

2227 - Virus (1988)(Braben, D.J.)[cr Union][t +3] & Xevious (1987)(Namco)[cr CSS]

2228 - Virus (1988)(Braben, D.J.)[cr Union][t +3][good Version]

2229 - Voc Royal v2.5 (1987-10-04)(Megasoft)(de)

2230 - Voyager 10 (1988)(FGB Simulations)(fr)

2231 - Vulcan (1989)(R.T. Smith)

2232 - Wall Street (1988)(Lovell, Tony)(PD)

2233 - Wall Street Wizard - Scenario Editor (1989)(Expert Software)

2234 - Wall Street Wizard (1988)(Lifetimes)(de)

2235 - Walls of Illusion Savegame (1993)(Motelsoft - Softwave)

2236 - Walz v2.01 (1993-07-02)(Perdue, Mario)(PD)

2237 - Wanderer 3D

2238 - Wanted

2239 - War Heli (19xx)(Argonica)[cr Medway Boys][t][b]

2240 - War Heli (19xx)(Argonica)[cr Medway Boys][t][b3]

2241 - War in Middle Earth

2242 - War in Middle Earth (1988)(Melbourne House)[disk 2 missing]

2243 - War Zone (1986)(Eidersoft)

2244 - Wargame Construction Set (1987)(SSI)[cr]

2245 - Wargame Construction Set (1987)(SSI)[manual protection]

2246 - Warhawk

2247 - Warlock - The Avenger (1990)(Millennium)[cr Replicants]

2248 - Warlock : The Avenger

2249 - Warlock's Quest

2250 - Warlock's Quest (1988)(ERE)

2251 - Warship in the Pacific, 1941-45 (1988)(SSI)

2252 - Well 'Ard (1994)(Cybernation)(SW)

2253 - Werlan (1992-05-22)(PD Pool)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

2254 - Wheel of Fortune v1.8 (1987)(Pyle, Robert H.)(PD)

2255 - Wheel of Fortune v2.0 (1987)(Pyle, Robert H.)(SW)

2256 - Where Time Stood Still

2257 - Where Time Stood Still (1988)(Ocean)

2258 - Whirligig

2259 - Wicked (1989)(Binary Vision)

2260 - Wiederkehr des Zauberer, Die (1992)(Biegel, Daniel)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

2261 - Wild Streets

2262 - Windsurf Willy (1989)(Silmarils)(FR)[cr V8]

2263 - Winter Olympiad '88 (1988)(Tynesoft)

2264 - Winter Olympiad '88 (1988)(Tynesoft)[cr Fuzion]

2265 - Wizard of War (1991)(Dingler, F.)(PD)[Pre-Release]

2266 - Wizard's Crown (1987)(SSI)

2267 - Wizard's Crown Data (1987)(SSI)

2268 - Wizball (1987)(Ocean)

2269 - Wizball (1987)(Ocean)[cr Beng]

2270 - Wizball (1987)(Ocean)[cr Birdy]

2271 - Wizmo (1989)(Kingsoft)(DE)(en)

2272 - Wizz (1991)(Misfits Software)(PD)

2273 - Wonderboy in Monsterland (1989)(Activision)

2274 - Word Quest v3.10 (1993-09)(Artisan Software)(SW)

2275 - World Championship Boxing Manager

2276 - World Championship Soccer (1990)(Elite)[cr Empire]

2277 - World Class Leader Board

2278 - World Conquest v0.91 (1996-09-01)(Wisisoft)(PD)

2279 - World Darts (1988)(Mastertronic)

2280 - World Darts (1988)(Mastertronic)[b]

2281 - World Fighting Championship (1993)(Leonard, Mark)(SW)

2282 - World Trophy Soccer (1989)(Melbourne House)

2283 - Worm (1991)(Graham, Craig)(PD)

2284 - Wrangler

2285 - Wusel, Das v1.01 (1993-07)(VEB Mikrorechentechnik)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

2286 - Xenakys (19xx)(-)(fr)[cr TCC - Peb Posse]

2287 - Xenomorph (1990)(Pandora)(de)

2288 - Xenon

2289 - Xenon (1988)(Arcadia)

2290 - Xenon (1988)(Melbourne House)

2291 - Xenon (1988)(Melbourne House)[cr Self][t]

2292 - Xenon (1988)(Melbourne House)[m EMT][t]

2293 - Xenon (1988)(Melbourne House)[t]

2294 - Xevious (1987)(U.S. Gold)

2295 - Xevious (1987)(U.S. Gold)[b]

2296 - Xiller (1990)(Wheee the Fibble)(PD)

2297 - Xiphos (1990)(Electronic Zoo)(M3)

2298 - Xor (1987)(Atari)[cr Bladerunners]

2299 - X-Out

2300 - X-Out (1990)(Rainbow Arts)

2301 - Xybots (1989)(Domark)

2302 - Yacoo (1989)(Motelsoft)(FW)

2303 - YamicroC (1989)(Alpha Flight)(fr)

2304 - Yatzy v1.187 (19xx)(Viking Soft)(de-en)(PD)[monochrome]

2305 - Yog v2.10 (1986)(Shubert, Bill)(PD)

2306 - Yogi's Great Escape (1990)(Hi-Tec)

2307 - Yukon (1994-08-07)(Haun, Dirk)(de)(SW)[monochrome]

2308 - Yuppie's Revenge (1988)(Ariolasoft)(de)

2309 - Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (1988)(LucasFilm Games)(fr)

2310 - Zap (19xx)(Erskine, Christian)(PD)

2311 - Zaptastic (1995-02-01)(Burrows, Lee)(SW)[STF-STE]

2312 - Zaubertrank, Der (1989)(Blum, Stephan)(de)(PD)[monochrome]

2313 - Zedonoid (1991)(Grantham, K.J.)(SW)

2314 - Zehntausend (1989)(Motelsoft)(de)(PD)

2315 - Zerphod (19xx)(Budgie UK)(LW)

2316 - Zoox (19xx)(-)(PD)

2317 - Zork - The undiscovered Underground (1997)(Activision)[cr Atariforce]

2318 - Zork I- The Great Underground Empire (1983)(Infocom)

2319 - Zork II- The Wizard of Frobozz (1983)(Infocom)

2320 - Zork III- The Dungeon Master (1982)(Infocom)

2321 - Zyklop (1990)(Budgie UK)(LW)

Atari 800 - 5619 Jeux
1 - 0 Grad Nord

2 - 007 - The Living Daylights (1987)(Domark)[cr LPS]

3 - 1040_Terminator

4 - 15_mit_3

5 - 180 (19xx)(Mastertronic)[cr Mr. Bacardi]

6 - 2010 - The Second Odyssey

7 - 21 Blackjack

8 - 221B_Baker_Street

9 - 235 U (1992)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)[cr Mr. Bacardi]

10 - 3_D_Force_Tic_Tac_Toe

11 - 3_D_Tic_Tac_Toe_Antic_Publishing

12 - 3-D Master Mind

13 - 3-D Maze

14 - 3-D Noughts & Crosses (1984)(J. Owen)

15 - 3-D Red Baron (1980)(Sebree's)

16 - 3d-Pac (1988)(Raindorf-Soft)

17 - 3D-Pac Plus

18 - 3d24 (1993)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)[b]

19 - 5_card_stud_poker

20 - 7_card_stud_-800b_-basic

21 - 747 Landing Simulator (1987)(William J.Graham)[BASIC]

22 - 747_Flight_Simulator

23 - A Christmas Eve Mightmare

24 - A Day at the Races

25 - A Day to Find Out

26 - A Hacker's Night

27 - A to S Nadne (19xx)(-)(Side A)

28 - A to S Nadne (19xx)(-)(Side B)

29 - A_Maze_ing_Nouns

30 - A_Rogue

31 - A-E (1982)(Broderbund)

32 - A-Zone

33 - A.R.O.P. (Jon Snyder 1985)

34 - A+ Matchmaker_Biology

35 - a+ Matchmaker_French

36 - A+ Matchmaker_Spanish

37 - A+ Matchmaker_Vocabulary

38 - ABC (19xx)(Sikor Soft)(PAL)(pl)

39 - ABC_of_CPR

40 - ABC_Sports

41 - Abenteuer in Schottland

42 - Abenteuer_im_Weltraum

43 - Abracadabra (19xx)(TG Software)

44 - Abracadabra! (1983)(TG Software)(US)

45 - Abraxas Adventure

46 - Absolute Zero

47 - Abuse

48 - Accion

49 - Ace Dribbler & the Roadhogs

50 - Ace of Aces (1987)(Accolade)

51 - Ace of Aces (1988)(Atari)(US)

52 - Ace of Clubs

53 - Acey Deucey (19xx)(L&S)[Req OSb]

54 - Acey_Ducey_Creative_Computing

55 - Achtung Panza!

56 - Acrobat

57 - Acrobat (Muenzenloher)

58 - Acrobata

59 - Action Biker (19xx)(Mastertronic)

60 - Action Pinball

61 - Action Quest (1982)(JV Software)

62 - Action! (1983)(ACS)

63 - ad2044_sexmisja

64 - Adax (1992)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)

65 - Addition_and_Subtraction_Machine

66 - Addition_Practice_Program

67 - Adebar (19xx)(-)

68 - Admirandus

69 - Advanced Pinball Simulator (19xx)(Codemasters)[cr Mr.Bacardi]

70 - Advent_X_5

71 - Adventure

72 - Adventure at Vandenberg A.F.B. (1984)(Analog Computing)[bas2boot]

73 - Adventure Craze (19xx)(Andrew Ward)[bas2boot]

74 - Adventure Creator (1984)(Spinnaker)

75 - Adventure in the 5th Dimension

76 - Adventure in Time (1983)(Phoenix)

77 - Adventure Master

78 - Adventure Quest (1983)(Level 9 Computing)

79 - Adventure_Creation_Kit

80 - Adventure_Creator

81 - Adventure_in_the_Fifth_Dimension!

82 - Adventure_Island

83 - Adventure_of_the_Dancing_Dragon

84 - Adventure_on_a_Boat

85 - Adventure_Pak

86 - Adventure_Telephone

87 - Adventure! aka Collosal Cave (19xx)(Creative Computing)[BASIC]

88 - Adventureland GFX

89 - Adventureland v3.9-416 (1981)(Adventure International)

90 - AdventureWriter (19xx)(CodeWriter)

91 - AdventureWriter_Sofitec

92 - Aerobics

93 - After Pearl (1984)(SUPERware)

94 - Aftermath

95 - Afternoon_Adventure_Series_Raiders_of_the_Reebok

96 - Afternoon_Adventure_Series_Stories

97 - Agent 009 (1984)(Jeff'n Jeff)

98 - Agent 0815

99 - Agent USA

100 - Agent_CIO

101 - Agonia

102 - AI Value_Pack_1

103 - AI Value_Pack_2

104 - AI Value_Pack_3

105 - AI Value_Pack_4

106 - Air Attack (19xx)(Scott Sheck)[a][bas2boot]

107 - Air Battle (1981)(J. H. Palevich)[Req OSb]

108 - Air Combat (19xx)(-)[Req OSb]

109 - Air Hockey (1984)(Chris Page)

110 - Air Raid 2000

111 - Air Raid 2000 (19xx)(-)[BASIC]

112 - Air Rescue (1991)(Atlantis Software)[cr Mr. Bacardi]

113 - Air Strike (1982)(English)

114 - Air Strike II (1983)(English)

115 - Air Support (1984)(Synapse)

116 - Air Traffic Controller (1981)(David Mannering)

117 - Air_Ball

118 - Air_Defense_Compute!

119 - Air_Rescue_I

120 - Air-Raid (1982)(APX)

121 - Airball

122 - AirBall (1988)(Atari)(US)

123 - Airline

124 - Airline_Adventure_International

125 - Airwolf (1985)(Elite)[cr Kilroy]

126 - Akanis Ula

127 - Akce Klement

128 - Akce Klement II

129 - Akcie a tovarny

130 - Aladin

131 - Alchemia (1983)(Mirage)(pl)

132 - Alex - Robbo 3 (1992)(Robo-Soft)

133 - Alexandr Makedonsky

134 - Alf_in_the_Color_Caves

135 - Alfa Boot

136 - Algebra_Quiz_I

137 - Algebra_Quiz_II

138 - Algicalc

139 - Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

140 - Aliants

141 - Alice in Wonderland

142 - Alien

143 - Alien Ambush (1983)(DANA)(US)

144 - Alien Asylums (19xx)(-)[BASIC]

145 - Alien Attack

146 - Alien Blast

147 - Alien Bugs (19xx)(-)

148 - Alien Egg

149 - Alien Encounter v.II (1984)(D.Firth)

150 - Alien Garden (1982)(Epyx)(US)

151 - Alien_Ambush_DANA

152 - Alien_Barrage

153 - Alien_Craft!

154 - Alien_Hell

155 - Alien_Swarm

156 - Alien_Trap

157 - Alienbusters (1991)(Blackfire!)[t]

158 - Aliencounter_Face_Flash

159 - AlienGarden

160 - Aliens

161 - Aliens_Genocide

162 - All_Star_Baseball

163 - All-Pro Football

164 - All-Pro Football - Chalkboard

165 - Alley Cat (1983)(Synapse)

166 - Allies

167 - Ally_Attack

168 - Alone in the Dark - Part I

169 - Alone in the Dark - Part II

170 - Alp Man (1983)(Gemini)

171 - Alpha Shield (1982)(Sirius)

172 - Alpha Shield (1983)(Sirius Software)(US)

173 - Alpha_Run

174 - Alphabet Bee

175 - Alphabet Maze (19xx)(Jeffrey Stanton)

176 - Alphabet_Music

177 - Alphabet_Zoo

178 - Alptraum

179 - Alternate Reality the City

180 - Alternate Reality the Dungeon

181 - Alternity

182 - Amaurote (1987)(Mastertronic)

183 - Amaze (19xx)(-)

184 - Amazed (19xx)(Remington Steele)[noATR]

185 - Amazing (1985)(Antic Magazine)

186 - Amazing Maze (19xx)(Scott Martin)(PD)

187 - Americas Cup

188 - Amnesia

189 - Amp!

190 - Amphibian! (19xx)(Business Data)

191 - Anagrams

192 - Analog Man (19xx)(David Plotkin)

193 - Ancient Empire

194 - Android (199x)(K-Soft)

195 - Android_Attack

196 - Android_Nim

197 - Andromeda (1982)(Gebelli)

198 - Andromeda Conquest

199 - Androton (19xx)(Analog)

200 - Andru (19xx)(-)[BASIC]

201 - Anduril

202 - Angel Azul

203 - Angleworms II (19xx)(S. Ockers)

204 - Animal_World

205 - Animated Puzzle

206 - Animated Puzzle (1984)(Atari)(US)(proto)

207 - Ankh (19xx)(-)[cr Kilroy][b]

208 - Another Boring Space Invader Game

209 - Another World

210 - Another_Brick_from_the_Wall

211 - Ant Eater (1982)(Romox)

212 - Ant Eater (1982)(Romox)(US)

213 - Ant Eater (1982)(Romox)(US)[a]

214 - Ant Wars (19xx)(Gary Evans)[bas2boot]

215 - Anti_Sub_Patrol

216 - Antquest

217 - Ants in Your Pants

218 - Apollo_11

219 - Apple Panic (1982)(Broderbund)

220 - Apples (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

221 - Aqua Marina

222 - Aquanaut

223 - Aquatron (1983)(Sierra)

224 - Arabela

225 - Arabela II - Part I

226 - Arabela II - Part II

227 - Arachnid (1982)(John Ortiz)

228 - Arax (1987)(Com-Art Software)

229 - Arcade Fruit Machine (19xx)(Zeppelin)

230 - Arcade_Adventure

231 - arcade_attack

232 - Arcade_Bonanza

233 - Arcade_II

234 - Arcanoid IV (1988)(Rambit)(pl)

235 - Archers - Part I

236 - Archers - Part II

237 - Archers - Part III

238 - Archers - Part IV

239 - Archon (1983)(Electronic Arts).atr

240 - Archon (1987)(Atari)(US)

241 - Archon II - Adept (1984)(Electronic Arts)

242 - Ardeny 1944 (1995)(L.K. Fire-Bird)(pl)

243 - Ardy the Aardvark

244 - Areas_and_Volumes

245 - Arena

246 - Arena (1982)(Med Systems)

247 - Arena 3000 (1982)(Microdeal)

248 - Arena_Racer

249 - Arex (1983)(Adventure International).atr

250 - Arithmetrix

251 - Arkaneth I

252 - Arkaneth II

253 - Arkanoid (1987)(Taito)

254 - Arkanoid II (1988)(Pink Softhard)

255 - Arkanoid III

256 - Arkanoid_II_Prof_Soft_Amsterdam

257 - Arkon

258 - Armor Assault

259 - Arnal a dva draci zuby

260 - Arnie

261 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_01

262 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_02

263 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_03

264 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_04

265 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_05

266 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_06

267 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_07

268 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_08

269 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_09

270 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_10

271 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_11

272 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_12

273 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_13

274 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_14

275 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_15

276 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_16

277 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_17

278 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_18

279 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_19

280 - Arno_Boulder_Dash_20

281 - Around the Planet (1994)(Mirage)(pl)

282 - Around_the_World

283 - Arrow One (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

284 - Artefakt Przodkow (1992)(ASF)(pl)

285 - Artillery

286 - Artillery Simulator (19xx)(-)[BASIC]

287 - As You Like It

288 - Ashido

289 - assault_force_3-d

290 - Assignment 46 (19xx)(Victor T.Albino)[BASIC]

291 - Asteraxix 2k

292 - Asteroid Battle

293 - Asteroid Miners

294 - Asteroid_Run

295 - Asteroid_Storm

296 - Asteroids (1981)(Atari).atr

297 - Asteroids (1981)(Atari)(US)

298 - Asteroids (1981)(Atari)(US)[a]

299 - Asteroids II (19xx)(Incubus)

300 - Asteroids M4

301 - Astra Phantasm (1983)(J.R. Owen)

302 - Astro Blaster Pinball (19xx)(-)

303 - Astro Chase (1982)(First Star Software)(US)

304 - Astro Chase (1982)(First Star)

305 - Astro Chase (1983)(Parker Brothers)(US)[req OSb]

306 - Astro Droid (1987)(Red Rat Software)(PAL)[chaos loader]

307 - Astro Road

308 - Astro Warriors (1982)(Apogee)

309 - Astro_Quotes

310 - Astro4 Road

311 - Astrogrover (1984)(CBS)

312 - Astrologie

313 - Astrology (1982)(Antic)[BASIC]

314 - astrology_APX

315 - Astromeda (1987)(Rino)(PAL)

316 - Astron IX (1982)(Cosmi)

317 - Astron_IV

318 - Astrostorm

319 - Astrowarriors

320 - Asylum

321 - At_the_Codfish_Ball

322 - Atari Adventure

323 - Atari Arogue

324 - Atari Blackjack Casino

325 - Atari Blackjack Casino (19xx)(-)[b]

326 - Atari Double Monopoly

327 - Atari Greed

328 - Atari Invaders (1981)(Joe Helleson)

329 - Atari Olympics, The (19xx)(Atari)

330 - Atari vs Commodore

331 - Atari XL Sokoban

332 - Atarian Attack (19xx)(Muenzenloher)[Req OSb]

333 - AtariMusic I

334 - AtariMusic II

335 - Atarioracle

336 - Ataristuv protiutok

337 - Atarivia

338 - Atarivia (19xx)(Wastedwares)

339 - Ataroid

340 - Ataroid (19xx)(-)

341 - Atartris

342 - Atartris II (19xx)(Blind Squirrel Software)(PD)

343 - Atartris v1.01 (19xx)(Blind Squirrel)(PD)

344 - Atarzee

345 - Atlantis

346 - Atlantis (1983)(Imagic)

347 - Atlantis (1983)(Imagic)(US)

348 - Atlantis Adventure, The (1993)(Aura)

349 - Atlantis Revenge (1983)(General Masters)

350 - Atlantis_Boulder_Dash

351 - Atlantis_Homecomputer

352 - Atlas_of_Canada

353 - Atom Smasher (1982)(C.C.P.)

354 - Atomia

355 - Atomia (1993)(Mirage)(pl)

356 - Atomic Gnom

357 - Atomit

358 - Atomit II

359 - Atomix

360 - Atomix Plus, The (1993)(Blackfire!)

361 - Atomova katedrala

362 - Atoms

363 - Attack at EP-CYG-4 (1982)(Romox)(US)[req OSb]

364 - Attack of the Mutant Camels (1983)(HesWare)(US)

365 - Attack of the Mutant Camels (19xx)(Llamasoft)

366 - Attack_at_EP_CYG_4_Romox

367 - Attack_on_the_Death_Star

368 - Attack_on_the_Doomstar

369 - AttackOfTheMutantCamels

370 - Attank!

371 - Aura

372 - Aura Adventures

373 - Aura Ball

374 - Aurum (1993)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)

375 - Autoduel

376 - AutoMorse

377 - AutoRally (19xx)(Clemens Carsten)[BASIC]

378 - Avalanche (19xx)(Analog Computing)

379 - Avalanche (19xx)(Atari)

380 - Avalon Quiz (1992)(Tajemnice Atari)

381 - Aventuras D'Onofrio

382 - Avex

383 - Avoid

384 - Awati

385 - Awesome Hall

386 - Axilox (1993)(Mirage)(pl)

387 - Axis Assassin

388 - Ayo

389 - Aztec (1982)(Datamost)

390 - Aztec Challenge (1982)(Cosmi)

391 - Aztec Challenge (1983)(Cosmi)

392 - Aztec_CS

393 - Aztec_Databyte

394 - B_1_Nuclear_Bomber_disk

395 - B-1 Nuclear Bomber (1981)(Microcomputer Games)[BASIC]

396 - B-1 Nuclear Bomber (1981)(Powersoft)

397 - B.L.O.U.D. (1987)(SUMA)

398 - Babel

399 - Back in Time

400 - Back Track (19xx)(Sam Teague)

401 - Backgammon (19xx)(TK Computer Products)

402 - Backgammon_Dynacomp

403 - Backgammon_Hofacker_Elcomp_Publishing

404 - Backwords

405 - Bacterion - The Plague of 2369 (19xx)(Analog Computing)

406 - Bagels_Softswap

407 - Baja Buggies (19xx)(Gamestar)

408 - Ball

409 - Ball Harbour (19xx)(Toussoft)[BASIC]

410 - Ball Trap (19xx)(Ripoff)

411 - Ball-Craecker

412 - balla-balla

413 - ballblaster (1983)(Lucasfilm)(unreleased)

414 - Ballblazer (1985)(Lucasfilm)[Tournament Certified]

415 - Ballblazer (1987)(Atari)(US)[XEGS cart]

416 - Ballistic Interceptor (1983)(General Masters Corporation)

417 - Ballistics

418 - Ballon'87

419 - Balloon Capers

420 - Balloon Game

421 - Balloon_Crazy

422 - Balloonacy

423 - Balloonier (1994)(New Breed)

424 - Balloons

425 - Balls'n'Boobies

426 - Ballyhoo

427 - Banana

428 - Bandit Boulderdash 01 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)

429 - Bandit Boulderdash 02 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

430 - Bandit Boulderdash 03 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

431 - Bandit Boulderdash 04

432 - Bandit Boulderdash 05

433 - Bandit Boulderdash 06

434 - Bandit Boulderdash 07 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

435 - Bandit Boulderdash 08 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

436 - Bandit Boulderdash 09 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

437 - Bandit Boulderdash 10 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

438 - Bandit Boulderdash 11 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

439 - Bandit Boulderdash 12 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

440 - Bandit Boulderdash 13 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

441 - Bandit Boulderdash 14 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

442 - Bandit Boulderdash 15 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

443 - Bandit Boulderdash 16 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

444 - Bandit Boulderdash 17 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

445 - Bandit Boulderdash 18 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

446 - Bandit Boulderdash 19 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

447 - Bandit Boulderdash 20 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

448 - Bandit Boulderdash 21 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

449 - Bandit Boulderdash 22 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

450 - Bandit Boulderdash 23 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

451 - Bandit Boulderdash 24 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

452 - Bandit Boulderdash 25 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

453 - Bandit Boulderdash 26 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

454 - Bandit Boulderdash 27 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

455 - Bandit Boulderdash 28 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

456 - Bandit Boulderdash 29 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

457 - Bandit Boulderdash 30 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

458 - Bandit Boulderdash 31 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

459 - Bandit Boulderdash 32 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

460 - Bandit Boulderdash 33

461 - Bandit Boulderdash 34

462 - Bandit Boulderdash 35

463 - Bandit Boulderdash 36

464 - Bandit Boulderdash 37

465 - Bandit Boulderdash 38

466 - Bandit Boulderdash 39

467 - Bandit Boulderdash 40

468 - Bandit Boulderdash 41

469 - Bandit Boulderdash 42

470 - Bandit Boulderdash 43

471 - Bandit Boulderdash 44

472 - Bandit Boulderdash 45

473 - Bandit Boulderdash 46

474 - Bandit Boulderdash 47

475 - Bandit Boulderdash 48

476 - Bandit Boulderdash 49

477 - Bandit Boulderdash 50

478 - Bandit Boulderdash 51

479 - Bandit Boulderdash 52 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

480 - Bandit Boulderdash 53 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

481 - Bandit Boulderdash 54 (19xx)(Burton Bandit)[t]

482 - Bandits (1982)(Sirius)[cr NGAP]

483 - Bang!_Bank!

484 - BangPong

485 - Bank Panik (19xx)(-)

486 - Bannercatch (1983)(Scholastic)[cr copywizard]

487 - Banzai

488 - Barahir (19xx)(L.K. Avalon)

489 - Barbarian (1993)(L.K. Avalon)(Pl)

490 - Barbarian_New_Age_Software

491 - Barge

492 - Barkonid

493 - Barnyard Blaster (1987)(Atari)(US)[lightgun]

494 - Barnyard Blaster (1987)(Atari)[lightgun]

495 - Barrier

496 - Barrier_Battle

497 - Barroom Brawl (1989)(AH)

498 - Base Hunter

499 - Baseball

500 - Baseball (1983)(Inhome Software)(CA)

501 - Baseball_Sears

502 - Bases_War

503 - BASIC - Revision A

504 - Basic Burger

505 - BASIC_Biorhythms

506 - BASIC_Building_Blocks

507 - Basil, The Great Mouse Detective (19xx)(Walt Disney)[cr L.P.S]

508 - Basketball

509 - Basketball (1979)(Atari)(US)

510 - Basketball Pro Style

511 - Bat Pack

512 - Batman

513 - Bats_Antic_Publishing_The_Best_of_Antic_Volume_1

514 - Battalion Commander (1985)(SSI)

515 - Battle for Normandy

516 - Battle in the B Ring (19xx)(Thomits)

517 - Battle of Antietam

518 - Battle Of Britain (1980)(Discovery Games)

519 - Battle of Shiloh, The (1981)(SSI)[BASIC]

520 - Battle Ships (John Foskett)

521 - Battle Star

522 - Battle Tank (19xx)(Alan Reeve)

523 - Battle Trek

524 - Battle Trivial

525 - Battle_of_Chickamauga

526 - Battle_of_Numbers

527 - Battle_Ships

528 - Battlecruiser I

529 - Battlecruiser II

530 - Battlefield

531 - Battleroom (19xx)(SNACC)

532 - Battleship

533 - Battleship (19xx)(-)

534 - Battlezone (1987)(Atari)

535 - BattleZone (1987)(Atari)(US)

536 - Battlezone 5200

537 - Batty Builders (1983)(English)

538 - Bay Pilot (19xx)(Al Conrad)[BASIC]

539 - BC's Quest for Tires (1983)(Sierra On-Line)(US)

540 - BC's Quest For Tires (1983)(Sierra)

541 - Beach Head 2 - The Dictator Strikes Back (1986)(Access)

542 - Beach Landing

543 - Beach-Head (1983)(Access)

544 - Beachcomber

545 - Beamatron (1985)(Dave Oblad)

546 - Beamrider

547 - Beamrider (1984)(Activision)(US)

548 - Bean Machine, The (1983)(Steve Robinson)

549 - BearJam

550 - Beastoids

551 - Beat the Beatles Ver. 1.1 (1983)(Interactive)

552 - Beat_the_Beatles

553 - Bedtime_Stories_Little_Red_Riding_Hood

554 - Bee_Trap

555 - Beef Drop

556 - Beef Drop (demo) (2004-08-11)(Siders, Ken)(US)[XEGS cart]

557 - Beehive

558 - Beer Shot

559 - Beer_Belly_Burt_s_Brew_Biz

560 - Beginning_Typing

561 - Behind Jaggi Lines (1984)(Lucasfilm)(unreleased)

562 - Beleagured Castle

563 - Belljumper

564 - Bellum (1983)(Adam Michael Billyard)

565 - Bembel Wo

566 - Beneath Apple Manor [SE]

567 - Beneath the Pyramids

568 - Bergshooting

569 - Berserker Raids

570 - Bertie

571 - Bertyx

572 - Berzerk

573 - Berzerk (1983)(Atari)

574 - Berzerk_Kemal_Ezcan

575 - Beta Run

576 - Beta_Fighter

577 - Bewesoft's Race (19xx)(Bewesoft)

578 - Beyond Castle Blackthorn

579 - Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (1984)(Muse)

580 - BGM

581 - Bibber

582 - Bicycle

583 - Biene Maja

584 - biffdrop (19xx)(J.D. Casten)

585 - Big Daddy's Cocktail Backgammon (1985)(Joe Dobson)

586 - Big House, The (1990)(Bewesoft)

587 - Big_Math_Attack_Softsmith

588 - BigBirdsFunhouse

589 - BigBirdsSpecialDelivery

590 - Bigfoot

591 - Biker Dave (19xx)(-)[BASIC]

592 - Bilbo (1986)(AMC)(De)

593 - Billiards

594 - Bimbo

595 - Bingo_Bay

596 - Bio-Defense (1984)(Game Gems)[cr DICK]

597 - Biorhythm_Atari

598 - Biorhythms

599 - Birds

600 - Birth of the Phoenix (1982)(Phoenix)

601 - Bishop's Square & Maxwell's Demon

602 - Bismarck

603 - Bitwa o Anglie

604 - Black Hole Pinball (19xx)(-)[made with PCS]

605 - Black Jack

606 - Black Lamp (1989)(Atari)

607 - Black_Box

608 - Black_Box_Page_6_Magazine

609 - Black_Friday

610 - Black_Out

611 - Black_Sea_Silver_Fishing

612 - Blackbird

613 - Blackhawk

614 - Blackjack

615 - Blackjack (1981)(Mag-Mar)

616 - Blackjack_Atari_US

617 - Blackjack_Casino

618 - Blackjack_Fandangel

619 - Blast (19xx)(Steven Grimm)

620 - Blastcom

621 - Blaster

622 - Blaster (1984)(Williams)(US)(proto)[req OSb]

623 - Blastermind

624 - Blazer II

625 - Blesounie_1

626 - Blind

627 - Blinky

628 - Blinky's Scary School (1990)(Zeppelin Games)[cr Mr. Bacardi]

629 - blip

630 - Blip! (19xx)(Hard)

631 - Blitz

632 - Block Puzzle (1987)(Rassilon)

633 - Block_Buster

634 - Block_em

635 - Blockaboo! (1990)(Russemware)

636 - Blockade

637 - Blockbuster

638 - Blok-Head

639 - Blokers

640 - Blondell (19xx)(-)

641 - Blue Max - 2001 (1984)(Synapse)[h Yogi & Bruce k]

642 - Blue Max (1983)(Synapse)

643 - Blue Max (1987)(Atari)(US)

644 - Blue Max 2001

645 - Blue Team Bridge (1985)(Antic)

646 - Blue Thunder (19xx)(Richard Wilcox)

647 - Blueprint (1982)(CBS)[5200 cr Glenn]

648 - BMX Simulator (19xx)(CodeMasters)

649 - Bobie

650 - Body_Parts

651 - Boggler

652 - Boing!

653 - Boing!_II

654 - Boite_a_Musique

655 - Bomb

656 - Bomb Blastic! (1983)(English)

657 - Bomb Down (19xx)(Roemer Union)[b]

658 - Bomb Escape

659 - Bomb Fusion (1993)(Mastertronic)[cr KGBboys]

660 - Bomb_Blaster

661 - Bomb_Hunter_Channel_8_Software

662 - Bomb_Hunter_New_Atari_User

663 - Bomb_Jack

664 - Bomb_Run

665 - Bomb_Squad

666 - Bombay (1994)(ESC)

667 - Bombay 2

668 - Bombay 3

669 - Bomber (1985)(A.Reeve)

670 - Bomber (19xx)(-)

671 - Bomber Attack

672 - Bomber Jack

673 - Bombers

674 - Bombex

675 - Bombi (1993)(Hyperion Soft)

676 - Bombjack (19xx)(Elite)[cr CCA]

677 - Bombs Away! (19xx)(-)

678 - Bong

679 - Bongo

680 - Bonifac (1991)(Petulka Software)[BASIC]

681 - Bonk (1984)(James Hague)

682 - Bons Bond (19xx)(Truand Band)(fr)

683 - Bootleg (1983)(Eric Freeman)

684 - Bop'n Wrestle

685 - Bopotron

686 - Bopotron Construction Set

687 - Boulder Bombers (19xx)(Mark Price)

688 - Boulder Dash 4

689 - Boulder Dash (1984)(First Star Software)(US)

690 - Boulder Dash (1984)(First Star)

691 - Boulder Dash (Anonymous)

692 - Boulder Dash 2 (1985)(First Star)[cr NAPO][t]

693 - Boulder Dash Construction Kit (1986)(First Star Software)

694 - Boulder Dash III

695 - boulder_dash_(ltl_soft_1)

696 - boulder_dash_(ltl_soft_2)

697 - Boulder_Dash_8

698 - boulder_dash_hop_3

699 - boulder_dash_hop_4

700 - boulder_dash_hop_5

701 - boulder_dash_hop_iii

702 - Boulderdash Construction Kit

703 - Boulders and Bombs (1982)(CBS Software)(US)

704 - Boulders_and_Bombs

705 - Bounder

706 - Bounty Bob Strikes Back! (1984)(Big Five Software)(US)

707 - Bounty Bob Strikes Back! (1985)(Big Five Software)(PAL)

708 - BountyBobStrikesBack

709 - Bourreau (19xx)(-)(Fr)

710 - Bow of Beura, The (1992)(Aura)

711 - Bowl_Trap

712 - Bowling

713 - Bowling Version 2 (1985)(Computer Products)

714 - Bowling_Jim_Steinbrecher

715 - Box-In (19xx)(JD Casten)[BASIC]

716 - Boyles_Law

717 - BR-032 Constellation

718 - Brain Strainers

719 - Brain_Buster

720 - Brainstorm II

721 - Brands Hatch (19xx)(-)

722 - Brave_Carpenter

723 - Break It

724 - Break Out II (1988)(TB Software)[t M]

725 - Break-Out

726 - Breakout (19xx)(-)(PD)

727 - Breakthrough in the Ardennes

728 - Breakthru'

729 - Breath of Life, The - Pt.1 (19xx)(Aura)

730 - Breath of the Dragon (1985)(English)

731 - Bremspunkt

732 - Brian Clough's Football Fortunes

733 - Brick Layer (19xx)(-)

734 - Bridge 5.0

735 - Bridge Pro (1983)(CMC)

736 - Bridge_Crosser

737 - Brik Bat (1989)(New Atari User)

738 - Brimstone - The Dream of Gawain

739 - Bristles (1983)(First Star Software)(US)

740 - Bristles (1983)(First Star)

741 - Broadsides (1983)(SSI)

742 - Broadway

743 - Bros (19xx)(-)

744 - Bruce Lee (1984)(Datasoft)

745 - Bruce Lee's Return

746 - Bruce_Lee

747 - Bruczrro

748 - Brutal Karate

749 - Brutal Recall

750 - Brutal Story

751 - Bubble

752 - Bubble Trouble (1986)(Players)

753 - Bubble_Zone

754 - Bubbles

755 - Buck Rogers (1983)(SEGA)(US)

756 - BuckRogers

757 - Buffalo Stampede (1983)(General Masters)

758 - Bug Attack (1982)(Cavalier)

759 - Bug Hunt (1987)(Atari)

760 - Bug Hunt (1987)(Atari)(US)

761 - Bug Off! (1982)(Adventure International)

762 - Bug Out (19xx)(-)

763 - Bug Runner

764 - Bug_and_the_Spider

765 - Buggy

766 - Bugs (19xx)(-)

767 - Bugs_Page_6_Magazine

768 - Buldozer

769 - Bull and Cow

770 - Bull Dog Pinball (1982)(Hayden Book)

771 - Bull_Ants_Page_6_Magazine

772 - Bumblbee

773 - Bumper Ball (1982)(London)

774 - Bumper_Pool

775 - Bumper! Pinball (19xx)(-)

776 - Bumperball

777 - Bumpomov's Dogs

778 - Bundesligasimulation

779 - Bundesligatabelle

780 - Bunkers (1992)(L.K. Avalon)

781 - Bunny Busters

782 - Burger Boy!

783 - Burger Chef

784 - Burger Time (19xx)(-)

785 - Burgers (1983)(Brucey Barney)

786 - Buried Bucks (1982)(Analog)

787 - Burt's Brew Biz! (19xx)(-)

788 - Business World

789 - Businessman

790 - Bust_Out

791 - Busy Baby (1983)(Royale)

792 - Butterflies

793 - C_est_la_Vie

794 - C-64 Adventure (19xx)(United Software Art)(de)

795 - C. L. Baker

796 - C.D. Memory III

797 - Caardvarks

798 - Cache_Cache_de_Mots

799 - Caesar_s_Clock

800 - Calcul_Algebrique

801 - Calculus_Demon

802 - California Gold (19xx)(Charles Evans)[a]

803 - California Run

804 - California_Lottery

805 - Calorie_A_Lab_Simulation

806 - Cambodia

807 - Camel_Greg_Harrison

808 - Camel_unknown_version_1

809 - Camel_unknown_version_2

810 - Cameleon

811 - Camelot

812 - Can't Quit

813 - Candle_Candle_Burning_Bright_Antic_Publishing_book

814 - Candy Factory (1982)(Gebelli)

815 - Canfield

816 - Canfield's

817 - Cannibals (1983)(Calisto Software)

818 - Cannibals and Missionaries (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

819 - Cannon_Duel

820 - Cannon_Duel_ANALOG_Computing

821 - Cannon_Fire

822 - Canuck Pinball

823 - Canyon

824 - Canyon Climber 2 (19xx)(-)

825 - Canyon Runner

826 - Canyon_Climber

827 - Capital! (1988)(BBK)

828 - Capt. Sticky's Gold

829 - Captain Beeble (1983)(Inhome Software)(CA)

830 - Captain Beeble (1983)(Inhome)

831 - Captain Cosmo (1982)(Nexa Corporation)

832 - Captain Gather (1992)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)

833 - Captain Hook's Potluck

834 - Captain Milly (1984)(Columbia)

835 - Captivity

836 - Capture the Flag

837 - Capture the Flag (1983)(Sirius)[cr The Wiz][b]

838 - Capture the Flag (19xx)(Brad Timmins)

839 - Capture_the_Alien

840 - Car S.A., The (19xx)(Szymon Wesolowski)(pl)

841 - Car Wars (19xx)(Reichardt-Edwards)[BASIC]

842 - Car_Crazy

843 - Car_Race_Computer_Kontakt

844 - Card Grabber

845 - CardioQuiz

846 - Career_Counselor

847 - Carnival (19xx)(Jeff Casbeer)(PD)

848 - Carnival Massacre (1983)(Thorn EMI)

849 - Carnival Massacre (1983)(Thorn EMI)(GB)

850 - Carnival Pinball

851 - Carrier Force

852 - Carte_de_Belgique

853 - Cascade

854 - Casebook_of_Hemlock_Soames_1

855 - Casino

856 - Casino Baccarat

857 - Casino World

858 - Casino_Blackjack_Counter

859 - Cassette_50

860 - Castaway

861 - Casten_Game_Disk

862 - Castle Assault

863 - Castle Attack (1984)(Alan Reeve)

864 - Castle Crisis

865 - Castle Crisis (2003)(Edewaard, Bryan)(US)

866 - Castle Hassle (1983)(JV)

867 - Castle Hassle (1983)(Roklan)(US)

868 - Castle Hexagon

869 - Castle Mania

870 - Castle Morgue

871 - Castle of Horror

872 - Castle Quest (19xx)(-)[BASIC]

873 - Castle Top (19xx)(Alternative)

874 - Castle Wolfenstein

875 - Castle_Fantasy

876 - Castle, The (1984)(Interface)[bas2boot]

877 - Castles and Keys

878 - Castles and Keys (1983)(Romox)(US)

879 - Castles of Confusion (1990)(KE-Soft)[h Homesoft]

880 - Cat Nap (1982)(Zimag)

881 - Catapault (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

882 - Catapede (19xx)(Randy Timo)

883 - Catch 88

884 - Catepillar Races (1985)(NCW Productions)[BASIC]

885 - Caterpiggle (1982)(Scott R. Ludwig)

886 - Cave

887 - Cave Flighter (19xx)(Siegmund-Bremer)(de)[bas2boot]

888 - Cave Hunt

889 - Cave Runner

890 - Cave_Crisis

891 - Cave_In

892 - Cave_John_Foskett

893 - Cave_Man

894 - Cavefire III

895 - Cavelord (1984)(Peter Finzel)(de)

896 - Cavelord_English

897 - Caveman (199x)(Mirage)(pl)

898 - Caveman II - Caves of Osum

899 - Caveman Joe

900 - Cavepac

901 - Cavern Commander

902 - Cavern Escape

903 - Cavern of Death, The (1986)(Tronic Verlag)

904 - Cavern_Battle

905 - Cavernia (1990)(Zeppelin)

906 - Cavernrun

907 - Caverns of Callisto

908 - Caverns of Doom

909 - Caverns of Eriban (19xx)(-)

910 - Caverns of Khafka (1983)(Cosmi)

911 - Caverns of Mars (1981)(Atari)

912 - Caverns of Mars (1982)(Atari)(US)[no SIO patch]

913 - Caverns of Mars II (1981)(Greg Christensen)

914 - Caverns of Rigel (19xx)(Silicon Joy)[BASIC][Req OSb]

915 - Caverns of the Lost Miner

916 - Caverns_of_Nala

917 - Caves of Rigel

918 - Caves_of_Ice

919 - Caves_of_Madness

920 - Cecil

921 - Cecil II (19xx)(S.A.Parker)

922 - Cell

923 - Cellar Terror (1983)(General Masters)

924 - Cells_and_Serpents

925 - Cementerio (19xx)(Pelusa Soft)(es)[Light Gun]

926 - Centipede

927 - Centipede (1981)(Atari)

928 - Centipede (1981)(Atari)(US)(proto)

929 - Centipede (1982)(Atari)(US)

930 - Centipede (pirated version)

931 - Centrale_Nucleaire

932 - Centurion

933 - Centurion_Antic_Publishing

934 - Ceres (1985)(Frank T. Wittenmayer)

935 - Cervi (1998)[MultiJoy8]

936 - Cervi 2

937 - Ceskoslovensko

938 - Cesta kolem sveta

939 - Chain_Reaction

940 - Challenge 5 (1982)(Jay Gee)

941 - Challenge!

942 - Chambers of Zorp (1983)(Gardner-Konchan)

943 - Championship_Golf

944 - Championship_Lode_Runner

945 - Chancellor of the Exchequer

946 - Change (1992)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)

947 - Changing_Hearts

948 - Chaos(D. Castell's)

949 - Character_Fun

950 - Chase_Friday_Fun_Software

951 - Chasm_Escape

952 - Chasse_aux_Fautes

953 - Chatterbee

954 - Check_Up_Psychologique

955 - Checker King (1980)(Personal Software)

956 - Checkers (19xx)(-)

957 - Checkers v2.1 (1982)(Odesta)

958 - Chem Lab

959 - Chem_Lab_Simulations_3

960 - Chem_Lab_Simulations_4

961 - Chemistry_Tutor

962 - Chennault's Flying Tigers

963 - Cherry Harry II

964 - Chess (1983)(Parker Brothers)(US)

965 - Chess (19xx)(Parker Brothers)

966 - Chess 7.0

967 - Chess_Compute!

968 - Chicken (1982)(Synapse Software)(US)

969 - Chicken (1982)(Synapse)

970 - Chicken (Stan Ockers)

971 - Chicken Chase

972 - Chicken_Stan_Ockers_ACE_Newsletter

973 - Chiffres et des Lettres , Des (1983)(Atari)(FR)

974 - Chiffres_et_des_Lettres

975 - Chimera (1985)(Firebird)

976 - Chimere

977 - Chiseler

978 - Chlapecek

979 - Cholericka akce III

980 - Chomper (1982)(Robert Jaeger)

981 - Chop Suey (1985)(English Software Company)

982 - Choplifter (1982)(Broderbund)

983 - Choplifter (1982)(Broderbund)[color version]

984 - Choplifter! (1982-1988)(Atari - Broderbund)[XE]

985 - Choplifter! (1982)(Broderbund)(US)

986 - Choplifter! (1988)(Atari)(US)[XE]

987 - Chopp the Robot

988 - Chopper Hunt (1984)(Imagic)

989 - Chopper Mission

990 - Chopper Rescue (19xx)(Wizard)[BASIC][Req OSb]

991 - Chopper Rescue.atr

992 - Chopper_Bonus_Software

993 - Chopperroid (1983)(Compute!)[Req OSb]

994 - Chram boha slunce

995 - Chram Skazy (1985)(Fuxoft)

996 - Chram zkazy

997 - Chro-Ma-Tics

998 - Chuckie Egg (1985)(A&F)

999 - Chutes (19xx)(-)(PD)

1000 - Cimex Rex (1982)(Bytrex Computer Systems)

1001 - Circle of Richness

1002 - Circuit_Lab

1003 - Circus Pinball (1984)(Warren Small)

1004 - Citadel

1005 - Citadel Warrior (1983)(English Software Company)

1006 - Citadel, The (19xx)(Tiger Developments)

1007 - Citadel(Antic)

1008 - City_Defender

1009 - Cityhawk (1991)(K-Soft)

1010 - Civil War Simulation (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

1011 - Civilization (unfinished)

1012 - Civilization_Part_1

1013 - Civilization_Part_2

1014 - Civilization_Part_3

1015 - Claim Jumper (1982)(Synapse Software)(US)

1016 - Claim Jumper (1982)(Synapse)

1017 - Clash of Kings, The (1985)(Analog)

1018 - Clash_of_Wills

1019 - Classic (1994)(ESC)

1020 - Classifying_Plants

1021 - Classy Chassy

1022 - Clear for Action

1023 - Cleaver

1024 - Clever & Smart

1025 - Climber (1987)(Compute!)

1026 - Climber 5

1027 - Clipper

1028 - Cloak of Death

1029 - Cloak of Death (19xx)(David Cockram)[h Homesoft]

1030 - Clonus

1031 - Close Assault

1032 - Closeout! (19xx)(-)

1033 - Cloud Hopper (19xx)(Greg Knauss)

1034 - Cloudburst (1982)(DANA)(US)

1035 - Cloudburst (1982)(Tensor)

1036 - Clowns & Balloons (1982)(Datasoft)

1037 - Clue

1038 - Clues

1039 - Cobb's Adventure

1040 - Cobra Raccce..!

1041 - Cocktail Backgammon

1042 - Coco-Notes (1984)(CBS)

1043 - Code_Breaker!

1044 - Code_Master

1045 - Code_Woord

1046 - Codecracker

1047 - Cohen's Towers (1984)(Datamost)

1048 - Cokey

1049 - Collapse (1985)(Nalin Sharma)[cr Spiders - Dracula]

1050 - Collision Course (1982)(Zimag)

1051 - Coloid

1052 - Colonial Conquest

1053 - Colony (1987)(Masteronic)[cr NAPO]

1054 - Colony 7 (19xx)(-)

1055 - Colorasaurus (19xx)(-)

1056 - Colossal Adventure (1983)(Level 9 Computing)

1057 - Colossus Chess 4.0 (1987)(CDS Software)

1058 - Colossus Chess 4.1 (1987)(M. Bryant)

1059 - Colossus_Chess_3.0

1060 - Colours

1061 - Combat

1062 - Combat Chess

1063 - Combat Leader (1983)(SSI)

1064 - Combat Strategy (19xx)(-)

1065 - Comet Game, The (1985)(Firebird)[cr NAPO]

1066 - Comicland

1067 - Commando

1068 - Commando (1989)(Atari)(US)(proto)

1069 - Commbat

1070 - Comment_Compter

1071 - Commodore Invaders (19xx)(-)[h Homesoft]

1072 - Compu_Math_Decimals

1073 - Compu_Math_Fractions

1074 - Compu_Read_3.0

1075 - Compute 4

1076 - Computer Acquire (1981)(Avalon Hill)

1077 - Computer Ambush

1078 - Computer Baseball

1079 - Computer Chess (1979)(Atari)(US)

1080 - Computer Cricket - Disk 1

1081 - Computer Karate

1082 - Computer Live

1083 - Computer Monopoly

1084 - Computer Quarterback

1085 - Computer War (1983)(Thorn EMI)(GB)

1086 - Computer War (1983)(Thorn EMI)[a]

1087 - Computer_Battleship

1088 - Computer_Countdown

1089 - Computer_Craps

1090 - Computer_Crosswords_Dell

1091 - Computer_Crosswords_The_New_York_Times_Volume_1

1092 - Computer_Crosswords_The_New_York_Times_Volume_2

1093 - Computer_Cube

1094 - Computer_Football_Strategy

1095 - Computer_Hang_Guy_US_Cities

1096 - Computer_Inhabitants

1097 - Computer_Intelligence

1098 - Computer_Solution

1099 - Computer_Stocks_and_Bonds

1100 - Computer_Title_Bout

1101 - Computer-Kran

1102 - ComputerChess

1103 - Con_Putation_Softsmith

1104 - Conan

1105 - Concentration

1106 - Concentration_MACE

1107 - Concentration_Softswap

1108 - Concentration_Stack_Computer_Services

1109 - Condensation

1110 - Conflict 2500 -bas

1111 - Conflict in Vietnam

1112 - Confuzion

1113 - Congo Bongo (1983)(Sega)

1114 - Congo Bongo (1983)(Sega)(US)

1115 - Connect_Four

1116 - Conquest of the Crown

1117 - Constellation

1118 - Constructions_Electriques

1119 - Contagion (1992)(Xelyte)[cr Aura]

1120 - Controller

1121 - Convicts, The (19xx)(Witek Gantzke)

1122 - Cookie_Monster

1123 - Cooltris (1993)(New Breed Software)

1124 - Cops 'N' Robbers (1988)(Atlantis Software)

1125 - Copter Cave

1126 - Copter Chase (1983)(General Masters Corporation)

1127 - Copy_Cat

1128 - Coronation Street

1129 - Cosmic Balance

1130 - Cosmic Balance II

1131 - Cosmic Crusaders

1132 - Cosmic Defender (19xx)(Analog)

1133 - Cosmic Glob (19xx)(Rich B. Enns)

1134 - Cosmic Hero

1135 - Cosmic Invasion (19xx)(-)(de)[BASIC]

1136 - Cosmic Life (1983)(Spinnaker Software)(US)

1137 - Cosmic Pirate (1989)(Palace)

1138 - Cosmic Tunnels (1983)(Datamost)

1139 - Cosmic Tunnels (1983)(Datamost)(US)

1140 - Cosmic Zap (19xx)(Cascade)

1141 - CosmicLife

1142 - Cosmos Pinball (19xx)(G.T.)

1143 - Cosmy Hero

1144 - Count_Adventure_International_UK

1145 - Count_Dracula

1146 - Countdown (1984)(Synapse)[h Homesoft]

1147 - Countdown.atr

1148 - Counter

1149 - Counteraction

1150 - Countermeasure (1982)(Atari)[h Glenn][5200]

1151 - Counting_Micro_Media_Magazine

1152 - Course_aux_Hapax

1153 - Courting Crickets

1154 - CPU_Revenge

1155 - Crab Nebula (19xx)(Jeff Potter)

1156 - Crack

1157 - Crack-Up! (1989)(Atlantis)[cr Gem]

1158 - Crane

1159 - Cranston_Manor_Adventure

1160 - Craps Simulator (1984)(Symsoft)

1161 - Crash Dive (1984)(Analog Computing)

1162 - Crazy Ball II

1163 - Crazy Clown Jumper (19xx)(Brad Timmins)

1164 - Crazy Cobra

1165 - Crazy Ed

1166 - Crazy Eights (19xx)(Princeton Chan)

1167 - Crazy Kicker Pinball (19xx)(R. Nesset)(PD)

1168 - Crazy Quader (1990)(Bit Power)(de)

1169 - Crazy Scooter (1985)(Propaganda)

1170 - Crazy_Cannons

1171 - Crazy_Eights_Friday_Fun_Software

1172 - Creature Creator

1173 - Creep (1987)(Jowood-Soft)

1174 - Creepshow Pinball (19xx)(-)

1175 - Creepy Caverns

1176 - Cribbage

1177 - Cribbage (Antic)

1178 - Cribbage_APX

1179 - Cribbage_THESIS

1180 - Cricket_Maths

1181 - Crillion (19xx)(-)(de)

1182 - Crime Buster (1988)(Atari)(US)[lightgun]

1183 - Crime Buster (1988)(Atari)[lightgun]

1184 - Crisis Center

1185 - Crisis Mountain (1983)(Synergistic)

1186 - Crix (1993)(ESC)

1187 - Crockford's Trench (1982)(Atari)

1188 - Crocodile_Flip_Flop

1189 - Cromwell House

1190 - Crooked House

1191 - Cross_Canada_Cycle

1192 - Cross_Town_Crazy_Eight

1193 - Crossboard (19xx)(-)

1194 - Crossbow (1983-1988)(Excidy - Atari)[lightgun]

1195 - Crossbow (1988)(Atari)(US)[lightgun]

1196 - Crosscheck

1197 - Crossfire (1981)(Sierra On-Line)(US)

1198 - Crossfire (19xx)(Sierra On-Line)[artifacting]

1199 - Crossfire (19xx)(Sierra)

1200 - Crossword

1201 - Crossword Magic

1202 - Crowley Manor

1203 - Crownland

1204 - Crumble's Crisis

1205 - Crumble's Crisis 2

1206 - Crusade in Europe (1985)(Microprose)

1207 - Crush Crumble and Chomp

1208 - Crypt of the Undead

1209 - Crypt_Crystal_Vision

1210 - Crypto

1211 - Crypto_Quotes

1212 - Crypto-Gram (19xx)(-)

1213 - CryptoCube

1214 - Cryptogram_Solver

1215 - Crypts of Egypt (1994)(Mirage)(PAL)(pl)

1216 - Crypts of Plumbous (1982)(Cosmi)

1217 - Crypts_of_Terror

1218 - Crystal Castles (1984)(Atari)(US)(beta)

1219 - Crystal Castles (1984)(Atari)(US)(proto)

1220 - Crystal Castles (1984)(Atari)[t]

1221 - Crystal Castles (1988)(Atari)(US)[XE]

1222 - Crystal Castles (1988)(Atari)[XE]

1223 - Crystal Crisis (1989)(Page 6)

1224 - Crystal Raider (19xx)(Mastertronic)

1225 - Crystal_Caves

1226 - Crytabor (1988)(D.K.)

1227 - Ctulhi's Betrayal

1228 - Cubbyholes

1229 - Cube (19xx)(Raindorfsoft)

1230 - Cubemeister

1231 - Cubes

1232 - Cubes in Space

1233 - Cubico

1234 - Cubomagique

1235 - Culmins

1236 - Cultivation!

1237 - Current_Events

1238 - Curse of the Pharaoh

1239 - Cuthbert Goes Walkabout (1984)(Microdeal)

1240 - Cutthroats

1241 - Cuttlemania (1986)

1242 - Cybernome (1983)(Leisure & Business Developments)

1243 - Cybor-Stien

1244 - Cyborg

1245 - Cyborg (1994)(Sikor Soft)(pl)

1246 - Cyborg Warrior

1247 - Cycleknight (1986)(Artworx)

1248 - Cyclod (19xx)(Sirius)[cr Piratesoft]

1249 - Cygnus X1 (19xx)(-)[cr LPS]

1250 - Cylon_Zap

1251 - Cypher Bowl (1981)(Artsci)

1252 - Cyrtabor (1988)(Daniel Klodt)

1253 - Cytron Masters (1982)(Dan Bunton)

1254 - Cywilizacja (19xx)(Mirage)(pl)

1255 - Czarny Orzel (1995)(Krysal)(pl)

1256 - Czaszki

1257 - Czaszki (1993)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)

1258 - D-Bug (1982)(Electronic Arts)

1259 - Da Fuzz (1983)(Roklan)

1260 - Da' Fuzz (1983)(Roklan)(US)

1261 - Dagobar - Captain Gather Znowu W Akcji (1993)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)[h Mr. Bacardi]

1262 - Dalej niz slonce

1263 - Dam Trouble

1264 - Dambusters

1265 - Dampfmaschine

1266 - Dan Strikes Back (1984)(English)

1267 - Dance Fantasy (1984)(Fisher-Price)

1268 - Dance_Fantasy

1269 - Dancing Feats (1983)(Softsync)[Req OSb]

1270 - Dandy (1983)(APX)

1271 - Dandy Dungeon

1272 - Dandy Dungeon M4

1273 - Danger Crosswalk

1274 - Danger Ranger (1984)(MIcrodeal)

1275 - Danger_in_Drindisti

1276 - Dangerous Street (1992)(Raster Software)

1277 - Danny's Mirror Magic

1278 - Daredevil

1279 - Darg (1987)(STV Software)

1280 - Darg II

1281 - Dark Abyss (19xx)(Mirage)(Pl)

1282 - Dark Chambers (1988)(Atari)

1283 - Dark Chambers (1988)(Atari)(US)

1284 - Dark Dreams

1285 - Dark Star

1286 - Dark Star (1982)(K.H. Rinne)[Req OSb]

1287 - Darkness Hour (1992)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)

1288 - Darkstar (19xx)(Michael Mitchell)

1289 - Darkstar 2

1290 - Darts (1981)(Thorn EMI)

1291 - Darts (Blue Ribbon)

1292 - Das Alte Haus

1293 - Das Boersenspiel

1294 - Das CIA - Abenteuer

1295 - Das Geheimnis der Osterinsel

1296 - Das_Dorf_der_Toten

1297 - Das_Erste_D&D_Adventure

1298 - Dash

1299 - Dateline Titanic

1300 - David's Midnight Magic (1982-1987)(Atari - Broderbund)

1301 - David's Midnight Magic (1987)(Atari)(US)

1302 - David's Midnight Magic (19xx)(-)

1303 - David's Midnight Magic 2 (1982)(Broderbund Software)[h Homesoft]

1304 - Dawn of Civilization (19xx)(George Schwenk)

1305 - Dawn Raider (1988)(Atlantis)

1306 - Day After

1307 - Daylight Robbery (1988)(Atlantis Software)[h Homesoft]

1308 - De Re Pac-Man

1309 - Deadline

1310 - Deadly Game Adventure

1311 - Deadstick_Landing

1312 - Death By Solitaire (1998)(Darren Schebek)[DOS]

1313 - Death Race (1987)(Atlantis)(PAL)

1314 - Death Races (1987)(Tony Goacher)

1315 - Death Zone

1316 - Deathland (1994)(StanBit)(pl)[t]

1317 - Deathworld

1318 - Deathzone (1986)(Analog)

1319 - Debility (1996)(Ivan Straka)(Part 1 of 3)

1320 - Debility (1996)(Ivan Straka)(Part 2 of 3)

1321 - Debility (1996)(Ivan Straka)(Part 3 of 3)

1322 - debils_action_i_-_part_i

1323 - debils_action_i_-_part_ii

1324 - Decathlon

1325 - Decathlon (1984)(Activision)(US)

1326 - Decision in the Desert

1327 - Decode

1328 - Deep Funk

1329 - Deepspace

1330 - Defend (1982)(-)[cr Space Cadet]

1331 - Defender (1982)(Atari)

1332 - Defender (1982)(Atari)(US)

1333 - Defense

1334 - Defensor (1995)(Stan-Bit)(pl)[h Homesoft]

1335 - Deflection_Simon_Says

1336 - Deflector

1337 - Deflektor

1338 - Deflektor (1989)(Atari)(US)(proto)

1339 - Deimos (1993)(Sonix)(pl)

1340 - Deja Vu

1341 - Delta Drawing v3.23 (1983)(Spinnaker Software)(US)

1342 - Delta_Drawing

1343 - Deluxe Invaders (1981)(Roklan)(US)

1344 - DeluxeInvaders

1345 - Demolition

1346 - Demon (19xx)(Glonisz)(pl)

1347 - Demon Attack (1982)(Imagic)(US)[req OSb]

1348 - Demon Attack (1982)(Imagic)[Req OSb][title]

1349 - Demon Ball Pinball (19xx)(-)

1350 - Demon Birds (19xx)(Analog)

1351 - Demon Racer (1988)(Antic)

1352 - Den zuctovani - Part I

1353 - Den zuctovani - Part II

1354 - Deneb

1355 - Denis through the Drinking Glass

1356 - denk_schieb

1357 - Depth_Charge_Page_6_Magazine

1358 - Der Blitz! (1982)(Solitare)

1359 - Der Leise Tod

1360 - Der Neffe

1361 - Der Ring Der Nibelungen

1362 - Des chiffres et des lettres

1363 - Descente_a_Ski

1364 - Desert Crossfire

1365 - Desert Falcon (1988)(Atari)

1366 - Desert Falcon (1988)(Atari)(US)

1367 - Desert_Quest

1368 - desert_race

1369 - Desert_Survival_Test

1370 - Designers Pencil -800b

1371 - Desmonds Dungeon

1372 - Despatch Rider (1986)(Mastertronic)(UK)

1373 - Destination Unknown (1983)(Frank Writtenmayer)

1374 - Destiny The Cruiser

1375 - Destroyer Warship

1376 - Destroyers (19xx)(KP Middleton)[h USSR Soft]

1377 - Destrukszon Flower

1378 - Detective

1379 - Detective_CTH_Enterprises

1380 - Detektiv Ray Cooper in Der Leise Tod (1987)(M.Kohler & P.Jurgens)

1381 - Determinants

1382 - Detonator

1383 - Deuces_Wild

1384 - Devil_s_Doorway

1385 - Devil's Dare (1983)(Jay Gee)

1386 - Devil's Domain

1387 - Devils Caverns (19xx)(-)[BASIC]

1388 - Devils_Dungeon

1389 - dialabomb (19xx)(Mr. Carey)[bas2boot]

1390 - Diamond Mine (1983)(Roklan)(US)

1391 - Diamond Mine (Blue Ribbon)

1392 - Diamond Mine (Sydney Brown)

1393 - Diamond Ride

1394 - Diamond_Dave

1395 - Diamond_Digger

1396 - DiamondMine

1397 - Diamonds (1983)(English)

1398 - Dianes (1984)(English)

1399 - Dice Poker

1400 - Dice_Arithmetic

1401 - Dice!

1402 - Dicey

1403 - Dictionnaire_Anglais_Francais

1404 - Die Ausserirdischen - Die Zeitmaschine III

1405 - Die dunkle Hacht des Unriagh

1406 - Die Mission

1407 - Die Vision

1408 - Die Zeitmaschine

1409 - Die Zeitmaschine - Die Rueckkehr

1410 - Die_Deutsch_Stunde_3

1411 - Die_Zeitmaschine

1412 - Dig Dug (1982)(Atari)(US)

1413 - Dig Dug (1983)(Atari)(US)

1414 - Dig_Dug

1415 - Dig_Dug_1983

1416 - Dig_Dug_prototype

1417 - DigDug 1982

1418 - Digger

1419 - Digger_Ralf_David

1420 - Diggerbonk (1982)(Steve Robinson)

1421 - Digi Duck (1992)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)

1422 - Digital_Couch

1423 - Diktator

1424 - Diktator (1983)(DK'Tronics)[tr cz][BASIC]

1425 - Dilemna

1426 - Dimension Wizards

1427 - Dimension X (1984)(Synapse)

1428 - Dinky-Do (19xx)(Steven Macilwee)

1429 - Dino_Battle

1430 - Dinosaur

1431 - Dinoventure!

1432 - Dirty Money

1433 - Disc Hopper (19xx)(Red Rat)

1434 - Diver

1435 - Divested Bell (19xx)(-)

1436 - Divex

1437 - Dizzy Dice (1987)(Players)

1438 - Dnieper River Line

1439 - Do akcji

1440 - Do_It_Yourself_Spelling

1441 - Dobrodruzstvi maleho caparta II - Part I

1442 - Dobrodruzstvi maleho caparta II - Part II

1443 - Dobrodruzstvi na WC (1992)(Rak)[BASIC]

1444 - Doctor Boris! (19xx)(-)

1445 - Doctor_Atari

1446 - Dodge Racer

1447 - Dodger

1448 - Dog Daze (1981)(Gray Chang)

1449 - Dog Daze Deluxe (1983)(Gray Chang)

1450 - Dog_Hunt

1451 - Dogbite!

1452 - Dogfight (1981)(Gray Chang)

1453 - Dogfight_Ray_Cole

1454 - Doggies

1455 - Domain of the Undead, The (198x)(Red Rat)

1456 - Domination

1457 - Dominion

1458 - Domino_87

1459 - Domino_Arithmetic

1460 - Domino_Arithmetic_Revision_1.1

1461 - Domino_Arithmetic_Revision_2.0

1462 - Dominoes

1463 - Don's Ball (19xx)(-)

1464 - Don't Shoot That Word

1465 - Donald

1466 - Doofy (19xx)(Janusz Karmanski)

1467 - Door

1468 - Double Agents

1469 - Double Bounce

1470 - Double Decker

1471 - Double or Quit

1472 - Double Trouble Pinball (19xx)(-)

1473 - Downhill

1474 - Dowry_Bribe

1475 - Dr D Adventure (19xx)(-)

1476 - Dr Livingston (19xx)(-)[BASIC]

1477 - Dr_Freps

1478 - Dr_Goodcode_s_Cavern

1479 - Dr_Who_Adventure_hacked_version

1480 - Dr. Boom!

1481 - Dr. Download

1482 - Dr. Seuss - Fix-Up the Mix-Up Puzzler (1984)(CBS)

1483 - Dr. Tom's Castle (19xx)(K.Ezcan)[BASIC]

1484 - Dr. Waco Pinball (19xx)(GDC)

1485 - Drac_Is_Back

1486 - Draconus

1487 - Draconus (1988)(Cognito)

1488 - Draconus II - The Story Continue (1991)(National Soft)

1489 - Draconus III - The Larger Challenge (1992)(National Soft)

1490 - Draconus IV - La Leyenda (1993)(Willysoft)

1491 - Drag

1492 - Dragnet (1980)(Compu-Net)

1493 - Dragon Castle

1494 - Dragon Quest

1495 - Dragon Quest (Antic)

1496 - Dragon Quest v3.14 (1986)(Matt Pritchard)(PD)[BASIC]

1497 - Dragon Story - Mini Intro

1498 - Dragon Story - Part I

1499 - Dragon Story - Part II

1500 - Dragon Story (1998)(KAP)(SW)[Intro]

1501 - Dragon_Castle

1502 - Dragon_Defense

1503 - Dragon_s_Den

1504 - Dragon's Hideaway

1505 - Dragon's Keep

1506 - Dragonlord (19xx)(Clayton Walnum)[BASIC]

1507 - Dragonmaster

1508 - Dragonriders of Pern

1509 - Dragons Breath (1985)(Analog)[BASIC]

1510 - Dragons Lair

1511 - Drakula (19xx)(B. Stockera)[Cz]

1512 - dratewka_the_shoemaker

1513 - Draughts_Page_6_Magazine

1514 - Draughts_Stack_Computer_Services

1515 - Draw_Poker

1516 - Dreadnaught Factor, The (1984)(Activision)

1517 - Dreadnaught Factor, The (1984)(Activision)(US)

1518 - Dreadnought

1519 - Dreadnought Megastars (19xx)(-)(PAL)

1520 - Dredis

1521 - Drelbs

1522 - Dreszcz

1523 - Drill_Instructor

1524 - Driver's Seat

1525 - Droga do Duplandu

1526 - Droga Wojownika (19xx)(ASF)(pl)

1527 - Droids (1983)(TG Software)(US)

1528 - Droids (1983)(TG)

1529 - Droidz

1530 - Drol (1983)(Broderbund)

1531 - Drol (color version)

1532 - Drone Dusters

1533 - Drop

1534 - Drop It (1993)(Sonix)[cr Aura]

1535 - Dropzone (1984)(U.S. Gold)

1536 - Druid (19xx)(Firebird)

1537 - Drutt (19xx)(ASF)(pl)[h Homesoft]

1538 - Duch

1539 - Duch(mirage)

1540 - Duck Gallery

1541 - Ducks Ahoy (1984)(CBS)

1542 - Duel II

1543 - Duelists, The (19xx)(John Thornburgh)

1544 - Duellin' Droid (1984)(S. Burns)

1545 - Dump Machine (1985)(Przsoft)(De)

1546 - Dungeon Duel

1547 - Dungeon_Adventure

1548 - Dungeon_Arcade

1549 - Dungeon_Doors

1550 - DungeonLords (19xx)(Brian Bradley)

1551 - Dungeons of Xotha (19xx)(Goldvision Software)[BASIC]

1552 - Dungeons, Dragons and Other Perils

1553 - Dunjonquest - The Datestones of Ryn (1980)(Automated Simulations)[BASIC]

1554 - Durtle Pinball (19xx)(R. Pressley)

1555 - Duum

1556 - Dwie Wieze (1993)(ASF)(pl)[t]

1557 - Dyna Blaster

1558 - Dynakillers (1997)(GMG)

1559 - Dziedzictwo Gigantow (1993)(Mirage)(pl)[cr Krawco]

1560 - E Factor, The (1983)(Cosmi)

1561 - E-Racer

1562 - E.T. Phone Home! (1983)(Atari)

1563 - Eagle_Wing

1564 - Eagle's Castle

1565 - Eagles (1983)(SSI)[Basic]

1566 - Eamon

1567 - Early_Games_for_Young_Children_Counterpoint_Software

1568 - Early_Games_Music

1569 - Early_Games_Piece_of_Cake

1570 - Earth 2500 (19xx)(Cuz Feeshe)

1571 - Earth Views (1984)(Antic)

1572 - Earth_Science_Part_1

1573 - Earth_Science_Part_2

1574 - Earth_Science_Part_3

1575 - Earth_Science_Part_4

1576 - Earthquake 1906

1577 - Easa II

1578 - East Side Story

1579 - Eastern Front 1941 (1982)(Atari)

1580 - Eastern Front 1941 (1982)(Atari)(US)

1581 - Eastern_Front_1941_APX

1582 - Easy Money (1993)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)

1583 - EasyReader_Learn_about_Words_1

1584 - Eckn

1585 - ecknplus

1586 - Ed-Ball

1587 - Educational_System_Master_Cartridge_Dorsett

1588 - EduFun! - MathFun! (1982)(Milliken)[BASIC]

1589 - Egg Catcher (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

1590 - Eggard (1984)(Scandsoft)

1591 - Eggnapper

1592 - Egon (1984)(Interface)(de)[bas2boot]

1593 - Egypt Adventure _ 1

1594 - Egypt Adventure _ 2

1595 - Egypt Adventure _ 3

1596 - Egypt Ball Pinball (19xx)(Tyrone Marshall)

1597 - EI-the Game

1598 - Eidolon, The (1985)(Lucasfilm)

1599 - Eight_Ball

1600 - Eldorado

1601 - Electra (1993)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)[cr Mr. Bacardi]

1602 - Electra-ball - Sport of the Future (19xx)(Analog Computing)[BASIC]

1603 - Electric Company (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

1604 - Electric_Starfish_Calisto_Software

1605 - Electrician (1984)(Synapse)

1606 - Electroids, The (1984)(James Hague)

1607 - Electronic_Cubist

1608 - Elektra Glide (1985)(English Software Company)

1609 - Elementary_Biology

1610 - Elementy

1611 - Elephants_Graveyard

1612 - Elevator Repairman (1985)(Analog)

1613 - Elevators

1614 - Eliminator (1982)(Adventure International)

1615 - Eliza (19xx)(-)

1616 - Embargo

1617 - Embargo (1982)(Gebelli Software)(US)

1618 - Emerald Isle (1985)(Level 9 Computing)

1619 - emgeton_story_-_part_i

1620 - emgeton_story_-_part_ii

1621 - emgeton_story_ii_-_part_i

1622 - emgeton_story_ii_-_part_ii

1623 - Emil-Hilf (1990)(Dieter Barthold)(de)

1624 - Emilnator

1625 - Empire (19xx)(Outland Quest)[BASIC]

1626 - Empire of the Over-Mind

1627 - Empire Strikes Back, The (19xx)(Power Pack)

1628 - Emulator (1984)(T&G Software)

1629 - Enchanter

1630 - Encounter_at_Questar_IV

1631 - Encounter! (1983)(Synapse Software)[Req OSb]

1632 - Enemy

1633 - Energy_Czar

1634 - english german

1635 - English_Irregular_Verbs

1636 - English_Revision_Aid

1637 - Enigmatix

1638 - Enigme_du_Triangle

1639 - Ennumereight

1640 - Enrico

1641 - Enrico II

1642 - Entrepreneur_Jungle

1643 - Environment_X

1644 - Epidemic (1983)(SSI)

1645 - Equestrian (1983)(Al P. Casper)

1646 - ERG (1984)(D-Mind Software)

1647 - Ernie_s_Magic_Shapes_Hi_Tech_Expressions

1648 - ErniesMagicShapes

1649 - Erosion

1650 - Eryus

1651 - Eryus (1984)(Laurence Klein)

1652 - Escape

1653 - Escape from Doomworld (1986)(Red Rat Software)

1654 - Escape from Earth

1655 - Escape from Epsilon (19xx)(JD Casten)[bas2boot]

1656 - Escape from Gross

1657 - Escape from Perilous

1658 - Escape from Satellite A19790C (1979)(-)

1659 - Escape from Syntron

1660 - Escape from the Dungeon of the Gods (19xx)(Ray Sato)[BASIC]

1661 - Escape from Traam

1662 - Escape from Vulcan's Isle

1663 - Escape of Universe - Part I

1664 - Escape of Universe - Part II

1665 - Escape of Universe - Part III

1666 - Escape_to_Equatus

1667 - Espial (1984)(Tigervision)

1668 - Espial (1984)(Tigervision)(US)

1669 - Essex

1670 - ET Phone Home! (1983)(Atari)(US)[no SIO patch]

1671 - Eternal Dagger

1672 - Euchre_Compute!

1673 - Eureka (1992)(Mirage)(pl)[tinyDOS]

1674 - Eurobusiness

1675 - European Countries and Capitals

1676 - European_Super_Soccer

1677 - Evader Construction Set

1678 - Evening_of_Horror

1679 - Everything Goes

1680 - Evolution (1984)(Sydney Development)

1681 - Examenator v1.0 (1989)(Nick Riko)[BASIC]

1682 - Examiner II

1683 - Excalibur (1983)(Atari)

1684 - Excelsor (1986)(Players)

1685 - Exchange (1988)(Rassilon)

1686 - Executive_Decision_Maker

1687 - Exit Watch (1983)(General Masters)

1688 - Exocet Blastoff (1983)(General Masters)

1689 - Expedition

1690 - Exploding Boulderdash

1691 - Exploding Wall (19xx)(-)[cr Burton Bandit][t]

1692 - Exploding_Boulder_dash_02

1693 - Exterminator, The (1982)(Wm Fasner)

1694 - Extirpator!, The (19xx)(Firebird)[cr Steve Zipp]

1695 - Exwall

1696 - F-15 Strike Eagle (19xx)(MicroProse)[cr The Cruiser]

1697 - F.R.E.E

1698 - Face Up Patience

1699 - Facemaker

1700 - FaceMaker_disk

1701 - Factor Blast (1983)(Hayden)

1702 - Factor-X

1703 - Factory

1704 - Fairway_Challenge

1705 - Fairy Castle

1706 - faj_soft_boulder_dash

1707 - Fake_Frogger!

1708 - Falcon (1983)(Wolfgang Mueller)

1709 - Fall_of_Rome

1710 - Fallout_Antic_Publishing

1711 - Family_Fun_Four_Letter_Word

1712 - Famous_Sayings_Hangman

1713 - Fancy_Rose

1714 - Fantastic Soccer (1989)(Zeppelin Games)[m Roemer]

1715 - Fantastic Voyage (1982)(Sirius Software)(US)

1716 - FantasticVoyage

1717 - Fantasyland 2041 A.D

1718 - fantasyland_0_2041_main_disk_-basic

1719 - Fantom opery

1720 - Farao

1721 - Fart

1722 - Fast Action

1723 - FastEddie

1724 - Fastgammon (1980)(Quality)[Req OSb]

1725 - Fastidious_Spider

1726 - Fatal Connection

1727 - Fatal Game

1728 - Fatum (1993)(ASF)(pl)

1729 - FBI

1730 - Fear (19xx)(Robert Smith)[cr Webbed Sphere]

1731 - Fence Builder

1732 - Feodal

1733 - Feud - The Graphic Adventure (19xx)(Bulldog)

1734 - Feud_Czech_hack

1735 - Fidget (1986)(Mr Chip)

1736 - Field of Fire

1737 - Fiffikus

1738 - Fifty Mission Crush

1739 - Fight Night

1740 - Fight Night (1987)(Atari)(US)

1741 - Fighter

1742 - Fighter Pilot (1985)(Digital Integration)

1743 - Fighter Pilot (Interceptor Software)

1744 - Fighting

1745 - Figure_Fun

1746 - Fiji

1747 - Fill'er Up! II (19xx)(Analog)

1748 - Final Fight, The (1986)(Markt&Technik)

1749 - Final Flight! (19xx)(MMG Micro)[Req OSb]

1750 - Final Legacy (1984)(Atari)(US)

1751 - Final Orbit (1983)(Sirius Software)(US)

1752 - Final_Conflict

1753 - FinalLegacy

1754 - FinalOrbit

1755 - Fire

1756 - Fire Bug (19xx)(Analog)

1757 - Fire Chief (1985)(English Software Company)

1758 - Fire Fox (19xx)(-)(Pl)

1759 - Fire One! (1983)(Epyx)

1760 - Fire Power

1761 - Fire-Man

1762 - Fire!

1763 - Fireball_1K

1764 - Fireball!

1765 - Firebird

1766 - Firebird (1981)(Gebelli Software)(US)

1767 - Firefleet (1983)(English Software Company)

1768 - Firefox Boulder Dash 01

1769 - Firefox Boulder Dash 02

1770 - Firefox Boulder Dash 03

1771 - Firefox Boulder Dash 04

1772 - Firefox Boulder Dash 05

1773 - Firefox Boulder Dash 06

1774 - Firefox Boulder Dash 07

1775 - Firefox Boulder Dash 08

1776 - Firefox Boulder Dash 09

1777 - Firefox Boulder Dash 10

1778 - Firefox Boulder Dash 11

1779 - Firefox Boulder Dash 12

1780 - Firefox Boulder Dash 13

1781 - Firefox Boulder Dash 14

1782 - Firefox Boulder Dash 15

1783 - Firefox Boulder Dash 16

1784 - Firefox Boulder Dash 17

1785 - Firefox Boulder Dash 18

1786 - Firefox Boulder Dash 19

1787 - Firefox Boulder Dash 20

1788 - Firefox Boulder Dash 21

1789 - Firefox Boulder Dash 22

1790 - Firefox Boulder Dash 23

1791 - Firefox Boulder Dash 24

1792 - Firefox Boulder Dash 25

1793 - Firefox Boulder Dash 26

1794 - Firefox Boulder Dash 27

1795 - Firefox Boulder Dash 28

1796 - Firefox Boulder Dash 29

1797 - Firefox Boulder Dash 30

1798 - Firefox Boulder Dash 31

1799 - Firefox Boulder Dash 32

1800 - Firefox Boulder Dash 33

1801 - Firefox Boulder Dash 34

1802 - Firefox Boulder Dash 35

1803 - Firefox Boulder Dash 36

1804 - Firefox Boulder Dash 37

1805 - Firefox Boulder Dash 38

1806 - Firefox Boulder Dash 39

1807 - Firefox Boulder Dash 40

1808 - Firefox Boulder Dash 41

1809 - Firefox Boulder Dash 42

1810 - Firefox Boulder Dash 43

1811 - Firefox Boulder Dash 44

1812 - Firefox Boulder Dash 45

1813 - Firefox Boulder Dash 46

1814 - Firefox Boulder Dash 47

1815 - Firefox Boulder Dash 48

1816 - Firefox Boulder Dash 49

1817 - Firefox Boulder Dash 50

1818 - Firefox Boulder Dash 51

1819 - Firefox Boulder Dash 52

1820 - Firefox Boulder Dash 53

1821 - Firefox Boulder Dash 54

1822 - Firefox Boulder Dash 55

1823 - First_Steps_with_the_Mr_Men

1824 - Fische Fischen

1825 - Fish, The - Adventures of Mr. Fish v1.00 (1995)(Ken Siders)(PD)

1826 - Fishing

1827 - Fishing Fun (19xx)(Cascade)

1828 - Five_Card_Stud_Poker

1829 - Flags_Page_6_Magazine

1830 - Flak (1984)(Funsoft)

1831 - Flapper

1832 - Flapper (1983)(Romox)(US)

1833 - Flappy (1988)(Doltari)[game]

1834 - Flash

1835 - Flash - Part I

1836 - Flash - Part II

1837 - Flash_Count

1838 - Flash_O

1839 - Fleet

1840 - Flex

1841 - Flight Simulator II

1842 - Flight Simulator II v1.07 (1987)(Atari)(US)

1843 - Flight_of_the_Swan

1844 - Flinstone's Adventures (1993)(JK Soft)

1845 - Flip

1846 - Flip and Flop (1983)(First Star Software)

1847 - Flip and Flop (1983)(First Star Software)(US)

1848 - Flip_It_II

1849 - Flip-It (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

1850 - Flip! (1990)(Norbert Hagemann)

1851 - Flood

1852 - Floor Walker (1985)(Dave Munsie)

1853 - Flop And Flip

1854 - Flowers Mania

1855 - Floyd of the Jungle

1856 - Floyd the Droid Goes Blastin' (1986)(Analog)

1857 - Fluid-Kha

1858 - Fly - Busters

1859 - Fly Blaster (1982)(Brent Borghese)

1860 - Flying Ace (1982)(Avalon Hill)

1861 - Flying_High

1862 - Fog

1863 - Follow Me!

1864 - Folly_of_Ezrhar_d_Kkhann

1865 - Fooblitzky

1866 - Food Fight (1987)(Atari)

1867 - Food Fight (1987)(Atari)(US)

1868 - Football

1869 - Football (1983)(Atari)

1870 - Football_Manager

1871 - Footballer of the Year (1986)(Gremlin)

1872 - Forbidden Forest (1983)(Cosmi)

1873 - Force of Four

1874 - Forest_Fire!_Two

1875 - Forklift_Page_6_Magazine

1876 - Formula_1_Racing

1877 - Fort Apocalypse (1982)(Synapse Software)(US)[req OSb]

1878 - Fort Apocalypse (1982)(Synapse)

1879 - Fortress_Underground

1880 - Fortress.atr

1881 - Fortress.xex

1882 - Fortuna

1883 - Fortune Hunter (1982)(Romox)

1884 - Fortune Hunter (1982)(Romox)(US)

1885 - Fotbalovy trener 2

1886 - Fotbalovy trener 3

1887 - Four by Four Square (1988)(Rassilon)

1888 - Four Card Blind Hookey

1889 - Four in Order

1890 - Four_in_a_Row_Page_6_Magazine

1891 - Fraction_Fever

1892 - France_J_Aime

1893 - Frank & Mark (1993)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)[cr Mr. Bacardi][no intro]

1894 - Frank the Fruit Fiend

1895 - Frantic! (1986)(Computronic)

1896 - Frazee

1897 - Frazzle

1898 - Freaky Factory (1986)(Red Rat)(PAL)

1899 - Fred (1991)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)

1900 - Free Trader

1901 - FreeCellXE (2001)(Fandal)

1902 - Freeway_Ace!

1903 - Frenesis (1987)(Tony Takoushi)

1904 - Fresufi

1905 - Friday Slalom

1906 - Frisky Tom

1907 - Frog (1997)(Antic Publishing)

1908 - Frog_Jump_Atari_User

1909 - Frog_Stan_Ockers_ACE_Newsletter

1910 - Frogger (1983)(Parker Brothers)(US)

1911 - Frogger (198x)(Sierra On-Line)

1912 - Frogger 2 - Theeedeep! (19xx)(Parker Bros)

1913 - Frogger II - Sewer Level

1914 - Frogger II - Threeedeep! (1984)(Parker Brothers)(US)

1915 - Frogger II - Threeedeep! (1984)(Parker Brothers)(US)[unreleased sewer level]

1916 - Frogger_II_SEGA

1917 - Frogger_Parker_Brothers

1918 - Frogger_Sierra_On_Line_V2

1919 - Froggie (19xx)(Eddy Fries)

1920 - Froggman

1921 - Frogmaster

1922 - Frogs and Flies (19xx)(Nighthawk Group)

1923 - Front_de_l_Est_1941

1924 - Frontier Galaxy

1925 - Fruit Machine Simulator (1989)(Codemasters)

1926 - Fruit Pickin

1927 - Fruit Salad

1928 - Fruiti_Gambler

1929 - Fruits

1930 - Frustration

1931 - Fuck Commodore (19xx)(-)(de)

1932 - Fujiama Run

1933 - Full House

1934 - Fullhouse

1935 - Fun Day

1936 - Fun_with_Spelling

1937 - Fur Trader (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

1938 - Fury - The Wrath of Taljun Cathu

1939 - Fuse (19xx)(Evan Marks)

1940 - Fusebox

1941 - Fussball-Manager

1942 - Future Nightmare

1943 - Future_Tanks

1944 - Fuzzy

1945 - G MEN (1983)(General Masters)

1946 - G.F.S. Sorceress

1947 - Gabi (19xx)(Landsoft)

1948 - Galactic Adventures

1949 - Galactic Avenger (1982)(Cosmi)

1950 - Galactic Chase (1981)(Stedek Software)

1951 - Galactic Conflict

1952 - Galactic Cresta (1987)(B. Wheaton)

1953 - Galactic Empire (1981)(Adventure International)

1954 - Galactic Explorer

1955 - Galactic Patrol

1956 - Galactic Pinball (19xx)(Galactic Gang)

1957 - Galactic Trader (1981)(Adventure International)[BASIC]

1958 - Galactic_Gloop

1959 - Galahad and the Holy Grail (1982)(APX)

1960 - Galakticka rise

1961 - Galaxi Barkonid

1962 - Galaxia

1963 - Galaxian (1982)(Atari)

1964 - Galaxian (1982)(Atari)(US)

1965 - Galaxian_Sawfish_Software

1966 - Galaxy

1967 - Galaxy Defender

1968 - Galaxy_Showdown

1969 - Gallahad

1970 - Galleons (19xx)(Antic)

1971 - Gallery

1972 - Gallery_of_Death

1973 - Gambler(Softside)

1974 - Game of Live! (1987)(Peter Straif)(de)

1975 - game_harry

1976 - Game_of_Creation

1977 - Game_of_Jericho

1978 - Game_Show

1979 - Gamepack_Nr_1

1980 - Games_Pack_I

1981 - Games_Pack_II

1982 - Gangsters

1983 - Gangsters_Page_6_Magazine

1984 - Gangsterville

1985 - Gangway (1987)(WW)

1986 - Gantlet

1987 - Gaps

1988 - Garden of Confusion (1986)(ABBUC)(de)[BASIC]

1989 - Gardner Game

1990 - Gateway to Apshai (1983)(Epyx)

1991 - GATO

1992 - Gato (1987)(Atari)(US)

1993 - Gato (1987)(Atari)[cr RBS][tr de][b][Req 128k]

1994 - Gauntlet -

1995 - Gauntlet (1984)(Donald R. Lebeau)

1996 - Gauntletak

1997 - Gefahr_im_Kaufhaus

1998 - Geister-Schloss

1999 - GEM (19xx)(Joel Gluck)

2000 - Gem Drop (19xx)(New Breed Software)

2001 - Gem'y

2002 - Gemstone Warrior

2003 - Genesis (19xx)(Datasoft)[cr Byte Breaker]

2004 - Genetic_Drift

2005 - Genius

2006 - Geo

2007 - Geografia_Polski

2008 - Geografia-Test

2009 - Geographie

2010 - geometria_fix_loader

2011 - German_Vocabulary_Builder

2012 - Get Up

2013 - Getaway (1982)(Mark Reid)

2014 - Getris

2015 - Gettysburg - The Turning Point

2016 - GFS_Sorceress

2017 - Ghost

2018 - Ghost - Always Trouble With Kids (19xx)(Raindorfsoft)

2019 - Ghost Chaser

2020 - Ghost Encounters (1982)(JV)[t Wizard]

2021 - Ghost II

2022 - Ghost Town v3.9-123 (1981)(Adventure International)

2023 - Ghost_Fessel

2024 - Ghost_Hunter

2025 - Ghost_Hunter_II

2026 - Ghost_Writer

2027 - Ghost! (1983)(Action)

2028 - Ghostbusters

2029 - Ghostbusters_Michael_Current

2030 - Ghostly

2031 - Ghostly Goblins

2032 - Giant_Slalom_Artworx

2033 - Gielda

2034 - Gigablast - The Aggressive Planet (1991)(mhs-Studio)[m Homesoft]

2035 - Gil_bert_listing

2036 - Gin_Rummy_3.0

2037 - Gizmos Castle

2038 - Gladiator

2039 - Gladiator (19xx)(-)

2040 - Gladiator (K-Tek)

2041 - Glaggs It!

2042 - Glibber

2043 - Glip

2044 - Global War

2045 - Global War (1993)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)

2046 - Globe Master

2047 - Glucks-Rad

2048 - Gnom Factory

2049 - Gnome Ranger (1987)(Level 9 Computing)[m Homesoft]

2050 - Go (1982)(Hayden Book)

2051 - Go Cart

2052 - Go Fish

2053 - Go_Stack_Computer_Services

2054 - Go.atr

2055 - Gobang

2056 - Gobbler

2057 - Goble_Snake

2058 - Goblin

2059 - Goblins_Galore

2060 - Goetter

2061 - Gohtic_I

2062 - Gold Grabber

2063 - Gold House

2064 - Gold Hunt II

2065 - Gold Hunter (1992)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)[cr Mr. Bacardi]

2066 - Gold Mine (1983)(Spectra Video)

2067 - Gold_Run

2068 - Gold_Rush!

2069 - GoldDiver

2070 - Golden Oldies

2071 - Golden_Gloves

2072 - Goldgraeber cs

2073 - Goldminer (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

2074 - Goldrush! (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

2075 - Goldsuche

2076 - Golf

2077 - Golf '85

2078 - Golf Challenge (19xx)(Sierra On-Line)

2079 - Golf Championship

2080 - Golf Solitaire

2081 - Golf_Classic_Compubar

2082 - Golf_Handicap_Calculator

2083 - Golf_Master

2084 - Golf_Sawfish_Software

2085 - Golf_Tees

2086 - Golfer (19xx)(Bewesoft)

2087 - Gomoko

2088 - Gomoku (1980)(Artsci)

2089 - Gomoku III (1983)(Bob Harris)

2090 - Gone to the Dogs

2091 - Gone_Fishing

2092 - Good_King_Zurp

2093 - Good_Luck

2094 - Goodbye Charlie (19xx)(-)(de)[bas2boot]

2095 - Goonies, The (1985)(Datasoft)

2096 - Gorf (1982)(Roklan)

2097 - Gorgon

2098 - Gossip

2099 - Grab An Apple (19xx)(Page 6)

2100 - Grabit

2101 - Graf von Barenstein

2102 - Graffiti

2103 - Grand Prix II

2104 - Grand Prix Simulator (1992)(CodeMasters)

2105 - Grand_Prix_Lindasoft

2106 - Grandma's House

2107 - Graphing

2108 - Grateful Dead

2109 - Gravitar

2110 - Gravity

2111 - Great American Cross Country Road Race, The (1985)(Activision)

2112 - Great War - 1914

2113 - Great_Gospel_Game

2114 - Great_War_1914

2115 - Greedy Caterpillars

2116 - Greedy_Gunther

2117 - Green Beret (1986)(Imagine)[cr Bill Castor][t]

2118 - Green Fingers

2119 - Green Paras

2120 - Greener Than You Think! (1983)(Frank Wittenmayer)[Req OSb]

2121 - Greenout (1985)(Feelavision)

2122 - Gremlins (19xx)(-)[m Glenn][5200]

2123 - Greyhound Racing

2124 - Grid

2125 - Grid_Master

2126 - Gridiron_Glory

2127 - Gridrunner (1983)(Human Engineered Software)(US)

2128 - Gridrunner (1983)(Llamasoft)

2129 - Gridwars

2130 - Grisu

2131 - Groan

2132 - Grom

2133 - Groove (1984)(Frank T.)(PAL)

2134 - Grow Worm (19xx)(P. Margrave)

2135 - growing_pains_of_adrian_mole_-_part_i

2136 - growing_pains_of_adrian_mole_-_part_iii

2137 - Grubs_Page_6_Magazine

2138 - Gruds in Space

2139 - Grunwald 1410 (1995)(Fire-Bird)(pl)

2140 - Gryzzles

2141 - Guard (1992)(Sonix)(pl)

2142 - Guardian

2143 - Guardian Adventure

2144 - Guardian_Master

2145 - Guardians of the Gorn (1982)(C Meadowcroft)

2146 - Guderian

2147 - Guerriero_Laser

2148 - Guess_a_Number

2149 - Guess_a_Number_JR_Games

2150 - Guess_and_Count

2151 - Guess_What_s_Coming_to_Dinner

2152 - Guitar_Tutor

2153 - Gulf Strike

2154 - Gulp!!_Arrow_Graphics

2155 - Gumball (1983)(Broderbund)

2156 - Gumballs

2157 - Gumby Ball (1985)(Mr. Spock)

2158 - Gun Boat (1983)(General Masters)

2159 - Gun_Man_II

2160 - Gunfight

2161 - Gunfight (1983)(Epyx)[Req OSb]

2162 - Gunfight (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

2163 - Gunfight_Burl_Fisher

2164 - Gunfighter

2165 - Gunhead (1994)(Funny Computer)

2166 - Gunlaw (1986)(Mastertronic)

2167 - Gunner

2168 - Gunpowder Charlie (19xx)(-)[t Le'Al]

2169 - Gunslinger

2170 - Guy_Fawkes

2171 - Gwendolyn

2172 - Gwop

2173 - Gypsy (1982)(Avalon Hill)[a]

2174 - Gypsy.atr

2175 - Gyruss (1984)(Parker Brothers)

2176 - Gyruss (1984)(Parker Brothers)(CA)

2177 - Gyruss (1984)(Parker Brothers)(EU)(PAL)

2178 - H.E.R.O. (1984)(Activision)

2179 - H2O (19xx)(Bewesoft)

2180 - Haber

2181 - Hacker (1985)(Activision)

2182 - Hacker_boulder_dash

2183 - Hadani slov

2184 - Hail_to_the_Chief

2185 - Halftime Battling Bands (1984)(CBS Software)

2186 - Halley Project (The)

2187 - Halley Watch

2188 - Halley_Hunter

2189 - Halley_Patrol

2190 - Hammer Head

2191 - Hammerhead

2192 - Hammurabi - Fuedalni Ekonomie (19xx)(-)[Cz]

2193 - Hammurabi_Peter_A_Loeser

2194 - Hamurabi_Frank_Steinmetz

2195 - Hamurabi_unknown_version

2196 - Hang-Man

2197 - Hangman (19xx)(-)

2198 - Hangman_1.5

2199 - Hangman_2

2200 - Hangman_3

2201 - Hangman_Atari

2202 - Hangman_Friday_Fun_Software

2203 - Hangman_Gary_Callender

2204 - Hangman_R_Knoblauch

2205 - Hangman_V3.0

2206 - Hans Kloss (1992)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)

2207 - Hanse II

2208 - Hanse XL

2209 - Happy Wheeler

2210 - Happyface_Reversi

2211 - Harald_Fischer_Spielediskette

2212 - Hard Hat Mack (1983)(Electronic Arts)[cr Nyte Byte]

2213 - Hard Hat Mack (1983)(Electronic Arts)[OSa]

2214 - Hard Hat Willy (1983)(Bruce Thompson)

2215 - HardBall (1985)(Accolade)[cr Captain Wizard]

2216 - Harnafratz 1 - Das Buch der Zeit

2217 - Harvey Wallbanger (19xx)(-)

2218 - Hats (19xx)(Peter Kanold)

2219 - Haunted Hill (1982)(Swifty)

2220 - Haunted_Palace, The

2221 - Hauptstaedte_der_Welt

2222 - Hawk Fire

2223 - Hawkmen_of_Dindrin

2224 - Hawkmoon (1993)(L.K. Avalon)(Pl)[cr Mr. Bacardi]

2225 - Hawkquest

2226 - Hawkquest Cv Mission 1-2 -np

2227 - Hawkquest Cv Mission 3-4 -np

2228 - Hawkquest Cv Mission 5-E -np

2229 - Hazard Run (1982)(Artworx)

2230 - He Is Risen

2231 - Head On

2232 - Head Over Heels

2233 - Head Over Heels (19xx)(-)[cr Burton Bandit]

2234 - Headbanger (1987)(Bill Halsall)

2235 - Heart Break (1988)(Atari UK)

2236 - Heartlight (19xx)(Janusz Pelc)

2237 - Hearts v1.1 (1992)(Ray Borsick)(SW)

2238 - Hearts_1.5_Artworx

2239 - Heavy Metal (1988)(Page 6)[cr LPS]

2240 - Heist!

2241 - Hektor

2242 - Heli Killer (1994)(Tajemnice Atari)

2243 - Helix (19xx)(Pawel Mikolajczak)(pl)

2244 - Hellcat Ace

2245 - Hellfire Warrior v1.0 (1982)(Automated Simulations)[BASIC]

2246 - Helliman

2247 - Help_Saturn

2248 - Help! (1991)(E.S.O.)

2249 - Henri (1984)(Visions)

2250 - Henry's House (1987)(Mastertronic)[h Mr. Bacardi]

2251 - Herbert

2252 - Herbert II

2253 - Hermit

2254 - Hex War

2255 - Hexadecimal_Puzzle

2256 - Hexan

2257 - Hexapawn

2258 - Hexen muessen Brennen

2259 - HexxagonXE

2260 - Hickory_Dickory

2261 - Hickory_Dickory_Atari_France

2262 - Hickory_Dickory_Dock

2263 - Hidden_Maze

2264 - High Rise

2265 - High Rise (19xx)(Microlearn)

2266 - High School Confidental

2267 - High Speed

2268 - High_Rollers

2269 - Highway Duel (1984)(Dynamics Marketing)[cr Bit Cruncher]

2270 - Hijack! (1985)(English)

2271 - Himmelfahrtskommando

2272 - Historia Polski 966-1992

2273 - Hivmania (1993)(Shadows)

2274 - Hlavolam 1 (19xx)

2275 - Hlavolam 2 (19xx)

2276 - Hobgoblin_V1.0

2277 - Hockey (1981)(Gamma)

2278 - Hodge Podge

2279 - Hoehlen Gnom

2280 - Hoehlen von Pluto

2281 - Hoehlen-Herbert

2282 - Hollywood Hijinx

2283 - Home Pong

2284 - Homer's Honey Craze (1983)(New World)

2285 - Homonimos

2286 - Honky (1993)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)

2287 - Honzovo Dobrodruzstvi (1991)(Panthersoft)[BASIC]

2288 - Hookey (19xx)(David Plotkin)[bas2boot]

2289 - Hopper (19xx)(JLP)

2290 - Hopper_Artacyis_Software

2291 - Hopper_SoftSide_Publications

2292 - Hoppo

2293 - Horror Castle

2294 - Horse_Play

2295 - Horse_Race_Compute!

2296 - Hoss_Racing

2297 - Hostage_Rescue

2298 - Hot Blocks

2299 - Hot Copter (19xx)(Andrew Bradfield)[cr NAPO]

2300 - Hot Dice

2301 - Hot Lips (1982)(London)

2302 - Hot Rod Raider (1985)(W. Halsall)

2303 - Hot Wheel

2304 - Hot_and_Cold

2305 - Hotel

2306 - Hotel Alien

2307 - Hotfoot

2308 - House of Devil _ 1

2309 - House of Devil _ 2

2310 - House of Devil _ 3

2311 - House of Devil _ 4

2312 - House of Usher (1985)(Kingsoft)

2313 - House_of_Secrets

2314 - House_of_Usher_Crystalware

2315 - Hover Bovver (1984)(Llamasoft)[cr JRPA]

2316 - How_Many

2317 - Hrad smrti

2318 - Hrad smrti II

2319 - HSN-X

2320 - HSNX 4

2321 - Hulk Out

2322 - Human Body Series - Digestion

2323 - Humanoid (1992)(Sonix)

2324 - Hunch Back

2325 - Hungry_Hawks

2326 - Hungry_Horris

2327 - Hunt

2328 - Hunt_the_Wumpas

2329 - Hunter

2330 - Hurdle_Jumper

2331 - Hyams Adventure, The (19xx)(-)

2332 - Hydra

2333 - Hydraulik (1992)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)

2334 - Hydraulik (1993)(ASF)(pl)

2335 - Hyper Olympic (19xx)(-)

2336 - Hyper_Space

2337 - Hyperball

2338 - Hyperblast! (19xx)(English)

2339 - Hyperborea

2340 - Hypnotic Land

2341 - Hysteria (1996)(Ivan Straka)(Part 1 of 3)[intro]

2342 - Hysteria (1996)(Ivan Straka)(Part 2 of 3)

2343 - Hysteria (1996)(Ivan Straka)(Part 3 of 3)

2344 - I O (19xx)(Thomas Starace)(PD)[BASIC]

2345 - i_love_my_alphabet

2346 - I_m_Different!

2347 - IBM Tetris

2348 - Ice

2349 - Ice Cap

2350 - Ice-Hockey

2351 - Icky Squishy

2352 - ik+

2353 - Illinois Smith

2354 - Illumina (19xx)(-)

2355 - Illuminati

2356 - Illuminations

2357 - Im Land des Schreckens

2358 - Im Namen des Koenigs

2359 - Imagine (1992)(K-Soft)

2360 - Immobilo

2361 - Impact (1983)(David Buehler)

2362 - Imperial_Walker

2363 - Imperium Galactum

2364 - In Search of the Most Amazing Thing

2365 - In_der_Wueste

2366 - In_Search_of_the_Eternal_Light

2367 - Incoming!!

2368 - Incoming!! (1985)(Conrad Tatge)

2369 - Incredible Laboratory, The (19xx)(Jay Carlson)

2370 - Incydent (1993)(ASF)(pl)

2371 - Indian Gold

2372 - Indiana Jones - Pyramids of Giza (1985)(Epyx)[Basic]

2373 - Indiana Jones - The Last Crusade

2374 - Indiana_Jones_III_Tajemstvi_Svateho_Gralu

2375 - indiana_jones_in_the_jungle

2376 - Infantry Squad

2377 - Inferno

2378 - Infidel

2379 - Infiltrator

2380 - Infiltrator - The Adventure (1988)(Lee Offenberger)

2381 - Ingrid's Back (1988)(Level 9 Computing)(Part 1 of 3)

2382 - Ingrid's Back (1988)(Level 9 Computing)(Part 2 of 3)

2383 - Ingrid's Back (1988)(Level 9 Computing)(Part 3 of 3)

2384 - Inny Swiat

2385 - Insectivores_Concentration

2386 - Insects (1982)(Jack Snooyink)

2387 - Inside (1990)(Studio Komputerowe Spektra)

2388 - Inside_ANG_Software

2389 - Inspector Clouseau

2390 - Inspector_Clew_So

2391 - Inspektor (1993)(Orkus)(pl)[h Gumi & Krawco]

2392 - Institute

2393 - Instructional_Computing_Demonstration_Atari_US

2394 - Inter Galleon Battle (1984)(K-Tek)[cr Yogi]

2395 - International Karate

2396 - International_Karate_beta

2397 - Interstar

2398 - Interval

2399 - Into Deep! (1987)(Frank T. Wittenmayer)

2400 - IntoTheEaglesNest

2401 - Intruder_Alert!_Dynacomp

2402 - Intuitare (19xx)(Banklan)(pl)

2403 - Invaders

2404 - Invaders (2 Bit Software)

2405 - Invaders_Bonus_Software

2406 - Invaders_Kemal_Ezcan

2407 - Invasion (1987)(Bulldog)[cr LPS]

2408 - Invasion (Norman Lin)

2409 - Invasion_Pelusa_Soft

2410 - Invasion_Planetary_Defense

2411 - Invasion_PPP

2412 - Invasion.atr

2413 - Invasion.xex

2414 - Invasions_from_Outer_Space

2415 - Inventions

2416 - Invert XE

2417 - Inwazja

2418 - Inza

2419 - Inza 2.

2420 - Inzerat

2421 - IO

2422 - Ion Power Pinball (1984)(Dog Byte)

2423 - Ion Roadway (1983)(APX)

2424 - IQ

2425 - IQ Master (1992)(ASF)(pl)

2426 - IQ vyherni test

2427 - Iron Soft Boulder Dash 01

2428 - Iron Soft Boulder Dash 02

2429 - Iron Soft Boulder Dash 03

2430 - Iryda

2431 - Island_Jumper

2432 - Island, The (19xx)(Aura)

2433 - It's About Time

2434 - Ithix

2435 - Itsy Bitsy Pinball

2436 - Ixion (1985)(-)[cr Iron Hacker]

2437 - JA-JO (1993)(YFA Soft)(pl)

2438 - Jack_Rabbit

2439 - Jack_the_Digger

2440 - Jackpot

2441 - Jacks

2442 - Jadgstaffel

2443 - Jaffar (1993)(Mirage)(Pl)

2444 - Jagdstaffel (1980)(Discovery)[a]

2445 - Jail Break

2446 - James Bond - Moonraker (1984)(Parker Bros)

2447 - James Bond 007 (1984)(Parker Brothers)(US)

2448 - James Bond 2

2449 - JamesBond007

2450 - Jane_s_Program

2451 - Janosik (19xx)(Mirage)(pl)

2452 - Japanese_English_Lessons

2453 - Jaskiniowiec (1995)(StanBit)(pl)[t +2]

2454 - Java Jim (1984)(Thorn EMI)

2455 - Jawbreaker (1982)(Sierra)

2456 - Jawbreaker III

2457 - Jawbreaker III (1980)(Sierra On-Line)

2458 - Jawbreaker IV (1983)(Sierra On-Line)[t]

2459 - Jawbreaker2

2460 - Jednadvacet

2461 - Jeepers Creepers (1982)(Quality)

2462 - JellyBeans

2463 - Jellyfish

2464 - Jeopardy

2465 - Jerkoff Junior (1983)(Kloey Detect)[h of Jumpman Jr]

2466 - Jerry_White_s_Music_Lessons

2467 - Jet Action, The (1992)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)

2468 - Jet Boot Jack (1983)(English)

2469 - Jet Set Willy (19xx)(Tynesoft)

2470 - Jet Set Willy 2007

2471 - Jetboy

2472 - Jetix (19xx)(Magnum Soft)

2473 - Jetman (19xx)(David Eaton)

2474 - Jeu_du_Royaume

2475 - Jewel Eater (1985)(Hickethier)

2476 - Jewels of Darkness

2477 - Jewels of Darkness #1 - Colossal Adventure (1986)(Level 9 Computing - Rainbird)

2478 - Jewels of Darkness #2 - Adventure Quest (1986)(Level 9 Computing - Rainbird)

2479 - Jewels of Darkness #3 - Dungeon Adventure (1986)(Level 9 Computing - Rainbird)

2480 - Jigsaw

2481 - Jigsaws - Anne Hathaway's Cottage

2482 - Jigsaws - Arc de Triomphe

2483 - Jigsaws - Baa Baa Black Sheep (1981)(Thorn EMI)

2484 - Jigsaws - Bavarian Castle

2485 - Jigsaws - Colosseum

2486 - Jigsaws - Hickory Dickory Dock (1981)(Thorn EMI)

2487 - Jigsaws - Humpty Dumpty (1980)(Thorn EMI)

2488 - Jigsaws - Jack & Jill (1981)(Thorn EMI)

2489 - Jigsaws - London Bridge (1981)(Thorn EMI)

2490 - Jigsaws - Pathenogen (1981)(Thorn EMI)

2491 - Jigsaws - Rome (1981)(Thorn EMI)

2492 - Jigsaws - Tower of London (1981)(Thorn EMI)

2493 - Jigsaws - Windsor Castle (1981)(Thorn EMI)

2494 - Jinks!

2495 - Jinxter

2496 - Jirka Hradec in special mission

2497 - Jirka_Hradec_in_Special_Mission

2498 - Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge (198x)(I. Copeland)[cr Lod]

2499 - Jocky Wilson's Darts Compedium (1991)(Zeppelin Games)

2500 - Joe

2501 - Joe Blade (1988)(Players)(PAL)[cr LPS]

2502 - Joe Blade II

2503 - Joe_a_Ptaci

2504 - Joe's Adventure

2505 - Johnny the Ghost

2506 - Johny's Trouble (19xx)(Mirage)[cr TEBSF]

2507 - Jones

2508 - Jouer_du_Piano

2509 - Journey to the Planets (1983)(Roklan)(US)

2510 - Journey to the Planets (19xx)(JV)[a]

2511 - Joust

2512 - Joy Ride

2513 - Joystick Maths (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

2514 - JR_s_Dots

2515 - JR_s_Quest_II

2516 - Jr. Pacman (1984)(Atari)[cr Glenn][unreleased]

2517 - Juggernaut

2518 - Juggler (19xx)(ISDI)[Req OSb]

2519 - Juggler_Compute!

2520 - Juggles' House (1982)(Atari)

2521 - Juggles' Rainbow (1982)(Atari)

2522 - Juice! (1983)(Tronix)

2523 - Jumbo Jet Pilot (1982)(Thorn EMI)

2524 - Jump

2525 - Jump_jet

2526 - Jump!

2527 - Jump! (1986)(Happy-Computer)(de)

2528 - Jumper 2 (1984)(Magic Circle)

2529 - Jumpin' Spider

2530 - Jumping Ghost

2531 - Jumping Jack (1993)(ASF)(Pl)[cr Krawco]

2532 - Jumping Jacks Big Adventure (1983)(Harold Siegmund)

2533 - Jumping Jim v0.3 (1983)(Jim D'Agostino)

2534 - Jumping_Jack_Compute!

2535 - Jumpman (1983)(Epyx)

2536 - Jumpman Junior (1983)(Epyx)

2537 - Jungle Boy (1983)(Harold Siegmund)

2538 - JungleHunt

2539 - JunkYard Racing

2540 - Juno First (1984)(Datasoft)

2541 - Juno_First

2542 - Jupiter Lander

2543 - Jupiter Mission 1999

2544 - Jurassic Park (19xx)(JK Soft)(PAL)

2545 - Jurassic_Park_II

2546 - K_Razy_Shoot_Out_CBS_Software

2547 - K_Razy_Shoot_Out_K_Byte

2548 - K-Ball2

2549 - K-Bert

2550 - K-Robbo No.1 (1995)(LUK Soft)(pl)

2551 - K-Robbo No.2 (1995)(LUK Soft)(pl)

2552 - K-Robbo No.3 (1995)(LUK Soft)(pl)

2553 - K-Robbo No.4 (1995)(LUK Soft)(pl)

2554 - Kaboom

2555 - Kabza

2556 - Kah

2557 - Kaiser

2558 - Kaiser II

2559 - Kalah (1988)(Analog - Bruce C. Smith)

2560 - Kalah_Softswap

2561 - Kamikaze

2562 - Kampania Wrzesniowa (1993)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)

2563 - Kampfgruppe

2564 - Kampfstern Galactica

2565 - Kanga

2566 - Kangaroo_disk

2567 - Kapitan Planeta (19xx)(Mirage)(pl)

2568 - Karate Champ (19xx)(Little Rascal)

2569 - Karate Master

2570 - Karateka (1985)(Broderbund)

2571 - Karateka (1988)(Atari)(US)

2572 - Kariera & Hammurabi (1987)(Atapol)(pl)[BASIC]

2573 - Karmic Caverns (1983)(Len Dorfman)

2574 - Kasiarz

2575 - Kason's Tower

2576 - Kaufhausmanager

2577 - Kayball

2578 - Kayos (1981)(Computer Magic)

2579 - Kazoo (1984)(Southbay)

2580 - Kelb

2581 - Ken Uston's Professional Blackjack

2582 - Ken Uston's Puzzlemania (1984)(Epyx)

2583 - Kennedy Approach (1985)(MicroProse)

2584 - Kenny_Dalglish_Soccer_Manager

2585 - Keno_Steve_Wanner

2586 - Kentucky Derby

2587 - Kernaw

2588 - Kernaw (1993)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)[h XE-Team]

2589 - Kerzenheinz

2590 - Ketchup

2591 - Key_Man

2592 - Key_Panic_hack

2593 - Keychase (19xx)(-)

2594 - Keyed-Up! (19xx)(-)

2595 - Keymatics

2596 - KeystoneKap

2597 - Kick Off

2598 - Kickback

2599 - Kid Grid (1982)(Tronix)

2600 - Kid_s_Programs_1

2601 - Kid_s_Programs_2

2602 - Kidnapped

2603 - KidsOnKeys

2604 - Kiduv poklad

2605 - Kij Samobij

2606 - Kik-Start (1986)(Mastertronic)[cr]

2607 - Kill Zone, The (19xx)(Slimedevils)

2608 - Killa Cycle (19xx)(Goodwin-Muncer)

2609 - Killer 'Thello (1988)(Mark T. Price)

2610 - Killer Chess

2611 - Killerbots

2612 - KinderComp_Spinnaker_Software

2613 - King

2614 - King Arthur's Heir

2615 - King of Canadian

2616 - King of the Castle

2617 - King Tut's Tomb (19xx)(Antic)

2618 - King_Cribbage

2619 - King_Keno

2620 - King_of_the_Ring

2621 - King_Size

2622 - Kingdom (19xx)(-)

2623 - Kingdom. Atarizip

2624 - Kirschen Karl

2625 - KISMET

2626 - Kismet_II

2627 - Kismet(yahtzee)

2628 - Kissin' Kousins (1985)(English Software Company)[cr NAPO][t]

2629 - Kitten

2630 - Klatwa

2631 - Klaustrofobia

2632 - Klocki

2633 - Klondike

2634 - Klondike Solitaire

2635 - Klony

2636 - Klystron Raider (1982)(H. Lentchner)[Req OSb]

2637 - Knicker-Bockers

2638 - Knife Edge

2639 - Kniffel

2640 - Knight Lore

2641 - Knight Orc (1987)(Level 9 Computing - Rainbird)

2642 - Knight Quest

2643 - Knight_Rider_Test

2644 - Knight-Battle (19xx)(-)[BASIC]

2645 - Knights and Wizards (1984)(K-Tek)

2646 - Knights of the Desert

2647 - Knights of the Round Table (1983)(General Masters)

2648 - Knights_and_Chalices

2649 - Knobs and Knockers (1984)(yo-ho software)

2650 - Knock-Out

2651 - Knock! (1992)(Domain)(pl)

2652 - Knockout! (1982)(Avalon Hill)

2653 - Koenigs Diamanten

2654 - Koffi Yellow Kopter

2655 - Kolko_i_Krzyzyk

2656 - Kolo Fortuny (1993)(Krystian Walczyk)(pl)

2657 - Kolo Fortuny 2 (1993)(Robespix Software)(pl)[h Stan'Art]

2658 - Kolo Fortuny.xex

2659 - Kolony (1990)(Mirage)(pl)

2660 - Kolorest

2661 - Kong

2662 - KONG 2

2663 - Konik Szachowy

2664 - Koninkrijk

2665 - Kooky_s_Quest

2666 - Kooky's Quest

2667 - Korellian_Conflict

2668 - Koronis Rift (1985)(Lucasfilm)

2669 - Kosci

2670 - Kostka

2671 - Koung

2672 - Kowboj (1993)(YFA Soft)(pl)

2673 - Krampfstern Becnactica

2674 - Krazy Katerpillars (19xx)(David Huff)

2675 - Krazy Kopter (1983)(English)

2676 - Krazy Mazes (19xx)(Barry Kolbe)

2677 - KrazyAntiks

2678 - KrazyKritters_CBS

2679 - Krebs

2680 - Kriss_Kross

2681 - Krucjata (1993)(ASF)(pl)

2682 - Ksiaze (1994)(Mirage)(pl)

2683 - KstarPatrol

2684 - Kubert

2685 - Kulki

2686 - Kult (1992)(ASF)(pl)

2687 - Kung_Fu_Master

2688 - Kupiec

2689 - Kurs_Fizyki

2690 - Kvadryk

2691 - L'enigme du triangle

2692 - La Belle Lucie

2693 - Labirinto

2694 - Labyrinth (1986)(Dave Oblad)

2695 - Labyrinth (19xx)(Broderbund)

2696 - Labyrinth (19xx)(Jens Woehrmann)(de)

2697 - Labyrinth of Death

2698 - Labyrinths (1987)(Analog - ArgoSoft)

2699 - Labyrinths Of Kamerra (1985)(Codebusters)

2700 - Ladder_Maze

2701 - Lancelot - The Hunt of Holy Gral

2702 - Lancelot (1988)(Level 9 Computing - Mandarin)

2703 - Land der Pharaonen

2704 - Land_of_Adventure

2705 - Lander

2706 - Landing (1987)(Cronsoft)(Pl)[cr Rainbow Warrior]

2707 - Landscape

2708 - Landscape (1984)(Broderbund)

2709 - Landscape_Page_6_Magazine

2710 - Language_Skills

2711 - Language_Teacher_French_I

2712 - Lapis Philosophorum

2713 - Lapis Philosophorum - Der Stein der Weisen

2714 - Las Vegas

2715 - Las Vegas Casino

2716 - Laser Ants (1982)(Syncro)

2717 - Laser Blaster

2718 - Laser Chess

2719 - Laser Cycle

2720 - Laser Duell (19xx)(Torsten Karwoth)

2721 - Laser Gates (1984)(Imagic)[cr The Cruiser]

2722 - Laser Mania (1990)(L.K. Avalon)(Pl)

2723 - Laser Maze (1992)(KE-Soft)

2724 - Laser Robot, The (1991)(mhs-Studio)

2725 - Laser Squadron (19xx)(Helmut Hess)

2726 - Laser Strike (19xx)(Stedek)[h of Space Invaders]

2727 - Laser Tennis

2728 - Laser_Barrage

2729 - Laser_Beam

2730 - Laser_Game

2731 - Laser_Gunner

2732 - Laser_Gunner_II

2733 - Laser_Hawk_Red_Rat_Software

2734 - Laser_Invader

2735 - Laser_Strike_Compute!

2736 - Laser_Wars

2737 - Laserbase

2738 - Lasertraz (19xx)(Darren Broome)

2739 - Last Chance, The (1986)(Stefan Schatz)(De)

2740 - Last Guardian LK Avalon[cht]

2741 - Last of the Dragons

2742 - Last Oldie

2743 - Last V8, The (1986)(Mastertronic)

2744 - Last Warrior, The (19xx)(-)

2745 - Last_Guardian_LK_Avalon

2746 - Last_Guardian_Tynesoft

2747 - LastStarfighter

2748 - Launch_Code

2749 - Lawkeeper (1984)(Broderbund)

2750 - Lawn Mower

2751 - Lazer Type (19xx)(Analog)

2752 - Lazerbase (19xx)(-)

2753 - Lazy!

2754 - Lazzy Larry (1990)(Peer-Soft)[BASIC]

2755 - Leader Board Golf (1986)(Access)

2756 - Leaderboard Golf II

2757 - League Challenge

2758 - Leap Frog!

2759 - Leap'in Lizards!

2760 - Leaper (1986)(Bug-Byte)

2761 - Leaping Larry

2762 - Leaps_and_Bounds!

2763 - Leapster (1988)(Alternative)

2764 - Learning with Leeper (1983)(Sierra On-Line)

2765 - Leather Goddesses of Phobos

2766 - Leben (19xx)(Michael Hartmann)

2767 - Legacy, The rev7.1 (1984)(Atari)(US)(proto)[released as Final Legacy]

2768 - Legacy,The

2769 - Leggit!

2770 - Legionnaire (1982)(Avalon Hill)

2771 - LEM

2772 - Lemming

2773 - Lemmingi

2774 - Lemmings

2775 - Lemonade (1981)(Atari)

2776 - Lepus Revenge (1983)(General Masters)

2777 - Let's Bubble!

2778 - Let's Frog 3D

2779 - Let's Hop

2780 - Letec v jeskyni (1984)(Oliver Cyranka)[BASIC]

2781 - Lethal Weapon

2782 - Letter_and_Number_Identification

2783 - Letter_Tutor

2784 - Letterman_APX

2785 - Lexicon

2786 - Leyte

2787 - Lie_Detector

2788 - Life

2789 - Life (Dave Oblad)

2790 - Life (Larry and Larry)

2791 - Life in the Fast Lane

2792 - Life version 2a

2793 - Life!_Anthony_Ramos

2794 - Lifespan (1983)(Roklan)

2795 - Lifespan_Antic_Software

2796 - Liga Polska (19xx)(Grzegorz Marchlewicz)(pl)[BASIC]

2797 - Light Cycle

2798 - Light Flight

2799 - Light Gun Blaster

2800 - Light Race

2801 - Light Up!

2802 - Lighthouse (1983)(General Masters)

2803 - Lightning_Robot

2804 - Limonade

2805 - Line_Graph

2806 - Line-Up (1994)(New Age)

2807 - LineKiler

2808 - Lines_of_Action

2809 - LinkingLogic

2810 - Linkword_German

2811 - Literki

2812 - Little Computer People (1986)(Megamania Software)(De)

2813 - Little Devil (19xx)(Red Rat)

2814 - Little Frog

2815 - Little_Green_Thingies_from_Space

2816 - Liverpool

2817 - Livewire (19xx)(Analog)

2818 - Livewire 2 (19xx)(Analog)

2819 - Lizard (1994)(Tiger Developments)

2820 - Loaded Brain

2821 - Loco (1986)(Alligata)

2822 - Loco-Motion (1982)(Designer Software)

2823 - Lode Runner

2824 - Lode Runner (1983)(Broderbund)

2825 - Lode Runner (1987)(Atari)(US)

2826 - Lode Runner II

2827 - Lode Runner II (color version)

2828 - Lode Runner III

2829 - Lode Runner IV

2830 - Lode Runner Utility Disk

2831 - Lode Runner's Rescue

2832 - Loderunner Returns (198x)(Le'Al)[h of Lode Runner]

2833 - Logic Games (1993)(ABC Software)(Pl)

2834 - Logic Levels (1984)(Fisher-Price)

2835 - LogicLevels

2836 - Logicmaster

2837 - Logik

2838 - Logik (Krzysztof Bar)

2839 - Logistik (1991)(Re-Soft)

2840 - Logo-Square (1987)(Robert Dekinger)(de)

2841 - Lone Raider, The (1985)(Atari)

2842 - Lone_Eagle_s_Revenge

2843 - Lookahead

2844 - Looney Tunes Hotel

2845 - Loops_of_Zen

2846 - Lord of Darkness

2847 - Lord of the Orb (1983)(Jose Suarez)

2848 - Lords of Conquest

2849 - Lords of Karma

2850 - Lords of Time (1983)(Level 9 Computing)

2851 - Lords_of_Space

2852 - Lorien's Tomb (1992)(L.K. Avalon)(Pl)

2853 - Los Angeles 1984 Games (1984)(Atari)

2854 - Los Angeles Swat (1986)(Mastertronic)[m SAM]

2855 - Lost Tomb (1984)(Datasoft)

2856 - Lost_City

2857 - Lost_Colony

2858 - Lost_Tomb

2859 - Lost!

2860 - Lotto (19xx)(-)(De)

2861 - Lov Opic (1986)(Gerhard Hoppe)(pl)

2862 - Lowca (1993)(Krysal)(pl)[h Gumi & Krawco]

2863 - Loydova cesta

2864 - Lucifer's Realm

2865 - Lucifer's Realm -

2866 - Lucifer's Realm (1981)(Med Systems)[Req OSb]

2867 - Lucky_Digit

2868 - Lumberjack

2869 - Lunacy

2870 - Lunar Defender (19xx)(M.A.S.H.)

2871 - Lunar Lander

2872 - Lunar Lander 2

2873 - Lunar Leeper (1983)(Sierra On-Line)

2874 - Lunar Outpost (19xx)(Epyx)

2875 - Lunar Patrol (1984)(Michael J.Coulson)[BASIC]

2876 - Lunar_Lander_Atari_Explorer

2877 - Lunar_Lander_Construction_Set

2878 - Lunar_Lander_Electronic_Fun

2879 - Lunar_Lander_Gary_Ryan

2880 - Lunar_Lander_HACE

2881 - Lunar_Lander_Ian_Keates

2882 - Lunar_Lander_Wes_Newell

2883 - Lunar_Landing_Ross_Schwartzberg

2884 - Lunar_Shuttle

2885 - Lunar_V_ACE_Newsletter

2886 - Lurking Horror

2887 - Lux

2888 - Lvi srdce - Part I

2889 - Lvi srdce - Part II

2890 - Lvi srdce - Part III

2891 - M_ss_ng_L_nks_HesWare

2892 - M-A-S-H (1982)(Romox)(US)

2893 - M-A-S-H 4077 (19xx)(Fox Video)[Req OSb]

2894 - M.U.L.E. (1983)(Electronic Arts)

2895 - M1_Abrams

2896 - Mad Marble Maze, The (1987)(B. Dymarczyk)

2897 - Mad Marbles

2898 - Mad Netter, The (1982)(Computer Magic)

2899 - Mad Stone

2900 - Mad_Genius

2901 - Mad_Jax

2902 - Mad_Marble

2903 - Mad_Masons

2904 - Mad's Revenge (1983)(Berndhentschel)

2905 - Madhouse

2906 - Madhouse disk

2907 - Magia

2908 - Magia Fortuny

2909 - Magia Krysztalu (1992)(ASF)(pl)

2910 - Magic

2911 - Magic (Tensoft)

2912 - Magic Dimension (19xx)(ASF)(Pl)

2913 - Magic Fire (1985)(Jens Berke)[bas2boot]

2914 - Magic III Pinball (1983)(Sen)

2915 - Magic Micro (19xx)(-)[b]

2916 - Magic Micro Mission

2917 - Magic of Words (19xx)(Sikorsoft)(pl)

2918 - Magic Pinball

2919 - Magic Read

2920 - Magic World (1994)(Satantronic)(PAL)

2921 - Magic_Castle

2922 - Magic_Escape

2923 - Magic_Melody_Box

2924 - Magic_Trick

2925 - Magnetit (1993)

2926 - Magnetit 2002 (2002)

2927 - Magnetix

2928 - Magneto

2929 - Magnex (1994)(ESC)

2930 - Mahna-Malysz (2003)(Piotr Fusik)

2931 - Mail Order Monsters

2932 - Major Bronx (1992)(L.K. Avalon)(Pl)[cr Aura]

2933 - MajorLeagueHockey

2934 - Making_Change

2935 - Makler_5.3

2936 - Malpass - The Asteriod Mines (19xx)(Wolfhom)

2937 - Management_Simulator

2938 - Mancuna

2939 - Maneuver

2940 - Maneuvering (19xx)(-)

2941 - Maniac Miner (1983)(Gentry)

2942 - Maniac Mover!

2943 - Maniac Tales II, The (1993)(Stefan Bohn)(De)

2944 - Maniac Tales, The (1993)(Stefan Bohn)(De)

2945 - Maniac! (19xx)(Rick Messner)

2946 - Mankala

2947 - Mansbie_Quest

2948 - Mapware

2949 - Mar_Tesoro

2950 - Marathon

2951 - Marauder (1982)(Sierra On-Line)[Stage 1]

2952 - Marauder (1982)(Sierra On-Line)[Stage 2]

2953 - Marble Magic

2954 - Marbles

2955 - Marinus (19xx)(-)[cr Happy Hero]

2956 - Market Blitz

2957 - Market_Forces

2958 - Markus Roesner Pinball

2959 - Marooned_in_Space

2960 - Mars

2961 - Mars_Mission_II

2962 - Martian Explorer

2963 - Martian_Castle

2964 - Mask of the Sun

2965 - Mask_of_the_Sun_Ariola_Germany

2966 - Masox (1997)(Ivan Straka)(Part 1 of 3)[intro]

2967 - Masox (1997)(Ivan Straka)(Part 2 of 3)

2968 - Masox (1997)(Ivan Straka)(Part 3 of 3)

2969 - Master Blaster

2970 - Master Chess (19xx)(-)

2971 - Master Head (1992)(Sonix)(pl)[t Marisoft]

2972 - Master Match

2973 - Master of the Dungeons

2974 - Master of the Lamps (1985)(Activision)

2975 - Master of the Mindfire

2976 - Masterblazer (1987)(Oliver Cyranka)(de)

2977 - MasterMatch

2978 - MasterMatch v2.0 (1989)(Chuck Mullally)

2979 - Mastermind

2980 - Mastermind_Inside_Info

2981 - Mastermind_Softswap

2982 - Mastermind_unknown_version_1

2983 - Masters_of_Time

2984 - Mastertype

2985 - Maszyna Czasu

2986 - Match

2987 - Match Maker - French (1984)(American Educational)[Req OSb][BASIC]

2988 - Match Maker - World History (1984)(American Educational)[Req OSb][BASIC]

2989 - Match Racer (1981)(Gebelli)

2990 - Match Wits

2991 - Match_Up

2992 - Match_Up!

2993 - Matchbox_Tic_Tac_Toe

2994 - Matchboxes (1983)(Broderbund)

2995 - Matches (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

2996 - Matchmaker_Biology

2997 - Matchmaker_French

2998 - Matchmaker_Spanish

2999 - Matchmaker_Vocabulary

3000 - Matematicas

3001 - Math Busters (19xx)(Spinnaker)[b]

3002 - Math Encounter

3003 - Math Game

3004 - Math Mileage (1983)(CBS Software)

3005 - Math Terminator

3006 - Math_and_Number_Skills

3007 - Math_Attack

3008 - Math_Counting

3009 - Math_Diving_Facts

3010 - Math_Drill

3011 - Math_Football_Softsmith

3012 - Math_Fun_for_the_Young_Level_I

3013 - Math_Fun_for_the_Young_Level_II

3014 - Math_Hiker

3015 - Math_Maze

3016 - Math_Number_Sequence

3017 - Math_Place_Value

3018 - Math_Quiz_Softswap

3019 - Math_Routines_Package

3020 - Math_UFO

3021 - Math_Wizard

3022 - Math_Works_Addition

3023 - Math_Works_Subtraction

3024 - Mathbusters

3025 - Mathematic_Tac_Toe

3026 - Mathematical_Methods

3027 - Mathematics (19xx)(Roy R. Dugan)[bas2boot]

3028 - Mathman_ANALOG_Computing

3029 - MathMan_Compute!

3030 - Matrix (1985)(Dave Oblad)

3031 - Matt_the_Cat_Phonics_Series

3032 - Matta Blatta (19xx)(Firebird)[custom title]

3033 - Matta Blatta (19xx)(Firebird)[h Steve Zipp][t]

3034 - MatterHorn

3035 - Mauer Fluch (19xx)(Dieter)(de)[bas2boot]

3036 - Max

3037 - Maxi Golf

3038 - Maximillian B.

3039 - Maxter Mind (19xx)(-)

3040 - Maxwell_Manor_The_Skull_of_Doom

3041 - Maxwell_s_Demon_Memory_Mania

3042 - Mayska dlazba

3043 - Maze of Agdagon v1.0 (1993)(Agda Group)(SW)[DOS][includes demo]

3044 - Maze of Death, The (1981)(Syncro)[BASIC]

3045 - Maze War (19xx)(Analog Computing)

3046 - Maze_Finder!

3047 - Maze_Le_Labyrinthe_de_la_Mort

3048 - Maze_Maniac

3049 - Maze_Miner

3050 - Maze_Mouse

3051 - Maze_Munch

3052 - Maze_Race

3053 - Maze_Sawfish_Software

3054 - Maze_Search

3055 - Mazerunner (19xx)(Matt Fruin)

3056 - McDonald_s

3057 - Mean_18

3058 - Mech Brigade (1985)(SSI)

3059 - Mediator (1985)(English Software Company)

3060 - Medieval Era

3061 - Meet_the_Romans

3062 - Mega Blaster

3063 - Mega Maze

3064 - Mega Swear Challenge

3065 - Megablast I

3066 - Megablast I - Prepare to Die (1992)(Torsten Karwoth)(PD)[m APC][64k]

3067 - MegaGun (1982)(Microvection)

3068 - Megalegs (1982)(Megasoft)

3069 - Megamania

3070 - Melly the Meer

3071 - Melody_Dice

3072 - Melt-Down (1982)(Stephen Romejko)

3073 - Meltdown (1982)(Cosmi)[Req OSb]

3074 - Memorice

3075 - Memory

3076 - Memory Manor (1984)(Fisher Price)

3077 - Memory Match (19xx)(Bruce Frumker)[bas2boot]

3078 - Memory_Builder_Concentration

3079 - Memory_Match_ANALOG_Computing

3080 - Menace (unfinished)

3081 - Mengcop (1983)(Ed Wegryn)

3082 - Mensa_Master

3083 - Mensch Aergere Dich Nicht

3084 - Mental Age (19xx)(-)

3085 - Mental Age (enhanced version)

3086 - MER2CDEU

3087 - MER2CENG

3088 - Mercenary - Escape From Targ (1985)(Novagen)

3089 - Mercenary_Die_Flucht_von_Targ

3090 - Merchant Spaceman

3091 - Merlin_s_Magic_Square

3092 - Merry Christmas (19xx)(-)

3093 - Messe Hanau

3094 - Mesta CR

3095 - Mesta SR

3096 - Meta-Pin

3097 - Metagalactic Llamas

3098 - Meteor (Russell Payne)

3099 - Meteor Attack

3100 - Meteor Storm (1982)(Royal)

3101 - Meteor_Attack_Bonus_Software

3102 - Meteor_Storm_Compute!

3103 - Meteorites

3104 - Metrix

3105 - Mezi kozy

3106 - Miami Ice

3107 - Mickey in the Great Outdoors (1983)(Walt Disney)

3108 - Micro Chess (19xx)(BMI)[Req OSb]

3109 - Micro League Baseball (color version)

3110 - Micro Sailing

3111 - Micro Shuttle (1983)(General Masters)

3112 - Micro_League_Baseball

3113 - microAddition

3114 - Microdash

3115 - microDivision

3116 - Microgammon SB

3117 - Microids

3118 - Microman (1993)(ASF)

3119 - microMultiplication

3120 - MicroSailing

3121 - MicroWorld (19xx)(Arti Haroutunian)[Req OSb]

3122 - Microx

3123 - Midas Maze (19xx)(Ken Miller)

3124 - Midas_Touch_APX

3125 - Middle Earth

3126 - MIDI_Maze

3127 - Midnight (1992)(Mirage)[t]

3128 - Midnight_Strip

3129 - Midway

3130 - Midway Campaign

3131 - Miecze Valdgira (1991)(ASF)(pl)[cr]

3132 - Miecze Valdgira II - Wladca Gor (1993)(ASF)(pl)[cr]

3133 - MIG Alley Ace (1983)(MicroProse)[cr Byte Breaker]

3134 - Mike's Casino (19xx)(-)

3135 - Mike's Pinball

3136 - Mike's Slot-Machine

3137 - Mike's Slot-Machine Version II

3138 - Milk Race (1987)(Mastertronic)

3139 - Mille_Bornes

3140 - Milligreen

3141 - Millionaire

3142 - Millipede (1984)(Atari)(US)

3143 - Millipede_1983

3144 - Millipede_1984

3145 - Millipedes (1982)(Designer)

3146 - Millipedes_Cliff_McConnell

3147 - Mind Blast

3148 - Mind Buster

3149 - Mind_Master

3150 - Mind_Mazes

3151 - Mindbusters

3152 - Mindshadow

3153 - Mindwheel

3154 - Mine Field

3155 - Mine Sweeper

3156 - Mine Sweeper I

3157 - Minefield

3158 - Miner

3159 - Miner 2049er (1982)(Big Five)

3160 - Miner_2049er

3161 - Miner_2059er

3162 - Mines! (1993)(New Generation)[cr Mr. Bacardi]

3163 - Minesweeper (1993)(NSOFT)(de)

3164 - Mini_Golf

3165 - Mini_Zork_I

3166 - Miniature Golf 5200

3167 - Miniature Golf Construction Set

3168 - Miniature_Golf_Antic_Publishing

3169 - Miniature_Golf_Plus_XLent_Software

3170 - Minotaure

3171 - MinTaj

3172 - Minute Magic

3173 - Miny (19xx)(Pawel Strzelec)(pl)(PD)

3174 - Mirage_4000

3175 - Mirax Force _ Tynesoft

3176 - Mirror_Tile

3177 - Misja (1990)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)

3178 - Misja Tronic

3179 - Miss Mind - Sara (1989)(Janusz Bien)

3180 - Miss Mind II - Ania (1990)(Janusz Bien)(pl)[h Skaja Soft]

3181 - Missile Action (19xx)(Mirage)(Pl)

3182 - Missile Command+

3183 - Missile_Bombers

3184 - Missile_Command_author_unknown

3185 - Missile_Command_Burl_Fisher

3186 - Missile_Math

3187 - MissileCommand

3188 - Missing - One Droid (1986)(Bug Byte)

3189 - Missing (1990)(UFOSoft)(pl)

3190 - Mission (1991)(Zeppelin)

3191 - Mission Impossible

3192 - Mission Impossible v3.9-306 (1981)(Adventure International)

3193 - Mission on Thunderhead - Operation Tempest (1985)(William H. Maxwell)

3194 - Mission Shark (1991)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)[h Seban][t +3 Seban]

3195 - Mission X

3196 - Mission Zircon

3197 - Mission_Algebra

3198 - Mission_Asteroid_Sierra_On_Line

3199 - Mission_Homecomputer

3200 - Missmind Sara

3201 - Misty Caverns (19xx)(bellcom)

3202 - Mixtrood (1994)(ESC)

3203 - Modem Magic Pinball (19xx)(DOS-File)

3204 - Modern Art Pinball

3205 - MogulManiac

3206 - Mole

3207 - Mole_Attack

3208 - Molecule Man (1986)(Mastertronic)

3209 - Molecule Man Maze Editor, The (19xx)(Mastertronic)

3210 - Molecule_Arthur

3211 - Mona Lisa - Part I

3212 - Mona Lisa - Part II

3213 - Monarch

3214 - Monday Morning Manager

3215 - Moner (1995)(Denoxy)

3216 - Monex

3217 - Money Hungry (1984)(Analog - Donald Murphy)

3218 - Money Pouch

3219 - Money_Bags

3220 - Mongo

3221 - Mongoose

3222 - Monkey Magic (1987)(Micro-Design)[cr LPS]

3223 - Monkey_See_Monkey_Spell

3224 - Monkey_Up_a_Tree

3225 - Monkeymath (1983)(Artworx)[Basic]

3226 - Monkeys

3227 - Monopoly (19xx)(J. Seehaus)(de)

3228 - Monopoly (Mark Simkin)

3229 - Monopoly_V1.5

3230 - Monopoly.atr

3231 - Monster Hunt (1992)(mhs-Studio)

3232 - Monster Smash! (19xx)(Dave Eisler)

3233 - Monster_Maze_New_Atari_User

3234 - Monster_Miner

3235 - MonsterMaze

3236 - Monstrum

3237 - Montana Test #7 (19xx)(-)

3238 - Monte Carlo

3239 - Monte Carlo II

3240 - Monte_Carlo

3241 - Montezuma_s_Revenge_BCI_Software

3242 - Montezuma_Strikes_Back

3243 - Montezuma's Revenge! (1983)(Utopia)

3244 - Moogles (1983)(Sirius)

3245 - Moon Beam Arcade (19xx)(Jay M. Ford)[a]

3246 - Moon Lover Pinball (1984)(G. Simms)

3247 - Moon Marauder (1983)(Stephen Romejko)

3248 - Moon Patrol (1982)(Avalon Hill)

3249 - Moon Patrol (1983)(Atari)(US)

3250 - Moon Shuttle (19xx)(Datasoft)[t]

3251 - Moon_Lander

3252 - Moon_Lander_II

3253 - Moon_Patrol_5200

3254 - Moon_Probe

3255 - Moon_Shuttle_Gary_Ryan

3256 - Moonbase (unfinished)

3257 - Moonbase IO (1982)(PDI)

3258 - Moonlord

3259 - Moonmist

3260 - MoonPatrol 1983

3261 - Moonshooter

3262 - Moptown_Hotel

3263 - Moptown_Parade

3264 - Mordon's Quest (1985)(Melbourne House)

3265 - More_Less

3266 - Morky (19xx)(Eric Hamman)(PAL)

3267 - Morloc's Tower

3268 - Morse_Code_Tutor

3269 - Morse_Code_Tutor_John_Crawford

3270 - Morsecode_Master_APX

3271 - Motie

3272 - Motorcross 800 (1982)(Kaleidoscopic)

3273 - Motorcycle Maze (19xx)(Analog)

3274 - Mountain Bike (1989)(Zeppelin)

3275 - Mountain Shoot

3276 - Mountain_Skiing

3277 - MountainKing

3278 - Mouse Attack! (19xx)(-)

3279 - Mouse Party

3280 - Mouse Trap (19xx)(MicroValue)

3281 - MovieMusicalMadness

3282 - Moving_Maze

3283 - Moving_Maze_Dynacomp

3284 - Mow_Down

3285 - Mozaico

3286 - Mozg Procesor (1991)(Mirage)(pl)

3287 - Mozg Procesor v1.0D (1991)(Mirage)(pl)[BASIC]

3288 - Mr Robot and His Robot Factory

3289 - Mr_Grumpy

3290 - Mr. Bear's Honey Craze (19xx)(London)[t]

3291 - Mr. Cool (1983)(Sierra On-Line)

3292 - Mr. Dig (1984)(Microdeal)[t]

3293 - Mr. Do! (1984)(Datasoft)

3294 - Mr. Do's Castle (19xx)(Parker Bros)

3295 - Mr. M

3296 - Mr. Proper

3297 - Mr. Robot II (1989)(Mirek M.)

3298 - Mr. Splash

3299 - Mrazik

3300 - MrTNT

3301 - Ms. Bulimia

3302 - Msciciel (1993)(YFA Software)(pl)

3303 - MsPacMan

3304 - Mt_Rock

3305 - Muff_Drutt

3306 - Mugwump

3307 - Mule

3308 - Mule Wars

3309 - Multi Race

3310 - Multi Worms

3311 - Multi-Dash

3312 - Multilinear_Regression

3313 - Multiplying_Fractions

3314 - Multris

3315 - Munchers

3316 - Munchkin_Attack

3317 - Munchy (19xx)(Elwood)[bas2boot]

3318 - Munchy Madness

3319 - Munchy Madness - Quest For Hearts (19xx)(Page 6)(PD)

3320 - Munchy Madness II

3321 - Munchy Madness III

3322 - Munchy Madness IV

3323 - Munchy Madness Screen Designer

3324 - Munsiepede (1985)(Dave Munsie)

3325 - Munsiepede 2 (1985)(Dave Munsie)

3326 - Munsterjagd!

3327 - Murder on the Zinderneuf

3328 - Murder_at_Awesome_Hall

3329 - Murderer

3330 - Mushroom_Invasion

3331 - Music_Flashcards

3332 - Music_II_Rhythm_and_Pitch

3333 - Music_III_Scales_and_Chords

3334 - Music_Major

3335 - Music_Painter

3336 - Music_Theory_Drills_Part_1

3337 - Music_Theory_Drills_Part_2

3338 - Music_Theory_Drills_Part_3

3339 - Musical Pilot (1983)(Charlie Kulas)

3340 - Musigame

3341 - Mustak Hunters

3342 - Mutant Bats

3343 - My First Alphabet (1981)(Atari)[Basic]

3344 - My Jong

3345 - My_Second_Alphabet

3346 - My_Third_Alphabet

3347 - Mychess II

3348 - Myriapede v1.1 (1982)(Landon Dyer)(PD)

3349 - Myriapod

3350 - Myrtle_the_Turtle

3351 - Mysterious Adventures #01- Golden Baton, The (1982)(Digtal Fantasia)

3352 - Mysterious Adventures #02 - The Time Machine (1982)(Digital Fantasia)

3353 - Mysterious Adventures #03 - Arrow of Death Pt.1 (1982)(Digital Fantasia)

3354 - Mysterious Adventures #04 - Arrow of Death Pt.2 (1982)(Digital Fantasia)

3355 - Mysterious Adventures #05 - Escape From Pulsar 7 (1982)(Digital Fantasia)

3356 - Mysterious Adventures #06 - Circus (1982)(Digital Fantasia)

3357 - Mysterious Adventures #07 - Feasibility Experiment (1982)(Digital Fantasia)

3358 - Mysterious Adventures #08 - The Wizard of Akyrz (1982)(Digital Fantasia)

3359 - Mysterious Adventures #09 - Perseus & Andromeda (1982)(Digital Fantasia)

3360 - Mysterious Adventures #10 - Ten Little Indians (1982)(Digital Fantasia)

3361 - Mysterious Adventures #11 - Waxworks (1984)(Digital Fantasia)

3362 - Mystery Fun House v3.9-145 (1981)(Adventure International)

3363 - Mystix II

3364 - Mythos

3365 - Na rozkaz krale

3366 - Nadral (1985)(Atari)(De)

3367 - Nadrazi

3368 - Najemnik - Powrot (199x)(Krysal)(pl)

3369 - Najemnik (1992)(Krysal)(pl)[t]

3370 - Najezdzcy z kosmosu

3371 - Nalot

3372 - Nam

3373 - Name_the_States

3374 - Napoleon at Waterloo

3375 - Napoleon in Russia

3376 - Nasen_Jack

3377 - nastrahy_velkomesta

3378 - National Flags (1982)(Paul Nicholls)[cr ASA]

3379 - National Hockey League Coach 96 - Part I

3380 - National Hockey League Coach 96 - Part II

3381 - National Hockey League Coach 96 - Part III

3382 - National Hockey League Coach 98

3383 - NATO Commander (1983)(MicroProse)

3384 - Naturix (1994)

3385 - Nautilus (1982)(Synapse)[Req OSb]

3386 - Naval Battle

3387 - Nebs

3388 - Necromancer (1982)(Synapse)

3389 - Necromancer (1988)(Atari)(US)

3390 - Necromancer_Synapse_Software

3391 - Negative_Number_Operations

3392 - Nelson_Football_League

3393 - Nemo's Vault (1985)(Martin Walls)

3394 - Neptunes Daughter

3395 - Neron (1993)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)[cr Aura]

3396 - Nerve_Game

3397 - Nessie

3398 - Nevada_21

3399 - Neverending Story, The (1986)(Datasoft)

3400 - New Life 1.1

3401 - New World Pinball

3402 - New_Words

3403 - Nexus (19xx)(Sikor Soft)

3404 - Nexuss MCMLXXXVIII - Part I (1988)(EGR General Programming)

3405 - NHL_Coach_96

3406 - NHL_Coach_98

3407 - Nibbler (19xx)(Datasoft)

3408 - Nibbly

3409 - Nibelungen (19xx)(Axis)(de)[cr Mr. G]

3410 - Night Mare (1991)(Tomas Balon)

3411 - Night Mare II (1991)(Tomas Balon)(Part 1 of 2)

3412 - Night Mare II (1991)(Tomas Balon)(Part 2 of 2)

3413 - Night Mission Pinball (19xx)(subLogic)

3414 - Nightflyer

3415 - Nightmare Manor

3416 - Nightmare Maze

3417 - Nightmare Reflections

3418 - Nightmares

3419 - Nightraiders (1983)(Datamost)

3420 - Nightshade

3421 - Nightstrike

3422 - Nim

3423 - Nim_Atari_Explorer

3424 - NineBall (1982)(Zimag)

3425 - Ninja (1986)(Mastertronic)

3426 - Ninja Commando (1989)(Zeppelin)

3427 - Ninja Master, The (1986)(Firebird)

3428 - Nominoes_Jigsaw_Dynacomp

3429 - Nordic Ski (1983)(Len Dorfman)

3430 - North Atlantic Convoy Raider

3431 - North Shore Amisball (1984)(OCS)

3432 - Nostradamus

3433 - Note Invaders

3434 - Note_Master

3435 - Nu Pogodi (19xx)(Dairi)

3436 - Nuclear Adventure or the North Base (1990)(Ropasoft)

3437 - Nuclear Nick (19xx)(Ron Rosen)

3438 - Nuclear_Mountain

3439 - Nuclear_Power_Plant

3440 - Nuclear_Reactor

3441 - Nucleus (1988)(Atari)

3442 - Nukewar

3443 - Number_Battle

3444 - Number_Blast

3445 - Number_Catch

3446 - Number_Expansion

3447 - Number_Line

3448 - Number_Master_Mind

3449 - Number_Maze

3450 - Number_Programs

3451 - Number_Series

3452 - Numblines (1997)(Utopia)(pl)(PD)[b]

3453 - Numerki

3454 - Nuts Junior

3455 - Nuts_Junior

3456 - Nutty

3457 - NYC - The Big Apple

3458 - Nypy

3459 - O'Riley's Mine (1983)(Datasoft)

3460 - Oblitroid

3461 - Obronca_Ziemi

3462 - Observational_Astronomy_Program

3463 - Oci

3464 - Oczko

3465 - Odd_Man_Out_Plurals

3466 - Odieu's Quest for the Magic Flingshot

3467 - Odieus_Quest_for_the_Magic_Flingshot_CTH_Enterprises

3468 - Odin (19xx)(Odesta)

3469 - Odwracanka (1986)(L.P.)(pl)

3470 - Odwracanka (ArSoft)

3471 - Odysseus

3472 - Oekopoly

3473 - Oelbaron

3474 - Oelsuche (19xx)(Happy Computer)(de)[bas2boot]

3475 - OF

3476 - Ogre (1986)(Origin Systems)

3477 - Oh Frankie

3478 - Ohm_s_Law

3479 - Oil Miner (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

3480 - Oil_Panic

3481 - Oilgame

3482 - Oils Well (1983)(Sierra On-Line)[t]

3483 - OiX

3484 - Olde Gold

3485 - Ollie's Follies (1984)(Fanda)[cr Steve & Bruce]

3486 - Olympia

3487 - Olympia Lexikon

3488 - Olympiad

3489 - Olympic Dual (19xx)(Antic)

3490 - Olympic Skier (1986)(Americana)

3491 - Omar

3492 - Omaze

3493 - Omega (1984)(SGM)

3494 - Omidor (1989)(P. Sabath)[cr John E.]

3495 - Omnitrend's Universe (1983)(Omnitrend)

3496 - On Cue - Pool 87 (19xx)(-)[cr Mr. Bacardi]

3497 - On Cue - Snooker (19xx)(-)[cr Mr.Bacardi]

3498 - On-Track Computer Model Car Racing (1985)(Gamestar)[m Yogi]

3499 - One for the Road (1985)(Analog)

3500 - One Life

3501 - One Man and his Droid (1986)(Mastertronic)(PAL)

3502 - One on One (1983)(Electronic Arts)

3503 - One_Moon_and_Two_Suns

3504 - One_on_One_Compute!

3505 - Onslaught (1982)(H. Lentchner)

3506 - Onyx

3507 - Opera_House_Qa!

3508 - Operacja Pustynna Burza

3509 - Operation Blood (19xx)(Mirage)(Pl)

3510 - Operation Crossroads

3511 - Operation Desert Storm (1992)(De Jet)

3512 - Operation Market Garden

3513 - Operation Novatari

3514 - Operation Novatari (demo) (19xx)(-)

3515 - Operation Sabotage

3516 - Operation Whirlwind (19xx)(Broderbund)

3517 - Operation Wolf II

3518 - Operazione_Tuono

3519 - Oranges & Lemons (1983)(K.J.B.)

3520 - Orb

3521 - Orb of Zarramier

3522 - Orb pinball

3523 - Orbis Pictus - Anglictina

3524 - Orbis Pictus - Nemcina

3525 - Orbit - A Trip to the Moon

3526 - Orbit (19xx)(R. S. Horne)

3527 - Orbital_Simulation

3528 - Orc Attack (1983)(T.E.V.)

3529 - OrcAttack

3530 - Ordralphabetix

3531 - Oregon_Trail

3532 - Orson

3533 - Orthocrack_1

3534 - Orthocrack_2

3535 - Orthocrack_3

3536 - Orthographe

3537 - Ortografia

3538 - Osadnicy

3539 - Osmosis

3540 - Ostrov piratu

3541 - Otello

3542 - Othello (19xx)(-)

3543 - Othello Blitz

3544 - Othello II

3545 - Othello_3_D

3546 - Othello_Friday_Fun_Software

3547 - Othello_Stack_Computer_Services

3548 - Othello_TAB_Books

3549 - Outer_Space_Attack

3550 - Outland Quest's Golf Tees

3551 - Outland_Quest_Adventure_No_1_Dungeons_of_Oti

3552 - Outlaw (1979)(Atari)

3553 - Outpost_Anthony_Ball

3554 - Outpost_Tim_Parker

3555 - Outris

3556 - Overblow

3557 - Overflow

3558 - Overheard!

3559 - Owari

3560 - Owari_anon

3561 - Oxygene

3562 - Ozzy's Orchard (1983)(TG Software)

3563 - P.O.W. (1987)(Microdaft)

3564 - Pac Man (19xx)(Martin Day)

3565 - Pac Munch Jr (19xx)(Ken Siders)

3566 - Pac_Boulder

3567 - Pac_Invaders

3568 - Pac_Man_datasoft

3569 - Pac_Man_Kemal_Ezcan

3570 - Pac-Man (1984)(Eric Wolz)

3571 - Pac-Man (19xx)(-)

3572 - Paccie (19xx)(Elwood Software)[BASIC][bas2boot]

3573 - Pacemaker

3574 - Pacific Coast Hwy (1982)(Datasoft)

3575 - Pack Man (1991)(Page 6)[m Homesoft][t]

3576 - Packman (19xx)(-)(PAL)[BASIC][bas2boot]

3577 - PacMan

3578 - Pad

3579 - Padajici Baluany (1984)(First Star Software)[tr cz][Boulder Dash]

3580 - Paint_n_Sketch_I

3581 - Pairs (1988)(Rassilon)

3582 - Pajaki II

3583 - Pak_Jana

3584 - Pakmans Brothers Revenge (19xx)(Shoesoft)

3585 - Pamiec (1996)(Quasimodos)(pl)

3586 - Pandemonium (19xx)(ASF)

3587 - Pang (1993)(ASF)(Pl)

3588 - Panic (1983)(General Masters)

3589 - Panic_Express_Red_Rat_Software

3590 - Panik

3591 - Panik Paul

3592 - Panther - Part I

3593 - Panther - Part II

3594 - Panther (19xx)(-)

3595 - Panzer Grenadier

3596 - Panzerschlacht

3597 - Paper Chase

3598 - Paper_Boy

3599 - Paradise Threat, The (1982)(Med Systems)

3600 - Paradox

3601 - Paragon 1.0

3602 - Parallax (19xx)(London)

3603 - Paratroop_Attack

3604 - Paratrooper

3605 - Paris In Danger (1983)(Avalon Hill)[Basic]

3606 - Parodya - Part I

3607 - Parodya - Part II

3608 - Parodya - Part III

3609 - Parsec XL

3610 - Parsifal

3611 - Party Quiz

3612 - Pastfinder

3613 - Patent Pole Position

3614 - Pathfinder

3615 - Patience

3616 - Patrol (1992)(McBajt)(Pl)

3617 - Patrol Nighthawk One (19xx)(Shoesoft)

3618 - Patrol Xal Alpha

3619 - Paul_Daniels_Magic_Adventure

3620 - Paver

3621 - Pawn

3622 - Pay_Off_Atari_UK

3623 - PCB Paranoia

3624 - PeanutButterPanic

3625 - Pebbles

3626 - Pegasus Pinball (19xx)(-)

3627 - Peggammon

3628 - Pele_Dor_Know_Math

3629 - Pellotte

3630 - Pengo

3631 - Pengon (1984)(Microdeal)

3632 - Pensate (1983)(Penguin)[cr The Byte Breaker]

3633 - Pentominos

3634 - People

3635 - Percentage_Helper

3636 - Perfected_Pong

3637 - Periodensystem_der_Elemente

3638 - Periscope Up (1988)(Atlantis)

3639 - Perly Orckyego (19xx)(Marcin Lis)(pl)

3640 - Perly Szeherezady

3641 - persoft_boulder_dash

3642 - Personal_Fitness_Program

3643 - Perxor (1987)(AMC)

3644 - Pexeso

3645 - Pexeso War

3646 - Phantasie

3647 - Phantasie II

3648 - Phantastic Journey

3649 - Phantastic Journey II

3650 - Phantom (19xx)(Microvalue)

3651 - Pharaoh_s_Curse_Adventure

3652 - Pharaoh's Curse (1983)(Synapse)

3653 - Pharaoh's Pyramid (1983)(Master Control)

3654 - Pharaoh's Revenge (19xx)(Jolly Roger)[h of Tutankham]

3655 - Pharoah's Tomb

3656 - Phobos (1982)(Greg Christensen)[t]

3657 - Phoenix Lair

3658 - Phonix I

3659 - Photo Finish - Greyhound Racing (1985)(Mike & Dee Moniz)

3660 - Physics_Elementary_Mechanics

3661 - Pic_Builder

3662 - Picnic Paranoia (1982)(Synapse)

3663 - Pie Hunter

3664 - Pie Man (1983)(Penguin)

3665 - Piec Gowien Eepcha

3666 - Pied_Piper

3667 - Piekielko (1992)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)[cr Mr. Bacardi]

3668 - Pigs in Space

3669 - Pillbox (1993)(T.A.)(Pl)

3670 - Pilot_Artworx

3671 - Pilots

3672 - Pin 1

3673 - Pin 3

3674 - Pin 6

3675 - Pin II

3676 - Pinball 3 (19xx)(-)

3677 - Pinball Construction Set

3678 - Pinball Monster (19xx)(R Nesset)[a][made with PCS]

3679 - Pinball_Game

3680 - Ping

3681 - Pingwinek

3682 - Pingwinek idzie do szkoly

3683 - Pinhead (1982)(Utopia)

3684 - Pipeline (1983)(Tronix)

3685 - Pipeliners XL

3686 - Piper

3687 - Piranha (1983)(General Masters)

3688 - Pirate Adventure GFX

3689 - Pirate Adventure v3.9-408 (1981)(Adventure International)

3690 - Pirate_Pond

3691 - Pirates Cove (19xx)(Dave Oblad)

3692 - Pirates of the Barbary Coast

3693 - Piratsky Ostrov (1992)(Marek Chorvat)

3694 - Pitfall

3695 - Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (1984)(Activision)[custom title]

3696 - Pitstop (1983)(Epyx)

3697 - Pitstop (1983)(Epyx)(US)

3698 - Pitstop II (1984)(Epyx)

3699 - Planet Attack (1987)(Red Rat)[cr LPS]

3700 - Planet of Doom (19xx)(S.Raush - T.Malchow)(de)[BASIC]

3701 - Planet Panic

3702 - Planet_Lander_I

3703 - Planet_Miners

3704 - Planetary Defense (19xx)(Analog)

3705 - Planetfall

3706 - Planetfall_ASP_Software

3707 - Planetfill

3708 - Plant_Panic

3709 - Plantblaster

3710 - Plaque Man (1983)(Homecomputer)

3711 - Plastron (1990)(Harlequin)

3712 - Plate Arts

3713 - Platoon

3714 - Plattermania

3715 - Play_It_Again_English

3716 - Player_s_Dream_III

3717 - Playful Professor

3718 - Ples upiru

3719 - Plop

3720 - Plop (19xx)(Page 6)

3721 - Plot (1990)(KE-Soft)

3722 - Plot's

3723 - Plundered Hearts

3724 - Plus_Zero

3725 - PMG-ukazka

3726 - Pocitame_Zpameti

3727 - Podfuk II

3728 - Podraz (19xx)(-)

3729 - Podraz III

3730 - Podraz IV (1988)(V.R. jun.)

3731 - Podraz V

3732 - Pogan

3733 - Pogo

3734 - Pogo Joe (1983)(ScreenPlay)

3735 - Pogoman

3736 - Pogotron

3737 - Pohadkova Zeme (1991)(K-Soft)

3738 - Poker Sam (1983)(Don't Ask)

3739 - Poker Solitaire.atr

3740 - Poker Solitaire.xex

3741 - Poker Tourney (1982)(Artworx)

3742 - Poker_Party

3743 - Poker_Squares

3744 - Polar Explorer (19xx)(-)

3745 - Polar Pierre

3746 - Polar_Graph

3747 - Polaris

3748 - Pole 0

3749 - Pole Minove II

3750 - Pole Minove II Edytor

3751 - Pole Position Race Designer v3.01 (1984)(Floytt)

3752 - Pole Position X (1984)(ICS)

3753 - pole_minowe

3754 - pole_minowe_unknown

3755 - Pole_Position_Datasoft

3756 - pole_position_xplus

3757 - Polish_College_Entrance_Exam

3758 - Polycalc

3759 - Polygons!

3760 - Polynomial_Plotter

3761 - Pomsta bile diskety

3762 - Pomsta sileneho Ataristy

3763 - Pomsta Sinclairistum

3764 - Pond, The (19xx)(HESWare)

3765 - Pondering about Max's

3766 - Pong (19xx)(-)

3767 - Pong (Gary Domrow)

3768 - Pong (Joel Gluck)

3769 - Pong (Robert Champagne)

3770 - Pong!

3771 - Pong.atr

3772 - Pong.xex

3773 - Pongblast

3774 - Pongo

3775 - Pontoon_Atari_User

3776 - Pontoon! (1984)(Elwood)[bas2boot]

3777 - Pooka Pinball

3778 - Pool

3779 - Pool 1.5

3780 - Pool 87 (19xx)(-)

3781 - Pool, Snooker, and Blliards (1981)(Thorn EMI)

3782 - Pool400

3783 - Pooyan (1983)(Datasoft)

3784 - Pop_n_Rocker

3785 - Popcorn! (19xx)(Mark & Cathy Sloatman)

3786 - Popeye

3787 - Popeye Pinball

3788 - Porky_s

3789 - Pornopoly

3790 - Posthelper (19xx)(K-Soft)

3791 - Pothole Pete

3792 - Poussinet (1985)(CRN Electronic)[cr Rob C][Req OSb]

3793 - Powerdown (1987)(Mastertronic)

3794 - Powerpath (1982)(Raymon Aldridge)

3795 - Powerstar

3796 - Poznaj_Swoj_Kraj

3797 - PQ_The_Party_Quiz_Game

3798 - PQR I

3799 - PQR II

3800 - Praesident

3801 - Predator (1991)(K-Soft)

3802 - Preliminary Monty (1983)(Utopia)

3803 - Preppie! (1982)(Adventure International)

3804 - Preppie! II (1983)(Adventure International)

3805 - Preschool_Fun_THESIS

3806 - Preschool_IQ_Builder_1

3807 - Preschool_IQ_Builder_2

3808 - Presidents_of_the_United_States

3809 - Prestavba

3810 - Pribeh ze tmy - Part I

3811 - Pribeh ze tmy - Part II

3812 - Pribeh ze tmy - Part III

3813 - Price of Magik, The (1986)(Level 9 Computing)

3814 - PrincessAndTheFrog

3815 - Prison Ball

3816 - Prisoner2

3817 - Prizrak nuly

3818 - Prizrak Nuly (1988)(Bewesoft)

3819 - Pro Biker - Pro Mountain Bike Simulator (1989)(Alternative)

3820 - Pro Golf - Pebble Beach

3821 - Pro Golf - Sunningdale

3822 - Pro_Bowling

3823 - Probe One (1982)(Synergistic)[Req OSb][BASIC]

3824 - Problem Jasia (19xx)(Mirage)(pl)[cr Laser Soft]

3825 - Problem Jasia II

3826 - Prochazka v C (1994)(Jiri Svoboda)

3827 - Profesional Killers

3828 - Professional Golf

3829 - Professional Killers II (19xx)(S.K. Wizards)(pl)

3830 - Professional Roulette

3831 - Professional_Golf

3832 - Professor I.Q. (1984)(Cosmi)

3833 - Programa_Tutor_BASIC

3834 - Project Fire Blast - The Battle of Zegadon (1992)(CVS)

3835 - Project Xanthien (unfinished)

3836 - Promoteur

3837 - Protector (1981)(Synapse)

3838 - Protector (1989)(Virgin Mastertronic)[cr Mr. Bacardi]

3839 - Protector II (1982)(Synapse Software)(US)[Req OSb]

3840 - Protector II (1982)(Synapse)[Req OSb]

3841 - Proto_s_Favorite_Games

3842 - Prudent Dactyl

3843 - Prudent Dactyl II

3844 - Prudent Dactyl III

3845 - Pruters

3846 - Przemytnik (1992)(ASF)(pl)

3847 - Puc-Muc! (1988)(Striezel)

3848 - Punctuation_Put_On

3849 - Pungo

3850 - Pungoland! (1989)(Secret Games)

3851 - Punk_Ville

3852 - Push It!

3853 - Pushky (1982)(Y. Epelboim)

3854 - Pushy Pig (1983)(Arkin)

3855 - Pussy Galore

3856 - Puzmania

3857 - Puzmania Schame

3858 - Puzzle Construction Set

3859 - Puzzle Gates of the Incas (1983)(IIT)

3860 - Puzzle Panic (1984)(Epyx)

3861 - Puzzle Pleasure

3862 - Puzzle_1

3863 - Puzzle_Bill_Kendrick

3864 - Puzzle.atr

3865 - Puzzle.xex

3866 - Puzzlemania

3867 - Puzzler

3868 - Puzzler (Thomas Tausend)

3869 - Puzzler, The (19xx)(Hensen-Chaney)[BASIC]

3870 - Pyramid (1993)(Mirage)(Pl)

3871 - Pyramid of Doom v3.9-124 (1981)(Adventure International)

3872 - Pyramid Run (1984)(MMG Micro)

3873 - Pyramid_Puzzler

3874 - Pyramida (19xx)(-)

3875 - Pyramidos

3876 - Pyromania

3877 - Pyromania_Atari_User

3878 - Q-Bert (1983)(Parker Bros)

3879 - Q-Bert (1984)(J. Perrott)[Req OSb]

3880 - Qb (1984)(Andrew Davie)

3881 - Qbert

3882 - Qix

3883 - Qix (1982)(Atari)[5200]

3884 - QQ

3885 - QS Reversi

3886 - QT

3887 - Quader-Mania

3888 - Quadrato

3889 - Quadromania XL (198x)(-)(De)

3890 - Quadron (1990)(Oliver Redder & Stegan Weigmann)(De)

3891 - Quadrotron 4M

3892 - Quantitative_Comparisons

3893 - Quarxon (1982)(Scott Ludwig)

3894 - Quasimodo (1984)(Synapse)[m]

3895 - Quatrainment

3896 - Quatro

3897 - Quattuor Vincent

3898 - Queen of Hearts

3899 - Quest

3900 - Quest for Power (1981)(CrystalWare)[Basic]

3901 - Quest for Quintana Roo (1984)(Sunrise)

3902 - Quest for the Maltese Chicken (19xx)(Pat McCormack & John Kavanagh)

3903 - Quest_1

3904 - Quest_for_Eternity

3905 - Quest_for_the_Ramones

3906 - Questions_Answers

3907 - Questions_et_Reponses

3908 - Questprobe #3 - Fantastic Four Chpt. 1 (1985)(Adventure International)[S.A.G.A.]

3909 - Questprobe_1_The_Hulk_UK

3910 - Questprobe_2_Spider_Man_UK

3911 - Questron

3912 - Quete_du_Graal

3913 - Quick Invaders

3914 - Quick Step (1983)(Imagic)[cr The Cruiser]

3915 - Quickness

3916 - Quintominoes

3917 - Quiwi

3918 - RA (1993)(ESC)

3919 - Rabbit

3920 - Rabbotz!

3921 - Race in Space (1981)(Analog Software)

3922 - Race_Attack!

3923 - Race_Trap

3924 - Rachunek_Prawdopodobienstwa

3925 - Racing

3926 - Racing Destruction Set

3927 - Rack_em_Up!

3928 - Radical_Rupert

3929 - Radzone

3930 - RAF - Battle of Britain (1980)(Discovery)

3931 - Rafferty_Run

3932 - Raid on Gravitron (1983)(Antic)

3933 - Raid over Libya

3934 - Raid Over Moscow (1986)(Access)

3935 - Raid over Walsall

3936 - Raider_1997

3937 - Raiders of Space (1983)(General Masters)

3938 - Raidus!

3939 - RailKing (1985)(David H. Neal)

3940 - Rails West!

3941 - raim

3942 - Rainbow Walker (1983)(Synapse)

3943 - Rainstorm (19xx)(-)

3944 - Rainy Day Games

3945 - Rajd

3946 - RallySpeedway

3947 - Ramblin Gamblin

3948 - Rambo 1

3949 - Rambug II (19xx)(Analog)

3950 - Rampage (1987)(Activision)

3951 - Rampage Pinball (1983)(Halfway)

3952 - Rasen_Maeher

3953 - Rassilon's Block Puzzle (1987)(-)

3954 - Raster Blaster (1981)(Budgeco)

3955 - Raszyn 1809 (1992)(Mirage)(pl)[h Gumi - Krawco]

3956 - Rat Race (1983)(MMG Micro)

3957 - Ratapede (1986)(D.M. & A.R.)

3958 - Rats!!! Rats!!! Rats!!!

3959 - Rats' Revenge (19xx)(-)

3960 - Reaction & Concentration Tester

3961 - Reactor Five Pinball (1986)(Silver Creek Observatory)

3962 - Reader Rabbit

3963 - Reading_Corner

3964 - Reading_Program

3965 - Realm of Impossibility (1984)(Electronic Arts)

3966 - RealSFootball

3967 - RealSports_Basketball

3968 - RealSports_Soccer

3969 - RealSports_Tennis

3970 - Rear Guard

3971 - Reardoor

3972 - Reaxion

3973 - Rebel Charge at Chickamauga

3974 - Rebel Fighter (19xx)(Milwaukee)

3975 - Rebel Probe

3976 - Rebound (1987)(MicroValue)

3977 - Rebound (J. D. Casten)

3978 - Rebound Contest

3979 - Rebound Creation Kit

3980 - Red Max (1987)(-)

3981 - Red Moon (1985)(Level 9 Computing)

3982 - Red Sky

3983 - Red_Hot

3984 - Red_Squares

3985 - Red_White_and_Blue

3986 - Red_Zone

3987 - Redhead's Revenge Pinball (19xx)(-)

3988 - Reefer Madness

3989 - Reflection

3990 - Reflection_Compute!

3991 - Reflex

3992 - Reforger '88

3993 - Reforger_88

3994 - Regression_I

3995 - Regression_II

3996 - Reguly

3997 - Relax (1984)(Synapse Software)

3998 - Rememory

3999 - Renaissance (1982)(UMI)

4000 - Renegade (1992)(Brothers Production)[m JK Soft]

4001 - Replugged (1994)(ESC)

4002 - Repton (1983)(Sirius)

4003 - Rescue

4004 - Rescue Adventure (1983)(CodeWriter - Gilsoft)

4005 - Rescue at 94k (19xx)(Ron V. Webber)

4006 - Rescue Mission

4007 - Rescue Mission - Phase 2 (19xx)(-)

4008 - Rescue on Fractalus (1985)(Lucasfilm)

4009 - Rescue on Fractalus! (1987)(Atari)(US)

4010 - Rescue The Princess (19xx)(-)

4011 - Rescue_at_Rigel

4012 - Rescue_of_Blondell

4013 - Resistor_Values

4014 - Resistors

4015 - Retrofire! (19xx)(Analog)

4016 - Return of Heracles (1983)(Quality)

4017 - Return_to_eden

4018 - Revenge of the Mutant Camels (1987)(Mastertronic)[m Mr. Bacardi]

4019 - Revenge of the Plutonian Flies (1985)(David Scribellito)

4020 - Revenge of V

4021 - Revenger

4022 - Reverse (19xx)(Mirage)

4023 - Reverse_public_domain_English

4024 - Reverse_public_domain_German

4025 - Reversi (1980)(Artsci)

4026 - Reversi (Russ Segal)

4027 - Reversi (Thorn Emi)

4028 - Reversi_APX

4029 - Reversi_Futurehouse

4030 - Reversi!

4031 - Richard Petty's Talladega (1984)(Cosmi)

4032 - Rick Hanson

4033 - Ricochet

4034 - Ricochet_Epyx

4035 - Riddle

4036 - Ringmaster (1983)(Sagesoftware)

4037 - Rings_of_the_Empire_Dynacomp

4038 - Riot (1992)(Domain)[cr Xe-Team]

4039 - Rip Off! - The Plagiarism of 1984 (1984)(Analog)

4040 - Risk_author_unknown

4041 - Risky Rescue (19xx)(J.D. Casten)

4042 - River Raid (1983)(Activision)(US)

4043 - River Rally

4044 - River Rat (1982)(Zimag)

4045 - River Rescue (1983)(Thorn EMI)(GB)

4046 - RiverRaid

4047 - RiverRescue

4048 - Road

4049 - Road Block (19xx)(Brian Holness)[2 players default]

4050 - Road Toad

4051 - Road_Jump

4052 - Road_Race_author_unknown

4053 - Road_Race_Futurehouse

4054 - Road_Race_publisher_unknown

4055 - Roadblock

4056 - Robal (199x)(Mirage)(Pl)

4057 - robal_(dariusz_zolna)

4058 - Robbies Mission

4059 - Robbo

4060 - Robbo Konstruktor

4061 - Robbo_96

4062 - Robbo_97A

4063 - Robbo_97B

4064 - Robbo_98A

4065 - Robin Hood (1984)(English Software Company)

4066 - Robin Wojownik Czasu

4067 - Robinson

4068 - Robocop (19xx)(Fulco Games)[m Gumi - Krawco]

4069 - Robomash

4070 - Robot Assault (19xx)(GMG)

4071 - Robot Battle (1982)(United Software)

4072 - Robot Dungeon

4073 - Robot Karel

4074 - Robot Knights (1986)(Red Rat)

4075 - Robot_Attack

4076 - Robot_War

4077 - Robotron2084

4078 - Robots

4079 - Robots of Nala

4080 - Robox (19xx)(Kolbe-Schappel)

4081 - ROBOX Incident

4082 - Rock 'n' Rhythim (1984)(Spinnaker)

4083 - Rocket Boy

4084 - Rocket Raiders

4085 - Rocket Repairman - The Further Adventures of Cavern Commander (1986)(Red Rat Software)

4086 - Rocket_Hockey

4087 - Rocketball

4088 - Rockford (19xx)(M.A.D.)

4089 - Rockman

4090 - Rockmania

4091 - Rocks! (19xx)(Douglas Engel)

4092 - Rockslide!

4093 - Rocky_Pinball

4094 - Rodent Revenge

4095 - Roderic

4096 - Rogue (1989)(Mastertronic)

4097 - Roll 'Em!

4098 - Rollerball II -bas

4099 - Rollout

4100 - Roman_Checkers

4101 - Roman_Empire

4102 - Roman_Numeral_Translator

4103 - Rome And The Barbarians -osb

4104 - Rommel - Battles for Tobruk

4105 - Roni_and_the_TV_Attack

4106 - Roots

4107 - Rose

4108 - Rosens Brigade (1983)(Gentry)

4109 - Rotate

4110 - Roto

4111 - Roto_Wrench

4112 - Rotwein

4113 - Rough Rider (1983)(General Masters)

4114 - Roulette

4115 - Roulette (19xx)(Antic)

4116 - Roulette Simulator

4117 - Round About (1983)(Datamost)

4118 - Round Up (19xx)(Compute!)

4119 - Roundup_Wayne_County_Intermediate_Schools

4120 - Rozbitek

4121 - RS_Baseball 5200

4122 - Rubber Ball

4123 - Rucu (1992)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)[h Peter Baumerth]

4124 - Ruff and Reddy (1991)(Hi-Tec)[cr Krawco]

4125 - Ruins

4126 - Ruleta (2001)(Petr Svoboda)

4127 - Ruleta (TV-Soft)

4128 - Rum Runner (19xx)(Genesis)

4129 - Run For It (19xx)(Frog!)

4130 - Run_for_the_Money_Keypunch_Software

4131 - Run_for_the_Money_Scarborough_Systems_Inc

4132 - Run+Jump Construction Set

4133 - Runic Cross, The (19xx)(Mike McCuen)[cr Max the Fiend]

4134 - Runner

4135 - Rush Hour (1983)(-)

4136 - Rycerz

4137 - Rychle sipy.atr

4138 - Rychle sipy.xex

4139 - Rzekotka (19xx)(Jacek Binkul)(pl)

4140 - s.a.g.a._i_-_adventureland

4141 - s.a.g.a._ii_-_la_tulipe_noire

4142 - Sabotage

4143 - Sabotage_SoftSide_Publications

4144 - Sabotage!

4145 - Saddleman

4146 - Safe_Cracker

4147 - Safryland

4148 - Sagi 1.

4149 - Saigon the Final Days

4150 - Saigon the Final Days -2 Disk

4151 - Salmon Run (1982)(APX)

4152 - Sam doma

4153 - Sam doma II

4154 - samobojcy

4155 - Samotnik (19xx)(-)(pl)

4156 - Samotnik.atr

4157 - Samurai's Game (1995)(Rafaell Soft)(Pl)[cr Aura]

4158 - Samuraj

4159 - Sanctified Quest for Power

4160 - Sands of Egypt, The (1982)(Datasoft)[Req OSb]

4161 - Sandy

4162 - Sandy New Version

4163 - Sandy v3.2 (19xx)(-)

4164 - Santa_Paravia_en_Fiumaccio

4165 - Santa_s_Grotto

4166 - Santa's BD Party

4167 - Santa's Revenge

4168 - Saper (1991)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)

4169 - Saper Konstruktor (19xx)(Silver Soft)(pl)(PD)

4170 - Saper X1 (1991)(Xe-Team)(pl)[h of Saper]

4171 - Saracen

4172 - Sarasota Sam

4173 - Saratoga (1983)(Paul Wehner)

4174 - Sargon II (1982)(Hayden Book)

4175 - Sargon III (1985)(Hayden Software)

4176 - Satalite

4177 - Satalite_C

4178 - Satan's Hollow (1982)(CBS)

4179 - Satarn Saturn

4180 - Saucer

4181 - Saucer Adventure (19xx)(-)

4182 - Saucer Launch

4183 - Saucer_Formation

4184 - Saucerian

4185 - Savage Island, Part 1 v3.9-123 (1981)(Adventure International)

4186 - Savage Island, Part 2 v3.9-133 (1981)(Adventure International)

4187 - Savage Pond (1983)(Starcade)

4188 - Savage_Planet

4189 - Scare Monger

4190 - Scare Monger - The Special Edition

4191 - Schatz-Hoehle

4192 - Schatzjaeger

4193 - Schiessen

4194 - Schloss des Grauens

4195 - Schooner

4196 - Schreckenstein

4197 - Science_Helper

4198 - Scooter

4199 - Scorch build 110 (2003)(-)

4200 - Score Four (19xx)(Henry Katzmarek)

4201 - Score_Improvement_System_for_the_SAT_Algebra

4202 - Score_Improvement_System_for_the_SAT_Geometry

4203 - Score_Improvement_System_for_the_SAT_Quantitative_Comp

4204 - Scorpions

4205 - Scorpions 2.0

4206 - Scrabble

4207 - Scram -bas -osb

4208 - Scramble

4209 - Scramble Fighter (19xx)(Atari User)

4210 - Scrambled_Word

4211 - Screaming Wings (1986)(Red Rat)

4212 - Screwlight (1990)(Seban)(Pl)[h of Heartlight]

4213 - Scrids

4214 - Scrids_II

4215 - Scripture_Chase_A_Bible_Quiz

4216 - Scrolls of Abadon, The (1984)(Access)

4217 - Scromber

4218 - SDI I Adventure (19xx)(SDI)(de)[h USA]

4219 - Sea Bandit (1983)(Gentry Software)

4220 - Sea Dragon vC2.1 (1982)(Adventure International)

4221 - Sea Fighter (1989)(Game)(PAL)

4222 - Sea Horses (1984)(CBS)

4223 - Sea_Falcon_IV

4224 - Sea_Horse_Hide_n_Seek

4225 - SeaChase

4226 - Seafox

4227 - Seafox (1982)(Broderbund)

4228 - Search for the Jewel of Strength

4229 - Seastalker

4230 - Seawolf II (1983)(Epyx)

4231 - Secret Agent Mission 1

4232 - Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, The (1985)(Part 1 of 4)

4233 - Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, The (1985)(Part 2 of 4)

4234 - Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, The (1985)(Part 3 of 4)

4235 - Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, The (1985)(Part 4 of 4)

4236 - Secret Nuclear Factory

4237 - Secret_Code

4238 - Secret_Formula_Advanced

4239 - Secret_Formula_Intermediate

4240 - Secret_of_Kyobu_Di

4241 - Sector 10

4242 - See-Saw Scramble (1983)(Romik)

4243 - Seeschlacht (1984)(Stampe & Bremen)(de)

4244 - Selective Canfield

4245 - Semaphore

4246 - Senso

4247 - Sentinel (19xx)(Piratesoft)(PD)

4248 - Sentinel I (1982)(Inhome)

4249 - Sereamis

4250 - Serpent

4251 - Serpentine

4252 - Sesame Street Letter-Go-Round (1984)(CBS)

4253 - Sesame_Street_Letter_Go_Round

4254 - Settlers

4255 - Settlers 1.2

4256 - Settore_Sigma

4257 - Seven Card Stud (1982)(Monte Webb)[OSb][Basic]

4258 - Seven Cities of Gold

4259 - Sevens (1985)(Antic)

4260 - Sexeso

4261 - Sexmisja

4262 - Sexquix

4263 - SexVersi (1993)(Mirage)(pl)

4264 - Shadow Hawk One (1981)(Horizon)

4265 - Shadow of the Beast (unfinished)

4266 - Shadow World

4267 - Shaft Raider

4268 - Shaft Raider -nopatch

4269 - Shamrock

4270 - Shamus -osb

4271 - Shamus (1982)(Synapse Software)(US)

4272 - Shamus 2

4273 - Shanghai (1987)(Activision)

4274 - Shaolin-Szu (1991)(Judge)(Part 1 of 3)

4275 - Shaolin-Szu (1991)(Judge)(Part 2 of 3)

4276 - Shaolin-Szu (1991)(Judge)(Part 3 of 3)

4277 - Shape_and_Color_Recognition

4278 - Shape_Up!

4279 - Shark

4280 - Sharkie!

4281 - Sharp Shooter (1989)(Analog Computing)[Light Gun]

4282 - Sharpie

4283 - Shatablast (1983)(Leisure & Business Developments)

4284 - Shavasan_Meditation

4285 - Sheep-Race

4286 - Sherlock Holmes

4287 - Sherlock Holmes & The Case of the Elementary Rescue

4288 - Sherlock!

4289 - Shift_It

4290 - Shiloh - Grant's Trial in the West

4291 - Shiloh_1862

4292 - Ship (19xx)(Mirage)(Pl)

4293 - Ship_of_Stars

4294 - Shit (1988)(KE-Soft)

4295 - Shit Alpin 2005

4296 - Shit Head in the Space Temple (1987)(Red Twat)

4297 - Shit!

4298 - Shoot (1981)(Compute!)[Req OSb]

4299 - Shoot Em Up

4300 - Shoot II

4301 - Shoot_em_Up_Math

4302 - Shoot_Out

4303 - Shooting Arcade (1982)(Datasoft)

4304 - Shooting Gallery

4305 - Shooting Stars

4306 - Shootout

4307 - Shootout at the OK Galaxy

4308 - Shot'em All

4309 - Show Down (1983)(Griesbeck-Nouri-Woitinas)

4310 - Showdown Hockey!

4311 - Showjumping

4312 - Shuffleboard

4313 - Shuffler_Stack_Computer_Services

4314 - Shuttle Intercept

4315 - Siberuv drahokam

4316 - Sidewinder

4317 - Sidewinder [editor]

4318 - Sidewinder II (1989)(Virgin Mastertronic)[cr Mr. Bacardi]

4319 - Siege

4320 - Siege_on_the_X_Men

4321 - Sigma Delta Gamma

4322 - Sign_Language_Fun

4323 - Significant_Figures_Drill

4324 - Silent Service (1985)(MicroProse)

4325 - Sileny zlodej

4326 - Silicon (1983)(Romik)

4327 - Silicon Dreams Trilogy (1986)(Level 9 Computing - Rainbird)[compilation]

4328 - SiliconWarrior

4329 - Silly_Planter

4330 - Simon_Sawfish_Software

4331 - Simon_unknown_version_1

4332 - Simon_unknown_version_2

4333 - Simon! (19xx)(Dan Winslow)

4334 - Simple Minds (1994)(New Generation)

4335 - Simulated Computer II (1983)(Carousel)

4336 - Sir Pacman

4337 - Sisyphos (1993)(Oddware)(de)

4338 - Sixgun Shootout

4339 - Skarbnik (1992)(ASF)(pl)

4340 - Skate Crazy

4341 - Skateboard (1987)(Piratsoftware)

4342 - Skeet

4343 - Skeet Shoot

4344 - Ski Run (19xx)(-)

4345 - Ski_Weltcup

4346 - Skiabfahrt

4347 - Skier

4348 - Skiing

4349 - Skiing Construction Set

4350 - Skinhead Story (1993)(SPC & ESC)(PD)(Part 1 of 3)

4351 - Skinhead Story (1993)(SPC & ESC)(PD)(Part 2 of 3)

4352 - Skinhead Story (1993)(SPC & ESC)(PD)(Part 3 of 3)

4353 - Skirmish

4354 - Skoczek

4355 - Skoczek (Dariusz Rzepka)

4356 - Skull Island

4357 - Skull_Chase

4358 - Skulls

4359 - Skunk

4360 - Sky Blazer (1981)(Star Craft)

4361 - Sky Warrior

4362 - Skyscape

4363 - Skywriter

4364 - Slammer

4365 - Slave_II_Nimral_s_Grace

4366 - Sleazy Adventure

4367 - Sleepwalker

4368 - Sleuth

4369 - Slide (19xx)(Mark Moore)

4370 - Slimaci

4371 - Slime

4372 - Slingshot

4373 - Slingshot - Construction Set

4374 - Slinky! (1983)(Cosmi)

4375 - Slither (1985)(Analog)

4376 - Slot Trivia

4377 - Slot_Machine_ROM

4378 - Slot-Machine (1985)(Axis)(de)

4379 - Slots_ACE_Newsletter

4380 - Slots_Page_6_Magazine

4381 - Sludge (1994)(New Breed Software)(PD)

4382 - Slurp_Sawfish_Software

4383 - Smack

4384 - Smack (1984)(Future Design)[b]

4385 - Smack (R. Curzon)

4386 - Smackjack

4387 - Smarty

4388 - Smash

4389 - Smasher

4390 - Smok

4391 - Smokey

4392 - Smuffies' World

4393 - Smurf

4394 - Smurf Hunting (1988)(Atestsoft)

4395 - Smus

4396 - Snafu

4397 - Snails

4398 - Snake

4399 - Snake Byte (1981)(Sirius)

4400 - Snake Panic

4401 - Snake_Attack

4402 - Snake_Pit

4403 - Snakes Alive

4404 - Snakes_and_Ladders

4405 - Snakey

4406 - Snap

4407 - Snap II

4408 - Snapper, The (1982)(SVS)

4409 - Snark_Hunt

4410 - Sneak Attack (19xx)(Boot Factory)

4411 - Sneakers (1981)(Sirius)

4412 - sneek

4413 - Sniper

4414 - Snokie (1983)(Funsoft)

4415 - Snooker (1981)(Thorn EMI)

4416 - Snooker (19xx)(Blue Ribbon)[m Homesoft][title]

4417 - Snooker (19xx)(CDS)

4418 - Snooker 87

4419 - Snookie (19xx)(Y. Lempe)[t Wizard]

4420 - Snooper Troops - Granite Point Ghost

4421 - Snooper Troops - The Disappearing Dolphin

4422 - Snow Ball Fight (19xx)(Q Team)

4423 - Snowball (1983)(Level 9 Computing)[text version]

4424 - Snowball (1993)(L.K. Avalon)(Pl)

4425 - Snowbird

4426 - Snowplow (1988)(BBK)

4427 - Soccer (1982)(Gamma)

4428 - Soccer (1982)(Thorn EMI)(GB)

4429 - Soccer (1982)(Thorn EMI)[Req OSb]

4430 - Softball Pinball (1984)(Wiz Systems)

4431 - Softporn Adventure (1981)(Sierra On-Line)[BASIC]

4432 - SoftSide_Adventure_No_1

4433 - SoftSide_Adventure_No_10

4434 - SoftSide_Adventure_No_13

4435 - SoftSide_Adventure_No_14

4436 - SoftSide_Adventure_No_15

4437 - SoftSide_Adventure_No_16

4438 - SoftSide_Adventure_No_17

4439 - SoftSide_Adventure_No_19

4440 - SoftSide_Adventure_No_20

4441 - SoftSide_Adventure_No_4

4442 - SoftSide_Adventure_No_5

4443 - Sogon

4444 - Soko-Ban

4445 - Solar_Star

4446 - Solar_System_Mount_Saint_Helens

4447 - Solar_System_Scaler

4448 - Solitaire

4449 - Solitaire APX

4450 - Solitario

4451 - Solltaire (19xx)(Tom Degennaro)

4452 - Solo

4453 - Solo Flight - Second Edition

4454 - Solo Flight (1983)(MicroProse)

4455 - Son_of_Rockford

4456 - Sonar_Search

4457 - Songwriter

4458 - Sonic_Death

4459 - Sons of Liberty

4460 - Sop

4461 - Sorcerer

4462 - Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle GFX

4463 - Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle v3.9-123 (1981)(Adventure International)[k-fi

4464 - Sorcerer_s_Apprentice

4465 - SOS Saturn (19xx)(Domain)(pl)

4466 - SOS_Mangan

4467 - South_Seas_Trader_1906

4468 - Space

4469 - Space 1999 (19xx)(-)

4470 - Space Ace (1982)(London)

4471 - Space Attack

4472 - Space Ball

4473 - Space Battle (1987)(Warwick Allison)

4474 - Space Beagle - Hyper Drive (1985)(Codebusters)[cr][b]

4475 - Space Blaster (19xx)(-)(PD)

4476 - Space Bombs

4477 - Space Bowl (1982)(Gamma)

4478 - Space Bumpers

4479 - Space Cadet

4480 - Space Combat

4481 - Space Conflict

4482 - Space Conflict II (1984)(Trillium)

4483 - Space Cowboy (1983)(Avalon Hill)[Req OSb][BASIC]

4484 - Space Dodger

4485 - Space Dungeon (1982)(Taito)[m Glenn][5200]

4486 - Space Eggs (1981)(Sirius)

4487 - Space Harrier

4488 - Space Hawk

4489 - Space Hawks of Avabana 4 (19xx)(-)

4490 - Space Hunt

4491 - Space Invaders

4492 - Space Journey

4493 - Space Lobsters (1987)(Red Rat)

4494 - Space Mission

4495 - Space Panic (19xx)(-)

4496 - Space Pussies (19xx)(Pirate Plunder)

4497 - Space Rider (1990)(Hi-Tec)

4498 - Space Shot Pinball (19xx)(-)

4499 - Space Shuttle

4500 - Space Shuttle - A Journey into Space (1983)(Activision)(US)

4501 - Space Shuttle - A Journey into Space (1984)(Activision)

4502 - Space Shuttle (1983)(Microdeal)

4503 - Space Station

4504 - Space Station 2048 (19xx)(-)

4505 - Space Station Zulu

4506 - Space Trap (19xx)(M.O.Stehr)

4507 - Space Trouble II

4508 - Space War (1983)(J. Jaeger)

4509 - Space Wars (1987)(Red Rat)[m Thor]

4510 - Space Waste Race

4511 - Space Zap

4512 - Space_Assault

4513 - Space_Base

4514 - Space_Goon_Spelling

4515 - Space_Gunner

4516 - Space_Hero

4517 - Space_Invaders_5200

4518 - Space_Lander

4519 - Space_Limbo

4520 - Space_Maze

4521 - Space_Mines

4522 - Space_Pirates_3000

4523 - Space_Station_Multiplication

4524 - Space_Station_Quest

4525 - Space_Thief

4526 - Space_Trap_Artworx

4527 - Space_Trek

4528 - Space_Way

4529 - Spaceball (1987)(Thomas Fischermann)

4530 - Spaceball Pinball (19xx)(-)

4531 - Spacebase (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

4532 - SpaceJourney

4533 - Spacerun

4534 - Spaceship_Captain

4535 - Spaceship_Excitement!

4536 - Spaceway

4537 - Spanish_Study_Guide

4538 - Spanish_Vocabulary_Builder

4539 - Spare Change (1983)(Broderbund)

4540 - Spare Tire

4541 - SparkBugs

4542 - Special Delivery (1984)(Dalali)

4543 - Special_Forces

4544 - Spectre_of_Castle_Doomrock

4545 - Speed - Puzzle

4546 - Speed Ace

4547 - Speed Ace (1988)(Zeppelin Games)

4548 - Speed Ace (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

4549 - Speed Ball

4550 - Speed Demon

4551 - Speed Hawk (1988)(Atari UK)[cr Mr. Bacardi]

4552 - Speed King (1986)(Mastertronic)

4553 - Speed Matter (19xx)(Claas)

4554 - Speed Run (1988)(Red Rat)[h Ajek]

4555 - Speed Ski (19xx)(Bill Richardson)

4556 - Speed Ski 2

4557 - Speed Up!

4558 - Speed Up!! Gold Edition

4559 - Speed Zone (1989)(Virgin Mastertronic)[cr Tommysoft]

4560 - Speed_Fox

4561 - Speed_Puzzle

4562 - Speed_Racer

4563 - Speed_Run

4564 - Speedello

4565 - SpeedwayBlast

4566 - Spell Diver (19xx)(Scholastic Wizware)

4567 - Spell_Me

4568 - Spell_Weaver

4569 - Spellbetter

4570 - Spellbound (1986)(Mastertronic)[cr SSMB]

4571 - Spellbreaker

4572 - Spellicopter

4573 - Spelling Genie (1982)(Dale Disharoon)[Basic]

4574 - Spelling_Flashcards

4575 - Spelling_in_Context_8

4576 - Spelling_in_Context_Level_1

4577 - Spelunker (1984)(Broderbund)

4578 - Sperm Invaders (1983)(Schmidlap)[h of Space Invaders]

4579 - Spider (1986)(Aktiesend-Atari-Club)

4580 - Spider Eater

4581 - Spider Invasion (1982)(Cosmi)

4582 - Spider_Antic_Publishing_The_Best_of_Antic_Volume_1

4583 - SpiderCity

4584 - Spiderman

4585 - Spiderman GFX

4586 - Spiderquake (1983)(Gentry)

4587 - Spiky Harold (1986)(Firebird)

4588 - Spindizzy_Electric_Dreams

4589 - Spite_and_Malice

4590 - Spitfire 40 (1986)(Avalon Hill)

4591 - Spitfire Ace

4592 - Splat_a_Brat

4593 - Split_der_Taucher

4594 - Spooky Castle

4595 - Sport Goofy

4596 - Sport_Test

4597 - Sports_Spectacular

4598 - Spot_the_Difference

4599 - Sprawdzian_z_Historii_Polski

4600 - Springer

4601 - Sprong - The Quest For The Golden Pogostick (1985)(Red Rat)

4602 - Spy Games (1993)(Gumi)[h of Spy Master]

4603 - Spy Hotel (1986)(Dennis Zander)(PD)

4604 - Spy Hunter (1984)(Sega)(US)

4605 - Spy Master (1993)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)[h De Jet]

4606 - Spy Strikes Back, The (1983)(Penguin)

4607 - Spy Vs Spy - Arctic Antics (1987)(First Star)

4608 - Spy Vs Spy - The Island Caper (1985)(First Star)

4609 - Spy Vs Spy (1984)(First Star)

4610 - Spy_Plane

4611 - Spy's Demise (1983)(Penguin)[graphics title]

4612 - SpyHunter

4613 - Sqoid (1988)(Bit-Soft)

4614 - Square_Pairs

4615 - Squares

4616 - Squeeeeze!!!

4617 - SquishEm

4618 - SS Achilles (1983)(Beyond)

4619 - Sssnake!!!

4620 - Stack Up (1991)(Zeppelin)[cr Mr. Bacardi]

4621 - Standoff

4622 - Star Base Fighter (1983)(Gentry)

4623 - Star Crystals (1983)(Eric Babinet)

4624 - Star Dust

4625 - Star Fleet I

4626 - Star Intruder (19xx)(Alan Reeve)

4627 - Star Island (1982)(Stedek)

4628 - Star League Baseball (1983)(Gamestar)

4629 - Star Lords (1984)(LotsaBytes)

4630 - Star Maze (1983)(Sir-Tech)

4631 - Star Merchant (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

4632 - Star Raiders (1979)(Atari)(US)

4633 - Star Raiders II (1985)(Atari)

4634 - Star Raiders II (1987)(Atari)(US)

4635 - Star Rider (19xx)(Paul Lay)

4636 - Star Sentry (1982)(Analog)

4637 - Star Trek - The Game

4638 - Star Trek Adventure, The (1985)(Hibyte)

4639 - Star Trek III

4640 - Star Trux (1982)(Atari)

4641 - Star Wars - The Arcade Game (1984)(Parker Brothers)(US)

4642 - Star wars - The Empire Strikes Back (1983)(Harald Siegmund)

4643 - Star_Bomb

4644 - Star_Castle

4645 - Star_Death!

4646 - Star_Destroyer

4647 - Star_Flite

4648 - Star_Maze_Outland_Quest_Software

4649 - Star_Trek_3.5

4650 - Star_Trek_Futurehouse

4651 - Star_Trek_strategy_game

4652 - Star_Venture

4653 - Star_Voyage_1_Star_Voyage_2

4654 - Star_Wars_Domark

4655 - Star_Wars_Return_of_the_Jedi

4656 - Star_Wars_The_Arcade_Game

4657 - Starball

4658 - Starbase Hyperion

4659 - Starbase_Alpha

4660 - Starbase_Fighter

4661 - Starbase_Omega

4662 - Starblade

4663 - Starbowl Football (1982)(Gamestar)

4664 - Starbrite BBS Pinball (19xx)(Highlander)

4665 - Starcross (1982)(Infocom)

4666 - Stardate 4000

4667 - Stardate 4001 Pinball (19xx)(Boot Factory)

4668 - Stardust

4669 - Starfire (1983)(Epyx)

4670 - Starfire Warrior

4671 - Stargate

4672 - Stargate (1984)(Atari)(US)(proto)

4673 - Stargate Courier (1983)(Cosmi)

4674 - Stargunner (1985)(DSD)

4675 - Starion

4676 - Starion (1983)(Romox)(US)

4677 - Starlanes

4678 - StarMaze

4679 - Starquake

4680 - Starquest - Star Warrior (1981)(Automated Simulations)[Req OSb][BASIC]

4681 - StarRaiders

4682 - Stars (19xx)(-)

4683 - Starsector_Defense

4684 - Starship Pinball (19xx)(-)

4685 - Starship_Duel

4686 - Starshot

4687 - Starsquare

4688 - StarTrek

4689 - Starware

4690 - States_and_Capitals

4691 - States_and_Capitals_Atari

4692 - States_and_Capitals_Softswap_1981

4693 - States_and_Capitals_Softswap_1983

4694 - Static (1994)(ESC)[t]

4695 - Stationfall

4696 - Statistics_I

4697 - Stealth (1984)(Broderbund)

4698 - Steeple Jack (1983)(English Software Company)

4699 - Stellar

4700 - Stellar Arena

4701 - Stellar Shuttle (1982)(Broderbund)

4702 - Stellar_Defense

4703 - Steps_to_Comprehension

4704 - Sternhaufen II

4705 - Steve_Davis_Snooker

4706 - Stickybear Basket Bounce

4707 - Stickybear Bop

4708 - Stickybear_ABC

4709 - Stickybear_Numbers

4710 - Stickybear_Opposites

4711 - Stickybear_Shapes

4712 - Stock Market

4713 - Stock_Broker

4714 - Stone Fire (1995)(Sikor Soft)[cr DIAL][t Kakao Bros]

4715 - Stone Mine

4716 - Stone Mine II

4717 - Stoneguard

4718 - Stonequest

4719 - Stoneville_Manor

4720 - Storm (1986)(Mastertronic)

4721 - Story_Builder_Word_Master

4722 - Story_Machine_cartridge

4723 - Story_Machine_disk

4724 - Storyline

4725 - STP

4726 - Straight Jacket

4727 - Stranded (1984)(English Software Company)

4728 - Strange Land

4729 - Strange Odyssey GFX

4730 - Strange Odyssey v3.9-119 (1981)(Adventure International)

4731 - Strasidelna skola

4732 - Strategi (2001)(Petr Svoboda)

4733 - Stratego

4734 - Strategy_Pack_I

4735 - Strategy_Pack_II

4736 - Stratoblaster_Outpost

4737 - Stratos (1982)(Adventure International)

4738 - Stratosphere - Excelsor II (1987)(Players)

4739 - Strayball

4740 - Strayball II

4741 - Street Attack

4742 - Streets (1993)(L.K. Avalon)(PAL)

4743 - Streets and Alleys

4744 - Strike Force

4745 - Strikes_n_Spares

4746 - Strip FunMaze

4747 - Strip_Blackjack

4748 - Strip_Poker

4749 - Stroj casu

4750 - Stroq

4751 - Strzelanina (19xx)(KAC-Soft)(pl)

4752 - Strzyga (19xx)(Rafal Wojcik)(pl)

4753 - Stud_Poker_Dynacomp

4754 - Stun Trap (1982)(Affine)

4755 - Stunt_Clown

4756 - Sub

4757 - Sub Attack (19xx)(Compute!)

4758 - Sub_Search

4759 - Submarine Commander (1982)(Thorn EMI)

4760 - Submarine Commander (1982)(Thorn EMI)(GB)

4761 - Submarine Hunter

4762 - Submission (1985)(Peter Bluemer)

4763 - Success

4764 - Success_with_Math_Addition_and_Subtraction

4765 - Success_with_Math_Decimals_Multiplication_and_Division

4766 - Success_with_Math_Fractions_Addition_and_Subtraction

4767 - Success_with_Math_Fractions_Multiplication_and_Division

4768 - Sudden Death

4769 - Sudoku

4770 - Sudoku Sweep

4771 - Suicider

4772 - Sultan's Palace

4773 - Sumer

4774 - Summer Games

4775 - Summer Games (1984-1988)(Atari - Epyx)

4776 - Summer Games (1988)(Atari)(US)

4777 - Sun

4778 - Sun Star (1986)(CAL)

4779 - Sunday_Golf

4780 - Suomi World Cup '91

4781 - Super Ball

4782 - Super Ball (Irata Verlag)

4783 - Super Ball 2

4784 - Super Ball Editor

4785 - Super Breakout (1979)(Atari)(US)

4786 - Super Bunny (19xx)(Datamost)

4787 - Super Bunny (color version)

4788 - Super Clown (19xx)(Paramount-ain)[BASIC]

4789 - Super Cobra (1983)(Parker Brothers)

4790 - Super Cubes (1981)(Thorn EMI)[Req OSb]

4791 - Super Fortuna (19xx)(Mirage)(Pl)

4792 - Super Fortuna Edytor

4793 - Super Huey (1984)(Cosmi)

4794 - Super Husa (1989)(Bewesoft)

4795 - Super Miner

4796 - Super Miner 2

4797 - Super Puzzler

4798 - Super Quiz

4799 - Super Rover

4800 - Super Snake

4801 - Super Stud Poker

4802 - Super Yahtsee

4803 - Super Zaxxon

4804 - Super Zaxxon (1983)(Sega)(US)

4805 - Super_Boulder_Dash_1

4806 - Super_Car_III

4807 - Super_Pac_Man

4808 - Super_Pong

4809 - Super_Slot

4810 - Super-Skat

4811 - Superballe

4812 - SuperBreakout

4813 - Superchase!

4814 - SuperCobra

4815 - Supereversion

4816 - Superfly 1k

4817 - Superfly 1k+

4818 - Superfrogs

4819 - Superman - The Game (1986)(First Star)

4820 - Superman 2600 (19xx)(-)

4821 - SupermanIII

4822 - Supernova

4823 - Superquerg Chess

4824 - Superski

4825 - Supertrons & VDH5 (1992)(DD Club)

4826 - Superwurm

4827 - Supply_Blaster

4828 - Surf's Up

4829 - Surface Zero

4830 - Surrender_at_Stalingrad

4831 - Surround

4832 - Survival

4833 - Survival of the Fittest (1982)(IDSI)(US)

4834 - Survival_Adventure

4835 - SurvivalOfTheFittest

4836 - Survive!

4837 - Survivor (1982)(Synapse)

4838 - Suspect

4839 - Suspended

4840 - Suzi_Head_Goes_to_War_Tonguebath_Tommy

4841 - Swamp Chomp (19xx)(PDI)

4842 - Swapz

4843 - Swarm

4844 - Swede_1

4845 - Swiat Olkiego (1994)(Stan-Bit)(pl)[t]

4846 - Switchbox

4847 - swop

4848 - SWURY_2036

4849 - Sylvester Adventure, Das (1985)(Terra)(de)

4850 - Symbolism

4851 - Syn Boga Wiatru (1993)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)[cr Mr. Bacardi]

4852 - Syntron (19xx)(Jon Snyder)

4853 - System_8

4854 - T-34 the Battle

4855 - T.G.I.F.

4856 - Taam

4857 - Table Football (1987)(Rino)

4858 - TAC (1983)(Avalon Hill)

4859 - Tactic (1992)(Sonix)

4860 - Tactrek

4861 - Tactwar

4862 - Tag_Antic_Publishing

4863 - Tagalon (19xx)(Tynesoft)

4864 - Taifun

4865 - Taipei XL 1.0 (1988)(Martin Lange)

4866 - Tajemstvi zlutych skal (19xx)(Datri)

4867 - Tales of Dragons & Cavemen (1986)(AMC)(de)[h BodzioSoft]

4868 - Talisman

4869 - Talking_Toddle_Type

4870 - Talladega (1984)(Cosmi)

4871 - Tanium (1988)(Players)

4872 - Tank

4873 - Tank Battle (1983)(Harald Siegmund)[Req OSb]

4874 - Tank Battle (19xx)(Dan Pinal)

4875 - Tank Commander (1984)(Thorn EMI)

4876 - Tank vs Tank (19xx)(Mirage)(Pl)

4877 - Tank_Arkade

4878 - Tank_Brent_Borghese

4879 - Tank_Math_sample_version

4880 - Tank_Trap

4881 - Tanks

4882 - Tanktics

4883 - Tapper (1985)(Sega)

4884 - Targ

4885 - Target

4886 - Target Practice

4887 - Target_Ball

4888 - Tari_Trek

4889 - Tariteach_Geograquiz_3_Europe

4890 - Tarkus and the Crystal of Fear

4891 - Tarkus and the Crystal of Fear (1992)(Tiger Developments)[cr TEBSF]

4892 - Tarkus and the Orbs of Doom

4893 - Tarkus and the Orbs of Doom (1993)(Tiger Developments)

4894 - Tarzan of the Apes

4895 - Tauz

4896 - Tawerna (1993)(Mirage)(pl)

4897 - Tax Dodge (1982)(Island Graphics)

4898 - Taxi

4899 - Taxicab Hill (1985)(Antic)

4900 - Taxman

4901 - Teacher_Killer_demo_version

4902 - Teaser

4903 - Teasers_by_Tobbs_APX

4904 - Tech (19xx)(Andrzej Rusiecki)(pl)

4905 - Techno Ninja

4906 - Technoid (19xx)(Stan-Bit)(Pl)

4907 - Technus - Technologic Soldier (1993)(Mirage)(pl)

4908 - Tee_Off

4909 - Telefon Terror (1984)(Irata Verlag)(de)

4910 - Telengard

4911 - Telespiel

4912 - Tell

4913 - Telly_Turtle

4914 - Temple of Apshai

4915 - Temple of Apshai - Upper Reaches

4916 - Temple of Apshai Trilogy (1985)(Epyx)

4917 - Ten Pin Bowling (19xx)(TK Computer Products)

4918 - Ten_Pin_Bowling

4919 - Tenis ATP

4920 - Tennis_publisher_unknown

4921 - Terminal

4922 - Terminator, The (1993)(Domain)[cr Clever People][t]

4923 - Termite!

4924 - Terror House (19xx)(Mr. Hyde)

4925 - Terry

4926 - Test Baby

4927 - Test Boy

4928 - Test Drive (1994)(JK Soft)[cr Stefek]

4929 - Test Girl

4930 - Test_Your_Memory

4931 - Test_z_Prawa_Jazdy

4932 - TestBaby

4933 - Teste_Deinen_IQ

4934 - Tetrad

4935 - Tetris

4936 - Tetris (19xx)(-)

4937 - Tetris (HMC)

4938 - Tetris (Radosoft)

4939 - Tetris 3D (1992)(Bewesoft)

4940 - Tetris_David_Mason

4941 - Tetris_Richard_Carter

4942 - Tetrix (1989)(Darryl Yong)

4943 - Texas Holdem

4944 - Textova hra z blazniveho domu

4945 - TGIF

4946 - The Adventure Trilogy

4947 - The Adventurer

4948 - The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai

4949 - The Adventures of Charlie Chicken - Part I - The Hatching

4950 - The Adventures of Dr. Jones

4951 - The Alphabet Factory

4952 - The Amulet

4953 - The Apple Tree

4954 - The Arcade Machine

4955 - The Atari Jail

4956 - The Atari Olympics

4957 - The Atari Pinball

4958 - The Atari Planetarium

4959 - The Atari Safari

4960 - The Battle of Shiloh

4961 - The Bean Machine

4962 - The Best Game

4963 - The Bewitch Castle

4964 - The Big Bump

4965 - The Big Quest

4966 - The BiJets

4967 - The Black Hole

4968 - The Blade of Blackpoole

4969 - The Brundles

4970 - The Castle of Cire-Nampahc

4971 - The Caves of Ctulhi

4972 - The Champion

4973 - The Chess Master 2000

4974 - The Colormatch Square

4975 - The Count GFX

4976 - The Count v3.9-115 (19xx)(Adventure International)

4977 - The Curse

4978 - The Dallas Quest

4979 - The Dark Crystal

4980 - The Datestones of Ryn

4981 - The Dragon's Eye

4982 - The Duck Tales 1

4983 - The Duck Tales 2

4984 - The Duck Tales 3

4985 - The Emperor

4986 - The Extirpator

4987 - The Felton Project

4988 - The Flinstone's Adventures

4989 - The Forgotten Island

4990 - The Fountain of the Gods

4991 - The Gambler

4992 - The Gauntlet

4993 - The Glasnost Game

4994 - The Golden Sword

4995 - The Golden Voyage v3.9-182 (1981)(Adventure International)

4996 - The Greasy Spoon I. Q. Examination

4997 - The Great Adventure

4998 - The Great Maine to California Race

4999 - The Guild of Thieves

5000 - The Guns of Fort Defiance

5001 - The Haley Project

5002 - The Hidden Fortress

5003 - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

5004 - The Hulk

5005 - The Hulk GFX

5006 - The Jawbreaker Construction Set

5007 - The Jet

5008 - The Justice

5009 - The KGB Kill

5010 - The Labyrinth of Crete

5011 - The Living Daylights

5012 - The Name Rose

5013 - The Nephew

5014 - The NFL

5015 - The Nightmare

5016 - The Nine Treasures of Crystal Cluster

5017 - The Phoenix Game

5018 - The Pirate!!

5019 - The Podz

5020 - The Quest

5021 - The Quest of the Space Beagle

5022 - The Sands of Mars

5023 - The Search

5024 - The Serpent's Star

5025 - The Seven Keys

5026 - The Seven Skulls

5027 - The Shattered Alliance

5028 - The Slave

5029 - The Slave Cellars of Golgoloth

5030 - The Softtoy

5031 - The Space Factory

5032 - The Stone of Sisyphus

5033 - The Stonetime People

5034 - The Survivors

5035 - The System

5036 - The Tail Of Beta Lyrae [title]

5037 - The Thinking Man's Video Game

5038 - The Tomb of Death

5039 - The Train Game

5040 - The Treasure of Andromeda v3.9-182 (1981)(Adventure International)

5041 - The Treasures of Barboz

5042 - The Trivia Arcade

5043 - The Troglodyte

5044 - The Unfinished Barbarian

5045 - The Universe Fighting Contest

5046 - The Voyager Program

5047 - The War of the Worlds

5048 - The Way = Jesus

5049 - The Web

5050 - The Whipping Top

5051 - The Witness

5052 - The Wizard's Sword

5053 - The World of Dune

5054 - The Zeta Bomb

5055 - The_Arcade_Machine

5056 - The_Curse_of_Crowley_Manor

5057 - The_Trigonometry_Machine

5058 - Theatre Europe

5059 - Thera-Med Zahnschutz-Spiel, Das (1984)(Henkel Cosmetic)(de)[a]

5060 - Thief

5061 - Things_in_the_Dark

5062 - Think & Work

5063 - Thinker (1992)(Mirage)[m Silver]

5064 - Thinx

5065 - Thought_Recorder

5066 - Thrax Lair (1982)(Rantom)

5067 - Three_Card_Brag

5068 - Three_Pile_Nim

5069 - Threshold (19xx)(Sierra On-Line)

5070 - Through_the_Looking_Glass

5071 - Thrust

5072 - Thunder Ball Pinball (19xx)(-)

5073 - Thunder Bombs (1983)(Penguin)

5074 - Thunder Island

5075 - Thunderbird

5076 - Thunderfox (1987-1988)(Atari - Aztec Design)

5077 - Thunderfox (1988)(Atari)(US)

5078 - TIAK_Taking_in_Accurate_Knowledge

5079 - Tic Tac 3D

5080 - Tic_Tac_Snack_Hi_Res

5081 - Tic_Tac_Snack_Lindasoft

5082 - Tic_Tac_Toe

5083 - Tick_Tock

5084 - Tie_Fighter_Antic_Publishing

5085 - Tiger

5086 - Tiger Attack (1988)(Atari)[cr Mr. Bacardi]

5087 - Tiger Hunters (1983)(General Masters)

5088 - Tigers in the Snow

5089 - Tight-Lines

5090 - Tightrope

5091 - Tigris

5092 - Tile Trouble

5093 - Tiles

5094 - Tilt (1981)(Thorn EMI)

5095 - Tilter

5096 - Timber

5097 - Time and Magik Trilogy (1988)(Level 9 Computing - Mandarin)[compilation]

5098 - Time Bandit (1984)(Atari)

5099 - Time Bomb (1983)(Sodeberg Software)

5100 - Time Runner (1982)(Funsoft)

5101 - Time Trial

5102 - Time Warp

5103 - Time_Bomb_author_unknown

5104 - Time_Bomb_PDI

5105 - Time_Typist

5106 - Time-Zone

5107 - Timebound

5108 - Timebound (1984)(CBS Software)(US)

5109 - Times_Tables

5110 - Timeslip (1986)(English Software Company)

5111 - Timezone

5112 - Tin_Can_Alley_Cats

5113 - Tinory Quest - Boot Disk

5114 - Tinory Quest - Fragendiskette

5115 - Tinory Quest - Frageneditor

5116 - Tiny Mite.atr

5117 - Tiny Mite.xex

5118 - Tiny Pong

5119 - Tipp_Trainer_Atari_Germany

5120 - Titan (1990)(Atlantis)

5121 - Titan_SoftSide_Publications

5122 - Titanic II

5123 - Titlebout (1984)(Avalon Hill[BASIC]

5124 - TKKG Nr. 2

5125 - TKKG_Das_Leere_Grab_im_Moor

5126 - TNT

5127 - TNT Terror!

5128 - To_the_Rescue

5129 - Toboggan Run

5130 - Tobot Part I

5131 - Tobot Part II

5132 - Toledem's Revenge - The Riddle II

5133 - Tomahawk

5134 - Tombstone_City

5135 - Tommingi

5136 - Tommingi (19xx)(Tomek Borygo)(pl)

5137 - Tonguebath Tommy Meets the Killer Bees

5138 - Tonk_in_the_Land_of_Buddy_Bots

5139 - Top Secret (19xx)(Mirage)(Pl)[cr Mr. Bacardi][m Pigula]

5140 - Top_Gun_Pinball

5141 - Top_Gunner_Collection

5142 - Topkapi

5143 - Topless Tina (19xx)(LadySoft)

5144 - Topographie Deutschland

5145 - Topographie Europa

5146 - Topographie Welt

5147 - Topper

5148 - Toque y Fama

5149 - Torpedo

5150 - Toskanec

5151 - Total Maniac

5152 - Totocalcio

5153 - Touch_Typing

5154 - Touchdown FootBall (1986)(Electronic Arts)

5155 - Tournament Checkers

5156 - Tower

5157 - Tower Blocks (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

5158 - Tower Toppler

5159 - Tower Toppler (1988)(Atari)(US)

5160 - Towers_of_Hanoi_ACE_Program_Exchange

5161 - Towers_of_Hanoi_ANALOG_Computing

5162 - Towns_of_Oz

5163 - Toyshop

5164 - Tracer (1983)(Tom Wells)[Req OSb]

5165 - Track & Field (1984)(Atari)(US)

5166 - Track Attack (1982)(Broderbund)

5167 - Track_Fever

5168 - Track_Star

5169 - TrackAndField

5170 - Trackstar

5171 - Tractor_Beam

5172 - Trailblazer_Gremlin_Graphics

5173 - Trailer

5174 - Train Crazy

5175 - Train_Dispatcher

5176 - Trains (1983)(Spinnaker)

5177 - Trans Muter (1987)(CodeMasters)

5178 - Transformers

5179 - Transition

5180 - Transylvania (1984)(Penguin)

5181 - Trap

5182 - Trap Door II

5183 - Trapped

5184 - Travelers

5185 - Treasure

5186 - Treasure_Hunt_ACE_Newsletter

5187 - Treasure_Quest_Adventure_International

5188 - Treasure_Storm

5189 - Tree Surgeon

5190 - Tree Surgeon (1983)(Western Technologies)

5191 - Trefoil

5192 - Trekkie

5193 - Trench_Computer_and_Video_Games

5194 - Trencheon

5195 - Tretis

5196 - Tri_Z

5197 - Triad (1982)(Adventure International)

5198 - Trial By Fire! (1987)(Magnum Opus)

5199 - Tricky Tracks (1983)(Dave & Robin Oblad)

5200 - Tricky_Tic

5201 - Tricky_Tracks

5202 - Trig_Plot

5203 - Trilogy

5204 - Trion 3D (19xx)(London)

5205 - Trip_to_Jupiter

5206 - TriPeaksXE

5207 - Triple Crown

5208 - Triple_Threat_Dice

5209 - Trisz Divinis (1993)(ASF)(pl)[h Gumi-Krawco]

5210 - Triumph (1994)(ESC)(PAL)

5211 - Trivia Quest

5212 - Trivia Quiz

5213 - Trivia_Quiz_ACAOC

5214 - Trivia_Time

5215 - Trivia_Trek

5216 - Trivial Pursuit

5217 - Trix (1992)(L.K. Avalon)(Pl)

5218 - Troll War (19xx)(-)

5219 - Troll War II (19xx)(-)

5220 - Troll's Tale

5221 - Trolls

5222 - Trolls and Tribulations (1984)(Creative Software)

5223 - Tron

5224 - Tron - The Light Cycles (19xx)(-)

5225 - Tron - The Race (1988)(Torsten Karwoth)

5226 - Tron II

5227 - Tron_Mirage_Software

5228 - Trong

5229 - Trouble with the Bubble

5230 - Troublesome Words (1983)(W.J. Real)[bas2boot]

5231 - Trucker_H_P_Kuesters

5232 - Trucker_Streets_of_the_City

5233 - Trull

5234 - Trust (1983)(Rantom)

5235 - TT Racer (1982)(Centaursoft)

5236 - Tube Baddies (1995)(Munns-Mackintosh)

5237 - Tug_a_War

5238 - Tumble Bugs (1982)(Datasoft)

5239 - tuning your atari

5240 - Tunnel Trekker

5241 - Tuptus (19xx)(Duck)(pl)

5242 - Turbican

5243 - Turbo Worm

5244 - Turboflex_New_Atari_User

5245 - Turf Form (1988)(Blue Ribbon)

5246 - Turmoil

5247 - Turmoti (19xx)(-)

5248 - Turn_the_Tables

5249 - Turret

5250 - Turtle_Tracks

5251 - Tusker (1993)(Mirage)(pl)[t]

5252 - Tutankham (1983)(Parker Bros)

5253 - Tutti Frutti

5254 - TV Jaji

5255 - Twenty One

5256 - Twerps (1981)(Sirius)

5257 - Twilight World (1986)(Matthew Trimby)

5258 - Twirlybird

5259 - Two Gun (19xx)(Conrad Tatge)

5260 - Twomaze (19xx)(Frank Ostrowski)

5261 - Tycoon

5262 - Tylenol Factory, The (19xx)(The Source)[h of Bean Machine]

5263 - Type_Attack

5264 - Typing_Evaluator

5265 - Typing_Tutor

5266 - Typo

5267 - TypoAttack

5268 - Tyrants of Torment

5269 - U.S.A.A.F

5270 - Uczen Czarnoksieznika (1992)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)

5271 - ufo

5272 - UFO_Atari_UK

5273 - Ultima I

5274 - Ultima II

5275 - Ultima II RPG

5276 - Ultima III

5277 - Ultima III RPG

5278 - Ultima_IV

5279 - Ultra Tetris

5280 - Ultrazocker I

5281 - Ultrazocker II

5282 - Ulysses_and_the_Golden_Fleece

5283 - Uncle Henry's Nuclear Waste Dump

5284 - Uncle Jim's Autocrostics

5285 - Uncle Milton's Million Dollar Mystery Mansion

5286 - Underworld II, The (1984)(G.F.)

5287 - Underworld, The (19xx)(-)

5288 - Unicorn Horn

5289 - Unicum (1988)(CSP)(De)

5290 - Unicum 2

5291 - United States Adventure (1984)(First Star Software)[Basic]

5292 - Universal Hero (1987)(Mastertronic)

5293 - Universe

5294 - Unriagh - Maker

5295 - Unriagh II - der Zeitbandit

5296 - Unscramble - A Word Game (19xx)(John R. Kelley)[bas2boot]

5297 - Unscramble_Compute!

5298 - Unscramble_II

5299 - Up Up and Away (1983)(Ringblack)

5300 - UpForGrabs

5301 - Upior

5302 - UpNDown

5303 - Upper Reaches of Apshai (1982)(Automated Simulations)[requires Temple of Apshai][BASIC]

5304 - Uptown_Manager

5305 - Upward

5306 - uridium

5307 - Uridium (1987)(Rino)

5308 - Usurp

5309 - UXB

5310 - V.C. - Vietcong (19xx)(Avalon Hill)

5311 - Valecne kladivo

5312 - Valgus 2

5313 - Valiant

5314 - Valka Gangu! (1991)(Jaromir Stafek)(Part 1 of 2)

5315 - Valka Gangu! (1991)(Jaromir Stafek)(Part 2 of 2)

5316 - Valley_of_the_Kings

5317 - Vanadium

5318 - Vanguard (19xx)(Atari)

5319 - Vaults_of_Zurich

5320 - VDH5

5321 - Vectron

5322 - Vegas (1990)(Atariserv)[Basic]

5323 - Vegas Jackpot (1986)(Mastertronic)

5324 - Vegas Poker

5325 - Vegas_Slots

5326 - Velke smouleni

5327 - Venus Express

5328 - Venus Voyager 2 (1983)(English Software Company)

5329 - Verzauberte_Schloss

5330 - Vesmirna Odysea 1

5331 - Vesmirna Odysea 2

5332 - Vesmirna Odysea 3

5333 - Vesmirna Odysea 4

5334 - Vesmirna Odysea 5

5335 - Vesmirna Odysea 6a

5336 - Vesmirna Odysea 6b

5337 - Vesmirna Odysea 7a

5338 - Vesmirna Odysea 7b

5339 - Vicky (1992)(L.K. Avalon)(pl)

5340 - Video Easel (1979)(Atari)(US)

5341 - Video Poker

5342 - Video Vegas

5343 - Video_Easel

5344 - Video_Math_Flash_Cards

5345 - Video_Poker_Sambec_Software

5346 - Video_Yahtze

5347 - Videoclassics

5348 - Videogame - Part I

5349 - Videogame - Part II

5350 - Videopoly 1

5351 - Videopoly 1 (1992)[Game]

5352 - Videostop

5353 - videostop_(fanny)

5354 - Vier_gegen_Willi

5355 - Vigilant

5356 - Vioris

5357 - Viper (19xx)(Michael Sanders)

5358 - Viro_Mania

5359 - Visualizer Jigsaw Game

5360 - Vlaggenspel

5361 - Vocabulary_Practice

5362 - Vokabel_Trainer

5363 - Volcano (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

5364 - Volleyball (19xx)(K-Soft)

5365 - Volleyball_SoftSide_Publications

5366 - Voodoo Castle GFX

5367 - Voodoo Castle v3.9-119 (1983)(Adventure International)

5368 - Voodoo_Castle_UK

5369 - Vorrak

5370 - Voyage in Time

5371 - Voyage Through Time - 1 Million B.C. (19xx)(Peterborough T.A.P.S.)

5372 - Voyage Through Time - Medieval Era (19xx)(Peterborough T.A.P.S.)

5373 - Voyage to Home

5374 - Voyager_I

5375 - Vrazda

5376 - Vrazda 2

5377 - Vrazda 3

5378 - Vrazda 4

5379 - VU 5259 (2002)(Petr Svoboda)[Intro]

5380 - Vulcano

5381 - Vultures_III_ACE_Newsletter

5382 - Wa_Tor

5383 - Wace

5384 - Walburge Whist and Black Maria

5385 - Wall Ball

5386 - Wall War (19xx)(Sierra On-Line)

5387 - Wall_Street_Challenge

5388 - Wall, The (1988)(Hiassoft)

5389 - Wall, The (1994)(Itay Chamiel)(PD)

5390 - Wanderer

5391 - Wandering

5392 - War

5393 - War Copter (1986)(Tony Goacher)(PAL)

5394 - War in Russia (1984)(SSI)[cr Byteboss]

5395 - Wargame Construction Set (1986)(SSI)

5396 - Wargames (1984)(Coleco)

5397 - Wargle!

5398 - Warhawk (1986)(Firebird)(PAL)

5399 - Wari

5400 - Warlok

5401 - Warlords (19xx)(Webbed Sphere)[paddles]

5402 - Warlords_Sawfish_Software

5403 - Warp Zone (1984)(CSI)

5404 - Warp_Attack

5405 - Warren's World Lost Colony

5406 - Warrior of RAS #1 - Dunzhin (1982)(ScreenPlay)

5407 - Warrior of RAS #2 - Kaiv (1982)(ScreenPlay)

5408 - Warrior of RAS #3 - The Wylde (1982)(ScreenPlay)

5409 - Warrior of RAS #4 - Ziggurat (1982)(ScreenPlay)

5410 - Warrior_3000

5411 - Warsaw Robbo II (1992)(P.W.Software)(pl)(PD)

5412 - Warsaw Robbo, The (1991)(P.W. Software)[t]

5413 - Warsaw Tetris, The (1989)(Lukszo-Konatkowski)

5414 - Warship

5415 - Warships

5416 - Water Ski School (1985)(Steve Hind)(PD)

5417 - Water Ski School 2

5418 - Water_Eat_01

5419 - Waterloo II

5420 - Wavy Navy (1983)(Sirius)

5421 - Way Out (1982)(Sirius)

5422 - WC Quarter

5423 - Weakon (1983)(Eric Freeman)

5424 - Web Master (1983)(H&H Int'l Trading)

5425 - Webster - The Word Game (1983)(CBS Software)(US)

5426 - Webster - The Word Game (1983)(CBS)

5427 - Weganoid

5428 - weihnachtsspiel

5429 - Well

5430 - Weltraumkolonie

5431 - Werewolf Adventure (19xx)(-)

5432 - Werner Flaschbier

5433 - What_Is_It

5434 - What's Different

5435 - Wheel of Fortune (Eldon Burr)

5436 - Wheel of Fortune (19xx)(My Soft Ware)[Basic]

5437 - wheel_of_fortune(PS&VW)

5438 - Where_Dinosaurs_Rule

5439 - Whirlinurd (1985)(Chris Gray)

5440 - Whirlwind!

5441 - Whistler's Brother (1984)(Broderbund)

5442 - White_Barrows

5443 - WhizKid

5444 - Who Dares Wins (198x)(-)

5445 - Who_Dares_Wins_II_Tynesoft

5446 - Whomper Stomper (1984)(Adventure International)

5447 - Whoops

5448 - Whoops 2 (1993)(Ang)[cr Aura]

5449 - Wild_Strawberries

5450 - Wild_West_ACE_Newsletter

5451 - Wild_West_Page_6_Magazine

5452 - Wildcatter

5453 - Wilde 15

5454 - Wilderness_Warriors

5455 - Wille

5456 - Wimbledon '88

5457 - Wing Wars (19xx)(Imagic)[cr The Cruiser]

5458 - Winged Samurai

5459 - Wingman (1983)(MicroProse)[Basic]

5460 - Winter Events

5461 - Winter Olympiad 88

5462 - Winter Olympics (1987)(Tynesoft)

5463 - Winter Wally (19xx)(Steven Macilwee)

5464 - Winter_Challenge

5465 - Wireball

5466 - Wiro-Puzzle

5467 - Wishbringer

5468 - Wisielec (19xx)(Krzysztof Garbacz)(pl)

5469 - Wizard

5470 - Wizard of Id's Wiztype (1984)(Sierra On-Line)

5471 - Wizard_and_the_Princess

5472 - Wizard_s_Revenge

5473 - Wizard's Crown

5474 - Wizard's Gold (1981)(APX)[Basic]

5475 - Wizard's Revenge

5476 - WizardOfWor

5477 - Wizards & Dragons (1983)(General Masters)

5478 - Wladca

5479 - Wladca (1993)(Mirage)(pl)[h LBS]

5480 - Wladcy Ciemnosci

5481 - Wloczykij

5482 - Wombats I

5483 - Wombel

5484 - Word Invaders (1984)(Academy Software)

5485 - Word Maker

5486 - Word Spinner

5487 - Word_Adventure

5488 - Word_Flyer

5489 - Word_Hanger

5490 - Word_Jumble

5491 - Word_Olympics

5492 - Word_Scramble_ANALOG_Computing

5493 - Word_Search_James_Wind

5494 - Word_Search_Puzzle_Generator

5495 - Wordmaker

5496 - Wordmate_Compu_Net

5497 - Wordmate_THESIS

5498 - Wordmaze

5499 - Wordrace

5500 - Words are Fun

5501 - World Cup Manager

5502 - World History

5503 - World Karate Championchip (1986)(Epyx)(NTSC)[cr Mian](130XE)[title]

5504 - World of Pleasure

5505 - World Soccer (1990)(Zeppelin)

5506 - World Trouble

5507 - World War III (1982)(CrystalWare)[Basic]

5508 - World_Capitals

5509 - World_Cup_1986

5510 - World_Soccer_CS

5511 - World_Trouble

5512 - Worm

5513 - Worm_Squirm

5514 - Worms (1983)(Electronic Arts)

5515 - WormWar1

5516 - Wrap Trap (19xx)(-)[bas2boot]

5517 - Wuchu

5518 - Wuerfel_Kniffel

5519 - Wumpus Hunter (1985)(Dave Oblad)

5520 - Wurm

5521 - Wustoy's

5522 - Wyprawy Kupca

5523 - Wyspa

5524 - Wyzle (1983)(David Buehler)

5525 - X Word Puzzle

5526 - X_Mas_House

5527 - X_Y_Zap

5528 - X-Mas Horror

5529 - Xagon (1983)(Troll)[cr MACE]

5530 - Xari Arena

5531 - Xenon Raid (1983)(English Software Company)

5532 - Xevious (1984)(Atari)

5533 - XPoker (1985)(Dave Oblad)

5534 - Xtal - Adventure in Space

5535 - Yahtman

5536 - Yahtzee (19xx)(Born-Heinz)

5537 - Yahtzee_Friday_Fun_Software

5538 - Yahtzee_Mark_Belczyk

5539 - Yahtzee!

5540 - Yankee 21 Blackjack

5541 - Yargos Dilemma Pt 1 (19xx)(-)

5542 - Yat_C

5543 - Yat_C_II

5544 - Ye Olde House

5545 - Yie Ar Kung Fu

5546 - YIEKUNG

5547 - Yoga_Breathing

5548 - Yogi Bear and Friends in The Greed Monster (1990)(Hi-Tec)[cr Bloody Coders]

5549 - Yogi's Great Escape (1990)(Hi-Tec)(PAL)[cr Thor]

5550 - Yokyu I - Karriere

5551 - Yokyu II - Globetrotter

5552 - Yoomp!

5553 - Z_Force

5554 - Z-Force (unfinished)

5555 - Za duzo za malo

5556 - Zabara Chuda (19xx)(J. Holcman)

5557 - Zack

5558 - Zador

5559 - Zador II

5560 - Zahada napajedelskeho zamku

5561 - Zahada tajemneho domu (1991)

5562 - Zahlen Raten (1990)(-)(de)

5563 - Zahrcon

5564 - Zamek Londyn (1992)(Glonisz)(pl)

5565 - Zand's Labyrinth (1984)(Stephan Baucke)(de)

5566 - Zardon (19xx)(Crystalware)

5567 - Zarka

5568 - Zauberball

5569 - Zauberschloss_Lars_Langhans

5570 - Zauberschloss_Martin_Krischik

5571 - Zaxxon (1983)(Sega)(US)

5572 - Zaxxon (19xx)(Datasoft)

5573 - Zaxxon's Station

5574 - Zbir (199x)(Mirage)(pl)

5575 - Zebuland

5576 - Zebuland Construction Set

5577 - Zemepis_CSSR

5578 - Zenji

5579 - Zeppelin (1982)(Synapse)[a]

5580 - Zero War (1990)(Harlequin)[cr Burton Bandit]

5581 - Zeta Affair (19xx)(-)[t Wizard]

5582 - Zeus

5583 - Zing

5584 - Zinsen Und Tilgung (19xx)(Atari)(de)

5585 - Zip_Zap_Zonked

5586 - Zip!

5587 - Zipper Pinball (1984)

5588 - Zizkovska galerka

5589 - Zjadacz

5590 - Zlodej 1

5591 - Zlodej 2

5592 - Zlodej 3

5593 - Znajdz i Zabij 1

5594 - Znajdz i Zabij 1 (19xx)(Pigula-Soft)(pl)

5595 - Znajdz i Zabij 2

5596 - Znicte Saddama Husajna

5597 - Zodiac

5598 - Zoltan Escape

5599 - Zombies (1983)(Bram)

5600 - Zone Patrol

5601 - Zone X

5602 - Zone X (19xx)(-)[Basic]

5603 - Zone_Ranger

5604 - Zone_X_public_domain

5605 - Zork I - The Great Underground Empire (1982)(Infocom)

5606 - Zork II - The Wizard of Frobozz (1981)(Infocom)

5607 - Zork III - The Dungeon Master (1982)(Infocom)

5608 - Zorro (1985)(Datasoft)

5609 - zulu_warpath

5610 - Zumbaja (1993)(TBCM)(pl)

5611 - Zurk

5612 - Zuruck in die Gegenwart

5613 - Zuzel (19xx)(Koala)(pl)

5614 - Zybex (1988)(Zeppelin)

5615 - Zybex 2

5616 - Zybex 3

5617 - Zyclop

5618 - Zyclop - Giant Oak

5619 - Zyclop II - Space Craft

Atari 2600 - 2240 Jeux
1 - 11 Invaders (demo) (200x)(Jentzsch, Thomas)

2 - 11 Sprite Demo (demo) (1997-03-27)(Cavina, Piero)

3 - 128-in-1 Junior Console - Set 1 (1991)(Atari)(AU)

4 - 128-in-1 Junior Console - Set 2 (1991)(Atari)(AU)

5 - 128-in-1 Junior Console - Set 3 (1991)(Atari)(AU)

6 - 128-in-1 Junior Console - Set 4 (1991)(Atari)(AU)

7 - 2 Pak Special Black - Challenge & Surfing (1990)(HES)(AU)

8 - 2 Pak Special Blue - Dungeon Master & Creature Strike (1992)(HES)(AU)

9 - 2 Pak Special Dark Blue - Wall Defender & Planet Patrol (1990)(HES)(AU)

10 - 2 Pak Special Green - Dolphin & Pigs 'N Wolf (1990)(HES)(AU)

11 - 2 Pak Special Light Green - Hoppy & Alien Force (1992)(HES)(AU)

12 - 2 Pak Special Magenta - Cavern Blaster & City War (1992)(HES)(AU)

13 - 2 Pak Special Orange - Space Voyage & Fire Alert (1992)(HES)(AU)

14 - 2 Pak Special Red - Motocross & Boom Bang (1990)(HES)(AU)

15 - 2 Pak Special Yellow - Star Warrior & Frogger (1990)(HES)(AU)

16 - 2600 Collison Demo 1 (19xx)(Cavina, Piero)

17 - 2600 Collison Demo 2 (19xx)(Cavina, Piero)

18 - 2600 Digital Clock - Demo 1 (demo) (1997-10-03)(Cracknell, Chris 'Crackers')

19 - 2600 Digital Clock - Demo 2 (demo) (1997-10-03)(Cracknell, Chris 'Crackers')

20 - 2600 Digital Clock - Demo 3 (demo) (1997-10-04)(Cracknell, Chris 'Crackers')

21 - 2600 Digital Clock v1 (1998-09-07)(Cracknell, Chris 'Crackers')

22 - 2600 Digital Clock v2 (1998-09-07)(Cracknell, Chris 'Crackers')

23 - 2600 Digital Clock v3 (1998-09-11)(Cracknell, Chris 'Crackers')

24 - 2600 Digital Clock v3 (1998-09-16)(Cracknell, Chris 'Crackers')

25 - 2600 Digital Clock v3 (1998-09)(Cracknell, Chris 'Crackers')

26 - 2600 Intro (demo) (200x)(Vantage)

27 - 3 Bars Background (demo) (200x)(-)

28 - 3-D Corridor (demo) (2003-09-23)(Slocum, Paul)

29 - 3-D Corridor + Music (demo) (2003-03-29)(Slocum, Paul)

30 - 3-D Corridor Demo (demo) (2003-03-27)(Polik, Manuel)

31 - 3-D Corridor Demo 2 (demo) (2003-03-29)(Polik, Manuel)

32 - 3-D Corridor Green (demo) (2003-03-30)(Davie, Andrew)

33 - 3-D Corridor Pink Spiral (demo) (2003-03-31)(Davie, Andrew)

34 - 3-D Corridor Spiral + Words (demo) (2003-03-31)(Davie, Andrew)

35 - 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe

36 - 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe (1978)(Atari)

37 - 32-in-1 - 00 - UFO (1988)(Atari)[aka Space Jockey]

38 - 32-in-1 - 01 - Human Cannonball (1988)(Atari)[aka Cannon Man]

39 - 32-in-1 - 02 - Fun with Numbers (1988)(Atari)

40 - 32-in-1 - 03 - 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe (1988)(Atari)

41 - 32-in-1 - 04 - Flag Capture (1988)(Atari)

42 - 32-in-1 - 05 - Reversi (1988)(Atari)

43 - 32-in-1 - 06 - Golf (1988)(Atari)

44 - 32-in-1 - 07 - Surround (1988)(Atari)

45 - 32-in-1 - 08 - Checkers (1988)(Atari)

46 - 32-in-1 - 09 - Blackjack (1988)(Atari)

47 - 32-in-1 - 10 - Freeway Rabbit (1988)(Atari)

48 - 32-in-1 - 11 - Miniature Golf (1988)(Atari)

49 - 32-in-1 - 12 - Football (1988)(Atari)

50 - 32-in-1 - 13 - Slot Racers (1988)(Atari)

51 - 32-in-1 - 14 - Fishing Derby - Crabs (1988)(Atari)

52 - 32-in-1 - 14 - Fishing Derby - Crabs (1988)(Atari)[b2]

53 - 32-in-1 - 15 - Space War (1988)(Atari)

54 - 32-in-1 - 16 - Boxing (1988)(Atari)

55 - 32-in-1 - 17 - Air-Sea Battle (1988)(Atari)

56 - 32-in-1 - 18 - Freeway Chicken (1988)(Atari)[aka Freeway]

57 - 32-in-1 - 19 - Tennis (1988)(Atari)

58 - 32-in-1 - 20 - Combat (1988)(Atari)

59 - 32-in-1 - 21 - Slot Machine (1988)(Atari)

60 - 32-in-1 - 22 - Skiing (1988)(Atari)

61 - 32-in-1 - 23 - Stampede (1988)(Atari)

62 - 32-in-1 - 24 - Outlaw (1988)(Atari)

63 - 32-in-1 - 25 - Fishing Derby (1988)(Atari)

64 - 32-in-1 - 25 - Fishing Derby (1998)(Atari)

65 - 32-in-1 - 25 - Fishing Derby (1998)(Atari)[b2]

66 - 32-in-1 - 26 - Sky Diver (1988)(Atari)

67 - 32-in-1 - 27 - Laser Blast (1988)(Atari)

68 - 32-in-1 - 28 - Basketball (1988)(Atari)

69 - 32-in-1 - 29 - Ant Party (1988)(Atari)[aka Cosmic Swarm]

70 - 32-in-1 - 30 - Bowling (1988)(Atari)

71 - 32-in-1 - 31 - Home Run (1988)(Atari)

72 - 32-in-1 Game Cartridge (1988)(Atari)

73 - 3dcopper (demo) (2003-07-06)(SmileyDude)

74 - 6 Digit Score Display (demo) (1998)(Harbron, Robin)

75 - A Mysterious Thief

76 - A-Team (2002)(Polik, Manuel - Zavagli, Fabrizio)[A-Team - 50Hz]

77 - A-Team (2002)(Polik, Manuel - Zavagli, Fabrizio)[A-Team - 60Hz]

78 - A-Team (2002)(Polik, Manuel - Zavagli, Fabrizio)[A-Team]

79 - A-Team, The (1984-03-30)(Atari)(proto)

80 - Ace (2003)(Rotschkar, Manuel)[h Driving Controller][Combat]

81 - Acid Drop (1992)(Salu)

82 - Acid Drop (1992)(Salu)[f NTSC Jentzsch, Thomas]

83 - Action Force

84 - Action Force (1983)(Parker Brothers)

85 - Adventure

86 - Adventure (1978)(Atari)

87 - Adventure (1978)(Atari)[h New Graphics]

88 - Adventure (1978)(Atari)[t]

89 - Adventure 34 (2002)(Howe, Kurt)[Adventure]

90 - Adventure 8k (2004-04-07)(Nukey Shay)[Adventure]

91 - Adventure II (19xx)(-)[Adventure]

92 - Adventure Invaders (2003)(Krytol)[Space Invaders]

93 - Adventure Plus (2003)(Engelhardt, Steve)[Adventure]

94 - Adventure SI (2003)(Channel2)[h Color Scrolling][Adventure]

95 - Adventure4WI (2005)(-)[Adventure]

96 - Adventures of TRON

97 - Adventures of Tron (1982)(Mattel)

98 - Adventures on GX-12 (198x)(Telegames)

99 - Air Raid

100 - Air Raid (19xx)(Men-A-Vision)

101 - Air Raiders

102 - Air Raiders (1982)(Mattel)

103 - Air Raiders (2003)(Rotschkar, Manuel - Jentzsch, Thomas)[h Unlimited Ammo][Air Raiders]

104 - Air-Sea Battle

105 - Air-Sea Battle (1977)(Atari)

106 - Air-Sea Battle (1977)(Atari)[h Graphics]

107 - Airlock

108 - Airlock (1982)(Data Age)

109 - Alice's Abenteuer (198x)(StarSoft)(DE)

110 - Alien

111 - Alien (1982)(20th Century Fox)

112 - Alien (198x)(CCE)(BR)

113 - Alien Ants (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Thunderground]

114 - Alien Attack (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Gremlins]

115 - Alien Menace (2005)(neotokeo2001)[River Raid]

116 - Alien Pac-Man 2 (2003-01-05)(PacManPlus)[Alien]

117 - Alien Planet (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Pitfall!]

118 - Alien's Return (198x)(ITT Family Games)

119 - Alienated - Balloons and Umbrellas (2004)(mojofltr)[Space Invaders Arcade]

120 - Alienated - Bricks and Saucers (2004)(mojofltr)[Space Invaders Arcade]

121 - Alligator People (1983)(20th Century Fox)(proto)

122 - Alpha Beam with Ernie

123 - Alpha Beam with Ernie (1983)(Atari - CCW)[Kid's Controller]

124 - Alpha Demo - The Beta Demo (2000)(Polik, Manuel)

125 - Alpha Demo - The Beta Demo 2 (2000)(Polik, Manuel)

126 - Alternate Adventure (2005)(Pac-man Plus)[Adventure]

127 - Amanda Invaders (2000)(Thompson, Greg)

128 - Amidar

129 - Amidar (1982)(Parker Bros)

130 - Amidar (1983)(Parker Bros)

131 - Amidar DS - Faster Enemies (2003)(Jentzsch, Thomas)[Amidar]

132 - Amidar DS (2003)(Jentzsch, Thomas)[Amidar]

133 - Amiga Boing (demo) (200x)(Kudla, Rob)

134 - Amoebaoids (2005)(Jamcat)[Asteroids]

135 - An Exercise In Minimalism 1 (1999)(de Smet, Marc)

136 - An Exercise In Minimalism 2 (1999)(Stolberg, Eckhard)

137 - Analog Clock v0.0 (2003-01-20)(Davie, Andrew)

138 - Analog Clock v0.0 (2003-01-20)(Davie, Andrew)[Additional Frame Info]

139 - Analog Clock v0.1 (2003-01-20)(Davie, Andrew)

140 - Ancipital - Ode to Yak the Hairy (2004)(GodMedia)[Bezerk]

141 - Anglen (198x)(Ariola)(DE)[aka Fishing Derby]

142 - Angriff der Luftflotten (198x)(Quelle)(DE)[aka Paris Attack]

143 - Ant Attack (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Pepsi Invaders]

144 - Aphex Invaders (200x)(-)[Space Invaders]

145 - Apples and Dolls (19xx)(CCE)(BR)

146 - Aquaventure

147 - Aquaventure (198x)(CCE)(BR)

148 - Aquaventure (198x)(CCE)(BR)[b2]

149 - Aquaventure 8-12 (1983-08-12)(Atari)(proto)

150 - Arcade Golf (1977)(Sears)

151 - Armor Ambush

152 - Armor Ambush (1982)(Mattel)

153 - Armor Ambush (1982)(Telegames)

154 - Artificial Lifeform #1 (2004)(neotokeo2001)[King Kong]

155 - Artillery Duel

156 - Artillery Duel (1983)(Xonox)

157 - Assault

158 - Assault (1983)(Bomb)

159 - Aster-Hawk (2002)(Morgan, Charles)[Asteroids]

160 - Asterix (1983)(Atari)

161 - Asterix (1983)(Atari)(proto)

162 - Asteroid Fire

163 - Asteroids

164 - Asteroids (1981)(Atari)

165 - Asteroids (198x)(Atari)

166 - Asteroids (1999)(Atari Freak 1 - Cruz, Franklin)

167 - Asteroids (1999)(Cruz, Franklin)

168 - Asteroids DC+ (2002)(Jentzsch, Thomas)[h Driving Controller][Asteroids]

169 - Astro Attack

170 - Astro Attack (198x)(Goliath)[aka Astrowar]

171 - Astro War (19xx)(-)['Taiwan Cooper']

172 - Astroblast

173 - Astroblast (1982)(Mattel)

174 - Astroblast (1982)(Mattel)[Early Version - Controller Bugs]

175 - Astroblast (198x)(Telegames)

176 - Astrowar

177 - Asymmetric Playfield (19xx)(Williams, Roger)

178 - Asymmetric Reflected Playfield (19xx)(Saunders, Glenn - Williams, Roger)

179 - Atar v0.1 (2007-12-07)(Fort Apocalypse)

180 - Atar v0.2 (2007-12-10)(Fort Apocalypse)

181 - Atar v0.3 (2007-12-10)(Fort Apocalypse)

182 - Atari 2600 Invaders (19xx)(-)[Space Invaders]

183 - Atari Invaders (19xx)(Ataripoll)[Space Invaders]

184 - Atari Logo (demo) (19xx)(-)

185 - Atari Logo Playfield Demo (2001)(Ball, Eric)

186 - Atari Shot (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Carnival]

187 - Atari Shot 2005 (2005)(neotokeo2001)[Carnival]

188 - Atari Shot Remix (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Carnival]

189 - Atari Softball (2004)(OutofGas)[Home Run]

190 - Atari Video Cube

191 - Atari Video Cube (1982)(Atari)

192 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - 5-11under_1 (2004)(5-11under)

193 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - 5-11under_2 (2004)(5-11under)

194 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - 5-11under_3 (2004)(5-11under)

195 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - 5-11under_4 (2004)(5-11under)

196 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AdrianM_1 (2004)(AdrianM)

197 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AdrianM_2 (2004)(AdrianM)

198 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AdrianM_3 (2004)(AdrianM)

199 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - agenteqze_1 (2004)(agenteqze)

200 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AlEufrasio_1 (2004)(Eufrasio, Al)

201 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AlEufrasio_2 (2004)(Eufrasio, Al)

202 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AlEufrasio_3 (2004)(Eufrasio, Al)

203 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AlKuester_1 (2004)(Kuester, Al)

204 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AlKuester_2 (2004)(Kuester, Al)

205 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AlKuester_3 (2004)(Kuester, Al)

206 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AlKuester_4 (2004)(Kuester, Al)

207 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AndyKovacs_1 (2004)(Kovacs, Andy)

208 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AndyKovacs_2 (2004)(Kovacs, Andy)

209 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - BillLoguidice_1 (2004)(Loguidice, Bill)

210 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - BillLoguidice_2 (2004)(Loguidice, Bill)

211 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - BillLoguidice_3 (2004)(Loguidice, Bill)

212 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - BillLoguidice_4 (2004)(Loguidice, Bill)

213 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - BillLoguidice_5 (2004)(Loguidice, Bill)

214 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - BillLoguidice_6 (2004)(Loguidice, Bill)

215 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - BillLoguidice_7 (2004)(Loguidice, Bill)

216 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - BrianPrescott_1 (2004)(Prescott, Brian)

217 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_1 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)

218 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_10 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)

219 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_11 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)

220 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_12 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)

221 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_2 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)

222 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_3 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)

223 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_4 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)

224 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_5 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)

225 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_6 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)

226 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_7 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)

227 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_8 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)

228 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_9 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)

229 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChristopherAbles_1 (2004)(Ables, Christopher)

230 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChristopherAbles_2 (2004)(Ables, Christopher)

231 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChristopherAbles_3 (2004)(Ables, Christopher)

232 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChristopherAbles_4 (2004)(Ables, Christopher)

233 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChristopherAbles_5 (2004)(Ables, Christopher)

234 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Compacho_1 (2004)(Compacho)

235 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Compacho_2 (2004)(Compacho)

236 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Csonicgo_1 (2004)(Csonicgo)

237 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - DDCecil_1 (2004)(DDCecil)

238 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - DionTorraville_1 (2004)(Torraville, Dion)

239 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - DionTorraville_2 (2004)(Torraville, Dion)

240 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - DiscoSnorlax_1 (2004)(DiscoSnorlax)

241 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - DiscoSnorlax_2 (2004)(DiscoSnorlax)

242 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - dor-x_1 (2004)(dor-x)

243 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - dor-x_2 (2004)(dor-x)

244 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - dor-x_3 (2004)(dor-x)

245 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - dor-x_4 (2004)(dor-x)

246 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - dor-x_5 (2004)(dor-x)

247 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - dor-x_6 (2004)(dor-x)

248 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - DougMandeville_1 (2004)(Mandeville, Doug)

249 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - DougMandeville_2 (2004)(Mandeville, Doug)

250 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - FrankBailey_1 (2004)(Bailey, Frank)

251 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - FrankBailey_2 (2004)(Bailey, Frank)

252 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - FrankBailey_3 (2004)(Bailey, Frank)

253 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - FrankBailey_4 (2004)(Bailey, Frank)

254 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - FredrikAberg_1 (2004)(Aberg, Fredrik)(SW)

255 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - FredrikAberg_2 (2004)(Aberg, Fredrik)

256 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - GregoryDGeorge_1 (2004)(George, Gregory D)

257 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - GregoryDGeorge_2 (2004)(George, Gregory D)

258 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - GregoryDGeorge_3 (2004)(George, Gregory D)

259 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - GregoryDGeorge_4 (2004)(George, Gregory D)

260 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - GregoryDGeorge_5 (2004)(George, Gregory D)

261 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - GregoryDGeorge_6 (2004)(George, Gregory D)

262 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - GregThompson_1 (2004)(Thompson, Greg)

263 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JamesHiggs_1 (2004)(Higgs, James)

264 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JamesHiggs_2 (2004)(Higgs, James)

265 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JamesHiggs_3 (2004)(Higgs, James)

266 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JamesHiggs_4 (2004)(Higgs, James)

267 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JamesHiggs_5 (2004)(Higgs, James)

268 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JamesHiggs_6 (2004)(Higgs, James)

269 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JamesHiggs_7 (2004)(Higgs, James)

270 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JamesHiggs_8 (2004)(Higgs, James)

271 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JanHagelskamp_1 (2004)(Hagelskamp, Jan)

272 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JanHagelskamp_2 (2004)(Hagelskamp, Jan)

273 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JanHagelskamp_3 (2004)(Hagelskamp, Jan)

274 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JanHagelskamp_4 (2004)(Hagelskamp, Jan)

275 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JanHagelskamp_5 (2004)(Hagelskamp, Jan)

276 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JanHagelskamp_6 (2004)(Hagelskamp, Jan)

277 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JanHagelskamp_7 (2004)(Hagelskamp, Jan)

278 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JasonTorchinsky_1 (2004)(Torchinsky, Jason)

279 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JasonTorchinsky_2 (2004)(Torchinsky, Jason)

280 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JefferyGrajkowski_1 (2004)(Grajkowski, Jeffery)

281 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JefferyGrajkowski_2 (2004)(Grajkowski, Jeffery)

282 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JefferyGrajkowski_3 (2004)(Grajkowski, Jeffery)

283 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JefferyGrajkowski_4 (2004)(Grajkowski, Jeffery)

284 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JefferyGrajkowski_5 (2004)(Grajkowski, Jeffery)

285 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_1 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

286 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_10 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

287 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_11 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

288 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_12 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

289 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_13 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

290 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_14 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

291 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_15 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

292 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_16 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

293 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_17 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

294 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_18 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

295 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_19 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

296 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_2 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

297 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_20 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

298 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_21 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

299 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_3 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

300 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_4 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

301 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_5 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

302 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_6 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

303 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_7 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

304 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_8 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

305 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_9 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)

306 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JoeGrand_1 (2004)(Grand, Joe)

307 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JohnTielli_1 (2004)(Jerky)

308 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JohnTielli_2 (2004)(Jerky)

309 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JohnTielli_3 (2004)(Jerky)

310 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JohnTielli_4 (2004)(Jerky)

311 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JordanBienkowski_1 (2004)(Bienkowski, Jordan)

312 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JordanBienkowski_2 (2004)(Bienkowski, Jordan)

313 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - KyleClark_1 (2004)(Kyle Clark)

314 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - KyleClark_2 (2004)(Kyle Clark)

315 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - KyleClark_3 (2004)(Kyle Clark)

316 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - LeeBolton_1 (2004)(Lee Bolton)

317 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - LeeBolton_2 (2004)(Lee Bolton)

318 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - LincolnBraun_1 (2004)(Lincoln Braun)

319 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - LincolnBraun_2 (2004)(LincolnBraun)

320 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - max-t_1 (2004)(max-t)

321 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - max-t_2 (2004)(max-t)

322 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - max-t_3 (2004)(max-t)

323 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - max-t_4 (2004)(max-t)

324 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_1 (2004)(Mechanized)

325 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_10 (2004)(Mechanized)

326 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_11 (2004)(Mechanized)

327 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_12 (2004)(Mechanized)

328 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_13 (2004)(Mechanized)

329 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_14 (2004)(Mechanized)

330 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_15 (2004)(Mechanized)

331 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_16 (2004)(Mechanized)

332 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_2 (2004)(Mechanized)

333 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_3 (2004)(Mechanized)

334 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_4 (2004)(Mechanized)

335 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_5 (2004)(Mechanized)

336 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_6 (2004)(Mechanized)

337 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_7 (2004)(Mechanized)

338 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_8 (2004)(Mechanized)

339 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_9 (2004)(Mechanized)

340 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - NelsonRamirez_1 (2004)(Nelson Ramirez)

341 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - NelsonRamirez_2 (2004)(Nelson Ramirez)

342 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - NelsonRamirez_3 (2004)(Nelson Ramirez)

343 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - NelsonRamirez_4 (2004)(Nelson Ramirez)

344 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - NelsonRamirez_5 (2004)(Nelson Ramirez)

345 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - NelsonRamirez_6 (2004)(Nelson Ramirez)

346 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - NelsonRamirez_7 (2004)(Nelson Ramirez)

347 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - PhilipRFrey_1 (2004)(Philip R Frey)

348 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - PhilipRFrey_2 (2004)(Philip R Frey)

349 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - PhilipRFrey_3 (2004)(Philip R Frey)

350 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - PhilipRFrey_4 (2004)(Philip R Frey)

351 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - PhilipRFrey_5 (2004)(Philip R Frey)

352 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - PhilipRFrey_6 (2004)(Philip R Frey)

353 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - PhilipRFrey_7 (2004)(Philip R Frey)

354 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - PhilipRFrey_8 (2004)(Philip R Frey)

355 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_1 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

356 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_10 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

357 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_11 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

358 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_12 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

359 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_13 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

360 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_14 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

361 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_15 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

362 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_16 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

363 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_17 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

364 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_18 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

365 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_2 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

366 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_3 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

367 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_4 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

368 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_5 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

369 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_6 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

370 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_7 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

371 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_8 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

372 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_9 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

373 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RobertJohnson_1 (2004)(Robert Johnson)

374 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RobertJohnson_2 (2004)(Robert Johnson)

375 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RobertJohnson_3 (2004)(Robert Johnson)

376 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_1 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)

377 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_10 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)

378 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_2 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)

379 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_3 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)

380 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_4 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)

381 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_5 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)

382 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_6 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)

383 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_7 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)

384 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_8 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)

385 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_9 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)

386 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RyanWinchester_1 (2004)(Ryan Winchester)

387 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RyanWinchester_2 (2004)(Ryan Winchester)

388 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RyanWinchester_3 (2004)(Ryan Winchester)

389 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RyanWinchester_4 (2004)(Ryan Winchester)

390 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SalManfredonia_1 (2004)(Sal Manfredonia)

391 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SalManfredonia_2 (2004)(Sal Manfredonia)

392 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SalManfredonia_3 (2004)(Sal Manfredonia)

393 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SeanCrooks_1 (2004)(Sean Crooks)

394 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SeanCrooks_2 (2004)(Sean Crooks)

395 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_1 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)

396 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_10 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)

397 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_11 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)

398 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_12 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)

399 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_13 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)

400 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_14 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)

401 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_15 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)

402 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_16 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)

403 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_2 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)

404 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_3 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)

405 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_4 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)

406 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_5 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)

407 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_6 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)

408 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_7 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)

409 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_8 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)

410 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_9 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)

411 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_1 (2004)(SPIKE)

412 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_10 (2004)(SPIKE)

413 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_11 (2004)(SPIKE)

414 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_12 (2004)(SPIKE)

415 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_13 (2004)(SPIKE)

416 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_14 (2004)(SPIKE)

417 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_15 (2004)(SPIKE)

418 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_16 (2004)(SPIKE)

419 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_17 (2004)(SPIKE)

420 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_18 (2004)(SPIKE)

421 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_19 (2004)(SPIKE)

422 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_2 (2004)(SPIKE)

423 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_20 (2004)(SPIKE)

424 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_21 (2004)(SPIKE)

425 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_22 (2004)(SPIKE)

426 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_23 (2004)(SPIKE)

427 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_24 (2004)(SPIKE)

428 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_25 (2004)(SPIKE)

429 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_26 (2004)(SPIKE)

430 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_27 (2004)(SPIKE)

431 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_28 (2004)(SPIKE)

432 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_29 (2004)(SPIKE)

433 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_3 (2004)(SPIKE)

434 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_30 (2004)(SPIKE)

435 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_31 (2004)(SPIKE)

436 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_4 (2004)(SPIKE)

437 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_5 (2004)(SPIKE)

438 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_6 (2004)(SPIKE)

439 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_7 (2004)(SPIKE)

440 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_8 (2004)(SPIKE)

441 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_9 (2004)(SPIKE)

442 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Steve_1 (2004)(Steve)

443 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Steve_2 (2004)(Steve)

444 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Steve_3 (2004)(Steve)

445 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Steve_4 (2004)(Steve)

446 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SteveJuon_1 (2004)(Steve Juon)

447 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SteveJuon_2 (2004)(Steve Juon)

448 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SteveJuon_3 (2004)(Steve Juon)

449 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SteveJuon_4 (2004)(Steve Juon)

450 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SteveKnox_1 (2004)(Steve Knox)

451 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - StevePierson_1 (2004)(Steve Pierson)

452 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - StevePierson_2 (2004)(Steve Pierson)

453 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - StevePierson_3 (2004)(Steve Pierson)

454 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - StevePierson_4 (2004)(Steve Pierson)

455 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - StevePierson_5 (2004)(Steve Pierson)

456 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - StevePierson_6 (2004)(Steve Pierson)

457 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - StevePierson_7 (2004)(Steve Pierson)

458 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - TonyMason_1 (2004)(Tony Mason)

459 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - TroyWhelan_1 (2004)(Troy Whelan)

460 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - TroyWhelan_2 (2004)(Troy Whelan)

461 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - TroyWhelan_3 (2004)(Troy Whelan)

462 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - TroyWhelan_4 (2004)(Troy Whelan)

463 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - TroyWhelan_5 (2004)(Troy Whelan)

464 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - TroyWhelan_6 (2004)(Troy Whelan)

465 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - WalterLauer_1 (2004)(WalterLauer)

466 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - WalterLauer_2 (2004)(WalterLauer)

467 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - WesMorrison_1 (2004)(Wes Morrison)

468 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - WestonDHilton_1 (2004)(Weston D Hilton)

469 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - WestonDHilton_2 (2004)(Weston D Hilton)

470 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - WestonDHilton_3 (2004)(Weston D Hilton)

471 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - WestonDHilton_4 (2004)(Weston D Hilton)

472 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AdamKing_1 (2004)(Adam King)

473 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AlexGrosholz_1 (2004)(Alex Grosholz)

474 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AlexGrosholz_2 (2004)(Alex Grosholz)

475 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AllenManley_1 (2004)(Allen Manley)

476 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AllenManley_2 (2004)(Allen Manley)

477 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AllenManley_3 (2004)(Allen Manley)

478 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AndyKovacs_1 (2004)(Andy Kovacs)

479 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AndyKovacs_2 (2004)(Andy Kovacs)

480 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AndyKovacs_3 (2004)(Andy Kovacs)

481 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AndyKovacs_4 (2004)(Andy Kovacs)

482 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisCotter_1 (2004)(Chris Cotter)

483 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisCotter_10 (2004)(Chris Cotter)

484 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisCotter_2 + 3 (2004)(Chris Cotter)

485 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisCotter_4 (2004)(Chris Cotter)

486 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisCotter_5 (2004)(Chris Cotter)

487 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisCotter_6 (2004)(Chris Cotter)

488 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisCotter_7 (2004)(Chris Cotter)

489 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisCotter_8 (2004)(Chris Cotter)

490 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisCotter_9 (2004)(Chris Cotter)

491 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_1 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

492 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_10 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

493 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_11 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

494 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_12 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

495 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_13 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

496 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_14 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

497 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_15 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

498 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_16 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

499 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_17 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

500 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_18 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

501 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_19 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

502 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_2 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

503 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_20 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

504 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_21 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

505 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_22 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

506 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_23 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

507 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_24 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

508 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_3 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

509 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_4 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

510 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_5 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

511 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_6 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

512 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_7 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

513 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_8 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

514 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_9 (2004)(Chris Johnson)

515 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - CurtisKaylor_1 (2004)(Curtis Kaylor)

516 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - CurtisKaylor_2 (2004)(Curtis Kaylor)

517 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - CurtisKaylor_3 (2004)(Curtis Kaylor)

518 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - CurtisKaylor_4 (2004)(Curtis Kaylor)

519 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - CurtisKaylor_5 (2004)(Curtis Kaylor)

520 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - CurtisKaylor_6 (2004)(Curtis Kaylor)

521 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - DionTorraville_1 (2004)(Dion Torraville)

522 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - DionTorraville_2 (2004)(Dion Torraville)

523 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - DionTorraville_3 (2004)(DionTorraville)

524 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - DionTorraville_4 (2004)(Dion Torraville)

525 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - DougDingus_1 (2004)(Doug Dingus)

526 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - DuaneAlanHahn_1 (2004)(Duane Alan Hahn)

527 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - DuaneAlanHahn_2 (2004)(Duane Alan Hahn)

528 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - DuaneAlanHahn_3 (2004)(Duane Alan Hahn)

529 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_1 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

530 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_10 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

531 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_11 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

532 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_12 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

533 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_13 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

534 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_14 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

535 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_15 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

536 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_16 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

537 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_17 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

538 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_18 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

539 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_19 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

540 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_2 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

541 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_20 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

542 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_21 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

543 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_22 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

544 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_23 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

545 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_24 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

546 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_25 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

547 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_26 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

548 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_27 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

549 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_28 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

550 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_29 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

551 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_3 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

552 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_4 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

553 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_5 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

554 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_6 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

555 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_7 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

556 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_8 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

557 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_9 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)

558 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JohnKless_1 (2004)(John Kless)

559 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JohnKless_2 (2004)(John Kless)

560 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JohnKless_3 (2004)(John Kless)

561 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JohnKless_4 (2004)(John Kless)

562 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JonStewart_1 (2004)(Jon Stewart)

563 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JonStewart_2 (2004)(Jon Stewart)

564 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - LincolnBraun_1 (2004)(Lincoln Braun)

565 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - LincolnBraun_2 (2004)(Lincoln Braun)

566 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_1 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)

567 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_10 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)

568 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_11 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)

569 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_12 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)

570 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_13 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)

571 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_14 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)

572 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_15 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)

573 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_16 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)

574 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_17 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)

575 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_18 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)

576 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_19 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)

577 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_2 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)

578 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_3 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)

579 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_4 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)

580 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_5 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)

581 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_6 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)

582 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_7 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)

583 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_8 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)

584 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_9 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)

585 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_1 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

586 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_10 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

587 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_11 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

588 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_12 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

589 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_13 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

590 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_14 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

591 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_15 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

592 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_16 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

593 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_17 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

594 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_18 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

595 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_19 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

596 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_2 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

597 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_20 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

598 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_21 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

599 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_22 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

600 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_23 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

601 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_24 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

602 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_25 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

603 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_26 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

604 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_27 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

605 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_28 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

606 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_29 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

607 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_3 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

608 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_30 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

609 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_31 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

610 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_32 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

611 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_33 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

612 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_34 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

613 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_35 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

614 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_36 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

615 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_4 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

616 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_5 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

617 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_6 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

618 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_7 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

619 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_8 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

620 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_9 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)

621 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_1 (2004)(Pato)

622 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_10 (2004)(Pato)

623 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_2 (2004)(Pato)

624 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_3 (2004)(Pato)

625 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_4 (2004)(Pato)

626 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_5 (2004)(Pato)

627 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_6 (2004)(Pato)

628 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_7 (2004)(Pato)

629 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_8 (2004)(Pato)

630 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_9 (2004)(Pato)

631 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_1 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

632 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_10 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

633 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_11 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

634 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_12 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

635 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_13 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

636 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_14 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

637 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_15 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

638 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_16 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

639 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_17 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

640 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_18 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

641 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_19 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

642 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_2 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

643 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_3 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

644 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_4 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

645 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_5 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

646 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_6 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

647 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_7 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

648 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_8 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

649 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_9 (2004)(pmitch_3m)

650 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RayJ_1 (2004)(Ray J)

651 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RayJ_2 (2004)(Ray J)

652 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RayJ_3 (2004)(Ray J)

653 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RayJ_4 (2004)(Ray J)

654 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RayJ_5 (2004)(Ray J)

655 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RayJ_6 (2004)(Ray J)

656 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_1 (2004)(Rico Dones)

657 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_10 (2004)(Rico Dones)

658 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_11 (2004)(Rico Dones)

659 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_12 (2004)(Rico Dones)

660 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_13 (2004)(Rico Dones)

661 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_14 (2004)(Rico Dones)

662 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_15 (2004)(Rico Dones)

663 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_16 (2004)(Rico Dones)

664 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_17 (2004)(Rico Dones)

665 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_18 (2004)(Rico Dones)

666 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_19 (2004)(Rico Dones)

667 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_2 (2004)(Rico Dones)

668 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_20 (2004)(Rico Dones)

669 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_21 (2004)(Rico Dones)

670 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_22 (2004)(Rico Dones)

671 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_23 (2004)(Rico Dones)

672 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_24 (2004)(Rico Dones)

673 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_25 (2004)(Rico Dones)

674 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_26 (2004)(Rico Dones)

675 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_27 (2004)(Rico Dones)

676 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_28 (2004)(Rico Dones)

677 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_29 (2004)(Rico Dones)

678 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_3 (2004)(Rico Dones)

679 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_30 (2004)(Rico Dones)

680 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_31 (2004)(Rico Dones)

681 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_32 (2004)(Rico Dones)

682 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_33 (2004)(Rico Dones)

683 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_4 (2004)(Rico Dones)

684 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_5 (2004)(Rico Dones)

685 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_6 (2004)(Rico Dones)

686 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_7 (2004)(Rico Dones)

687 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_8 (2004)(Rico Dones)

688 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_9 (2004)(Rico Dones)

689 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Scuttle130_1 (2004)(Scuttle130)

690 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Scuttle130_2 (2004)(Scuttle130)

691 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Scuttle130_3 (2004)(Scuttle130)

692 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Scuttle130_4 (2004)(Scuttle130)

693 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Scuttle130_5 (2004)(Scuttle130)

694 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - SteveNapierski_1 (2004)(Steve Napierski)

695 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - SteveNapierski_2 (2004)(Steve Napierski)

696 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - SteveNapierski_3 (2004)(Steve Napierski)

697 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - TimLehner_1 (2004)(Tim Lehner)

698 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - TimLehner_2 (2004)(Tim Lehner)

699 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - TimLehner_3 (2004)(Tim Lehner)

700 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - TimLehner_4 (2004)(Tim Lehner)

701 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - TimLehner_5 (2004)(Tim Lehner)

702 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - TimLehner_6 (2004)(Tim Lehner)

703 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - TimLehner_7 (2004)(Tim Lehner)

704 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_1 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

705 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_10 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

706 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_11 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

707 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_12 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

708 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_13 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

709 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_14 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

710 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_15 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

711 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_16 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

712 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_17 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

713 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_18 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

714 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_19 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

715 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_2 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

716 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_20 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

717 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_21 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

718 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_22 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

719 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_3 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

720 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_4 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

721 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_5 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

722 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_6 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

723 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_7 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

724 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_8 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

725 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_9 (2004)(Walter Lauer)

726 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_1 (2004)(Yves Larouche)

727 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_10 (2004)(Yves Larouche)

728 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_11 (2004)(Yves Larouche)

729 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_12 (2004)(Yves Larouche)

730 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_13 (2004)(Yves Larouche)

731 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_14 (2004)(Yves Larouche)

732 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_15 (2004)(Yves Larouche)

733 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_16 (2004)(Yves Larouche)

734 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_17 (2004)(Yves Larouche)

735 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_18 (2004)(Yves Larouche)

736 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_19 (2004)(Yves Larouche)

737 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_2 (2004)(Yves Larouche)

738 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_3 (2004)(Yves Larouche)

739 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_4 (2004)(Yves Larouche)

740 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_5 (2004)(Yves Larouche)

741 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_6 (2004)(Yves Larouche)

742 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_7 (2004)(Yves Larouche)

743 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_8 (2004)(Yves Larouche)

744 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_9 (2004)(Yves Larouche)

745 - Atarivox Test Cartridge (2004)(AtariAge)

746 - Atlantis

747 - Atlantis (1982)(CCE)(BR)

748 - Atlantis (1982)(HES)(AU)

749 - Atlantis (1982)(Imagic)

750 - Atlantis (1988)(Activision)

751 - Atlantis FH (2003)(Jentzsch, Thomas)[Atlantis]

752 - Atlantis FH (2003)(Jentzsch, Thomas)[h2][Atlantis]

753 - Atlantis II

754 - Atlantis II (1982)(Imagic)

755 - Attack Of The Mutant Space Urchins (2002)(Laws Jr, Barry)[Alien]

756 - Aufruhr im Zoo (19xx)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Zoo Fun]

757 - Auto-mobile Demo (2001)(Stolberg, Eckhard)

758 - Autoduel Targ (2005)(Jim C.)[Targ]

759 - Automaton (200x)(Ledbetter, Derek)

760 - Automazeon Trainer (2004)(Stan Jr)[Outlaw]

761 - Autorennen (19xx)(Ariola)(DE)[aka Grand Prix]

762 - Bachelor Party (1982)(Mystique - Playaround)

763 - Bachelor Party/Gigolo

764 - Bachelorette Party (1982)(Playaround)

765 - Bachelorette Party/Burning Desire

766 - Back to the Future 2 (2003)(Stan Jr)[Adventure]

767 - Backfire (2003)(Lare,Chad)

768 - Backfire (2003)(Lare,Chad)(pre-release)

769 - Backgammon

770 - Backgammon (1979)(Atari)

771 - Backwards Cannonball (2004)(Atari Troll)[Human Cannonball - Gameplay bugs]

772 - Backwards Cannonball (2004)(Atari Troll)[Human Cannonball]

773 - Balls! (2002-09-16)(Zavagli, Fabrizio)

774 - Balthazar (19xx)(SnailSoft)

775 - Bank Heist

776 - Bank Heist (1983)(20th Century Fox)

777 - Bank Heist (1983)(Action Hi-Tech)[Skull Island Label]

778 - Bar-Score Demo (2001)(Williams, Roger)

779 - Barnstorming

780 - Barnstorming (1982)(-)

781 - Barnstorming (1982)(Activision)

782 - Barnstorming (1982)(CCE)(BR)

783 - Base Attack (1983)(HomeVision)[aka Z-Tack]

784 - Basic Math

785 - Basic Programming (1979)(Atari)[Atari Keypad]

786 - Basketball

787 - Basketball (1978)(Atari)

788 - Battle for Naboo (2002)(Josh)[Atlantis]

789 - Battle of the Planets (2005)(s0c7)[Infiltrate]

790 - Battlezone

791 - Battlezone (1983)(Atari)

792 - Battlezone TC (2002)(Jentzsch, Thomas)[h Two Joysticks][Battlezone]

793 - Baubles (2001-11-14)(Patterson, Jake)

794 - Baubles 3 (2001)(Patterson, Jake)

795 - Baubles v0.001 (2001)(Patterson, Jake)

796 - Baubles v0.002 (2001)(Patterson, Jake)

797 - Bazooka Bill (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Space Cavern]

798 - Beamrider

799 - Beamrider (1983)(Activision)

800 - Beanie Baby Bash (2002)(Goebel, Jim 'Inky')[Beany Bopper]

801 - Beany Bopper

802 - Beany Bopper (1982)(20th Century Fox)

803 - Beany Bopper (1982)(CCE)(BR)

804 - Beast Invaders (2000)(Minter, Jeff 'Yak')[h Double Shot][Space Invaders]

805 - Beast Invaders (2000)(Minter, Jeff 'Yak')[Space Invaders]

806 - Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em

807 - Beat 'Em and Eat 'Em (1982)(Mystique - Playaround)

808 - Beat 'Em and Eat 'Em (1982)(Mystique - Playaround)[f][Supercharger, 60Hz]

809 - Beat 'Em and Eat 'Em (1982)(Mystique - Playaround)[f][Supercharger]

810 - Berenstain Bears

811 - Berenstain Bears (1983)(Coleco)[Requires Kid Vid Controller and Audio Tape Files]

812 - Bermuda (19xx)(-)[aka Ground Zero - 'Taiwan Cooper']

813 - Bermuda (19xx)(Rainbow Vision)[aka Ground Zero]

814 - Bermuda (19xx)(Starsoft)[aka Ground Zero]

815 - Bermuda Triangle

816 - Bermuda Triangle (1982)(Data Age)

817 - Berzerk

818 - Berzerk - Renegade (2002)(Engelhardt, Steve)[Room of Doom]

819 - Berzerk (1982)(Atari)

820 - Berzerk (1982)(CCE)(BR)

821 - Berzerk Arena (2003)(Veeder, George 'Pixellated Ghost')[h Walls Altered][Berzerk]

822 - Berzerk Neo (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Berzerk]

823 - Berzerk Neo v2 (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Berzerk]

824 - Berzerk VE (2002)(Mika, Mike)[h Voice Enhanced][Berzerk]

825 - Beta Demo v1.1 (2002-09-26)(Polik, Manuel)

826 - Better Dukes of Hazzard (2003)(OutofGas)[Dukes of Hazzard]

827 - Better Space Invaders (1999)(Kudla, Rob)[Space Invaders]

828 - Betterblast (2002)(Zavagli, Fabrizio)[Astroblast]

829 - Bi! Bi! (198x)(Rainbow Vision - StarSoft)(AU)[aka Ungeheuer der Tiefe]

830 - Bi! Bi! (198x)(Rainbow Vision - StarSoft)[292]

831 - Big Bird's Egg Catch

832 - Big Bird's Egg Catch (1983)(Atari - CCW)[Kid's Controller]

833 - Big Dig (2002-10-20)(Tumber, Christopher)

834 - Big Dig (2003-04-04)(Tumber, Christopher)

835 - Big Dig (2003-04-13)(Tumber, Christopher)

836 - Big Head Bowling Hack (2004)(OutofGas)[Bowling]

837 - Billard (19xx)(Quelle)[aka Trick Shot]

838 - Binary To Decimal Routine (2001)(Davie, Andrew)

839 - Bingo (198x)(CCE)

840 - Bionic Breakthrough (1984)(Atari)(proto)[MindLink Controller Required]

841 - Bioresearch Station 2084 (2005)(Jamcat)[Lost Luggage]

842 - Biplane Air Raiders (2005)(Jamcat)[Air Raiders]

843 - Bitmap Demo (2003-01-13)(Davie, Andrew)

844 - Black Hole (198x)(StarSoft)[aka Cosmic Ark]

845 - Blackjack

846 - Blackjack (1977)(Atari)

847 - Blair Witch Project, The (2000)(Snider, Tim)[Haunted House]

848 - Blob, The (19xx)(Pittman, Cody)[Halloween Hack]

849 - Bloody Human Freeway (1981)(Activision)(proto)

850 - Bloody Human Freeway (1981)(Activision)(proto)[f PAL]

851 - Blueprint

852 - Blueprint (1983)(CBS Electronics)

853 - BMX Air Master

854 - BMX Air Master (1989)(Atari)

855 - BMX Air Master (1989)(TNT Games)

856 - Boardgame Demo (2002-12-20)(Tumber, Christopher)

857 - Bobby Geht Heim (19xx)(Bitcorp)[aka Bobby is Going Home]

858 - Bobby geht nach Hause (19xx)(StarSoft)[aka Bobby is Going Home]

859 - Bobby is Going Home

860 - Bobby is Going Home (19xx)(CCE)

861 - Bobby is Going Home (19xx)(CCE)[f NTSC Jentzsch, Thomas]

862 - Bobby is Going Home (19xx)(Rentacom)(BR)

863 - Bogey Blaster (19xx)(Telegames)[aka Air Raiders]

864 - Boggle (1978-08-07)(Atari)(proto)

865 - Boing! (1983)(First Star Software)

866 - Boing! 2004 (2004)(-)[Boing!]

867 - Boom Bang (19xx)(Quelle)[aka Crackpots]

868 - Boom Bang (19xx)(StarSoft)[aka Kampf dem Steinfresser]

869 - Boom! (2004)(OutofGas)[h2][Human Cannonball]

870 - Boom! (2004)(OutofGas)[Human Cannonball]

871 - Borg 'Em (2004)(OutofGas)[Dodge 'Em]

872 - Borg Ball (2004)(Atari Troll)[Tennis]

873 - Borg Cannonball (2004)(OutofGas)[Human Cannonball]

874 - Borg Defence (19xx)(-)[Astro War]

875 - Borg Patrol (2004)(Atari Troll)[Planet Patrol]

876 - Borg Shot (2005)(OutofGas)[Carnival]

877 - Borg Wars Asteroids (2003)(Kortkamp, Jack)[Asteroids]

878 - Borg Wars Budget Pinball (2004)(Atari Troll)[Video Pinball]

879 - Borg Wars Federation Invasion (2004)(Atari Troll)[Space Robot]

880 - Borg Wars II - Planet (2004-06-05)(Atari Troll)[Astroblast]

881 - Borg Wars II - Swirl Torpedo (2004)(Atari Troll)[Astroblast]

882 - Borg Wars II (2004-05-06)(Atari Troll)[Astroblast]

883 - Borg Wars II (2004-05-09)(Atari Troll)[Astroblast]

884 - Borg Wars II (2004-05-16)(Atari Troll)[Astroblast]

885 - Borg Wars III - Invasion (2004)(Atari Troll)[Space Invaders]

886 - Borg Wars IV (2004)(Atari Troll - neotokeo2001)[Berzerk]

887 - Borg Wars Pinball (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Midnight Magic]

888 - Borg Wars Plus (2004)(Atari Troll)[Sadistroids]

889 - Borg Wars Prime Directive (2004)(Atari Troll)[Galaxian]

890 - Borg Wars V - Sector Wars (2004)(Atari Troll)[Star Trek - Strategic Operations Simulator]

891 - Borg Wars Wormhole (2004)(Atari Troll)[Fantastic Voyage]

892 - Borg's Revenge (2004)(Atari Troll)[Yars' Revenge]

893 - Boring Freeway (200x)(Morgan, Charles)[Freeway]

894 - Boring Journey Escape (200x)(Morgan, Charles)[Journey Escape]

895 - Boring Pac-man (200x)(Morgan, Charles)[Pac-Man]

896 - Boring Pitfall (200x)(Morgan, Charles)[Pitfall]

897 - Boring Taz (200x)(Morgan, Charles)[Taz]

898 - Bottomless Pitfall! (2003-12-31)(Nukey Shay)[Pitfall!]

899 - Bottomless Pitfall! (2004-04-23)(Nukey Shay)[Pitfall!]

900 - Bottomless Pitfall! (2004-04-24)(Nukey Shay)[Pitfall!]

901 - Bottomless Pitfall! (2005-01-24)(Nukey Shay)[Pitfall!]

902 - Bottomless Pitfall! (2005-02-02)(Nukey Shay)[Pitfall!]

903 - Bottomless Pitfall! (2005-02-03)(Nukey Shay)[Pitfall!]

904 - Bottomless Pitfall! (2005-02-11)(Nukey Shay)[Pitfall!]

905 - Boulderdash (2003-04-02)(Davie, Andrew)[10 Blocks Wide]

906 - Boulderdash (2003-04-02)(Davie, Andrew)[13 Blocks Wide]

907 - Boulderdash Demo (2002-12-09)(Jentzsch, Thomas)

908 - Boulderdash Demo (2002-12-09)(Jentzsch, Thomas)[Brighter Version]

909 - Boulderdash Demo (2003-04-05)(Davie, Andrew)

910 - Bounce! (2003-03-17)(Zavagli, Fabrizio)

911 - Bounce! (2003-03-18)(Zavagli, Fabrizio)

912 - Bounce! (2003)(Zavagli, Fabrizio)

913 - Bowling

914 - Bowling (1978)(Atari)

915 - Bowling (1978)(Atari)[b Screen Rolls]

916 - Bowling (1978)(Atari)[b2 Screen Rolls]

917 - Bowling (1978)(Dactar)(NTSC-PAL)

918 - Boxen (1981)(Ariola)(DE)[aka Boxing]

919 - Boxing

920 - Boxing (1981)(-)

921 - Boxing (1981)(Activision)

922 - Boxing (1981)(Dactar)

923 - Brain Games

924 - Brain Games (1982)(Atari)[Atari Keypad]

925 - Breaking News (2002)(Pryor, Ric)[Bump 'n' Jump]

926 - Breakout

927 - Breakout - Breakaway IV (1978)(Atari)

928 - Breakout - Breakaway IV (1978)(Atari)[t]

929 - Brick Kick

930 - Brick Kick (198x)(-)[aka Peter Penguin - RJPG]

931 - Brick Kick (198x)(-)[aka Peter Penguin]

932 - Bridge

933 - Bridge (1981)(Activision)

934 - Brooni (2001)(Wallace, Andrew)

935 - Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom

936 - Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom (1983)(Sega)

937 - Bugs

938 - Bugs (1982)(Data Age)

939 - Bugs (1983)(Game World)

940 - Bugs Bunny (1983)(Atari)(proto)

941 - Bullet Demo (2002-12-20)(Tumber, Christopher)

942 - Bump 'n' Jump

943 - Bump 'N' Jump (1983)(Mattel)

944 - Bump 'N' Jump (1983)(Mattel)[b Screen Rolls]

945 - Bump 'N' Jump (1983)(Mattel)[F6]

946 - Bump 'N' Jump (1983)(Telegames)

947 - Bumper Bash

948 - Bumper Bash (1983)(Spectravision)

949 - Bunny BZRK (2003)(Snorlaxnut)[Berzerk]

950 - Burger King Kaboom! (2005)(neotokeo2001)[Kaboom! - Early Version]

951 - Burger King Kaboom! (2005)(neotokeo2001)[Kaboom!]

952 - BurgerTime

953 - Burgertime (1982)(Mattel)

954 - Burning Desire

955 - Burning Desire (1982)(Playaround)

956 - Cakewalk

957 - Cakewalk (1983)(CommaVid)

958 - Cakewalk (1983)(CommaVid)[f PAL Fabrizio Zavagli]

959 - Calculator (200x)(atari2600land)

960 - California Games

961 - California Games (1987)(Epyx)

962 - California Games (1988)(Epyx)

963 - Candi Invaders (2000)(Thompson,Greg)[Space Invaders]

964 - Canguru (19xx)(Zirok)(BR)

965 - Canyon Bomber

966 - Canyon Bomber (1978)(Atari)

967 - Capture (1978)(Dynamics-Goliath)[aka Breakdown or Flag Capture]

968 - Carnival

969 - Carnival (1982)(CCE)(BR)

970 - Carnival (1982)(Coleco)

971 - Carnival (1983)(CBS Electronics)

972 - Casino (1979)(Atari)[aka Poker Plus]

973 - Cat and Mouse (2001)(Veeder, George 'Pixellated Ghost')[Pac-Man]

974 - Cat Trax

975 - Cat Trax (1983)(UA Limited)

976 - Cat Trax (1983)(UA Limited)[f PAL Jentzsch, Thomas]

977 - Cathouse Blues

978 - Cathouse Blues (1982)(Playaround)

979 - Cave 1K v1.01 (2003)(-)

980 - Cave 1K v1.02 (2003)(-)

981 - Cave 1K v1.03 (2003)(-)

982 - Cave 1k v1.04 (2003)(-)

983 - Cave 1k v1.06 (2003)(-)

984 - Cave 1K v1.08 (2003)(-)

985 - Cave Demo (2003-04-21)(Tumber, Christopher)

986 - Caveman (2004-07-15)(-)[Kangaroo - WIP2.2]

987 - Caveman (2004-07-15)(-)[Kangaroo - WIP4]

988 - Caveman (2004-07-17)(-)[Kangaroo - WIP6]

989 - Caveman (2004-07-20)(-)[Kangaroo - V2]

990 - Centipede

991 - Centipede (1982)(Atari)

992 - Centipede (1982)(Atari)(proto)

993 - Centipede 2K (19xx)(Eduardo)[Centipede]

994 - Challenge

995 - Challenge (198x)(HES - Funvision)

996 - Challenge (198x)(Zellers)

997 - Challenge of Nexar, The (1982)(Spectravision)

998 - Championship Soccer (1980)(Atari)[aka Pele's Soccer]

999 - Chase the Chuck Wagon

1000 - Chase the Chuckwagon (1983)(Spectravision)

1001 - Checkers

1002 - Checkers (1980)(Activision)

1003 - Chicken Crossing (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Taz]

1004 - China Syndrome

1005 - China Syndrome (1982)(Spectravision)

1006 - Chopper Command

1007 - Chopper Command (1982)(Activision)

1008 - Chopper Command (1982)(Activision)[Choplifter]

1009 - Chopper Command (1982)(Activision)[f Supercharger]

1010 - Chopper Command (1982)(CCE)(BR)

1011 - Chopper Command (1982)(Supervision)

1012 - Chronicles of Ataria (2004-10-13)(Kozlowski, Maciej)

1013 - Chronicles of Ataria (2004-10-15)(Kozlowski, Maciej)

1014 - Chronicles of Ataria (2004-10-29)(Kozlowski, Maciej)

1015 - Chronocolor Frame Demo (2003-01-10)(Davie, Andrew)

1016 - Chronocolor Frame Demo 2 (2003-01-10)(Davie, Andrew)

1017 - Chuck Norris Superkicks

1018 - Chuck Norris Superkicks (1983)(Xonox)

1019 - CIFS - Communist Invaders From Space (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Space Invaders]

1020 - Circus (1978)(Zellers)[Joystick]

1021 - Circus Atari

1022 - Circus Atari (1978)(Atari)[Paddles]

1023 - City Defender (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Missile Command]

1024 - Climber 5 (2002-10-30)(Debro, Dennis)(proto)

1025 - Climber 5 (2003-03-20)(Debro, Dennis)(pre-release)

1026 - Climber 5 (2003-04-16)(Debro, Dennis)(pre-release)[For Philly Classic 4]

1027 - Climber 5 (2003-05-01)(Debro, Dennis)(pre-release)

1028 - Climber 5 (2003-05-07)(Debro, Dennis)(pre-release)

1029 - Climber 5 (2004)(Debro, Dennis)

1030 - Climber 5 (2004)(Debro, Dennis)(proto)[random ladders]

1031 - Climber 5 (2004)(Debro, Dennis)[RC4 - Alt - Easy version]

1032 - Climber 5 (2004)(Debro, Dennis)[RC4]

1033 - Climber 5 (2004)(Debro, Dennis)[RC5 - Alt - Easy version]

1034 - Climber 5 (2004)(Debro, Dennis)[RC5]

1035 - Climber 5 (2004)(XYPE - Debro, Dennis)

1036 - Climber 5 (200x)(Debro, Dennis)

1037 - Coco Nuts

1038 - Coconuts (1982)(Telesys)

1039 - Code Breaker

1040 - Codebreaker (1978)(Atari)[Atari Keypad]

1041 - Coffee Cup Soccer (2000)(Jaap, Matthias)[Pele's Soccer]

1042 - Col 'N (198x)(Home Vision)

1043 - Colony 7 (2005-09-17)(Rotschkar, Manuel)(pre-release)

1044 - Color Bar Generator (1984)(Videosoft)

1045 - Color Test (2002-09-26)(Stolberg, Eckhard)

1046 - Color Tweaker (2001)(Watson, B.)

1047 - Color Tweaker v1.0 (2001)(Watson, B.)

1048 - Colour Display Programme (1997)(Cracknell, Chris)[not working]

1049 - Colour Test (200x)(Happy-Dude)

1050 - Colours Selector (2002)(Stolberg, Eckhard)

1051 - Combat

1052 - Combat (1977)(Atari)

1053 - Combat AI (2003-02-13)(Matley, Zach)

1054 - Combat AI (2003-04-19)(Matley, Zach)

1055 - Combat Plus (2003)(Veeder, George 'Pixellated Ghost')[Combat]

1056 - Combat Redux (2004)(Matley, Zach - AtariAge)[Combat]

1057 - Combat Rock (2002)(Slocum, Paul)[h Music][Combat]

1058 - Combat Rock (2002)(Slocum, Paul)[h2 Music][Combat]

1059 - Combat Two (1982)(Atari)(proto)

1060 - Commando

1061 - Commando (1988)(Activision)

1062 - Commando Raid

1063 - Commando Raid (1982)(US Games)

1064 - Communist Mutants from Space

1065 - Communist Mutants From Space (1982)(Starpath)[Supercharger Cassette]

1066 - Communist Mutants From Space (demo-rolling) (1982)(Starpath)[Supercharger Cassette]

1067 - CompuMate (198x)(Spectravideo - Universum)

1068 - Computer Chess (1983)(Atari)(proto)

1069 - Condor Attack

1070 - Condor Attack (19xx)(High-Score Games)

1071 - Confrontation

1072 - Confrontation (1983)(Answer Software)

1073 - Congo Bongo

1074 - Congo Bongo (1983)(Sega)

1075 - Console Wars (2000)(Thompson, Greg)[Space Jockey]

1076 - Cookie Monster Munch (1983)(Atari - CCW)[Kid's Controller]

1077 - Corrida da Matematica (1982)(CCE)(BR)[aka Math Gran Prix]

1078 - Cosmic Ark

1079 - Cosmic Ark (1982)(CCE)

1080 - Cosmic Ark (1982)(Imagic)

1081 - Cosmic Ark (1982)(Imagic)[White Label]

1082 - Cosmic Avenger (1982)(Bit Corp)[aka Starmaster]

1083 - Cosmic Bowling (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Bowling]

1084 - Cosmic Commuter

1085 - Cosmic Commuter (1984)(Activision)

1086 - Cosmic Commuter (1984)(Activision)[f PAL Jentzsch, Thomas]

1087 - Cosmic Commuter (1984)(CCE)

1088 - Cosmic Corridor

1089 - Cosmic Corridor (198x)(Zimag)

1090 - Cosmic Creeps

1091 - Cosmic Creeps (1982)(Telesys)

1092 - Cosmic Swarm (1982)(CommaVid)

1093 - Cosmic Swarm (1982)(CommaVid)[MilliBlast]

1094 - Cosmic Town (1983)(ITT Family Games)[aka Z-Tac]

1095 - CPS 2600 Diagnostic Test Cartridge 2.6 (19xx)(Atari)

1096 - Crack'ed

1097 - Crack'ed (1988)(Atari)(proto)

1098 - Crackpots

1099 - Crackpots (1983)(Activision)

1100 - Crackpots (1983)(CCE)

1101 - Crash Dive

1102 - Crash Dive (1983)(20th Century Fox)

1103 - Crash Dive (1983)(20th Century Fox)[f PAL Fabrizio Zavagli]

1104 - Crazy Balloon (2005)(Rotschkar, Manuel)

1105 - Crazy Climber

1106 - Crazy Climber (1983)(Atari)[Atari Fan Club Exclusive]

1107 - Crazy Combat (2003)(Krytol)[Combat]

1108 - Crazy Otto v1.0 (2004)(Racoon Lad)[Ms. Pac-Man]

1109 - Crazy Valet

1110 - Crazy Valet (2000)(Prescott, Brian)

1111 - Create Your Own Adventure - Software Example (2004-04-03)(Atarius Maximus)[Adventure]

1112 - Create Your Own Adventure - Software Example (2004-04-18)(Atarius Maximus)[Adventure]

1113 - Create Your Own Adventure - Template Binary (2004-04-04)(Nukey Shay)[Adventure]

1114 - Criminal Persuit

1115 - Criminal Pursuit (198x)(Emag)

1116 - Cross Force

1117 - Cross Force (1982)(Spectravision)

1118 - Crossbow

1119 - Crossbow (1987)(Atari)

1120 - Cruise Missile (1987)(Froggo)[aka Radar]

1121 - Crypts of Chaos

1122 - Crypts of Chaos (1982)(20th Century Fox)

1123 - Crystal Castles

1124 - Crystal Castles (1984)(Atari)

1125 - Crystal Castles (1984)(Atari)(proto)

1126 - Cubicolor (1982)(Fulop, Rob - Imagic)(proto)

1127 - Cubo Magico (1982)(CCE)[aka Cubicolor]

1128 - Custer's Revenge

1129 - Custer's Revenge (1982)(Mystique)

1130 - Custer's Revenge (1982)(Mystique)[f Supercharger]

1131 - Custer's Revenge 2 (2004)(Lesser Raven)[Demon Attack]

1132 - Custer's Viagra (2004)(Atari Troll)[Custer's Revenge]

1133 - Custer's Viagra (2004)(Atari Troll)[h2][Custer's Revenge]

1134 - Custer's Viagra (2004)(Atari Troll)[h3][Custer's Revenge]

1135 - Cute Dead Things House (2002)(Samuel, Christian)[Haunted House]

1136 - Cybergoth Galaxian (2002)(Polik, Manuel)[Galaxian]

1137 - Cyplix (2004)(Gray, Charles F 'Atari Charles')[Bi! Bi!]

1138 - Dan Kitchen's Tomcat: The F-14 Fighter Simulator

1139 - Dancing Baby Center Animation (demo) (2003)(Davie, Andrew)

1140 - Dancing Baby v1 (demo) (2003-01-17)(Davie, Andrew)

1141 - Dancing Baby v2 (demo) (2003-01-18)(Davie, Andrew)

1142 - Dancing Baby v3 (demo) (2003-01-18)(Davie, Andrew)

1143 - Dancing Baby v4 (demo) (2003-01-08)(Davie, Andrew)

1144 - Dancing Plates (1982)(BitCorp)

1145 - Dancing Plates (1982)(Quelle)

1146 - Dark Cavern

1147 - Dark Cavern (1982)(Mattel)

1148 - Dark Chambers

1149 - Dark Chambers (1988)(Atari)

1150 - Dark Mage (1997)(Troutman, Greg)

1151 - Dark Mage (1997)(Troutman, Greg)[SuperCharger]

1152 - Dark Mage (1997)[Final Beta]

1153 - Dark Mage (1997)[Rough Beta]

1154 - Dark Mage 4k (1997)(Troutman, Greg)

1155 - Dark Mage 8k (1997)(Troutman, Greg)

1156 - Dawn of the Dead (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Worm War I]

1157 - Deadly Duck

1158 - Deadly Duck (1982)(20th Century Fox)

1159 - Death Race (2003)(neotokeo2001)[h2][River Raid]

1160 - Death Race (2003)(neotokeo2001)[h3][River Raid]

1161 - Death Race (2003)(neotokeo2001)[River Raid]

1162 - Death Trap (1983)(Avalon Hill)

1163 - Decathlon (1983)(Activision)

1164 - Defender

1165 - Defender (1981)(Atari)

1166 - Defender (1981)(CCE)(BR)

1167 - Defender II

1168 - Defender II (1984)(Atari)[aka Stargate]

1169 - Defender Vector (2004)(Engelhardt, Steve)[Defender]

1170 - Demo Image Series #0 - Star Parker (2003-02-12)(Davie, Andrew)

1171 - Demo Image Series #1 - Samantha Fox (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)

1172 - Demo Image Series #10 - It's Art (2003-02-28)(Davie, Andrew)

1173 - Demo Image Series #2 - Clown (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)

1174 - Demo Image Series #3 - Baboon (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)

1175 - Demo Image Series #4 - Donald (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)

1176 - Demo Image Series #5 - Animegirl (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)

1177 - Demo Image Series #5 - Baboon (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)

1178 - Demo Image Series #5 - Boofly (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)

1179 - Demo Image Series #5 - Clown (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)

1180 - Demo Image Series #5 - Flag (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)

1181 - Demo Image Series #5 - Sam (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)

1182 - Demo Image Series #9 - Genius (2003-02-28)(Davie, Andrew)

1183 - Demolition Herby

1184 - Demolition Herby (1982)(Telesys)

1185 - Demon Attack

1186 - Demon Attack (1982)(Imagic)

1187 - Demon Attack (1982)(Imagic)[f Supercharger]

1188 - Demon Attack (1982)(Imagic)[t +1]

1189 - Demon Attack (1983)(Activision)

1190 - Demons to Diamonds

1191 - Demons to Diamonds (1982)(Atari)

1192 - Demons to Diamonds (1982)(Atari)[f joystick]

1193 - Demons to Diamonds (1982)(Atari)[f Supercharger]

1194 - Demons to Diamonds (1982)(CCE)(BR)

1195 - Demons! (2003)(Spk Leader)[Phoenix]

1196 - Desert Falcon

1197 - Desert Falcon (1987)(Atari)

1198 - Detect Console (2005-03-18)(batari)

1199 - Diagnostic Cartridge (19xx)(Atari)

1200 - Diagnostic Temp 2600 (19xx)(-)

1201 - Dice Puzzle (1983)(Panda)

1202 - Dice Puzzle (1983)(Sancho)

1203 - Dig Dug

1204 - Dig Dug (1983)(Atari)

1205 - Dishaster (198x)(Zimag)[aka Mr Chin]

1206 - Dodge 'Em

1207 - Dodge 'Em (1981)(Atari)

1208 - Dodge Blinky (2004)(Atari Troll)[Dodge 'Em]

1209 - Dolphin

1210 - Dolphin (1983)(Activision)

1211 - Dolphin (198x)(CCE)(BR)

1212 - Don't Get Hit! (2004)(vb Master)[Freeway]

1213 - Donald Duck's Speedboat (1983-04-12)(Atari)(proto)

1214 - Doomzerk (2000)(Eduardo)[Berzerk]

1215 - Double Dragon

1216 - Double Dragon (1989)(Activision)

1217 - Double Dragon (1989)(CCE)

1218 - Double Dunk

1219 - Double Dunk (1989)(Atari)

1220 - Double-click Draw (2008-03-18)(Fort Apocalypse)

1221 - Double-click Draw (2008-03-22)(Random Terrain)

1222 - Double-click Draw Special (2008-03-22)(Random Terrain)

1223 - Double-Height 6-Digit Score Display (2001)(Davie, Andrew)

1224 - Double-Height 6-Digit Score Display (2001)(Davie, Andrew)[Background Color Change]

1225 - Double-Height 6-Digit Score Display (2001)(Davie, Andrew)[Two Background Color Change]

1226 - DP Kong (2003)(Keir)[Donkey Kong]

1227 - DP Kong (2003)(Keir)[h2][Donkey Kong]

1228 - Dr. Who - Dalek Invasion (2005)(Jamcat)[Berzerk]

1229 - Drag Race (2003)(Engelhardt, Steve)[Dragster]

1230 - Drag Race (2003)(Engelhardt, Steve)[h Auto Shift][Dragster]

1231 - Dragon Chase (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Blue Print]

1232 - Dragon Defender (198x)(Ariola-Rainbow Vision)

1233 - Dragon Defender (200x)(Ariola)[f NTSC - Jentzsch, Thomas]

1234 - Dragon Fighter (2004)(OutofGas)[Double Dragon]

1235 - Dragonfire

1236 - Dragonfire (1982)(Imagic)

1237 - Dragonfire Easy 1 (2004)(Engelhardt, Steve)[Dragonfire]

1238 - Dragonfire Easy 2 (2004)(Engelhardt, Steve)[Dragonfire]

1239 - Dragonfire Sadistic (2004)(Engelhardt, Steve)[Dragonfire]

1240 - Dragonstomper

1241 - Dragonstomper (1982)(Starpath)(Part 1 of 3)[Supercharger Cassette]

1242 - Dragonstomper (1982)(Starpath)(Part 2 of 3)[Supercharger Cassette]

1243 - Dragonstomper (1982)(Starpath)(Part 3 of 3)[Supercharger Cassette]

1244 - Dragonstomper (1982)(Starpath)[Supercharger Cassette]

1245 - Dragonstomper Preview (1982)(Starpath)[Supercharger Cassette]

1246 - Dragster

1247 - Dragster (1980)(Activision)

1248 - Dragster (1980)(Activision)[t Auto Shift]

1249 - Dschungle Boy (19xx)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Tom Boy]

1250 - Dueling Borg (2004)(Atari Troll)[Joust]

1251 - Dukes of Hazzard (1980)(Atari)(proto)[Stunt Cycle Version]

1252 - Dukes of Hazzard (1983)(Atari)(proto)

1253 - Dumbo's Flying Circus (1983)(Atari)(proto)

1254 - Dune (1984-07-10)(Atari)(proto)[Very Early Demo]

1255 - E.T. - Pits Hack (19xx)(Stilphen, Scott)[E.T.]

1256 - E.T. Tennis (2005)(Jamcat)[Tennis]

1257 - E.T. The Extra Testical (2001)(Samuel, Christian)[E.T.]

1258 - E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

1259 - E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)(Atari)

1260 - E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)(CCE)(BR)

1261 - E.T. vs. HSW (2005)(Gray, Charles F 'Atari Charles')[Pac-Man]

1262 - Earth Attack

1263 - Earth Attack (198x)(Zellers)(CA)[u][aka Defender]

1264 - Earth Dies Screaming (1983)(20th Century Fox)

1265 - Ed Invaders (2000)(-)[Pepsi Invaders]

1266 - Eddy Langfinger, der Museumsdieb (19xx)(Starsoft - Quelle)(DE)[aka Criminal Pursuit]

1267 - Edtris 2600 (1994)(Federmeyer, Ed)

1268 - Edtris 2600 (1995)(Federmeyer, Ed)

1269 - Egghead (2000)(Laws, Barry Jr)[Pac-Man]

1270 - Eggomania

1271 - Eggomania (1982)(US Games)

1272 - Eishockey-Fieber (198x)(Starsoft-Quelle)[aka Ice Hockey]

1273 - Elevator Action (1983)(Atari)(proto)

1274 - Eli's Ladder

1275 - Eli's Ladder (198x)(Simage)

1276 - Elk Attack

1277 - Elk Attack (1987)(Atari)(proto)

1278 - Encounter at L-5

1279 - Encounter at L5 (1982)(Data Age)

1280 - Enduro

1281 - Enduro (1983)(Activision-Dactar)

1282 - Enduro (1983)(Activision)

1283 - Enduro (1983)(CCE)(BR)

1284 - Enduro (1983)(Digivision)

1285 - Enduro (1983)(Digivision)(BR)

1286 - Enhanced Pitfall + (2003)(Kortkamp, Jack)[Pitfall]

1287 - Enhanced Pitfall + (2003)(Kortkamp, Jack)[t +1][Pitfall]

1288 - Enhanced Pitfall + Revisited (2003)(Kortkamp, Jack)[t +1][Pitfall]

1289 - Enigma 2600 (2005)(VandeWettering, Mark)

1290 - Ente und der Wolf, Die (198x)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Pooyan]

1291 - Entombed

1292 - Entombed (1982)(US Games)

1293 - Escape from the Mindmaster

1294 - Escape from the Mindmaster (1982)(Starpath)

1295 - Escape from the Mindmaster Preview (1982)

1296 - Espial

1297 - Espial (1983)(Tigervision)

1298 - Espial (1984)(Tigervision)

1299 - Euchre (2001-06-15)(Eid, Erik)

1300 - Euchre (2001-07-13)(Eid, Erik)

1301 - Euchre (2001-07-20)(Eid, Erik)

1302 - Euchre (2001-07-28)(Eid, Erik)

1303 - Euchre (2001-08-19)(Eid, Erik)

1304 - Euchre (2001-11-09)(Eid, Erik)

1305 - Euchre (2001-11-25)(Eid, Erik)

1306 - Euchre (2002-07-15)(Eid, Erik)

1307 - Euchre (2002-07-28)(Eid, Erik)

1308 - Euchre (2002-08-22)(Eid, Erik)

1309 - Euchre (2002-08-31)(Eid, Erik)

1310 - Euchre (2002-09-12)(Eid, Erik)

1311 - Euchre (2002-09-26)(Eid, Erik)

1312 - Euchre (2002-09-28)(Eid, Erik)

1313 - Euchre (2002-10-01)(Eid, Erik)

1314 - Euchre (2002)(Eid, Erik)(pre-release)

1315 - Euchre (200x)(Eid, Erik)[Long Winding Road]

1316 - Eurocon 2005 (demo) (2005)(Quernhorst, Simon)

1317 - Evil Dead (2003)(Pittman, Kyle)[Haunted House]

1318 - Exocet (198x)(Panda)[aka Space Eagle]

1319 - Exocet (198x)(Sancho-Goliath)[aka Space Eagle]

1320 - Extinction (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Demon Attack]

1321 - Face Invaders 2 (2000)(Laws, Barry Jr)[Astroblast]

1322 - Face Invaders Deluxe (2000)(Laws, Barry Jr)[Space Invaders]

1323 - Fall Down (2004-06-24)(Curtis, Aaron)

1324 - Fall Down (2004-06-30)(Curtis, Aaron)

1325 - Fall Down (2004-07-11)(Curtis, Aaron)

1326 - Fall Down (2004-07-31)(Curtis, Aaron)

1327 - Fall Down (2004-08-07)(Curtis, Aaron)

1328 - Fall Down (2004-08-21)(Curtis, Aaron)

1329 - Fall Down (2004-08-26)(Curtis, Aaron)

1330 - Fall Down (2004-09-03)(Curtis, Aaron)

1331 - Fall Down (2004-09-07)(Curtis, Aaron)

1332 - Fall Down (2004-09-11)(Curtis, Aaron)

1333 - Fall Down (2004-10-01)(Curtis, Aaron)

1334 - Fall Down (2004-10-01)(Curtis, Aaron)[50Hz]

1335 - Fall Down (2004-10-01)(Curtis, Aaron)[60Hz]

1336 - Fall Down (2005-02-05)(Curtis, Aaron)

1337 - Fall Down (2005-02-05)(Curtis, Aaron)[50Hz]

1338 - Fall Down (2005-02-05)(Curtis, Aaron)[60Hz]

1339 - Fall Down (2005-02-09)(Curtis, Aaron)

1340 - Fall Down (2005-02-09)(Curtis, Aaron)[50Hz]

1341 - Fall Down (2005-02-09)(Curtis, Aaron)[60Hz]

1342 - Fall Down (2005-02-15)(Curtis, Aaron)

1343 - Fall Down (2005-02-15)(Curtis, Aaron)[50Hz]

1344 - Fall Down (2005-02-15)(Curtis, Aaron)[60Hz]

1345 - Fall Down (2005)(Curtis, Aaron)

1346 - Fantastic Voyage

1347 - Fantastic Voyage (1982)(20th Century Fox)

1348 - Farmyard Fun (198x)(Telegames)

1349 - Fast Eddie

1350 - Fast Eddie (1982)(20th Century Fox)

1351 - Fast Eddie (1982)(Activision)

1352 - Fast Eddie (198x)(CCE)(BR)

1353 - Fast Food

1354 - Fast Food (1982)(Telesys)

1355 - Fast Food (198x)(Zirok)(BR)

1356 - Fat Albert (2000)(Marli, David)[Fast Food]

1357 - Fat Freddie (2004-05-04)(OutofGas)(pre-release)[Pac-Man Jr]

1358 - Fat Freddie (2004-05-07)(OutofGas)(pre-release)[Pac-Man Jr]

1359 - Fat Freddie (2004-05-10)(OutofGas)(pre-release)[RC5 - Pac-Man Jr]

1360 - Fat Freddie (2004-05-10)(OutofGas)(pre-release)[RC6 - Pac-Man Jr]

1361 - Fat Freddie (2004-05-11)(OutofGas)[Pac-Man Jr]

1362 - Fatal Run

1363 - Fatal Run (1990)(Atari)

1364 - Fatal Run (1990)(Atari)[f NTSC - Jentzsch, Thomas]

1365 - Fathom

1366 - Fathom (1983)(Imagic)

1367 - Felix Return (198x)(Goliath)

1368 - Festival (198x)(-)[Carnival]

1369 - Feuerwehr im Einsatz (1982)(Starsoft-Quelle)(DE)

1370 - Final Approach

1371 - Final Approach (1982)(Apollo)

1372 - Fire Bird (198x)(Taiwan Cooper)[Phoenix]

1373 - Fire Birds (198x)(ITT Family Games)

1374 - Fire Fighter

1375 - Fire Fighter (1982)(Imagic)

1376 - Fire Fly

1377 - Fire Fly (1983)(Mythicon)

1378 - Fire Queen (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Tron - Deadly Discs]

1379 - Fire Spinner (198x)(Emag)

1380 - Fireball

1381 - Fireball (1982)(Starpath - Arcadia)[Supercharger Cassette]

1382 - Fireball Preview (1982)(Starpath)[Supercharger Cassette]

1383 - Fish Revenge (2003)(Zumwalt, Greg)[Space Invaders]

1384 - Fisher Price (198x)(CCE)[Sea Hunt]

1385 - Fishing Derby

1386 - Fishing Derby - Crabs (198x)(Atari)[Going Fishing]

1387 - Fishing Derby (1980)(Activision)

1388 - Fishing Derby (198x)(CCE)

1389 - Fisticuffs (2003)(King Atari)[Double Dragon]

1390 - Flag Capture

1391 - Flag Capture (1978)(Atari)

1392 - FlapPing (2005)(Israel, Kirk)

1393 - Flash Gordon

1394 - Flash Gordon (1983)(20th Century Fox)

1395 - Flippern (1980)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Video Painball]

1396 - Football

1397 - Football (1978)(Atari)

1398 - Forest (198x)(Sancho)

1399 - Fox & Goat (198x)(Starsoft)

1400 - Frame Timed Sound Effects (1997-06-22)(Stolberg, Eckhard)

1401 - Frankenstein's Monster

1402 - Frankenstein's Monster (1983)(Data Age)

1403 - Freeway

1404 - Freeway (1981)(Activision)

1405 - Freeway (1981)(CCE)(BR)

1406 - Freeway (1981)(Dactar)

1407 - Frog Pond (1982)(Atari)(proto)

1408 - Frogger

1409 - Frogger - The Official (1983)(Starpath)[Supercharger Cassette]

1410 - Frogger - The Official Preview (1983)(Starpath)[Supercharger Cassette]

1411 - Frogger (1982)(Parker Bros)

1412 - Frogger (1982)(Parker Bros)[f Supercharger]

1413 - Frogger II - Threedeep! (1984)(Parker Bros)

1414 - Frogger II - Threeedeep!

1415 - Frogs and Flies

1416 - Frogs and Flies (1982)(Mattel)

1417 - Front Line

1418 - Front Line (1982)(Coleco)

1419 - Frostbite

1420 - Frostbite (1983)(Activision)

1421 - Frostbite (1983)(CCE)(BR)

1422 - Frostbite (1983)(Digitel)(BR)

1423 - Frostbite (1983)(Digivision)

1424 - Fuchs & Schweinchen Schlau (198x)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Oink]

1425 - Fun with Numbers (1977)(Atari)[aka Basic Math]

1426 - Funky Fish (1983)(UA Limited)(proto)

1427 - Fussball (1982)(Ariola)[aka International Soccer]

1428 - G.I. Joe - Cobra Strike (1983)(Parker Bros)

1429 - Galactic (198x)(Funvision)

1430 - Galactic (198x)(Rainbow Vision)

1431 - Galactic (198x)(Starsoft)

1432 - Galaga (19xx)(-)[River Raid]

1433 - Galaxian

1434 - Galaxian (1983)(Atari)

1435 - Galaxian (1983)(Atari)[Fake Atari Silver]

1436 - Galaxian (1983)(CCE)(BR)

1437 - Galaxian (2001)(Ragan, Jass)

1438 - Galaxian ND (2004)(Retrofan)

1439 - Galaxian Targ (2005)(Jim C.)[Targ]

1440 - Game of 2600 Concentration, A (2004)(Snorlaxnut)[Concentration]

1441 - Game of Concentration, A (1978)(Atari)[Atari Keypad]

1442 - Gangster (1981)(Ariola)[aka Outlaw]

1443 - Gangster Alley

1444 - Gangster Alley (1982)(Spectravision)

1445 - Gangster Alley (1983)(Spectravideo)

1446 - Garden Invaders (2005)(Jamcat)[Space Invaders]

1447 - Garfield (1984)(Atari)(proto)

1448 - Gas Gauge Demo - Revisited (2001)(Grand, Joe)

1449 - Gas Gauge Demo (2001)(Grand, Joe)

1450 - Gas Hog

1451 - Gas Hog (1983)(Spectravideo)

1452 - Gas Hog (1983)(Spectravideo)[aka Marspatrouille]

1453 - Gauntlet

1454 - Gauntlet (1983)(Answer Software)

1455 - Gefaehrliche Maeusejagt (198x)(Starsoft)

1456 - Gefecht im All (198x)(Starsoft)[Space Jockey]

1457 - Geheimkurier, Der (198x)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Mr Postman]

1458 - General Retreat (198x)(Playground)[aka Custer's Revenge]

1459 - Ghost Manor

1460 - Ghost Manor (1983)(Xonox)

1461 - Ghost Trap (2005)(Snorlaxnut)[Mouse Trap]

1462 - Ghostbusters

1463 - Ghostbusters - Improved (2003)(King Atari)

1464 - Ghostbusters (1984)(Activision)

1465 - Ghostbusters II

1466 - Ghostbusters II - Easy (2003)(King Atari)

1467 - Ghostbusters II (1992)(Salu)

1468 - Ghostbusters II (1992)(Salu)[f NTSC - Jentzsch, Thomas]

1469 - Gigolo

1470 - Gigolo (1982)(Playaround)

1471 - Glacier Patrol

1472 - Glacier Patrol (1983)(Telegames)

1473 - Glib

1474 - Glib (1983)(Selchow & Righter)

1475 - Globe Trotter (demo) (2003-03-24)(Weston)

1476 - Glorb (2000)(-)[Pac-Man]

1477 - Go Go Home Monster

1478 - Golf

1479 - Golf (1978)(Atari)

1480 - Golf (1978)(Atari)[MiniGolf]

1481 - Gopher

1482 - Gopher (1982)(Carrere Video)

1483 - Gopher (1982)(US Games)

1484 - Gorf

1485 - Gorf (1982)(CBS Electronics)

1486 - Gorf Arcade (2004)(Dr. Kwack)

1487 - Grand Prix

1488 - Gravitar

1489 - Gremlins

1490 - Grover's Music Maker (1982-12-29)(Atari)(proto)[CX-26106]

1491 - Guardian

1492 - Gyruss

1493 - Gyruss (1998)(Parker Brothers)[F4]

1494 - H.E.R.O.

1495 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - unnamed version]

1496 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Intermission Test 2]

1497 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Intermission Test Fixed]

1498 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Intermission Test]

1499 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Violins]

1500 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-15)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1501 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-17)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1502 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-17)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1503 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-17)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]

1504 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-17)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 4]

1505 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-17)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 5]

1506 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-17)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 6]

1507 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-18)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1508 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-19)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1509 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-24)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1510 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-25)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1511 - Hack 'Em (2004-07-29)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1512 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-02)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1513 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-02)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1514 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-23)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1515 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-23)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1516 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-24)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1517 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-24)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2 - Fast]

1518 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-24)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]

1519 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-25)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1520 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-26)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1521 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-26)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1522 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-27)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1523 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-27)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1524 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-28)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1525 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-28)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1526 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-28)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]

1527 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-28)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 4]

1528 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-28)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 5]

1529 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-29)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1530 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-29)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1531 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-29)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]

1532 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-30)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1533 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-30)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1534 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-30)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]

1535 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-30)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 4]

1536 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-31)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1537 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-31)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1538 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-01)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1539 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-01)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1540 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-02)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1541 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-02)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1542 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-03)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1543 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-03)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1544 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-04)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1545 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-04)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1546 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-05)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1547 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-05)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2 - Toggle]

1548 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-05)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]

1549 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-06)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1550 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-07)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1551 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-07)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1552 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-07)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3 - Diferent Ghosts by Breakpack]

1553 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-07)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 4]

1554 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-07)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 5]

1555 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-07)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 6]

1556 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1557 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1558 - Hack 'Em (2004-10-06)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Release Candidate 1]

1559 - Hack 'Em (2004-10-07)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Release Candidate 2]

1560 - Hack 'Em (2004-10-22)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1 - Test 1]

1561 - Hack 'Em (2004-10-22)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2 - Test 2]

1562 - Hack 'Em (2004-10-27)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1563 - Hack 'Em (2004-10-28)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1564 - Hack 'Em (2004-10-28)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1565 - Hack 'Em (2004-10-29)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1566 - Hack 'Em (2004-12-03)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1567 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1568 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1569 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1570 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-12)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1571 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-14)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1 - 7800 pause]

1572 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-14)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2 - 7800 pause]

1573 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-14)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3 - 7800 pause]

1574 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-21)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1575 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-21)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2 - 7800 pause]

1576 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-22)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1577 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-22)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2 - 7800 pause]

1578 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-23)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - Pause Test]

1579 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-23)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]

1580 - Hack 'Em (2005-02-10)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - Bugfix 1]

1581 - Hack 'Em (2005-02-10)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - Bugfix 2]

1582 - Hack 'Em (2005-02-10)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - Bugfix 3]

1583 - Hack 'Em (2005-09-22)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]

1584 - Hack 'Em (2005-09-22)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]

1585 - Hack 'Em (2005-11-12)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]

1586 - Hack 'Em (2005-11-12)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]

1587 - Hack 'Em (2005-11-19)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]

1588 - Hack 'Em (2005-11-19)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]

1589 - Hack 'Em (2005-11-29)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]

1590 - Hack 'Em (2005-11-29)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]

1591 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-10)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]

1592 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-10)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]

1593 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-15)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]

1594 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-15)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]

1595 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-24)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]

1596 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-24)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]

1597 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-27)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]

1598 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-27)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]

1599 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-29)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]

1600 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-29)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]

1601 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-10)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]

1602 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-10)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]

1603 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-15)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]

1604 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-15)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]

1605 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-24)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]

1606 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-24)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]

1607 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-27)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]

1608 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-27)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]

1609 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-29)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]

1610 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-29)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]

1611 - Hack 'Em 4k (2004-05-03)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - unnamed version]

1612 - Hack 'Em 4k (2004-05-04)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - unnamed version]

1613 - Hack 'Em 4k (2004-05-06)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - 180 dots]

1614 - Hack 'Em 4k (2004-05-06)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - equal points]

1615 - Hack 'Em 4k (2004-05-06)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - unnamed version]

1616 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-05)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1617 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-08)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1618 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-08)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1619 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-08)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]

1620 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-08)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 4]

1621 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-08)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 6]

1622 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-09)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1623 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-09)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1624 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-09)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]

1625 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-09)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 5]

1626 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1627 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1628 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]

1629 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 4 - timecheck]

1630 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 5]

1631 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1632 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1633 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]

1634 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 4]

1635 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-13)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1636 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-13)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1637 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-14)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1638 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-14)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1639 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-14)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]

1640 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-14)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 4]

1641 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-14)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 5]

1642 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-15)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1643 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-15)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1644 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-15)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]

1645 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-16)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1646 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-17)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1647 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-17)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1648 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-18)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1649 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-18)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1650 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-18)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]

1651 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-19)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1652 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-19)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1653 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-20)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1654 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-20)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1655 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-20)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]

1656 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-21)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1657 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-22)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1658 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-22)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1659 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-22)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]

1660 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-22)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 4]

1661 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-23)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1662 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-23)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1663 - Halloween

1664 - Hang-On (2003)(mojofltr)[Enduro]

1665 - Hang-On ATV (2003)(mojofltr)[Enduro]

1666 - Hanged Man, The (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Hangman]

1667 - Hangly Man (2004-05-08)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]

1668 - Hangly Man (2004-05-08)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]

1669 - Hangly Man (2004-05-09)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1670 - Hangly Man (2004-05-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1671 - Hangly Man (2004-05-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Intermission Test 1]

1672 - Hangly Man (2004-05-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Intermission Test 2]

1673 - Hangly Man (2004-05-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Intermission Test 3]

1674 - Hangly Man (2004-05-12)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Intermission Test]

1675 - Hangly Man (2004-05-18)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1676 - Hangly Man (2004-05-19)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1677 - Hangly Man (2004-05-24)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1678 - Hangly Man (2004-05-25)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1679 - Hangly Man (2004-07-29)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1680 - Hangly Man (2004-08-02)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]

1681 - Hangman

1682 - Haunted Adventure - Boo! (2004)(Wong, Anthony W)(pre-release)[Adventure - Release Candidate 2 - Old Graphics]

1683 - Haunted Adventure - Boo! (2004)(Wong, Anthony W)(pre-release)[Adventure - Release Candidate 3]

1684 - Haunted Adventure - Boo! (2004)(Wong, Anthony W)(pre-release)[Adventure - Release Candidate 4]

1685 - Haunted Adventure - Boo! (2004)(Wong, Anthony W)(pre-release)[Adventure - Release Candidate 5]

1686 - Haunted Adventure - Boo! (2004)(Wong, Anthony W)(pre-release)[Adventure - Release Candidate 6]

1687 - Haunted Adventure - Boo! (2004)(Wong, Anthony W)(pre-release)[Adventure - Release Candidate 7]

1688 - Haunted Adventure - Boo! (2004)(Wong, Anthony W)[Adventure]

1689 - Haunted Adventure - Boo! (2004)(Wong, Anthony W)[f][Adventure]

1690 - Haunted Adventure - Boo! v1.03 (2004)(Wong, Anthony W)[Adventure]

1691 - Haunted House

1692 - Headhunter (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Galaxian]

1693 - Hell Driver (1983)(ITT Family Games)[f NTSC - Jentzsch, Thomas]

1694 - Hell-O-Ween (2003)(Racoon Lad)[Pitfall!]

1695 - Helo Wars (2004)(Atari Troll)[Time Pilot - Final]

1696 - Holiday Combat - Menorah (2003)(Matley, Zach)[Combat]

1697 - Holiday Combat - Snowman (2003)(Matley, Zach)[Combat]

1698 - Holiday Combat - Tree (2003)(Matley, Zach)[Combat]

1699 - Home Run

1700 - Human Cannonball

1701 - Human Cannonball (1979)(Atari)[Cannonfire]

1702 - hungrige Panda, Der (198x)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Panda Chase]

1703 - Hungrigen Froesche, Die (198x)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Frogs & Flies]

1704 - Hunt & Score

1705 - I Want My Mommy

1706 - I.Q. 180 (198x)(HomeVision)

1707 - Ice Hockey

1708 - Ikari Warriors

1709 - Image - Baboon (2003-02-10)(Davie, Andrew)

1710 - Image - Baboon (2003-02-10)(Jentzsch, Thomas)

1711 - Image - Baboon 2 (2003-02-10)(Davie, Andrew)

1712 - Image - Baboon Interlaced Demo 1 (2003-02-15)(Jentzsch, Thomas)

1713 - Image - Baboon Interlaced Demo 2 (2003-02-15)(Jentzsch, Thomas)

1714 - Image - Clown - Full Screen (2003-02-12)(Davie, Andrew)

1715 - Image - Clown (2003-02-09)(Jentzsch, Thomas)

1716 - Image - Clown (2003-02-10)(Davie, Andrew)

1717 - Image - Girl (2003)(Davie, Andrew)

1718 - Image - Megaman (2003)(Davie, Andrew)

1719 - Image - Nude1 (2003)(Davie, Andrew)

1720 - Image - Nude2 (2003)(Davie, Andrew)

1721 - Image - Qb (2003-02-16)(Jentzsch, Thomas)

1722 - Image - Qb Cover Art (2003-02-09)(Davie, Andrew)

1723 - Image - Samantha Fox - Colour (2003-02-09)(Davie, Andrew)

1724 - Image - Samantha Fox (2003-02-09)(Davie, Andrew)

1725 - Image - USA Flag (2003-02-15)(Davie, Andrew)

1726 - Image - Woody (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)

1727 - Imagic Selector (1982)(Imagic)

1728 - Immies & Aggies

1729 - Indy 500

1730 - Infiltrate

1731 - International Soccer (1982)(Mattel)

1732 - James Bond 007

1733 - James Bond 007 (1983)(Parker Bros)

1734 - Jawbreaker

1735 - Journey Escape

1736 - Joust

1737 - Jr. Pac-Man

1738 - Jungle Fever/Knight on the Town

1739 - Jungle Hunt

1740 - Kaboom!

1741 - Kamikaze Saucers

1742 - Kampf um die Schatzinsel (198x)(Starsoft - Quelle)(GR)[aka Duck Shoot]

1743 - Kangaroo

1744 - Karate

1745 - Keystone Kapers

1746 - Killer Satellites

1747 - King Kong

1748 - Klax

1749 - kleine Bar, Der (19xx)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Frostbite]

1750 - Knight on the Town

1751 - Kool-Aid Man

1752 - Krull

1753 - Krull (1983)(Atari)

1754 - Krull (198x)(CCE)(BR)

1755 - Kung-Fu Master

1756 - Lady in Wading

1757 - Lady in Wading (1982)(Playaround)

1758 - Ladybug Playfield Demo - Alternate Colors (demo) (2006-01-13)(johnnywc)

1759 - Ladybug Playfield Demo - Alternate Colors 2 (demo) (2006-01-13)(johnnywc)

1760 - Ladybug Playfield Demo 1 (demo) (2006-01-13)(johnnywc)

1761 - Ladybug Playfield Demo 2 (demo) (2006-01-13)(johnnywc)

1762 - Laser Base

1763 - Laser Blast

1764 - Laser Gates

1765 - Laser Volley

1766 - Lilly Adventure

1767 - Lochjaw

1768 - Lochjaw (1981)(Apollo)

1769 - Lock 'n' Chase

1770 - London Blitz

1771 - LoopCart (2005-06-13)(Slocum, Paul)

1772 - LoopCart (2005)(Slocum, Paul)

1773 - Looping (1983)(Coleco)(proto)

1774 - Lost Luggage

1775 - M.A.D.

1776 - M*A*S*H

1777 - Magic Show (2003)(Randy)[Adventure]

1778 - Magicard (1982)(CommaVid)[Atari Keypad]

1779 - Magicard Sample Program 1 - Display of Character Set (1982)(CommaVid)[Magicard Format, Atari Keypad, Address F100]

1780 - Magicard Sample Program 2 - Memo Pad (1982)(CommaVid)[Magicard Format, Atari Keypad, Address F100]

1781 - Magicard Sample Program 3 - Target Practice (1982)(CommaVid)[Magicard Format, Atari Keypad, Address F100]

1782 - Magicard Sample Program 4 - Generating Your Own Display (1982)(CommaVid)[Magicard Format, Atari Keypad, Address F200]

1783 - Magicard Sample Program 5 - Life (1982)(CommaVid)[Magicard Format, Atari Keypad, Address F15E]

1784 - Mangia'

1785 - Mangia' (1983)(Spectravideo)

1786 - Mangia' (1983)(Spectravision)[SE]

1787 - Marauder

1788 - Marauder (1982)(Tigervision)

1789 - Marine Wars

1790 - Master Builder

1791 - Masters of the Universe - He Man (198x)(M Network)[F4]

1792 - Masters of the Universe: The Power of He-Man

1793 - Math Gran Prix

1794 - Math Gran Prix (1982)(Atari)

1795 - Maze Craze

1796 - Medieval Mayhem (2006-03-27)(Spice, Darrell Jr.)

1797 - Medieval Mayhem (2006-04-01)(Spice, Darrell Jr.)

1798 - Medieval Mayhem (2006-04-04)(Spice, Darrell Jr.)

1799 - Medieval Mayhem (2006-04-18)(Spice, Darrell Jr.)

1800 - Medieval Mayhem (2006-04-22)(Spice, Darrell Jr.)

1801 - Medieval Mayhem (2006-04-27)(Spice, Darrell Jr.)

1802 - Medieval Mayhem (2006-04-28)(Spice, Darrell Jr.)

1803 - Mega Force

1804 - Megaboy (198x)(Dynacom)(BR)

1805 - Megamania

1806 - Meteor Smasher by Snailsoft (Meteor Defense Hack)

1807 - Midnight Magic

1808 - Millipede

1809 - Miner 2049er (1982)(Tigervision)

1810 - Miner 2049er Volume II

1811 - Miner 2049er Volume II (1983)(Tigervision)

1812 - Miner 2049er Volume II (1983)(Tigervision)[b2]

1813 - Mines of Minos

1814 - Miniature Golf

1815 - Miss Piggy's Wedding (19xx)(Prototype)[b2]

1816 - Missile Command

1817 - Missile Command (1981)(Atari)

1818 - Missile Sprite Demo (2005)(Walton, Chris)

1819 - Mission Survive

1820 - Mogul Maniac

1821 - Montezuma's Revenge

1822 - Montezuma's Revenge (1984)(Parker Brothers)[t Unliminited Lives]

1823 - Moon Patrol

1824 - Moon Patrol (1983)(Atari)

1825 - Moonsweeper

1826 - Moto Laser

1827 - Motocross Racer

1828 - MotoRodeo

1829 - Mountain King

1830 - Mouse Trap

1831 - Mr. Do!'s Castle

1832 - Mr. Postman

1833 - Mr.Do!

1834 - Ms. Hack (2005)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]

1835 - Ms. Pac-Man

1836 - Multi-Sprite Demo (demo) (1997)(Cavina, Piero)

1837 - Multi-Sprite Demo v1.1 (demo) (1997)(Cavina, Piero)

1838 - Multi-Sprite Demo v2.0 (demo) (1997)(Cavina, Piero)

1839 - Multi-Sprite Game v1.0 (demo) (1997)(Cavina, Piero)

1840 - Music Selector (200x)(-)

1841 - My Golf

1842 - Name This Game

1843 - NECG Drumma v0.01 (200x)(Israel, Kirk)

1844 - Night Driver

1845 - No Escape!

1846 - Obelix

1847 - Ocean City Defender

1848 - Off the Wall

1849 - Off the Wall (1989)(Atari)

1850 - Off Your Rocker

1851 - Oink!

1852 - Omega Race

1853 - OS2600 v1.2 (2011)(Engelhardt, Steve)

1854 - Othello

1855 - Out of Control

1856 - Outlaw

1857 - Oystron v2.0 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)(pre-release)

1858 - Oystron v2.1 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)(pre-release)

1859 - Oystron v2.2 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)(pre-release)

1860 - Oystron v2.3 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)(pre-release)

1861 - Oystron v2.4 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)(pre-release)

1862 - Oystron v2.5 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)

1863 - Oystron v2.6 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)

1864 - Oystron v2.7 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)

1865 - Oystron v2.8 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)

1866 - Oystron v2.82 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)

1867 - Oystron v2.85 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)

1868 - Oystron v2.9 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)

1869 - Oystron X (1999)(Cavina, Piero)

1870 - Pac-Man

1871 - Pac-Man with legs (200x)(Nukey Shay)[Ms. Pac-Man]

1872 - PAL-NTSC Detector (2002-11-15)(Tumber, Christopher)

1873 - Panda Chase

1874 - Parachute

1875 - Party Mix

1876 - Pelé's Soccer

1877 - Pengo

1878 - Pepsi Invaders (1983)(Atari)(proto)[aka Coke Wins]

1879 - Pete Rose Baseball

1880 - Pete Rose Baseball (2002)(Skyworks)

1881 - Phantom Tank

1882 - Pharaoh's Curse

1883 - Phaser Patrol

1884 - Philly Flasher

1885 - Phoenix

1886 - Pick Up

1887 - Picnic

1888 - Piece o' Cake

1889 - Pigs in Space starring Miss Piggy

1890 - Pitfall II: Lost Caverns

1891 - Pitfall!

1892 - Pizza Chef

1893 - Planet Patrol

1894 - Plaque Attack

1895 - Plaque Attack (1983)(Activision)

1896 - Poker Plus (1978)(Sears)[aka Casino]

1897 - Polaris

1898 - Pole Position

1899 - Pooyan

1900 - Popeye

1901 - Porky's

1902 - Pressure Cooker

1903 - Pressure Gauge

1904 - Private Eye

1905 - Q*Bert's Qubes

1906 - Quadrun

1907 - Quest for Quintana Roo

1908 - Quick Step!

1909 - Rabbit Transit

1910 - Racquetball

1911 - Radar

1912 - Radar Lock

1913 - Raft Rider

1914 - Raiders of the Lost Ark

1915 - Rainbow Invaders v0.99 (2006-02-20)(Mogno, Silvio)

1916 - Rampage!

1917 - Rampage! (1989)(Activision)

1918 - Ratte und die Karotten, Die (198x)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Gopher]

1919 - Reactor

1920 - RealSports Baseball

1921 - RealSports Basketball

1922 - RealSports Beach Babe Volleyball (2005)(Jamcat)[RealSports Volleyball]

1923 - RealSports Boxing

1924 - RealSports Chicken Egg Soccer (2005)(Jamcat)[RealSports Soccer]

1925 - RealSports Football

1926 - RealSports Soccer

1927 - RealSports Tennis

1928 - RealSports Volleyball

1929 - Rescue Terra I

1930 - Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatoes

1931 - Riddle of the Sphinx

1932 - River Patrol

1933 - River Raid

1934 - River Raid II

1935 - Road Runner

1936 - Robin Hood

1937 - Robot Tank

1938 - Roc 'N Rope

1939 - Room of Doom

1940 - Sabotage

1941 - Sadistroids (200x)(Jentzsch, Thomas)[Asteroids]

1942 - Sadistroids v1.1 (2003)(Jentzsch, Thomas)[Asteroids]

1943 - Save the Whales

1944 - Scroll Test (demo) (2006)(Maus Games)

1945 - Scrolling Grid (demo-playable) (199x)(Stolberg, Eckhard)

1946 - Scrolling Text Demo 1 (19xx)(Stolberg, Eckhard)

1947 - Scrolling Text Demo 2 (19xx)(Stolberg, Eckhard)

1948 - Scrolling Text Demo 3 (19xx)(Stolberg, Eckhard)

1949 - Scrolling Text Demo 4 (19xx)(Stolberg, Eckhard)

1950 - Sea Hawk

1951 - Sea Hunt

1952 - Seaquest

1953 - Secret Quest

1954 - Sentinel

1955 - Shootin' Gallery

1956 - Shuttle Orbiter

1957 - Sinistar

1958 - Sir Lancelot

1959 - Skate Boardin'

1960 - Skeet Shoot

1961 - Skiing

1962 - Skiing (1980)(Activision)[Alpine Ski]

1963 - Sky Diver

1964 - Sky Jinks

1965 - Sky Jinks (1982)(Activision)

1966 - Sky Skipper

1967 - Slot Machine

1968 - Slot Racers

1969 - Smells Like TIA Spirit (2006-04-15)(Atari Senior Riot)[BREAKPOINT_OLDSCHOOL_EXECUTABLEMUSIC]

1970 - Smurf: Rescue in Gargamel's Castle

1971 - Smurfs Save the Day

1972 - Snail Against Squirrel

1973 - Sneak 'n Peek

1974 - Snoopy and the Red Baron

1975 - Solar Fox

1976 - Solar Storm

1977 - Solaris

1978 - Sorcerer

1979 - Sorcerer's Apprentice

1980 - Sound Paddle v1.0 (19xx)(Caswell, Dennis - Nitchals, Jim)

1981 - Sound Paddle v2.0 (19xx)(Caswell, Dennis - Nitchals, Jim)

1982 - Sound X (1994)(Federmeyer, Ed)

1983 - Sound X (1996)(Federmeyer, Ed)

1984 - Sound X (199x)(Federmeyer, Ed)

1985 - Space Attack

1986 - Space Cavern

1987 - Space Invaders

1988 - Space Jockey

1989 - Space Robot

1990 - Space Shuttle: A Journey into Space

1991 - Space War

1992 - Space War (1978)(Atari)

1993 - Space War (1978)(Atari)[b2]

1994 - Spacechase

1995 - SpaceMaster X-7

1996 - Spider Fighter

1997 - Spider Maze

1998 - Spider-Man

1999 - Spiderdroid

2000 - Spike's Peak

2001 - Spitfire Attack

2002 - Springer

2003 - Springteufel, Die (198x)(Starsoft)(DE)

2004 - Sprint Master

2005 - Spy Hunter

2006 - Squeeze Box

2007 - Sssnake

2008 - Stampede

2009 - Stand Alone Test Cart (198x)(Atari)[SALT Diagnostics]

2010 - Star Fox

2011 - Star Raiders

2012 - Star Ship

2013 - Star Strike

2014 - Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator

2015 - Star Voyager

2016 - Star Wars - The Battle of Alderaan (2001)(Laws Jr, Barry)[Star Strike]

2017 - Star Wars : The Arcade Game

2018 - Star Wars: Jedi Arena

2019 - Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - Death Star Battle

2020 - Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

2021 - Stargate

2022 - Stargunner

2023 - Starmaster

2024 - Steeplechase

2025 - Stellar Track

2026 - Strawberry Shortcake - Musical Match-Ups

2027 - Street Racer - Speedway II

2028 - Stronghold

2029 - Stunt Man

2030 - Sub Rescue

2031 - Sub-Scan

2032 - Submarine Commander

2033 - Subterranea

2034 - Suicide Adventure (2003)(Veeder, George 'Pixellated Ghost')[Adventure]

2035 - Suicide Adventure II (2003)(Veeder, George 'Pixellated Ghost')[Adventure]

2036 - Suicide Adventure III (2003)(Veeder, George 'Pixellated Ghost')[Adventure]

2037 - Suicide Mission

2038 - Summer Games

2039 - Super Baseball

2040 - Super Breakout

2041 - Super Challenge Baseball

2042 - Super Challenge Football

2043 - Super Cobra

2044 - Super Ferrari

2045 - Super Football

2046 - Super VoleyBall

2047 - Superman

2048 - Surf's Up

2049 - Surround

2050 - Survival Island

2051 - Survival Run

2052 - Sword of Saros

2053 - Swordfight

2054 - SwordQuest - EarthWorld

2055 - SwordQuest - FireWorld

2056 - SwordQuest - WaterWorld

2057 - Synthcart (2002-01-14)(Slocum, Paul)[Atari Keypad]

2058 - Synthcart (2002)(Slocum, Paul)[Atari Keypad]

2059 - Synthcart Plus (2003-02-09)(Slocum, Paul)[Atari Keypad]

2060 - Tac-Scan

2061 - Tanks But No Tanks

2062 - Tape Worm

2063 - Tapper

2064 - Task Force

2065 - Tax Avoiders

2066 - Taz

2067 - Teleterm 2600 (2001)(Harvey, John K.)

2068 - Tennis

2069 - TestCart (2002)(Slocum, Paul)

2070 - The Activision Decathlon

2071 - The Challenge of... NEXAR

2072 - The Earth Dies Screaming

2073 - The Music Machine

2074 - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

2075 - Threshold

2076 - Thunderground

2077 - Time Pilot

2078 - Titans by SnailSoft (Combat Hack)

2079 - Title Match Pro Wrestling

2080 - Tomarc the Barbarian

2081 - Tone Toy (2005)(Hahn, Duane Alan)[m10d02e01]

2082 - Tone Toy v2 (200x)(atari2600land)

2083 - Towering Inferno

2084 - Track & Field

2085 - Treasure Below

2086 - Trick Shot

2087 - TRON: Deadly Discs

2088 - Tunnel Runner

2089 - Turmoil

2090 - Tutankham

2091 - UFO Patrol

2092 - Undersea Adventure (2003)(Stan Jr)[Adventure]

2093 - Universal Chaos

2094 - Unterwasser-Bestien, Die (198x)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Mariana]

2095 - Up 'n Down

2096 - Vanguard

2097 - Vanguard (1982)(Atari)

2098 - Vault Assault

2099 - Venture

2100 - Video Checkers

2101 - Video Chess

2102 - Video Life

2103 - Video Olympics

2104 - Video Pinball

2105 - Vielfrass, Der (19xx)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Fast Food]

2106 - Wabbit

2107 - Walker

2108 - Wall Ball

2109 - Wall-Defender

2110 - Warlords

2111 - Warplock

2112 - Wing War

2113 - Winter Games

2114 - Wizard of Wor

2115 - Word Zapper

2116 - Word Zapper (1982)(US Games)

2117 - Words - Attack (1983)(Sancho)

2118 - Worm War I

2119 - Xevious

2120 - Xevious (1983)(Atari)(proto)

2121 - Xevious (198x)(CCE)(BR)

2122 - Yahtzee

2123 - Yars' Revenge

2124 - Z-Tack

2125 - Zaxxon

2126 - Zaxxon (1982)(Coleco)

2127 - Zoo Fun

2128 - ZZZ-UNK-2-in-1 - Freeway and Tennis

2129 - ZZZ-UNK-2-in-1 - Frostbite and River Raid [b1]

2130 - ZZZ-UNK-2600F8gameon7800RAMcart_galaxian_ram

2131 - ZZZ-UNK-4 Pak (Dark Green)

2132 - ZZZ-UNK-4 Pak (Light Green)

2133 - ZZZ-UNK-A Free Hack v2.2

2134 - ZZZ-UNK-Angling (19xx)(-)

2135 - ZZZ-UNK-Atari 2600 Invaders (hack) [b1]

2136 - ZZZ-UNK-Baf6ef06ac67a44feeb9d956612055ba

2137 - ZZZ-UNK-Bionic

2138 - ZZZ-UNK-Blue Dot Demo

2139 - ZZZ-UNK-bombsawa (Jumpman Selected levels)

2140 - ZZZ-UNK-Booster (-)(Junkosoft)

2141 - ZZZ-UNK-Breakout - Breakaway IV (1978) (Atari) [o2](possibly 4-in-1)

2142 - ZZZ-UNK-Brick Kick [b1]

2143 - ZZZ-UNK-Bridge (19xx)(-)

2144 - ZZZ-UNK-California Games


2146 - ZZZ-UNK-Chopper Command (1982)(Activision) [o1](possibly 4in 1)

2147 - ZZZ-UNK-Coke Wins(possibly Pepsi Invaders)

2148 - ZZZ-UNK-Color Table Display Helper

2149 - ZZZ-UNK-Combat Plus (19xx)(-)

2150 - ZZZ-UNK-Condor Attack (Ultravision - CCE)

2151 - ZZZ-UNK-Crash 'n Dive

2152 - ZZZ-UNK-Crystal Castles (1984)(Atari)

2153 - ZZZ-UNK-Cubis (6K) (1997) (Stolberg, Eckhard)

2154 - ZZZ-UNK-CX2637

2155 - ZZZ-UNK-Dark Mage Mod (19xx)(-)[aka DM-FOOT]

2156 - ZZZ-UNK-Defender II (1984) (Atari) [b1]

2157 - ZZZ-UNK-Defender Vector (19xx)(-)

2158 - ZZZ-UNK-Dialer 2600

2159 - ZZZ-UNK-Domino (19xx)(Ishido)

2160 - ZZZ-UNK-E_TIAsoundnotetable_nowinSQL_gunfight

2161 - ZZZ-UNK-ElevatorAction

2162 - ZZZ-UNK-Espial (1983) (Tigervision) [b2]

2163 - ZZZ-UNK-Fathom (1983) (Imagic) [b1]

2164 - ZZZ-UNK-Fishing Derby

2165 - ZZZ-UNK-Fishing Derby [16k Version]

2166 - ZZZ-UNK-Fishing Derby [b2]

2167 - ZZZ-UNK-Frogger (Official version by Sega)Starpath

2168 - ZZZ-UNK-Frogger (Preview) (2)Starpath

2169 - ZZZ-UNK-Frogger (Preview)Starpath

2170 - ZZZ-UNK-Ghost Manor (1)

2171 - ZZZ-UNK-Ghost Manor (2)

2172 - ZZZ-UNK-Haunted House beta

2173 - ZZZ-UNK-Ikari Warriors



2176 - ZZZ-UNK-Masters of the Universe - The Power of He-Man

2177 - ZZZ-UNK-Midnight Magic

2178 - ZZZ-UNK-Millipede

2179 - ZZZ-UNK-Miner 2049er (1982) (Tigervision) [b2]

2180 - ZZZ-UNK-Miss Piggy's Wedding (Prototype) [b1]

2181 - ZZZ-UNK-Missile Demo (1998) (Ruffin Bailey)

2182 - ZZZ-UNK-Mission 3000 A.D.

2183 - ZZZ-UNK-Monstercise_2

2184 - ZZZ-UNK-Moon Patrol (1982) (Shock Vision-Brazil)

2185 - ZZZ-UNK-Moonsweeper (1983) (Imagic) [b1]

2186 - ZZZ-UNK-Motocross (Starsoft) [b1]

2187 - ZZZ-UNK-Mr. Postman (CCE) [b1]

2188 - ZZZ-UNK-Music Machine

2189 - ZZZ-UNK-My Golf

2190 - ZZZ-UNK-My Golf (CCE)

2191 - ZZZ-UNK-Nightmare

2192 - ZZZ-UNK-Nightmare (CCE)

2193 - ZZZ-UNK-No Escape! (1983) (Imagic) [b1]

2194 - ZZZ-UNK-Noize Maker Demo

2195 - ZZZ-UNK-Off The Wall (1)

2196 - ZZZ-UNK-Picklock

2197 - ZZZ-UNK-Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (1984) (Activision) [b1]

2198 - ZZZ-UNK-Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (1984) (Activision) [b2]

2199 - ZZZ-UNK-Pole Position (1983) (Atari) [b1]

2200 - ZZZ-UNK-Private Eye

2201 - ZZZ-UNK-Private Eye (1983) (Activision) [b1]

2202 - ZZZ-UNK-Private Eye (CCE)

2203 - ZZZ-UNK-Private Eye (known glitchy version)

2204 - ZZZ-UNK-Q-bert (1983) (Parker Bros) [b1]

2205 - ZZZ-UNK-Q-bert's Qubes (1)

2206 - ZZZ-UNK-Q-bert's Qubes (2)

2207 - ZZZ-UNK-Qb Release Candidate #2 (v206)

2208 - ZZZ-UNK-Qb Release Candidate #2 (v206) (Stella-compatible vrsion) (

2209 - ZZZ-UNK-Rampage!

2210 - ZZZ-UNK-Real Sports Baseball

2211 - ZZZ-UNK-Robot Fight (AKA Space Robot) (HomeVision) [b1]

2212 - ZZZ-UNK-Robot Tank (1983) (Activision) [b1]

2213 - ZZZ-UNK-Sea Monster

2214 - ZZZ-UNK-Sea Monster (Bitcorp) [b1]

2215 - ZZZ-UNK-Sentinel

2216 - ZZZ-UNK-Sir Lancelot

2217 - ZZZ-UNK-Sorcerer's Apprentice

2218 - ZZZ-UNK-Space Invaders

2219 - ZZZ-UNK-Space Shuttle

2220 - ZZZ-UNK-Space Shuttle - Journey Into Space (1983) (Activision)

2221 - ZZZ-UNK-Space Shuttle - Journey Into Space (1983) (Activision) [b1]

2222 - ZZZ-UNK-Space War

2223 - ZZZ-UNK-spacewar

2224 - ZZZ-UNK-Star Trek - Strategic Operations Simulator

2225 - ZZZ-UNK-Star Wars - Empire Strikes Back

2226 - ZZZ-UNK-Star Wars - The Arcade Game Hack - Reversed Control Scheme

2227 - ZZZ-UNK-Super Baseball (CCE)

2228 - ZZZ-UNK-Super Cobra (1982) (Parker Bros) [b1]

2229 - ZZZ-UNK-SuperCharger Loader (1982) (Starpath) [b1]

2230 - ZZZ-UNK-Sword Quest - Earthworld

2231 - ZZZ-UNK-Sword Quest - Waterworld

2232 - ZZZ-UNK-SwordFight

2233 - ZZZ-UNK-TEST2

2234 - ZZZ-UNK-Time Pilot (1983)(Coleco)

2235 - ZZZ-UNK-Tron - Deadly Discs

2236 - ZZZ-UNK-Up n Down

2237 - ZZZ-UNK-VCS 2600 data-transfer and audio program

2238 - ZZZ-UNK-Video Pinball

2239 - ZZZ-UNK-Wabbit

2240 - ZZZ-UNK-Yahtzee

Atari 5200 - 101 Jeux
1 - A.E. (USA) (Proto)

2 - Activision Decathlon, The (USA)

3 - Asteroids (USA) (Proto)

4 - Astro Chase (USA)

5 - Ballblazer (USA)

6 - Barroom Baseball (USA) (Proto)

7 - Battlezone (USA) (Proto)

8 - Beamrider (USA)

9 - BerZerk (USA)

10 - Black Belt (USA) (Proto)

11 - Blaster (USA) (Proto)

12 - Blue Print (USA)

13 - Boogie (USA) (Demo)

14 - Bounty Bob Strikes Back! (USA)

15 - Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom (USA)

16 - Carol Shaw's River Raid (USA)

17 - Castle Blast (USA) (Unl)

18 - Castle Crisis (USA) (Unl)

19 - Centipede (USA)

20 - Choplifter! (USA)

21 - Congo Bongo (USA)

22 - Countermeasure (USA)

23 - David Crane's Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (USA)

24 - Defender (USA)

25 - Dig Dug (USA)

26 - Dreadnaught Factor, The (USA)

27 - Final Legacy (USA) (Proto)

28 - Frisky Tom (USA) (Proto)

29 - Frogger (USA)

30 - Frogger II - Threeedeep! (USA)

31 - Galaxian (USA)

32 - Gorf (USA)

33 - Gremlins (USA)

34 - Gyruss (USA)

35 - H.E.R.O. (USA)

36 - James Bond 007 (USA)

37 - Joust (USA)

38 - Jr. Pac-Man (USA) (Proto)

39 - Jungle Hunt (USA)

40 - Kaboom! (USA)

41 - Kangaroo (USA)

42 - Keystone Kapers (USA)

43 - Koffi - Yellow Kopter (USA) (Unl)

44 - K-Razy Shoot-Out (USA)

45 - Last Starfighter, The (USA) (Proto)

46 - Looney Tunes Hotel (USA) (Proto)

47 - Mario Bros. (USA)

48 - Meebzork (USA) (Proto)

49 - MegaMania (USA)

50 - Meteorites (USA)

51 - Microgammon SB (USA) (Proto)

52 - Millipede (USA) (Proto)

53 - Miner 2049er Starring Bounty Bob (USA)

54 - Miniature Golf (USA) (Proto)

55 - Missile Command (USA)

56 - Montezuma's Revenge featuring Panama Joe (USA)

57 - Moon Patrol (USA)

58 - Mountain King (USA)

59 - Mr. Do!'s Castle (USA)

60 - Ms. Pac-Man (USA)

61 - Pac-Man (USA)

62 - Pengo (USA)

63 - Pitfall! (USA)

64 - Pole Position (USA)

65 - Popeye (USA)

66 - Q-bert (USA)

67 - Qix (USA)

68 - Quest for Quintana Roo (USA)

69 - RealSports Baseball (USA)

70 - RealSports Basketball (USA) (82-11-05) (Proto)

71 - RealSports Basketball (USA) (83-10-31) (Proto)

72 - RealSports Basketball (USA)

73 - RealSports Football (USA)

74 - RealSports Soccer (USA)

75 - RealSports Tennis (USA)

76 - Rescue on Fractalus! (USA)

77 - Road Runner (USA) (Proto)

78 - Robotron 2084 (USA)

79 - Space Dungeon (USA)

80 - Space Invaders (USA)

81 - Space Shuttle - A Journey Into Space (USA)

82 - Spitfire (USA) (Proto)

83 - Sport Goofy (USA) (Proto)

84 - Star Raiders (USA)

85 - Star Trek - Strategic Operations Simulator (USA)

86 - Star Wars - Return of the Jedi - Death Star Battle (USA)

87 - Star Wars - The Arcade Game (USA)

88 - Stargate (USA) (Proto)

89 - Super Breakout (USA)

90 - Super Cobra (USA)

91 - Super Pac-Man (USA) (Proto)

92 - Tempest (USA) (Proto)

93 - Track and Field (USA) (Proto)

94 - Vanguard (USA)

95 - Wizard of Wor (USA)

96 - Xari Arena (USA) (Proto)

97 - Xevious (USA) (Proto)

98 - Yellow Submarine (USA) (Demo)

99 - Zaxxon (USA)

100 - Zenji (USA)

101 - Zone Ranger (USA)

Atari 7800 - 52 Jeux
1 - Ace of Aces

2 - Alien Brigade

3 - Asteroids

4 - Ballblazer

5 - Barnyard Blaster

6 - Basketbrawl

7 - Centipede

8 - Choplifter!

9 - Commando

10 - Crack'ed

11 - Crossbow

12 - Dark Chambers

13 - Desert Falcon

14 - Dig Dug

15 - Donkey Kong

16 - Donkey Kong Junior

17 - Double Dragon

18 - F-18 Hornet

19 - Fatal Run

20 - Fight Night

21 - Food Fight

22 - Galaga

23 - Hat Trick

24 - Ikari Warriors

25 - Impossible Mission

26 - Jinks

27 - Joust

28 - Karateka

29 - Kung-Fu Master

30 - Mario Bros.

31 - Mat Mania Challenge

32 - Mean 18

33 - Meltdown

34 - Midnight Mutants

35 - MotorPsycho

36 - Ms. Pac-Man

37 - Ninja Golf

38 - One-on-One Basketball

39 - Pete Rose Baseball

40 - Planet Smashers

41 - Pole Position II

42 - Rampage

43 - Robotron: 2084

44 - Scrapyard Dog

45 - Summer Games

46 - Super Skateboardin'

47 - Tank Command

48 - Title Match Pro Wrestling

49 - Tower Toppler

50 - Winter Games

51 - Xenophobe

52 - Xevious

Coleco Vision - 151 Jeux
1 - 2010: The Graphic Action Game

2 - Adam's Musicbox Demo

3 - Alcazar: The Forgotten Fortress

4 - Alphabet Zoo

5 - Amazing Bumpman

6 - Antarctic Adventure

7 - Aquattack

8 - Artillery Duel

9 - BC's Quest for Tires II: Grog's Revenge

10 - Beamrider

11 - Blockade Runner

12 - Boulder Dash

13 - Brain Strainers

14 - Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom

15 - Bump 'N' Jump

16 - BurgerTime

17 - Cabbage Patch Kids Adventures in the Park

18 - Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show

19 - Campaign '84

20 - Carnival

21 - Centipede

22 - Choplifter!

23 - Chuck Norris Superkicks

24 - ColecoVision Monitor Test

25 - Congo Bongo

26 - Cosmic Avenger

27 - Cosmic Crisis

28 - Dance Fantasy

29 - Defender

30 - Destructor

31 - Dig Dug

32 - Donkey Kong

33 - Donkey Kong Junior

34 - Dr. Seuss's Fix-Up the Mix-Up Puzzler

35 - Dragonfire

36 - Escape from the Mindmaster

37 - Evolution

38 - FaceMaker

39 - Fall Guy

40 - Fathom

41 - Fisher-Price

42 - Flipper Slipper

43 - Fortune Builder

44 - Fraction Fever

45 - Frantic Freddy

46 - Frenzy

47 - Frogger

48 - Frogger II: ThreeeDeep!

49 - Front Line

50 - Galaxian

51 - Gateway to Apshai

52 - Gorf

53 - Gust Buster

54 - Gyruss

55 - H.E.R.O.

56 - Illusions

57 - James Bond 007

58 - Joust

59 - Juke Box

60 - Jumpman Junior

61 - Jungle Hunt

62 - Ken Uston BlackJack/Poker

63 - Keystone Kapers

64 - Lady Bug

65 - Learning with Leeper

66 - Linking Logic

67 - Logic Levels

68 - Looping

69 - M.A.S.H

70 - Meteoric Shower

71 - Miner 2049er

72 - Monkey Academy

73 - Montezuma's Revenge

74 - Moon Patrol

75 - Moonsweeper

76 - Motocross Racer

77 - Mountain King

78 - Mouse Trap

79 - Mr. Do!

80 - Mr. Do!'s Castle

81 - Ms. Space Fury

82 - Nova Blast

83 - Oil's Well

84 - Omega Race

85 - One-on-One

86 - Pac-Man

87 - Pepper II

88 - Pitfall II: Lost Caverns

89 - Pitfall!

90 - Pitstop

91 - Popeye

92 - Porky's

93 - Power Lords: Quest for Volcan

94 - Q*bert

95 - Q*Bert's Qubes

96 - Quest for Quintana Roo

97 - River Raid

98 - Robin Hood

99 - Roc 'N Rope

100 - Rock n' Bolt

101 - Rocky Super Action Boxing

102 - Rolloverture

103 - Root Beer Tapper

104 - Sammy Lightfoot

105 - Sector Alpha

106 - Sewer Sam

107 - Sir Lancelot

108 - Skiing

109 - Slither

110 - Slurpy

111 - Smurf: Paint 'n' Play Workshop

112 - Smurf: Rescue in Gargamel's Castle

113 - Space Fury

114 - Space Panic

115 - Spectron

116 - Spy Hunter

117 - Squish 'Em Sam!

118 - Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator

119 - Star Wars

120 - Steamroller

121 - Strike It!

122 - Subroc

123 - Super Action Baseball

124 - Super Action Football

125 - Super Action Football (Soccer)

126 - Super Cobra

127 - Super Controller Tester

128 - Super Cross Force

129 - Super DK!

130 - Super DK! Junior

131 - Tank Wars

132 - Tarzan: From Out of the Jungle

133 - Telly Turtle

134 - Threshold

135 - Time Pilot

136 - Tomarc the Barbarian

137 - Tournament Tennis

138 - Tunnels & Trolls

139 - Turbo

140 - Tutankham

141 - Up 'n Down

142 - Venture

143 - Victory

144 - Video Hustler

145 - War Room

146 - WarGames

147 - Wing War

148 - Wizard of Id's WizMath

149 - Word Feud

150 - Zaxxon

151 - Zenji

Commodore Vic-20 - 210 Jeux
1 - 3D Maze (Galactic) (Europe)

2 - 3D Tic Tac Toe (Germany)

3 - 3D Time Trek (Europe)

4 - 3-Deep Space (Europe)

5 - Ace (Europe)

6 - Adventureland (USA)

7 - Alien (Impact) (Europe)

8 - Alphabet Zoo (USA)

9 - Amidar (USA)

10 - Arcadia (Europe)

11 - Artillery Duel (USA)

12 - Asteroids (Bug-Byte) (Europe)

13 - At the Circus (Europe)

14 - Atari Adventure (USA)

15 - Atlantis (Europe)

16 - Attack of the Mutant Camels (USA)

17 - Aztec Challenge (USA)

18 - Backfire (USA)

19 - Backgammon (Europe)

20 - Battle of Britain (Europe)

21 - Battle Zone (Europe)

22 - Battlefield (Europe)

23 - Battleship (Robert Hurst) (USA)

24 - Birds (USA)

25 - Black Hole (USA)

26 - Blackjack (Melbourne House) (Europe)

27 - Blitzkrieg (Europe)

28 - Block Buster (Europe)

29 - Bomber (Cascade) (Europe)

30 - Brainstorm (Europe)

31 - Breakout (Soft Toys) (Europe)

32 - Bridge (Sweden)

33 - Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom (USA)

34 - Capture the Flag (USA)

35 - Cataclysm (Europe)

36 - Caterpilla (Europe)

37 - Caterpillar (Europe)

38 - Cave Fighter (Europe)

39 - Cave-In (USA)

40 - Cavern Fighter (Europe)

41 - Centipede (USA)

42 - Centipod (USA)

43 - Centropods (Europe)

44 - Chase (Computermat) (USA)

45 - Chess (Europe)

46 - Chomper Man (Europe)

47 - Choplifter (USA)

48 - Chuck Norris Superkicks (USA)

49 - Cobra (Video Showcase) (USA)

50 - Congo Bongo (USA)

51 - Connect 4 (Europe)

52 - Countdown (Europe)

53 - Crawler (Europe)

54 - Crazy Balloon (Europe)

55 - Crazy Climber (Europe)

56 - Crazy Kong (Interceptor) (Europe)

57 - Cricket (USA)

58 - Crossfire (USA)

59 - Dam Busters (USA)

60 - Deadly Duck (Europe)

61 - Death Race (Europe)

62 - Death Star (Australia)

63 - Defender (USA)

64 - Demon Attack (USA)

65 - Demon Knight (Europe)

66 - Destroyer (Europe)

67 - Dig Dug (USA)

68 - Donkey Kong (USA)

69 - Dot Gobbler (USA)

70 - Dracula (Europe)

71 - Dragonfire (USA)

72 - Dragon's Lair (Europe)

73 - Duck Shoot (Anirog) (Europe)

74 - Dungeon (Melbourne House) (Europe)

75 - Earth Defense (Germany)

76 - Encounter (Europe)

77 - Explorer (USA)

78 - Exterminator (USA)

79 - Facemaker (Europe)

80 - Fast Eddie (USA)

81 - Fire Fighter II (USA)

82 - Flight Path 737 (Europe)

83 - Football Manager (Europe)

84 - Frogger (Sierra) (USA)

85 - Galaxian (USA)

86 - Galaxy Attack (Europe)

87 - Ghost Manor (USA)

88 - Gladiator (USA)

89 - Golf (Cascade) (Europe)

90 - Gorf (USA)

91 - Grand Prix (Lyversoft) (Europe)

92 - Gridrunner (USA)

93 - Gridtrap (Europe)

94 - Gunfight (Solar) (Europe)

95 - Halloween (USA)

96 - Hangman (Argus Press) (Europe)

97 - Heist (USA)

98 - Hektik (Europe)

99 - Hellgate (Europe)

100 - High Noon (Europe)

101 - Invasion (Melbourne House) (Europe)

102 - Jackpot (Europe)

103 - Jawbreaker II (USA)

104 - Jetpac (Europe)

105 - Journey (USA)

106 - Jumpin' Jack (Europe)

107 - Jungle Hunt (USA)

108 - Jupiter Lander - VIC Super Lander (USA)

109 - Kong (USA)

110 - Laser Blast (Europe)

111 - Laser Zone (USA)

112 - Lode Runner (USA)

113 - Lunar Lander (Hi-Tech) (USA)

114 - Lunar Leeper (USA)

115 - Maze Master (Europe)

116 - Meteoroids (Europe)

117 - Metro Blitz (Australia)

118 - Miner 2049'er (Europe)

119 - Miniature Golf (USA)

120 - Mission Impossible (USA)

121 - Moon Patrol (Atarisoft) (USA)

122 - Motocross Racer (USA)

123 - Mountain King (USA)

124 - Ms. Pac-Man (USA)

125 - Muncher (USA)

126 - Nemesis (Europe)

127 - Nosferatu (Europe)

128 - Omega Race (USA)

129 - Othello (19xx) (USA)

130 - Pac-Man (MikroBitti) (USA)

131 - Pakacuda (Europe)

132 - Parachute (Europe)

133 - Pharaoh's Curse (USA)

134 - Pinball Wizard (Europe)

135 - Pipes (USA)

136 - Planetoids (Europe)

137 - Polaris (USA)

138 - Pole Position (USA)

139 - Pool (Europe)

140 - Pooyan (Europe)

141 - Predator (USA)

142 - Protector (USA)

143 - Punchy (Europe)

144 - Q-Bert (USA)

145 - Quasimodo (Europe)

146 - Quest of Merravid, The (Europe)

147 - Race (Europe)

148 - Radar Rat Race (USA)

149 - Renaissance (USA)

150 - Return To Earth (Europe)

151 - Ricochet (USA)

152 - Riddle of the Sphinx (Europe)

153 - Robin Hood (USA)

154 - Robotron 2084 (USA)

155 - Scorpion (Livewire) (Europe)

156 - Scorpion (Tronix) (Europe)

157 - Seawolf (USA)

158 - Sentinel 1 (Europe)

159 - Shamus (USA)

160 - Sir Lancelot (USA)

161 - Ski Run (Rabbit) (Europe)

162 - Skramble (Livewire) (Europe)

163 - Slalom (Europe)

164 - Slither (USA)

165 - Snooker (Europe)

166 - Soccer (Europe)

167 - Sorcery (USA)

168 - Space Attack (Europe)

169 - Space Invaders (Europe)

170 - Space Rocks (Europe)

171 - Space Shuttle (Europe)

172 - Spectre (Europe)

173 - Spellbound (USA)

174 - Spike's Peak (USA)

175 - Springer (USA)

176 - Star Trek - S.O.S. (USA)

177 - Star Trek (Impact) (Europe)

178 - Star Wars (USA)

179 - Star Wars II (Europe)

180 - Storm (Europe)

181 - Sub Hunt (Europe)

182 - Submarine Commander (Europe)

183 - Super Breakout (Atlantis) (Europe)

184 - Super-Cobra (Germany)

185 - Sword of Fargoal (USA)

186 - Tank Atak (Europe)

187 - Tank War (Europe)

188 - Tank Wars (HES) (USA)

189 - Tank Wars (OEM) (USA)

190 - Tanks (Europe)

191 - Threshold (USA)

192 - Time Machine, The (Europe)

193 - Tomarc the Barbarian (USA)

194 - Trains (USA)

195 - Trap (Commodore) (Europe)

196 - Trashman (USA)

197 - Triad (Europe)

198 - Turmoil (USA)

199 - Tutankham (USA)

200 - UFO (USA)

201 - Vegas Jackpot (Europe)

202 - VIC Bowling (USA)

203 - VIC Rescue (Europe)

204 - Video Poker (USA)

205 - Vixplode (Europe)

206 - Voodoo Castle (USA)

207 - Voyage to Atlantis (USA)

208 - Warlock (Europe)

209 - World Cup (USA)

210 - Xeno II (Europe)

Commodore 64 - 7294 Jeux
1 - 180

2 - 1942

3 - 1985

4 - 0 and X

5 - 007 Car Chase (USA)

6 - 10 Pin Bowling

7 - 10th Frame

8 - 10th Frame (USA)

9 - 180 (Europe)

10 - 1942 (Europe)

11 - 1943 - One Year After

12 - 1943 - The Battle of Midway

13 - 1943 - The Battle of Midway (USA)

14 - 1985 - The Day After (Europe)

15 - 1991 World Cup Knockout, The (Europe)

16 - 19th Boot Camp

17 - 1st over Germany

18 - 221B Baker St.

19 - 221B Baker St. [Side 3]

20 - 2D Tennis Game

21 - 3 Musketeers, The

22 - 3-D Man

23 - 3-D Pinball - Pinball Power (Europe)

24 - 3D Pool

25 - 3D Pool (Europe)

26 - 3D Scacchi Simulator

27 - 3D Speed Duel (Europe)

28 - 3D Stock Cars 2

29 - 3D Tic Tac Toe (Netherlands)

30 - 3D Tic-Tac-Toe

31 - 3D Time Trek (Europe)

32 - 3D Tunnel (Europe)

33 - 3D-Beee (Europe)

34 - 4 Fathoms (USA)

35 - 4 Soccer Simulators

36 - 4 Soccer Simulators (Europe)

37 - 4. Times Revlex (Germany)

38 - 4th & Inches (USA)

39 - 4th Protocol, The

40 - 4x4 Off-Road Racing

41 - 4x4 Off-Road Racing (D81).d81"

42 - 500cc Grand Prix

43 - 5-a-Side Football

44 - 5-Pin Bowling (Europe)

45 - 5th Axis, The

46 - 5th Gear

47 - 5th Gear (Europe)

48 - 5th Quadrant, The

49 - 64 Mastermind - A Game of Logic (Europe)

50 - 64luff (USA)

51 - 7 Cities of Gold

52 - 720 Degrees

53 - 720 Degrees (USA)

54 - 747 Flight Simulator (Europe)


56 - 9 Princes in Amber

57 - 9 Princes in Amber [Side C]

58 - 9 Princes in Amber [Side D]

59 - 9 to 5 Typing (USA)

60 - 911 Tiger Shark (Europe)

61 - Aaargh! (Europe)

62 - Aardvark (Europe)

63 - ABC

64 - ABC Monday Night Football

65 - A-Boulder 64 (Europe)

66 - Abrasco Golf (Europe)

67 - ACE - Air Combat Emulator (Europe)

68 - Ace 2

69 - Ace 2088

70 - Ace 2088 (Europe)

71 - Ace II (Europe)

72 - Ace of Aces [ESI]

73 - Ace of Aces [REM]

74 - Ace of Aces.crt"

75 - Acid Runner

76 - AcidBuger-HT

77 - Acidman (Germany)

78 - Acrojet

79 - AcroJet (USA)

80 - Action Biker

81 - Action Biker (Europe)

82 - Action Fighter (Europe)

83 - Action Force (Europe)

84 - Action Service (USA, Europe)

85 - Action-Ball (Germany)

86 - Ad Infinitum

87 - Add Fast (USA)

88 - Addams Family, The (Europe)

89 - Addams Family, The [E, SCS]

90 - Addams Family, The [F4CG, Legend]

91 - Addams Family, The [Legacy, Unicess]

92 - Addams Family, The [M8Q, Talent]

93 - Addams Family, The [Vision]

94 - Addgar

95 - Addgar (Europe)

96 - Addicta Ball (Europe)

97 - Addition Magician (USA)

98 - Adidas Championship Football (Europe)

99 - Adidas Championship Tie Break (Europe)

100 - Admiral Graf Spee (USA)

101 - Adonis

102 - Adult Poker (USA)

103 - Advance of the Megacamels

104 - Advance to Boardwalk (USA)

105 - Advanced Pinball Simulator (Europe)

106 - Advanced Tactical Fighter

107 - Adventure 1 - The Mutant Spiders

108 - Adventure 2 - The Ship

109 - Adventure Construction Set

110 - Adventure Construction Set [Alternative copy, Side A]

111 - Adventure Construction Set [Alternative copy, Side B]

112 - Adventure Construction Set [Alternative copy, Side C]

113 - Adventure Construction Set [Alternative copy, Side D]

114 - Adventure Creator

115 - Adventure Creator (USA)

116 - Adventure in Time and Space (Europe)

117 - Adventure Land (Europe)

118 - Adventure Master (USA)

119 - Adventure of the Year (USA)

120 - Adventure Quest (Europe)

121 - Adventure Without a Name (Europe)

122 - Adventureland

123 - Adventures of Barsak the Dwarf, The (Europe)

124 - Adventures of Bond... Basildon Bond, The (Europe)

125 - Aegean Voyage

126 - Aerobics (USA)

127 - Africa Gardens (Europe)

128 - African Safari (Europe)

129 - After Burner [Sega]

130 - After the Party (Europe)

131 - After the War.crt"

132 - Afterburner

133 - Afterburner (USA)

134 - Aftermath

135 - Aftermath (Alternative Software) (Europe)

136 - Afterworld, The

137 - Age of Adventure - Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (USA)

138 - Age of Adventure - The Return of Heracles (USA)

139 - Agent U.S.A.

140 - Agent USA (USA)

141 - Agent X 2

142 - Agent X II - The Mad Prof's Back (Europe)

143 - Ah Diddums

144 - Aidon - The Apocalypse (Europe)

145 - Air Defender (USA)

146 - Air Rallye (USA)

147 - Air Rescue I (USA)

148 - Air Support

149 - Air Support (USA)

150 - Air Traffic Controller

151 - Airborne Ranger [3532]

152 - Airborne Ranger [NO]

153 - Airborne Ranger [Side A_ESI]

154 - Airborne Ranger [Side B_ESI]

155 - Airborne Ranger.crt"

156 - Aircop 2000

157 - Aircop 2000 (Europe)

158 - Airliner (Europe)

159 - Airraid

160 - Airwolf (Europe)

161 - Airwolf 2

162 - Airwolf II (Europe)

163 - Aktiv

164 - Aktiv (Europe)

165 - Ala

166 - Ala (Europe)

167 - Alcazar

168 - Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress (USA)

169 - ALCON (USA)

170 - Alderan

171 - Alea Jacta

172 - Alf

173 - Alf - The First Adventure (USA)

174 - Alf in the Color Caves

175 - Algernon - An Introduction to Programming Logic (USA)

176 - Alice in Wonderland

177 - Alien (Europe)

178 - Alien (SoftGold) (USA)

179 - Alien 3.crt"

180 - Alien Attack

181 - Alien Attack (Wicked Software) (Europe)

182 - Alien Killers

183 - Alien Panic (Bubble Bus) (Europe)

184 - Alien Panic (Keypunch Software) (USA)

185 - Alien Sidestep (USA)

186 - Alien Smash [GRB+TRP]

187 - Alien Smash [Laser]

188 - Alien Storm.crt"

189 - Alien Syndrome [Side A_REM]

190 - Alien Syndrome [Side A_TSK]

191 - Alien Syndrome [Side B_REM]

192 - Alien Syndrome [Side B_TSK]

193 - Alien Syndrome.crt"

194 - Aliens

195 - Aliens [Activision]

196 - Aliens from Subterrania (Europe)

197 - Aliens.crt"

198 - Alioth (USA)

199 - All Risks (Netherlands)

200 - All Terrain Vehicle Simulator [3 unknown]

201 - All Terrain Vehicle Simulator [FS, TSL, FS+RAD, FS+TED]

202 - All Terrain Vehicle Simulator [L+T, Ikari, Triad, HTL]

203 - All-American Basketball (Europe)

204 - Alley Cat (Europe)

205 - Alley Oops (USA)


207 - Alliance (Europe)

208 - Alloyrun

209 - Alloyrun (USA)

210 - Alpha Omega Run (USA)

211 - Alphabet Zoo (USA)

212 - Alpine Encounter, The

213 - Alpine Tram Ride (USA)

214 - Altair 4 (Europe)

215 - Alter Ego

216 - Alter Ego [Female, Disk 01a]

217 - Alter Ego [Female, Disk 01b]

218 - Alter Ego [Female, Disk 02a]

219 - Alter Ego [Female, Disk 02b]

220 - Alter Ego [Female, Disk 03a]

221 - Alter Ego [Female, Disk 03b]

222 - Alter Ego [Male, Disk 01a]

223 - Alter Ego [Male, Disk 01b]

224 - Alter Ego [Male, Disk 02a]

225 - Alter Ego [Male, Disk 02b]

226 - Alter Ego [Male, Disk 03a]

227 - Alter Ego [Male, Disk 03b]

228 - Altered Beast

229 - Altered Beast (USA)

230 - Alternative World Games

231 - Amaurote (Europe)

232 - Amazing Adventure (Europe)

233 - Amazing Spider-Man, The

234 - Amazing Spider-Man, The (USA)

235 - Amazon

236 - Amazon [Disk A]

237 - Amazon [Disk B]

238 - Amazon [Disk C]

239 - Amazon [Disk D]

240 - Amazon Warrior

241 - Ambush (Europe)

242 - AMC - Attack of the Mutant Camels (HesWare) (USA)

243 - Ameisenbar (Europe)

244 - America - Coast to Coast (USA)

245 - American 3D Pool

246 - American 3D Pool (Europe)

247 - American Challenge, The - A Sailing Simulation (USA)

248 - American Express (Europe)

249 - American Football (Europe)

250 - American Tag-Team Wrestling (Europe)

251 - America's Cup, The (Europe)

252 - Amnesia

253 - Amnesia [Disk 1, Side A]

254 - Amnesia [Disk 1, Side B]

255 - Amnesia [Disk 2, Side A]

256 - Amnesia [Disk 2, Side B]

257 - Amoba (CP Verlag) (Germany)

258 - Amorphous (USA)

259 - Amulet, The (Europe)

260 - Anarchy

261 - Anarchy (Europe)

262 - Ancipital

263 - Ancipital (Europe)

264 - Anders Limpar's Proffs Fotboll

265 - Andromeda Conquest (USA)

266 - Andy Capp

267 - Andy Capp - The Game (Europe)

268 - Angel of the Hell (Europe)

269 - Angle

270 - Angle (Europe)

271 - Angle Ball (Europe)

272 - Animal Hotel (USA)

273 - Animal Magic - Save the Baby (Europe)

274 - Animated Strip Poker (Europe)

275 - Ankh (USA)

276 - Annals of Rome

277 - Annals of Rome (Europe)

278 - Annihilator

279 - Annihilator (USA)

280 - Another World

281 - Another World.crt"

282 - Anstoss (Germany)

283 - Ant Attack

284 - Ant Attack (Europe)

285 - Anter Planter (Europe)

286 - Anter-Planter

287 - Antiriad (1986)(Palace Software)[cr REM][t +4 REM][Docs][#039]

288 - Apache Strike (USA)

289 - APB - All Points Bulletin (Europe)

290 - Ape Craze (USA)

291 - Apoxoly (Europe)

292 - Appareil a Jetons (USA)

293 - Apple Cider Spider

294 - Aqua (Europe)

295 - Aqua Racer (Europe)

296 - Aquanaut (Alpha Omega Software) (Europe)

297 - Aquanaut [Interceptor Software]

298 - Aquanaut [Interceptor Software] [1404]

299 - Aquanaut [Interceptor Software] [CCS, Ass]

300 - Aquanaut [Interceptor Software] [TMB]

301 - Aquanaut [Power House, The] [SAP, ALS, Devils, Ikari]

302 - Aquanaut [Power House, The] [TS, Ikari]

303 - Aquanaut [Power House, The] [unknown, Ikari]

304 - Aquaplane (Europe)

305 - Arac (USA, Europe)

306 - Arachne (USA)

307 - Arachnophobia.crt"

308 - Arc of Yesod, the

309 - Arc of Yesod, The (Europe)

310 - Arcade Baseball

311 - Arcade Classics

312 - Arcade Flight Simulator (Europe)

313 - Arcade Trivia Quiz

314 - Arcade Trivia Quiz (Europe)

315 - Arcadia 64 (Europe)

316 - Arcana (Europe)

317 - Archeologist Duel (Europe)

318 - Archipelago

319 - Archon

320 - Archon (USA)

321 - Archon 2

322 - Archon II - Adept (USA)

323 - Arctic Shipwreck [Bombjack]

324 - Arctic Shipwreck [Jedi Crackware]

325 - Arctic Shipwreck [UGS]

326 - Arcticfox

327 - Arcticfox (USA)

328 - Ardok the Barbarian

329 - Ardok the Barbarian (USA)

330 - Arena

331 - Arena (Cult Games) (Europe)

332 - Arex (USA)

333 - Argon Factor, The (USA)

334 - Ark Pandora

335 - Ark Pandora (Europe)

336 - Arkanoid

337 - Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh (Europe)

338 - Arkanoid (Europe)

339 - Arkanoid 2

340 - Armageddon (Ocean) (Europe)

341 - Armageddon Man, The

342 - Armageddon Man, The (Europe)

343 - Armalyte [REM]

344 - Armalyte [Xades]

345 - Armalyte 2

346 - Armalyte 2 [O]

347 - Armalyte.crt"

348 - Armourdillo (Europe)

349 - Army Days (Europe)

350 - Army Moves

351 - Army Moves (Europe)

352 - Arnie

353 - Arnie (Europe)

354 - Arnie II (Europe)

355 - Arrow of Death - Part 1 (Europe)

356 - Arrow of Death - Part 2 (Europe)

357 - Arscet (Europe)

358 - Artillery '90 (Europe)

359 - Artillery Duel

360 - Artillery_100%_Shape

361 - Artris (Europe)

362 - Artura

363 - Artura (Europe)

364 - Ashby Manor (Europe)

365 - Aspar Grand Prix Master

366 - Assault Course

367 - Assault Course (Europe)

368 - Assault Machine (Europe)

369 - Assault on the Shevardino Redoubt (Europe)

370 - Assembly Line (USA)

371 - Astatin

372 - Astatin (Germany)

373 - Asterix

374 - Asterix and the Magic Cauldron (Europe)

375 - Asterix und Obelix

376 - Asteroids (Data Media) (Europe)

377 - Astonishing Adventures of Mr. Weems and the She Vampires, The (Europe)

378 - Astonishing Adventures of Mr. Weems and the She-Vampires, The

379 - Astro Chase

380 - Astro Chase (USA)

381 - Astro Pilot (Europe)

382 - Astroblaster (Netherlands)

383 - Astroblitz (USA)

384 - Astro-Grover

385 - Astro-Grover (USA)

386 - Astronaut

387 - Asylum

388 - Asylum.crt"

389 - Atalan (Europe)

390 - A-Team, The (Netherlands)

391 - ATF - Advanced Tactical Fighter (Europe)

392 - ATG - All Terrain Gardener (Europe)

393 - Athena

394 - Atlantis (Germany)

395 - Atlantis (Multisoft) (Germany)

396 - Atlantis [Argus Specialist Publications]

397 - Atom Ant - Up and Atom (Europe)

398 - Atom Ant [Bonzai]

399 - Atom Ant [Brutal]

400 - Atom Ant [Culture]

401 - Atom Ant [Depredators]

402 - Atom Ant [Dominators]

403 - Atom Ant [F4CG]

404 - Atom Ant [Holocaust+Fresh]

405 - Atom Ant [Hysteric]

406 - Atom Ant [Ikari+Talent+TSM]

407 - Atom Ant [Legend]

408 - Atom Ant [Miracle]

409 - Atom Ant [Paramount]

410 - Atom Ant [Secure]

411 - Atom Ant [TRC+Blasters]

412 - Atom Ant [Vision]

413 - Atom Ant [X-Factor]

414 - Atom Box (USA)

415 - Atomic Handball

416 - Atomic Handball (USA)

417 - Atomic Robo-Kid (USA)

418 - Atomino

419 - Attack of the Atlanteans (USA)

420 - Attack of the Mutant Camels

421 - Attack of the Mutant Camels [Hesware]

422 - Attack of the Mutant Pricks

423 - Attack of the Phantom Karate Devils, The

424 - Attacker (1984) (Europe)

425 - ATV - All Terrain Vehicle Simulator (Europe)

426 - Auf Wiedersehen Monty

427 - Auf Wiedersehen Monty (Europe)

428 - Auf Wiedersehen Pet (Europe)

429 - Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy

430 - Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy (Europe)

431 - Auriga

432 - Aussie Assault (Europe)

433 - Aussie Trip (Australia)

434 - Australian Rules Football

435 - Australian Rules Football (Europe)

436 - Auto Mania

437 - Auto Mania - Manic Mechanic (Europe)

438 - Autoduel

439 - Automan (Europe)

440 - Autorennen

441 - Autotest (Europe)

442 - Avenger

443 - Avenger (Commodore) (USA)

444 - Avenger (Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd.) (Europe)

445 - Avenger [Commodore]

446 - Avenger 64 [Commodore]

447 - Avoid the Noid (USA)

448 - Axe of Rage

449 - Axe of Rage (USA)

450 - Axiens (Europe)

451 - Axis Assassin (USA)

452 - Aztec (USA)

453 - Aztec Challenge

454 - Aztec Challenge (USA)

455 - Aztec Tomb Adventure

456 - Aztec Tomb Adventure (Europe)

457 - Aztec Tomb Revisited (Europe)

458 - Aztec Tomb Revisited Adventure

459 - B.C. Bill

460 - B-1 Bomber Game (USA)

461 - B-24 (USA)

462 - Baby Blues (Europe)

463 - Baby Monty

464 - Baby of Can Guru, The

465 - Baby of Can Guru, The (Europe)

466 - Baby Pac-Man

467 - Babylon Four (Europe)

468 - Back to Nature (USA)

469 - Back to Reality (Europe)

470 - Back to the Future

471 - Back to the Future (Europe)

472 - Back to the Future 3 [3532]

473 - Back to the Future 3 [I+T]

474 - Back to the Future 3 [Preview, CEN]

475 - Back to the Future 3 [Triad]

476 - Back to the Future 3 [V]

477 - Back to the Future Part III (Europe)

478 - Back to the Present (Europe)

479 - Backgammon

480 - Bad Blood.crt"

481 - Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja (USA)

482 - Bad Street Brawler (USA)

483 - Badge Bandit (USA)

484 - Badlands

485 - BadLands.crt"

486 - Bagasaurus (USA)

487 - Bagitman (Europe)

488 - Bagitman [Snoopy+MAM]

489 - Bagitman [Snoopy+MAM+Atheist]

490 - Balakon Raider (Europe)

491 - Ball (Europe)

492 - Ball Fever

493 - Ball Game, The

494 - Ball Game, The (Europe)

495 - Ball-Blasta (Europe)

496 - Ballblazer

497 - Ballblazer (USA)

498 - Ballerup

499 - Ballerup (Europe)

500 - Ballfever (Europe)

501 - Ballistix (USA)

502 - Ball-Job (Germany)

503 - Ball-Land

504 - Ball-Land (Germany)

505 - Balloon Raid (Europe)

506 - Balloon Rescue

507 - Balloon Rescue (Europe)

508 - Ballooning (Europe)

509 - Balls (USA)

510 - Bally

511 - Bally (Europe)

512 - Ballyhoo (USA)

513 - Ballz I (USA)

514 - Baltic 1985 - When Superpowers Collide (USA)

515 - Banana Drama

516 - Banana Drama (Europe)

517 - Bandana City

518 - Bandit (USA)

519 - Bandits

520 - Bandits (USA)

521 - Banger Racer (Europe)

522 - Bangers and Mash

523 - Bangers and Mash (Europe)

524 - Bangkok Knights

525 - Bangkok Knights (Europe)

526 - Bannercatch (USA)

527 - Barbarian

528 - Barbarian - The Ultimate Warrior (Europe)

529 - Barbarian (Europe)

530 - Barbarian 2 [REM]

531 - Barbarian 2 [SCG]

532 - Barbarian II - The Dungeon of Drax.crt"

533 - Barbie

534 - Barmy Builders (Europe)

535 - Barney Brown and the Chicago Connection (Europe)

536 - Barrel Jump (Europe)

537 - Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing (Europe)

538 - Base 3 (Europe)

539 - Basil the Great Mouse Detective

540 - Basil the Great Mouse Detective (Europe)

541 - Basket Manager, The (Italy)

542 - Basket Master

543 - Basket Master (Europe)

544 - Basketball - The Pro Game (USA)

545 - Bat (Europe)

546 - Bat Attack

547 - Batalyx

548 - Batalyx (Europe)

549 - Bath Time

550 - Bath Time (Europe)

551 - Batman - The Caped Crusader (Europe)

552 - Batman - The Movie.crt"

553 - Batman and the Caped Crusader

554 - Batman the Movie [Active]

555 - Batman the Movie [Talent]

556 - Battalion Commander (USA)

557 - Battle Bars

558 - Battle Bound Project

559 - Battle Bound Project (USA)

560 - Battle Buggy (USA)

561 - Battle Chess

562 - Battle Chopper

563 - Battle Command.crt"

564 - Battle Droidz

565 - Battle for Normandy (USA)

566 - Battle Group (USA)

567 - Battle Island

568 - Battle Island (Europe)

569 - Battle of Antietam (USA)

570 - Battle of Britain

571 - Battle of Britain (Europe)

572 - Battle of Midway, The (Europe)

573 - Battle of the Parthian Kings (USA)

574 - Battle of the Planets (Europe)

575 - Battle Ships

576 - Battle Ships (Europe)

577 - Battle Stations (Europe)

578 - Battle Through Time (USA)

579 - Battle Valley

580 - Battle Valley (Europe)

581 - Battlefield (Europe)

582 - Battles in Normandy (Australia)

583 - Battleship (Dynastar) (USA)

584 - Battleship (Epyx) (USA)

585 - Battleship (Wicked Software) (Europe)

586 - Battleships

587 - Battlestar Fighter

588 - Battlezone

589 - Battlezone.crt"

590 - Batty

591 - Batty (Europe)

592 - Bazooka Bill

593 - Bazooka Bill (Europe)

594 - B-Bobs

595 - B-Bobs (Europe)

596 - Bburago Rally.crt"

597 - BC II - Grog's Revenge (USA)

598 - BC's Quest For Tires

599 - BC's Quest for Tires (USA)

600 - Beach Blanket Volleyball

601 - Beach Buggy Simulator

602 - Beach Buggy Simulator (Europe)

603 - Beach Head 2

604 - Beach Volley

605 - Beach Volley [DOM]

606 - Beach-Head

607 - Beach-Head II - The Dictator Strikes Back! (USA)

608 - Beaky and the Eggsnatchers

609 - Beaky and the Eggsnatchers (Europe)

610 - BEAM (Europe)

611 - Beamrider

612 - Beamrider (Europe) (Firebird)

613 - Beamrider (USA)

614 - Bear Bovver (Europe)

615 - Bear George (Europe)

616 - Beat Ball

617 - Beatle Quest (Europe)

618 - Because of a Cat (Europe)

619 - Bedlam

620 - Bedlam (Europe)

621 - Bee 52 (Europe)

622 - Beekeeper

623 - Beer Belly Burt's Brew Biz (USA)

624 - Bel Osero (USA)

625 - Below the Root

626 - Ben (Europe)

627 - Berserker Raids (USA)

628 - Bert the Bug Bites Back

629 - Bert the Bug Bites Back (Australia)

630 - Besieged (Europe)

631 - Best of Chess - Volume I - American Triumph (USA)

632 - Betrayal (Europe)

633 - Better Dead Than Alien! (Europe)

634 - Beverly Hills Cop

635 - Beverly Hills Cop (Europe)

636 - Beyond Castle Wolfenstein

637 - Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (Europe)

638 - Beyond the Black Hole (USA)

639 - Beyond the Forbidden Forest

640 - Beyond the Forbidden Forest (USA)

641 - Beyond the Forbidden Forest [REM]

642 - Beyond the Ice Palace

643 - Beyond the Ice Palace (Europe)

644 - Biathlon (USA)

645 - Biff (Europe)

646 - Big Ben

647 - Big Ben (Europe)

648 - Big Bird's Special Delivery (USA)

649 - Big Deal, The

650 - Big Deal, The - Floyd the Droid on Food (Netherlands)

651 - Big Game Fishing (Italy)

652 - Big Mac - The Mad Maintenance Man (Europe)

653 - Big Sleaze, The (Europe)

654 - Big Trouble in Little China

655 - Big Trouble in Little China (Europe)

656 - Bigfoot (Europe)

657 - Biggles

658 - Biggles [Original]

659 - Biggles.crt"

660 - Bignoses USA Adventure (Europe)

661 - Bigtop Barney

662 - Bigtop Barney (Europe)

663 - Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

664 - Billboard (Europe)

665 - Billiard (USA)

666 - Bionic Commando [Agile]

667 - Bionic Commando [REM]

668 - Bionic Commando.crt"

669 - Bionic Ninja (Europe)

670 - Bird Mother

671 - Bismarck

672 - Bismarck - The North Sea Chase (Europe)

673 - Bit Exorcist (Europe)

674 - Bite of the Sorority Vampires (Europe)

675 - Bitmania (Europe)

676 - Bizy-Beezzzz

677 - Black (USA)

678 - Black and White

679 - Black Belt (USA)

680 - Black Box, The (USA)

681 - Black Gold (Europe)

682 - Black Hawk

683 - Black Hawk (Europe)

684 - Black Hole (Cascade Games Ltd.) (Europe)

685 - Black Hornet

686 - Black Hornet (Europe)

687 - Black It! (Europe)

688 - Black Knight

689 - Black Knight (Europe)

690 - Black Knight, The (Europe)

691 - Black Lamp

692 - Black Lamp (Europe)

693 - Black Magic (USA)

694 - Black Pearl, The (USA)

695 - Black Thunder

696 - Black Tiger

697 - Black Tiger (Europe)

698 - Blackjack (Commodore) (USA)

699 - BlackJack Academy (USA)

700 - Blackpool Tower (Europe)

701 - Blackwyche (USA)

702 - Blade Runner (Europe)

703 - Blades of Steel

704 - Blades of Steel (USA)

705 - Blagger [1302, 1701]

706 - Blagger [1701]

707 - Blagger [Collection Disk 1]

708 - Blagger [Collection Disk 2]

709 - Blagger [unknown]

710 - Blagger Goes to Hollywood [Collection Disk 1]

711 - Blagger Goes to Hollywood [Collection Disk 2]

712 - Blagger Junior [ABC]

713 - Blagger Junior [Computerbrains]

714 - Blagger Junior [unknown]

715 - Blakhole (Europe)

716 - Blasteroids

717 - Blasteroids (Europe)

718 - Blaze (Europe)

719 - Blazing Thunder (Europe)

720 - Blind Man's Bluff (USA)

721 - Blinky's Scary School (Europe)

722 - Blip! - Video Classics (Europe)

723 - Blitz (Netherlands)

724 - Blizzard Part 1 - Commando Libya

725 - Blizzard Pass (Europe)

726 - Block Blaster (Netherlands)

727 - Block Out (USA)

728 - Block Shock (USA)

729 - Blockade 64 (USA)

730 - Blockbuster (USA)

731 - Blockbusters - Gold Run (Europe)

732 - Blockbusters (TV Games) (Europe)

733 - Blockhopper.crt"

734 - Block'n'Bubble (Germany)

735 - Block'n'Bubble II (Germany)

736 - Blockrockey - Blockbusters Revenge (USA)

737 - Blocktower

738 - Blocktower (Europe)

739 - Blood and Guts [NO]

740 - Blood and Guts [Side A_SCA]

741 - Blood and Guts [Side B_SCA]

742 - Blood Brothers (Europe)

743 - Blood Hand (USA)

744 - Blood Money

745 - Blood Money (USA)

746 - Blood Valley (Europe)

747 - Bloodwych

748 - Bloodwych (Europe)

749 - Blue Angel 69

750 - Blue Angels

751 - Blue Angels - Formation Flight Simulation (USA)

752 - Blue Baron

753 - Blue Baron (Europe)

754 - Blue Max

755 - Blue Max (USA)

756 - Blue Max 2001

757 - Blue Thunder

758 - Blueprint

759 - Blues Brothers, The (Europe)

760 - BMX Freestyle Simulator

761 - BMX Freestyle Simulator (Europe)

762 - Bmx Kidz

763 - BMX Kidz (Europe)

764 - BMX Ninja (Europe)

765 - BMX Number Jump (Europe)

766 - BMX Racers

767 - BMX Racers (Europe)

768 - Bmx Simulator

769 - BMX Simulator (Europe)

770 - BMX Simulator II (Europe)

771 - BMX Stunts

772 - BMX Trials (Europe)

773 - Bobby Bearing

774 - Bobby Bearing (Europe)

775 - Bob's Full House (Europe)

776 - Bobsled (USA)

777 - Bobsleigh (Europe)

778 - Bocce (Italy)

779 - Bod Squad, The

780 - Bod Squad, The (Europe)

781 - Body Blow (USA)

782 - Body in Focus, The (USA)

783 - Body Slam

784 - Body Slam (Europe)

785 - Body Transparent, The (USA)

786 - Boggit, The - Bored Too (Europe)

787 - Boggles - The Mind Boggler (Europe)

788 - Bogymen (Europe)

789 - Boing

790 - Boing (Bubble Bus) (Europe)

791 - Boing (E J Software) (Europe)

792 - Boing (Markt Technik) (Germany)

793 - Bojo

794 - Bomb Ace (USA) <